The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-130 A deceptive encounter

Gisley darted into the room and quickly took stock of the space. With her fey sword in one hand, she turned about, fearful of attack from any direction. Evalynn crept through the door behind her with a spear ready to use at a moment's notice. The room was perfectly normal, with a table, chair, a low couch, and a bookcase. A tapestry hung on the wall, and a tall, slender cabinet stood in the corner. Evalynn Didn't want to take her eye off any of it, as they couldn't be sure where the danger was.

“This is terrible,” Gisley said as she nervously turned about. “She could be anything.”

“She is much more powerful now,” Evalynn agreed. “It would be easier if we had a power we could use to sweep the room.”

“I can moon’s brilliance the room,” Gisley said. “It caused radiance damage to everything around me.”

“Including me,” Evalynn pointed out.

“Well, it has a small drawback,” Gisley teased with a smile.

“A small drawback,” Evalynn remarked as her armor clanked. “I am going to ask Chandice to spank that little purple butt of yours when we get out of here.”

“Don't tease me,” Gisley said, then yelped when she was suddenly pulled down. Evalynn went to react, but her feet were caught, the rug beneath them coming to life as they struggled to get free. Rope-like tendrils shot out and wrapped around them, dragging them down before sliding under armor and clothes to penetrate delicate places.

“Jaina!” Gisley cried as her body was suddenly filled by a tentacle. “Roric said no molesting.”

“Oh, you two are no fun,” Jaina replied as a torso rose from the floor and took her shape. Her face snapped into focus, and she smiled at the two helpless women caught in her trap. “I caught you; I should get to play with you.”

“We are training to deal with shapeshifters,” Evalynn said. “Not playing a sex game.”

“Every game is a sex game,” Jaina teased. “Even when we fight monsters. How often did I charm them into sex to keep one or two of them busy?”

“Only a few times, actually,” Evalynn stated. “We didn't get much chance to adventure.”

“You’re right,” Jaina sighed and released the pair, the rug turning into a gray mass before it formed into her body. “We need to do that again. I like being used as sex bait.”

“I am sure that will happen again in the future,” Evalynn said as she got up and helped Gisley stand. “But we failed.”

“It’s so hard to figure out what she is,” Gisley replied. “She can take the form of anything.”

“We can try again,” Evalynn said. “Let's give her ten minutes to find someplace to hide, and we will come looking for her.”

“I am getting bored of this,” Jaina cut in. “Did Roric say we had to do this all day?”

“No, he just suggested it while Chandice and Rajeen looked at dresses,” Evalynn replied.

“I can’t believe they are finally getting married,” Gisley cried excitedly. “I am so happy for them.”

“You're just hoping you will get spanked more often if Chandice marries him,” Jaina said.

“So,” Gisley replied, not even trying to deny it. “I happen to like it.”

“I could always give you a good spanking,” Jaina teased and ran at her, causing Gisley to squeal and run away. She hid behind Evalynn, and the elf woman tried not to laugh at their antics.

“We are such a unique family,” Evalynn said as Gisley used her as a barrier.

“We should do something fun,” Jaina insisted.

“Like what?” Gisley asked.

“I don't know, but we have Evalynn, and Roric doesn't mind us wandering the city so long as our guardian comes with,” Jaina suggested.

“You want to wander the city?” Evalynn asked as Jaina nodded. “Alright, but you know the rules; you have to dress if you're not accompanied by Roric.”

“Oh, I like going naked,” Gisley pouted.

“I swear she would never dress again if she didn’t have to,” Jaina laughed.

“You don't like to dress either,” Gisley countered. “And I like to wear pretty dresses when I am working the tavern. The customers like to see me in a slutty outfit so they can peel it off me later.”

“How did our innocent girl become such a whore?” Jaina asked as Evalynn shook her head and suggested they follow. The girls stopped by the bedroom, so Gisley could change into something more fitting of the city and donned a lovely white dress. Jaina used her laying skill to turn her skin into a sultry red gown that barely contained her chest while Evalynn stayed in her armor. They used the magic doors to pass into Rajeen's inn and then out into the city to marvel at how quickly it was changing.

“The default buildings are being replaced by player ones fast,” Jaina noted. “When did that tower get there?”

“I have no idea,” Evalynn replied. “We spend so much time at the inn or one of the connecting homes that we hardly go outside.”

“Look for an alley where we can sell ourselves,” Gisley suggested.

“Down girl, we aren’t hooking today,” Jaina laughed.

