The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-143 A feast of sex

Gisley hurried across the tavern room with a tray of mugs for a particularly rowdy table of dwarves. Chandice was hard at work in the kitchens, cooking chicken pot pies while fish simmered in the pans. The tavern was particularly busy tonight, but it felt lonely without Jaina. Roric had bartered her for a discount on a new spear, and she was spending the night with the merchant. Evalynn had been given some time to herself and was relaxing at Rajeen's inn. She had been by earlier to spend some time with her rogue lover but didn't say too long after they made love. Now Gisley was the center of attention as men and a few women kept accidentally squeezing her rear.

“Here you go,” she said, setting the tray on the table. “Is there anything else you need?”

“How about a dance on the table?” one of the dwarfs asked, causing the others to laugh.

“Sorry, I only do that at the jade temple, and even then, only on special occasions now,” Gisley replied and went to leave when one of them grabbed her by the apron.

“I hear you're one of them whores in the forest,” the dwarf said with foam in his beard. “Fancy a quick romp under the table?”

Gisley considered putting him to sleep, but she didn't have to. A second later, his chair was pulled back, and he fell flat to the floor as a woman in black leather armor glared over him.

“The serving girls are here to wait tables, not dance on or under them,” she said while holding a knife.

“Oh, excuse me,” he replied before belching. “I seem to have spilled me beer.”

“Thanks, Faytal,” Gisley said and winked at the rogue woman who had come to her rescue.

“Don't mention it,” the woman said with a wink before turning to the drunk men. Gisley heard her giving them a proper warning that further abuse of the fairy would end badly. She hurried back to the kitchen, where Chandice had a dozen small pies in bowls set out on the table. She was ladling a lovely stew into them one at a time, smiling as she worked.

“Those smell wonderful,” Gisley said as she came to the table.

“They are going to taste wonderful,” Chandice replied. “A farmer actually settled outside the city and is growing proper vegetables. The ones you buy from NPCs just don't have the same flavor as player-grown ones, and if you get a good player with a high skill, they taste even better. I bought a bunch and had them delivered this morning to make the pies. This kingdom is really starting to take shape, and a player economy is taking over.”

“I am so happy for Hannah and her family,” Gisley said. “Their kingdom is coming along nicely.”

“It is,” Chandice said and looked up from her work. “Who would have thought you and I would end up working in a tavern again?”

“Well, it’s a proper inn now,” Gisley said. “They have five rooms to rent.”

“A small inn, I suppose,” Chandice agreed. “I bet you already glittered the pillows.”

Gisley smiled as Chandice guessed her secret. She had indeed glittered the pillows and would see the dreams of anyone who slept in those beds tonight. She saw dozens of dreams every night now, thanks to Rajeen serving glitter bombs. It was basically a blue rum spiced with fruit flavors and a dash of fairy glitter obtained from one of Gisley's orgasms. People thought the glitter was just a magical effect to make the drink look pretty, but Gisley knew differently. Sometimes, she had to spend an hour in the morning being masturbated by harem girls to get enough fluid for the day's drinks. The drink was popular among guests who wanted to have good dreams, and Gisley was all too happy to give them one.

“You're a bad girl,” Chandice laughed and set her ladle in the pot. “Well, help me put the pastry on top, and I will get these in the oven.”

Gisley dashed around the table and happily helped put the tops of the pies on, carefully pinching the edges with her finger and thumb to make the lovely ruffled appearance. She then helped cut two small slits in every pie before holding the oven door open as Chandice slid them inside.

“Now to let them bake while I season the potatoes for the fish,” Chandice said.

“Did you do a lot of cooking in the real world?” Gisley asked as Chandice set a bucket of potatoes on the table in the middle of the kitchen.

“Me? No, not really,” Chandice admitted. “I was a lazy cook. If it couldn't be microwaved, it couldn't be eaten.”

“What made you want to cook here?” Gisley asked as she sat on the table and took out a potato to help start peeling them.

“I don't know,” Chandice said as she started working. “It's funny really. I ate a meal at the inn and thought NPCs are terrible cooks, and I bet I could do it better. So I tried, and it came out alright, so I kept doing it. Before I knew it, I was cooking all the time, and I enjoyed it.”

Gisley smiled as Chandice grew bored with peeling and poured the bucked on the table. She commanded two small knives to peel them, and the knives magically went about the work. Chandice wiped her hands on a towel and went to the shelves for spices, the nearby step stool sliding into place of its own accord so she could reach it.

