The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-158 The real me

Jaina entered the large palace room that served as Roric’s private chambers to find Chandice in his arms, sleeping soundly. Evalynn was on his left while Gisley was on his right, still awake and smiling where she lay curled up. Jaina crawled into the bed to hover over her before kissing her forehead.

“That was very sweet of you,” Jaina said, referring to the wonderful dream she had just had. She went to bed with Frank and his girls, only to have Gisley drag them all into a dream. She had an idea she wanted to test, resulting in something magical.

“Why did you choose to test it on them?” Jaina asked, wondering why Gisley hadn't chosen Roric and his girls.

“I wanted to see how people would react,” Gisley sighed. “Because the place I want to take you guys is special.”

“Special, how?” Jaina asked while lying down to curl around the purple woman.

“You will understand when you see it,” Gisley replied, curling into a ball. Jaina wondered if something was bothering the fairy woman but didn't know how to ask the question. She curled around her as if protecting her from the world, then asked if she was alright.

“I want to tell you something,” Gisley whispered while Roric and Evalynn slumbered away. “I know I act immature sometimes, and I frolic like a wild girl, but sometimes….”

“Sometimes, what?” Jaina pressed. “Gisley, you do know you can trust us with anything?”

“I know,” Gisley sighed. “I have never been so happy, but I guess I worry that I am losing myself.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jaina asked.

“It means that when I came here, I changed,” Gisley replied. “I recreated myself to be the image of a carefree fairy, running wild in the land.”

“And we love that image,” Jaina assured her. “Who doesn’t love a wild sex fairy fluttering about?”

Gisley smiled and turned to her back so she could look into Jaina's eyes. “I want to show you,” she said. “I want to show all of you.”

“Then show us,” Jaina whispered, setting her head on Gisley's chest. “Put me to sleep.”

Jaina closed her eyes as the power of Gisley’s magic took effect, blissfully sending her to sleep. She opened her eyes and sat up to find herself sitting in a booth of a small shop. She looked about to see an oriental theme with big, bold signs and a bright color scheme. She recognized the writing as Japanese but couldn't read a word of what she was seeing. The whole shop was a tiny place eight tables that would each seat four people. The sound of clanking dishes came from behind a counter where an unseen person was hard at work in the kitchen. A moment later, Roric materialized in the seat across from her, with Evalynn at his side looking very confused. Chandice appeared beside Jaina, waving her hand as if using a wand.

“Umm, what?” Chandice remarked. “This isn’t my enchanting shop.”

“No, it’s….” Evalynn began as she looked around. “A restaurant?”

“Where is this?” Roric said in alarm as he looked around, his furry ears twitching.

“I think it's Japan,” Jaina said as she took a deep breath to smell something delicious cooking.

“Wait, I was just dreaming about making love to Quinny,” Evalynn said as she looked at Jaina. “Is this a dream?”

“Gisley is doing it,” Jaina said as she smiled. “She has something she wants to show us.” Just as she said that a girl with fair skin and long dark hair appeared at the side of the table. The girl was dressed like a maid with a black dress and white stockings. She had a beautiful smile that melted hearts as she looked over them with big brown eyes.

“This is where I used to work,” the girl said as she stood nervously beside the table. “I was here when the program to enter New Eden was announced.”

The group looked at the young girl, wondering why she was telling them this. It took them all a second to understand what was happening then the surprise settled in.

“Oh my god!” Jaina cried as she looked at the stranger. “Gisley?”

The girl nodded and stepped back to give them a flourish of her outfit. She moved with a nervous hesitation, but it was clear she was happy they recognized her.

“She's so pretty,” Roric said, causing her to smile.

“She so young,” Jaina countered. “Goodness girl, how long before you reach fifteen?”

“I am already sixteen, thank you,” Gisley replied with folded arms and a pouting expression.

“We are making love to a sixteen-year-old girl?” Evalynn said in shock as she blushed deeply.

“You pig,” Jaina said to Roric, teasing him as he went silent. “ You should be ashamed of yourself. Making love to a girl so young.”

