The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-146 A volunteer to lock away.

Jaina moaned as she threw her arms over her head and surrendered to the cock now pounding her body. It had been three days since the wedding, and Zillix returned every night to seek her body. She spent them with him, helping him understand what it meant to be a master of the harem.

She spent the night asleep in the remote chamber of the palace with Zillix in his tiny dragon form curled to her stomach. When morning came, so did a renewed desire as he took his humanoid form and her body again. He had the idea now that all the girls in the harem were his to play with. He brought up his desire to have Hannah next and asked where he could find her.

Jaina wasn’t really sure, considering Hannah, Roric, and Chandice had likely returned only this morning. The princess had so many duties that needed to be attended to, chiefly among them her master, Frank. She explained all this to Zillix as he pounded away, making her melt under his affections. Now he was after her again, that broad dragon cock tormenting her body as the nubs on top rubbed her clit. It was a maddening sensation, but she endured because she was his to take.

He took her for the better part of half an hour, then filled her body with his reptilian seed. She shook in a shockingly powerful shared orgasm then he sat on a couch while she crawled to his feet. She went to work cleaning him up, sucking on that firm cock as he stroked her back.

“This is what I want,” he said. “A girl locked away, so all she can do is this.”

Jaina realized he was talking about chastity again and dreaming of having one girl forever locked away. He wanted her to have to come to him for a cock to suck because she couldn't have sex any other way. It wasn't just that he wanted the blow job. What he wanted was the maddened need. He needed her so deprived of sex that she sucked his cock with fierce hunger, desperate for the shared orgasm.

It was a fantasy he was allowed to have, but his desire made her shiver. What girl had the strength to give up sex to please her master? Jaina thought of the belt she had worn, the metal bindings padded with leather that locked her body away so none could touch her. It covered her pussy, ass, and breasts, belting them in steel so that they would never know the caress of a hungry tongue or hard cock again. She felt a swirling tension inside just thinking about it and quickly drove it away. She knew if she delved too far down this dark path a fantasy would be created. She was too eager to please and quick to think of extreme sexual adventures. She was terrified that if she went too far down this train of thought, she would find herself begging to be locked away for good.

Zillix moaned as she sucked his dragon cock, using all her skills as a whore to please him. It wasn't long before she tasted his hot seed and moaned in a shared orgasm. Now the task was done, and she sat back, looking into his eyes as he stared back.

“Will you wear the belts for me?” he asked, still holding her head.

Zillix, it isn't my decision,” Jaina said as she felt a tension like never before. “And you can't make it alone. You must go before the other masters and tell them you want to lock me up.” She couldn't believe what she was telling him as the very thought chilled her soul. It truly wasn't her decision if she would be put into chastity for a day, a month, a lifetime. However, she reminded him that she could escape the belt whenever she wanted. She was a creature who had no solid form, and no chain or binding could hold her.

“But Hannah could wear it,” he insisted.

“Zillix, they are never going to agree to let you put Hannah in chastity for good,” Jaina insisted. “They are training her to be a whore. She needs to be able to fuck to do that.”

“She could suck cock,” he insisted.

Jaina wondered if it was wise to make him a master as he seemed single-mindedly focused on this dream. He wanted a girl in bondage, and he was shooting for the queen of the harem. Hannah was like a superstar among the girls, her sexy succubus body and her sweet innocence making her irresistible to others. Zillix may as well have said he wanted to put Rajeen in chastity for how high he was aiming, but it was his right to ask, and she couldn’t stop him.

“You are going to have to ask,” she said. “I am sure they will say no, but you have the right to ask anyway. Maybe we could ask the harem for a volunteer to be your chastity slave. There might be a girl who has that fantasy.”

“But I want it to be you, Hannah, or Idris,” he said.

“Do you realize what you are asking?” Jaina begged. “You want a girl who has dedicated her life to sex and service to give up the sex. Yes, I know she can still suck cock and have shared orgasms, but a woman's pussy is her lifeblood when it comes to passion. She will never know the sweet caress of a lover's tongue or the deep satisfaction of a firm cock again. That's asking a lot from a woman.”

“I see,” he said as his illusion suddenly faded, and the tiny dragon looked up at her from the bench. “I am asking too much.”