“An enchanted kitchen is a useful thing, Gisely laughed.

“It has its advantages,” Chandice agreed as she picked out a few jars of spices.

“So, are you nervous about tomorrow?” Gisley pressed, knowing Chandice's wedding was just hours away. She watched as Chandice smiled and shook her head. She explained that she was excited to finally be getting married and that she loved Roric.

“And you will still take care of us?” Gisley asked.

“You know I will,” Chandice said before leaning over to kiss the fairy on the cheek. “I love my girls.”

“You and Hannah are so much alike,” Gisley sighed. “You're both super smart, like to take care of your girls, and want to be married to the man you love. The only real difference is she wants to be a slave girl, and you don't.”

“You know why she wants to be a slave girl,” Chandice said as she set some spice jars on the table. “This is her way of dealing with her past. She uses the excitement of being a slave girl to help keep her mind reeling so she doesn't dwell on it.”

“After that dream, I can understand why,” Gisley replied.

“I am glad she found a way to deal with the pressure,” Chandice said as she measured some spice. “But I hope she doesn't wake up later and regret her choices.”

“She will be fine,” Gisley said as she picked up a jar to sniff the contents. “She has embraced it with her heart, and she loves Rajeen. But she really loves Jaina. They make love every chance they get.”

“Yes, my girlfriend is awfully cosey with her,” Chandice laughed. “Has Jaina introduced Hannah to her boyfriend yet?”

“Zorac? No, I don't think so,” Gisley commented. “At least, Jaina hasn't said so. I know Frank wants her to do some playing with other men, but he's still going super slow with it. Roric has been the only one so far.”

“Well, he's a harem master, so that was inevitable,” Chandice agreed. “I suppose Zillix will be next.”

“Yeah, I heard Rajeen say he accepted,” Gisley replied. “But they were holding off on formally announcing it and adding Idris to the harem until after your wedding.”

“So the focus is on the wedding?” Chandice asked as she dashed the potatoes with some seasoning. “I suppose it makes sense.”

“Well, yeah,” Gisley laughed. “It's tomorrow. I know it will be small, but it's still important to the harem.”

“That’s a funny thing, isn’t it?” Chandice asked as she paused to lean on the table. “The real power here has shifted. It’s still Hannah and Frank, but they are seen as members of the jade harem. People see the harem as the source of power, not the individuals in it. To most people, Roric, Rajeen, and Blackbast are as important as Frank or Hannah.”

“And soon, so will you,” Gisley said with a wink. “Word will spread that you are Roric's wife, and people will see you as part of that power structure.”

“Oh, I am not sure I like that,” Chandice said as she looked at her potatoes. “All I wanted was to belong to this family and run my little shop. I don’t want to be a power player.”

“You will be Roric's wife,” Gisley insisted, leaning over to dab a finger in the spice mixture. “He will do most of the decision-making, but you will have some say out of respect.”

“All I ever wanted was him and you three girls,” Chandice said. “And what about the complication of Jaina and Hannah being my girlfriends? Does that end when we marry? Do we go on knowing I am already married?”

“Hannah is already married,” Gisley pointed out. “And she doesn’t seem to worry about.”

“I really should ask her what she hopes to achieve from this,” Chandice said. “I mean, people date to form a relationship that should one day end in marriage. But I can’t marry Hannah or Jaina.”

“I wonder if you could?” Gisley said, then tasted the spice mixture. “Oh, what is that?” She asked with a bit of a jump.

“A blend of peppers, mustards, basil and salt,” Chandice replied. “It makes the potatoes taste good.”

“Maybe it’s better with butter,” Gisley shrugged.

“You have had it before and loved it,” Chandice laughed. “The flavor comes out when you bake it. It's too strong to dab your finger in and taste directly.”

“So, what if you could marry Hannah?” Gisley repeated. “Then Frank and Roric would be brothers.” Gisley watched as Chandice smiled and shook her head. She didn't think that was a possibility and certainly wouldn't lead to anything exciting. Gisley pressed that they would all share one bed, but Chandice insisted that the boys weren't like that. They didn't mind sharing their girls, but they weren't about to climb into bed together.

“Have you seen your dress yet?” Gisley asked as she watched Chandice stir a bowl of freshly chopped potatoes.

“Not yet,” Chandice said with a smile. “I asked for it to be simple, but you know Rajeen. She probably has a gown fit for an empress picked out.”

