The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-140 The order of Masters

Roric smiled when Gisley burst into the tent and rushed to his arms, all excited to tell him about her most recent encounter. She turned her back to ask if her tattoo had changed, but he had to disappoint her and say they had not. She shrugged and settled into his arms, asking how his meeting went.

He explained they had agreed to invite Zillix as a master of the harem, provided he would put Idris in it. He loved the way her eyes sparkled and how her antenna rolled out when she was excited. She bounced into his arms to hug and show her happiness, then asked if they were still having a party that night. He explained that Rajeen was setting it all up, and it would be ready for later when Frank and his girls were done with an adventure.

“Oh, what are they doing?” Gisley asked as she bounced on her toes.

“Just a quest from the guild,” Roric said as he put her arms around her waist. “And tell me something. Why are you so beautiful?”

She smiled and leaned in to kiss his nose before rubbing her cheek on the fur of his neck. “I love you,” she said as she tucked in tightly. “You are the best master a girl could have.”

“And you are a treasure among women,” Roric replied, stroking her back. “My life would not be complete without you.”

“Aww,” Gisley cooed and rubbed her cheek even harder. “Do we have time to make love?”

“Well,” Roric said as his tail began to sway. “Maybe if you're fast.”

“Oh, I can be fast,” Gisley said with a smile. “I can make you cum in seconds if I want, but what fun would that be?”

Roric agreed and separated her from his arms so he could remove his clothes. Gisley helped, pulling open his belt and quickly grabbing hold of his sheath. Before he could utter a word, she was kissing his sheath while her hand gently worked the skin to entice him out. As his cock slid free, it went right into her mouth, those silken lips caressing him with great skill. He sighed as she took up a gentle sucking motion to entice him to get harder.

His breathing slowed as Gisley filled her role, pleasuring her master with loving care. She sucked at him until he was good and hard, then came off, stroking his cock as she smiled.

“Let's go to the chair,” Roric offered, leading the way. He sat in his chair and Gisley climbed up, sitting astride him as she guided his cock in. Then she put her arms around his back and began to work her hips, bouncing on his cock as she moaned. He leaned back so she would fall into him, her beautiful breasts rubbing on the fur of his chest. Gisley was the most enthusiastic partner he had ever known, a woman who made love for the sake of sharing joy.

He sat back and let her work as she looked down and smiled. He never dreamed he would find so many slave girls so soon, nor that they would be so special. Yet here was a woman of absolute beauty inside and out who wanted nothing more than to please.

His hands rolled over her breasts as she giggled and continued her work. He knew she would go on for an hour if he allowed it, never ceasing to pleasure him. Now he watched as she started to moan, her body responding to his as she drove him deep inside. He had the distinct honor of watching her build up as her expression and motions betrayed what was happening inside. When her orgasm came, he watched every moment, listening to her sing as her body rewarded her for her efforts. Seeing her reach that point and being the one she shared it with made his heart melt. She was love, she was compassion, she was his, and he would never stop treasuring that.

She pressed on as he leaned forward to wrap his arms around her back. She settled into his chest for support as he closed his eyes and embraced her love. The sex went on as Gisley clung to him, her body growing close to a second orgasm. When it came, she sang in a long soothing tone as her body shook in his arms. Once again, he was grateful to be the one sharing this moment with so wonderful a woman. She drove on to a third orgasm then looked him in the eyes with a pleading expression. Roric nodded to give his consent, and she used her prostitute power to bring on his orgasm. He never looked away, sharing her gaze as she shared his throbbing orgasm. His warm seed filled her belly as she rolled her hips, desperate to get all she could inside.

She panted in his arms as he held her up, cradling the fairy until she was recovered. He knew she was ready when her head settled into his shoulder, and soft hands played with his fur. He rubbed her back as she sighed, content with her life and purpose.

“Is the celebration tonight?” Gisley asked a few moments later.

“It is,” Roric said. “It will just be us at the inn. Rajeen will use a magical barrier to section off the back of the common room so nobody can see or hear us.”

“Why do that?” Gisley asked. “She has a private banquet hall.”

“It is being done intentionally to protect us from anyone who might be using magic to spy,” Roric replied. “She wants us to be able to speak freely about the changes, and the magical barrier only protects that section of the inn.”

“Oh,” Gisley replied. “I suppose there are things we can’t really say openly.”

“No, and you must be very careful,” Roric cautioned. “Hannah has worked very hard to correct her past. We can't be the ones who undo it.”

