The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-142 This was not a mistake

Jaina woke with a smile at the long red hair that curled about her. Hannah lay on her shoulder sound asleep; her soft lips gently parted as if about to kiss. Breanne was at her waist, asleep with Gisley in her arms, the two gently dreaming away. Around them were a dozen other girls from the harem, forming a big entangled pile of love as they cuddled together for warmth.

She stroked the beautiful redhead at her shoulder and recalled the night of passion they had just shared. It was days after the party, and Hannah finally had a chance to join the harem for a night. She instantly sought out Jaina, and the two knew exactly what they wanted. They joined for a kiss that quickly progressed to much more as the girls around them parted to watch the hungry display.

Jaina felt that long succubus tongue deep in her pussy for what seemed like forever. Hannah loved to eat pussy, and Jaina began to wonder just how far that rabbit hole went. Was Hannah a lesbian, or was she just an open mind, willing to express affection to anyone she loved? She supposed that since Hannah had three wives, she was accustomed to showing affection to a woman. Also, the slave collar undoubtedly made it easier, as it helped suppress any dislike for the same sex.

She stroked the sleeping woman with a tender touch and kissed the top of her head. Hannah and her sisters were part of the harem now, and their love was freely given. Jaina would treasure that for the rest of her days and wished she could stay to hold her forever. However, she had the morning to herself and desired to wander. She used her ability to become fluid to carefully extract herself from the pile of women and quietly reformed by the door.

“Sleep tight, my love,” Jaina whispered, slipping into the outer halls. She made her way through the protected spaces to where the magical doors linked their homes. She paused at the one to Hannah's tower and walked over out of curiosity. She arrived in a magically hidden room but the command word to open the door was known to her. She quickly passed down the hall outside and into the kitchens beyond. Not even Hannah's cook, Monica, was stirring, so she headed deeper until she reached the bedroom on the high balcony. Here she found Frank asleep in bed with Blackbast and two harem girls. Jaina smiled to see them all tucked in tightly together and decided not to disturb them. She knew that Frank and Blackbast were close, perhaps even closer than Hannah, and they spent every night they could together.

She slipped away and returned to the inn to step through the doorway to Blackbast's temple. It was still early morning, and all was quiet until she passed a doorway to hear soft moaning. Jaina couldn't help but peek at the keyhole to see Quinny in all her succubus glory on all fours on a bed. Behind her stood a dwarf whose hard cock pounded her body as he held on to her tail. She moaned and thrashed, her breasts bouncing as a stranger used her for sex.

Jaina smiled to see the woman serving her purpose as a temple whore. It was something Jaina wanted to do but hadn't found the time yet. In fact, she had been called to serve Roric so often that she hardly had time to be away. She hadn't seen her lizard man lover since she brought Chandice to him and wasn't sure when they would next play.

She watched as the dwarf finished his task, driving hard into Quinny as he came deep inside her. Quinny cried out as she shared the orgasm, then turned around to suck his cock clean as he lay down, calling her an angel.

“Lucky girl,” Jaina said to herself and slunk away, heading back to the Jade temple and down the hall to the doorway that would take her to Roric's camp. She entered his rustic lodge and found him in the bedroom with Rajeen and Evalynn in his arms, all three sound asleep after a night of sex.

She leaned over the elf woman and kissed her cheek before whispering a promise of love, then headed out into the camp itself as the sun moved to the dawn position. She greeted the warm red light with her arms spread wide and jumped when a nearby guard pinched her rear.

“Silly boy,” Jania laughed as she turned to smile at him. “You know I’m not available.”

The gnoll shot her a hungry smile and resumed his guard of the main door into the lodge. Jaina discarded the only article of clothing she wore, the silk slip at her waist falling to the ground. Now she wore her collar, cuffs, a ruby studded butt plug, and a golden lacework that decorated her pussy. She walked barefoot to a wooden bridge suspended over a canyon by ropes. She went to a small cove of trees where she knew a magic door was hidden and walked between two silver trunks. She came out in the darkness of the Love Wood, the dawn rays barely illuminating the sleeping forest.