“I had no idea she was so young, and you are doing it too,” he countered nervously.

“It’s different when it's two girls,” Jaina protested.

“No, it isn't,” Roric said, tapping the table aggressively. “It's exactly the same thing.”

“If you three are done being shocked, you should know I didn't go to New Eden until I was seventeen,” Gisley interrupted. “And I was there for several years before we met.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Jaina sighed as she sat back. “I was about to faint.”

“So you’re in your early twenties now?” Evalynn asked.

“I guess so,” Gisley said as she shrugged. “But it’s hard to know in New Eden. We don’t have seasons to mark the passage of years.”

“So this is a dream?” Roric pressed to change the subject.

“Yes,” Gisley replied. “It’s a dream of a memory of mine. I got the idea of bringing you into a dream because of what we did with Hannah, going into that memory.”

“So, this place was real?” Evalynn asked. “You used to work here?”

“This is Dogaku shop, where you can find the best noodles in Setagaya city,” Gisley said before bowing.

“This is amazing,” Roric said as he turned to survey the shop. “It's like we're really in a noodle shop in Japan.”

“If you think this is amazing, you should have been with her when she tested the idea,” Jaina said. Roric asked what she meant, and Jaina explained that Gisley had tested this concept with Frank and Hannah. She had Breanne focus on a memory that took them to New York City in the early nineteen fifties. The dream recreated the entire location from Breanne's memory, landing them in a dinner on a busy New York street.

“You should have seen Umtha’s eyes,” Jaina laughed. “That woman wanted to run out and see everything.”

“Umtha isn't from Earth,” Evalynn laughed. “I bet that was a bit of a culture shock.”

“So, you can take any memory from us and turn it into a dream we can revisit?” Roric asked.

“Well, I thought so,” Gisley said. “But I tried it on one of Hannah's, and it didn't work. I could see the memory in her mind, but I couldn't make it into a dream. It was like the memory wasn't real or real enough to fill out the little details.”

Roric paused to look at Jaina, who nodded her confirmation. She explained that Hannah had tried to visualize a pizza place she claimed to have visited a hundred times. Yet, when Gisley tried to build a dream out of that memory, she couldn't use it.

“Could this be related to her missing memories?” Evalynn asked.

“It sounds more like these are false memories,” Roric said.

“I didn't want to say anything,” Jaina said. “Not to Hannah anyway. But she's smart. Sooner or later, she's going to ask the question herself and wonder why her memory wasn't real enough to work.”

“This could lead her down another dark rabbit hole,” Roric worried but shook the thought away. “But we aren't here to talk about Hannah, are we?” He looked at Gisley, who nodded that he was right.

“I wanted to talk to you about me,” Gisley said. “I love what I am in New Eden, and I love being a part of your family, but recently, I have felt like I am dying inside.”

“Dying how?” Roric asked as he reached up and took her hand. “Gisley, I will do anything for you.”

“It isn't anything you can do,” Gisley replied. “Listen, I already said this to Jaina, but I want to say it to you. When I came to New Eden, I reinvented myself. I became the fun-loving fairy that behaved like a little girl.”

“From where I am sitting, you are a little girl,” Jaina interjected.

“I am older now,” Gisley stated firmly. “And please let me finish. I have started to feel like I am forgetting who I was and where I came from. At first, I didn't care, but recently, it has scared me. I don't want to be like Hannah, with no memory of who I used to be. I used to be very normal with a steady job and bills to pay, just like everybody else. I was responsible, and I took my job seriously. I spent my days at work and my nights drawing fairies in my sketchbook. I used to dream of flying on butterfly wings as I danced over flowers, but I never thought it would be anything more than a fantasy. Then New Een came along, and I saw the possibility. I changed everything about myself, becoming a little girl again as I embraced what I would become. But seeing how it torments Hannah not to remember who she is has made me paranoid that I might forget. I started playing with my dreams to revisit the places from my memory to remind myself of who I am.”

“So why did you bring us here?” Roric asked.

“I need you to see me, the real me,” Gisley said. “Not the girl I pretend to be in New Eden. I need those closest to me to know who I really am so they can remind me if I forget.”

