The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-125 A momentous day

Jaina closed her eyes as her lips slid down the dark skin of Roric's cock. She made little moans as she bobbed slowly, never quite coming off the tip. He sat on his throne, holding the chain connected to her collar as he looked down at her work. She leaned over with her hands planted on the floor, allowing her mouth to do all the work. She felt so good to be serving her master as she always dreamed and hoped this day would be the norm for a long time to come.

Beside her on the pillows lay Gisley and Evalynn, also chained to the throne, their naked bodies on display to their master. They were his collection, and he relished all three of them, sharing their love with a family of slave girls. She used her tongue to lick him firmly while her oral mastery skill boosted the pleasure. She could tell just by how he tensed and the firmness of his cock that he was enjoying every moment of it.

She was in no hurry to bring him to orgasm, using the prolonged skill to keep him on edge while she lavished him with soft sucking. She wanted this moment to go on for an hour, serving her master as a good slave girl should.

“I love you," Roric whispered as he stroked the side of her head.

She moaned in reply, allowing the slow vibration of her voice to add to the sensation. He throbbed a bit, his body desperate for a release, but all she did was reach deeper, pressing his long cock into her throat. It was so strange to feel his cock inches into her throat without a hint of a gag reflex. It was part of the magic of the slave collars, which she was eternally grateful for. One of the great blessings of New Eden was that there wasn't a man in it who wasn't well-endowed. A small man was eight inches long, and one like Roric was closer to ten. The larger races, like ogres, had to be a foot long or more with a girth like Jaina's arm.

She wondered what Frank was carrying in his towering ghoul form and if Heather had tried it. She was pretty sure Heather would have done so by now but, thus far, hadn't chosen to discuss it. She focused on her task, her soft lips gliding along his glistening shaft, taking him all the way to his knot. All she wanted was to please him and be his slave girl, and this was her moment to shine.

Ten minutes later, he tightened his grip on the chain and pulled her down. Her lips slid over the knot swallowing him into her throat as she was held firm. Roric began to thrust in shallow strokes, his cock so deep in her throat she couldn't feel the tip. She knew what he wanted and did her best to look to see the hungry look in his eyes. With a guttural moan, she released her prolong, allowing him to finally have what he sought. Her body rolled with a shared orgasm as he throbbed in her throat, emptying this seed into her body. She rolled her hips as the orgasm raged, driving her wild and serving as the reward for her obedient efforts. When it finally subsided, she had to wait until he shrank, allowing her to come free from his cock. When it finally came out, she leaned into his legs, breathing deeply as he began to stroke the back of her head.

“You are a good girl," he said soothingly. "You have pleased me."

“Hmm, I am glad to hear it," Jaina said with a smile. "But part of me feels a strange reaction to being called a good girl."

“Oh, why is that?” Roric asked as he loosened his grip on her chain.

“I don’t know,” Jaina said as she rested her head on his leg and played with his balls. “I just feel it.”

“It’s the way the comment implies that the only good girl is the one who puts out,” Evalynn said as she sat up. “I also feel like I am being called young or stupid when somebody calls me a good girl.”

“I had no idea any of you felt like that,” Roric said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I know you don't mean it that way, so I don't let it bother me," Evalynn replied. "But sometimes, when we were dancing and prostituting, a customer would say it, and I would feel the reaction."

“I like it," Gisley added as she sat up. "I love that tension of being told I am good because I sucked somebody's cock."

“Gisley, you are the textbook definition of a slut,” Jaina said with a smirk.

“That doesn't bother me," Gisley replied. "I have the prostitute class and love using it to make people happy. If it makes them happy to call me a good girl, then so be it."

“Oh, I like how you look at it,” Jaina agreed. “I guess I do like it sometimes.”

“I wish I had known it rubbed you the wrong way,” Roric said.

“Roric," Jaina replied and looked up. "Evalynn is right; it doesn't mean the same thing coming from you. We know you love us, and your comment is just part of the game."

“I am glad you feel that way, but I want to make sure I am not making you uncomfortable," Roric insisted.

