The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-138 The first to serve

Jaina cried out as her body rocked with every firm thrust, her breasts bouncing as Roric held her arms fast. She was on her knees, partially bent over, as he took her hard and fast. After the interrogation, the night descended into relative calm as the girls waded into the harem and began to make love. Jaina got to spend a good deal of time with Umtha, the lovely goblin woman smiling as they hugged.

Roric and Frank made love to Rajeen and Blackbast then the two men parted for the night. Each took three women back with him, With Frank choosing Evalynn, Umtha, and Breanne. Roric chose Jaina, Gisley, and Quinny, taking them back to his bedroom in the lodge. Heather was left to slumber in the harem, the girls ensuring she was well cared for. Jaina wished she could have stayed and slept a whole night in Heather's arms. More than likely, Rajeen had taken Heather into her bedroom and made love to her through the night.

However, Roric had other plans, and they spent the night in a long bought of hard sex. Chandice joined them, and for a little while, the four made love as one. Sleep claimed them at last, and when they worked, Roric was hungry again. He turned her hunger on Quinny, pinning her to the bed with her legs spread wide. He pounded the succubus body as Quinny cried out in passion. Jaina sat over the poor woman's face getting a good pussy licking and sharing all the orgasms. She traded with Gisley after a while, and Quinny got a good dose of fairy glitter. Then Roric finished the task and filled Quinny with his seed.

Jaina was hungry to get her mouth in that hot, freshly fucked pussy, but Roric grabbed her before she could reach her meal. He pushed her to her knees and made her suck his cock, allowing her to taste their sex as Quinny collapsed on the bed. Once he was clean, he turned her around and took her arms. His long cock slid into her waiting body, and he began a brutal fucking, just as he used to do every time. Jaina cried out in delight while her eyes fixated on the creamy pussy lying on the bed just out of her reach. She could see the delicate folds still flexing in the aftershocks of her shared orgasm as sticky cum seeped out and ran down Quinny's thigh. The sight made her wild with a hunger to feed on that moist pussy, but first, she had to please her master.

Gisley was at Quinny’s side, stroking the woman’s head as Quinny began to suckle at a breast. Gisley sighed and smiled at Jaina as the woman nursed, feeding the recovering zombie girl that had become a succubus. Jaina admired that transformation, as Gisley's true form was a cute zombie girl. Now she had pale skin with a blue tint and long silky black hair that fell to her mid-back. She had the same flexible fleshy tail all the succubi girls had, but Quinny's ended in a smooth point. Her eyes had a slit for a pupil that was a glowing metallic purple that made her stare very striking. Her lips were pained with a soft Lilac color that reminded them of Gisley's hair. Her eyes were shadowed with the same color giving her face a sense of sexuality. Her wings were a deeper blue, but she rarely had them out as they got in the way of making love. Her smile revealed cute little fangs, and of course, she had that extra long pointed tongue that could work wonders. Her horns were small and shaded purple as they curled from the top of her head to the back. She had pert round breasts that barely touched in the middle, crowned by dark blue nipples. The lips of her pussy matched with a dark blue flesh that begged to be eaten.

Jaina could only watch as those dark lips seeped with cum that pooled on the bed. Quinny was overflowing, and her flower was ripe from a good fucking. It was as delicious as it was going to get, but it would grow cold if too much time passed. She moaned as Roric kept up a brutal pace, his long canine cock hammering her body as she bounced on his knot. Her hands twisted as she had her third orgasm, her voice singing of her love. He bent her lower, her face now an inch from Quinny's most flower. Jaina knew she could use her mimic powers to stretch and reach it, but that wasn't what Roric wanted. He was intentionally teasing her, forcing her to watch the cum she hungered for a spill from Quinny’s body.

Roric held her fast as Jaina panted just inches away from her desire. Then he pushed hard, shoving her forward, and suddenly, Jaina's mouth was pressed into Quinny's body. She eagerly licked up all she could while her own body began to burn. The slave collar rapidly escalated her body's response and, before she knew it, cascaded over the edge. Jaina cried into Quinny's body as Quinny and Gisley shared it. The three women moaned as Roric shoved harder, forcing Jaina to her toes.

