The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-126 Welcome home

Roric carried the sobbing woman back to their camp. He hated to take the girls away from so happy a festival, but this matter couldn't wait. He laid her on the bed and went to a small chest beside the dresser where the key was kept. Jaina helped the woman undress, exposing the metal bands that encased her body, locking away any hope of having sex.

“Just relax,” Jaina urged as Roric returned with the key.

“It's been so long,” Idris sobbed. “I was so close to you, but the door closed in my face.”

“Shhh,” Jaina urged as Roric held the key to the belt and commanded it to open. The lock came undone with a flash of blue light, and the belt pulled apart. Jaina helped open it as Idris sobbed even louder as if she never believed this moment would come. With a similar command, he opened the bra, freeing the woman's tender breasts. Gisley helped remove the devices as Chandice reached down to pull at the plugs.

Jaina felt her stomach flutter to see the lips of Idris’s pussy hold fast to the plug that had been rooted inside it for so long. It moved slowly, glistening with a sticky goo as her body tried to hold on. Idris groaned as the plugs came out and wrapped her legs tightly together, writhing at their absence. She quickly grabbed her own breasts, kneading them firmly as she thrashed.

“The poor thing,” Gisley said as she stroked her head.

“I feel terrible about this,” Chandice said. “It was my idea to make the ordeal so wicked.”

“It was only meant to be a tease to torment her for a few days,” Roric said.

“None of us expected her to be locked away so long,” Evalynn replied as Idris used a trembling to begin masturbating.

“Move your hands,” Jaina urged, kneeling between the woman's legs. She quickly leaned over and buried her tongue in Idris's folds, causing her back to arch. Jaina lavished her with sexual attention and used her various skills to quickly bring her sexual satisfaction.

Idris cried out as her body responded and clutched the bed tightly. Evalynn and Gisley helped, the girls taking turns to pleasure the woman, but she wasn't satisfied until she had Roric. What Idris really wanted was what a man could give her, and It was only during his efforts that she finally started to calm. Roric profusely apologized and told her how hard they looked for her.

It was a shocking revelation to learn that Idris had missed their magic door by seconds, trapping her on the other side in a demoralized shock. She also used the last of Gisley's glitter but had received no dreams in response.

They realized that Gisley had been so busy of late that she hadn't been watching the dreams. Poor Idris was trying to make contact, and they were not listening as they said they would. They had failed her on every level, forcing the poor woman to find her way here. Fortunately, that had been accelerated by a lucky coincidence when she passed through a town to hear about a woman named Princess Hannah. While eavesdropping on the conversation, Idris overheard the players say that Rajeen had moved her inn to Hannah's city. She begged the players for the city's name and then ran down the first wizard who could open a portal. She had intended to go straight to Rajeen, but when she arrived, she felt the pull of Roric distinctly.

She blushed when she had to admit that the wizard wanted more money than she had, so she had to earn it the only way she could. Unfortunately, the wizard was only willing to give her a discount for a blow job, so she earned the rest of the money in the streets and inns. She could have earned it more slowly by doing tasks, but the wizard wanted to leave in two days, and she needed money fast.

Roric ordered the girls to attend to her every need and ensure she was well cared for. He rushed off to find Rajeen and brought her back to allow the two to finally meet face-to-face. Idris was finally recovering and sat on the edge of the bed, modestly covering her body with a blanket.

“I am so sorry it took so long,” Rajeen said as she knelt before the women. “I hope you can forgive us.”

“I just need a moment to collect my thoughts,” Idris replied and strangely looked to the right to shake her head no.

“Is she alright?” Gisley whispered to Jaina.

“She’s in shock,” Jaina replied. “What we did to her was terrible. We should never have gone more than a day away, and we should have waited to see where she turned up.”

“We always assumed we would run into her on the way back,” Chandice said as they stood to the side. “We lost sight of all that when we ran into Hannah.”

“We lost sight of ourselves when we ran into Hannah,” Jaina replied. “She and us have had a bad effect on each other.”

“If you mean by how she's decided to publicly embrace being a sex devil, then yes, we have had a bad effect on her,” Chandice agreed.

“I think she was very brave,” Gisley said.