“What good is a master who won’t make us uncomfortable?” Jaina replied with a smile and began to trace little circles with her finger over his sheath. “Besides, it’s good to explore these feelings and come to understand one’s self.”

“I agree," Evalynn said, crawling to Jaina to hug her from behind. "I had to experience rejection and humiliation in order to understand how weird I was behaving."

“Maybe," Roric agreed and reached down to lift her chin. "But I don't like how some people still hurt you when you see them. You shouldn't be punished for thinking you were supposed to role-play heavily when you first got here."

“Time will heal that wound," Evalynn replied. "Besides, I have never been so happy and content in my life. I have a master and some lovely slave sisters to spend my days with. And I have you all to talk with and be honest about my past. It really helps to talk about it."

“I bet it does,” Jaina said and turned to embrace Evalynn so they could kiss. They shared a warm embrace as they leaned into the space between Roric's legs, getting their heads stroked by his firm hands.

“So, are we doing anything fun today?" Jaina asked as she and Evalynn snuggled.

“Why don't you two take on my winged form, and we can go flying over the forest," Gisley suggested.

“Oh, I would love to fly," Evalynn agreed.

“Let’s do that later,” Roric agreed. “I want to do something more fun.”

“Like what?” Jaina asked as she looked up.

“Frank and Hannah declared a festival in Paradise City today," Roric explained.

“They did? For what?” Jaina asked. She looked up in wonder as Roric leaned over and smiled at her. “They are going to reveal to the city that the succubus Prince Frank is often seen with is really Hannah.”

“They are!?!?!” Gisley squealed in shock.

“Whoah, wait a minute!: Jaina insisted and practically bolted to her feet. "What happened to keeping those two identities separate?"

“It's becoming too cumbersome to keep them separated," Roric explained. "People are asking a lot of questions about where Hannah is and why Frank is always running around with a bunch of slave girls. They are also planning to reveal Breanne and Quinny's true appearance and announce the date for their wedding."

“Oh, this is amazing!” Gisley cried as she came to her feet to dance. “I am so happy for them.”

“Is this a good idea?" Jaina asked. "People have seen me making out with her succubus form."

“And what about Moon?" Evalynn asked. "If she learns the succubus woman who chased her off is really Hannah, she will be right back with a vengeance."

“I spoke to Frank, Hannah, Rajeen, and Blackbast about that,” Roric explained. “Hannah is going to tell the whole city the truth.”

“The truth?” Jaina gawked. “About being what she is?”

“Sort of,” Roric replied with a smile. “Evalynn, I can see into the village, but do you detect any players nearby?”

“Not without using my stone to look across the map,” Evalynn replied. “I take it you don’t want anyone to hear what you are about to say.”

“You are correct," Roric said and leaned over to whisper. "Frank and his girls had a long talk about keeping all these secrets and how they were going to be found out anyway. They are going to tell everyone what happened to Heather, how Moon tricked her into becoming a necromancer, and how the woman tried to get her to kill Quinny and some others to lock her into her class."

“But then everyone will know she is a necromancer,” Jaina countered.

“No," Roric said, the three girls huddled close to hear the rest. "She is going to tell the story truthfully up until she is attacked in her tower and kidnapped by the moon."

“When did that happen?” Gisley asked.

“It was when she was low-level," Jaina explained. "She was alone, and a mercenary company attacked her tower to try and claim the reward. Moon found out about the attack and arranged an ambush of her own. She let them breach the tower and used a high-level wizard to kidnap Heather right under their noses."

“How did she get away?” Evalynn asked.

“A paladin who was fond of Breanne had just visited them," Jaina said. "He was miles to the north walking home when Moon drove by on a wagon with Heather tied and gagged in the back. He couldn't defeat the guards alone, so he used a massive one-shot skill to kill Heather and force her to respawn."

“Oh, so she could get away,” Gisley said with a nod.

“Right, but how is this going to fix anything?” Jaina asked.

“That mercenary team shattered their homes and set them on the run," Roric explained. "Heather is going to claim that Frank was waiting at spawn and, out of mercy, killed her again when she respawned and kept doing it until she reset."

