The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-147 Longing for a lullaby

“I wish Hannah were here,” Jaina said as she held Chandice's hand. Rajeen, Roric, Frank, and Zillix stood at the end of the palace hall, looking over the assembled harem. Only Hannah Gisley and Blackbast seemed to be missing, but oddly, Annasara was present, standing to the side quietly. They had been told the day before that the masters were looking for a girl willing to sacrifice herself and embrace chastity for good. Now, they were here to see if anyone had the courage to accept the offer and, if so, be locked away before the entire harem.

“She’s at Blackbast’s temple,” Chandice replied. “She’s been there since we got back from the cabin. I hope she’s not avoiding me.”

“Oh, please,” Jaina said with a roll of her eyes. “Hannah loves you, and she loves Roric. This has something to do with her training to be a whore.”

“I suppose you're right,” Chandice agreed as Rajeen addressed the girls going to great lengths to explain what was being asked. She told them that they were approaching this two ways. First, they would ask for a woman who honestly felt she could accept it. If such a woman were found, she would have to convince the masters she wanted it. The second offer was the one Jaina felt was more reasonable. They would put a volunteer into chastity for one month, after which time the woman would have to convince them she wanted to remain in it. If she showed any signs of regret or unhappiness, it came off, and she would not be allowed to continue. They would repeat this check every month for a year, and if she made it the year, they would lock her away for good.

This solved the problem of a girl committing under the belief that the belt could come off whenever she wanted. She would have to endure a full month, even if she changed her mind the next day. Rajeen paced before the group, explaining it in great detail as the three men sat on their thrones, watching the reactions and talking.

Jaina had a chance to speak with Roric before this meeting, and he was still tense about the idea. He knew this would have to be a woman who found the idea of being locked away exciting, but he doubted anyone would want that forever. Frank was of the same mindset but willing to give this a try to appease Zillix.

Zillix sat in his humanoid form to the right of Frank, watching with his cold reptilian eyes. To his credit, he had withdrawn his request, but Rajeen felt it needed to be put to the harem. There was no harm in asking if a girl had this particular fantasy, and if so, Zillix would be the perfect one to fulfill it for her.

“Are you two nervous?” a familiar voice asked as Rajeen did her best to impress on the girls what a life in a chastity belt would mean. Jaina turned to see Quinny, Breanne, and Umtha come through the crowd to stand with them. The three girls looked tense as the harem weighed the final decision.

“This is terrible tense,” Jaina replied. “I am nervous that somebody will volunteer, and yet I am hoping somebody does.”

“I am, too,” Quinny said as she took Jaina's free hand. “I half expected Breanne to do it.”

“I was just telling you how exciting the locking would be, Breanne reminded. “But the long years afterward would be terrible.”

“Oh, you shared that little story with them,” Jaina said as she recalled Breanne’s story of being locked into the belt from the night before. The elf woman admitted it had come up but wouldn’t let the idea that she wanted it be entertained.

“Have any of you seen Hannah?” Chandice asked.

“We spent the night with her last night,” Breanne replied. “She was in a swing bed in Blackbast's garden. We slept with her for the night.”

“She sang us a lullaby to put us to sleep,” Quinny said. “She was so warm and loving, like she saw us as her children.”

“Well, you do wear her collar, so in some ways, you are her children,” Jaina agreed.

“I think she sang that song all night because when we woke up, Gisley and Blackabast had joined us,” Breanne added. “Gisley told us that she had heard Hannah's voice from miles away and followed it to us.”

“How is it that the woman with so much turmoil in her life shapes up to be not only a wonderful slave girl but a master of other girls?” Jaina asked. “I am starting to feel jealous that I am not as good as she is, and I have had years more practice.”

“You will always be more trashy,” Chandice chided.

Jaina smiled as the others tried not to laugh. She was grateful to know Hannah was safe and doing beautiful things with her family. She pried into Hannah's current body count, but they said they didn't know. However, they did know that Hannah was dressed for sex, wearing only stockings, a belt, and some bondage straps. That filled Jaina's mind with images of Hannah moaning as she became a whore. Jaina wanted to rush out and find her to find out how her last couple of days had gone. Had Hannah finally made love to her first stranger in the temple?

