The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-118 Pushed too far

Chandice nearly jumped out of her skin when the door to her shop burst open, and a woman called her name in panic. She and Evalynn were standing at the counter when Heather ran up, wearing her lovely yellow dress and sun hat.

“Chandice!” Heather gasped as she stopped before them. “He won’t let me stop!”

“Umm, alright?” Chandice replied with a glance at Evalynn. “Who won’t let you stop what?”

“I'm sorry,” Heather panted and put a hand to her head. “I am so out of focus right now I don't know what to think.” She took a moment to calm herself and then explained that after their dream, she sat down to talk with Frank and Blackbast. She was concerned about what they discussed, how she was using the slave system to hide from her problems. She was also worried that her relationship with her and Jaina was premature. She did want to have a relationship with them, but her family needed to come first, and they were rushing things.

“Alright, that all makes sense,” Chandice said. “So what’s the problem?”

“Frank,” Heather said and began to pace. “He told me I didn't have a choice. He looked me right in the eye and said he wanted to keep me as a slave. He said he would decide what I would do or not do and even with whom I would do it.”

Chandice and Evalynn exchanged glances, then burst into laughter as Heather stood by, stewing in her panic.

“Oh, my god!” Chandice cried with tears in her eyes. “You pushed him too far!”

“She has become an actual slave,” Evalynn added. “Her game is over, and now she has to live with her collar.”

“Will you two stop laughing at me,” Heather insisted. “This is serious.”

“Oh, it is serious,” Evalynn said with a wide smile. “I am so glad to know you are finally a slave sister.” She leaned in and took Heather into a hug, warmly embracing her as a slave. “You will love being a slave.”

“But I’m not sure I want this,” Heather protested as Evalynn stepped back.

“Well, sorry,” Chandice cut in. “But you don't have a choice. You have been taken as a slave, and the only one who can end your service is your master.”

“The collar isn't locked. I can always take it off,” Heather insisted.

“Then take it off,” Chandice dared with a smile. “Prove to us you aren't his slave and won't do whatever he tells you.” They waited for Heather to react, but the woman only blushed as they started laughing again.

“Oh, I can’t wait to tell Jaina,” Evalynn said while gasping for breath. “She will be delighted.”

“The mighty Heather played her game too long, and now her master has decided he likes her this way,” Chandice said with a smile. “I wonder what he will make her do.”

“That’s just it,” Heather said as she blushed deeper. “He made a point of saying he would choose who I make loved to.”

“Oh, I bet she works in Blackbast’s temple,” Evalynn said with a smirk. “Or maybe Frank will have her work with Gisley as a prostitute in the tavern.”

“You don’t think he would?” Heather gasped.

Chandice wanted to keep playing this game but couldn't stand to see the poor woman so upset. She took Heather by the hand and explained that Frank was probably only trying to put her on edge. Yes, he had the right to do those things, but that didn't mean he would.

“Besides, he was probably referring to Jaina and I when he said that,” Chandice added.

“I don’t know,” Heather replied and shook her head. “He was so assertive, and I felt like I had no say in the matter.”

“You don't,” Chandice said as she leaned against the counter. “Sweety, this was all fun and games, but your master has decided the game is over. He has taken full possession of you and ensured you understand your new role. You are a sex slave and will do what you are told. “

“And you will do it with whomever he tells you to,” Evalynn added as she watched the woman tremble. “Oh, I bet your blood is pumping in anticipation of how he will use you.” Heather blushed a deep red and looked away, unable to hold their stares.

“Well, this is an unexpected turn of events,” Chandice said. “I honestly expected this game to end any day now. I guess I didn't factor Frank into the mixture, or Blackbast, for that matter. I bet she has been talking to him while you were off playing your game. She probably helped him understand that he could honestly take you as a slave if he wanted.”

“He did say they had done a lot of talking,” Heather admitted as she played with her hands. “And he told me I had to come here to get that gift you promised me.”

“Oh, did he?” Chandice said and came around the counter to take Heather's hands. “Does that mean he was watching?” Heather nodded and explained that Frank and Blackbast had been with Gisley watching the dreams as they unfolded. Chandice realized that meant he had seen her naked, but that didn't really bother her. What was more important was what to do with Heather now that she was being pressed into this life for real. She honestly believed that Frank and Blackbast were either playing with her or forcing her to face the reality of this type of life. Heather had a terrible tendency to flit from idea to idea in search of solutions to her problems. She wasn't meant for this lifestyle, and this was probably a ploy to make her face the truth and realize it was a mistake. Still, there was always the possibility Frank had seen an opportunity to assert some control over the woman. It might do her some good to be on a leash for a little bit to keep her on task. So, she decided the best course of action was to be the supportive girlfriend and treat Heather with love.

