The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-139 Old enemies, new lovers

Evalynn wandered a forest path enjoying the warm breeze that caressed her soft skin. She took a deep breath of the sweetly scented air as the breeze stirred the many flowers that grew around her. Her bare feet easily crossed the stone path, her naked defense skill protecting her from harm. She wore only high lace stockings and a slip for panties that were easily untied at the waist. Her breasts were bare to the world, her delicate nipples hard and ready. She shook out her long hair as she continued down the path, exulting in her sexual beauty.

She crossed a little stone bridge over a sleepy pond of still water. It was placed here just so there could be a lily pad garden and a place for magical water plants to grow. Evalynn paused at the rail to look down into the water, smiling at what she saw. She was a tall high elf with lovely, delicate features. Her pointed ears protruded almost two inches through her long golden hair that flowed to just above her rear. Her steel blue eyes looked back with a stern intensity and made her rose-colored lips smile. Her skin was fair as cream and soft as a rose petal in the morning. Everything about her projected an air of elven beauty as she flowed with graceful steps.

She smiled to think that her elven beauty was most often thrown to the wolves. Roric was her master, and she fantasized about being ravaged by beast men. He took her often, then gave her to the camp allowing the gnoll NPCs to take her to their heart's content. There were days when she spent hours crying out as twenty gnoll warriors used her body one after the other. She loved those days of wild sex as she served as the camp's elven prisoner. However, today was a day off, and she had been given time to roam the forest and see what trouble she could get into.

She pondered going to Gisley's pond or perhaps Blackbast's temple but decided to wander the back areas instead. She had made this forest to her liking, and it was full of secret paths, hidden places, and magical spots.

She left the bridge behind and veered off the path, heading into the deeper trees and down a little trail of packed earth. This path ended at a clearing where the sun reached the ground. However, there was a big shadow oak to one side whose broad branches created an area where dark glowing mushrooms half as tall as a man took root. They came in lovely blue, red, green, and purple colors, but Evalynn had hidden a secret here. She arranged the mushrooms to form steps so one could climb around the trunk of the Shadow oak. From here, you could step onto a low branch wider than the trail and follow it through the brush. The branch ended at a wooden platform hidden above the forest that flowed from tree to tree by narrow rope bridges. With this, she could cross large sections of dense areas, reaching a cliff wall at the edge of a flowing stream. This was the only way up without using magical means, and here, hidden behind the brush and the foliage, was a lost temple of white stone.

Evalynn had made it on a whim, experimenting with the building as she laid out the forest. Now it was one of her favorite places to be alone and enjoy some of her time. The temple was built into a cliff face with thick pillars of white stone in front covered in floral vines. A toppled statue of a naked elf woman lay in the yard of a plaza that still had a few stone benches. The inner room was a softly lit chamber where a warm fountain bubbled into a broad pool. The walls were a mosaic of green and white tiles interspersed with images of prancing women. She headed for the pool and sat on the edge, dangling her feet on the water.

Behind her, the temple sprawled into a dozen chambers that she hadn't fully fleshed out. There was a natural cave at the back where the temple expanded into another complex and a final grand room whose floor was flooded by a waterfall that flowed out into the cave.

Evalynn smiled as she reached a hand into the pool and spoke the magic word that turned it into a detection device. It was one of her little secrets that this pool could be used to spy on the forest, allowing her to see what players were up to. She began to look around the forest, going to places where players were typically found. There was a group of three fighting the black cats that stalked the southeast edge. A pair was in the caves that descended to the lower swamps and out a hidden exit. In Gisley's pond, she found the fairy on her knees between the legs of a man sucking his firm cock.

“You can't help yourself,” Evalynn said, whisking her view away to the edge of the forest along the swamp. Here she found a series of rough wooden plank ways to elevate a grass shack over the dark waters. It had expanded since the last time she had seen it, the house doubling in size and a second wooden platform added to the side. This was the home of the lizard man Zorac and a place Jaina loved to sneak off to for hours of passionate love. The lizard man didn't appear to be home at the moment, so Evalynn moved on, sending her view to the elvish village in the center of the forest. She loved this village and decided to visit it later as the beautiful men and women went about their day, caring for the forest and spreading their magic.

