The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-137 A lie to set you free.

“I am so nervous,” Gisley said as she struggled to remain calm. Roric took her hand to reassure her as Jaina and Evalynn tried to remain calm. Chandice stood angrily behind Roric, having argued for hours that they had no right to interrogate Heather. Blackbast was on hand, her eyes shooting daggers as she studied the faces of the people who now entered the room. Legeis was present, as were a few goblin engineers whispering to one another about what was taking place. Santos and his rogues were dressed like nomad kings, their angry faces showing disdain for what was happening.

They stood in a grand hall decorated in resplendent finery as dozens of men and women from as many races took their seats in rows behind a stout table. They were the kings and queens of nearby lands who represented the lords of the South. They weren't a unified organization, but they still acted in accordance with the wishes of the North. They had come to put Hannah in the spotlight and demand the truth about her lies and current status.

Gwen looked ready to strike them dead as they sat and whispered about the coming event. She held her poise, refusing to look anxious or let them see her fret. Instead, she projected an air of danger that suggested they were trying her patience.

“Where is Hannah?” Evalynn whispered as the invading nobility took their places like a tribunal at a witch burning.

“I don’t know,” Jaina replied. “She should have arrived with Rajeen and the others.”

“You don’t think she ran?” Quinny asked.

“She didn’t run,” Roric stated as a matter of fact. “You remember what Quinny said about her. Hannah doesn’t know how to run.”

“Maybe she had better learn,” Jaina said as she looked over the powerful lords and ladies. “I had no idea it was going to be so many.”

“Do you think it was wise to push her so far last night?” Evalynn asked.

Roric let out a sigh as he considered her question. Last night he and Frank had an honest discussion about the role his girls would play in the harem. Most important if they would be available to Roric to serve as sex slaves. To his surprise, Frank had already given the idea a great deal of thought and sought council from Blackbast. She had been coaching him for weeks, making him ready for this moment, and when it came, he encouraged Roric to claim them.

So last night, he met Heather in a dream, and on the shores of a sandy beach, they made love for the first time. It had been an intensely powerful moment he would relish for the rest of his days. Their lovemaking had been so powerful that it brought Gisley to tears. She said it had been the most beautiful lovemaking she had ever seen. Jaina, Evalynn, and Rajeen witnessed it as well, as Heather well and truly became his slave girl. Heather was timid at first, but she insisted she wanted to go through with it and managed to make love like an angel. She collapsed to his chest afterward, clinging to him tightly for protection. He held her for nearly an hour as she slipped into a sleep inside the dream, and Gisley gently deposited her in a happy dream where she played with a kitten. Now the dream was gone, and they nervously awaited her arrival at what promised to be a tense interrogation.

“I think the dream did her a lot of good,” Jaina said. “She looked so at peace once you two had finished the task. I bet she woke up feeling amazing.”

Roric sincerely hoped that were true, but her absence put him on edge. What if Heather woke up full of regret and now didn't want to face him? The delay was noted by the lords, who seemed to be growing more tense by the minute. A man with dark red skin and a powerful frame stood before the gathered assembly and looked each person in the eye. Roric met his gaze with a determined stare as the man searched the room.

“And where is the necromancer?” he demanded, turning to Gwen, who frowned at his proclamation of guilt.

“She is not a necromancer,” Gwen spat. “And she will be here soon.”

“Or perhaps you are trying to delay us,” A woman with long silver-gray hair said as she glowed with a soft light. “Is she running from her fate while you attempt to stall us?”

“Do not trifle with me or think you can intimidate me with numbers,” Gwen snarled. “I have allowed this farce if only to prove to you how foolish you all are.”

“Foolish?” the red-skinned man asked. “We sent a small group to learn the truth, and they returned satisfied. Then your so-called daughter publicly announces that she was indeed the necromancer everyone was looking for. Her proclamation proves that she lied to our emissaries and concealed that she was chosen. Now you want us to believe you and her wouldn't stoop to even greater treachery?”

“She was no longer a necromancer when you interrogated her, and what business is it of yours if she is chosen?” Gwen demanded.

“You know the laws,” the man stated. “We either cooperate, or Kevin comes down on our heads.”

“Or you could stand together as one against him,” Gwen countered. “But of course, none of you can be trusted not to betray one another. Only fear keeps you in line.”

“Careful what you say,” the man growled. “Or your kingdom heart might go missing again.”

“Lord Arion,” Gwen said in a tone that dripped with resentment. “If anything happens to my stone again, I will vent all of my frustration on your kingdom.”

“You would be destroyed,” Lord Arion snapped as his eyes smoldered with red light.