“Yes,” Jaina agreed. “But that doesn't mean you can't have it. I suggest you talk to Roric, Frank, Rajeen and Blackbast. Don't tell them which girls you want; just share your fantasy of having a girl locked up for good. See what they think about the idea. If they agree that you should be allowed a girl, then talk to them about who it might be.”

“So I am not the master of this harem?” he asked.

“No, you are getting this all confused,” Jaina countered. “You are one of five masters of the harem. As such, you can't make a decision to do something that will permanently affect a girl's well-being without putting it to a vote. You all have to agree to allow it to happen.”

“And if they say I can have Hannah?” he pressed.

“Then you can lock her up and take sex away from her for good, but they are never going to agree to that,” Jaina said.

“I didn't mean to upset you,” he said as he flew up. “I thought Idris had come to enjoy being locked up, and I thought others might too.”

“They might,” Jaina agreed. “But you are asking to put a belt on the crown jewel of the harem. Hannah is the one every master wants in their arms and dreams about at night. You need to focus on Idris, and if she says no, you will have to be happy with a girl from the harem. Assuming they agree to let you lock one away and one agrees to be locked.”

“Maybe I should not consider this,” he said.

“Just stop,” Jaina replied with a raised finger. “You are a master and have the right to have fantasies. It’s just that your fantasy leads to a permanent change, so it needs to be discussed first.”

“I will talk to them,” the tiny dragon said. “But thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. I sometimes find understanding your human ways difficult, and I feel I upset you too much. You taking the time to explain things to me really helps.”

“Oh, little dragon, you come to me whenever you need help with anything,” Jaina said. “I will answer any question you have or suck that cock until you're satisfied.”

He nodded and flew to her shoulder, standing like a parrot. “Can we go talk to them now?” he asked.

“Probably not,” Jaina laughed. “It isn’t like they sit around in the same room waiting for something to come up, and let’s not forget Roric should be just back from his honeymoon. But I will tell them you want to propose an idea, and they will arrange a time to gather and discuss it.”

“Thank you,” he said with a dip of his head. “I really like you.”

“Aww, I like you too, you little cutey,” Jaina said with a smile. “Now, common, let’s go see what everyone is up to.”

They walked through the palace where harem girls lounged and talked, waving as Jaina passed with Zillix in her arms. She went to the balconies to find more girls talking as they lounged by the railing.

“So, has anything interesting happened?” Jaina asked as she arrived outside, and Zillix flew to the railing to be closer to the girls.

“Master Roric is back,” one of the girls said as she began to pet the tiny dragon. “Hannah was here a few hours ago blushing like she'd spent all weekend having sex. She ran to Master Frank, and he took her to Blackbast's temple.”

“Why did he take her there?” Jaina asked.

“Well, we overheard him say that he only fucked whores in the temple,” a girl replied.

“Oh,” Jaina said as she started to smile. She recalled how at the reception, Hannah admitted to begging Frank to only fuck her like a whore. He must have taken her up on the offer and took her to the temple to help complete the image. She imagined Hannah being pounded by ghoul cock this very minute, but Frank appeared in his human form.

“I didn’t expect to see you here,” Jaina said with a raised brow.

“Where else would I be?” Frank asked with a curious expression.

“Oh, I don’t know, pounding your wife until she passes out?” she offered.

Frank pulled her into his arms, and their lips came together. Jaina wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her fast and filled her with passion. When the kiss ended, she was panting, and he reached a hand low to cup her rear.

“I want to spend some time with you,” he said.

“Yes, master,” Jaina replied as she became excited.

Frank swept her into his arms and carried her off as she looked over his shoulder and waved to Zillix. She silently mouthed that she would talk to Frank about his fantasy and then settled into his shoulder as he took her to his private bedroom.

She was laid on a bed of fine red silks and pillows that would easily sleep a dozen people. Frank began to undress as her skin glowed with a soft, glittery light. It was the only indication she had used her cleanse power to ensure her body was refreshed for her new master. When Frank's pants came down, she crawled to him, her mouth coming around his cock as he stood at the edge of the bed.

She coated him with her saliva and began to work him with her hands as she sucked. He looked down with a pleased smile before admitting he and Hannah had fucked for over an hour. He left her in the temple to sleep it off and returned to spend time with her.