“So, who's here?” Jaina asked as she looked around the small clearing that concealed the door. Directly across from her was a slender stone archway with a path of marble flagstones that wound through the trees to a broken bridge. It wasn't a landmark, only a distraction to lure players away from the clearing so they didn't find the forest portal.

A soft mist curled about her feet as she gently drifted across the dew-soaked grass. She loved the forest for its beauty and mystery, as well as the sexual encounters that could be had within. She wandered down winding trails lined with dense greenery and glowing mushroom. She spotted a rare white mink and a couple of horned forest hares. Bird song began to fill the air as the sleepy creatures awake to greet the sun as they did every morning.

Jaina finally reached the main road and headed south for the stone bridge that crossed one of the sluggish rivers. Her mind wandered to all that had happened in the past few days and the sheer joy of Hannah being part of the harem. It felt like her happiness couldn't possibly get any better as she reached the lovely white bridge with its gentle arch over a flowing stream.

“It's so beautiful here,” Jaina sighed as she leaned on the railing and looked down at the water. The pink petals of a whisper willow floated by, making her smile as she considered the lovely tree. It looked in shape and form like a weeping willow, but this tree actually wept. It grew clusters of small pink flowers instead of leaves that constantly rained like tears. The water was forever carrying them away, like little dreams on a current of stardust.

She set off across the bridge and, twenty minutes later, turned down a narrow path. Here the forest was dense, and the ground covered in ferns creating a blanket of green. The path was little more than an animal trail winding through the trees as it descended a shallow hill. At the bottom, the forest opened up in a small pocket, allowing the sun's red light to reach the ground.

A faint scent of smoke tickled her nose as she wadded through the magical forest and spotted a camp beside a wide oak. It was a single blanket thrown over a rope to make a crude tent, and beside it was the smoldering remains of a pathetic fire. A pile of cheap starter armor rested on a log beside the ten, including a small wooden shield and a club.

Jaina crept closer, her feet muffled on the mossy ground as she rounded the tent to see no one was inside. A quick look around revealed no person or animal, but she knew that just down the trail was a small fountain Gisley called the moon well.

Jaina followed the path until she saw him, a human man, fallen to his knees before the well made of white marble. She paused as his shoulders shook, and only then did she hear him crying.

“I should never have come here,” he sobbed with a hand on the wall to support himself. “I don't know how to play a fantasy game. I should have listened to my mother.”

Jaina crept closer, her heart feeling sorry for this man who obviously regretted his decision to come to New Eden. Now he was lost and alone in their forest, sobbing about his regrets.

“What do I do now?” he asked nobody in particular. “I have no idea what I am supposed to do.”

“You should relax,” Jaina cooed, startling the man from his mourning. He lurched around, obviously feeling he might be in danger, then froze when he looked at her naked body.

“Who are you?” he stammered as his eyes went up and down. “Are you dangerous?”

Jaina wanted to laugh but held her ground as she stood just a few steps away, allowing him to take her in. He was stunned to seek a naked woman creeping up but distrustful that it was a trap of some kind. No doubt, he had already died several times because he mistook something dangerous as safe. Now he was looking at a woman of great beauty and worried he was in danger. She decided to ease that a little by activating one of her powers, turning his eager gaze against him.

[lvl 19 Seductress skill: Naked Radiance] Any target that sees your naked body feels compelled to stare. The longer they look at you, the more aroused they become until they are bound by the desire to have you.

“My name is Jaina,” she said with a smile. “I couldn’t help but overhear your comments.”

“Oh, umm, I thought I was alone,” he said, wiping his wet eyes. “I was just thinking.”

“You are having regrets about coming here,” Jaina said. “This isn't your kind of game.” His chest fell, and he looked down, unable to hold her gaze as he nodded. She asked him why he came to New Eden, and he admitted he did it because he was sick. He wouldn't go into the details, but he was in bad shape, and New Eden was his only hope. He came in not too long ago on a medical program, and at first, he was overjoyed, then he was eaten by a hoard of little furry animals, and he realized this wasn't the happy world he thought it was.

“Oh, I am sorry,” Jaina said as she stepped closer. “It can be a little intimidating for somebody who doesn’t play fantasy games.”