“Ugh!” Gisley cried. “I don’t like this part.”

“It’s terrible how impossible it is to reset a chosen,” Evalynn agreed. “Chain murdering them in a spawn is as cruel as it gets.”

“Heather is going to tell the crowd how she and Frank had planned to do it anyway because they both knew she couldn't remain a necromancer," Roric said. "She is then going to shape change right before the audience and let them see that she is now playing a succubus and has been for a while. She is going to tell them she evolved into the Lilim and is now a Lilim flower singer and recluse. With her three classes locked in, nobody will suspect she is breaking the rules and has a fourth class."

“It could work,” Evalynn said with an approving nod. “She will explain away everything, make even the people who knew she was a necromancer less of a threat, and render the whole kingdom hostile to Moon.”

“There has to be a flaw in this plan,” Jaina stated matter-of-factly. “This all sounds too easy.”

“The flaw is the nearby rulers," Roric said. "She tricked them into believing she wasn't a chosen and will now have to explain how she did it."

“Oh, with the figurine switch," Jaina replied as she thought back to an earlier comment from Heather. "She and Frank accidentally switched bodies, and they tested Frank, not her."

“I wonder what would happen if you broke a figurine after you switched bodies with it?” Evalynn said. “Would you be stuck?”

“I can’t imagine how it would drive them mad if Frank and Heather had switched and been unable to switch back," Jaina said with a shake of her head. "She would fall apart."

“Oooooh!” Gisley cried with her eyes full of sparkling purple light. “Maybe she is stuck!”

“Umm, what?” Jaina asked.

“Her polymorph effect!" Gisley cried. "It doesn't say what caused it, only that she's under the effect of it. What if she used a figurine to change shape and then lost it, or it was destroyed?"

“Effects like that don’t persist after death,” Roric said. “Or even less after a reset.”

“That's not entirely true," Jaina said, using her shape change form to cause her dragon tattoo and womb tattoo to show. "Both of these will be with me forever. Even if I reset a dozen times, I will bear these marks."

“It’s a fascinating theory,” Evalynn agreed. “But let’s leave it to Heather and her family.”

“Speaking of which, is she telling everyone who real names them?" Jaina asked.

“Yes, it’s Hannah,” Roric said. “She is taking that name officially to honor her mother.”

“Oh, how sweet,” Gisley cooed.

“So we should stop calling her Heather altogether, then?" Jaina asked.

“She will still answer to both, I am sure," Roric explained. "But with her secrets laid bare, it doesn't matter who hears you use Heather or Hannah."

“Wow, I am surprised, happy, nervous, and a little confused,” Jaina said.

“Let’s go to the festival now!” Gisley insisted. “I want to eat something fun!”

“As if all the men she has eaten recently were boring," Evalynn laughed, causing Jaina to snicker. Gisley frowned at them both as her antenna rolled down, causing the two women to hug her.

“Sweetheart, we didn’t mean it,” Jaina said with a warm hug. “Why don’t we play a little and all go as faerie girls.”

“Can we?” Gisley said as she rebounded with excitement.

“If that’s what you three want,” Roric said. “But I am taking Chandice as my date.”

“Oh, that will make her so happy,” Jaina said. “She’s really concerned that you want Rajeen and not her.”

“I figured as much," Roric said with a nod. "So let's get her and see what is going on."

“Are we dressing?” Jaina asked as they stood up to have their chains removed.

“Flower dresses,” Roric said with a thoughtful glance at Gisley. “For my fairy girls.”

“Yay!” Gisley shouted and danced in a happy circle.

“Where does that energy come from?” Evalynn whispered to Jaina.

“I think she acts like a solar battery for moonlight,” Jaina replied. “She stores it all up and uses it later.”

“I heard that," Gisley said and shot them a glance over her shoulder. "Now get dressed, and let's go!"

An hour later, Roric stepped into the streets of Paradise City with Chandice on his arm. She wore a lovely black dress with red accents that left her shoulders and upper arms bare. Behind them came three fairy women with varying skin colors and lovely hair. Each wore a simple slip of a dress that ended in a skirt of overlapping petals.

