The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-145 I am your slave

Jaina and Hannah held hands as Chandice and Roric stood together and were married in a private ceremony. They held it in the palace over the city so that the people below would never know it was happening. Frank and his girls were present, as were Rajeen and dozens of her girls. Gwen was on hand to bless the union and deliver them a modest gift of social points to help build their forest.

Chandice wore an elegant white and metallic blue gown with bare shoulders and ornate lace. Her train went only a foot beyond her feet and ended in a pair of golden doves. She wore the most beautiful shade of pink lip paint and a sheer veil that made her eyes mysterious. There was no long ornate speech or special vows as both wanted it kept short. So, with but a few words from an NPC priest, they were presented with rings and married.

Jaina was never so happy for Roric and Chandice as she watched the man who, in every sense of the word, was hers, marry another woman. Gisley held her hand as Jaina was relegated to the role of a slave in their relationship. She knew this day would come one day and was proud it finally happened. Everyone was in their proper place as masters and slaves.

When the ceremony was done, the pair was presented to the gathered members, and the harem girls lifted their voices in song. The hall was filled with beautiful female voices as they sang for the newlyweds. It was the only sign to the city that anything special was happening as that music carried beyond the palace to the people below.

Then, there was cake, toasts, and a mixing of greetings as people mingled and wished them well. Jaina and Hannah finally got a chance to share a kiss as the party moved to balconies for the reception. They went to the rail and looked over the city, spreading out to the far walls as players continued to build. Jaina admired what had been accomplished and played with Hannah's hand as they smiled at each other.

“This is wonderful,” Jaina said as she leaned into Hannah. “Chandice is finally married to Roric.”

“It is wonderful,” Hannah agreed. “Our family has really grown.”

“I love hearing you say that,” Jaina said as she pressed tightly to her lover. “You and I are a family now. Sisters in the slave collar. I am so happy I don’t know how to express it.” She jumped as something smooth and flat rolled over her rear as Hannah used her tail to tease her. She leaned back a bit to see Hannah's exposed back and the tree tattoo that ran up her spine, marking her as a whore of the forest. Blackbast had taken her and Quinny just two days ago to begin the process of earning the magical tattoos. Now Hannah had several, and as was part of the requirement, she could wear nothing that would conceal them. Everyone would be allowed to see that Hannah had been playing in the forest, and those who could read the tattoos would know exactly what games she had been up to.

She ran a hand up Hannah's shoulder blade to trace a small image of a ghoul's face.

“Three marks in one go,” Jaina said in approval. “One for making love to Frank in his ghoul form. One for serving in the temple, and one for making love to a man in the forest.” She noted the blush that reddened Hannah's cheeks and how she hid her face in her hands.

“Is something wrong?” Jaina pressed.

“Well,” Hannah whispered through her fingers. “Technically, we didn't make love.”

“Oh, so you fucked like a whore,” Jaina laughed as she understood the meaning of Hannah’s sudden embarrassment. Hannah pulled her hands away and admitted to fucking wildly. She had gotten so carried away as he pounded her pussy that she begged him to fuck her in his ghoul form every time. Jaina had to laugh as Hannah walked down the very same path she had. She put an arm around the embarrassed woman and admitted that she had done the same thing with Roric, pleading with him to always be rough. That seemed to help Hannah recover, but Jaina knew where this path was going. Frank had taken Hannah to Blackbast's temple to have sex because he wanted her to understand that he was there to fuck a whore. It had obviously worked, and Hannah had clearly enjoyed it but was embarrassed to admit she did. Jaina lavished her with encouragement and commented that she had grown into her role.

Hannah nodded and admitted she was a sex slave and her role was what her master said it was. Jaina was so impressed with her answer she couldn't help but seek another kiss when something landed on the railing before them. The two women looked down to see a tiny dragon, no larger than a cat, with scales that seemed to shift colors. He looked up with his narrow dragon face, studying them as they hovered inches from a kiss.

“Oh, hello, Zillix,” Hannah said. “Did you enjoy the wedding?”

“It was interesting,” he replied in his little dragon voice. “But why wasn’t ours so elaborate? We didn’t even kiss at the end.”

Jaina wanted to laugh as the little dragon compared his rushed wedding to Roric and Chandice's. He seemed confused about why they were so different, but Hannah took matters into her own hands. Jaina was pleased when Hannah leaned over, her lips pursed and kissed the top of the little dragon's head. She then pulled Jaina tight and explained that they had no time for ceremony because of the terrible rush they were in.