A growl escaped his lips as he tightened his grip on her arms. She lapped at Quinny, who shifted her legs, allowing Jaina more access to her body. Jaina was pressed hard into the woman's pussy as Roric made a final, powerful shove and began to throb deep inside her body. Jaina's eyes rolled back as she groaned in delight, her legs going weak as she was bred. Roric held her up as she weakly fed on Quinny's body, her own pussy now the one that was seeping cum.

Jaina was allowed to fall to her knees, sliding off Roric's cock. Gisley took her turn cleaning him up, her sweet lips sucking his skin. Jaina licked at Quinny until she rolled over and invited Jaina up. Jaina crawled over her and settled into her arms, kissing with her sex-soaked tongue to share it between them.

“I am so glad you are free to be ours,” Jaina said when the kiss parted.

“I knew it would happen eventually,” Quinny said. “Frank was always timid about relationships, but he matured fast once we started having sex. Plus, we used to talk all night about the manga and anime we consumed, and Frank was big on sexy harem stories.”

“I wish I had known that sooner,” Jaina laughed as she lay on Quinny. “But I suppose things happened in the time they were meant to.”

“I am so happy for Frank,” Quinny said. “The big guy deserves all the love he can get. Heather does too, but she was always popular while Frank was a bit of an outcast.”

“I don’t know much about it,” Jaina admitted. “But what little he’s mentioned sounds terrible.”

“Yeah, he wasn't what girls would call attractive, and they pretty much only spoke to him to insult him,” Quinny replied. “But he was one of those guys who understood how to open his heart and love, so he took it all really badly. The whole ghoul thing was his way of saying I don't need you.”

“I can't imagine how much that must have hurt,” Jaina said as she lay her head on Quinny's shoulder. “Thankfully, he has all of us to help him past it.”

“Blackbast has really helped,” Quinny said. “You probably don't know this, but he makes love to her more than any of us. She and him sit in the temple holding hands and talk for hours, then they make love and talk some more. I have joined them a few times, and he's perfectly cool with her getting up to make love to a guest, then come back later and resume the conversation. He doesn't even bat an eye. He loves her, no matter what.”

“Awww,” Gisley cooed as she finished with Roric. “He’s so sweet.”

“No wonder he doesn’t have any trouble with this,” Roric said. “We seriously misjudged him. We assumed his lack of experience meant he had no concept of sharing a harem.”

“None of us knew he was secretly fantasizing about it while being coached by Blackbast,” Jaina said. “Not to mention watching her make love to other men was helping him realize he didn’t care.”

“So today is your big day,” Gisley said merrily as she sat on the bed. “Your first day serving in the temple.”

“Yeah, but I am actually nervous,” Quinny admitted.

“It's a big step,” Roric said, joining them on the bed and stroking Quinny's head. “But I know you are ready, my little slave girl.”

Jaina got a nice warm hug as Quinny clung to her smiling. She admitted that she wanted to serve in the temple a long time ago, but Frank wasn't ready. Now she would be the first of the girls, and Breanne, Umtha, and Heather had permission. Frank even told Heather he would order her to do so one day.

“Oh, I can't wait for that to happen,” Jaina laughed. “But you can play in the forest as well? Frank told us he wanted you all to start getting tattoos.”

“Yeah, he told us he liked them,” Quinny replied.

“We discussed setting up some of his own,” Roric added. “And we are arranging a special reward for any woman who can sleep with every princess.”

“So if they bang us all, they get something special?” Quinny said with a bright smile. “What happens if they bag Frank and Gwen too?”

“The whole royal family,” Jaina said. “We should do a special mark.”

“Like a crown with Gwen's symbol over a heart,” Gisley offered.