There were some players here as well, selling some worthless trash to an elf vendor who flirted shamelessly. Evalynn made her based on Jaina, and her charms made men smile. With a wave of her hand, her site flew across the forest to the very edge, where it ended a few miles outside the road to the goblin fortress. The recent inclusion of Frank and his girls in the harem opened the door for the forest to spread this direction. Evalynn was given free rein to claim the land and take her forest all the way to the graveyard. She would then spread her forest sparingly across the main road before Hannah's cliff-face tower and touch Quinny's forest. From here, she would work with Quinny to blend her forest, turning the entire region into an extension of the Lovewood. The girls would be free to prowl the entire distance seeking prey to devour them with passionate sex.

She couldn't send her sight any further yet, but soon all of it would be open to her sight. Who knows what she might see going on in those other places when Hannah and her girls wet out to earn some tattoos? She was about to send her sight away when something moved near the forest's edge. It looked like a tree had suddenly melted, and as Evalynn looked closer, it became a woman. The shape darted from the forest into the open plains, then melted again, becoming the road itself. Evalynn could barely keep track of the shape as it flowed away, like a wave of water perfectly mimicking the road beneath it.

“Was that Jaina?” Evalynn whispered as the image vanished from sight. “I thought she was with Roric talking to Frank and Rajeen about Making Zillix a noble?” She pondered what she had just seen, wishing she could extend her view in pursuit of the strange vision. She watched the edge of her forest for nearly ten minutes, hoping to catch another glimpse of the figure, but it never returned. She decided it had to be Jaina and would ask her about it later before her sharp elven ears heard a sound.

“What?” Evalynn said as she turned to look into the dark tunnel that led into the mountain. She heard it again, a faint splash as something moved deep inside. “But nobody knows this place is here,” she said to herself. Of course, she couldn't know that for sure, and there was a way to find it if a clever player found the mushroom stairs. So maybe somebody had wandered in and was deep in the back rooms while she was using her mirror. She went to wave her hand over the water and use it to look but decided against it.

Her bare feet moved silently down the tunnel as her sharp eyes easily pierced the gloom. The back rooms were sparsely decorated with basic furniture made of white marble. None of this seemed to be touched as she made her way down a wide-arched hall listening for the sound again. It didn't repeat, and she began to wonder if maybe a stone had fallen into the pools of the natural cave system. She followed a broad winding stairway and out an arch of slender columns of flowing lines. This led into the cave brightly lit by a crack in the ceiling allowing silvery sunshine to penetrate. She had also added magical lamps that hung on chains glowing with white mist to help set the mood. Forest plants and flowers grew all along a winding stone path that ran down the center of the cave floor. To either side was water, fed from the waterfall deeper in. It was shallow along the edge of the trail, but near one side, it was well over twenty feet deep.

Evalynn admired the huge white flowers of a cave plant that produced a glowing mist. Along another side, a marble wall was overgrown with vines spotted with blue flowers. Dragonflies darted about, adding a slight hum to the air, but she saw no sign of a disturbance until she stepped further in.

She stepped on a wet spot and looked down to see somebody had left tracks. She couldn't believe somebody was in there, searching the temple and the waters for secrets. The tracks went up and down the winding path, so she followed them, hoping to spot the intruder. She flowed with her usual grace, her bare feet not making a sound as she passed through the magical grotto, drawing closer to the temple's final rooms.

Here she reached a broad flight of steps to yet another beautiful arch. This one was made of elven women holding up bundles of flowers that met at the very top. Water flowed out of the archway, cascading down the steps and over the sides of the walkway into the pools. It was only a few inches deep and posed no hazard to walk through, but she noted that the stranger had left many tracks in the dry area just before them.

“So they are inside,” she said to herself, wondering if she should call her armor and weapon. She decided against it and made her way up the steps, savoring the touch of cool water as it splashed around her ankles. The next room was a marbled chamber with vaulted ceilings crowned by ornate aches and painted scenes of elves making love. She spent more time in this area of the temple than any of the others, adding artwork and designs to nearly every surface. All of it featured beautiful elven women and the occasional man making love to them. It was a theme she often carried in her heart as she had come to accept the idea of a single man having three or four women as the natural state of things.