“I play sports games and first-person shooters,” he said with a shake of his head. “I keep thinking I will pick this up, but then I get killed again. I've died over and over, and each time I get more paranoid. I don't know how to pick out something dangerous from something that isn't. For all I know, the flowers on the trail can spit poison at me, or the trees might try to eat me.”

“Actually, both those things can happen,” Jaina admitted. “But not here. The Lovewood is more of a safe haven with relatively few dangers. There are monsters to fight, but they are kept to specific areas.”

“So, you're not some kind of lure or bait to get me to follow you to my doom?” he asked as she looked over her body again. “I mean, you're so. Well, underdressed.”

“Oh, is my body disturbing you?” Jaina said as she swayed her hips and took the final steps forward. She took his hand and leaned into his chest as her other hand wiped a strand of hair from his face. “You don’t know what the Lovewood is, do you?”

“It’s a forest,” the man stammered as Jaina leaned closer, her lips only an inch from his.

“It’s so much more than that,” Jaina said as she put his hand on her hip. “The Lovewood was created so women of love and compassion could find a home to express their desires.” She traced a finger along his jaw as her lips hovered just above his, his breath mingling with hers. “And we share our love freely with those we desire.”

“You do?” he said nervously as she looked into his eyes.

“Yes,” Jaina replied. “Let me show you.” He froze as her lips came to his, and she lavished him with a warm kiss. She made it last almost a minute before pulling away to smile at him. “Now, let me show you why coming here was the best decision you ever made.”

He was still nervous, so she helped him along with a soothing touch, tugging his hand to guide him to the pool.

[lvl 5 seductress skill: Soothing touch] With a touch, you can drive away fear, weariness, and pain. Greatly enhances the target's concentration skill and reduces all maintenance costs by half.

His trembling stopped as her hands cupped his face, and her lips returned to his. The kiss was returned this time as he took her in his arms and held her tightly to his chest. She knew where this was going, so she decided to prepare him with a little boost to his abilities.

[lvl 16 Seductress skill: Kiss of the vixen] Kissing a target for thirty seconds grants them a 25% bonus to all sex-related skills or sexual pleasure received.

“There you go,” Jaina said with a smile. “and stepped into the pool only a foot deep. Her hands crossed his chest, tugging at the ties to free him from his newbie shirt. “Now, come into the pool with me, and let me show you how lucky you are.”

His clothing came away as she guided him into the water before falling to her knees before him. He looked stunned when her hand wrapped around his modest cock, and with a look of hunger, her lips parted.

“Ohhhh,” he groaned as she sucked on the tip, using her skills to make it as pleasurable as possible.

[lvl 14 sex slave skill: Oral mastery] Passive, Oral sex provides extra stimulation to the one you are giving it to. You cannot choke and have no gag reflex, even if a cock is pushed into your throat.”

Jaina was delighted that she could be the one to show this man what he was missing. She hoped that by showing him a little love and passion, he would come to see New Eden as the magical place it was. She sucked on the top for a minute, then took him deeper, her tongue lavishing his cock with firm caresses. Their eyes met as she looked up and saw a glimmer of something, maybe hope that this wasn't a dream.

She held him by the waist as she used her mouth to tease him to the edge, then pulled away, smiling, and stood up, allowing his cock to slide between her breasts.

“Sit in the water,” Jaina whispered and held his hand as he took his place in the pool, his back against the side in the warm water. Jaina stepped over his legs, lowering herself as his hands came around her waist. She settled to her knees just over his hard cock and ran a hand up his chest.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked if a voice of disbelief.

“Why not?” Jaina replied. “This is the magic of New Eden and the love freely given by the women of the Lovewood.” She reached how to guide him in, causing a long moan as she swallowed his cock into her body. She settled on his lap and looked deep into his startled eyes before leaning forward to kiss him.

“Now, let me show you why you will never regret coming here again,” she said. He nodded, and she began doing all the work as he looked into her eyes. Her body moved in the practiced dance of passion, riding his cock like he was her lover. The water splashed as they made love, her voice slowly escaping in low moans. His hands began to explore her body, cupping her breasts to test their firmness.

Jaina was in no hurry to bring him to orgasm, but her collar spared her no such luxury. She came for him three times as he built up until she was hungry for the gift he was hiding inside.

“Take me,” Jaina gasped. “Give me all you have.”