Jaina recalled that rush with a sense of dread. Hannah was less than a day away from being dragged before dozens of powerful lords to answer questions about her past. They were on a witch hunt to prove she had lied to them in past interrogations and that she was the rumored necromancer plaguing the South. They were bringing with them a stone of truth that would test her answers and reveal her lies. Hannah had to find a way to cheat their magic and conceal the truth that she was indeed the necromancer they sought. To make matters worse, they demanded to see her character sheet to prove once and for all what she was.

Hannah was in a terrible trap but found salvation in the little dragon and the woman Alexandria. Alexandria would use her deception power to turn lies into truth, while Zillix would use his illusions to alter her character sheet so they saw what Hannah wanted them to see. Still, none of it would have worked unless they were high enough level to challenge the power of the lords. That was where Hannah had a stroke of genius and quickly married her two saviors. For reasons unknown, Hannah had a power pool known as essence that could be used to boost the effective level of any spell. When anybody married Hannah, they too gained access to this unusual stat. So, in a rushed ceremony, the three married and then quickly trained on how to use the power. They would have to channel this essence to boost their abilities if they had any hope of deceiving the lords.

The plan worked perfectly until the lords caught Hannah in a trap. The whole plan was about to unravel when Zillix risked his life to push his illusions well beyond safe limits. They won the day, but the little dragon was left in a comma, and many wondered if he would wake up. He eventually did, and as a reward for his selfless sacrifice, he was inducted into the lords of the harem. Technically, he had been invited and said yes, but there would be a more proper ceremony later and, of course, the branding of his slave girl Idris as she joined the harem. Nobody wanted his joining the harem to compete with the wedding, so all agreed to wait another day.

Hannah thanked him for what he did, admitting her plan was about to falter. Zillix insisted that he thought she was a good person and didn't want to see her punished. They were strong words from the little dragon, but Jaina wondered if he understood the risk he had taken. If the lords had discovered his treachery, he would have been branded an enemy of dozens of kingdoms and become a hunted creature. The powerful elite would take an interest in seeing him suffer, and he would have to flee far and fast to escape spending a thousand years in a tiny cage.

He thanked them for inviting him to the harem, and Jaina insisted he deserved it. She pointed out how he risked making powerful enemies to save their homes. Zillix bowed his head and then curiously stared at Hannah, blinking his eyes as if pondering something. He then asked a funny question, wanting to know if they were still married.

Jaina wondered why he was concerned about that as Hannah insisted they were indeed married and even referred to herself as his wife. He seemed to understand and raised a small clawed hand as if to highlight a point.

“And as my wife, I can ask you to do things?” Zillix asked as he studied Hannah’s face.

“Things?” Hannah repeated. “What kind of things?” Jaina wondered that, too, as the little dragon explained it was wife things. He then expressed that they were a mated pair, then corrected himself, and asked if they would be.

Hannah looked confused, but Jaina realized what the tiny creature was asking. Hannah and Zillix were married, but they had not as yet become a mated pair. To do that, they needed to mate, and Hannah wasn't getting the message.

“I think I know where this is going,” Jaina giggled. “You two haven’t consummated the marriage yet, have you?”

“No,” Hannah said as her coppery cheeks darkened. “I suppose we haven’t.”

“You naughty girl,” Jaina laughed and nudged Hannah. “Why are you making your poor husband wait?” She was truly enjoying this moment as Hannah realized the dragon was asking when they would complete their marriage by mating. Hannah insisted she wasn't making him wait as she cited how busy things had been. She rambled on about things changing too quickly and coming to terms with it all, but Jaina knew these were excuses. Deep down, Hannah knew she belonged to Zillix, and her husband was asking when they would make love.

“Oh, of course,” Jaina said to be encouraging as she realized Hannah needed a little help. “But he is your husband. You should show him a little encouragement.” She said it to placate Zillix by encouraging Hannah to show a little affection. The succubus woman looked at her tiny husband and reached out to pick him up. She cradled him under her breasts, giving him the sexiest seat in the house. Jaina gave her a nudge and more gentle encouragement as Zillix asked why Chandice and Roric had married. Hannah tried to explain it to him by describing how they loved each other. He asked why she had married him then, and Hannah had to explain the concept of necessity. However, she took the hint and began stroking the dragon's back while saying she hoped he and her would love each other.