“I heard her and Blackbast talking about it,” Gisley said. “It sounds like they are trying to honor your wishes. Rajeen still wants your wedding to be as grand as possible, but she knows you two don't want to make a big thing of it.”

“I really should ask them what they have planned,” Chandice said as she picked up a tray of diced potatoes and carried them to the over. “Open up,” she commanded, and the metal grate dropped down to reveal the black chamber within. She slid the tray inside and commanded the door to close before wiping her hands on her apron.

“Well, little insect,” Chandice said with a smile at Gisley. “You need to deliver these stews and see if anyone needs more to drink.”

Gisley nodded and swept up a tray full of bowls before returning to the bar room. She made her way around, delivering the meals to those who wanted them and taking a few pinches of her rear in the process. She didn't mind the little gropes and even flirted with the customers as a reward. When the tray was clear, she used it to gather up empty mugs and hurried off to get new ones filled with golden beer. It was a typical day at the tavern and a job she enjoyed doing as part of her service to the rogues guild. Still, the fun that waited for later, when she went into the tunnels below to service the rogues directly, had her most excited.

For the next hour, she worked the floor, earning a few tips tucked into her breasts. She wiped down tables and kept up a clean floor, all the while ensuring the food and beer kept flowing. Chandice arrived at the bar to take a break from cooking and helped by wiping down the counter.

“It’s been a fun day,” Gisley said as she bounded over. “I bet my cheeks are red from all the pinches I have gotten.”

“Ha,” Chandice laughed. “You have to be the only woman I know who loves it when men do that.”

“I like knowing they want me,” Gisley said, turning her rear so Chandice could see it. “Are my cheeks red?”

“Gisley, your skin is a soft purple. I can't tell if it's red or not,” Chandice laughed but reached down to run a hand over the woman's thigh. “But I look forward to knowing you are my slave girl.”

“I'm already your slave girl,” Gisley said as she held still, enjoying her grope.

“Well, you all agree to be my slave girls, but after tomorrow, you will be my slave girls by right of the system. I will own you three just as much as Roric does, and I intend to enjoy that.”

“Oh, are you going to play with us more?” Gisley asked as Chandice gave her rear a firm squeeze. She leaned closer and pulled her top down, allowing Chandice to see her firm breasts. “It’s been so long since you made me a toy for one of your summoned creatures.”

“You horny little monster,” Chandice laughed. “Get into the kitchen where the guests won't see what is happening to you.”

Gisley smiled and scampered to the door, slipping inside as Chandice followed. She backed away as Chandice entered the room and commanded her to undress. She then ordered Gisley to sit on the edge of the kitchen table and lay back with her knees pulled up and legs spread.

“Look at that pretty little pussy,” Chandice said as she stepped between Gisley’s legs and began to rub it. “I bet hundreds of men have pounded this dirty little snatch.”

Gisley bit her lip as Chandice used her fingers to spread her lips wide and look into her body. She watched Chandice smile as two fingers slid in, slowly stroking her as she lay back.

“I want to tell you something,” Chandice cooed as Gisley shook. “I love how slutty you are. I love watching you happily spread your legs for anyone who wants it.”

“You do?” Gisley gasped as she threw her arms down, her mind reeling by Chandice’s comment.

“Oh, I do,” Chandice whispered as she ran a hand up Gisley's stomach. “I want you on your back day and night, taking cock from anyone who wants to fuck the slut fairy.” She leaned over Gisley as her hand dug deeper, her smile one of absolute pleasure. “And once I am your master, I am going to make you a slave to my pets. It will be your job to satisfy them by letting them fuck this slutty little body.”

Gisley shuddered at her words as she swooned in arousal. Chandice was being so dominant as she insisted Gisley was a dirty slut. Gisley surrendered to her power and was rewarded when Chandice reached over her shoulder and grabbed a fat carrot from a bowl. Gisley cried out as it was firmly shoved into her pussy, and Chandice used it to fuck her delicate hole.

“Keep those legs open,” Chandice commanded as Gisley faltered. “A slut like you keeps her legs spread so people can use her easily.” Gisley moaned and thrashed as Chandice used her hand to thrust the carrot through her body rapidly.

“Oh, you like this,” Chandice laughed as Gisley's back arched. “You dirty slut. You don't care what's in your pussy so long as it's big and hard. I bet you masturbate with all sorts of things when nobody is looking.”