“Let’s not plan a tattoo that includes Gwen as an achievement,” Roric cautioned. “She prefers to keep her sex life secret.”

“She might, but I know she’s Anasara,” Quinny said.

“You know who she is?” Jaina said in surprise.

“She told me while we were making love,” Quinny replied with a smile.

“When did that happen?” Jaina laughed. Quinny explained that she often went to the temple to spend some time with Blackbast, and one day, she wasn't there. Anasara was, and they started talking, which led to kissing, which led to full-on sex.

“Gwen made love to one of her daughters?” Gisley said in surprise.

“She made love to a slave girl,” Roric corrected. “And Quinny isn’t technically married to them yet.”

“We’re all going to be temple slaves,” Quinny said. “Even Heather will be in the temple eventually, so we have to accept that Gwen will be part of that love.”

“You were always well ahead of the others,” Jaina said before kissing her. “No wonder Frank wants you to lead the way by doing this first.”

“Well, we should probably deliver her,” Roric said. “There is a celebration tonight at the inn, so if she wants any time to do her job, she needs to go.”

“You are taking me?” Quinny asked with a smile.

“I would be honored to deliver my slave girl to her new duty,” Roric replied, running a hand down her cheek. He leaned down, and they shared a kiss, his long tongue pressing deep into her mouth. He then commanded them to get ready because he wanted to walk the long way and not use the magical portals. To make it more exciting for Quinny, she would walk it naked, with only her collar, some lace stockings, and a leash that Roric would carry.

Jaina was excited but not nearly as excited as Quinny, who showed her first signs of nerves. Roric made her stand to attach the leash, then took the lead, guiding his three girls from the lodge. They were on the forest floor a few minutes later, walking down the path that would take them deeper in.

“So why are we walking?” Gisley asked.

“Because Blackbast’s temple is still a bit of a secret,” Roric said. “She often goes three or four days between guests.”

“She's busier sometimes,” Quinny added. “But yeah, she is hidden on a mountain ledge, and people don't wander that far up most times.”

“Well, I was hoping we might come across some players,” Roric said with a glance at Quinny. “I will let them inspect our slave girl, then tell them she will be happy to attend to all their needs if they can find the temple.”

“Oh, so you are going to encourage people to look for it,” Jaina said approvingly. “Clever master.”

“So, when are the other girls going to join the temple?” Gisley asked as they walked down the trail.

“Umtha will probably be next,” Quinny said. “She always saw nothing wrong with doing this. Breanne will probably be next, but she wants to approach this more slowly. I always assumed Heather would be last, but I don't know anymore. She has accepted her role as a slave girl and loves serving her masters. “

Jaina and Roric agreed as they walked the trail, with Jaina at Roric's side and Gisley holding Quinny's hand behind. Jaina admired the seductive beauty of the succubus woman and how her tall swayed to the roll of her hips. Everything about Quinny screamed sex, and looking at her made Jaina want more. They talked for over an hour, stopping twice when they passed a group of players who looked on in stunned awe as the slave girls. Roric took his opportunity to say he was delivering the succubus to a hidden temple where she would reward any man or woman who found her.

Jaina wanted to laugh because of the seven players they spoke to; only two had been men. However, two of the women asked how they earned forest tattoos, and Jaina happily explained the process. They joined the group on the walk to the temple, and nearly two hours later, they were climbing to slopes to the upper ledge.

“Are we far?” a human woman named Savine asked.

“You would be able to see it now if not for the trees,” Roric explained.

“This forest is so lovely and dense it must hold many secrets,” the feathered ariak woman named Vishia said.

“It was designed that way,” Roric said. “But when you earn enough of the marks, you will gain a sense of the hidden trails and pathways. You will always know the best route to where you want to go inside the forest.”

“I heard a rumor that the forest is going to expand,” Savine said with a toss of her brown hair. “Across the big graveyard and into the haunted forest.”

“News travels fast,” Jaina laughed. “We only decided on that two days ago.”