“I’ll be careful,” Gisley said and leaned back. “I am so glad she’s one of us. She seems so happy now.”

“They are going through some big changes,” Roric agreed. “It’s all new and exciting to her, but I think she will settle in and love it.”

“I know she will,” Gisley said and wiggled her hips. “Shall I clean up?”

Roric smiled, and Gisley hopped off to fall to her knees before him. Her lips wrapped around his love-soaked cock, and she eagerly began to clean away their sex. She hummed as she went along, her hand fondling his balls as she licked him down the sheath. When she was satisfied the job was done, she sat back and looked up, waiting for his approval.

“You know you don’t need me to say you did well,” Roric said.

“I know, but I love hearing it,” she said with a smile. “It’s so fun being a slave girl.”

“It’s fun because we have a good master who cares for us,” Evalynn said as she entered the room from the back hall. She was completely naked except for her collar and some gold bands on her ankles and wrists. “And we love him for it.”

“I am truly a blessed man,” Roric said as Evalynn joined his side. She leaned over and shared a kiss before she told him that Rajeen was ready. Gisley happily jumped up and helped him dress in a sharp outfit of earthy colors. With Gisley in one arm and Evalynn in the other, they set off heading down the back hall for his secure room. This was hidden behind a secret door that concealed a room made of thick stone walls. Six of his most powerful gnoll guards stood at attention here, guarding a single door on the far end. Even from here, they could see the bright colors of the inn, and with a few steps, they were across.

Now they stood in Rajeen's secure hall, guarded by over a dozen fearsome tiger men. From here, they could step into Hannah's tower, her palace, or several other locations in their region. It was a way of turning all their homes into one, with the inn as the central hub. Roric walked with his girls as tiger men nodded in respect of their passing. Harem girls smiled and waved, their beauty a part of Rajeen's collection gifted to the masters.

A door, both structurally and magically fortified, led them to the inner halls. From here, he made his way to the common room where the inn did most of its business. It was a vast chamber of slender columns, graceful arches, and ornate mosaic tilework. Green plants grew along the walls to give it the feel of a tropical oasis and to create private spaces for guests to congregate. There were over fifty tables in the main hall, with another twenty in nooks along the walls, but it was never very crowded. Even now, there were perhaps thirty guests sitting at tables to eat, drink and share conversation.

Harem girls brought them drinks and meals, always smiling and flirting as they went about their chores. It was part of the magic of the harem that the girls were beautiful, scantily dressed, and the private property of the harem masters.

Roric made his way across the main room, following the green carpet that led directly to where the thrones sat. It used to contain a single plush throne, but now it held three, one for Rajeen, Roric, and Frank. Blackbast insisted on a smaller, more modest chair for herself, but she was welcome to sit on any throne she wished.

Normally the thrones dominated the space, lifted above the main floor by three steps. However, today there was a golden light like amber glass, dividing the end of the room from the rest. Roric heard people debating what that light was for and why it was here, but he knew it was the magical barrier. Without a second thought, he and his girls walked into it to find Jaina, Rajeen, and Blackbast engaged in a conversation inside.

“Oh, good. You are here,” Rajeen said with a pleased smile.

“I came as soon as I was informed all was ready,” Roric replied with a bow.

“Come, sit,” Rajeen said, patting the throne to her left. “We have much to discuss.”

“We should wait for Frank,” Roric suggested as he took his place, and Gisley skipped off to lay on the cushions beside a tray of cakes.

“He should be here any moment now,” Rajeen replied. “They were meeting with Gwen and going to run a small quest from their guild.”

“We should do that,” Jaina said as she sat before Roric and leaned into his leg. “It could be fun.”

“More fun than stalking the forest looking for men?” Roric asked with a twitch of his ears.

“Well, maybe not that fun,” Jaina laughed. “But a change of pace is always appreciated.”

“Speaking of which, you girls should probably go and wait for them,” Rajeen suggested. “I set out clothing and ornaments in the dressing rooms. I want you all properly dressed for the festivities.”

“I have a collar on,” Jaina said innocently.

“Go, you little tease,” Rajeen laughed. “Take your sisters and help the other girls get ready.”

Jaina nodded before collecting Breanne and Gisley. They headed out, leaving the three masters alone to have a private conversation.

“I wanted them gone so I could express my feelings,” Rajeen said as she sounded unusually emotional. “That Hannah showed no shame in being a sex slave and named us her masters before such powerful people has broken me. I do not know how to adequately express what I am feeling.”

