The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-157 To test a theory

Jaina, Evalynn, and Gisley bounced with excitement as they lounged in the harem at the feet of their masters. Hannah and her sisters were with them, as were a dozen harem girls tangled in a big pile of loving cuddles. They listened as the masters debated how best to use what they learned. The answer was lots of sex, especially for Jaina and the succubi, who earned double rewards.

Two main issues were raised, the first being that Frank, Zillix, and Chandice didn't earn experience from sex. It was a sticking point for almost five seconds until Blackbast took command of the conversation. She spoke of spending the morning with Hannah, who was recovering from her sex with the rogues guild. Quinny, Hannah, and Blackbast discussed this matter just this morning, and Hannah had a wonderful idea. Chandice and Frank could wear one of her collars, becoming sex devils to earn double rewards.

It made Hannah's collars infinitely more valuable than the other masters as she not only turned them into sex slaves but also sex-based races. That double earning would be the key to rapid growth, and a collar offer was extended to Roric if he wanted to play along.

The masters debated the idea, with Frank being hesitant but finally agreeing with the group. Zillix wasn't even sure he could wear a collar, as his humanoid form was an illusion. Jaina knew the form was more than an illusion as it could be touched, caressed, and made lover to. To test it, he put one of Hannah's collars on and was kissed to bestow her blessing. Instantly, he became a man with dark green skin and stylish red tattoos that resembled claw marks. It proved that any of them could use one of Hannah's collars to boost their gain.

They agreed that the collars would be the best option to gain experience. However, Roric felt they still needed to do some traditional combat training. It wouldn’t do them any good to gain levels if they didn’t learn to put their new powers to use. The ominous threat in that statement was that they might find themselves fighting for the survival of their homes one day.

The second issue they raised was the experience rate. After testing, they settled on the idea that sex with a man over a long period of time was ideal. However, few men could last that long unless the girl used prolong to keep them from cumming. Even so, a man would tire unless they had skills or a huge stamina pool with which to maintain the sex. It needed to last over twenty minutes to be truly useful, but ideally, a single man would go over an hour before cumming.

Frank was the only one who could pull off such a feat, as his stamina pool was massive, and he had the undead trait of being tireless. Activities like running that would normally drain stamina fairly quickly didn't do so for undead. They lost stamina at one hundredth the rate a normal person did. This power extended to sex, allowing Frank to go for days if he wanted to.

As there were a large number of girls to level, Frank would never be able to keep up. Thus, if they wanted to go this route, other men would have to be hired to level the girls. This meant looking for players who were heavy stamina users like warriors, barbarians, brawlers, and the like. These men would be hired to come to the temple and fuck the girls for hours, helping to level them up.

Jaina liked the idea of having a daily routine where she was required to lay back and spread her legs for some burly warrior to level her up. The other girls also blushed at the idea, trading little comments about how the men would be lining up to be picked for the job. Even Hannah commented on the idea, asking if she had any say in who her leveling partner would be.

The masters laughed and assured the girls that the decision hadn't been made yet. It was only an idea for now, but there was another matter to consider. This matter was a bit more interesting as it was the ideal way to level and earn a nice extra bonus.

While a short session of sex didn't earn very much, it could be boosted by charging the person for the sex. In testing, Hannah earned more when the rogues paid her, especially when it was with gifts. Some quick math showed that a man having sex for an hour was good, but five men who each paid a hundred gold was a little better and it earned five hundred gold. As gold could buy points to spend on lairs and upgrades, it was a double win for all involved. If the girls were sold to groups to make love to two or three men at once, they could make far more experience. If they charged more, it would also make a huge difference, and the price was hotly debated. They finally settled on two hundred and fifty gold for ten minutes with any of the girls. This would earn them well above what a single long session could offer while filling their coffers with gold. Moreso, ten minutes was about the point most players ran out of stamina and would need to finish anyway.

The final matter to be discussed was who needed the experience most. After some honesty, they learned Rajeen was the highest level of their group at ninety-one. She was earning this experience every time a girl in her collar made love so she wasn't in dire need of help.