“So it is true,” the woman said. “What about all the undead? Won’t they be dangerous?”

“There are dangers in the Lovewood already,” Roric explained. “It might be crawling with slave girls, but there are things to battle as well. But once you have the tree tattoo, no monster will attack you so long as your tattoo isn’t covered up.”

“And they will ignore anyone you are making love to,” Jaina added. “So you could make love in the middle of the graveyard and be fine.”

“I wouldn’t want all those undead watching me,” Vishia said.

“They don't bother anybody,” Quinny said as the women blushed to see Quinny's exposed body. “Besides, some of the tattoos require you to be watched if you want to earn them.”

“That's right,” Jaina said, turning her back so the girls could see her marks. She bent her arm to point to one emblazed with an eye. “This one is for making love while six people watched it happen.”

“Oh, I don’t know if I can do that one,” Savine said with a nervous smile.

“You do whatever makes you comfortable,” Roric said. “And remember, just because you are in the Lovewood, sharing your love doesn't give others the right to demand things of you. There is a spirit watching this forest, and if somebody harms you to be sadistic, they can expect rapid retribution.”

Jaina knew Roric was talking about Hezzrigozza, the dragon who claimed the woods as his home. He was indeed watching and considered all the girls who earned tattoos his rightful possessions. He would not tolerate anyone harming a girl inside his domain, and if he responded, it was going to be a very short fight.

She realized the dragon had a soft spot for women and respect for men who treated them with love. She wondered if underneath that scaled exterior was the heart of a romantic, especially considering how much he wanted children.

“So you are going to be a temple whore?” Savine asked Quinny.

“Yeah,” Quinny replied with a blush. “And if either of you want to try it, I am sure my master has a few more collars.”

“Oh, I don't know if I could commit to being a sex slave,” Vishia said. “I heard those collars are like catnip and are super hard to give up once you've tried them.”

“You have no idea,” Jaina said as Gisley giggled joyfully.

“Some people can’t give them up,” Savine said. “The collars are locked and can’t be opened.”

“Ours are locked,” Jaina said as she gestured to Gisley. “But hers is still open, though I doubt she would ever take it off.”

“I wouldn’t take it off unless one of my masters ordered me to,” Quinny agreed.

“So you're bound forever?” Vishia said in surprise.

“Well, there are still ways to get them off, but for the most part, you are stuck,” Jaina explained.

“And are you her master?” Savine asked as she dared to look Roric in the eye.

“I am one of four people she calls master,” Roric replied. “Soon, there may be five.”

“Wow, five masters,” Savine said, looking at the Ariak women with a nervous smile. “That kind of sounds exciting.”

“It makes me tingle,” Vishia agreed. “Just thinking about collecting the magic tattoos makes my blood run hot.”

“Oh, these two will be collard and serving by the end of the month,” Jaina laughed and took Roric's arm. “I love serving my masters. I belong to the large harem in the city at the jade temple inn, and I get to share my life with all those lovely women. My whole existence now is to share my love with them and be loved in return for the rest of eternity.”

“That sounds amazing,” Savine said and cleared her throat. “I might think about it.”

“Well, joining the main Harem is an invite-only occurrence,” Roric cautioned. “But there are other masters about looking for more girls. However, you should take your time and great caution getting to know a master before considering the idea of locking your collar.”

“Oh, yes, please be careful,” Jaina insisted. “You need a master who will love and appreciate you. But like Quinny said, if you want to try it, the temple priestess will probably be more than happy to put a collar around your neck for a bit.”

“Quinny? Isn't that one of Princess Hannah's wives?” Savine asked as Quinny smiled. She was shocked to find out they were one and the same and that Frank was a master of the harem. They nearly fell over when they learned Princess Hannah was in the harem, as were the other girls.

“This whole land is all about sex,” Vishia stated.

“It's about sharing love,” Roric corrected. “These relationships were founded with great care and mutual respect. Being a part of this harem means you are somebody truly special with a beautiful heart. Yes, sex does happen, but when you see the love and intimacy that is expressed during the act, you will find the word sex too crude a way to describe it.”