“Besides, you’re the only one who has permission to sell her body whenever she wants,” Evalynn added. “Jaina and I have to be sold by Roric.”

“Well, you two can sell me,” Gisley urged.

“Come on,” Jaina sighed and grabbed Gisley by the arm. “And people call me a whore.” Gisley laughed, and they strolled down the lane, looking at all the changes. There were still plenty of the default buildings done in a simple medieval style, but player buildings were increasing rapidly. There were shops of all kinds and homes four stories tall, decorated in the city's clean colors.

“Look, a magic shop,” Gisley said. “Chandice is going to be mad.”

“I bet they don't have an unlimited supply of fairy glitter,” Jaina remarked as they passed the small building. They rounded the corner and began to wander, looking in windows as they passed various shops. They eventually grew hungry and wandered into a new place that promised the best sausage in the city.

“Alright, either this sausage is magically flavored, or they do have the best sausage,” Jaina said as she nibbled one in their outdoor garden.

“These are good,” Evalynn agreed.

“I like the bread,” Gisley said, holding up her sausage roll. “It’s buttery.”

“The ale could do with an improvement, though,” Evalynn said as she swirled her cup. “It's very basic.”

“We are spoiled by Rajeen’s,” Jaina commented. “She has such fabulous drinks.”

They ate their lunch, and only a few patrons stopped to try and chat them up. Evalynn always did the talking, pointing to the slave collars to let the men know they were owned. The men were disappointed, but Gisley told them she worked at the tavern a few days a week and was available for the right price. They then went off, with promises to check her out when they could.

“You love selling yourself, don’t you?” Jaina asked.

“I picked the prostitute class by accident,” Gisley said as she picked up her mead. “I was terrified even to consider using it for years, but thanks to you, I love it. I want to embrace everything it has to offer, and I love it when the men thank me for a wild bout of sex.”

“I haven’t heard a thank you in weeks,” Jaina sighed. “Not since we stopped dancing to make money.”

“We are Roric’s sex slaves,” Evalynn reminded. “He doesn’t need to prostitute us out all the time.”

“No, but he could do it a little,” Jaina insisted. “I miss the nights of seeing all the men line up and knowing I was going to be fucking until dawn.”

“We should ask him if we can dance once in a while,” Gisley suggested. “I am sure he will say yes.”

“I don't know,” Evalynn countered. “He did that, in the beginning, to play up our fantasies and to make the money we needed. We don't need any more money, and he has moved on to other fantasies. He loves knowing we are his and sees no reason to use us like that.”

“Well, he will have to share them with Frank,” Gisley stated.

“What? Why would you say that?” Jaina asked.

“Because they are going to join the harem soon,” Gisley replied. “Nobody has said anything, but you know as well as I do that we are growing super close. Quinny loves the idea, and they already have Blackbast, who whores out all the time in her temple. It's only a matter of time before Frank shrugs and does it.”

“I think you are oversimplifying this,” Evalynn countered. “Frank is exploring his options; that much is clear by how he allows his girls to date us, but I don't think he's ready to see them having sex with Roric.”

“But he's already had sex with Jaina and me,” Gisley countered. “And Roric has had sex with Quinny and Blackbast.”

“We are in a very different relationship,” Evalynn countered. “We all joined this relationship to be sex slaves and whores. That’s why we are here and how we expect Roric to treat us. Hannah and her girls are in a very different kind of relationship. They are his wives, not his slaves, and they entered that relationship to be wives.”

“But they want to be his slaves,” Gisley urged. “And Blackbast needs girls to work her temple.”

“Sweetheart,” Jaina cooed and reached over the table to rub Gisley's cheek. “You have brought this up several times now. We all want them to join us in the harem so we can be one big family, but we have to accept that they might not. Besides, I realized the other day I was pushing on Hannah too hard, and I want to tell her about what I did when I took her form. I think we need to back off and let them evolve on their own. We can hold the door open and assure them they are welcome to join any time they want, but only if they want. Until then, we can be girlfriends and have fun moments.”

“I guess you’re right,” Gisley sighed.

“She is right,” Evalynn agreed. “Hannah has enough emotional baggage without making a relationship mistake. They need to be good and sure this is what they want before they step a single foot into our lifestyle.”

“I am glad we all agree,” Jaina nodded. “Now, let's see what kind of trouble we can get into.”

They wandered about in the streets, stopping to look in a few shops that sold sexy dresses. It felt like a regular day, and Jaina considered buying a dress with a daringly short skirt for Hannah. As she browsed through a back wall, a short woman that might have been a dwarf approached her.

