The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-129 Changes and worries

There was a change in the air as Jaina nervously clutched the hands of her sisters. Roric, Rajeen, and Chandice shared a dream last night to talk about the nature of their relationship. Chandice wasn't sure where she stood anymore and didn't want to play with others until she was sure. Jaina thought about how much like Heather that mindset was—wanting to devote herself to one man and make him as happy as possible. Maybe it was something to do with smart girls, as Chandice had proven to be highly intelligent, almost as interested in how magic worked as Heather was.

Now all three parties were awake and in a private room, discussing the matter again as the girls waited nervously.

“What do you think they will do?” Gisley asked.

“I don’t know,” Jaina admitted.

“Well, the whole thing is kind of messy,” Evalynn pointed out. “Chandice is meant to be your girlfriend and makes love to Roric as a kind of tax to earn the right to date you. But while we traveled and started planning our home, they discussed the idea of being married, which changes things.”

“But then Rajeen came along. We all assumed Roric and her would get together,” Gisley interjected.

“Right, but I don't think Rajeen actually wants that,” Jaina said. “I think she loves Roric as a lover and admires him for how he treats us. But she doesn't want to be married.”

“She is also cursed to have to offer her body to every slave master she meets,” Evalynn pointed out. “Which is a bit of a handicap when you are talking about being devoted to one man.”

“Yeah, that is a problem,” Jaina agreed as she thought about Chandice. The fact was Jaina loved Chandice with all her heart, but they were never going to marry. Jaina was a sex slave with a strong master, and her place was at his side. Chandice had only one real path to a place in their group, and that was Roric's wife. Otherwise, she would always be the side girl and would probably drift away one day in search of something more meaningful.

“Oh, this tension is killing me,” Jaina groaned. “How long do you need to discuss these things?”

“They are planning how they will proceed as a couple,” Evalynn argued. “That takes time, considering how complex the relationships are.”

“It’s not complex at all,” Jaina countered. “He said they would explore the idea of being married once we had a permanent home. Well, we do, so it’s time they moved on to the next stage.”

“You shouldn’t rush people into these things,” Evalynn said. “In fact, you should rush anyone into anything.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jaina asked as she turned on the elf woman.

“I worry you are pushing Hannah into something she isn’t ready for,” Evalynn admitted.

“You mean like how I pushed you?” Jaina asked.

“That was different,” Evalynn argued. “I was a single woman looking for a change in my life. You took the time to make the offer, encouraged me to think about it, and told me I could say no. But with Hannah, you seem to be slowly drawing her in, encouraging her to play like we do.”

“I am not,” Jaina protested, then looked down. “Am I?”

“I think you are,” Gisley agreed.

“What? You want them to play with us as much as I do,” Jaina insisted.

“I do, but only at their own pace,” Gisley sighed. “I would love it if we could all be one harem tomorrow, but I worry this will ruin their relationship. I have been so worried about it recently that I have refused to even look into their dreams.”

“I had no idea you both felt this way,” Jaina said. “I will be honest; I have worried about it myself.”

“Roric has as well,” Evalynn added. “I overheard him and Rajeen talking about it. He has been considering telling you to break off your relationship with Hannah.”

“Oh, this is all my fault again!” Jaina cried and shook her head. “I am so committed to this lifestyle that I assume everyone else will love it too. I have forgotten that most people prefer a committed relationship and won't accept our lifestyle.”

“Well, Hannah does have some girls in her group, but they all want the same thing. One man to love and no others,” Evalynn added.

“And it can stay that way,” Jaina agreed. “I am going to fix these mistakes, and I think I need to tell Hannah about what I did.”

“What did you do?” Gisley asked as her antenna unrolled.

“That day, Roric bartered me to the merchant for a night,” Jaina reminded them. “I made love to him as Hannah because it was his fantasy. I should never have done that, and she needs to know what I did.”

“Does she?” Evalynn asked.

“I feel terrible about it,” Jaina replied as she pulled a hand away to hold her head. “I feel terrible about Gwen now. Did I push her into this as well?”