His head finally went back as his grip on her waist grew firm. A few more thrusts later and Jaina felt the sweet delight of a shared orgasm. Their voices mingled as she kept the pace, driving his cock wild with continuous stimulation. When he could take no more, she settled into his lap, grinding her pussy into his body to ensure he gave her all he had.

“You’re amazing,” he panted as she cupped his face to lean forward and kiss him again.

“Welcome to New Eden,” Jaina whispered. “And welcome to the Lovewood.” She lay in his arms for several minutes; her eyes closed as he rubbed her back. She could feel the change in how he held her tight and how his voice had gained strength. This poor man was reeling with regret when she found him, and now he was lost in love and passion. When a reasonable amount of time had passed, she invited him up and walked with him to his little camp. Then she crawled into his blanket and invited him to nap with her. He looked shocked once again as he lay back, and she settled to his chest, falling asleep with a smile.

She woke when the sun moved to the late morning position and was pleased to discover he was still holding her. She writhed to run her body along his, waking him with a sexy caress.

“Good morning,” she said before kissing him. “Was your nap pleasant?”

“It was soothing,” he replied. “Of course, I had a beautiful woman to hold.”

“Oh, you sweet thing,” Jaina said, tapping his nose. “You will find that happens a lot here.”

“So, you don’t want anything from me?” he asked. “You just did this because you wanted to?”

“Of course I want something,” Jaina laughed. “I want you to feel loved. Now, make love to me again, and again, and again until you realize that your happiness is all I want.”

“You are the girl of my dreams,” he said.

“Well, wait until you meet Gisley to hand out that title,” Jaina laughed. She settled into his arms, and they made love again, using the little tent as a shelter. They paused after that, and Jaina took her opportunity to speak with him, explaining the Lovewood and the girls in it.

“So I shouldn’t assume every girl is here for this,” he said.

“Goodness no,” Jaina laughed. “Some girls are here to earn experience or pass through to the graveyard beyond. But if they have a collar on or are mostly naked and openly flirting, it's a safe bet they are here for fun.”

“Whose brilliant idea was it to build a place like this?” he asked. “I have to thank them.”

“His name is Roric, and he is the master of the forest,” Jaina explained. She told him about her master and his role in the forest and the jade harem. She also explained Frank and Hannah, telling him all about their rule of the land under their mother, Queen Gwen. He was full of questions at this point, like how was Hannah the princess and a slave girl? Jaina said it was her choice to submit to Frank, and he added them to the harem when he became a master.

“I never knew people played like this,” he said as his hand stroked her rear.

“How did you manage to get here and not learn any of this? Didn't you come through Paradise City?” Jaina asked.

“I have never even heard of it,” he laughed. “I came here from the road to the south. It went into a big swamp, and I ended up running from most of the things I faced. I'm not very good at this.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Jaina laughed and kissed his cheek. “You managed to miss both the big cities. But what class are you, anyway? It shouldn’t be this hard for you.”

“I’m a holy priest,” the man replied. “A healer, I guess.”

“No wonder,” Jaina said as she leaned back. “You’re a support class trying to tank everything yourself.”

“Support class? Tank?” he repeated, unaware of what those terms meant.

“Oh, goodness,” Jaina giggled. “You don’t even know what all that means.”

“No, I don’t play these kinds of games,” he insisted.

“Well, here is what we are going do,” Jaina said as she smiled down at him. “I am going to take you to Paradise City and introduce you to the adventurer's guild. You sign up and then let people know you're a healer looking to run some quests. Plenty of people are looking for healers to do quests with, and you should have no trouble finding a group to help you. Just be honest and tell them your low level and inexperienced. Ask them to do a few easy quests until you figure out how best to play your character.”

“You make it sound really easy,” he stated.

“It is easy,” Jaina replied and kissed his lips. “Then, when you have a few levels under your belt, you come back here and make love to some girls. Tell them you want to talk to me, and they will send the message. I want to hear all about your adventures and what you learned.”

“You make me wish I had come here sooner,” the man said as he squeezed her rear. “You are so beautiful.”

“Oh, if you want to see beautiful, you need to see Princess Hannah in her blond-haired form. She can pull off that innocent angel look with ease,” Jaina giggled.