“Shh,” Chandice said as Rajeen brought her speech to a close. She took a deep breath before looking over the girls and asked if any wanted to step forward.

“I can’t watch,” Umtha said as she covered her eyes.

“Are you alright?” Jaina asked.

“In my culture, sex is something goblins use more freely and frequently,” Umtha replied. “It is considered a mark of great shame to be put into chastity. Not being able to have sex isn't so much as a personal choice as it is the community saying they don't want you.”

“Oh, that is a very different point of view,” Jaina agreed.

“That’s horrible,” Chandice whispered. “I like the idea of denying you girls to build up tension, but doing it to say we don’t like you and you will never be allowed to have sex with us is cruel.”

“It was the worst punishment a woman could get,” Umtha agreed as she hid her eyes while the rest of the room stood in stark silence.

“Rajeen uses it as a punishment as well,” Jaina said. “The girls in this harem probably see it a little like Umtha does.”

“This isn’t going well,” Quinny whispered. “I know I wouldn’t want to do it, but nobody does?”

They waited as Rajeen searched the crowd, then nodded and told them they were dismissed. Jaina and the girls headed to the hall of magic doors. They headed for Rorics camp and then into the Lovewood to stroll down the road as they talked. Chandice departed to check on her shop and left the girls to wander, promising to catch up later.

“Do you think Zillix will be upset?” Quinny asked as they walked under the colorful treed.

“I think he will be fine,” Jaina said. “He knew his request was strange, and I warned him that most women wouldn't want this. He eventually understood it and tried to withdraw his request, but Rajeen wanted to try and ask the harem for a volunteer.”

“I admit I considered it,” Breanne said. “But as I explained, it was only for that moment of thrill when it was locked on. I would be out of my mind with regret a day later.”

Jaina agreed that she would feel the same way. The moment of being locked up would be the thrill of a lifetime, but it would be followed by an eternity of regret. It wasn't just a matter of sex. With her body locked away, she couldn't serve her masters as fully as other girls could. She would feel like less of a slave and almost a burden.

“Where was Gisley?” Umtha asked as they took the west road that went closer to the swamps. “She wasn’t at the meeting.”

“I don’t know,” Jaina replied. “I haven’t seen her all morning.”

“She was with us in bed last night,” Quinny said. “But she left when I did.”

“Hold on, I can find her if she’s in the forest,” Evalynn said.

“Oh right, this is your forest,” Quinny laughed. “I keep thinking of it as Roric's.”

Evalynn smiled and brought up her panel, tapping on another screen. The girls gathered around to look at the data as Evalynn scrolled through who was in the forest.

“You can't do much from the panel, I see,” Jaina said as she looked at the screen.

“No, I need to be near my interface to make real changes or get deeper information. All I can do from here is see that a player is in such and such a location. I get no name, info, or details about what they are doing, but I can get info on friends,” Evalynn said as she looked more closely. “Hannah and Blackbast are in the temple, and it looks like Gisley is at her lake.”

“Alone?” Jaina asked.

“I don’t see anyone in her area,” Evalynn replied. “She seems to just be sitting still.”

“That doesn’t sound like Gisley,” Breanne suggested. “She’s usually bouncing about, singing and dancing.”

“Or making love,” Jaina said. “Maybe we need to stop in and see what she’s doing.”

“Aren't we close to your boyfriend's house?” Gisley asked.

“Oh, Zorac,” Jaina sighed. “Yes, and I haven't had a chance to see him recently. Honestly, I haven't been here since I brought Chandice to meet him. But then she felt guilty about what happened between them, and I had to do some serious rethinking.”

“What were you rethinking?” Quinny pressed.

“If I was a bad friend to Hannah and the rest of you,” Jaina said as she shook her head. “I kept pushing so hard for you all to be like me, and Chandice felt we needed to be more like you.”

“Well, that didn’t matter,” Breanne laughed. “We ended up slave girls.”

“I know, but I didn't want that to happen because I pushed you to it,” Jaina insisted as the road took a sharp bend, and they entered a gap in the trees where rays of sunlight touched a blanket of purple flowers. Jaina explained that she was glad they were one family now, but only because Frank and Hannah wanted it, not because they were pressured to do it.