Chandice, on the other hand, was the lowest, pushing level twenty-one. Idris was just above her at twenty-four and Zillix at twenty-nine. At first, Jaina wasn't sure why this was important until they discussed how a player's level affected the experience gain. The more levels a player had, the more they were worth during sex. Jaina was sure that meant that sex with Rajeen would be the best, but Hannah was the one they said was worth the most.

Then they explained how Hannah might only be in her fifties for levels, but she had five classes, and thanks to being a Lilim, none of her classes were restricted by the slave collar. That meant that, added together, Hannah was worth more than double what Rajeen was. She would focus on making love to Chandice for the time being, helping to ensure Chandice gained levels quickly. She would then level Idris and Zillix, bringing them all to fifty as quickly as possible.

The conversation finally descended into how the collars conveyed rewards to their masters. Roric would earn a little from all the sex his girls were having. Hannah would earn from her girls and Blackbast a little from her. Rajeen then joked that if she were to wear one of Hannah's collars, then Hannah would earn from the entire harem.

The room went silent as they all realized it was true and how the ripple effect would reach Blackbast. If Roric wore Hannah’s collar, then she would even earn from his girls, making nearly all sex in the harem experience for Hannah. They suggested there had to be a limit, some kind of cap, to how much one player could earn. Rajeen looked at her experience history to show hundreds of small rewards from the sex her girls were having. It comprised the bulk of what she earned, with higher-level girls earning her more.

“And that explains why they collars lock the primary class to such a low level,” Blackbast said.

“You mean to prevent the master from gaining too much experience?” Rajeen replied.

“It makes sense,” Roric agreed with a nod. “You are about to give the player a third class. To balance it out, they reduce one.”

“But ours don’t have that restriction,” Jaina said. “And Hannah doesn’t have it.”

“Which makes Hannah the best partner to have sex with if your goal is experience,” Evalynn pointed out.

“Great, I have become a utility,” Hannah joked.

“You have not,” Blackbast replied as others snickered. “But we should also be clear that I earn very little from Hannah's girls. She may wear my collar, but I get very little from Quinny. I am stealing a portion of the experience Hannah would have gotten. So Even if Rajeen put Hannah's collar on, it wouldn't be generating any more experience than before. It would simply be divided more ways.”

“But more girls are better,” Jaina said. “It doesn't matter if fifty girls having sex is divided three ways; they are still fifty girls. It has to add up.”

Nobody could deny that it wouldn't be a decent boost, but the only way to know for sure was the test it. So the entire harem was brought to Blackbast's temple, where Rajeen put on one of Hannah's collars. Frank put one on as well, and the sex began, filling the temple with the sound of moaning girls.

Jaina started with Roric, her arms behind her back as he took her from behind. She smiled as his firm cock kept up a modest pace, not the usual pounding, as he didn't want to orgasm too quickly.

“Oh, just go hard,” Jaina moaned. “I will use prolong to keep you from coming.”

“You do realize that drives me out of my mind,” Roric replied. “Being right on the edge of cumming but never able to finish makes me crazy.”

Jaina laughed between her moans as all around her, sex was rampant. Hannah was astride Frank, riding her master with a hungry passion. Breanne was on her back as Zillix had his first experience with the elven woman. Rajeen and Blackbast were making love to each other, while Quinny and Gisley were hard at it. Over fifty women were going wild in every way imaginable, with some in groups of three or more. She took her punishment from her master, savoring over twenty minutes of firm sex that had her swimming in orgasms.

Jaina went ahead and used prolong despite what Roric said, taking a swat to her rear when he realized what was going on. She teased him to hold on a little longer, citing he had no trouble pleasuring the others one after another. Roric reminded her that he took small breaks between them and had the second wind power, allowing him to recover his stamina three times a day. If she wanted the sex to go on, then she needed to allow him to cum then he would use a refresh to start again.