In places, the thick roots of trees came through the walls creating pockets of color and greenery where magical lights illuminated the gloom. She waded in, her steps making soft splashing sounds as the inner chamber echoed with the distant waterfall. Into the vast hall, she wandered, searching for any sign of her stranger. The distant rumble grew louder as she passed room after room to find nothing was disturbed. Finally, she entered a great round chamber with a ceiling high enough for Heather's tower to fit underneath. The fall rumbled on the far wall as the only dry spot was a raised island of sand and stone in the very center.

Evalyn finally spotted her stranger lying on his side on the island, his armor stacked to one side in a neat pile. She moved closer, her splashes hidden by the sound of the waterfall as the man remained oblivious to her presence. She could see he had faint bluish skin that was hairless except on his head, where it was a rich dark blue streaked with green. He had a lanky build but was still strong around the shoulders, and his naked rear looked nice and firm. She smiled as she reached the edge of the sandy island, only thirty feet across. The man had spread a thick blanket to lay on as he seemed to be scratching an itch. Evalynn stepped closer, her feet dimpling the sand as she realized two things. Not only did she know who this man was, but he was vigorously masturbating.

“Oh my god,” Evalynn gasped, causing the man to jump and roll to a sitting position. He looked shocked to see somebody so close as his cheeks reddened while his unfulfilled cock throbbed.

“Ojin?” Evalynn gasped. “What are you doing here?”

The man looked even more startled and had to take a moment to peer at her before recognition finally registered on his face.

“Evalynn?” he gasped. “My god, it really is you.”

Evalynn felt swells of hurt and pain coursing through her soul as she looked into the eyes of a man she once called a friend. They had formed a group long ago, but all Ojin ever wanted from Evalynn was sex. He used to brag night and day about how he would bed her and show her what a real man was like. The others would laugh, especially Tristral, who accused Evalynn of being a waste of an elf and only good for a fuck.

Her stomach churned as the man tried to cover his groin, stumbling to his clothes as he stammered.

“I thought I was alone,” he began.

“What are you doing here?” Evalynn shouted again as her anger threatened to make her cry.

“I…” he began, then turned away, his shoulders slumping as he sighed. “I came looking for you.”

“What?” Evalynn asked as he stood with his back to her, allowing his hands to fall to his sides.

“I heard about what happened,” he began. “Tristral could hardly wait to tell me they found you wearing a slave collar and dancing in some inn. She must have laughed for an hour, goading me to go in and fuck you.”

Her hands curled into fists, and Evalynn fought the painful rage swelling inside. This man was the cruelest of all of them, and when she refused to put out, he kicked her out of the group. Now he was here bragging about how she had been humiliated at Rajeen's old inn, tearing open that old wound.

“Why do you hate me so much?” Evalynn cried. “What did I ever do to you?”

He turned around and made no effort to hide his nakedness as he locked her eyes and spoke.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“You're sorry?” she gasped. “Well, sorry isn't good enough. How often did you brag that I would scream as you fucked me and come crawling back for more? That my problem was I needed to learn how to relax, and a good fucking would do me wonders.”

“Evalynn,” he said as he looked away. “Look, I admit I was an ass. No, I was worse than that. I just. Well, you were so wrapped up in all that roleplaying.”

“It’s a fantasy world,” Evalynn cried. “I thought that was what people did, but all you and the others ever did was mock me and lead me on, pretending to be my friends.”

“And I feel terrible about that,” he said. “I finally snapped when I found out what they did to you at that inn. I told them they were wrong and needed to apologize, but then they turned on me. They accused me of going soft on you and being just as bad.”

“So the pack of wolves turned on the pack leader,” Evalynn spat. “I am not surprised.”

“I left them,” he said. “I went to find this inn but wasn't welcome inside. I waited in the streets for days hoping to see you come out so I could tell you how sorry I was. Then one day, I heard you had gone to another place to build a forest called the love wood. I started tracking you, but the place was in ruins when I got there. People said that some gnoll guy was using magic to ensnare women and turn them into sex slaves.”

“Roric is the kindest man I have ever met,” Evalynn cried. “He took me in when nobody else would and gave me a place at his side.”

“Hey, I am only repeating what people said, not what I think,” Ojin interjected. “I did my best to locate you again. I spent days hunting that forest, but all I found were other players eager to burn it down. It started to rot, and I realized you had abandoned it. Then I heard you were back at the inn, so I went there only to find out you had gone north on some quest.”