“Gwen was single and, as I recall, came to you asking for help to add some sex to her life,” Evalynn countered. “She was already looking for it; all you did was show her where the door was.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Jaina sighed.

“Hey,” Gisley cooed and rubbed Jaina's stomach. “You haven't done anything that can't be fixed. As far as you and Hannah are concerned, all you had was one hot moment in a dream. Outside of that, it's been a few kisses and a little petting. Frank seems to like watching girls kiss, so I don't think that upsets anyone, but you should back off and let her lead before you go any farther.”

“Look, who's all grown up and becoming a good slave girl,” Jaina said with a smile. “And thank you both for giving me your honest opinions. I would hate myself if I hurt Hannah's relationship. I was in tears after the dream because I thought I had ruined us, but she put me at ease. Now I need to be much more careful, or I will end up right back in that state, and this time it might be real.”

“I hope they do join us,” Gisley said as she put an arm around Jaina. “I really like Umtha.”

“Umtha?” Jaina laughed. “Why her?”

“She is gorgeous and is full of life. She loves to talk about her people and their homeworld and how much she loves Hannah,” Gisley replied. “She's also super in tune with what she calls elemental spirits. She can tell you what the weather is going to be like and if something is disturbing the earth.”

“Sounds like you two are getting along well,” Jaina said, then nudged Evalynn. “Just like you and Breanne.”

“We are both elves and share a love of archery,” Evalynn replied. “All we have ever done is hug and kiss, so don't go accusing me of impropriety.”

“Some men would consider kissing a betrayal,” Jaina pointed out.

“I am one hundred percent sure Frank would see it that way if it was Breanne and another man, but he likes to see women kiss,” Evalynn said with a smile.

“He really likes it,” Gisley giggled. “He’s perfect for having a harem. He loves to surround himself with girls.”

“I wonder if that's because he went so long alone?” Jaina suggested. “We know he watched a lot of anime and loved the harem stories. He probably spent years fantasizing about having one, and now that dream has come true.”

“I bet he did,” Gisley agreed. “And I bet he’s shocked at how his life turned out.”

“A harem full of devoted women,” Jaina agreed. “Not to mention close friends who are just as playful.”

“We need to be careful with him,” Evalynn stated. “Frank is very inexperienced at this. He is likely to make a mistake he will regret, and he seems the type to dwell on such things.”

“Agreed,” Jaina nodded. “None of us should be forward with him. He should be off limits to our affections.”

“Unless Hannah invites us to join him,” Evalynn added.

“Oh, I hope that happens again,” Jaina said with a smile as she remembered the dream. She didn't get to dwell on the image for long as the door finally opened, and Rajeen stepped out to stand before the girls.

“Well?” Jaina asked.

“Look at you,” Rajeen laughed. “You would swear the group of you was waiting to hear if the baby had been born.”

“This is kind of important,” Jaina replied. “Chandice is a part of our lives, but she doesn't know where she fits in anymore.”

“Oh, that has been resolved,” Rajeen said with a wave of her hand. “We talked it out and have unanimously agreed.”

“On what?” Jaina pressed, the tension killing her.

“Roric and Chandice will wed,” Rajeen said with a smile.

“They will!” Gisley cried excitedly. “Oh, I am so happy!

“I am so relieved,” Jaina sighed and leaned into Evalynn.

“This was the best outcome, I think,” Evalynn said as she hugged Jaina.

“We all agreed that it was,” Rajeen said. “Roric cannot marry a slave girl, and as much as I love him, I am not fit to be his wife. Only Chandice is both free of the collar and willing to devote herself to him as his wife. She was happy to say that he would be the only man she made love to from now on.”

“So when are they going to marry?” Evalynn asked.

“In two weeks,” Rajeen replied.

“Two weeks? Why so soon?” Jaina gasped, the date seeming far too soon. She couldn't believe this was changing so fast, and the worry echoed in her voice. “Can we even plan a wedding that quickly?”

“I will plan it with Chandice, and it will be a small private function held in Frank and Hannah’s palace,” Rajeen stated.

“How on earth did you get permission to do that?” Jaina asked.