“But then the experience gain starts over,” Jaina pointed out. “It will take you nearly twenty minutes to get back to what you’re giving me now.”

“You’re a terrible sex slave,” Roric growled as he pulled her to his chest. “I will punish you for this.” She laughed as he went at her hard, pounding her with little care for her comfort. She began to scream over the other girls as her pussy was pushed to its limit. His cock tore through her body, desperately hoping to overcome her prolong and find the release he needed.

Her mind was alive with lust, especially when a warm tongue came to her pussy. She looked down to see Evalynn on her knees, leaning in to lick Jaina’s clit as Roric pounded her.

“Oh!!!” Jaina cried as Evalynn helped by holding Jaina's thighs so Roric could punish her. Second later, she had another orgasm, her body flowing as she squirted uncontrollably. Evalynn took the spray into her mouth, sucking at her clit as Jaina shook. She looked up in a daze to see Rajeen and Frank were now making love while Hannah was on top of Chandice. Hannah had assumed the man's role, using her succubus powers to make love to Chandice slowly and tenderly. It was a stark contrast to the wet slaps going on from behind as Roric hammered away.

Jaina was grateful for their support as her body became weak from the sex. She wished she could lay back and rest her legs, but Roric wasn't going to allow it. The sex became a test of wills as she tried to prolong him while he tried to overcome it. Ten more minutes went by, with every orgasm increasing in power until she couldn't stand it anymore. She let go, allowing him to cum, and instantly, she shared the orgasm. Her voice was just a strangled gasp as the magnified intensity choked off her ability to speak.

Roric shoved so deeply that she went up to her toes as his cock filled her womb with his seed. He withdrew only a moment before hammering back in, driving every drop of his hunger into her body where it belonged.

Jaina was allowed to collapse into Evalynn's arms and was carried to the floor so the elf woman could caress her. They kissed briefly as Jaina tried to recover while white milk seeped from her body, running down her thigh to show she was bred. She could hear Chandice moaning as she pleaded with Hannah to love her. It was a beautiful thing to see how much Hannah and Chandice loved one another, and Jaina rolled just enough to see them kissing as Hannah kept up her thrusts.

“They are so beautiful together,” Jaina sighed as she watched the lovemaking. “It's a pity Frank won't sell her.”

“He doesn't need to sell her for them to be lovers,” Evalynn countered as she lay behind Jaina, her breasts firmly pressed to Jaina's back. “They don't need anything but that smile they share when seeing one another.”

Jaina nodded as she knew that look, the way Hannah smiled when she saw a loved one. She smiled that way for Jaina as well, the two women sharing an intense love. Jaina smiled as Evalynn reached between her legs to fondle her cum slick folds and play with her tender clit. She wasn't surprised when Roric joined Hannah and Chandice, presenting his cock to Hannah to suck while she made love to the women below. Hannah immediately took his sex-drenched cock into her mouth, sucking like a good girl as she tasted Jaina's body.

Jaina watched Hannah pleasure them both as Evalynn giggled and turned away. She heard kissing and then looked over her shoulder to see she was in the arms of Frank, who was running a hand over her breasts. He, too, wore one of Hannah's collars and now appeared as a broody dark devil man with hooked horns and a long tail. He had a taught body rippling with muscles and a stern face that screamed he was a bad boy. He was every girl who loved anime's dream come true, and Jaina couldn't help but smile. She rolled over to watch them make love while stroking Evalynn’s stomach. Frank cradled Evalynn’s head as his cock slid into her body, causing her to moan as her eyes closed.

“So why aren’t we getting the big gray bruiser?” Jaina asked as he pulled Evalynn’s legs wide.

“I wanted to test the experience gain if I wore the collar. Besides, a lot of the girls in the harem still find the ghoul disturbing,” Frank replied as he pushed all the way into the woman’s hungry body. “I don’t want to upset anyone, especially in the harem.”

“Hmm,” Jaina said and leaned over Evalynn so she and Frank could kiss. She shared a dance with his tongue, then leaned back before telling him he was a considerate man.