Quinny suggested they stop in and see Zorac so she could introduce them then they could check on Gisly. Jaina agreed and showed them the way, taking them closer to the water, where the ground became dense with ferns. They could smell the moisture in the air long before they saw the water and headed down a mossy trail to the edge. Here, they found a wooden walkway made from lashed logs and poles driven into the water. It took them out a hundred paces into the swamp, inside a dense belt of marsh plants. A large platform was built over the water, with two buildings and a small plankway for a boat made of reeds.

“He's been busy,” Jaina said as they entered the platform to see a small fire burning in a bed of rocks. A small frame was set above it to smoke some fish that hung from strings. Crude tables, chairs, and other tools were placed along the hut's walls as Jaina looked around for her boyfriend.

“Zorac?” she called and went to the largest hut to open the crude door. “Are you home?”

“He built all this?” Quinny asked as she went to the narrow plank out over clear water where the boat was tied. “He’s very handy.”

“He tends to be surprising,” Jaina agreed as she went to the smaller hut and looked inside to see a small bed and a pile of skins. Somebody had been using this hut to sleep in, but it was too small for Zorac. The complex was built in the reeds right on the water's edge, so the back rail was on the clear water. She went to that rail to look over the misty swamp and called his name.

“He must be out,” Breanne said when the water rippled and something scaled stirred. He rose like a creature of the marsh, his muscled chest rippling as it ran with water. He had cold, reptilian eyes like Zillix but more blue to his scales and a much smaller head on a more proper neck.

“Jaina,” he called from the water as he held up a spear with another fish on it. “I was just hunting.”

“Well, come up here and meet my friends,” Jaina called back with a smile. She watched as he swam with surprising speed, his broad tail propelling him through the water. He came to the side of the platform, where a stout ladder allowed him to climb up. He arrived tall and wet with only a bare cloth at his waist that did little to hide what was there. He looked at the assembled women with some surprise and commented that they were all slave girls.

“These are my sisters in the jade harem,” Jaina said, then introduced them one by one.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said with a dip of his head. “But when did it become the jade harem?”

“A few days ago,” Jaina replied. “A lot has changed since you and I last talked.”

“It was a long time ago,” he pointed out.

“I suppose it was,” Jaina said. “Why don't we sit down, and I will explain everything.”

The girls sat together, holding hands and leaning into one another as Jaina sat by Zorac beside the fire. She told him how Princess Hannah and Prince Frank joined the harem as slaves and master, bringing their girls with them. She pointed out how Quinny, Breanne, and Umtha were his slave girls, and they would all soon be married. She then told him of the chaos in the city, with the lamassu, and the battle in the street with Gwen. It all led to the formation of an order to protect the harem and the city. They needed a name for this order, and now they were the Knights of the Jade Harem.

“All this happened in the last couple of weeks?” Zorac asked.

“She left out Chandice and Roric getting married,” Evalynn added.

“Chandice got married?” Zorac said in surprise. “But she was my?”

“I am very sorry about that,” Jaina said and put a hand on his leg. “I never should have brought her here. In fact, doing so opened a whole can of worms for me that I have been dealing with ever since. It’s why I haven’t been back recently. I needed time to think.”

“She had regrets, didn’t she?” Zorac asked.

“Yes,” Jaina replied. “Because she was in love with Roric when I brought her here. She only did what she did because she thought he was in love with Rajeen and had no interest in pursuing a relationship with her.”

“Oh, well, I am glad they worked things out,” Zorac replied. “So the prince and princess are part of the harem now?”

“Surely you know about Princess Hannah?” Quinny asked.

“I do, but I don’t go into the city often,” he explained. “And they don’t exactly deliver a newspaper here. I get most of my news from that temple on the ridge. That Annasara girl is very comforting.”

Jaina struggled to keep a straight face as he admitted to having sex with Gwen while having no idea who she was. For that matter, none of the people with her knew that Annasara was Gwen, and she decided it needed to stay that way for now.

“Well, you might meet Hannah if you go back to the temple,” Quinny cut in. “She and I started working there as whores.”

“The princess is a whore of the temple?” Zorac asked in surprise.

“It's a long story,” Jaina assured him. “But she wanted to be a slave girl to Frank, and he is pushing her boundaries. She may not go through with it, but she's trying.”

