The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-136 Soothing Rain

It was still dark when Roric awoke and sat up to find Jaina and Evalynn in his arms. Gisley was curled in a ball at his feet, sleeping soundly as she played with people's dreams. Outside he heard the distant rumble of thunder and the patter of rain as it fell on the dark lodge. He found the sound soothing, closing his eyes to hug the women he called his slave girls.

He had to focus to keep his thoughts clear, as the previous day and night had been full of powerful changes. Not only had Frank brought his girls to the harem, but he all but demanded Roric make love to them. To prove his point, he insisted Roric take Heather that very night. So Gisley crafted a dream based around the sandy beach in the mountains, and in an intense moment of passion, he and Heather made love.

There was something magical about how timid she started and how hungry she finished, the sex growing more powerful with every thrust. By the time it was over, she was clinging to him for safety, her body given as a sex slave should. Jaina and the others had watched the powerful moment from the dream, sharing in every second as Heather was bred. Now he held his girls in his arms and wanted to cry for joy. No man was worthy of such love and compassion from so many wonderful women. Yet they gave him their power freely, eager to be known as his slaves. Would Heather be so willing to call him master? Would she be able to admit that she was his outside the dream? He put that thought away, focused on the two angels in his arms, and thanked whatever god made this possible.

“You have no idea how much I love you,” he whispered as Jaina opened her eyes and smiled.

“Yes, I do,” Jaina replied, reaching up to cradle his face. “You have done nothing but make every dream and fantasy I have come true. I love you, and I love being your slave girl.”

“Do you think she will love it too?” Roric asked.

“Heather made love to you like a wife,” Jaina said. “She just gave herself to you as completely as any woman could. She needs you to be strong now and take her by the hand to guide her deeper into this life.”

“Frank should do that,” Roric replied. “He is still her primary master and has taken her this far. He should be the one to share those experiences with her.”

“Alright,” Jaina agreed. “But you need to help him. He isn’t as wired for this as you are. You should explain to him how to keep pushing her boundaries and keeping that power flowing.”

“I will talk with Frank,” Roric replied. “But don’t forget, he goes to Blackbast for much of this.”

“Yes,” Jaina agreed. “I had no idea those two were talking about it. She must have been coaching and preparing him for weeks.”

“Did she ever say anything about it to you?” Roric asked.

“No, nothing,” Jaina replied as she thought back. “But we did witness her guidance firsthand when she brought their whole relationship out in the open.”

“With the ogre, Grumosh,” Roric said as he nodded in agreement. “That was particularly clever of her. She forced Frank to openly admit he loved them all and then fight for Breanne’s honor.”

“He was so romantic,” Jaina cooed. “Like a storybook hero.”

“It was a powerful moment,” Roric agreed. “But they were already playing at being his harem even before that. As I recall, Heather even got them to walk behind him like they were his girls.”

“They were his girls, and Heather was born to be the dominate woman in his harem,” Jaina said. “She was the one pushing for all this, even if she won't admit it. Deep down, she wanted them to form this family, and her willingness to embrace the others made it happen.”

“You are right,” Roric agreed again. “And now they are part of our harem.”

“Speaking of which,” Jaina said with a playful smile. “I love this idea of making the harem some great reward for truly noble deeds. Does this mean you will add more masters if they prove themselves worthy?”

“I suppose we will,” Roric agreed. “But only if they do something truly spectacular, and all current members agree on their inclusion.”

“A brotherhood of harem masters to protect the girls from any and all danger,” Jaina said. “Now that is worthy of a novel or two.”

“Nobody would write a novel about this stuff,” Roric joked. “This is the stuff of fan fiction at best.”

“There has to be a source for there to be fan fiction,” Jaina teased, running a hand down his stomach to the sheath at his waist. She began to play with the folds as she remembered Heather's trembling hand touching Roric for the first time. “She was so scared.”

“I nearly called it off,” Roric said. “I didn’t want it to happen if she was that upset about it.”

“But she pulled herself together and did what she was told,” Jaina replied as his cock slid from the sheath, hardening in her hand. “She enjoyed licking your cock.” Jaina slid down his body so her lips could reach the hardening flesh in her hand. She reached out with a wet tongue and began to lick his cock as she had just seen Heather do.

Roric let out a low groan, cradling the sleeping Evalynn tighter as Jaina caressed his cock with her lips. She went slow and tender as Heather had done, driving him wild as he waited for her to go further. Jaina took her time, keeping him on edge as she worked her way to the tip, then recreated her favorite moment from the dream. Heather had sucked the tip while looking directly into Rorics eyes with a pleading expression. Jaina rolled her tongue over the tip of his cock as he realized what she was doing.