Evalynn nodded as he recounted all his near misses as he desperately tried to find her. Now she listened as he seemed to be sincerely trying to explain why he was looking for her. He reiterated that all he wanted to do was say he was sorry for his actions and those of the others. He had come to regret how they treated her long before they found her in the inn, and when he heard what happened, he snapped.

“Why should I believe you?” Evalynn asked as she folded her arms.

“Evalynn,” he said with his arms out. “Look where I am? I spent weeks tracking down your new home. I only got lucky because the Jade Inn suddenly vanished, and the slave girls all went through some portal to a place in the South. I managed to get some of the girls to talk to me as they walked down the street. I asked them if they knew you and they said they were going to where you were building a new forest. I followed through the portal and hid in the city on the other side while I tried to figure out how to approach you.”

“So, for all I know, you did this just so you could insult me again,” Evalynn replied with a tear in her eye. “I hate you all so much.”

“That's why I had to come,” he said, stepping toward her with his hands held open. “From what they said about your reaction to seeing them, I knew the pain ran deep. I thought maybe if I told you I was sorry, it would help you with a little healing. I was as terrible to you as I could possibly be, and if I could take it all back, I would.”

“Let's assume you are here to apologize,” Evalynn said as she seriously doubted it. “Why are you here, in my temple?”

“That's easy,” he said with a smile. “You can ask anyone in the city about the Lovewood; they all say you built it. I have wandered in it for days hoping to run into you, but you know how I am. I am drawn to water.”

Evalynn nodded slowly as she considered Ojin's race. He was an Aquarian, a people who were partially made of water. He could detect water at a great distance and even dive into one pool and magically come out of another a limited distance away. She asked him how he got into the temple, and he admitted to using this power at a little pool full of lily pads. He randomly chose an exit point and came out of the cave.

“It seemed like a secluded enough space for, umm, well, you know,” he said and cleared his throat. “I searched it thoroughly. It's completely empty.”

“I know it’s empty because I built it,” Evalynn snapped. “This is where I come to be alone.”

“Oh,” he said and looked down at his clothes. “I didn't mean to intrude on your private space. It's just, well, I do love water, and this place is magnificent. You really do have an eye for beauty. I suppose you always did.”

“Yes, and you mocked me for it,” Evalynn reminded.

“I don't know how else to say I am sorry,” Ojin insisted as he grew frustrated. “Look, I brought you something.”

Evalynn glared as he went to a nearby pack and took out a small wrapped bundle. He carefully opened the folds and presented her with a beautiful silver tiara with a great blue aquamarine in the center.

“This is for you,” he said and held it out. “I made it myself.”

“Is that your elemental focus?” Evalynn asked as she hesitated to take it.

“It’s the one I can summon,” he replied with a nod. “I want you to have it.”

“But you need that,” Evalynn countered. “You can’t channel through water without it.”

“I can summon two,” he said as he held it out. “Most people would say it's a waste of points to add to a focus that you only need one of. But I remembered how you thought the stone was beautiful and said you liked the color blue. It's worth the points if it goes any way to making amends for how we treated you.”

Evalynn was struck speechless as she stared at the silver band and beautiful stone. He was right; she had always loved the look of that stone and how its surface rippled like water. However, it was a gem he summoned to act as a focus for his water-based powers. Even if he could summon two, it would be foolish to give one away just to say he was sorry.

“I can’t accept that,” Evalynn said. “You need those for yourself.”

“They are mine to give away as I please,” he replied. “It's the only way I know to show you how sorry I am.”

“Theirs being sorry and theirs being foolish,” she insisted as he stepped closer.

“Evalynn,” he said as he raised the tiara high. “It’s yours.”

She trembled as he placed it on her head, and the silver began to glow like moonlight. He stepped back and smiled, then remembered he was naked and covered with a hand.

“I should be going,” he said.

Evalynn almost didn't hear him as she reached up to touch the tiara. She wanted to be angry at him, but this was a gesture of great sacrifice. Had he truly come all this way to give her something irreplaceable to say he was sorry? She looked up to see he was reaching for his clothes; his back turned as she considered an idea.