“She will do it,” Quinny said. “She’s already got a bunch of tattoos.”

“And she already made love to the druid,” Breanne added.

“What druid?” Zorac asked.

“Wow, it really has been a long time since you got any news,” Jaina laughed. She told him all about Drellis and his slave doe, Sandris, who arrived to found a magical grove in the forest. Hannah had found her way into the grove and welcomed the man to his new home the way only a slave girl could.

“So, she really is open to having sex with others?” Zorac asked.

“That's still unknown,” Breanne replied. “So far, she's had sex with Frank, Roric, and this druid.”

“Hannah told me she felt compelled to do it,” Jaina said. “Like she was under a charm.”

“But we are immune to that,” Quinny insisted.

“Speaking of we, are you three girls all succubi?” Zorac asked.

Jaina giggled when they turned to him to smile and bare their fangs as they nodded. Zorac asked how in the world one man managed to find three succubus slave girls, and Jaina told him that Hannah was one, too.

“Does he advertise for them or something?” Zorac questioned.

“No, silly, Hannah is a Lilim, an evolved version of a succubus,” Jaina explained. “Her class allows her to take slave girls and turn them into lesser succubi, so she took her wives as pets.”

“Oh, that makes more sense,” Zorac laughed. “I was thinking this Frank hit the sex devil lottery.”

“Ha, I like being called a sex devil,” Quinny giggled.

“Well, I am glad to see you’re still here,” Jaina said as she ran a hand up his leg. “I am sorry I haven’t been around. I will come back in a day or two to spend some quality time with you.”

“And you can always come to the temple to see if Hannah or I are there,” Quinny added as she smiled. “I am sure we could make you comfortable.”

“Umm, I am sure you could,” he said as his tail twitched.

“I am sorry to say this, but we have to run,” Jaina said. “We want to check on Gisley. She didn’t show up for a meeting this morning.”

“And according to my chart, she hasn't moved,” Evalynn said.

“Is she dead?” Quinny asked and got a tail swat from Breanne.

“Don’t say things like that,” Breanne said. “This is our sister we are talking about.”

“Well, she isn’t dead,” Evalynn said. “Because she's a listed friend, I can see she isn't harmed. Maybe she’s sleeping.”

“The fairy that never sleeps unless she wants to?” Jaina pressed as they got up. They bid Zorac goodbye and headed back to the forest in an odd direction. Evalynn said they would have to cross half the forest to reach Gisley, but there was a nearby door that would make it faster. They arrived at a tree with a smaller one fallen against it. Walking under the arch, they created sent them across the landscape to come out between two trees near the mountains. From here, they used a back path to travel toward the lake, reaching it in less than an hour. All seemed peaceful and calm as they walked along the mossy shore and listened to the falls that flowed across the breasts of an enormous bust of Gisley.

They rounded the lake to the elvish lodge placed on the shores to overlook the water. According to the panel, Gisley was inside but still hadn't moved. Jaina came up the steps to hear soft crying and quickly rushed in, calling her name.

“Gisley?” Jaina called. “Gisley, where are you?”

“I’m here,” Gisley called as she sat up. “Oh, what are you all doing here?”

“Gisley, we were worried about you, sweetheart,” Jaina said as they entered the lodge. “You missed the special gathering this morning.”

“I didn't want to go,” Gisley replied, curling into a ball on the couch.

“Love, are you upset about something?” Jaina asked.

“Yesterday, I heard Hannah singing,” Gisley replied. “I have sat here all day waiting to hear her sing again, but she hasn't.”

“Is that all you’re doing?” Jaina laughed.

“You should hear her,” Gisley said. “It’s so hauntingly beautiful. Like a mother singing to her baby.”

“Coming from the queen of silver tongues, that's high praise,” Evalynn said.

“Sweet love,” Jaina said as she sat beside the woman. “Hannah is probably busy. For all we know, she is helping comfort somebody.” She put her arm around the fairy woman and pulled her in. “If it makes you feel better, we can go up there and ask her to sing for us.”

“No, you need to hear it from here,” Gisley said. “Evalynn’s forest magic makes her voice carry like a soft whisper on the wind.”

“Oh, right, that spell I have on the woods to make singing spread farther,” Evalynn said.