“I love how you see it,” Gisley cooed. “You make me feel so good to be a slave girl.”

“That's how you should feel,” Roric replied as he glanced back at her. “It takes a rare woman to embrace this life properly and a rare man to be able to accept the gift she is making of herself. Gratitude is the most important thing a master must possess; he or she must be able to appreciate the gift of love that is a slave girl. A man who lacks gratitude will make a poor master because he will never fully understand what he has.”

“Now I want to try it,” Savine gasped. “It sounds so magical.”

“Why don't you two start with playing in the forest first” Jaina suggested. “Earn some tattoos and see how you like sharing your love. Then if you want to try more, come to the temple and offer to serve for a few days. That will give you some practice obeying a master who will treat you like slaves but also appreciate you.”

“And where is this temple?” Vishia asked.

“There,” Roric said and pointed down the trail as they finally crested the lip of a ledge. They looked down the path to see white pillars holding up a marble roof of what might be a Greek temple. Ten broad steps led up to massive oaken doors inlaid with copper scrollwork. The doors were thrown wide as they always were, inviting guests to enter and seek comfort. Golden statues of beautiful women stood between the pillars, and everything was covered in beautiful flowers. It was like a hidden temple lost in the paradise of an ancient garden, a treasure hidden in the trees.

“Well, ladies,” Jaina said as the two women took in the site. “This is where we part company. If you two want to begin earning tattoos, you must walk down that trail.” Jaina pointed down a path of marble flagstones with dense moss growing between them. She described the way to the magic pool and how they had to strip naked and enter the magic waters. They then had to masturbate in the pool until they orgasmed, sharing their water with that of the forest. From that moment forward, any sexual encounter they had inside the bounds of the love wood would count toward the marks.

“Oh, and it also makes you a potential mate to the spirit of the forest,” Jaina cautioned. “He rarely reaches out, but sometimes his power comes on you, and you feel as if you are drowning. You won't see him, but you will feel his touch on your body as if he were right there, and it won't end until you have given him everything.”

“Is this spirit dangerous?” Savine asked, her face looking shocked.

“Only to those who would abuse the gift you are offering,” Jaina said. “The forest is his domain, and so long as you are inside it, he will watch and, as Roric said, intervene if somebody goes too far.”

The two women nodded and headed down the trail, giving serious thought to what Jaina had said. Roric tugged the leash and led the way, taking Quinny to the temple where she would serve her first day as a whore. Jaina fell back to walk beside her as Gisley clung to her arm. Quinny was excited as they walked up the steps, passing between the tall pillared columns into a vast hall. The inside was as much a garden as the outside, but there was comfort and rest here. Plush couches, lace pillows, and tables laid out with fruit, cheese, wine, and more. Pools of steaming warm water were fed by statues of nude women holding pots as their gentle cascade echoed from the walls. Further thick rugs covered the polished marble floor, and low tables set into nooks provided privacy for as many as twenty. More statues of women abounded near the back, but here they were together, touching and kissing in scenes of love.

Copper bowls hung on long chains from a great arched ceiling that soared high enough for small trees to grow inside. White smoke drifted from their edge as sweet incense burned to scent the air. Flowers of vivid and striking colors grew in planters and pots, enticing one to think they had stumbled into heaven itself. Silken tapestries hung on the stone walls depicting scenes of women in the heat of passion with men and each other.

They walked straight down the main hall to where a tall, sleek woman whose body was covered in black fur waited, her long tail swishing gently. She smiled as her green feline eyes fixated on Quinny and her arms folded under her bare breasts. She wore only a golden chain at her waist, supporting a slip of silk that barely hid any of her body.

Jaina and Gisley stopped as Roric took Quinny by the leash and walked the final steps to the waiting master of the temple, then bowed ever so slightly.

“Master Blackbast,” he began with a formal tone. “I have brought the slave you requested. She is to begin serving her days as a whore of this temple, sharing her body and love with those in need of rest.”