“So you wanted me specifically?” Jaina asked as she came off his cock.

“Of course,” Frank replied as he looked down. “I consider you and Hannah to be lovers. In fact, I want you to be more than that. I want you two to be each other's favorite partner.”

Jaina smiled at his desire as she crawled to the side, turning her rear to him before waving it in his face. “I will obey,” Jaina replied. “From now on, Hannah is my most prized lover.”

“Speaking of Hannah being highly prized, Chandice wants to buy her,” Frank said. “I have honestly considered it.”

“What? You have?” Jaina said as Frank’s cock slid deep inside. She dropped her head to moan loudly as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

“Blackbast and I have spoken about it a lot,” Frank replied as he started his rhythm. “She thinks it would do Hannah good to be sold to another master, at least for a little while. The experience of being sold and not knowing if she will ever return is supposed to make her understand she is a slave.”

Jaina rocked her hips in eager delight as Frank's firm cock plunged through her insides. She knew the topic of selling Hannah had come up, but she assumed it was just idle talk. Now Frank was seriously saying that he was considering her sale.

“I think you may be rushing things,” Jaina groaned. “Hannah has just started this journey.”

“It would only be for a week or two,” Frank replied. “But she wouldn't know that, and it would help her understand.”

“I don't know,” Jaina replied as her body shook. “She counts on you to be her strength. If she lost you, she might be unable to keep up this game.”

“Blackbast had the same worry,” Frank agreed. “But she also said that if I went through with it, I would have to tell her that I wanted her to do this, and if she loved me, she would obey her new master.”

Jaina saw the logic of that command and how it challenged Hannah to love another to show her love for Frank. It was a play on her loyalty to her master, but she had to ask who he would sell her to.

“I thought, Chandice,” he replied. “But then I thought maybe Zillix, as he was new to the harem.”

Jaina thought of Zillix and his desire to have Hannah. What would the tiny dragon do if he was given her as his personal plaything? She was just about to bring up what she and Zillix had talked about when she had her first orgasm. Her voice soared as she shook under the power of her master's cock. Frank didn't slow as he pressed on, giving her a moment to clear her head before continuing.

“Then I thought it would be better if it were somebody not part of the harem,” he continued. “She needs to be taken away from the harem so she can experience serving without me at her side.”

“Frank,” Jaina gasped as her hands curled into fists. “But who then?”

“We have two good choices,” Frank replied. “Alexandria or Drellis.”

Jaina's mind swooned at the idea of selling Hannah to either party. Alexandria would have Hannah working in her brothel, selling her pussy for gold as a prostitute. Drellis would take her to his grove and make love to her frequently, making her his succubus plaything. Both options would take her out of the harem, but Jaina still felt this was extreme. At least if he sold her to Roric and Chandice, Hannah would be with her family. At the worst, he should sell her to Rajeen so she could belong to them all.

“Have you ever thought about being sold?” he asked as she tensed over the buildup of another orgasm.

“Yes,” Jaina admitted. “Roric sold me to Rajeen for a short while. It was the most dramatic thing I ever experienced.”

“Do you still think about it?” he asked as she began to shake.

“Yes!” she cried as her second orgasm spilled out. She panted and moaned, her body running wet as Frank kept up the pace and held her hips. “Of course, I think about it,” Jaina panted. “It is terrifying to think I could be sold off and never see any of you again.”

“But the tension of knowing you could be sold helps keep you in the slave mindset,” Frank pressed.

Jaina knew he was right but didn't like where this was going. Hannah was far too new for a test like this, and Blackbast knew it. If she was discussing Hannah's sale, then she had someone like Rajeen in mind—somebody who could technically own Hannah without her going far.

Jaina threw her head back as the sex went on. She was tense and on edge as one of her masters proved she was his property. She knew that Frank had made love to Gisley and Evalynn for the past three days, but she had been busy with Zillix, and he probably wanted his turn at her.

The conversation died as the two focused on their task, making love as master and slave. Jaina had several more orgasms before Frank filled her pussy with his cum. She panted on her hands and knees as Frank held her still for over a minute. When she was allowed to move, she turned around and sucked in his cock, eager to clean their love from him.