It was a touching display as the little dragon reached his tiny head out on a long neck and asked if she could love him. He pointed out he was a pseudo-dragon and that she was nothing like him. Hannah countered that Roric was a gnoll and Frank a ghoul, yet she loved them without hesitation. She asked why couldn't she love him, and he said because he wanted Idris to love him.

There was something in his tone when he said it that sounded like he doubted she ever would. Jaina jumped in to encourage him not to say it that way and that Idris did love him. She also pointed out that he didn't have to give Idris up to accept Hannah's love, or hers for that matter. He looked puzzled momentarily and asked if he was allowed to be loved by more than one woman.

“Yes, that’s kind of what a harem is,” Hannah said. “All the women share their love with their masters.”

“We don't do that in our culture,” Zillix replied. “We pair bond and stay together for life.”

“We humans sort of do that,” Hannah replied. “But some of us were better at it than others.”

“Ha, that’s a creative way of describing our tendency to cheat,” Jaina laughed as Hannah struggled to explain how humans were bad at pair bonding. None of that mattered here in New Eden, and Hannah did her best to explain that as a master, he was allowed all the women he desired. They had no idea if he fully understood it, but they were distracted when a lovely succubus joined their group, holding a slender glass of wine.

Breanne wore an elegant skirt and a tight top, leaving her stomach bare. A green gem had been socketed into her belly button, and a tattoo pattern of thorns radiated around it. She wore gold chains with green stones and smiled softly over a glass of wine.

“So what are you two deviants doing with the dragon?” Breanne asked as she sat on the edge of the balcony.

“We were just discussing our relationship,” Hannah admitted as she stroked the tiny dragon tightly nestled to her breasts. “He doesn’t seem to understand he is allowed to love more than one woman.”

“I see,” Breanne replied before sipping her wine. “He does realize he has three wives already.”

“No, I don't,” Zillix countered. “I only married Hannah.”

Breanne smiled and set her glass aside before bending low to look him in his tiny face. “You married Hannah and Alexandria in that ceremony, and Hannah is already married to Umtha, making her your wife as well. So you already have three wives and will soon have two more.”

Jaina wanted to laugh at the tiny dragon's reaction to the news that he had already kissed pair bonding goodbye. He was already the husband of three women, with more on the way. Naturally, he asked who the others were, and Breanne pointed to Quinny, who was laughing about something with Umtha and Evalynn.

“You see that pretty devil girl over there?” Breanne asked. “Well, she is going to marry Frank and Hannah soon. When she does, that will make her your wife as well.”

“And who is the other one?” Zillix asked.

Breanne leaned in and pecked his head with a kiss. “Me,” she said and stepped back. “So you had better get used to sharing your love.”

Jaina was impressed by how the two women embraced the changes in their relationship and showed Zillix that he was welcome. She felt a twinge of sadness that she wasn't marrying into their family and had to be content to be family via the slave collar.

“Now I want to marry you,” Jaina pouted. “Everybody else is getting to do it.”

“Please, don’t say that in front of my mother,” Hannah cried. “She will start planning it. I swear she loves to plan weddings.”

“Poor Zillix didn’t get a proper wedding,” Jaina pointed out just to tease her. She hadn’t forgotten the dragons, not so subtle hint that he wanted to consummate the marriage. “You should plan him one.”

“Umtha didn't get a proper wedding either,” Hannah countered. “But to do it right in her culture means I need to lay on an altar while the temple priests anoint me.”

“Oh, do tell,” Jaina said with a smile as she envisioned a dozen goblin men blessing Hannah’s loins with their seed. “I might want a goblin wedding.”

“It happens exactly how you think,” Hannah said. “And it keeps happening until you run out of priests.”

“Yep, definitely a goblin wedding,” Jaina replied as Breanne snickered.

“You're both horrible people,” Hannah groaned, shifting Zillix in her arms. “So where are they going away to?”

“Oh, nothing special, like a big trip,” Jaina replied. “Evalynn annexed a bit of the mountain and put a cozy cabin up in the snow. They are going to spend a few days there, then resume life as normal.”

“Nothing is normal about this life,” Hannah countered. “But that cabin sounds nice.”

“Well, you and Zillix can use it when they are done,” Jaina teased to push the idea of Hannah and Zillix mating. “You know, to celebrate your honeymoon and consummate your marriage.”