“Frank and Hannah were brought in earlier,” Rajeen replied. “They insisted we use the palace, the gardens, or any part of the city we wanted.”

“I didn’t see them go in, or out for that matter,” Jaina said.

“There are three doors in the room,” Rajeen scolded. “We didn't want them mingling with you three and being pressured for details, so we slipped them out the back.”

“Ah,” Jaina said with a nod.

“So, the decision has been made, and Chandice is no longer in limbo,” Rajeen said as she fixed her eyes on Jaina. “Now, how do you feel?”

“Me?” Jaina asked as the other two turned to consider her.

“Yes, because you and Roric were together from the beginning, and this dream is one you share,” Rajeen stated. “So how do you feel that the man who is your life partner is marrying another woman?”

Jaina had to pause to consider her response as the weight of those words came crashing down on her. Rajeen was right; Jaina and Roric were as close to being married as one could get without it being official. Now he was marrying another woman instead of her, and inside, she felt a twisting sensation. Was it joy? Maybe shock? Maybe a little bit of dread? She couldn't place it, and the more she tried to focus on it, the more unstable her legs became.

She wasn’t even aware when Rajeen came to her side and helped her sit down, as her mind was lost to the possibilities. Was she losing Roric to another woman? Would his marrying Chandice change anything?

“Jaina,” Rajeen called, snapping her out of her stupor long enough to realize the tiger woman was kneeling before her, looking very concerned. “Are you alright?”

“I…” Jaina began and paused again. “I guess I never really considered this before.”

“I suspected not,” Rajeen replied as Gisley and Evalynn came to her side to comfort her. “But now you have to face the reality that another woman may be more important to Roric than you are.”

Jaina was lost in the turmoil of thoughts as she seriously considered the situation. She was living the life she had always wanted, but deep down, she always felt that she and Roric were inseparable. This was a new emotional state as she began to worry that her relationship with the man she loved might change. Even as she felt her own concern, a sense of guilt grew. Was she leading Hannah into this very situation?

“Do you need time to think about it?” Rajeen asked.

“No,” Jaina sighed as she came to her sense. “This is what I wanted. I came here to be his sex slave, not his wife. I can’t be jealous if he honors that wish and picks somebody else to have that title.”

“He can always marry you, too,” Gisley offered.

“No, he can't,” Jaina denied with a raised hand. “That would ruin our roles and change the dynamic. I know it works for Heather and Frank, but they are approaching this very differently. She can only submit to him because she is his wife. I don't need that. I want to be a slave girl in every sense of the word.”

“You are very brave and committed to making this work,” Rajeen said as she touched Jaina's shoulder. “Few women could accept such a role as completely as you have.”

“Thank you for saying that,” Jaina said as she looked down. “But I think sometimes I have taken it too far.”

“Why would you say such a thing?” Rajeen asked.

Jaina shared their earlier conversation about Hannah and how Jain might be causing her harm. Rajeen nodded but seemed to smile before leaning in to hug Jaina. She was proud that Jaina had the self-awareness to look inward and see how she was affecting others. That she worried about such a thing was a clear sign of her growth as a slave girl. Rajeen then told her not to worry about it. Frank and Hannah were as strong as they could possibly be and wouldn't be so easily swayed. Hannah would never harm Frank, and if she did anything with Jaina, it was because she knew he approved.

Jaina felt better, but she still had butterflies considering the impending marriage. Rajeen seemed to pick up on this and pulled her into a hug. Rajeen promised that Jaina would never lose Roric or become unimportant to him. Nor would she ever be apart from Rajeen, who loved her dearly. Rajeen scooped her up and bid the girls to follow. She carried Jaina back to her bed chambers, setting Jaina into the bed before reaching down to remove the silks at her waist. Rajeen climbed in after her, purring as Gisley and Evalynn discarded their panties and joined them.

“You will never be without love,” Rajeen purred as she spread Jaina’s knees. “I will never let you go.” Her eyes narrowed as Jaina was spread wide, exposing the folds of her succulent pussy. Her head lowered between her legs, and Jaina cried out as Rajeen's prickly tongue licked her firmly. She began to writhe as Gisley and Evalynn each held one of her arms before leaning over to suckle at her breasts.