She came away and lay back, her legs spread wide as he lay on top of her. She moaned as he started again, but this time, he went slowly to enjoy being inside her.

“Frank, there is something I need to tell you,” Jaina moaned as he looked her in the eyes. He asked what it was, and she explained Zillix's desire for both Hannah and chastity. He took it all in stride, never slowing his gentle pace before finally speaking.

“Hannah isn’t going into chastity,” he said.

“I told him that, but he’s got his heart set on her or Idris,” Jaina said.

“I don’t want Idris in chastity either,” Frank insisted. “I happen to love her.”

“Well, that’s good because she certainly loves you,” Jaina said with a smirk. “Speaking of your lovers, where is Hannah?”

“I left her in the temple,” Frank replied. “She was so tired I let her sleep.”

“You fucked her to sleep, did you?” Jaina laughed.

“She told me she always wanted it rough,” he replied. “I was just trying to give her what she wanted.”

“Frank, you did fine,” Jaina said as she enjoyed slow-loving sex. “We girls love a good slow session like we are having now, but rough sex can really get some girls wild. The problem is when we get to that point, we lose our minds and say things we don't mean.”

“So she doesn’t want it rough?” he asked in confusion.

“No, she absolutely does, but I guarantee you she won't want it all the time,” Jaina said. “Give her what she wants for a few days or even weeks, but then surprise her with a nice slow lovemaking and see how she responds.”

“I will try that,” he said, looking into Jaina's eyes. “Because this may sound silly, but I really like kissing you girls.”

“Aww, there is nothing silly about that,” Jaina cooed. “We love that too.”

He nodded, and they made love for another hour, then lay in bed together to talk. He was bothered by Zillix's request because he didn't want to see any of the girls in prolonged chastity. He was alright with it being a short game, but not forever like Zillix wanted. Still, when they finally got up, he took Jaina to a large room in the palace that was near a mirror of their private space in the jade temple.

“Why is this room here?” Jaina asked as they entered to find harem girls lounging about on cushions.

“Because you girls are getting more sexually adventurous in the inn,” Frank replied. “Rajeen suggested we put our space in the floating palace so you can run wild.”

“Oh, so there aren't so many witnesses,” Jaina laughed as they walked to his throne, and he sat down. Jaina took her place in his lap as he called for a nearby girl and asked her to send a message that he needed to talk with the masters. She ran off as Jaina sat in her master's lap, loving the strong arm that held her. An hour later, Rajeen arrived and looked confused at her summons. She wanted to know why the secrecy and what the dragon had done. Frank explained it all, finishing just as Roric arrived.

Jaina felt funny to be naked in Frank's arms as Roric and Rajeen sat around them, debating what Zillix had requested. Frank wanted to summon Blackbast, but Rajeen insisted she was tending to Hannah and could not be called away.

“I can assure you she will share the opinion of whatever we three decide,” Rajeen insisted.

“I don’t like the idea of any girl going into permanent chastity,” Frank said. “It’s cruel.”

“Is it?” Rajeen asked with a raised brow. “I put women in chastity for a year as a punishment for sneaking out of the inn to have sex with men.”

“But that comes off in a year,” Roric said. “Zillix is talking about it being for good, and who knows how long that will be? This world could go on for a million years.”

“Be that as it may, he has the right to have the fantasy,” Rajeen replied. “And I have known girls who love chastity.”

“Whoever it was would still be able to orgasm because of the collars,” Jaina said. “She will just have to do it by sucking cock or eating pussy and sharing her partner's orgasm.”

“And you said he has considered Idris too?” Rajeen asked.

“I don’t want Idris in chastity,” Frank insisted. “I like making love to her.”

“Aww, somebody is all sweet on his girls,” Jaina said and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “That’s why we all love you.”

“Well, I share Frank’s stand on this,” Roric cut in. “I don’t want to see Idris, Hannah, or any of the girls in a chastity we couldn’t remove.”

“Then it is decided,” Rajeen said as she threw up her hands. “We do not wish to see it happen.”

“But it means so much to him,” Jaina insisted. “It was Idris being in chastity that made him appreciate having a slave girl. He just wants to recapture that feeling.”