“You’re a bad girl,” Roric said. “Haven’t I suffered enough tonight?”

Jaina stroked his cock as she pulled her lips away, smiling as she remembered. “I loved that look she gave you,” Jaina said. “To think sweet Heather looking so sad and innocent while she tormented you with the most passionate blowjob in history.”

“It was amazing,” Roric agreed. “She’s very good at it.”

“It’s all that ghoul cock she’s been sucking,” Jaina said with a smile.

“Don't make it sound so crude,” Roric replied. “She approached our lovemaking with a sweet passion I will always treasure.”

“Aww,” Jaina cooed. “I didn’t mean to tarnish what she did. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Gisley even cried as she watched it.”

“It was very tender,” Evalynn said as she shifted in his arms, announcing that she was awake. “Heather is a passionate lover.”

“And now she’s ours,” Jaina whispered.

“At least for a few more hours,” Evalynn replied as thunder rolled outside, echoing her worry.

The group went silent and listened to the storm as Gisley yawned and lifted her sleepy head.

“I thought you were all awake,” Gisley said. “I couldn’t find any of you in dreams.”

“And where were you, little fairy?” Jaina asked. “Shouldn't you have been the first one awake?”

Gisley smiled and admitted she had been making love to Frank. She crawled up the bed when she saw Roric's cock in Jaina's hand and, without a word, pressed her lips around it and sucked.

“See, she knows how to get to it,” Roric said as she glared at Jaina.

“I didn’t see you complaining when Heather teased you,” Jaina balked as Gisley sucked while Jaina continued to stroke.

Roric smiled and lay back, allowing Evalynn to rub his chest while Gisley worked her magic. He took a deep breath and wondered how his life could be so magical. He was surrounded by women who loved him and were not shy about showing affection. It made every moment of his life a new experience, and he was grateful.

“It’s really raining,” Jaina said as she continued to stroke his cock.

“It's peaceful,” Evalynn sighed and caressed the back of Gisley's head as she bobbed. “A soothing rain to wash away the pains of the past.”

“A lot of people don’t find the rain soothing,” Jaina said. “But I grew up on a farm and remember sitting on the porch as it rained. The sound would drown out the world, and I could imagine I was somebody else for a little bit.”

“Jaina,” Evalynn said with a hint of concern. “You never talked about your childhood before. Was it upsetting?”

“It had its good moments,” Jaina sighed. “But like all childhoods, there are moments I wish I could change. Still, I don't regret my childhood because it shaped me into the woman you see now, and this life is a dream come true.”

Roric nodded in agreement as Gisley's tender lips slid along his cock. He could feel her tongue swirling around as her slave collar enhanced her oral skills. Every touch was extremely pleasurable, and Gisely knew how to please him.

“Gisley, use your prolong skill,” Roric instructed. “I want to lay here listening to the storm while you suck my cock for hours.”

“Oh, lucky girl,” Jaina pouted as Gisley got the honor of being the one to pleasure him.

“This life is so hard to imagine,” Evalynn said as she used her fingers to delicately play with one of Gisley's antennae. “I sit here living it and still can't believe it exists.”

“I can’t believe that Breanne, Quinny, and Umtha are our sisters,” Jaina said.

“What about Heather?” Roric asked and looked up to see Jaina smile.

“She was always ours,” Jaina said. “It just took her a little while to realize it. The others were waiting for her to find her way, so now we have them all.”

“I am very impressed with Frank,” Roric said. “And Blackbast, for that matter. She gave him some very grounded, solid advice. She truly understands her craft.”

“Hmm,” Jaina agreed as she stroked his cock now growing wet with Gisley's saliva. Jaina admired how eager the little fairy was to please and how readily she took commands. Would Heather be so eager one day? Would she be like Gisley, sucking a cock just because it was readily to hand?

Roric took a deep breath as he stared at the ceiling of his rustic lodge. His room was made of thick oaken timbers with a slate roof that rose to a peak in the center. The rain echoed from those stones, filling the dark room with a constant patter. Lightning flashed in the window, but the thunder followed well after, rolling gently as the storm went on.

“So we need a name for your knightly order,” Jaina said. “How about the emerald guard?”

“Is emerald a play on the green all over the inn?” Roric asked.