“This is really upsetting you,” Jaina said as Gisley looked down. “Love, we all know you aren’t really a lunar fairy, but we love the sweet, innocent girl that dances over water while she sings. What you created as a character is both beautiful and wonderful, and we treasure it.”

“We certainly do,” Roric said as he stood to embrace her. “I love you, Gisley, and I count the day you accepted my collar as one of the happiest of my life. You should never be afraid to let yourself go and fully embrace being the fairy you created.”

“But, will you remember me?” Gisley asked. “Will you remember that despite my childish antics, I am a woman who needs your love?”

“Gisley, your childish antics are what reminds me that you're a woman who hungers for love,” Roric said. “And you are the magic of this family. The songs you sing and the games you play fill our home with a sweetness that is hard to explain.”

Gisley smiled and wrapped her arms around him, feeling the warmth of his furry embrace. Jaina admired the love that flowed from Gisley to her family members. Jaina also mused that somehow she had known this was Gisley. Maybe it was the look in her eyes or the loving smile, but she realized this was Gisley almost instantly. However, something seemed out of place as she observed the display of love, and she decided it was Gisley's dress.

“So, what’s with the maid outfit?” Chandice asked to lighten the mood. “This doesn’t seem like the kind of place that would have themed waitresses.”

“Oh,” Gisley replied as she stepped back and held the edges of her skirt. “They don’t have a theme here, but I thought it would look nice.”

“Is this why you like being a barmaid?” Evalynn asked. “Because you did a similar role in the real world?”

“Yes,” Gisley replied innocently. “I like doing this job, and doing it in New Eden helps me feel anchored to my past.”

“I am beginning to see why you would be worried about that,” Roric agreed. “I may have changed my appearance, but I play the man I always felt I was. You, on the other hand, changed your entire personality.”

“I don't think she did,” Chandice said. “I think the happy, fun-loving girl we know was always there. She just didn't have the right environment to express it.”

“I agree,” Jaina said as she stood up to take Gisley’s hands. “You aren’t losing yourself. You are finally becoming the woman you always knew you were.”

“But don’t any of you worry that one day you will wake up and wonder how you got here?” Gisley asked as she showed the worry in her eyes.

“I don't think that could happen,” Roric said as he joined Jaina. “Hannah didn't lose her memories to time. They were physically erased. I understand why you want to remember your origins, but you don't need to be afraid of forgetting who you were. What matters is who you are now and what you want to become.”

“Lots of people would love to forget their past,” Evalynn said.

“I know I would love to forget some of mine,” Jaina agreed.

“So, this is all from your memory?” Candice asked as she got up and began to move around the space. “You can remember all this in exact detail?”

“Oh, ha, no,” Gisley laughed. “The memory is mine, but I could never recall it in such detail. Somehow, the magic pulls the details from your subconscious where you do remember it all. I think it even fills in some blanks with logical stuff just to keep it going.”

“She took Frank and his girls into a couple of dreams to test the idea,” Jaina reminded. “Hannah asked the same questions, and it really is amazing how much your mind can fill in. We stood on a busy street in New York from years ago looking at the buildings.”

“Then we went to a place Hannah found in New Eden,” Gisley said. “It allowed them to reexamine the space and realize they needed to do more digging.”

“What space was that?” Chandice asked.

“Some old necromancer's tower,” Jaina replied. “It had a hidden room on the top floor with a big map of the world on a stone table. Some sort of goblin machine was built over the table, but somebody had wrecked it and taken parts away. They were talking about going back to the site with Legeis so he could examine it.”

“Hannah wants me to use this power to help her visit places again so that she can study them in more detail,” Gisley added. “She said she didn't have the time to sit down and do a proper examination.”

“I can see the lure of that,” Chandice agreed. “And I like the idea of doing that myself.”

“Can we explore the city?” Evalynn asked, pointing to the window. “I always wanted to visit Japan.”

“Sure,” Gisley said as she smiled. “But first, you must eat. I brought you here to try the soba noodles and breaded shrimp.”