“Let’s focus on Idris,” Jaina insisted. “Thank goodness she is here. Maybe now we can start trying to make amends for what we did to her.”

They nodded in agreement and focused on the scene as Rajeen did her best to comfort the poor woman. Roric was playing this moment, assuming that Idris would prefer to be with Rajeen. Instead, Rajeen was more open, simply trying to offer the woman all the comforts she desired with no strings attached.

“You have a room at my inn for as long as you desire,” Rajeen assured her. “All your meals are taken care of, and you are free to go about your life as you wish.”

“Thank you,” Idris said, then made a funny pause. She looked like she was listening to somebody else, and Jaina noticed something odd. Idris's hair depressed slightly along one shoulder as if somebody had touched it.

“We tried to find you,” Roric said as he took one of her hands. “We even nearly burned a city down after our hunters caught sight of you.”

“That was a disaster,” Rajeen remarked. “Though, I have no idea how she slipped through our nets.”

“I don’t understand?” Idris asked as she looked between the two. “What nets?”

“What nets?” the tiger woman laughed. “I hired over fifty bounty hunters to scour the north searching for you. In addition, I had wanted posters hung in every guild hall or inn to try and locate you.”

“Oh, I saw some of those wanted posters,” Idris replied, looking at her right shoulder.

“Chandice,” Jaina whispered and nudged her. “Watch Idri’s hair on her right shoulder carefully.

Chandice gave Jaina a funny look and then stared closely to see a slight unnatural shift.

“Did you see it?” Jaina asked in a hushed voice as Idris explained that she thought the posters meant she was in serious trouble.”

“I did,” Chandice whispered back. “A trick of the wind?”

“We are indoors,” Jaina insisted.

“There are still air currents to keep the place from stagnating,” Chandice countered. “But then, I suppose the movement would be more constant.”

“I knew those posters would cause trouble,” Roric groaned.

“I never intended them to sound like she was a criminal,” Rajeen countered. “My instructions were not followed the way I conveyed them. It is very difficult to organize a mass manhunt from so far away.”

“I wasn’t trying to blame you, only point out that we made mistakes,” Roric replied.

“I saw a poster in the last city I went through,” Idris added. “I knew I was being followed and felt threatened, so I immediately fled the city and went down the south road.”

“I was on the south road,” Rajeen stated. “All my girls saw was a few adventurers and a man with dark hair that avoided us.”

“That was me!” Idris insisted and wiped her eyes.

“That was you?” Roric asked and looked to Rajeen for clarification. She had nothing to offer, so he asked how she had appeared as somebody else.

“You will forgive me for asking, but your class doesn’t boast such skills,” Roric pointed out.

Idris sighed and looked to her shoulder as a slight smile crossed her face.

“We need to tell them sooner or later,” she said to nobody in particular.

“Ok, now this is strange,” Chandice said as Idris conversed with the air.

“There is somebody else here,” Gisley said as her antenna curled up. “It's a fey creature. I can vaguely feel its unease. It is afraid we will reject it.”

Idris looked up and nodded before reaching up a hand as if carefully plucking something from her shoulder.

“A fey creature?” Roric asked before sniffing the air. “I smell something but can't place what it is.”

“It’s a friend of mine that you can’t see,” Idris admitted and stood up to hold out her hands as if presenting something. “His name is Zillix.”

“Umm, we can’t see this friend,” Jaina pointed out.

“He's afraid of letting people see him,” Idris replied. “He worries that they won't like him and will try to kill or send him away.” She paused and pulled her hands closer to her face as she shook her head. “You may as well drop the invisibility. They have to meet you eventually.”

The group gawked in surprise as a glittering cloud of swirling colors manifested in her hands, coalescing into a miniature dragon whose metallic scales kept shifting colors.

“EEEEEEEEE!” Gisley cried and ran forward, snatching the creature from her arms and clutching him between her breasts. “He’s so cute! I love him!”

“Help!” Zillix cried as Gisley crushed him between her bare breasts while twisting side to side.

“Gisley, careful,” Idris insisted. “He’s a friend, not a pet.”

“Can I please keep him?” Gisley insisted as she rubbed her cheek against his long neck.

“Well, so much for sending him away,” Jaina laughed as the poor dragon begged Idris to rescue him.