“Well, the jade guard didn't sound as fancy,” Jaina explained.

“Can only masters be the protectors of this harem?” Evalynn asked. “I love being the one you entrust with protecting the girls.”

“Hmm,” Roric replied as he gave the matter some thought. “I think the core brotherhood has to be the masters, but maybe we can form a supporting arm of battle sisters.”

“You are full of good ideas today,” Jaina said.

“The order was Frank's idea,” Roric reminded. “He truly has embraced his life as a slave master.”

“But he won’t take the evolution that would give him a collar,” Evalynn pointed out.

“It's how the collar works that bothers him,” Jaina said. “His slaves are basically healing potions. He can drain them like he was using his ghoul touch on them and sacrifice them for huge buffs.”

“Oh, I see why he might not like that,” Evalynn agreed.

“And anyone in his collar would become undead,” Roric pointed out. “He doesn’t seem to want that for Heather.”

“Which is odd, considering Breanne and Quinny are both undead,” Jaina said.

“They are succubi now,” Evalynn reminded. “They never take those collars off, and Heather has boosted the skill so high the succubus transformation is essentially permanent.”

“She has an unusually high amount of points,” Jaina agreed. “I don’t recall what the classes said a chosen gets.”

“Five per level per class,” Roric said.

“So she has what, five classes all above fifty?” Jaina questioned.

“So she has well over a thousand points to spend,” Evalynn said after some quick math.

“So Frank will never become a true slave master,” Roric said as he looked down his chest to see Gisley’s bright crystal eyes looking back.

“Well, there is another way,” Jaina said, running a hand over her stomach. “Heather could get a womb tattoo for him so he could be elevated to a chosen.”

Roric recoiled from that idea and shook his head. He explained that Frank would never agree to let Heather be marked and bound to sexual curses for his own gain.

“It isn't his choice,” Jaina insisted. “I am sorry; I know you boys are our masters, but this is something we slaves should have the final say in. If we want to make the sacrifice for our masters, then you should welcome that.”

Roric rolled his eyes and reached up to stroke her cheek before telling her he was grateful for what she did for him. However, Jaina was a very different person who relished these sorts of things as a challenge.

“I wouldn’t allow you to do it,” he said, looking at Evalynn. “You like to be a warrior as well as a slave girl, and a tattoo might put handicaps on you that you would regret.”

“I would still do it if you ordered me to,” Evalynn insisted.

“I know,” Roric said. “But I have no need of you making that sacrifice.”

“But Frank does,” Jaina insisted. “If his slave master class is too restrictive, then the womb tattoo is the best option. Whatever restrictions she gives Heather, we can help her through.”

“You got lucky,” Roric said with a pointed finger. “You can only orgasm if a loved one is watching. You were almost locked out of being able to enjoy playing in the forest unless somebody went with you. Thankfully the dragon seems to love you, and he's always watching.”

“Even now, I am sure,” Jaina said with a smile. “But what would it hurt to find out the terms? For all we know, they will be easy to manage.”

“We would have to go all the way back to the far north,” Roric replied. “And find the cave again. I don’t know that any of us wants to make that journey.”

“Well, that should be Heather's choice,” Jaina argued. “Or one of the others, for that matter. Honestly, Quinny strikes me as a girl who would love a sexy challenge like that.”

“She is rather fond of sex,” Evalynn agreed. “Breanne told me she can eat a pussy for hours.”

“Hmmm,” Jaina groaned. “Now I wish she were here.”

“I suppose those nights will come,” Evalynn said. “When one or more of us is with the other master. Quinny could be here in bed with you while I am with Breanne beside Frank.”

“You really love Breanne, don’t you?” Roric asked. “You mention her all the time.”

“I am attracted to elven women, but Breanne has other qualities I admire. She is free with her love and has a mature look on things,” Evalynn said. “She and I are so alike, and we find our roles are the same in each family. She was the one Frank picked to protect Heather when he loaned her to us. I suppose I feel like she and I are partners in protecting the more delicate girls.”

“Yep, you’re going to have to start that order of battle, sisters,” Jaina said as she finally let go of his cock to cradle his balls.

Roric groaned as Jaina gently played with his tenderest of places, using her skills to pleasure him. Jaina went back to names throwing out a few more. She suggested the knights of the pink rose and the order of jade masters. Roric wasn't sure he liked any of the suggestions, but the girls started to debate what the battle sisters could be called.

“How about the order of white lace?” Evalynn suggested.