“Be at ease,” the silver hair woman said as she stepped between them. “Gwen is trying to stall us, and your anger is an easy way to play for time. I suspect I am right; her daughter is fleeing as we speak.”

Jaina was sure things were about to come to blows when the door opened, and in stepped Heather, dressed in royal blue with white lace and silver jewelry. She was embellished with treasures and looked like a queen in her own right as she boldly strode into the room. The two speakers shared a glance and then turned their angry eyes on the new woman as Gwen announced that this was her daughter, Princess Hannah.

Frank went right to her side, whispering in her ear as he led her to a small rug placed in the center of the room where a single chair rested. It was a critical part of the plan that Heather be in this exact spot, as Gwen had a magical mirror set to monitor it. In an adjacent room, Alexandria and Zillix waited for their moments, ready to draw on Heather's odd power pool. Webster was in the room so he could communicate with Heather, and Idris was on hand to comfort Zillix. Now the stage was set, and the plan was put in motion as Heather took her seat while Gwen mocked them for accusing her of trying to delay them.

It began with a bold statement from Lord Arion, who stepped forward with his eyes still burning. He demanded they establish that this was truly Hannah, as Gwen's kingdom was full of shapeshifters.

“You have brought your stone, so ask her yourself,” Gwen hissed. “But I warn you, she is my daughter, and I will not tolerate insults.”

“We know of your mad rage,” a woman with long silver hair said from the back. “Be careful, Gwen; you are not the only one who can boast such levels.”

Jaina wondered if Gwen and this woman were going to survive the trial as they seemed set to tear each other apart. She wondered what must have happened between these women in the past to set them on such a hostile footing. Lady Galeen floated into the air with the grace of an angel and landed right before Heather. She held her hand to reveal a small blue stone before asking Heather if she knew what it was.

Heather identified it as a truth stone, and the woman then asked her to identify herself for the group. She warned Heather that she was extremely high level and any attempt to lie would cause them to assume she was guilty. All of Heather's loved ones held their breath as Heather boldly stated her answer, speaking with great conviction from her heart.

“I am Heather, also known as Princess Hannah, daughter of Queen Gwen. I am the wife of Frank and the slave of Lady Rajeen, Lady Blackbast, and Lord Roric.”

Heather hadn't lied, so the stone glowed a soft blue, but murmurs circled the room as Jaina heard Roric gasp. She turned to see him stunned by Heather's comments as his eyes looked wet. Beside him, Rajeen and Blackbast hugged, their emotions running high. Jaina understood what had affected them, so, as Hannah boldly told the most powerful people in the South, she was a slave girl and named her masters proudly.

Jaina took his hand as he carefully took a deep breath, trying to settle himself as his emotions ran high.

“You all should be proud,” Jaina whispered to the three masters. “She loves you all.”

“I can’t believe she was willing to tell them she was our slave girl,” Blackbast whispered back.

“I have never been more honored in my life,” Roric said. “I wish I could hug her.”

“She has proven her commitment to this life,” Rajeen added. “We should stop treating her so carefully. From now on, she is a slave girl.”

“Agreed,” Roric replied and looked at Blackbast. “You have worked a miracle.”

“I only encouraged what was already there,” Blackbast said. “And I did with love, patience, and compassion.”

Jaina suspected it was more than that, as the shrewd cat woman had carefully drawn Frank's emotions out while ensnaring the girls. It was thanks to her they formed a harem in the first place, and her careful coaching and teaching of Frank led to his adding them to Rajeen's group.

Lord Arion declared Heather to be the woman they had come to question and moved on with his interrogation. First, he accused her of lying to the previous tribunal and concealing her being chosen. He outright declared that she had done it to hide the fact she was a necromancer and was responsible for goblin attacks in the north. He then demanded she defend her actions, all but stating she was guilty.

Jaina could see Heather was stressed as her eyes fixated on the truth stone. She squeezed Rorics hand as the moment came when Heather would have to lie to keep her secrets. Heather stated she lied because she was afraid and didn't think they would believe she had reset. Nobody moved or breathed a word as they watched Lady Galeen's hand to see the truth stone glow blue.

“It’s working,” Evalynn whispered. “By the gods, she’s brilliant.”

“She might even be able to give Chandice a run for her money,” Jaina added, drawing a smile from Chandice.

Lord Arion paced before her like a lawyer questioning a suspect. He demanded she admit she was chosen, and Heather agreed with a bowed head as if upset. Jaina hated to see her bowing to these fools, but Heather had to play the game. Right now, she had to get through the questions as fast as possible while only telling lies when absolutely necessary.