“Idris!” Zillix pleaded. “She’s got me!”

“Gisley,” Roric said in a firm voice and began trying to pry her arms open. “You heard what she said. He isn’t a pet. Let the poor thing breathe.”

“Oh, I just want to love him,” Gisley pouted as she opened her arms and allowed the dragon to fly in a panic to Idris, where he curled tightly across her shoulders.

“What kind of dragon is so small?” Evalynn asked as she studied the cat-sized creature.

“He’s a pseudo dragon,” Gisley replied with longing eyes. “He’s a creature of the fey worlds like me.”

“Why am I not surprised she would know that?” Jaina asked.

“How did you know that?” Idris asked in amazement.

“I am a fairy,” Gisley said, flaring out her beautiful dark wings. “I am a fey creature as well. I also read all the lore the visitors included in the interface. I think I can quote most of it from memory.”

“See,” Idris said as she smiled at the little dragon. “She likes you.”

“Oh, I do!” Gisley insisted with eyes that sparkled with green light. “I want him to stay.”

“This is all very touching, but how does this explain your ability to look like a man?” Rajeen asked.

Idris smiled at her companion and explained that Zillix could work powerful illusions that were so real you could touch them. He used his power to make her look like a red-haired woman to enter the city, then altered her disguise when she ran out. Zillix sparkled with colored light, and Idris changed right before their eyes, becoming a red-haired woman with a gentle smile.

“She was the red-haired woman who ran from the guildhall,” Chandice said with a slap to her forehead. “We never considered that possibility.”

“A redhead with a lizard pet,” Jaina laughed. “I assume the lizard was Zillix.”

“That was us,” Idris agreed and cradled him gently in her arms. “I ran across him hiding in the forests in the north. At first, he was a bit annoying, but we found our balance, and I needed a friend.”

“She didn’t like me calling her a dirty slut,” Zillix volunteered.

“You think Idris is a dirty slut?” Jaina repeated with a funny expression.

“He obviously hasn’t met you,” Chandice teased.

“Oh, this coming from the woman who has bondage sex with her demons,” Jaina countered.

“Hey, so do you!” Chandice shot back. “And you have done it a lot more.”

“Because you like to watch,” Jaina accused.

“These are your friends?” Zillix asked with a tilted head.

“This is part of their charm,” Idris replied as the argument raged.

“Girls!” Rajeen snapped to restore order. “We are here to welcome poor Idris home and meet her friend.”

“Is he an NPC?” Evalynn asked as she leaned closer. “We elves are somewhat attuned to fey creatures, but I am unfamiliar with his type of dragon.”

“I am not what you call an NPC,” Zillix said from his perch on Idris’s arm. “I was taken from my world forcefully and brought here.”

“Another alien like Umtha,” Chandice remarked. “I wonder how many creatures we assume are randomly generated are actually players from other places.”

“I am beginning to think the number is much higher than we ever suspected,” Jaina said. “Let’s not forget that Hezzrigozza is also from another world.”

“Do you think some of them are prevented from communicating accurately like the goblins are?” Gisley asked.

“If they are, then we need to question the visitors' motives,” Roric said. “That would make this world more a test than a means of establishing communication.”

“Are you going to ask them?” Zillix said as he looked up at Idris.

“Ask us what?” Roric replied.

Idris smiled and stroked his back as she sat on the bed so he could curl up in her lap.

“We have become good friends, and I promised to ask if he could have a home here,” Idris replied.

“I am sure Gisley would love that,” Jaina replied.

“Is an inn a good place for such a dragon?” Rajeen asked as she ignored Jaina's remark.

“He would be better suited to the love wood,” Idris suggested. “His kind like to live in giant trees that tower over the forest. Their branches reach so high they scrape the clouds that are common over the forests, creating streams of water that flow down the branches and leaves.”

“That sounds magical,” Jaina agreed. “But you said it like you knew it by heart.”

“I saw it,” Idris replied with a smile. “He used his illusion magic to show me. It was breathtakingly beautiful.”

“Well, we have a giant tree,” Chandice pointed out. “And I don’t mind sharing it.”

“You have a giant tree?” Zillix asked with a head tilted so far to one side they were sure his head would pop off.

“We should show them,” Roric offered. “I think we should show our friends the Love Wood.”