“Then how do we approach it?” Rajeen asked. “I do not want to upset our newest master, but he has put us to a difficult decision.”

“I wouldn’t mind if a girl was in it for a little while,” Frank said. “But only a girl who wanted to do it.”

“Like a volunteer?” Jaina asked.

“Yeah, and we would need a way to get her out if she became miserable,” Frank said. “They need to enjoy the chastity, and the denial needs to make them happy, or it comes off.”

“A tricky proposition,” Rajeen said as she sat back in her chair. “We all enjoy a little teasing and denial, but to commit to it being long-term is something else. Still, I can put the question to the harem and see if any girl steps forward to do it.”

“That's fair,” Roric agreed. “If she volunteers and we have a way to get it off, if she realizes she made a mistake, I will accept it.”

“Alright, then I will let the girls know and give them a day to think about it,” Rajeen said. “Then we meet with Zillix tomorrow and assemble the girls to see if anyone steps forward.”

The meeting disbanded, and Jaina went with Frank, comforting him as he stewed on the issue. Breanne arrived a little later, having gotten word of the decision to be made. She didn't think any girl would accept the offer but posed an interesting question.

“Wouldn't it be a rush, though, to be in that moment when you're tied down and the belts start going on?” she said.

Jaina paused to think about it as Breanne described the scene. Jaian saw herself tied to a bondage cross so she couldn't move her arms and legs while Roric, then Frank gave her one last fuck. Then the girls each licked her pussy to one orgasm before Rajeen walked up with the belts. She was gagged to muffle her pleas for mercy as the tiger woman showed her the iron prison she would soon wear. Slowly, Rajeen put them into place while whispering words of encouragement.

“With the click of this belt, your life changes, and never again will your pussy know pleasure. You will be locked away for good, and there you will stay.”

Jaian trembled as she pulled on her binds before hearing that terrible click. In an instant, she was chaste forever more, her body now her prison.

“Stop,” Jaina said as she panted to catch her breath.

“It is a very stimulating image,” Breanne said. “I have to admit I considered it.”

“I don’t want you in chastity,” Frank insisted.

She smiled and climbed into his lap, grinding her pussy into his hips. “If that is your wish, then I obey my master,” she said softly. “But you have the right to lock me up for as long as you please.”

He took them both back to his room and made love to them, suggesting that this could be the last time. Breanne smiled and said it didn't carry the same tension because she knew it wouldn't be permanent.

Jaina agreed with her assessment that it wouldn't carry the same weight unless the girl knew it was for good. They went to bed that night in Frank's arms and woke to a nervous start to the day. Hannah had chosen to stay at Blackbast's temple, and Jaina wondered if maybe she had experienced her first guest. She wanted to go to the temple to see, but there was serious business in the palace.

Zillix had been summoned, as well as Idris, who sat with Jaina, Breanne, Evalynn, and Quinny while the topic was debated. Zillix repeated to the group that he wanted a girl mad with desire who would suck cock without question. They asked him if he was alright with them limiting the time it was on and providing a way out for a girl who grew tired of being chaste.

Zillix flew before them and formally withdrew his request, citing he hadn't understood how serious what he was asking was. He then explained that he wanted it to be for good, a girl who could never get out and knew it. Since that was such a demanding idea, he would not force them to make a decision. He apologized and said he had not meant to upset anyone.

“Do not be so hasty,” Rajeen cautioned with a sigh. “Jaina suggested we ask the harem if one wishes to volunteer, and I think we should. We may very well have a girl who accepts that.” She then looked at Roric and Frank before making her next comment. “Assuming you are alright with the chastity being permanent if she volunteers.”

“I still worry she might change her mind and become insane with grief,” Frank said. “But if you can assure me you will sit her down and make her seriously think about what she’s doing, I will agree.”

“So will I,” Roric said with a nod. “But she has to convince me she wants this.”

“So be it,” Rajeen said. “Then I will address the girls and call for a volunteer. If one comes, we prepare her for what she is about to do, and if she insists on going on, we give her one last chance to back out. If she still refuses to stop, we take the choice away and hold a ceremony where she is locked away for good.”

Jaina saw them all nod in agreement as the course was set, but would a girl really be willing to give up her pussy? And would she find solace by sucking Zillix’s dick?

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