“Excuse me, is your name Jaina?” the woman asked.

“Why, yes, it is,” Jaina said with a smile. “Whose asking?”

“Umm, I don't remember,” the woman said, looking confused. “I just, do you know somebody named Roric?”

“Yes,” Jaina said as her suspicion went up. “Is there some reason your asking?”

“I thought I did,” the woman said and looked around. “I have to go.”

“Wait,” Jaina called as the woman hurried off.

“Is something wrong?” Evalynn asked when Jaina called out.

“That woman,” Jaina said as she pointed to the dwarf leaving the shop. “She asked me if I was Jain and if I knew Roric but couldn’t say why she was asking.”

“She couldn’t say why?” Evalynn asked and looked to the woman as the door shut.

“It was the strangest conversation,” Jaina said. “She asked me if my name was Jaina, and I said yes, then asked who was asking, and she said she didn't remember.”

“She doesn’t remember who she is?” Evalynn questioned and then snapped a finger to get Gisley’s attention. “Stay close to me.”

“Why?” Gisley asked as she hurried over.

“It’s probably nothing,” Jaina suggested and set her dress aside. “Let’s not let it ruin our day.”

“A complete stranger walks up to you, asks you for your identity, then pretends not to know why they are asking and runs off is not nothing,” Evalynn stated. “That is very strange behavior, and it warrants extra caution.”

“Somebody asked who you were and ran away?” Gisley asked.

Jaina sighed and did her best to describe the brief encounter in exacting detail. Gisley agreed that was very strange and agreed to stay within hand-holding distance with Evalynn. The three entered the street and attempted to blend into the crowd while they made their way toward the Elvish district. Things seemed perfectly normal as players and NPCs walked by, oblivious to their passing. They relaxed and stopped by a fountain featuring three dancing girls holding hands.

“That could be us,” Jaina teased as Gisley splashed a hand in the water.

“Oh, it would be amazing to have a fountain of us in the city,” Gisley replied. “Could we ask Hannah?”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask,” Jaina agreed.

“I put a huge statue of your chest and head in your pond,” Evalynn said.

“Yeah, but almost nobody sees it,” Gisley said and pointed to the statues. “Everybody sees these.”

“Hey,” came a man's voice causing all three women to look up. It was a human with short blond hair and blue lines pained on only one side of his face. He looked to be a warrior of some kind, and he smiled as Evalynn prepared to send him away.

“You’re Jaina, right?” the man asked.

“Umm,” Jaina began and shot Evalynn a worried glance.

“Why do you want to know?” Evalynn asked as she put herself between the man and Jaina.

“I knew it was you,” the man replied. “You fit the description.”

“What description?” Evalynn demanded.

“Oh, umm, I can't remember where I saw it,” he began, stumbling on his words. Evalynn grabbed him by the collar and demanded to know why he was looking for Jaina. The man looked surprised and insisted he didn’t know. All he knew was he was supposed to find her.

“And do what?” Evalynn demanded.

“Evalynn, I don’t think he knows,” Jaina insisted as the man looked lost as to how to answer her.

“People don’t ask questions like that for no reason,” Evalynn insisted.

“This is scary,” Gisley said as she looked around. “Something is wrong.”

Evalynn let the man go when he insisted he didn't even know why he approached them. He looked confused, almost drugged, before wandering off and talking to himself.

“Maybe we should go home,” Jaina suggested.

“You two hold hands and walk in front of me,” Evalynn commanded. Jaina and Gisley linked hands and started to walk as Evalynn looked around, watching the crowds. One person asking funny questions and claiming not to know why was odd, but two were unnerving. Jaina didn't like that both people seemed interested in her alone but felt secure with Evalynn behind them. The elf woman was a walking tank, wearing heavy armor and carrying her spear. If trouble were to break out, Evalynn would face it head-on and keep the girls safe. Of course, if a fight did break out, the city's guard would come running, and they would recognize the girls as friends.

They walked on for ten more minutes, moving closer to the city park where Evalynn planned to use a hidden forest portal to take them back to the love wood. As they passed a row of tall buildings, somebody called from the shadows causing Evalynn to raise her guard.

“Evalynn!” the voice cried as a gray-skinned man stepped out of the shadows.

“Droslin?” Evalynn gasped. “Honey now is not a good time.”

“You three need to come with us,” he said as two other rogues came out of the shadows. “You need to get off the streets now.”

“What? Why? Jaina asked in alarm.