Gisley smiled as Chandice caught her in a truth. She didn’t masturbate often as sex was so easy to come by, but when she did, she used anything at hand. Chandice saw the smile and slapped one of her breasts, calling her a naughty little slut. She leaned into Gisley, rocking her hips as she held the carrot, fucking the little fairy's body. Now, her breasts shook as her entire body was put into motion, rocking with every thrust.

“I’m not being too hard on you, am I?” Chandice asked in a break from her performance.

“No, I like it,” Gisley replied. “I love it when you dominate me. I know you would stop the second you thought you were hurting me.”

“Oh, you like it?” Chandice said as she pushed hard, causing Gisley to groan. “Well, let's find out how much you can take.”

Gisley giggled as Chandice's thrusts grew more rapid, the carrot working her pussy as the tension built inside. She reached out to grab her legs, holding them wide as she looked into Chandice's eyes, her love for her master apparent on her face. Chandice looked down on her lovingly, the woman deeply appreciative of Gisley's sacrifice. Her ability to recognize the gift of a slave girl's surrender is what made Chandice a good master.

Gisley cried out as her body responded to the thrusting going on. She twisted as the slave collar amplified the power until she had to hold her legs tight to keep them from trembling. She sang with every thrust as Chandice resumed taunting her, encouraging her to cum like a little slut. It happened a moment later, and she ran wet as her head went back, her voice singing loud enough to be heard in the other room. Gisley pulled her legs wide as Chandice shoved hard, giving her rapid, deep thrusts to keep the orgasm rolling.

“That’s a good slut,” Chandice admonished as her hand was soaked by Gisley’s cum. “You’re an easy one to please.”

Gisley's smile spread as Chandice slowed her thrusting while her free hand played with Gisley's clit. She spread Gisley's wetness across her stomach, tracing small spirals as the fairy tried to recover. She let out a long sigh as Chandice slowly withdrew the carrot, taking over a minute to gently ease it out.

“I like seeing this pussy in use,” Chandice said as she rubbed it again. “I want you to be a prostitute full-time.”

“You do?” Gisley asked as her pussy was rubbed with gentle hands.

“Yes,” Chandice said with a lusting hunger. “I want to know that there is a line of men waiting to fuck you at all times. Maybe I can talk Roric into selling you to Alexandria and put you to work in her brothel.”

Gisley's heart raced to think of being sold to Alexandria and used as a prostitute at all hours. It was an exciting idea made even more intense as she realized she couldn't tell if Chandice was teasing or not. All she knew was she was a slave girl, and Chandice was her master. It was her choice to sell or keep Gisley, and she would serve whoever bought her.

Chandice leaned over her body and dangled the carrot before her face. “Open up,” she said, pressing the carrot into her lips, forcing Gisley to taste her body. “That's it, lick off all that slutty goo,” Chandice urged as Gisley sucked the carrot clean. “Good girl. A slut should love the taste of her own pussy.”

Gisley sucked at the carrot, hungry to get off every bit of her honey and please the woman that was tormenting her. When the carrot was clean, Chandice inspected it and said she had done well. “Good slut,” Chandice said as she leaned back. “I think you deserve a reward.”

Gisley looked between her legs as Chandice licked the carrot, then lowered it, passing it between her tender petals. Her eyes went wide as Chandice went lower and grabbed hold of her butterfly plug.

“This needs to come out, “Chandice said and gently began to work the plug out. “I think you need something bigger than this filling your slutty body.”

Gisley tensed as the plug that was always in her rear began to slide free of her body. It came out with a pop, leaving her tight hole hungry to be filled. Chandice reached over and pressed the plug to Gisley's lips, pushing the bulb end into her mouth until the butterfly decorated her lips. Then she lowered the carrot and began to work the fat end into her tight ass.

“Oh, I can feel you squeezing,” Chandice laughed as she pushed the carrot in slowly. “You can’t stand not having something hard in your ass, can you? We might need to make a wall where we can strap you in a hole so your slutty little ass is out to use.”

Gisley felt a nervous tension like never before as Chandice's comments stirred her passions. She couldn't tell if Chandice was serious, and the fear that it might happen was making her wild. Below, her ass was filling with a fat carrot as Chandice slid it deeper.

“Oh, look at how easily your little ass takes a cock,” Chandice laughed. “You must have had hundreds in her by now. I wonder how deep you can go, though.”

Gisley tensed and pulled back on her legs as Chandice pushed deeper, the carrot slowly tapering to a narrower point. When it was down to the width of a finger, Chandice pulled a little back, then let her body suck it back in.