“It's kinda interesting,” Jaina agreed. “But it sort of implies your wives.”

“We are in many ways, Evalynn said. “Hmm, how about the collared sisters.”

“I kind of like that one,” Roric said. “Or maybe the sisters of the collar.”

“It all feels like it’s close to a good name but not quite right,” Jaina said.

Roric felt the same way and let a few names run through his mind as another roll of thunder echoed outside. He realized that this whole conversation was a nervous way to take their mind off what would happen later that day. Gwen expected the local rulers to arrive sometime around noon, and the risky plan would be put into motion. Heather had called them all into a meeting where Alexandria and Zillix were present. She then explained her very crazy and risky plan that involved marrying Alexandria and the dragon. Gwen had been warned in advance, and the chapel was ready, but in a grand show of her place, Heather refused to do it without Roric's permission. It was the first true moment where she acknowledged him as her master, and he was honored by the moment. He granted permission, as did Rajeen and Blackbast, so an hour later, the three were married, and they nervously began to wait.

“Do any of you dislike the fact that Heather married Alexandria?” Roric asked. He watched their expressions as Jaina and Evalynn exchanged glances. He wondered if that would touch a nerve considering how angry the two were with Alexandria.

“I don’t like it,” Jaina admitted. “But I understand why it had to happen.”

“This essence power that Heather has,” Evalynn began. “Breanne said it gave Heather the strength to defeat a major demon. I don't understand why it would transfer to a spouse when she marries, though.”

Roric didn't understand that either, but Frank and Umtha claimed that they had the power as a result of their marriage. Sure enough, after Alexandria and Zillix married Heather, they, too, had the mysterious power bar. He recalled the weeks spent in the training centers preparing to enter New Eden. He didn't recall any of this being discussed in the marriage class or that there was any way to do such a thing at all.

“So, now that Alexandria has access to the essence pool, she can use it to boost the level and strength of any of her powers?” Jaina asked.

“That’s how Heather explained it,” Roric replied. “Let’s hope it’s enough to fool the rulers.”

“Do you think there is any danger in using it?” Jaina asked. “Heather said that once somebody starts using it, they black out the moment they stop.”

“And the more power they used, the longer they stayed out,” Roric finished. “Frank was out for over thirty hours when he accidentally tapped the power.”

“Chandice wants to study the effects,” Evalynn added. “She thinks it might give us some insight into what's happening.”

“I dread Chandice and Heather forming an alliance,” Jaina laughed. “The two brilliant blonds working on the same project is a frightening proposition.”

“Why isn’t Chandice with us now?” Evalynn asked. “She’s been spending a lot of time away.”

“She's trying to make our wedding special,” Roric replied as he remembered the conversation. Chandice wanted to back away from daily sex so their wedding night could be more special. In his estimation, it was a silly gesture, but it meant a lot to her, so he agreed. Now she slept in a room in the inn while she and Rajeen planned the simple wedding that was less than a week away. He looked forward to seeing Chandice in white lace, her beautiful eyes meeting his as he took her to be his wife. She wouldn't be a part of the harem, so she wouldn't be shared with Frank, but then Chandice never wanted to be a slave girl. She dabbled with the collar a little, but she liked being the one holding the leash.

“Oh, you know what would be a great wedding gift for Chandice?” Jaina said excitedly.

“No, what?” Evalynn asked.

“Heather,” Jaina said. “Chandice would love having that body to punish for a week.”

Roric smiled and closed his eyes to focus on the tormenting pleasure of his cock. Jaina and Evalynn continued to talk about tying Heather up with ribbons and presenting her to Chandice with a paddle and whip. They laughed at Heather getting a good firm spanking right before Chandice and Roric made love. He found it hard to concentrate on the conversation as Gisley worked hard to keep his cock sated. She had him right at the edge minutes ago, but her prostitute powers allowed her to prolong the moment. Now he hovered at the edge as every pass of her lips was mind-numbing torture, and he started to moan uncontrollably.

“Somebody isn’t going to make it until the storm is over,” Jaina teased as she fondled his balls. “I bet he orders her to finish him any second now.”

“Unlike you, I have self-control,” Roric countered to be smart.

“Oh, is that so,” Jaina laughed. “Well, I say you can’t last the storm. Not with the hot fairy prostitute sucking you off. In fact, I know you can't. You're a boy, and no boy can hold out very long against a good blow job.”