Idris was carefully dressed and walked with an awkward step. She had to explain that she had gotten so accustomed to the plugs being inside that now she felt empty. She held the tiny dragon the whole time, stroking him like a cat as they followed through a magical door that appeared to be a simple pair of trees. A minute later, they stood in the Love Wood, having gone to a small hill to see the tree in more of a side profile.

“That is a very big tree,” Idris said as she looked down on her dragon. “It’s giant like the one you showed me.”

“You said your tree ran with water?” Chandice asked.

“Here, let me show you,” Zillix offered and raised a hand as he sparkled with color. Then, to their amazement, Chandice's tree became one with fuller branches, and the top was shrouded in clouds. Small sprays of water began to fall from the branches, creating rainbows in the air as they cascaded down.

“Wow,” Gisley cried as she looked on in wonder. “It’s beautiful.”

“That really is impressive,” Roric agreed. “You say this was found in your world?”

“My world was more wet than this one,” Zillix replied as the illusion faded. “It rained a lot, and the water was part of the magic.”

“I wonder if I could recreate that effect?” Evalynn stated. “I might be able to put a permanent cloud cover over the tree and cause it to rain often.”

“You would do that for me?” the tiny dragon asked as he looked at the group.

“You are a friend of Idris, so you are a friend of ours,” Roric replied. “We will do whatever we can to make you both happy here.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Zillix said as he curled about Idris’s shoulders. “People aren’t usually so friendly to me.”

“They aren’t?” Jaina asked as the dragon shook his head.

“They either see me as a pet, a resource, or just another monster,” Zillix explained. “Your kind often tries to use our kind as ingredients in your magical items.”

“What? Don’t look at me like that,” Chandice said as Jaina looked at her. “I admit I wonder what I could do with some of his scales, but I would never take them by force.”

“Chandice is an enchanter,” Idris said when Zillix asked why she would want scales. “It’s a class that makes magical items.”

“I can assure you that I would never take anything from you,” Chandice reiterated. “If you wanted to volunteer anything, I would be happy to have it.”

“See, nobody wants to put you in a cage,” Idris insisted. “You could have a home in the high branches and help Chandice with her experiments or fly around with Gisley.”

“I would love to fly with him,” Gisley insisted.

“Down, girl,” Chandice laughed. “We all got the idea that you really like him.”

“So I could live in the high branches?” he asked as he looked at Roric.

“You are welcome to the upper part of the tree,” Roric replied. “You are welcome to wander the whole of the forest, the inn, even Paradise City. We have a very good relationship with the local rulers, and they essentially share a home with us.”

“I am sure they will love you,” Jaina insisted. “You might say they have a bit more in common with you than us.”

“Well,” Idris remarked as she took Zillix into her arms. “Would you be happy living here?”

“Will you come to see me?” he asked, flying into the air to flutter before her face. “I like the home, and I see why you were so eager to find your friends, but….” he trailed off and fluttered to her arms. “I want to be with you.”

Idris smiled and gently reached out to stroke his tiny head.

“Don’t worry about that,” she said softly. “I told you, we were a package now. Where one of us goes, the other follows. If they want me to stay, they have to accept you. Besides, it looks to me like Gisley would like to be your friend as well,” she added and turned to the fairy, who had her hands clasped in the hopes he would agree.

“She is very pretty,” he agreed and fluttered to Gisley. She reached out carefully this time and took him into her arms, gently cradling him to her warm breasts. He curled into a ball, nestled firmly under them as she shook in excitement.

“I guess I could use a few more friends,” he said from his tender perch.

“Well, he seems to have settled in,” Jaina laughed and looked at Idris. “But what about you?”

Idris turned about to take in the beautiful forest of soft colors and magical charm. She took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh before looking down. “I think I need more time,” she said. “This forest is so beautiful, but this isn't what I came to New Eden to do. I really want to build my undead adventure, and I feel it would sour the beauty of your forest to do it here.”

“We will find a way to make that work,” Roric said. “We will do whatever it takes.”

“Thank you,” Idris said but shook her head. “But I don’t want to burden you with my dreams.” she then turned to Rajeen and explained that she loved the idea of being in the harem but needed to be free to play in her adventure as the big bad of the quest. She would never be happy living the life of a harem girl if she couldn’t build her dreams.