“My, you don't want to let go of that,” Chandice said, rubbing Gisley's tummy. “Oh, I think I can feel it. I bet you would love to keep it deep inside.”

All Gisley could do was nod and moan as she felt the hard carrot filling her hole. Chandice pulled it back again, rubbing her stomach to feel where it was. Gisley's body sucked it back in when she let go, closing tight around the narrow point. She pulled it once more, taking it a little farther than before. Then Gisley heard a snap as Chandice broke off the narrow point. Her body sucked it back in, but now it was a few inches shorter. She felt her ass close completely as the fat portion was swallowed hole, slipping into her body.

“Ohhh,” Gisley cried as she writhed, the carrot slipping deeply into her stomach. She was surprised when her plug was plucked from her lips and pressed to her rear. It slid back in, plugging her tight hole and trapping the carrot in her body.

“Look at that,” Chandice laughed. “You swallowed it right up. I hope you feel full now.” She rubbed Gisley's stomach to feel just how far the carrot had gone, then smiled in satisfaction. “Now I need something else to fuck that slutty hole with.”

Gisley could only look on with pleading eyes as Chandice walked to a nearby counter where baskets of vegetables lay ready to be used. Chandice ran her hand over stacks of cucumbers, zucchini, and squash, all the while smiling at Gisley as her hand touched larger and larger fruits.

“Should we give that slutty hole a good working over?” Chandice asked as she picked up a thick green fruit.

Gisley shook her head, but Chandice carried the fruit back, smiling as she swayed her hips. She returned to her place between Gisley's spread legs and rested the heavy fruit on her stomach.

“I bet you are wondering if even your slutty body can take this,” Chandice said as she slid the fruit up and down Gisley's stomach. “It's as big around as my fist and nearly as long as my arm. I have to admit I worry you won't be able to handle it, but then you're a slut, and I know you want to try. I bet you're getting wet just thinking about this huge thing stretching you to bursting.”

Gisley shut her eyes and rolled her head as Chandice's comments sent her spiraling out of control. Before she knew it, she was begging Chandice to fuck her with it, pleading to have her pussy ruined. She felt the fruit lifted away and then pressed to her pussy as Chandice ground the tip in. At first, her body resisted, her tight hole far too tiny for the large object. Then, her slave collar relaxed her muscles, and the accommodate skill worked its magic. It allowed her body to stretch to accept even the largest cocks, but even so, there was a limit. Gisley cried out as her back arched, and the fruit slipped in almost two full inches.

“My goodness,” Chandice cried. “Look at your slutty body trying to take it. I wonder how much you can get in,” she added, putting a little pressure on it before twisting it to help it slide in.

Gisley was alive with sensation as she felt every inch of the fruit inside her delicate pussy. Slowly it worked its way in, inch by agonizing inch, as her pussy was stretched to the limit. Chandice pulled back a little and remarked that Gisley was wet with excitement as she rubbed the fairy’s clit to bring her even more pleasure.

“Your clit is pulled tight over the fruit,” Chandice remarked. “Can you feel it pressing on your clit from underneath?”

“Yes!” Gisley cried as her mind melted in wild passion. She could indeed feel it, pressing on her clit from below as Chandice teased it from above. It was a maddening sensation as Chandice began to rock the fruit, causing it to slip in more and more. Gisley pulled her legs back, desperate to widen her opening as another inch slid into her body. It felt like ten inches was already inside as Chandice told her they were halfway there. Just knowing that sent Gisley's mind flying to places it had never gone before, and her voice cried out as she suddenly had an unexpected orgasm. Her body clenched down as her orgasm tried to roll, tightening around the fruit and the carrot. She found the sensation of her ass being so full intensified the orgasm, making her shake in fits of pleasure.

“So the slut loves having her pussy stretched,” Chandice laughed. “I need to put you in the stables. The horses could probably give you a good challenge.” Gisley tossed her head as Chandice pushed even further until a bulge formed in Gisley’s stomach. Then she paused and rubbed the poor fairy’s tummy, admiring her work before grabbing the fruit with both hands.

“Now, let's see how much you can take,” Chandice said as she swung her hips again, using her body to set the motion. The fruit began to sway through Gisley's body, fucking her pussy like never before. She was wild with tension as the way Chandice spoke to her had triggered a storm of powerful emotions. Insider her body, the pressure was intense as she felt every inch of that huge fruit sliding across her skin. Her clit tingled with every pass as if somebody were flicking it nonstop, making it difficult to hold her legs. She cried out with a loud groan, her back permanently arched as she tried to contain the massive object.