“This looks fun!" Gisley cried as they saw street vendors with various snack foods for sale. Colorful garlands hung from the houses over the street in a weaving pattern. Soft music floated in the air from what looked like three musicians on a far corner. People flowed down the street, trying the various foods on offer and asking what was being celebrated.

“It’s all just food,” Chandice said. “They must have something more interesting elsewhere.”

“Well, they kind of threw this together in a hurry," Jaina said. "I bet Quinny added some fun games to play someplace."

“Quinny should run her own theme park,” Chandice agreed.

Roric held her hand and took her into the street as his girls followed, catching the eyes of players as they passed by.

“Are those fairy girls?” one woman asked Chandice as they passed.

“They sure are,” Chandice replied. “And they are our girls.”

“How did anyone find so many faeries?” a man asked as they passed.

“Was this a good idea?” Evalynn asked. “We didn’t take into account how rare this race is.”

“I think it's fine," Roric said as they reached a corner to be greeted by a wagon drawn by unicorns with people throwing flowers out to the crowd.

“I want a flower for my hair,” Gisley begged as she ran to Roric to pull on his arm. She looked up with big trembling eyes as she chewed on her lower lip.

“Oh, get that poor thing a flower before she guilts us to death,” Chandice laughed.

“Why don't you three go pick out the flowers you want, and I will put them in your hair," Roric said.

Gisley ran for the wagon as Jaina and Evalynn walked after her and asked the riders for a particular color of flower. Gisley ran back with a lovely purple one with long curved petals. Jaina got a red one, and Evalynn a cluster of small orange flowers. Roric and Chandice took a moment to tie the flowers in the girl's hair, adding to their magical beauty.

They stopped just down the street where a vendor was selling milkshakes, and the girls all got tall glasses topped with whipped cream. They sat in a plaza where a woman with feathered wings sang a song about love with minstrels putting on a magical display of lights and shadows behind her. People danced in the yard before the stage, spinning in circles as the woman wove her bouncy song.

“This is nice," Jaina said as they sat at a table where free bowls of little fruit tarts and pretzels were placed.

“It’s not as grand as their wedding was,” Chandice said. “But I heard Gwen had been planning that for weeks.”

“Well, why don't you girls enjoy your milkshakes," Roric said as he got up and held a hand out to Gisley. "While I am my wonderful little fairy dance."

Gisley smiled and jumped up, taking his hand as they headed for the plaza. She eagerly let him lead her into a dance, practically glowing with silver light.

“How did he get so lucky?” Jaina laughed. “I wish you had seen the man I met online.”

“You're a big part of why he's so lucky," Chandice said as she put a hand over Jaina's. "If you weren't so open to letting your boyfriend date other girls, none of this would have happened."

“Don’t say it like I am doing something sacrificial," Jaina laughed. "Don't forget; I get to play with the girls too."

“I haven’t forgotten,” Chandice laughed. “That’s how you and I became a couple. I still love lying back while you eat my pussy out.”

“I love eating it when Roric is done with it,” Jaina replied as they made sexy eyes at one another.

“Get a room, you two," Evalynn laughed, causing the two to smile. They sat back and enjoyed the moment, even flirting with a couple of boys who came over to see if the fairy girls wanted some company. Evalynn pointed to their collars and explained they were owned, sealed, and fully in love with their master. Both men looked heartbroken but politely complimented them on their beauty and what a lucky guy Roric was.

The singer changed tunes to something with a good rapid beat, and they watched as Roric spun Gisley around the yard. They returned at the end of the song so he could take Chandice out for a dance. Next, he returned for Evalynn, then finally Jaina, giving each girl a chance to have some fun. After their dance, they went looking around for momentos to buy and found a street vendor that sold belts with red devil tails on them.

“Why devil tails?” Chandice said as she held a belt up.