“I just want us to be happy and build a home for you,” Frank said. “I care about you and all the others, but so many people are threatened by what we do.”

“You are giving a stable home to monster players,” Jaina said with a nod. “That’s going to upset a lot of people.”

“I wish I understood why,” Frank sighed as he looked at the elf woman below him. “I sometimes think that the powerful hero players are threatened by monster players.”

“It does feel that way,” Jaina agreed as she ran a hand along Evalynn's stomach. Evalynn shook as she had her first orgasm, her hands lovingly curling around Frank's neck. She opened her eyes to smile at her lover, her body his to enjoy as he desired.

“I love you,” Evalynn said softly, with complete sincerity. Jaina was proud of Evalynn for being so open, but it was the way Frank replied that made Jaina pause. He replied with his own profession of love so full of passion and commitment that Jaina felt as if they were married. Evalynn melted at his words, and he leaned lower to kiss her. She pleaded with him to love her and never leave her side. She wanted to be a part of the harem and his life for the rest of eternity.

Frank promised he would always be here to be a part of her life, and his love would never fade. Jaina saw how Evalynn shuddered from his words, her heart soaring as he made her feel precious. He looked to Jaina and assured her he felt the same about her and all her sisters. Jaina couldn't believe that she had two men that were so caring and protective. Moreover, she was free to make love to both of them without fear of jealousy or rivalry. Even now, Hannah was sucking Roric's cock while Frank took everything Evalynn had to offer.

Frank and Roric understood the role the harem played and the girls that were their shared responsibility. They were grateful for the love it afforded them and took the roles they played seriously. The girls were their greatest treasure, and they were the guardians of the hoard. Zillix was joining this role now, and he showed every sign of accepting it just as diligently. He showed a great deal of respect and caring for the girls, especially his beloved Idris.

Blackbast and Rajeen occupied a special role in this family. They were masters but, in many ways, acted as harem mothers and wives to the men. They led the way, showing the girls how wonderful this life could be, and cared for them with motherly affection. Nothing was as warm or special as feeling one of their arms wrap around you. They loved their girls with a devotion that saw them serving the harem more than the harem served them. Jaina had even witnessed Rajeen cry the day she had to give up Sandris. That was how much she cared for a woman in her harem.

There was a sudden sharp sound that turned heads and caused hushed whispers. They were here to test the idea that if Rajeen wore one of Hannah's collars, the entire harem would earn Hannah experience. They had Hannah turn on her audible leveling alarm, which had just gone off. The blushing Lilim still had Roric's cock in her mouth as the entire harem witnessed her level.

Jaina laughed and crawled over Evalynn, laying chest to chest so the women could kiss. Frank now looked down on their pussies stacked over each other. Jaina let out a soft moan as he ran his fingers over hers, pulling her moist petals apart to tease the flesh inside.

“Use your tail,” Jaina urged as she recalled how Hannah had done such a thing before. Frank nodded and reached his tail around, sliding the end into Jaina's body so he could make love to both girls.

Now she and Evalynn hugged with roving hands, kissing as Frank pleasured them both from behind. They began to share orgasms, the three locked in one powerful act of sex that turned their bodies into one. She lost all track of time or purpose as her world became one of sensation, and love flowed like rain in a summer storm. They discovered a new advantage to Hannah's collars as Frank could intentionally prolong his own orgasm.

The sex went on and on as the girls hugged tightly, their breasts crushed together while tongues never ceased dancing. The sex went on and on, with Jaina only catching flashes of what was going on around her. At one point, she looked up to see Hannah on all fours, with Roric kneeling behind her as he fucked her tight pussy. A leash attached to her collar was wrapped around his fist and pulled so tight it was a straight line. Jaina saw the red jewel of Hannah’s butt plug as it glittered in the light while Roric’s cock slid through her pussy. She watched briefly as Hannah moaned in delight, her panting cries coming in rapid succession. Roric was giving her hard strokes, causing Hannah to bounce with every firm impact. Jaina could hear the wet churn of Hannah’s pussy as she flowed with honey from dozens of orgasms.