“Ohhhhhh!” Jaina moaned as the three women lavished her with love. She was unable to escape their grasp as they suckled at her breasts and ate her delicate flower. Her first orgasm was pure delight as Rajeen savored the flavor of her body's juices. It was quickly followed by more as they forced her to endure the power of their love and let it run wild. Jaina had no idea how many orgasms she had, but it cleared her mind and reminded her why she was there. She was Roric's sex slave, and he could marry whomever he wished. Thankfully it was a woman Jaina loved and respected, and she knew that in the end, nothing would change. As her world descended into the passion of lesbian sex, she smiled to know that this was the reward for her obedience.

When Jaina woke, she was on her side with Rajeen holding her from behind. She drew a deep breath and smiled, feeling loved by the tiger woman. When She tried to move, Rajeen pulled her in tightly and assured her she was not done with Jaina yet.

Jaina giggled as she was tied to the bed, her body unable to resist what would come next. Rajeen then got up and wished her well, heading for the door without so much as a second glance.

“Wait, where are you going?” Jaina called.

“I have duties to attend to,” Rajeen replied with a wave of her hand. “I will send in another to attend to you.”

Jaina was shocked when the door closed, and she was left helplessly bound. She briefly considered using her mimic powers to become fluid and escape but decided to wait and see what came of the situation.

“I like you like this,” a voice echoed in her head as Hezzrigozza made his presence known.

“Oh, goodness, are you watching all of this?” Jaina groaned.

“I am watching everything,” he replied as her tattoo began to glow and a tingle ran down her stomach. The sensation was like his hand was on her body, and before she could say a word, it slipped between her legs.

“It is my right to take this,” he growled as Jaina felt her pussy stretch as if his fingers had slid inside. She groaned as he began stimulating her body, building her up to another orgasm. She pulled on her binds as he forced her closer, the knot of tension rapidly building inside. Her voice escaped with a long low moan as she crested over, running wet as he continued to fondle her body.

“I have desired you,” he said in her thoughts. “You are my mate, and I enjoy sharing your flesh.”

“Why are you suddenly telling me this?” Jaina gasped as she was built toward another release.

“I heard your concerns and felt your fears,” the dragon replied. “You are worried your master will love you less and her more. You have no need to worry about his affections. He can be who he is because of you, and you can only be because of him. You both understand this simple truth and need each other to continue.”

“I am just being silly,” Jaina panted. “I know he would never stop loving me.”

“Then why do you fear?” the dragon asked as she teetered on the edge.

“Because I wonder if this is really love,” Jaina gasped. “I was reminded today that not everybody wants to be a sex slave or a whore. I worry that one day I might come to regret all this. What if I wake up one day a hundred years from now and I realize my relationships are shallow?”

“I would not have taken you as my mate if you were so weak,” the dragon bellowed. “You are what you desire to be, and you excel at it. You doubt yourself now because you worry about Hannah and that you will destroy her relationship with Frank.”

“I just don't want to hurt anyone,” Jaina moaned, and her body lost the battle and came forcefully. Her head rolled as the dragon kept up the sensation, somehow making love to her without being in the room. She could feel her thighs going wet as her pussy was brutally handled by her mate. He finally pulled away, and her thoughts were silent as she wondered where he had gone.

“Hezzriozza?” she called out.

The door opened, and three harem girls looked in and smiled.

“Well, somebody is nice and wet,” one of them said as she smiled.

“Master didn’t say she left her fresh from the battle,” another added.

“Come girls,” the central figure said as she sauntered into the room. “Master said to keep her occupied and wet.”

The two laughed as the door shut, and they approached Jaina, who was shaking her head.

“Umm, I think I am good now,” Jaina insisted, but silks were discarded, and naked bodies climbed into bed. For the next few hours, the four made love with their attentions focused on Jaina. She was carried away to another world where beautiful women shared their passions freely, and everything was as it should be. She was a sex slave, and this was her harem. Roric had the right to marry who he wished, and Jaina would serve him until the world was reset.

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