They demanded to see the method she used to access her panel, and Heather pointed to a flower tattoo on her wrist. A member of the gathered lords stood up to announce that he had been part of the previous interrogation, and during that encounter, Heather had no tattoo.

They all knew the story of how Heather and Frank had switched bodies, but now Heather explained it to her interrogators, causing Lord Arion to frown when the truth stone glowed blue.

“So far, so good,” Evalynn said.

“They need to go faster,” Chandice whispered. “Right now, Alexandria is channeling that power, burning herself up from the inside out. Heather only has seconds to get this over with before she blacks out.”

“Please, ask your questions and move on,” Jaina pleaded under her breath as she tried not to fidget.

They moved on to asking Heather if she understood how serious this matter was. He accused her of intentionally deceiving the previous group to hide her lies. Heather repeated her earlier story that she was afraid and didn't understand why people were after her. She reminded them she was chosen and didn't want to be in New Eden in the first place. She freely admitted that she knew nothing about video games, fantasy worlds, or the pointless politics at work. She then stated that she didn't even understand why she had to answer them. She boldly challenged them, demanding to know why they thought they could condemn her when the visitors thought she was special enough to choose her.

“Careful,” Lady Galeen warned. “You have no idea what danger you are flirting with.”

“She’s answered your questions,” Gwen stated. “Let’s get this farce over with.”

“Gwen, Gwen,” the silver-haired woman said as she turned her gaze to Heather’s mother. “With a temper like that, is it any wonder why we all left you to rot in your grave?”

“You dare,” Gwen snarled.

“Leave my mother alone,” Heather demanded and glared down the woman. “You came here for your proof, so let’s get it over with. We all know what will settle this matter.”

“So bold,” the woman replied. “Are you hoping to convince us by being so brave? Maybe we will think you must have reset because you are so willing to show your character sheet. Why would we even need to look when you are so obviously innocent.”

“I have nothing to hide,” Heather replied, holding out her arm.

“She’s smart,” Chandice whispered. “She just challenged them to skip their questions and go right to her character sheet.”

“Heather is the smartest person I have ever known,” Quinny replied.

“Gwen and Heather are playing off each other,” Blackbast whispered. “Look closely. It is a carefully orchestrated game to divert some of their attention off Heather.”

“So she can keep them from digging too deeply,” Chandice agreed.

“Exactly,” Blackbast replied. “If Gwen can make them angry enough, they may skip right to the character sheet just to shut her up.”

“Who taught them to be so sneaky?” Jaina asked as she looked at Blackbast. “I only know one person who is so skilled at manipulating situations.”

“I am just an observer,” Blackbast said, but her smile betrayed her innocence.

Lady Galeen locked eyes with Heather as if she had dozens more questions to ask and wouldn't be rushed. However, she blinked and relented, suggesting they see the truth once and for all.

“And now the plan shifts to Zillix,” Roric said. “We have no idea if he’s up to this.”

“Heather practiced this with him for hours yesterday,” Rajeen said. “She was convinced his illusion was perfect.”

“But he has to place it perfectly over her arm the moment she pretends to activate it,” Roric said. “And from another room while looking through a magic mirror.”

“We must have faith in his abilities,” Rajeen assured him as she stood closer. “For all our sakes.”

Jaina wanted to explode as Heather gestured over the tattoo, the signal that was supposed to open the panel. She flinched when it came to life, floating exactly where it should be, just above Heather's arm. A dozen kings and Queens got up to see it for themselves as Lady Galeen studied it.

Jaina heard Gisley mutter a prayer, begging for the trick to work. Jaina, too, silently prayed as over a dozen people scrutinized the illusion, all determined to prove Heather was lying.

“Lillim, Flower singer, recluse,” the silver-haired woman read off as her gaze shifted to Heather. “And a sex slave.”

Jaina didn't miss the mocking expression and tone of disgust as the woman read that last part. She was clearly disturbed by Heather's willingness to embrace being a slave, especially to a man like Roric. Then for some reason, the woman smiled as if she had had a wonderful idea, but the other lord began to grumble. There were shouts, insults, and exasperated expressions as Heather proved she had told the truth. Now they had no reason to continue this game, but then Lady Galeen spoke.

“I believe we have one final question to ask,” she asked.

The room went silent as Lady Galeen smiled triumphantly and turned to lord Arion.

“She can't ask a question now?” Gisley said. “Alexandria is sure to be unconscious.”

“Then we have failed,” Rajeen said.

“Maybe she can dodge it,” Jaina offered, but none of them could rest until they heard the question.

“My daughter has proven her innocence,” Gwen barked. “You have no need of further questions.”