“And who is this Gisley you keep mentioning?” he asked.

“She’s a sex fairy,” Jaina replied. “And she likes to give people good dreams.”

“This is heaven, isn't it?” he asked.

“It is if you want it to be,” Jaina replied, laying her head on his chest. “It's as beautiful or horrible as players want to make it. Sadly, many players prefer horrible, but Frank and Hannah are fighting against that. They refuse to let the wills of the north corrupt their land.”

“I don’t know what that means,” he said.

“Trust me, you don't want to,” Jaina sighed. “But suffice it to say there are powerful players in the north who believe that places like this shouldn't exist. They don't like hero and monster players working together, and they don't like players being encouraged to level. They prefer the game to be super hard for everyone, so only the ruthless or lucky ever rise to any level of true power. They have threatened our home here several times, but Frank and Hannah always turn them away.”

“They sound wonderful,” the man replied. “Like you are.”

Jaina smiled and nodded in his chest. “They are wonderful, and thanks to them, our forest can flourish to be the haven of love and beauty we always envisioned it to be.” They kissed and fell into another round of passion, making love in the little tent until the sun moved again. Jaina finally suggested they stop and get going so they would reach the city before it got too late.

He agreed, and she helped him dress, then walked through the forest, holding his hand as she explained every magical place they passed. She described some of her romantic encounters and hidden locations where girls could be found. He was amazed by it all and promised to return as often as possible. Jaina wanted to laugh to see his enthusiasm, but she made him promise not to return until he had a few levels.

They walked and talked through the forest, beyond the gates of the goblin fortress and to the intersection before the graveyard. Here she explained how he would be more effective against the undead as a holy priest and should look for quests in this area. Then she took him up the long pass, through the mountains, and into the valley. When the city came into view, he looked amazed and asked if she was going to get dressed before anyone saw her.

Jaina laughed and took him through the gates and down the streets with people staring as her naked body went by. She took him directly to the doors of the adventurer's guild and looked him in the eyes.

“Now, go and sign up, then let people know you're a healer,” Jaina said before giving him a kiss. “Trust me. You will be very popular.”

“I don't know how to thank you,” he said, running a nervous hand through his hair.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Jaina replied. “Just be a good man, a good player, and fight for what this kingdom stands for. Fun for hero and monster players together.”

He nodded and stepped back, a blush coming to his face. “My name is James, by the way. I noticed you never asked, despite what we did.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed and stroked his cheek. “I don't need names to share my love, but thank you for telling me. Have you considered taking a fantasy name to round out your character?”

“I don't normally play games where I can pick a name,” he said. “I guess I just assumed it would stay James, like the Prince's name is Frank.”

“Yeah, we kind of wish he had picked a better name, too,” Jaina giggled. “But he's had it so long now, and everybody knows him as Frank, so it's too late the change it. But you are new and have time to think of something.”

“I have no idea what to use,” he admitted with a shrug.

“Hmm,” Jaina replied, walking around him as her eyes took him in. “A human holy priest. What is a good name for that?” She pondered it a moment then a smile crossed her face. “Chevin.”

“Chevin?” he repeated.

“I was thinking of your being chivalrous, and that name sort of jumped out at me,” Jaina said. “Hmm, we made love for the first time in the moon well, so your name is Chevin Moonstone, Holy priest and champion of Ellowshire.”

“Well, not quite a champion yet,” he mused.

Jaina leaned in and kissed him once more, then sat back and smiled. “You will be. I can see it in your eyes. You have what it takes to be a great healer and a wonderful addition to our kingdom.”

“I will do my best,” he replied with a nod.

“Good, because I will be heartbroken if I find out you turned into a bad player like the ones in the north,” Jaina said. “Now go and begin your new life as a proper adventurer. Go make us proud.”

He nodded and went inside as Jaina practically bounced in excitement. She felt good about herself and about what she did, restoring a player's confidence and wiping away his feelings of regret.

“There you are,” a voice called as something dropped from the sky. Jaina turned to see Hannah in white silks and metallic gold panties, smiling as she held out her arms. “I missed you.”

Jaina settled into those arms and closed her eyes to enjoy her embrace. New Eden was heaven, and Hannah was its greatest angel.

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