Jaina lost focus as she shared another orgasm with Evalynn, their bodies shaking under Frank’s intense lovemaking. On it went, their bodies in constant use until another ding echoed across the room. Now, people looked up in alarm as girls gasped that Hannah had leveled again. Jaina couldn't believe it when she heard snippets that suggested it had only been three hours since the last one.

“Three hours have gone by?” Jaina gasped, unable to believe that she, Evalynn, and Frank had been making love that long.

“I can hardly believe it,” Evalynn cried as she clutched Jaina with desperate arms. “And I hope it goes on for three more.”

Jaina shared the desire and fell on her lover, kissing with renewed passion. Frank decided he wanted to switch up, so he suddenly pushed hard, driving his cock into Evalynn as he made them scream into their kiss. Jaina shared his orgasm through Evalynn; the built-up pressure was a mind-numbing wave of ecstasy. Frank pumped so much cum into the elf woman that she began to overflow with it pouring out between her legs.

Evalynn held on to Jaina for dear life as her eyes rolled back and every muscle went taught. She shook from an orgasm that had been building for hours, unable to breathe for several seconds. Frank's Incubus form was able to cum for much longer than a regular man, and each pulse of his cock renewed the tension that now gripped Evalynn's body.

When he finally stopped, she was a panting wreck, barely aware of what had happened. Jaina was nearly as bad, heaving for air as she collapsed to the hot flesh beneath her. Frank withdrew from Evalynn's body, but his tail kept at Jaina, sliding through her pussy with relentless hunger. Then he shifted, and Jaina groaned as her butt plug was pulled away. To her surprise, Frank pressed his cock to her secret opening and slid into her ass to fuck both holes.

Evalynn had her in a death grip as Frank began to fuck Jaina in both holes at once. She grits her teeth as the sensation fills her with waves of sexual tension. She surrendered to the moment; her panting cries were a song of praise to Frank, her lover. It was all she could bare as the day passed to night and the harem grew exhausted from their labors.

Hour’s later she was exactly where she wanted to be, curled to Rajeen’s chest as she snuggled beside Frank, the two kissing like lovers. It had been an incredible experience, a day spent making love as one big family. Breanne and Evalynn had found one another, curling into a pile of cushions to snuggle. Other girls joined them, relishing a chance to be still as their bodies desperately needed to cool from the heat of sex.

Umtha, Gisley, and a few harem girls were in the pool, all tangled together as they snuggled like angels. Hannah was asleep as well, lying directly on top of Roric, her head rising and falling as he breathed. The sex had slowed in the final hours as everyone grew tired or too drunk from passion to continue. Hannah had passed into sleep over two hours ago, but that didn't stop her from leveling a third time. Jaina smiled as she got up and headed for the two lovers. She lay beside them and smiled at Roric to see the love and adoration in his eyes. He treasured that Hannah so trusted him that she felt safe to sleep in his arms.

“How are you?” Jaina asked as Roric took a deep breath.

“It's hard to explain,” Roric said. “I knew what we were coming here for and what we hoped to achieve, but did you ever dare to dream it could be like this?”

“No,” Jaina laughed with a shake of her head. “How could anybody believe a paradise like this could exist?”

“I have so many wonderful women who are eager to be in my arms,” Roric said in a soft whisper. “I don't even know where to begin being grateful for this blessing.”

“Hey,” Jaina said as she reached up to stroke the side of his head. “That you can say that is proof enough you deserve this. It takes a special kind of heart to be this open. What I find lucky is that you and Frank have the strength to do this. We girls are the ones who should be grateful.”

“We should all be grateful,” Roric replied as he held Hannah by the rear while stroking her back with the other hand. “A love like this is a miracle.”

Jaina agreed and ran a hand down the sleeping woman’s back. She reached lower to discover Roric was hard and carefully took hold of his cock to feed him into Hannah’s body. Hannah let out a whispering moan as he slid into her warm flesh and began a very slow and gentle thrusting.