Jaina smiled as they returned to their table while Gisley ran to the kitchen as if waiting on a customer. She returned with a tray on which were bowls and strange square wooden boxes. These held lush green noodles, perfectly cooked and steaming away. Gisley set one pair of boxes before each person and a bowl with what looked like a hearty broth. She explained that they were to pick up a clump of noodles and then dip them in the broth for flavor.

Jaina smiled as she lifted the top layer to discover two boxes stacked on each other, the lower one holding more noodles. Gisley dashed off as they began to unwrap their chopsticks and struggled to use them properly. Gisley returned with two large plates loaded with shrimp in a flaky crust and what appeared to be lobster tails.

“This is delicious,” Evalynn sighed as she tried a green mustard with her shrimp. “And this is very hot.”

“It's good,” Jaina agreed, humming. “I can't believe how this works.”

“I was just thinking that,” Roric said. “If we ever miss something from the real world, we can visit it again through our dreams.”

“We can have all the foods we remember,” Chandice said as she leaned into his side. “And we can visit places from our memories.”

“It’s almost like taking a vacation,” Jaina suggested as she tried a lobster tail.

“I'm glad you're enjoying it,” Gisley replied as she bounced nearby. “I used to love working at this place.”

“It’s so small,” Evalynn noted. “Does it do much business?”

“Lots of people stop in to take their food home,” Gisley replied. “It's much busier around lunch and dinner time, and people in Japan don't linger. They eat and go, clearing the table very quickly. It is considered impolite to sit at a table for longer than you need it.”

“I like Japan,” Jaina said as she leaned back. “But why is it so empty now?”

“Oh, I wanted it to be empty,” Gisley smiled. “This moment is just for us.”

They ate until they were satisfied then Gisley held open the door, taking them into a world that looked familiar but had a very different feel. Jaina noted how clean and well-maintained the streets were and how they used pavers in many places instead of pouring concrete. Everything looked stylized with a flair for the modern mixed with Japanese charm. Jaina asked what the strange lines in the middle of the sidewalk were for, and Gisely explained they were guides for the blind. She took them down the street, pointing out places she used to visit and stories from her past. It was like walking through a story of her memories as she gleefully shared her life with them.

Jaina walked hand in hand with Evalynn as Chandice and Roric did the same. They admired the beauty of a nearby park where a well-manicured waterway passed by. It was impossibly clean for a city with not a bottle or can to blemish the beauty. Gisley took them to a store that sold manga, among other things that made Jaina wonder. A wall in the back was full of small cube-like vending machines full of small trinkets and toys from shows she knew.

“I haven’t read this one yet,” Roric said as he took a book from a rack to flip through the pages only to find them blank or crudely illustrated with an image of a character.

“Sorry, I never read that series,” Gisley replied. “The dream has nothing to draw the pages from.”

“Why are there some pictures?” Roric pressed, but Gisley explained that his mind wanted to find something, so it filled a page or two with something related.

“So it does have some limitations,” Evalynn noted as she flipped through a book to see it fully detailed. “But this book is complete.”

“Oh, I have read that one,” Gisley said as she ran over.

“Why am I not surprised she read a book called Dragon Maid?” Chandice laughed.

“Our little Gisley has a servant’s heart,” Jaina cooed as Gisley took the book and turned it to a familiar page to describe the story.

“It's a good story,” Gisley insisted, taking the book to highlight some of her favorite scenes.

“So we could read any book Gisley read?” Chandice asked as she picked up a book to see that it was also functioning.

“I suppose we could collectively share our combined knowledge,” Roric suggested. “We could read any book any of us has read before.”

“That would give us hundreds of books to read,” Evalynn pointed out. “Maybe even an entire series of books.”

“I read the Throne of Games series,” Chandice said with a shrug. “You know, if any of you want to read it.”

“I read that really popular series,” Evalynn replied. “The dragon knight prophecy.”

“Oh, I wanted to read that,” Jaina said, but I was too busy playing sex slave to Roric online.”

“You were very busy,” Roric laughed.