“Can we do that?” the little dragon asked as Jaina wanted to laugh. She had to hide her smile as Hannah insisted she stop giving him ideas. Jaina wanted to press the point and leave her no recourse but to follow through when there was a tap at a glass. They turned to see Rajeen standing with the couple, offering them praises. She focused on how wonderful a woman Chandice was and how perfect a match they were. She presented her with a beautiful gold and silver gown made of silk so lovely it shimmered. Chandice held the beautiful thing up as her eyes moistened, and she thanked Rajeen profusely. Rajeen bowed and then announced they had one more gift to give from Frank and Blackbast. She then looked directly at them with her firm tigress eyes and motioned with her hand.

“Hannah, come forward,” Rajeen said.

“What do they want me for?” Hannah asked.

“I have no idea,” Jaina replied, wondering what was happening. “But give me Zillix and run up there. It isn't wise to keep our master's waiting.” Hannah handed him over, and Jaina tucked him into her breasts so his long neck stuck between her cleavage.

“Are you comfortable?” she teased as he looked up at her.

“Your breasts are warm,” he said. “Will I be marrying you too?”

“Sadly, no,” Jaina replied. “But you are a master of the harem, so I am officially your slave girl. You can ask anything you want from me.”

“Oh, so can we do marriage things?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

“We can do anything your heart desires,” Jaina replied, gently kissing his little snout as Hannah arrived before the masters. Blackbast took her by the hand and stood her before Chandice and Roric before removing her slave silks. Jaina felt her heart beat faster as Hannah was stripped for all to see while Chandice and Roric looked on approvingly. She wondered what was happening until Blackbast spoke, and Jaina nearly dropped poor Zillix.

“A gift for your honeymoon,” Blackbast said. “For the next few days, she is your personal slave girl.”

“How exciting,” Chandice replied with a wicked smile.

Jaina couldn't believe what she was witnessing as Hannah was given to the newlyweds as a sex toy to celebrate their honeymoon with. For the next three days, she would be alone in that secluded cabin to be part of their wedding sex.

Blackbast attached a leash to Hannah’s collar and handed the end to Roric. He tugged her into line, making her stand behind him with her head down in submission. Jaina watched her nervously play with her tail as Chandice looked her up and down with a smile. Jaina wondered what Hannah must be thinking as she became a gift of sex before the assembled audience that included her mother.

Hannah wasn't allowed to speak for the rest of the night as Jaina carried Zillix with her everywhere she went. She watched as Hannah squatted on all fours behind Roric and Chandice while they sat at a fine table to eat cake. She was like a dog, leashed and ordered to sit as the party went on and the guests celebrated.

“So, did they marry her too?” Zillix asked.

“No,” Jaina replied to her breast dragon. “It is customary to give gifts at a proper wedding, and she was given for them to play with on their honeymoon.”

“So she belongs to them now?” he pressed.

“Well, she already belonged to them,” Jaina explained. “But this is more a grand gesture on Frank's part. He is saying to Roric and Chandice that he trusts them with his greatest possession, and he wants them to love her.”

“This is confusing,” he said.

“It is a little confusing,” Jaina admitted. “But trust me when I say this went a long way in making Roric and Frank brothers. Those two will be close and open like never before.”

She sat at the table with him in her lap and shared her cake as he expressed his delight for the sugary frosting. Jaina felt a little daring and looked to see if anyone was watching. She then dabbed a bit of frosting on her finger and coated a nipple with it. Zillix looked at her quizzically, but she turned to present the nipple to him.

“Go ahead,” Jaina urged and smiled when he latched on, her nipple firmly in his mouth as he sucked the frosting off. She fed him a quarter of the cake from her nipples, then at the rest as he crawled between her breasts so that the bulk of his body was firmly encased. Jaina tied a silk around her chest to belt him in place, and he was now comfortably held as his tail hung down over her belly. His shoulders were above the top, so his claws could bite her flesh slightly as he rode in sexual comfort.

He spent the rest of the evening in her breasts as she made the other girls giggle to see him. Jaina didn't let it phase her as she kissed his head and insisted she was only keeping her master company. Finally, the night grew late, and Jaina stood to see them off, watching Roric and Chandice as they waved while pulling Hannah along. Their night of sex and passion was about to begin, but then Jaina had a feeling that so was hers.

The other guests said their goodbyes and departed, with Evalynn and Gisley going to Frank, looking for a warm bed for the night. Jaina slipped away and headed into the darker halls of the palace, seeking an isolated room where she could be alone with the dragon. She found a room on the far corner that contained a few low couches along soaring windows that allowed the night skin to dimly light the room. Jaina shut the door behind her and headed for a couch as she untied her silk and freed the tiny creature from her breasts.