“Master Roric,” Blackbast replied, her eyes twitching with hypnotic delight. “I am honored to receive such a girl.” She reached out her hand, and Roric handed her the leash, but he paused to address Quinny one last time.

“Go now and be what you always wanted to be,” Roric said. “Show these men that they haven't experienced life until they have known your love.”

“I will do my best,” Quinny replied as her tail twitched, betraying her nervousness.

“Quinny,” Roric said as he reached in to lift her chin. He shared one final kiss, then parted just long enough to whisper. “I love you.”

Quinny smiled as he stepped away and returned to Jaina and Gisley. Jaina gave her a final wave as Blackbast took her new prize to the back rooms to get her ready.

“This felt like a powerful moment,” Gisley said excitedly. “I want to serve here now.”

“I wanted to make it powerful for her sake,” Roric said, glancing over his shoulder to get one last look at Quinny. “Something like this should always feel special.”

“You are so wonderful,” Jaina said. “How did I get so lucky?”

“You said you wanted to play Masters of the desert sun as my sex doll,” Roric replied. “You were so ready to throw yourself at my feet, and I was hooked.

“Oh, I know that MMO,” Gisley said. “I never played it, but my friends said you could do all sorts of sex things.”

“That would be it,” Jaina laughed, putting her arm around Roric as they departed. “And my loving master didn't waste a second in claiming me as his slave girl.”

“I couldn’t figure out how to make you crawl,” Roric remembered. “It drove me crazy until I had to look it up online.”

“Alt c,” Jaina laughed. “And I seem to recall we were disappointed that the really fun sex animations were microtransactions.”

“Yeah, they did try to milk you for cash on that game,” Roric said.

“Is that where you two met?” Gisley asked.

“That's was where,” Jaina said as she smiled at Roric. “And we had a blast playing master and slave. We got so heated that I told him I wished I could be his sex slave for real, and I would do anything for him that we could do in the game.”

“I asked her if that included me selling her to other masters, and she said yes,” Roric remembered as they exited the temple doors and headed for the steps.

“Yes, I made a big deal of swearing on my soul to serve him in every way,” Jaina laughed. “Imagine my surprise when I discovered he lived less than an hour away.”

“I told her I was coming to claim her, and I would make her live up to all those promises,” Roric added. “She told me that she looked forward to it.”

“Then we met, and we hit it off even better than we did in the game,” Jaina said. “We used to make love and lay in bed fantasizing about living a life like in the game. Then the visitors suddenly drop those ships all over the world and invite people to enter New Eden. As soon as we saw the slave master classes and the sex slave options, we knew we were going to do it.”

“I wanted to do it when I saw the preliminary class listings and saw it had over a thousand classes,” Gisley said. “I used the online builder and spent weeks building sample characters before I settled on the fairy. Then I get so nervous coming here that I pick the wrong class. I can't believe I picked a prostitute on accident.”

“Well, it worked out for you even better than the class you wanted,” Jaina said. “It made you a member of this family and the most sought-after woman in all the land. Men cry when they describe a night of passion with Gisley, the sex fairy.”

“I love it when they cry,” Gisley said, leaning into Jaina. “I love making them that happy.”

“This is why you are perfect for the collar,” Jaina said as she put her free arm around the fairy. “And why Roric is our perfect master.”

“Well, shall we go to the inn?” Roric asked as the girls smiled at him.

“Oh, goodness no,” Jaina laughed and nodded to the far trail. “I happen to know of two girls who are even now naked and masturbating in a pool. They came here to earn tattoos, so let's give them some.”

Roric shook his head as Jaina led the way to welcome the girls to the forest. She loved her life and her purpose, especially when it came to introducing others to it. She looked forward to the day when she could walk Heather down this very path and help her undress before she slipped into the water. On that day, Jaina would be the first tattoo she earned, and she would offer to take her by the hand to claim many, many more.

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