“We don't know,” A female rogue who went by the name of Faytal replied. “But three of our rogues are dead from mysterious causes, and people seem to be asking a lot of questions about Jaina.”

Evalynn nodded and ordered the girls into the alley as Droslin started to explain. A single rogue failed to report in, so Santos sent another to find him. The second one never returned, so he sent a third, and when that failed, he went himself with six others. He discovered that all three had died in fights they picked with other players. The city guard was on hand to prevent more battles, but nobody knew why the men had done such a thing.

“They just randomly picked fights with other players?” Evalynn asked.

“Not just other players but whole groups,” Droslin explained. “Fights they couldn't possibly win. Santos tracked one of the groups down, and they insisted the guy was talking crazy. He demanded they tell him where Jaina was but couldn't say why.”

“Now, this is a problem,” Jaina cried.

“We need to get to Rajeen’s as fast as possible,” Evalynn insisted.

“We can’t go anywhere near it,” Droslin interjected. “We quietly started to ask questions and stumbled on two more people looking for Jaina. None of them seem to know why they are looking for her, only that they are supposed to be. Both were outside the inn, and we noticed that at least a dozen others seemed to be watching it.”

“Some kind of mind control?” Evalynn asked as the rogues led them around a dark corner and deeper into the alley network.

“Santos is looking into it now,” Droslin replied. “We sent messengers to Roric and Frank to let them know something was happening. We are going to sneak you into the park and escort you back to your camp. Santos is trying to arrange extra guards from the city.”

“Who could mind controlling them?” Gisley asked. “And why can't they remember anything?”

“It’s almost as if the memory has been erased or blocked,” Evalynn suggested. “You didn’t get anything useful out of any of them?”

“Nothing,” Droslin admitted.

“One of them didn’t even remember his name,” Faytal added. “He looked confused as if somebody had told him to forget.”

“Oh, no,” Jaina groaned. “I think I know what this is.”

“Who?” Evalynn asked when something moved in the shadows. To their surprise, five of the city's goblin guards jumped out and pointed their swords at the group.

“Jaina comes with us,” one of them said.

“Not happening,” Evalynn growled. “What do you want with Jain anyway?” The goblins looked confused then the leader waved his sword and threatened to take her by force.

“They are under the influence of whatever is happening,” Droslin said as he drew two long daggers.

“Wait,” Jaina said as she stepped forward, using sultry steps to boost her power. She flashed a seductive smile and bent low so her chest hung in the goblin's face. With a smile, she stroked his hair and asked why they were bothering with her.

Once again, there seemed to be confusion on the part of the goblins, but the leader reached up to cradle one of Jaina's breasts as he smiled. “We don't remember,” he said as he played with her breast.

“Where were you going to take me?” Jaina asked, layering her powers over the hapless creatures.

“The park,” the goblin replied. “By the graveyard.”

“And you don't remember why?” Jaina pressed. “Did somebody ask you to take me there?”

“Yes,” the goblin said, pulling on her nipple with two fingers. “But I don't remember who. She said to forget it.”

“It’s Alexandria,” Jaina cried as she stood back, yanking her breast from the goblin’s hand. “Just as I suspected.”

“How can you be so sure?” Evalynn asked. “She was half the world away last time we saw her.”

“I don’t know she got here, but it’s her,” Jaina growled. “She’s using her deceptions to make them forget why they are helping her.”

“How could she have slipped into the city unnoticed?” Droslin asked.

“She didn’t,” Jaina argued. “One of your rogues spotted her and probably confronted her. She used her power to silence him and the two you sent looking for him.”

“This Alexandria is a mind control class?” Faytal asked.

“She's a deceiver,” Jaina replied. “She can make you want to help her and then make you forget why.”

“Or even that you talked to her,” Evalynn said. “But her power was never this strong. She’s affecting far too many people.”

“It’s probably only going to last an hour or two,” Jaina said. “Just long enough for her to locate where we are.”

“Then she's probably heard about the Love Wood already,” Evalynn argued as the goblin stepped forward to reacquire Jaina's breast.

“Oh, sometimes these powers are a curse,” Jaina grumbled and kneeled so he could get full hold of them.

“We don’t have time for you to entertain five goblins,” Droslin insisted.

“Oh, I'm not going to entertain them,” Jaina replied, looking at her green lover. “But we need another exit besides the park.”

“The park is huge,” Gisley reminded. “And they were going to take you to the graveyard side. Our portal is way on the other end.”

“We could risk it,” Evalynn said.