“Now,” Jaina said as she set him on the couch and kneeled before him. “I think it’s time you learned what it means to be a master of this harem.” He looked at her with his dark eyes as she bid him to take his humanoid form. His scales glittered with a rainbow of colors as a ball of light grew in seconds to human size. When the light faded, Jaina looked at a powerful humanoid man with leathery green scales. He had a thick, powerful tail with a row of saw-like shallow spikes and feet that ended in bestial claws. His hands were human-shaped but thicker with short talons at the end as if to red flesh. He had small spikes on his shoulder and up the sides of his neck to a broad dragon head. He stood head and shoulders taller than her, and his dark eyes looked down with reptilian slits.

“Oh, my,” Jaina said as she smiled and dared to reach out to run her hand over his thigh. “Am I right in saying this is supposed to be an illusion?”

“It is an illusion,” Zillix replied in a deep reptilian voice. “I can make nonsolid illusions easily and don't need to focus on them. But to make them solid, I have to keep channeling what you call stamina into them. When I run out of stamina, the illusion fades, and I revert back to myself.”

“So, are you inside this somewhere?” Jaina asked as her hands rolled over his muscular stomach. “Or is this you?”

“From my perspective, it's me,” he replied and used a hand to gently brush her head. “But I am curled up in a ball inside.”

“Can you feel me touching you?” Jaina asked as she curled her fingers and dragged them over his stomach like claws.

“I feel everything,” he said.

“Good,” she replied as her gaze fixated on the scaled balls hanging between his legs. Just above it was something similar to Rorics sheath, a tight slit in his scales that concealed the object of her hunger. She cupped his balls in her hand and leaned in, licking at the leathery skin. She was amazed at how firm his skin was, like a kind of natural armor, yet it was pliable to her touch. She began to hum as she kissed his balls until something dark purple emerged from the slit above.

“I love it when Idris does this,” he said as Jaina moved her kisses up, sucking at the side of his rapidly hardening cock. This part of him was more fleshy and pulsed as it grew between her lips. He rubbed her head as she kissed and sucked, coaxing his cock to keep hardening. She was delighted when it passed eight inches, then nine, thickening into a broad, hard shaft with a triangular tip. A thick not began to grow a the base, and just on the top was a series of three hard nubs.

“Now, this is a surprise,” Jaina said as she looked up while stroking his cock. “You are a good, strong man.” She parted her lips and sucked the tip in, playing with his cock as she moaned. Zillix looked down, eyes narrowing as she met his gaze in complete submission.

“Idris did this for me a lot,” he said. “She couldn’t do anything else.”

“Because of the chastity belt,” Jaina said as she came off his cock to resume stroking him. “I bet she sucked you night and day.”

“I love being sucked,” he replied. “You humans are so soft, and your teeth aren't pointy.”

“Oh, you like oral sex, do you?” Jaina teased.

“I liked Idris being in chastity,” Zillix replied. “I wish she still was.”

“You want that poor girl back in chastity?” Jaina gasped.

“I loved her being in chastity,” he replied. “I thought I had broken the lock on her belt. I wish I had so she could stay in chastity and spend her days sucking my cock.”

Jaina smiled and put her mouth back to his cock, sucking him deeper as he groaned. He must have developed a fondness for having his cock sucked during his time with poor Idris. Locked in chastity as she was and driven to suck cock to gain the direction sense, Zillix must have had his cock sucked often. Now she would be the one to suck that reptilian cock and focused her efforts on pleasuring her master. She took him deeper and deeper, tasting his flesh as his stomach rolled. She put her hands on the floor and used only her mouth, sucking at his cock as he began to moan. For the next three minutes, she used every skill she had to coax him to the edge, then used prolong to keep him tense.

“Oh,” he groaned as his head went back. “You soft ones are so good at this.”

She wanted to laugh at how he described humans and decided to put him out of his misery. He lurched forward as she let her prolong go, and his orgasm came pulsing out. Her shared orgasm triggered with it, and she came as his mouth filled with dragon cum. She sucked him eagerly, causing him to twitch as she swallowed several mouthfuls. She savored his hot seed as it coated her tongue and pulled back until her lips were at the very tip. She took his last few drops, then leaned back, swallowing his gift with a smile.