Roric took that as a personal challenge and made up his mind to endure it. Gisley didn't care as her lavender hair fell about his waist while her head bobbed. She made little moaning noises as her tongue continued to tease his tender flesh. Roric dug in, determined to last the storm, but for all he knew, that was hours away. The confrontation with the nearby rulers might happen before the storm ended, and he would have to relent. Gisley would keep up her pace the whole time, enjoying it as a little game, but he would be out of his mind by then, unable to think straight.

“Ready to give up?” Jaina asked with a smile. Her hand melted as she used her mimic powers, fully encasing his balls in a fluid mass that rolled and writhed. He found the sensation maddening as she stimulated the entire surface at once.

“All you have to do is tell her to let you cum,” Jaina pressed.

Roric's hands clenched the blankets tightly as Evalynn ran her hands over his chest. She used her nails to tease his skin as he breathed deeply. The pleasure going on between his legs seemed impossible to endure. He felt like his body was well overdue to cum, and yet Gisley prevented it, her power keeping him in limbo.

Minutes ticked by as Roric began to thrash, groaning with every pass of those silken lips. Gisley was sucking at him with a gentle caress while Evalynn reached in to caress his knot. Now all three girls were at his cock, each teasing him in their own way. He threw his head back, praying for the rain to stop, but distant thunder told him that it was a long time away.

“Oh, this is fun,” Jaina said with a smile. “But you need to hurry up and cum so I can see how Heather is doing. I want to ask her if she wants me to stand at her side today.”

Roric refused her blackmail and grit his teeth, his moans becoming low growls as the girls continued to tease him. He fought against the urge to move as Gisley applied another of her abilities, making her tongue electric on his skin. Everywhere it passed felt amazing, and his body screamed to be allowed to release when she teased the tip.

“Oh, you poor boy,” Jaina cooed. “Aren’t you just dying to cum?”

“I refuse to give you the satisfaction,” Roric countered between groans. He found himself working his hips, trying to force his orgasm. Jaina noticed the futile effort and laughed at him. He knew it was pointless to try and force it, but his cock was so sensitive that he couldn't resist it. She kept right on thrusting even as Jaina and Evalynn continued to laugh. It drove him wild to know that no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't cum until Gisley allowed it. All he had to do was tell her, and he could have it, but then Jaina would win.

“Now you're just being stubborn,” Jaina said when a few minutes had passed, and Roric was twitching. “Just tell her to let you cum.”

“No, I am proving I have self-control,” he insisted.

“This isn't self-control,” Jaina laughed. “If this were, you wouldn't need her to prolong it. You would be able to keep from cumming all by yourself. You want to prove you have self-control. Tell her to let go of her prolong and see how long you last.”

Roric realized she was right, but he was terrified to tell Gisley to let go. Every pass of her lips was like heaven, his orgasm about to break loose with each caress. Still, Jaina was right; if he didn't tell her to end the prolong, he would only be proving it. With a stuttering voice, he told Gisley to let go and threw his head back as his cock throbbed in her mouth, the orgasm mind-melting.

“Almost a full second,” Jaina said, now pleased with herself. Gisley continued to suck, gathering up every drop she could. She then pulled away and sat up, smiling with pressed lips. “Don't you swallow that,” Jaina cautioned and moved around the bed. She took Gisley by the cheeks and leaned in for a kiss, their tongues dancing in Roric's gift.

Roric lay back panting as his cock continued to throb with passion, unable to calm. He felt Evalynn's soothing hands on his chest, working her fingers through his fur to help him relax.

“Too bad,” Evalynn said with a smile. “I wanted to see you twist like that for another two hours.”

Jaina and Gisley giggled, ending their kiss when they couldn't maintain the seal. Both women swallowed them and smiled at one another before climbing over Roric, who was exhausted.

“Well, you gave it a good run,” Jaina said as she lay her head on his shoulder.

“You're all bad slave girls,” Roric sighed. “But Heather is probably awake. If you want to stand by her side, you have my permission to ask her. Jaina kissed his cheek and hurried away as Gisley to her place at his side. He lay there with his beauties in his arms, wondering how life could get any better.

“We should do this every time it rains,” Gisley suggested.

“Absolutely,” Evalynn agreed.

“You’re both going into a year of chastity if you do that to me again,” Roric cautioned.

“Are you sure?” Gisley teased and ran a finger up his chest. “Because then all I would be able to do is suck your cock, day, after day, after day.

Roric groaned, covering his eyes as they laughed. Maybe this wasn't such a good life. Maybe, just maybe, he was the one who needed to be in chastity.

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