“Well, she is planning to reveal her Lilim form," Jaina offered as an explanation. There were little wands with red hearts for tips and bands for your head with various styles of horns. One street had an unusual number of clothing vendors selling the kind of stuff only a succubus would wear. It was all leather, lace, and narrow panties with straps and rings in strategic places.

“This is very racy for Hannah,” Chandice commented as she held up an outfit of narrow leather straps and metal studs. “Are you sure she hasn’t decided to just fully embrace being a sex devil?”

“She hasn’t said anything to me,” Jaina replied. “Though Frank did make them go topless the other day. I wonder if she considered that when she decided to tell everything who she was?”

“You mean what is going to happen when people realize she's his slave, and they saw her breasts out the other day?" Chandice laughed.

“I don't know what to think?" Jaina said as she picked up a pair of metallic red panties with the words private property written on them. "I should wear these for Roric."

“Ha, the only time that pussy is private is when your legs are tied shut," Chandice teased.

“Oh, you be quiet,” Jaina said as she turned the skimpy garment around.

“Look, they sell collars,” Gisley said as she pointed across the street.

“They do," Roric replied, taking her hand to look through them. Jaina and the others followed to see that not only did they sell sexy collars, but there were all sorts of little attachments to hang from the metal rings.

“Can I get the little tag that says sexy bug?” Gisley asked as she held it up.

Roric laughed and purchased the tag, adding it to her collar as she smiled. Chandice picked out one for Jaina, which said spoiled brat, and one for Evalynn, which said sweet thing. They moved on and found a stage where players could volunteer to entertain. An illusionist was on hand to put on a fantastic light show that looked like the concert before letting everyone know he was doing a special performance later for the princess herself.

“What is that supposed to mean?" Evalynn asked as they got some cotton candy and headed down the street.

“I don't know, but I think her speech is going to start soon," Roric said and suggested they head for the palace. They followed the crowd to discover that a massive stage had been erected in the plaza on the ground before the floating palace. It was flanked on both sides by the park, and a continual rain of magic flower petals rained down. A massive banner hung from the palace with the words Monster players welcome boldly displayed. On it was a picture of each of the members of Franks family. To their surprise, Frank's image was changing back and forth between his ghoul form and his human one. Hannah was listed in her normal human blond image, and the other girls were beside them in their actual appearances.

“Quinny looks like a zombie,” Gisley pointed out.

“They aren’t trying to keep it a secret anymore,” Frank said. “And plenty of people knew about her and Breanne already.”

“They have a statue of Breanne in both her forms in the elvish section of the city,” Chandice pointed out. “I think this is just to make it an official announcement.”

“This is a bold move,” Evalynn said. “They are putting a lot of their secrets out in the open.”

“That's the point," Chandice said as the crowd grew. "They are right about how hard these secrets will be to keep. Better to just tell everyone now and save the shock of it coming out later."

“But what if this draws attention from some of the bad players?” Gisley asked.

“They are already doing that," Roric said. "By welcoming monster players into the city, they have defied the wishes of the powerful lords in the north. My guess is they already know and are considering if they want a conflict with Gwen. The local lords aren’t willing to declare their allegiance either way, which is probably adding to their concerns.”

“Does Gwen trust them?” Evalynn asked.

“Not in the least," Jaina replied. "She told me they were vipers and couldn't be trusted. Let's not forget when Gwen needed help; they wouldn’t lift a finger either.”

“She has her own allies now,” Gisley said. “She has Hannah and us as her allies.”

“And that Lydia woman,” Chandice said. “I haven’t met her yet, but she controls a territory that is part of Gwen’s growing empire.”

They continued to debate Frank and Heather's newfound desire to be so open about who they were until a cheer went up. They looked to the stage to see Frank and Heather standing near the front, waving to the people. Breanne, Quinny, and Umtha walked up behind them and joined in waving as little white fireworks effects went off in the sky above them.

They waited a minute, then Heather stepped forward and, with her voice magically augmented, began to address the crowd. She told them that she had been keeping many secrets for a long time, and she wanted to tell everyone the truth.