“Is that so?” Lady Galeen intoned. “Then perhaps you can explain one inconsistency in her story? She says her husband reset her after the failed attempt on her capture in the South. We can verify that she was killed on the road, but we can also verify that a necromancer came here shortly after. So if she wasn't a necromancer any longer, then perhaps she knows who the necromancer is? After all, they were both on the same road at the same time.”

“She can’t lie and say she doesn’t know,” Gisley gasped.

“And if she tells the truth and says she does know, they will demand to know who it is,” Evalynn said nervously.

“Common, Heather,” Jaina whispered, praying for a miracle. Heather went silent as she froze under Lady Galeen's widening smile. The woman obviously thought she had her trapped, and Heather finally broke down and said she didn't know.

Lady Galeen opened her palm to reveal a bright red stone to the shocked gasps of the gathered crowd.

“She's lying!” Lord Arion shouted. “She knows this necromancer!”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Lady Galeen said sweetly. “Trying to hide a necromancer is almost as bad as being one. I am afraid you are going to tell us who this necromancer is and where they can be found, or you will pay the price for conspiring to hide an enemy of the server.”

“Oh, no,” Jaina said as her heart sank. Heather had been caught with no way out, and anything she said would be proven a lie. The only way to tell the truth was to admit she was the necromancer and had been deceiving them all along.

A loud thump of doors flying open broke the moment of tension as Idris stormed into the room. She was dressed in black with skull motifs over chains and spikes. A dead silence fell on the gathered assembly as she walked directly to Heather to stand beside her.

“Who is this?” Lord Arion demanded as his blazing eyes narrowed on Idris. Jaina could see Idris was shaking as Lady Galeen drew attention to the woman’s outfit and announced they had found their necromancer.

Now the room filled with accusations as Lord Arion announced they would all be charged with trying to conceal a necromancer. He made a special point of telling Gwen she would lose her kingdom for her treachery, and Gwen dared him to try and take it. People stood as if the battle were about to happen right there in the meeting room when Idris shouted.

“I am not a necromancer!” she screamed loud enough to be heard. She then stated her name and class, telling them she was a priestess of death. She then called on her power, summoning a ghoul before their eyes. She added a few zombies for good measure to ensure they understood she could command the undead.

“What is she doing?” Gisley asked.

“She is showing them she could be the necromancer,” Roric whispered. As if she had heard him, Idris explained that she was often mistaken for a necromancer because of her class. She then weaved a story of how she and Heather had met on the south road while they both fled persecution. They formed a friendship, and Heather was only lying to try to protect her.

To the group's amazement, the stone glowed blue as the lords looked on.

“But she’s lying,” Evalynn whispered.

“She's found another way to hide it,” Rajeen said. “Something we didn't think of.”

They demanded to see her character sheet, and Idris complied, showing them she was not a necromancer. Lady Galeen studied it for the group as her smile finally faded, becoming one of disgust instead.

“She’s a priestess of death,” she spat.

“That’s just as bad as a necromancer,” another called out.

“It may be, but it’s legal,” Lady Galeen replied and shot Idris a hateful glare. “Put your sheet away and step back, girl.”

Jaina was sure that if she could pee, she would be standing in a puddle of it right now. How had they escaped so terrible a trap? How had Idris managed to fool the stone without Alexandria? Perhaps the woman hadn't collapsed yet, but if that was the case, why hadn't she hidden Heather's lie?

Gwen took charge, demanding to know if they had anything more to waste their time with.

Lord Arion relented and even bowed slightly to Heather before announcing they were satisfied. Then the lords and ladies began to shuffle out of the room, but not before Lady Galeen smiled at Heather once more. Jaina couldn't help but think that smile meant something unpleasant, but Galeen left, and the door closed behind her.

Rajeen silently padded across the room and put a firm hand on Heather's shoulder, and only then did Jaina notice how badly the woman was trembling.

“You may breathe now,” Rajeen said. “You did well.”

Heather turned to face them with tears as Frank swept her into a hug, promising her it was over. Jaina couldn't contain herself and ran across the room, throwing her arms around Heather in a show of support. The others quickly joined her as Heather sobbed, her resolve finally breaking. She was allowed a moment to recover as the group parted to allow Queen Gwen to take her hand.

“My daughter, you did it,” Gwen said with a pleased smile. “But whatever possessed you to publicly announce to all the world that you were a slave girl?”

Jaina saw Heather look about the group staring into the eyes of each master. She lingered at Roric and smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek then she finally spoke with conviction.

“Because I am proud of what I am and who I belong to,” Heather replied as she smiled. “I want everyone to know I am a slave girl, and I belong to the greatest masters in the world.”

“They were going to see it on her character sheet anyway,” Jaina added. “And the collar was a dead giveaway.”