“I am touched as well,” Blackbast agreed as she came to Rajeen’s side to rub her shoulder. “I never dreamed this day would come. She truly wishes to be our slave girl.”

“I have to say I am touched by it too,” Roric replied, pausing to keep his emotions under check. “I have never been paid such a high honor. A woman of her achievements and power boldly declared me her master before her peers. I have been struggling to think of how to reward her.”

“I have considered this as well,” Rajeen agreed and looked between them. “I would like us to agree to make Hannah one of the head girls of the harem. She will stand as an alpha among them, and the rest will answer to her as she answers to us.”

“I am in agreement with this idea,” Blackbast said.

“So am I,” Roric nodded. “She deserves a higher place.” He was pleased by the suggestion and looked forward to Hannah finding out she would receive such an honor. Most of the harem wasn't allowed to leave the inn or its attached homes via the magic doorways. But the girls that came with Frank and Roric had special permission as they directly served their masters. However, as one harem's alpha Hannah was free to come and go and to take harem girls with her. The girls would follow her direction as if it had come from Rajeen herself, and she would be allowed to speak for the harem. Of course, as the princess, it only made sense that she could speak. But her recent display of pride in being their slave needed to be recognized, and this was the best way they could show it.

They sat back to debate a proper title for the position, as Rajeen had always called them alphas or head girls. Now she wanted to create a more formal title with a proper rank system. It was during this discussion that Frank arrived in his human form with Webster trailing behind him. The little spider jumped onto the arm of the throne like a loyal pet as Frank sat down to ask what they were discussing. They filled him in on all the details, and he fully agreed that a proper system should be created, as well as Hannah's appointment to it.

“None of us missed that she stated her marriage to you was above even her service to us,” Blackbast said as she sat in his lap. “She considers your love the most important thing in her life.”

“I know, Frank sighed. “And I appreciate it. But did I handle this right? Maybe I rushed into it.”

“You have handled it splendidly,” Rajeen said. “Roric has told me of your conversation in the dream. You did exactly what you should have done. You sat down and searched your heart to ensure you understood what you wanted. Then you took those feelings to my love, Blackbast, and asked for an outside perspective and advice. Then you had the wisdom to heed that advice and consider it carefully before making a decision. You say things happened quickly, but in truth, you took the time you needed.”

“You really have done a good job considering this,” Roric said. “You even made sure you understood how your girls felt about it. And Jaina has told me you asked her for advice as well.”

“And you did ask me several times,” Rajeen stated. “You sought council from those who had walked this path before you. You have done well.”

“Thank you,” Frank said with a nod. “I just don't want to hurt anybody, and I will make a mistake because of my lack of experience.”

“Ha,” Rajeen laughed and shook her head. “Making mistakes is part of the process, and rarely have I seen somebody handle it as well as you. I certainly didn't do as well in my early days.”

“Goodness, nor did I,” Blackbast said. “In fact, we made such mistakes that we had to part ways over it.”

“You both did?” Frank asked.

Roric could tell he was surprised by their admission and that it had been so badly handled they had to part ways. Rajeen explained that she and Blackbast had been lovers before coming to New Eden. They had agreed to build a relationship here but didn’t understand the complexities of running a harem. Blackbast needed certain requirements for her class, and Rajeen wanted restrictions. The two came into conflict as they started to fight over girls.

“Oh, because you like the girls to remain untouched by men,” Frank said as Rajeen nodded.

“Yes, and I need them to run my temple,” Blackbast added. “Meaning they have to be allowed to play with men. Our two paths turned out to be in opposition, and we tried to make it work, but we ended up harming the girls we had between us. They were forced to pick sides, always upsetting one of us and ultimately leaving altogether to find a more stable harem.”

“It was most unfortunate,” Rajeen sighed. “Our biggest mistake was not realizing that the girls were the most important things in our lives. We kept focusing on ourselves and each other without realizing how none of this was possible without them. We hurt those girls through neglect and by forcing them to walk a tightrope between us.”

“We were also too busy arguing about our needs to see when a girl was hurting or needed special attention,” Blackbast added. “We should have been there like loving parents to soothe those hurts away. Instead, we caused more.”

“But you have not made such mistakes,” Rajeen pointed out. “You were very careful and have paid attention to your girls and their needs every step of the way.”

Roric agreed with their assessment and pointed out that even now, Frank was showing concern about his girls. He hadn’t just discarded them now that he had full access to the harem. Instead, he was even more focused on them, ever alert for any sign of unhappiness so he could quickly correct it.