Jaina smiled when Heather came right out and told everyone she was chosen and that she had come to this world with no desire to be here. She told the story of her early days and how Frank had come to her rescue, teaching her how to play. Then the story moved on to Moon and how she naively trusted the women. She pulled no punches and admitted that Moon encouraged her to play a necromancer and a slew of dirty tricks she used to manipulate Heather. Once again, Frank came to the rescue, with Umtha at his side. She explained that this was how her relationship with the goblins was forged and why they were her friends to this day.

Around them, they heard people whispering, asking if she was still a necromancer now. People were nervous that this city and its future would be shortened now that the secret was out. Heather silenced them all by explaining how Moon hired mercenaries and made several attempts to kidnap her, escalating to a point where her home was destroyed and she was finally killed.

Now her story took on a heartrending tone as she described how Frank loved her and took the painful task of waiting for her in spawn and then repeatedly killing her. People gasped, and their faces frowned as they imagined the terrible chore of repeatedly killing someone they loved. Heather began to cry as she explained it was the only way to solve the problem. She respawned and picked all the same classes save one. She then stepped forward, and her form blurred. Before the entire crowd, she took her succubus form.

“That’s the girl that’s always with Prince Frank,” a nearby man said.

“It was Princess Hannah the whole time,” a woman replied.

“Princess Hannah is a succubus sex slave?” another questioned as the shock of the transformation began to spread across the crowd.

“Oh, I hope this goes the way they want,” Jaina said nervously.

“Good on her for deciding to play and have fun after all that terrible stuff!” Gisley shouted. “I wish I had been brave enough to pick succubus.”

People began to comment in agreement, and Chandice joined in, shouting her approval of Hannah's choices. Other voices rose up, shouting encouragement, and they looked around to see the crowd was laced with Rajeen's harem girls.

“That was lucky,” Jaina said. “They are helping to guide the mood.”

“This is what I am now!" Heather shouted, her voice carrying over the crowd. "We are monster players, and we just want to have fun." She explained that she had evolved into a Lilim and was proud of the role she played now. Her story took on a new tone as she tried to describe her emotional state as she wandered a world she didn't want to live in. She emphasized how strong Frank had been for her, and he never stopped trying to help her. She explained how people kept hunting for her, thinking she was still a necromancer. It drove them to Gwen's kingdom and to another woman who desperately needed help. She told Gwen's story and how a man pretending to love her had stolen her kingdom heart. She explained how none of the other heroes or leaders would lift a finger to help, so Heather helped and got the stone back.

Jaina watched the crowd as people learned how Heather became a princess. She heard the whispered comments about how she deserved it after an ordeal like that. Heather then modified her story a little, explaining how they traveled into the north, running from mercenaries hunting her. Here they met Blackbast, who offered them the slave collars. She told the crowd how they only accepted the collars to make use of the disguise. It took tremendous pressure off them and gave them some much-needed time to think. She then told the story of how she fell in love with Frank, and they decided to stop running, come home, and get married.

This brought sympathetic “oohs” from the crowd. Heather boldly proclaimed that this hatred of monster players was wrong and that she was determined to stop running. She and Frank would create a place where players could play as they were meant to.

“I tell you all this because those hunters have found me again," Heather said. "The same woman who tricked me all those weeks ago came to the city the other day, looking to capture me again. When she showed up, I knew the rumors would start circulating, and everyone would be whispering that I had a dark secret."

“She's brilliant at this," Chandice said. "She is cutting off any chance of speculation or gossip."

“She is trying to put all the rumors to rest,” Roric agreed.

Heather then took Umtha by the hand and explained that she had secretly married them. Frank officially had two wives, and Heather was proud to call Umtha one of them. She also explained that they kept the collars on for fear that the hunters would come running if they showed anyone their true forms.

“How terrible,” a nearby woman said. “Forced into something like that just to find five minutes of peace.”

“That Moon woman is a monster,” another added.

“She should be arrested and sent to Abbadon," Chandice said loud enough to add to the crowd's mood.

They returned to watching as Heather called Quinny forward, introducing her as a zombie player and her future wife. She then brought Breanne forward and urged her to take her ghostly form. To the crowd's amazement, Breanne turned into a banshee and floated into the air for a moment before retaking her elvish form.