He jumped when her hands came around his waist and grabbed a firm hold of his cock. She kissed his shoulder as she began to stroke him, firming him back up.

“Evalynn,” he gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Accepting your apology,” she whispered.

“We can’t do this now. Not after all the things I said back then,” he insisted.

“That's exactly why we can do them,” she said as she hand-tested his firm rear. “Because I truly believe you regret that.”

“Evalynn,” he said and turned around to face her. He went to say more, but she put a finger to his lips and whispered softly as her other hand resumed stroking his cock.

“Shh,” she cooed. “I am a sex slave now, and as part of my master's command, I am free to make love to those I find in the forest. Besides, you were right about one thing. I really did mellow out after some good hard sex.”

“Please don’t remind me I said that,” he groaned. “I am so sorry.”

“Then prove it,” she whispered. “Make love to me like you mean it.” She pulled him to the blanket and brought him down as she knelt over him. She ran her hands over her body, showing him what was on offer before pulling the ties at her waist to drop her panties. Then she leaned over her mouth, hovering over his as she smiled.

“You are sure about this?” he asked.

“If you make me ask again, I will change my mind,” Evalynn stated before leaning the last inch to complete their kiss. He finally relented as their lips came together passionately, and his arms went around her back. Evalynn trembled as she began the first steps of making love to a man that she had hated for several years. She felt the passion in that first touch of love, and her tongue quickly danced with his as firm hands grasped her breasts. He kneaded them with a skilled touch, sending shivers down her spine as she gave him what he always wanted. Somehow knowing this was a man who had so crudely hunted her was sending excited chills down her spine. Was he going to laugh when it was done? Was he going to tell her it was all a scam? Or had he truly had a change of heart and wanted to make amends?

She leaned back, sitting on his waist and feeling the firmness of his cock as it pressed along the length of her moist pussy. Her smile widened as she arched her back, showing him the fullness of her beauty. His tiara crowned her golden hair as her breasts swayed before his hungry eyes. She rocked her hips, dragging her pussy along the length of his cock as his hands rolled up her sides.

“This is what you always wanted,” Evalynn said as she reached down. “Now is your chance to have it.”

She reached under herself and took hold of his cock, guiding it up as she hovered over it. Her eyes met his as he waited to see what would happen, and she dragged the tip through her folds to tease him.

“What made you choose this?” he asked in a trembling voice as she continued to drag the tip of his cock through her moist lips, using him to tease her clit.

“What made me choose a life of service and sex?” she asked in a sultry voice. “I was conquered by a man who ravaged me and brought me to heel. He did what you always said you would do, and I was tamed by his collar.” She watched as Ojin shuddered from her words and the teasing of his cock. She finally relented and positioned him in the proper place before slowly working her way down. Thanks to the slave collar, her pussy was already wet and ready to be used. Inch by inch, he slid in with ease, letting out a soft moan as his cock penetrated her body.

Evalynn waited until she was fully sitting in his lap to lean over and kiss him once more. When they parted, she smiled at him and ran a hand along his neck, enjoying this moment of torment.

“A pity you weren't a slave master class,” she whispered. “You could have been the one to tame me.”

“You wanted this?” he gasped as her hips began to roll, gently working him through her body.

“I love being owned,” Evalyn groaned, leaning back to drive him deep. “My master ensures my body is put to good use and sells it to others often.”

“Evalynn,” Ojin gasped. “I hope we didn’t drive you to this.”

She used her legs to lift her body, allowing his cock to slide a few inches from her moist embrace. Then she began to ride, working him hard as she considered what he had just said. In a way, she supposed they had caused this by the way they hurt her emotionally. If not for them, she would have gone north long ago, not lingering in the newbie areas. Now that she looked at it in retrospect, she was actually grateful for what they did. Had they not hurt her, she would never have met Roric or accepted the collar around her neck. She wouldn't be here now, sharing a moment of intense sex with a man she previously hated.

“You may have put me on this path,” Evalynn moaned as she rode his firm cock. “But I always secretly harbored a desire to be dominated. All you did was drive me to accept my desires sooner.”

His hands slid along her hips as he watched her breasts dance to every grind, causing her to smile. He asked if she was happy, and she said she had never been happier in her life. She was part of a family that loved her and desired to see her have all her fantasies.