“Frank, you are a very good master,” Roric insisted. “Your attention is right where it should be, and you are asking the right questions. Are my girls happy? Can I be doing more to make them happy?”

“Because the harem isn’t about me,” Frank said as he nodded. “It’s about the girls.”

“Exactly,” Rajeen said with a wave of her finger. “And you have taken to that understanding naturally. You are a master through and through.”

They shared more of their support and joked about mistakes until Frank finally asked about the golden wall.

“So nobody can hear us or see us?” Frank asked as he gestured to the golden barrier.

“They must physically step through the wall to do so,” Rajeen replied. “And the barrier will cancel any stealth or invisibility in use. Ghostly creatures can’t pass through it unless they can become solid.”

“Then we can talk about Heather’s necromancy?” Frank asked.

“Yes, in full safety,” Rajeen assured him.

“I can’t believe this is over,” Roric sighed and looked at Frank.

“Heather is finally free of her curse,” Frank agreed. “Provided she doesn't resort to using her power, nobody will ever suspect her again.”

“I am sure she can restrain herself,” Rajeen commented. “She understands how important it is to leave this behind.

“She has plenty of powers to use,” Blackbast said from beside Frank. “She should focus on her flower singer skills. The people love to hear her voice and watch the flowers bloom in her steps.”

“Gisley loved her dance,” Roric agreed. “Heather made that moment so special Gisley is still talking about it.”

“Ahh, look,” Rajeen said as she leaned over Roric’s chair. “Our lovelies have arrived.” They looked up to see a dark silhouette appear in the golden wall. It was a pair of women, their curved hips and full breasts apparent as they walked hand in hand. Out came Quinny and Umtha, smiling as they walked barefoot toward their masters, wearing fine silks and golden chains. Breanne and Evalynn came next, the two walking with a grace only an elf could master. Every step had swaying hips and a gentle bounce of breast that captivated the watcher. Gisley rushed through right behind them, full of life and energy, as she smiled at the group. Then two dark shapes appeared, walking with a deliberate effort to exaggerate their steps. Roric couldn't look away as one silhouette swayed, a long tail tipped by a heart-shaped point. The other threw her arms up so her breasts stood out more, using the magical barrier to put on a display.

The other girls settled on the floor and watched as the last two took their time, swaying and prancing until they finally emerged. Roric felt his heart race when Hannah and Jaina came through, looking absolutely divine, from the golden chains, the silken wrap at their hips, and the bare breasts that were boldly out for all to see.

“Oh, my,” Rajeen purred as she ran a hand up Roric’s chest. “Is it time to play already?”

“She’s so beautiful,” Roric said as his eyes fell on Heather. The two girls strutted across the room to stand before their masters, their glory presented boldly. He felt an immeasurable attraction to the beautiful woman and her devilish appearance. From her copper skin to her long dark red hair, his hunger began to salivate his mouth. The girls walked right up to the masters and presented themselves as if for inspection, holding hands as they smiled.

“And what happened to the lovely tops I set out for you two?” Rajeen asked.

“They fell off,” Jaina said. “But we didn’t think our masters would mind.”

Roric certainly didn't mind the majestic site, and judging by how Frank stared at Hannah's chest, he didn't either. Frank held a hand out to Heather, inviting her to sit in his lap as Roric invited Jaina to his. The two girls settled into place, with Jaina immediately scratching behind his ear as she whispered her love for him.

“You talked her into this, didn’t you?” Roric asked as Hannah began to whisper with Frank.

“I wouldn’t say I talked her into it,” Jaina laughed. “I just made the suggestion that we could go topless to impress our masters. She was all for it once I had her thinking about it.”

“You’re a naughty girl,” Roric said as she put her forehead against his. “But I love you anyway.”

“Well, now that we are all here,” Rajeen said as she sat in a chair beside Roric. “Let us eat and drink in celebration that the greatest danger to face this family is finally passed.” She clapped her hands, and harem girls arrived with platters of food and trays of wines. Roric and Jaina each took a glass as a special blue drink was handed to Hannah.

“I think we should tell her what’s really in those,” Jaina whispered to Roric as Heather announced how much she loved the blue drinks.

“You still haven’t told her?” Roric nearly choked.

“It never came up,” Jaina replied. “She knows it's fairy glitter but doesn't know how we collect it.”

Roric wondered how Hannah would react as Jaina called over and suggested that since Hannah was a full harem girl, she should know what was in the drinks. Hannah asked what she meant, so Jaina explained it was fairy glitter. Hannah waved it off as something she already knew, even shooting Gisley a smile to say she liked the dreams that came with drinking the glitter.