“So, you came for the plug,” Chandice said with a nod. “Well, if your master said you needed to get it, I suppose we have to do what he says.”

“I don’t understand why he suddenly wants this,” Heather cried as she hid her face.

“Well, I hate to say this, but you opened the door for this to happen,” Chandice said. “Jaina told me all about how you asked Frank to make you a slave. He probably went to Blackbast for advice, and she told him to do it. So you may as well get used to it because you are every bit a slave as Jaina is.”

“Oh, I just wanted to feel that rush again,” Heather argued and began to pace nervously.

Chandice could see this was becoming too much for her, so she pulled the woman into a hug and led her to a small couch along the wall. She sat Heather down and settled in beside her, holding her hand as she trembled in fear.

“Sweety,” Chandice said in as soothing a voice as she could muster. “This might be good for you.”

“Good for me, how?” Heather asked as she looked down.

“Well, remember what I said about how you were using the slave collar to hide from your problems,” Chandice began as she stroked Heather's hand. She waited for Heather to nod before explaining that Heather wasn't hiding anymore. Now that Frank had taken command and made her a slave, she wasn't the one choosing to hide. Now she was truly free to let go and be what she was, and she might find she enjoyed it.

“I know I do,” Evalynn said as she sat beside Chandice. “I was terrified of what being a slave meant at first, but Jaina helped me work through it, and I found I loved it. Though, it does help to have a good master like Roric.”

“I am sure Frank will be a wonderful master,” Chandice insisted as she put an arm around Heather. “You know he will take care of you like you are the most valuable treasure in the world.”

“I know he will,” Heather admitted with a smile. “He has always been there to take care of me. But after talking to you, I realized that I was putting the burden of my problems on him. I feel guilty that he has to carry them all the time.”

“He has chosen to do that for your sake,” Chandice replied. “You should stop worrying about it and instead thank him. Thank him by being the best slave girl you can be, and make sure he never regrets keeping you.”

“Ha, it’s that easy?” Heather asked.

“It really is,” Evalynn answered. “I live my life for Roric, and I love it when he calls for me to attend to him.”

“You and Frank are inseparable,” Chandice added. “So stop worrying about your problems. Your only concern now is what he wants from you and how best to serve him.”

“Well, what he wants right now is that plug,” Heather said bashfully.

“I still can't believe he was watching that,” Chandice laughed. “But, he has made his demands, and as your girlfriend, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your master. So, let's go in the back room where you can show that pretty rear without anyone walking in to see it.” She helped Heather up and took her into a back workroom with Evalynn along to help. She then instructed Heather to lift her dress and bend over to expose her rear.

“Oh, she’s so pretty,” Evalynn cooed when the white lace panties and stockings came into view.

“She's my girlfriend,” Chandice said and shooed Evalynn off before going to a small box on a shelf. She opened it to reveal a silver plug with a brightly shining ruby that danced with light. Chandice had enchanted it to glow softly when the wearer was aroused, and she hoped it would work now. She took the device to Heather and let her see it before stepping around back.

“Just relax,” Chandice said while pulling Heather’s panties down.

“How do you relax when you know somebody is about to shove something up your butt?” Heather asked.

“This is a good point,” Chandice laughed and made Heather jump when the tip pressed into her hole. It met immediate resistance as Chandice tried to work it in gently, but it was clear the woman was too tense and needed some lubricating.

“What’s wrong?” Heather asked as she looked over her shoulder.

“You're clenching,” Chandice replied as she pushed a little harder but only succeeded in pushing Heather forward. “You're so tight I can't get it in. Honestly, hasn't Frank pounded this hole loose yet?”

“Umm, no,” Heather admitted. “We, umm, haven’t had anal sex yet.”

“Of course not,” Chandice sighed and stood up. “Well, this isn’t going in without some help, so I give you two choices. You can suck on it, or I can use it to stimulate your other hole until you get good and wet.”

“Don’t you have some oil or something?” Heather asked.

“Sorry, love, but I can’t just run down to the store for some sex jelly,” Chandice said. “Though, now that you have given me the idea, I bet that would sell.”

“Ha, I bet it would,” Evalynn agreed. “You could probably make it with Gisley’s fluid. That horny little fairy is always gushing with it.”

“Hmm,” Chandice said as she considered the idea. “I would try it, but we already use it to make the drinks.”

“What drinks?” Heather asked as she raised a brow.

“Why the glitter bombs, of course,” Chandice laughed. “Every morning, Gisley goes to the inn and is ravaged by a few harem girls until she has enough orgasms to fill a large jar. They use that to sweeten the glitter bombs.”