“That was even better than Idris,” he groaned as he looked down.

“Do you understand now?” Jaina asked as she looked up, stroking his cock. “We are your slave girls, and every one of us will suck you any time you want.”

“You will?” he asked as Jaina nodded and began to kiss down his shaft.

“Oh, yes,” Jaina cooed. “Gisley, Evalynn, Umtha, Quinny, Breanne,” Jaina said as she reached his balls. “They will all suck your cock on command, and thank you for giving them the privilege.”

“Will Hannah do it?” he asked.

“You really like her, don’t you?” Jaina asked as she leaned back.

“I like her wings,” he admitted. “They remind me of dragon wings, and she has a tail.”

“Is that so?” Jaina said as her form blurred and she became fluid. She flowed like water, spilling onto a nearby couch before her body began to take shape again. When it was solid, she was an exact copy of Hannah with a tail and leathery wings spread across the couch. Zillix asked if this was an illusion, and she explained her powers as he approached. She reached between her legs to remove the golden shield and red gem that she wore in honor of Zorac, her lover.

“Now, show me what you want to do to Hannah,” Jaina said with a smile. She threw her head back as he bent over, a tongue wider than her flat hand suddenly pressing into her pussy. He licked with a strength she'd never known before, and his sheer size meant her entire pussy was licked at once. She heaved for breath as he wrapped his arms around her legs, feasting on her body. She tossed and twisted, unable to endure so much stimulation, and was embarrassed when she came so easily.

He lapped up the honey that flowed from her orgasm and pressed on, feasting on her tender flesh. She came for him again as her hands played with his head, desperate for something to hold on to. Then he relented and came up, moving to lean over her. She reached up, wrapping her arms around his broad neck, and accepted what she could get of his tongue between her lips. It was a strange kiss, to be sure, but she didn't care. All she wanted was to make love to her master, and he didn't make her wait.

“Ohhhh!” she groaned as that broad cock slid into her pussy. “Master, oh, master, please take me.” She stretched her back as her body tried to swallow that broad cock, and then her mind went wild. Those lovely nubs a the top began to sink in, each one caressing her clit as it passed.

Zillix held her legs wide as he began his motion, his cock driving her into the couch. Those maddening nubs rolled back and forth across her clit, causing her to twist and jump as it sent her body tingling. She was cumming in a heartbeat, her legs shaking in his arms as he took his slave girl.

Jaina had never needed to thrash so much as he worked at her body with a strong pace. She was so overcome she started to pull at her legs, but his strong arms held her tight. She came again, her voice soaring into a high wail, her hands clutching her breasts in a grip of steel. Zillix didn't slow or say a word as he kept up his rhythm, forcing her to endure his dragon cock.

Jaina was in a whole new world, her sense of taboo at making love to a reptilian creature mixing with her lust as she felt wild desire. Zillix leaned over, pressing her legs back so her feet were over her shoulders and her body was pressed into the couch. Every thrust drove her down, her pussy straining to contain his power. She came again, and then a fourth time as she pleaded with him to fuck her like he would Hannah.

Her words sent him into a frenzy, his pace rapid and strong. Her body sank into the couch, then bounced back up to meet his next thrust. His first-sized knot was punishing her pussy as it slapped against her skin while the nubs tormented her clit. She had no idea how loud she was being, but she didn't care. She was a sex slave, and her master was making use of her. On the sex went as she had more orgasms until she was begging him to finish.

He thrust hard and held it a moment, her body crushed into the couch. He drew back only a little, then thrust again as Jaina felt something throb inside. Then her mind exploded as a shared orgasm surged with every pulse of his cock. He filled her womb with his reptilian seed as she arched her back so hard her rear came off the couch.

He held her there; her shoulders sunk into the cushion as her pussy began to overflow with his creamy gift. It went on far longer than she imagined it could; then, finally, he lowered her down and carefully withdrew.

Jaina was in a sex-drunk haze, her smile wide as she panted. It took her a minute to become coherent enough to roll over and ask him to sit on the couch. He did as instructed, and she climbed into his lap, sliding around his cock as she dropped down.

“This is what it means to be a master in this harem,” Jaina panted as she began to roll her hips. “It means we live to serve you in any way we can.” He nodded as she took over, riding his cock with her sex-drenched body. She made love to him for nearly an hour before finally collapsing on the floor. She lay on her back, her body spent as a little dragon tucked into her breasts, and together, they went to sleep.

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