Bright red eyes opened as the succubus in his arms leaned back, her eyes full of love. Her smile melted hearts as she teased that this was how she always wanted to wake up. Jaina ran her hands over Hannah's back as the woman turned, inviting her into a kiss. Their lips met in a passionate dance, then Jaina helped Hannah settle back into Roric's chest.

“Just lay where you were,” Jaina urged, rubbing the woman to soothe her into place. Hannah lay down, her head on Roric's chest as Jaina went for the woman's plug. She was thinking of what happened earlier with Frank and wanted to revisit that power on Hannah. She gently worked the plug free, getting a flinch from the woman when it finally popped. She saw a dark hole flexing invitingly as Jaina used her mimic powers. Her form became a gray mass that quickly reshaped until she was a near copy of Roric. She took Hannah by the hips as she moved behind the sleepy woman while her cock rapidly hardened. She fed that hungry cock into Hannah’s defenseless hole, feeling the heat of her devil body as it devoured her. Jaina and Hannah moaned in unison as the cock sank deeper, climbing well inside her tender body.

“You leveled again,” Jaina said as she held the woman's hips firmly. Hannah gasped at the news and the sudden feeling of a thick knot at her rear. Hannah didn’t believe it, but Jaina explained it happened while she was sleeping and that Hannah had been asleep for nearly four hours. Roric added that the experience had slowed once Hannah had fallen asleep, but that it averaged out to a level roughly every three hours.

Hannah was shocked even as Jaina laughed and said she hadn't earned half as much. Roric explained that she wasn't getting experience for the entire harem like Hannah was, and it couldn't be compared. He had nearly gained a full level from the sex and the experience earned from his girls and was content with that. If he really wanted to level, Rajeen could wear his collar, and he would earn massive amounts like Hannah was.

Hannah sighed and cited that this was only going to encourage Frank to go ahead with his plans. She and the girls would be pressed into frequent sex with men paying to experience them. There would also be men with high stamina brought in to fuck the girls every morning, ensuring a steady flow of experience. She was a little nervous about it, but she understood the logic. They had enemies, and the recent discovery that those enemies might be as high as level one thousand had them nervous.

“Listen,” Roric said as he slowed to gentle lovemaking. “You don't have to do any of that. I spoke with the masters earlier, and none of us like the idea of throwing you girls to the masses. Frank and Rajeen are the most against it.”

“But he seems so focused on making us level now,” Hannah said.

“He absolutely is,” Roric agreed. “Because Frank is the one person in all the harem that most feels the pressure of the danger. I don't think any of us can grasp what it means to him. He is a monster player who always dreamed of building this grand adventure, but then he met you and the others and added you to his dream. Now, he's managed to build a dream that surpassed his original vision, and it's so precious to him that none of us can truly appreciate it. You have inspired him to reach even higher and build something truly fantastic, but he's afraid. He's worried that the more you build, the more likely you will draw unwanted attention. If that attention comes before you're ready, it could spell disaster.”

“I know,” Hannah sighed from where she lay on his chest. “And I will do anything he wants.”

“Honestly, considering she made three levels today, there really isn't a reason to bring in outside sex,” Jaina said.

“No,” Roric agreed. “But we masters have agreed that all of the primary girls must level. Rajeen is even going to select ten from the harem who will participate in rapid leveling to ensure we have some manpower. The rest will level more slowly, but we will work on it every week.”

“So what does that mean?” Jaina asked as she rocked deep inside Hannah’s ass.

“I don’t know for sure yet,” Roric replied. “But it will be an aggressive pace to ensure you girls are leveling quickly.”

Jaina nodded as she dug deep into Hannah's tender body, sending the woman into a moaning pant. It was imperative that they level and knew the best way to accomplish that goal. Soon, she and Hannah would share the experience as they worked hard to reach a point where they could defend what they had built. Together, the harem would stand against all threats, supporting Frank as he built the dream they all knew would be spectacular.



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