Jaina could see the woman was anxious to hear Hannah's voice again. She tried to think of a way to help her, then was struck by an idea.

“Sweety, why don’t you sing to her,” Jaina suggested. “I bet Hannah can hear your voice from there. Why not sing to her and let her know you miss her.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Gisley said as she jumped up. “That’s a good idea.”

“I have them once in a while,” Jaina said.

Gisley smiled and spread her wings as she dashed for her lake. She jumped from the back deck and fluttered into the air, carrying herself over the water as she glowed with fairy glitter.

“I love this part,” Jaina said with a smile as she took Quinny’s hand. Quinny smiled back as Gisley began to sing, her voice like silk and honey, as she danced in her butterfly way. Her song radiated out, filling the land with her magical voice as the girls sat on the edge and listened.

Jaina looked to the right to see Breanne and Evalynn locked in a passionate kiss, hands beginning to pull at one another in need. Jaina put an arm around Quinny and Umtha as the song filled their hearts with love. It wasn't long before Quinny leaned in for a kiss, and Jaina gladly rewarded her with one. Umtha wanted one as well, and Jaina was all too happy to switch, ensuring Umtha was not left alone. Quinny went to her breast, lifting it high so her soft lips could wrap around the nipple. Jaina's body tingled with delight as she felt Quinny's tongue teasing her tender flesh, making her nipple hard.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Jaina moaned. “I love it when girls suckle.” She reached a hand around Umtha's head and pressed her to the other breast. Now, both angels were suckling with tender lips while tongues teased her nipples. They settled in to nurse from her breasts as she reached around and stroked their long tails. They moaned in response as their succubus tails were sensitive to a gentle touch. She closed her eyes and shuddered as he felt them sucking her hard nipples, making her body hot for more.

Jaina couldn't imagine a more beautiful scene as they made love while listening to Gisley sing. To her side, Breanne and Evalynn had moved to a couch where Evalynn lay back while Breanne feasted between her legs. The two elven women were so in love that Jaina wondered if they should marry. She rolled her head in delight as her two lovely little angels continued to suck on her nipples.

“I love this so much,” Jaina whispered to them. “Please, never stop.” They responded by moving closer, curling to her lap as if settling in for a long night. Jaina leaned back with a soft moan, arching her back as her nipples were loved. She would indeed sit here all night if she could, letting her little girls suck until they were full. She wished she had one of Rajeen's breast milk potions so she could feed them from her body. She rubbed at their tails as they twisted in pleasure, then had a wonderful idea. She was a mimic and could easily alter her body, so her hands became fluid and ran down the woman's rear. They flinched and moaned as she invaded their bodies, her hands reforming in their wet pussies.

Jaina returned the love by rubbing their tender clits while they moaned softly on her nipples. Now, she was pleasuring them as they held fast to her breasts, refusing to come off as her head rolled.

“Oh, this is wonderful,” Jaina cried. “No wonder Hannah is always so happy.”

Quinny and Umtha giggled as each woman slid a hand down Jaina's stomach. Tender fingers reached low and found the soft petals of her sacred garden. Fingers began to play as the three women pleasured each other, pushing themselves as one toward the inevitable. It was impossible to tell which of them came first as shared orgasm made them all groan.

Jaina used her absorbing touch to lap up the honey that poured from their bodies. In a burst of inspiration, she used her mimic powers to pull that sweet nectar up her arms and through her body. She moved it to her breasts, allowing it to pass through her nipples. Suddenly, her two girls tasted the sweet nectar of sex as Jaina fed them from each other's bodies.

“Drink up, little sex devils,” Jaina encouraged as they suckled more firmly. She let out a low moan as her body shook, ready for another orgasm. She couldn't imagine a life sweeter than this, where her only purpose was to love her sisters and share in their sex. They made love for over two hours until they were drunk with passion and eager to curl up. Jaina found herself part of a pile of warm women, breathing deeply as they tried to recover. Gisley had joined them and was now curled tightly in her arms, savoring the love that was Jaina's embrace.

“I love you all,” Jaina whispered to the girls. “And I love Hannah.” She looked to the far trees and wondered what Hannah was doing right now. One thing was for certain: that Hannah and Jaina had brought their families together. Now, they were one big unit, and together, their love would rule the kingdom.

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