In seconds, she was coming again, this time spraying wildly. Chandice made her choke as she swatted Gisley in the clit for getting her juice on her dress.

“I am going to make you lick the floor clean for that,” Chandice threatened and shoved hard, driving the fruit deeper than before. Gisley responded with another spurt as her legs shook, unable to resist the power between her legs. Chandice took up a firm pace, fucking her pussy while promising that she wasn't going to stop until it was ruined. Gisley knew the magic of the collar would prevent that from happening, but she still felt a thrill in how Chandice said it. She came again a few moments later, then again thirty seconds after that. The fruit was so hard and large that she couldn't find relief from it as it tore her body asunder.

Chandice drove her to five orgasms, then six, then laughed as Gisley reached seven in less than three minutes. It was impossible to resist the sensation, and the dirty talk had put her mindset in a place where only sex mattered. All she wanted was to be used and plundered, her body for sale to any who wanted to pay for it. She found herself wishing they would sell her to Alexandria, where she could be used as a prostitute every day.

Ten orgasms in, and Gisley could no longer contain it. She sprayed like a fountain with every release, earning swats to her clit and breasts with each new squirt. Chandice didn't let up with her comments, driving Gisley on with praise for what a dirty slut she was. Gisley remembered what Chandice said about loving how slutty Gisley was. She wanted to live up to those remarks and be a complete slut, fucking constantly and never getting enough. She wanted Chandice to know she was a good slut and always would be to make her master proud of her.

She lost track of the orgasms after ten, but at some point, her legs fell, her arms no longer able to hold them. It was only then that Chandice slowed her rocking and ran a hand across the woman's stomach.

“I think you have had enough,” Chandice said, slowly drawing the fruit out. When it finally came free, a flood of fairy nectar came with it, splashing to add to the puddle at Chandice's feet. Gisley was ordered to roll over and leave her ass up as Chandice removed the plug and fished inside with two fingers for the carrot.

“It’s in too deep,” Chandice said. “You’re going to have to push.”

Gisley was tired, and the last thing she wanted to do was push. She tried with a grunt, then set her legs on the floor as she squatted some.

“Good slut,” Chandice cooed as she rubbed Gisley’s ass. “Push it out like a good girl.”

Gisley groaned again as she felt it moving inside. It seemed to fall to her lower body then she felt her muscles spreading.

“I see it,” Chandice cried and reached down to grab hold. Gisley yelped as the woman yanked it free and set the gooey thing on the table. “Now I can tell you're tired, so I think I will give you a place to rest.” She went to the cupboard and came back with a large silver platter used for when they served whole pigs. She set it on the table and went to the baskets, returning with armfuls of parsley. She created a bed on the platter, spread it out evenly, and then ordered Gisley to climb into the center.

The poor fairy woman slowly crawled to the platter and lay on her stomach over the bed of greens. Chandice laughed and went to a shelf, returning with a little string. Gisley found her arms pulled back and tied before her knees were tucked under her chest and her legs tied together. She realized she was being dressed like a stuffed pig as Chandice used the string to firmly tie her to the center of the platter. She was left helpless in the center as Chandice came around the front with the carrot from her ass. She placed it sideways in Gisley's mouth and commanded her to bite down and hold it.

“There you go,” Chandice said with a smile as she ran a hand over her handiwork. Gisley was pressed face down with her breasts planted in the greens. Her legs were folded underneath her with her rear in the air. Chandice took a second carrot, this one with the top of green still attached, and worked it into the fairy's rear to leave the crown of green sticking out. “You are a feast of sex,” Chandice said. “Now, all we need are a few hungry people to eat you up.”

Gisley wasn’t sure what she was getting at as Chandice left the room. She returned a moment later with four rogues and pointed to Gisley as they smiled.

“Your dinner is ready,” Chandice said. “I made it special for Santos and the guild.”

“I am sure he will be pleased,” One of the rogues laughed as they worked together to lift the platter. “We will probably be feasting all night.”

Gisley squirmed as they carried her off to the secret tunnels that would take her below the tavern. She was turned in the main course of a meal of sex and delivered to the table of a guild of hungry men. Long into the night, they enjoyed their meal, her body finding no rest as they dinned on sex. Gisley was so lost to the passion that she forgot she was a person. All she wanted was to be prepared again and again to be delivered as a meal to the hungry men. She was a slutty little thing, and she hoped and prayed Chandice would never stop seeing her that way.

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