“I fully understand,” Rajeen said with a dip of her head. “But you will always have an open invitation. If you ever change your mind, I will give you a home in my arms.”

“Well, this happy moment soured fast,” Jaina said sadly.

“No, it hasn't,” Chandice urged with an arm around Jaina. “Idris has come to the perfect place for what she wants.”

“But I don't want to make your forest or its purpose,” Idris insisted.

“I don’t mean right here,” Chandice said. “I mean, this kingdom. You don’t know it yet, but the rulers are very welcoming and friendly to monster players. They encourage players to settle and build adventures for others to play, and resetting anyone is a crime here. Just abusing other players can get you booted from the kingdom.”

“And there are already other undead players,” Evalynn added. “There is a Vampiress far to the west, running a dark gothic region that might be perfect for your village.”

“There is a vampire queen here?” Idris said with excitement. “I would love to meet her.”

“If you think that’s exciting, wait until you meet the prince and princess. I think you might find them very interesting considering your desires,” Chandice said.

“Why don't we give her the time she needs to settle after her ordeal,” Roric suggested. “Then we can introduce her to the others and see if she can find a good place to build her adventure.”

“Oh, I am sad to think she won't be ours,” Jaina said, walking up to Idris. “I want you to be my slave sister.”

“I just want a little time to think,” Idris said.

“Why don’t we go back to the inn,” Rajeen suggested. “We can have a good meal, a soothing drink, and relax as friends. There will be plenty of time to make up our minds later.”

“I agree,” Roric said as he considered Idris. “We should not rush into any of this. I am glad to know you are free of your binds, and I hope you can forgive me.”

“I was pretty angry at you when that portal closed in my face,” Idris admitted. “But I am relieved to be here now.”

They nodded and headed back, using the magical forest portals to hurry the trip. Poor Gisley kept trying to get close to Zillix, but the timid dragon kept firmly rooted to Idris. They stepped through the magical gate into the heavily guarded hall to discover a hulking gray shape heading toward them.

“Oh, my,” Idris gasped as Frank shambled up with Breanne in her succubus form on his arm.

“Roric,” Frank said as he drew close. “I assume you saw the speech.”

“We were present,” Roric replied with a dip of his head. “But we encountered a bit of a surprise as the dance started and were pulled away.”

“Who is this?” Idris asked as she stepped up, daring to reach a hand for his chest as if she might feel his muscles.

“Umm?” Frank said as he leaned back and glanced at Breanne.

“Pardon us, have we met?” Breanne asked as she stepped between them.

“This is the surprise,” Roric said as he put an around the enthralled woman. “Frank, Breanne. I would like you to meet Idris.”

“This is Idris?” Frank asked in surprise.

“So this is the woman we were searching for,” Breanne said. “I am so glad to know they found you.”

“She sort of found us,” Jaina corrected as Idris leaned around Breanne to get a better look at Frank.

“Forgive me, but are you a ghoul?” Idris asked as she looked out of breath.

“Uhh, yes?” Frank replied. “Is that alright?”

“And you play here?” she pressed as if she hadn’t heard the question.

“Somebody has a thing for the undead,” Jaina laughed as Idris cleared her throat and stepped back.

“Forgive me,” Idris said with a bow of her head. “It's just I came to New Eden with the goal of playing with the necromancers and their undead. I had no idea they were banned, and anyone remotely like them was looked on with suspicion. It has made my life here exceptionally challenging.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that here,” Breanne said. “I am actually a banshee, and one of Frank’s wives is a zombie. We are a family of undead and monster players.”

“There are more undead players here?” Idris said in surprise.

“Several more,” Frank said. “We don’t discriminate over monster players either. They are welcome in our lands and cities with open arms. We encourage them to build lairs and adventures so everyone can have fun and level together.”

“I had no idea such a place existed,” Idris replied enthusiastically. “I am so glad to meet you.”

“It’s good to meet you as well,” Frank said as Breanne took his arm again.

“I hope this question isn't too forward, but why did you want to play with necromancers?” Breanne asked.