Jaina shook her head and explained how the glitter was collected. She told Hannah that Gisley went to the kitchens every morning, where several harem girls masturbated her until she filled a jar. They that fairy honey to sweeten the drinks and add the magical glitter that made good dreams. He tensed as Hannah looked at her once beloved drink as if it had become a snake.

“So I am drinking one of Gisley’s orgasms?” Hannah asked.

“Is that a problem?” Jaina asked as if the question were silly. “Sweetheart, you have licked half the harem to orgasm and swallowed every drop. What would it matter if you drank it or went directly to the source? By my accounts, you have eaten Gisley out several times now, anyway. It's not like you have been tricked into eating something you wouldn't eat.”

“Hmm,” Hannah said, then tipped the glass back and took a drink. Roric was relieved she wasn't upset and decided to move on to what he wanted to say.

“Hannah,” Roric said after she set her drink down. He leaned over the side of his chair and made direct eye contact. “I know I said it earlier, but I wanted to repeat it now, in front of our family. I am truly touched that you would call me one of your masters. It couldn't have been easy to face that group and tell them you were our sex slave. We all feel you have done us a great honor.”

“Indeed,” Rajeen agreed. “We all feel the same way. What you did was the greatest display of affection you could have given a master. You showed no shame and radiated a sense of pride in their knowing. As such, we have agreed that you should be made a special member of the harem. You will be above the other girls, and they will answer to your commands.”

“like a harem master?” Hannah questioned.

“No, you will still be a slave girl,” Rajeen replied. “But your status among the girls will be higher. We are working on a structure for the harem that will recognize your position, but we haven't had time to flesh it out.”

“Umm, thank you,” Heather said as she blushed. “I wasn't trying to win any recognition. I just didn't want those fools using what I was a weapon. I knew they would see my character sheet eventually, and I wanted to beat them to it. I wanted them to know I was proud of what I was and who I served.”

“Which is why you deserve a higher place,” Rajeen said.

Heather turned to Frank and said she owed all this to him, but he refused to take the credit. He tried to say she did most of this herself, but she shot that idea down flat. She insisted that they all knew the truth, and had Frank not been there to save her, she would probably still be in spawn throwing stones at apples. She and Jaina shared a little banter before Hannah declared the turmoil was done and over. All they had to do now was focus on being happy.

Roric loved to hear her say that and prayed that would be the case, but Jaina was more curious. She brought up an earlier conversation where Hannah mentioned using Alexandria to get at her missing memories. If Jaina's seductions could break a mental block and access the truth, maybe somebody like Alexandria could break through to Hannah's locked memories. Hannah admitted that she would always be curious about recovering them but had promised Frank to take it slow and give it time.

“It is an odd turn of events to know that Alexandria is staying,” Roric said.

“It’s funny that a woman who was once our bitter enemy has become an ally,” Jaina said, looking around. “Speaking of which, where is Chandice? Shouldn't your wife be the one in your arms?”

“She will be along in a moment,” Roric said. “She is still working with Zillix to see if she can learn something about the coma that comes from using essence.”

“But he’s awake now, isn’t he?” Hannah asked.

“He is, but Chandice believed she could learn something more,” Roric explained. “She should be along any moment.”

“What is it with the two blonds being the smart ones?” Jaina groaned. “Aren’t they supposed to be ditzy?”

Hannah protested her assessment, and the group shared a laugh. Roric felt relaxed for the first time in days, and having Jaina in his arms only made him happier. Things were back to normal and moving in the right direction for a change. Jaina and Hannah began to joke about how much Frank liked big breasts when Chandice finally arrived.

The lovely blond woman was dressed in a hooded white gown trimmed with golden thread, making her look angelic. Hannah asked her what she had learned, and Chandice insisted she had gained some insight, but now wasn't the time to discuss it. They were here to celebrate the end of the danger that threatened their home and the dawn of a new era. Roric couldn't agree more, and Rajeen called for musicians to play a sweet tune while they talked and ate.

Then out of the blue, Frank put an arm around Hannah and stunned the group.

“Heather. Are you ready to serve me?” he asked in a calm voice.

“Yes, master,” she replied with a spreading smile. Roric could tell Hannah didn't note the serious look on his face or the tone of his voice that said a test was coming. She innocently insisted she would serve him and smiled, waiting on his command. When it came, her eyes went wide, and she nearly faltered from surprise.

“Dance for me,” he said, lifting her chin with his hand. “Dance like Jaina does.”

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