“What fantasies?” he asked as she smiled and paused in her grinding. She carefully turned around, showing him her back without coming off his cock. She pulled her hair aside so he could see a grand mosaic of artwork along a tree that ran the length of her spine.

“What is all this?” he asked, tracing a finger along her back.

“Achievements,” Evalynn said. “The forest reward women for their sexual escapades with magical tattoos.”

“These are rewards for having sex?” he asked, tracing a small chain of hearts.

“Every one of them,” Evalynn groaned as her body rapidly responded to the sex. She started to shake as she drove his cock deep into her body, hungry for release. When it came, she leaned back, his hands catching her as she let out a long moaning cry. She rolled her hips, working her orgasm out, then pitched forward, coming off his cock as she crawled on hands and knees.

“Isn't this how you always wanted me?” she asked, looking back as she waved her rear before him. “Take me like you said you would.”

“I didn’t want to do this,” he said as he sat up.

“Ojin,” Evalynn laughed. “I am playing with you. Now, enjoy it with me and take me like you always said you would.” Her smile widened as he dropped to his knees behind her and fed himself into her wet body. His hands grabbed her full hips and pulled her back, forcing his cock deep into her pussy.

“You're right. I need to show you what you could have had,” he replied and began a good hard pace that had Evalynn's body rocking with every jarring impact. She moaned and thrashed, begging him to fuck her just as he said. He picked up the pace, driving hard until the room echoed with wet slaps. Evalynn quickly had another orgasm, singing out to let him know he had driven her to it.

“That's it,” he said as his thrusting grew more hungry. “See, you could have had this years ago. If I had known you wanted to be dominated, I would have made you the group's whore.”

Evalynn trembled at the thought of being a whore to her old group and passed around as they used her. She realized this was a part of her desire to be taken and dominated by a beastman. She liked knowing people wanted her for sex and would fulfill that desire as they wished. Even now, that thought sent her heart racing as Ojin took her hard. She struggled to keep her hands planted as he drove hard, slamming her body with all he could.

“Oh, your so damn beautiful,” Ojin groaned as his hands tightened on her hips. He couldn't go any faster, but Evalynn felt his hunger. She realized all his teasing those years ago was probably a hidden desire. He had longed for this moment, and now it had finally come.

Evalynn’s back arched as she lost control again, singing her love as her body exploded. She felt the fire of his need as he drove hard, seeking the moment when his conquest would be complete. She hoped it wouldn’t come soon as she relished the moment, giving in to a lust that waited so long. She could hear him breathing hard as he took her body, his hands firmly clenched so she couldn’t escape.

Every thrust was pure pleasure as he drove her toward another orgasm. Her hands dug into the sand as she rocked with his thrusts. She began driving back to meet him, hoping for that little bit more. Her voice sang out with every jarring impact, and she begged him to take her. Finally, he began to grunt, and she felt the tenseness in his grasp. He was close and struggling hard to fulfill his dream. Evalynn dug in, waiting for the moment when he pushed hard and held himself deep. A deep long groan escaped his trembling lips, and she suddenly shook as a shared orgasm kicked In. Her body convulsed as she had a magnified orgasm while his cock filled her womb with his sweet gift.

For a minute, the two held their pose while he took a few shallow strokes to ensure he was empty. Evalynn tensed, waiting to see if this had been a trap or if he was genuinely sorry.

“Evalynn,” he said as a hand-rolled over her rear. “Does this mean you forgive me?”

She wanted to laugh for joy and whipped her head around to meet his gaze and nod.

“You are forgiven,” she said, slowly pulling out of his grasp. “Now lay back, and I will take over.”

“You mean we’re not done?” he asked as he lay on the blanket.

Evalynn crawled over him, her tongue licking at his hot skin as she reached his neck. “Done?” she laughed. “Oh, poor Ojin. That was just the beginning. You are going to make up to me all those insults one at a time.”

“But that could take hours,” he insisted as she reached down to grab his wet cock.

“Then we had better get started,” Evalynn replied with a wicked smile. She doubted he would last the distance, but that didn't matter. All she wanted right now was to show him that his apology had been accepted. For the rest of the day, they made love on the sandy little island hidden in a temple flooded by passion. This place would forever be special to them going forward, and they agreed to meet here every so often to remind each other all was forgiven.

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