“I am a fan of gothic horror themes in games, and I always play a necromancer or undead summoning class,” she answered. “When New Eden became a thing, I hunted through the character classes for days until I found the priestess of death. It was as close to a divine power-based necromancer as you could get, and I figured with its power to bless undead, I would make an amazing partner for a pure necromancer.”

“That’s an interesting dream,” came a familiar voice as Heather came through a doorway with Umtha and Quinny in their succubus forms.

“More succubi?” Idris asked in amazement.

“They are all part of Frank’s harem,” Jaina said as Heather walked by and used her tail to give Jaina a good swat on the rear. “And some of them are quite naughty.”

Now that the others were here, Roric introduced them all, allowing Idris to get over the shock of discovering they were the prince and princess and their soon-to-be wives. Jaina had to explain how Heather, Frank, and Umtha were already married, and they planned to marry Breanne and Quinny in a month. They were all part of Frank's harem, as was a woman named Blackbast, who wasn't present. Idris then had the complicated task of understanding that Frank and Heather were also technically King and Queen over the goblins, but they chose to be known as Prince and Princess of Gwen’s kingdom. Finally, Gisley was encouraged to step forward and present Zillix for the others to meet. Quinny wanted to pet him, and he was quickly trapped between two pairs of breasts as the girls fawned over him.

“We really do have a complicated family structure,” Heather admitted while watching the two girls play with the dragon. “And I am very glad to finally met you, Idris. I, umm, sort of made a mess of our last recovery attempt.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Frank insisted.

“I still got spanked for it,” Heather countered. “Or did you just do that to enjoy yourself?”

“I thought you needed a good spanking,” Frank replied with a shrug as the others giggled.

“How did you ever find so many succubi to be your wives?” Idris asked in amazement.

“Oh, were not all succubi,” Heather replied, explaining how she was a Lilim, and the rest were her collared slaves. One of her powers allowed her to turn her slave girls into succubi, so they were enjoying the perks for a while.

“Ah, that explains why she said she was a banshee,” Idris agreed with a nod. “I can't believe so many undead players have homes here, and they even rule the land. It's the home I was searching for.”

“I told you this was the perfect place for you,” Chandice said. “Oh, and Idris here is very eager to build an adventure. She has this whole zombie plague attacks a village thing she wants to create.”

“That would be really cool to put at the edge of my forest,” Quinny replied. “Right on the crossroads that go to Finneouse’s town and Lydia’s province.”

“That would be a good spot for that,” Frank agreed. “All the traffic going to your forest will pass by it, and she can put her ruins in your forest or on the road to Lydia’s province.”

“See, you’re home,” Jaina said with an arm around Idris. “Quinny's forest is a haunted wonderland full of undead that will fit perfectly with your theme.”

“Will she be far away from the tree?” Zillix asked as he struggled free of his warm prison.

“What tree?” Heather asked. She was told how Zillix would be living in the branches of the giant tree that was Chandice’s magic shop.

“We can arrange for some magic forest doors to link the two locations,” Evalynn replied with a wink at Quinny. “He and Idris are good friends, and he will be living in Chandice's tree, so if you could link a forest portal to the one that goes to the camp.”

“Yeah, sure, I can make you a door,” Quinny said. “It will take you less than a minute to cross the distance.”

Jaina smiled as Frank and his girls made Idris and Zillix feel right at home, inviting them to come to the inn and talk. They spent the rest of the night as they should, with Heather even sitting in Frank's lap as they talked about plans for the future. Idris and Quinny spoke in great detail about the plans for Idris’s adventure as Quinny began to offer ideas.

“Well, this is coming together,” Jaina said as she sat with Chandice.

“It is, but I hope you’re ready for the truth,” Chandice replied. “Idris is far more compatible with Frank and his family than she is with ours.”

“I know,” Jaina replied as she leaned into Chandice. “All I want is for her to be happy.”

“Even if it’s with somebody else?” Chandice asked.

Jaina nodded as Idris and Quinny chatted away, growing more excited as they shared ideas. Idris had found what she wanted, and it wasn't with Jain and Roric. But, at least, it was with their close friends, and that opened the door to a closer future. She could wait until the ages went by and they were ready to become something more, and their two families would be one in heart and soul.


Thank you for reading! Sorry some of the chapters of late haven't been so sex heavy, but that changes in the future. 
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