“You mean I have been drinking Gisley’s orgasms?” Heather asked with wide eyes.

“You sure have,” Chandice said. “And before you decide you won’t drink anymore, remember that’s Frank’s decision, not yours.”

“Oh, great,” Heather groaned and looked up. “What have I gotten myself into now?”

“Just relax,” Chandice said and squeezed her rear. “Why don't we go for the pleasuring to lubricate it? It sounds like you could use a release to help you calm down.”

“But, Evalynn is here,” Heather said as she blushed.

“I am sorry, but you are going to have to get used to having sex while others watch,” Chandice said as she reached between Heather's legs to begin probing her pussy with the plug. This hole was far more welcoming, and Heather began to moan as Chandice worked the plug in, using it in long, deliberate strokes.

“Oh,” Heather cried as Chandice settled into a comfortable pace, thrusting into her girlfriend with good, firm strokes.

“She is going to be an amazing slave girl,” Evalynn said. “All she needs to do is get over the initial nerves.”

“That's easy for you to say. You had Jaina to take you by the hand,” Heather cried between pants.

“You have Blackbast,” Evalynn suggested. “I bet she would love to guide you through this.”

“She would love to guide me into her temple,” Heather countered as her legs started to shake.

“Stop fighting me,” Chandice insisted. “Your slave collar should make this easy, so be a good slave girl and have an orgasm.”

“It’s not like I am trying to prevent it,” Heather moaned. “I am sorry if I am nervous about my girlfriend playing with my body while another woman watches.”

“I can go in the other room,” Evalynn offered, but Chandice demanded she remain. Heather needed to learn how to perform even when it wasn't in private. She felt bad for the poor woman, but Heather had brought this on herself. She went to Frank begging to be turned into a slave, and he went right ahead and did it.

“Oh, oh!” Heather cried as her body began to run wet. Chandice smiled, knowing the plug was ready now, but she wanted to make sure Heather had her orgasm. She hoped it would calm the woman down and help put her in the right mindset. When the moment finally came, Heather threw her head back and let loose, wetting her thighs and panties as Chandice continued to thrust. She tormented Heather a moment more, then took the soaked plug and carefully pressed it to her butt hole. Heather moaned and twisted as her body relaxed, allowing the plug to slide in more easily.

“There, see how much easier that is when you relax?” Chandice asked as the plug slid in and was swallowed by Heather's lovely pink hole.

“I feel so full,” Heather groaned and rolled her hips.

“You get used to it,” Evalynn assured her. “Mine hasn't been taken out in weeks. I don't even notice it there except when I have sex. The pressure inside actually improves sex and makes the orgasms a little more powerful. “

“I will take your word for it,” Heather said as she panted to catch her breath.

“You should make love to Frank tonight and test it,” Chandice said. “Or, maybe he will give you to some lucky man, and you can find out sooner.”

“Oh, ha, ha,” Heather replied as she nervously looked down in an attempt to see the plug. Chandice noticed the motion and asked Evalynn to fetch a mirror from a nearby shelf. She returned with the mirror and held it so Heather could see her new plug and nearly laughed as the woman went bright red.

“Well,” Chandice said as she hooked the woman's panties and pulled them up. “You did as you were told. I am proud of you.”

“Am I doing the right thing?” Heather asked as she allowed her dress to drop.

“Sweety, you don't have a choice anymore,” Chandice reminded and hugged her. “Now, give me a kiss and tell me you love me.”

Heather stepped in with flushed cheeks and gave her a quick kiss before throwing her arms about the woman in a loving hug. “I love you,” Heather said as she closed her eyes. “Thank you for being here to talk too.”

“You can talk to me anytime,” Chandice replied as she returned the hug. “But you should always consider your wives first.”

“I will,” Heather said as she stepped back and shook her rear. “And I won’t be able to stop thinking about you tonight.”

“Oh, you will be thinking about me all week,” Chandice laughed. “But you had better run. It isn't good to keep your master waiting.” She watched Heather run off and turned to Evalynn with a wide smile.

“So, what do you think of my girlfriend?” she asked.

“I think she is wonderful,” Evalynn said as she hugged Chandice. “But are you going to share her?”

“I don't know if I can,” Chandice replied. “But I honestly think this isn't going to last. You know what Frank is like; he loves his girls and wants to marry them all. He doesn't like the slavery thing, and I think he is doing this to teach her a lesson.

“Oh, he is making her live this for a bit so she can see how big a mistake it is,” Evalynn nodded. “But, what if he has actually decided to make her a slave and intends to keep her that way?”

Chandice paused to consider that option and had to admit she was excited by the idea. How wonderful would it be if Heather, the necromancer, became Heather, the sex slave.

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