“As you can see, an entire family of monster players stands before you," Heather said. "And I do mean family because, in exactly one month, Frank, Umtha, and I are marrying Quinny and Breanne."

People cheered as Jaina breathed a sigh of relief that the mood was still positive. Heather then motioned them all to silence before making a special announcement. She told the crowd how she had been hiding from the pain of her past by pretending to be somebody else and Frank's slave. She was tired of hiding and pretending and just wanted to get it all out in the open. She blushed and nervously admitted that, in the end, she had grown to enjoy being Frank’s slave girl.

“Good on you!” a harem girl shouted.

“He obviously loves you," another added, helping guide the reaction to her statement.

Heather nodded and took Umtha's hand, explaining that as a Lilim, she could produce her own collars. Umtha had become the first woman she had taken as one of her girls, but that was going to grow. She held up a hand to show the crowd two more collars, then right before their eyes turned to Breanne and Quinny. Jaina cupped her hands over her mouth in shock as Heather publicly asked the two women to become her slave girls.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” Gisley cried. “This is so exciting!”

“She is turning this into an event to remember,” Chandice said.

“She is trying to make their collaring something special and beautiful," Roric answered. "She wants people to see it as a powerful moment of love."

Breanne looked stunned by the request, but Quinny practically ran to Heather and bowed her head. Heather smiled and carefully removed Blackbast's collar, handing it to Umtha. She then locked her gem-studded collar around Quinny's neck as the crowd cheered. She then turned to Breanne, who walked to her, nervously bowing her head. Her old collar was removed, and the new one was put in place as people cheered for the elf woman. Heather then held their hands and presented them to the city before smiling.

“And as their Lilim master, I have a special skill I can share,” Heather said.

“Oh, wow," Jaina gasped as she kissed them one by one, turning each woman into a succubus complete with horns, wings, and a tail. People whistled and cheered as four sexually powerful women suddenly dominated the stage edge.

“So, are you ready to be ruled by Prince Frank and his harem of succubi?" Heather asked as people went back to cheering. She smiled, raised her arms high, and snapped her fingers, causing a powerful magical display. The scene behind them was shrouded in darkness as neon-like lights arranged in magical symbols began to circle behind them. All four women were engulfed in black clouds that faded away, leaving them dressed in thigh-high stockings, high-heeled boots, and tight corsets.

Music began to play as lights flashed, and the girls broke into a seductive dance, wowing the entire audience.

“Am I seeing this?" Jaina gasped.

“You ruined her," Chandice scolded. "One night with you, and she's dancing on a stage in her underwear."

“Don’t you blame me for this,” Jaina countered. “I just wanted to love her.”

“Well, you don't need to keep that a secret anymore now," Chandice said as they watched the girls dance to an almost techno-like music backed with magical displays. The girls swung their hips as people cheered, then threw their arms out as wings spread wide behind them. It was a powerful effect as the flashing lights reflected off devilish skin.

“Well, this changes everything," Roric said, putting his arm around Jaina and Chandice.

“It sure does," Jaina said. "Hannah is officially known as a slave girl now, and that innocent, sweet girl image is dead."

“She's a sex slave," Chandice corrected. "And that dance is proof that she wants everyone to know it."

“Good for her,” Gisley said as she bounced with the music.

They nodded in agreement as they stood and watched the dance of magical sex with long sultry tails swaying with every thrust of their hips. It was a complete change of direction for Heather but one that would make life much easier. Nearly all her secrets were out, and the hunters would soon hear how she was already reset and playing a Lilim. All of this was one big display to prove she was a new person with a new class, and Heather, the necromancer, no longer existed.

It was a powerful moment of magic that couldn't get any better, but then something tackled Roric from behind, and a familiar voice cried out in joy.

“I found you!” she said with tears in her eyes. “Oh, thank god I found you!”

They all turned around in shock as they looked deeply into the eyes of a woman with a pleading expression. Jaina was the first to break the silence as she uttered the one word nobody else could say.


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