“Or we could go confront Alexandria,” Jaina suggested.

“No, I return you to Roric first,” Evalynn argued. “He can decide on that course of action if he wants.”

“Well then,” Jaina said as a second goblin joined in playing with her breasts. She sighed and looked to the guards and asked them sweetly to take her and her friends to the magical forest part of the park. They insisted she needed to go to the other end, but she promised to make love to them in the magical part first, then they could go to the graveyard side. The goblins looked almost dazed as her seductions conflicted with Alexandria's deceptions. They finally agreed and led the way, taking them out of the alley and into the streets. Jaina worried that more people would be coming, so she changed her appearance to look like a golden-skinned elf for extra protection. They were wary of every person on the street but not a soul paid them any heed. The goblins led the way but were preoccupied with an argument over who would have Jaina first.

“Do you plan to live up to that promise?” Evalynn asked.

“I was planning on giving them Gisley,” Jaina teased.

“I don’t mind,” Gisley giggled.

It took twenty long minutes to reach the edge of the park, and they were relieved to slip into the protective cover of the lush foliage. Ten minutes later, they reached the magical area that was an extension of Evalynn's forest. Here a small white oak tree grew beside a magical tree with pink leaves. One long branch reached over to the other tree creating the arch of the unseen magical door. The girls quickly slipped over, and so did the goblins, who then insisted on getting their reward.

“I suppose I am not getting out of this,” Jaina sighed as a cloud of silver glitter descended on the goblins, putting them all to sleep.

“We should hurry,” Gisley urged. “Roric is probably worried.”

Jaina smiled, and they ran off with the rogues as their escort. The forest was their home, and they quickly navigated to another hidden portal that took them to the gnoll fortress. They arrived to find a dozen extra guards at the portals, made up of tiger men and undead.

“Hannah is obviously aware of the situation,” Evalynn said as armor-plated zombies watched them pass.

“They are perfect for dealing with this situation,” Jaina said. “Undead are immune to mind control.”

“I wish I was,” Gisley said as they crossed a rope bridge to the main camp, where even more undead stood in packs of five or six. Roric's grand hall looked like a war camp with well over thirty guards made up of gnolls, tiger men, and undead knights.

“There you are,” Mirandi cried as the gnoll woman came running. “Your master is worried sick.”

Jaina smiled as the gnoll woman hugged her and escorted them into the grand hall, where everyone was gathered. Frank was in his ghoul form with Hannah at his side, their girls standing right behind him. They were debating the situation with Roric, Chandice, Rajeen, and Blackbast, who looked decidedly worried. Santos was between them going over what he had learned, but he was first to notice their arrival and pointed her out.

“Oh, thank goodness, she’s safe,” Rajeen cried.

“Jaina!” Roric called. “We were just about to come looking for you.”

“Evalynn had the situation in hand,” Jaina replied. “But the rogues found us and escorted us away.” She went to approach the group, but Roric held up a hand.

“Just stand right there,” he insisted as gnoll guards tensed.

“What's wrong?” Jaina asked as she was confused by the sudden hostility.

“Our foe can persuade people to their cause,” Rajeen replied. “We must test your group to ensure you aren't following orders.”

“Test us how?” Evalynn asked nervously.

“One moment,” Chandice said as she stepped out of the group. She lifted a wand and danced it in the air as everyone held their breaths. “I don't detect that any of them are under the influence of a deception.”

“Then we rescued her in time,” Rajeen agreed. “Now we are all safe.”

“So you know who it is, then?” Jaina asked.

“Alexandria,” Roric replied. “And we think we know where she is.”

“Well, we ran across some goblin guards under her influence, and they were supposed to take me to the graveyard in the city,” Jaina replied.

“That's where we suspect she is,” Hannah agreed. “Frank has used his interface to confirm there is somebody near the yard using magic to shield any useful information.”

“First Moon, now Alexandria,” Quinny said. “Why do some people never give up?”

“Profit,” Hannah groaned. “But the good thing is we know who is causing the trouble and where she is. We also have an edge in this situation that most people don't have.”

“What edge is that?” Evalynn asked as Hannah smiled.

“I am a Lilim, and my girls are succubi,” Hannah replied. “We are all immune to charm, mind control, and seductions. Some of her deceptions might work to misdirect us, but she can't make us forget we see her. I can also grant my protection to others and purge mind control effects. We can go after her whenever we want and not worry about her charms.”

“Good,” Jaina replied as a wicked smile spread over her face. “And I know exactly what to do with her.”

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