“But she could have simply claimed to be Franks,” Gwen insisted as she looked to the others. “But I can see she wants to honor those she calls her master.”

“No greater slave girl has ever graced my harem,” Rajeen said. “She is a treasure among treasures.”

“She is the rarest of girls,” Roric agreed, his voice cracking. He had been overcome by Heather’s willingness to repeatedly say she was proud to be his. “I am honored to be named as one of her masters.”

Jaina settled into his side as his arm went around her waist in a show of affection. He was overcome with emotion for Heather and was sure she was going to get a great deal of love later. Quinny finally spoke up and asked if it was over. Heather nodded and went to say something but just screamed the name Zillix before running from the room.

“What happened?” Gwen asked as Heather vanished through the door.

“After her,” Rajeen suggested, and quickly, the group ran after the fleeing Heather. They found her in the side room where Alexandria lay in a heap, her energy spent holding a power no mortal was meant to keep. Beside her lay a tiny dragon in a puddle of blood, one small leg twitching as if his final moments were passing.

“Zillix!” Idris cried as Heather leaned over him.

“What happened to him?” Gwen asked. “I thought he was only supposed to go unconscious.”

“Alexandria was already out when they started asking about necromancers,” Heather explained as she carefully lifted him.

“Then how did the stone glow blue when Idris lied?” Jaina asked.

Zillix hid it in an illusion,” Idris cried as Heather placed a pulsing heal on the creature. “He was already at his limit when I ran into the room to claim I was the necromancer.”

“I saw him through Webster’s eyes,” Heather added. “He was fighting to stay awake and sacrificing himself to keep up the illusions.”

“The poor thing,” Gisley said in sympathy. “Is he going to be alright?”

Jaina wondered the same thing as Heather placed a heal on the tiny beast, then lifted his head in her palm and kissed him. She smiled to see Heather had the same healing kiss ability that she had. The kiss continued until the blood stopped flowing, and the little creature appeared asleep. Heather scooped him up and handed him to Idris, who cried over her fallen master.

Heather checked Alexandria, and Gwen summoned some guards to carry her to a bedroom to recover. Tensions were high as the final victim of the plan was carried away, but they finally settled when Frank spoke up. He suggested they go home and let the harem girls help Heather relax.

All agreed, and minutes later, Heather was undressed and placed in the harem as girls fretted about her, bringing her wine and food. Gisley rubbed Heather's shoulders while the masters met nearby to discuss what had happened. Blackbast, Breanne, Quinny, and Umtha had stayed behind to discuss a matter with Gwen, but after ten minutes, they entered the harem and went straight to Heather.

“You did it,” Breanne said as she arrived with Quinny, Umtha, and Blackbast. “It is finally over.”

Heather looked up and nodded. “For now.”

“Forever,” Rajeen insisted. “You have proven to some of the most powerful people in the world that you are not a necromancer. They will spread the word to the ears of those who care, and the search will be called off.”

“It’s all thanks to Zillix and Alexandria,” Heather said. “I wish I could think of some way to reward them.”

“Gwen is going to offer Alexandria and Zillix a title and land in her kingdom,” Breanne explained.

“And we had a discussion,” Roric said as he stood beside Frank. “We masters have agreed to form an order to protect the harem. We wish to make access to the harem the greatest honor anyone can achieve.”

“And for his role in saving the day, we wish to offer Zillix that honor,” Rajeen said. “Provided he adds his slave girl to it.”

“Idris isn’t a slave girl,” Heather stated.

“I told her that already,” Frank said. “But she refuses to believe me.”

“Oh, she looks like a slave to me,” Rajeen laughed. “While you were busy falling apart, I had a chance to speak with her and hear her call him her master. So if all the existing masters are in agreement, we will add the tiny dragon to our unique union.”

“He saved us,” Frank said. “And he risked dying to do it. He has my vote.”

“The dragon is a funny creature,” Blackbast said. “But he was willing to risk making enemies of the powerful for my precious one. I would not vote against him.”

“He saved our home and our girls,” Roric added. “He deserves a place here.”

“Then so be it,” Rajeen said. “When he awakens, he will be given a place among our number if he wishes to have it.”

“So we will have five masters,” Jaina laughed as she tried to imagine three men running amuck in the harem. “Our little club sure has grown of late.”

“It can finally be the happy place it was always meant to be,” Rajeen said. “Heather is free of her curse, the land is at peace, and a new day has begun.”

Jaina could only agree and couldn't imagine being happier for Heather and Frank. A corner had been turned, and they were part of the harem. Now they were free to explore everything that could be, as Roric and Frank took care of their girls.

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