“I read some of that,” Chandice said. “Not enough sex and the story was slow in the beginning.”

“It was very romantic,” Evalynn countered. “The love between the man and the dragon is intense.”

“Oh, it’s one of those stories,” Jaina laughed. “Now I want to read it.”

“You already have sex with a dragon,” Chandice pointed out.

“Only the two times,” Jaina countered but couldn’t keep a straight face.

“The story was so popular some players recreated it in New Eden,” Evalynn explained. “Breanne is reading it now to catch up to where I am. I hope somebody comes in who can finish it. It wasn't done when I came in.”

“I wonder why that never became a series?” Jaina wondered.

“It was the lack of sex,” Chandice said. “Modern audiences want a lot of spice in their pie.”

“It does have a harem,” Evalynn countered. “And they do have sex. It's just not the focus of the story. It is a story of love and sacrifice.”

“Well, I am sure it is lovely,” Jaina said as she studied a sign she couldn’t read.

“It's so strange to have normal people walk by me and not react,” Roric said, pointing out that he was still a gnoll. Gisley laughed and said the people weren't real because it was a dream. Jaina asked if they could interact with them, and Gisley said they could, but they would respond the way she believed they should. That meant it didn't matter what they looked like, only how they behaved, as the people were just Gisley's imagination.

Roric tested the idea by approaching a man and asking him for directions to the nearest train station. The man replied in perfect English, telling him it was two blocks behind them. He never reacted in any way to Roric's appearance or seemed to notice anything was out of place.

“This is almost surreal,” Jaina said as she looked into a shop with tables of fruit out front.

“I think this is wonderful,” Chandice replied as she picked up a familiar candy bar in a flavor she had no idea existed. “We can enjoy little breaks from New Eden when we need them. It might do us some good to return to the familiar.” She took a bite and hummed, exclaiming it was delicious.

Jaina took a candy and tried some, pleasantly surprised by the flavor. Shey asked why it was so strong, and Gisley explained it tasted partly the way Jaina expected it to taste and partly how Gisley's own memory of things made it. She explained that their shared experiences were mingled in the dream so that anything one of them knew could be used. Gisley's memory set the dream in motion, but their shared minds would shape it, especially if they explored places Gisley had never been.

“That’s fascinating,” Chandice replied. “Did you tell any of that to Hannah?”

“No,” Gisley replied. “They were focused on another idea.”

“What are you thinking about?” Jaina pressed as she glared at Chandice. “You and Hannah both have that evil genius mind. I am sure you have thought of something we haven’t.”

“No, but there is something important here,” Chandice said as she picked up a package of odd candy squares. “I will figure it out later.”

Jaina let it go as she stepped into the street, looking up at the buildings that rose around her. Was this how New Eden worked? Was the world just a dream shaped by expectations and detailed by their subconscious? That was a question for the smarter women, but she could appreciate the significance of it. Gisley and Roric joined her side and the two held hands.

“So, there is one more thing I want to do,” Gisley said as she turned to Roric. “I want you to make love to me.”

“You? You mean this, you?” Roric asked, his ears going up. Jaina nearly laughed as Roric recoiled at the idea of touching the girl who looked so young. Gisley understood his reservations and reminded him that she was in her early twenties, and this image was just a memory from her past.

“I appreciate that,” Roric said. “But I am having trouble separating what I know from what I see.”

“Oh, you never wanted a lolli?” Jaina teased.

“Please,” Gisley begged. “I want you to know the real me, or as close to it as I can get.”

“But look at me,” Roric said, holding her arms. “Gisley, I am gnoll.”

“But this is how I know you,” Gisley replied.

“And the fairy is how I know you,” Roric replied. “You are my magical sex fairy.”

“But I want to give you this gift,” Gisley pouted. “I want to give you all of me.”

“Oh, stop holding out on her,” Jaina grumbled as she came up behind Gisley. “You have already made love to her a thousand times. All she is trying to do is share something special with you.”

“If it matters to you, the age of consent in Japan is sixteen,” Gisley pointed out.

“I thought it was thirteen?” Jaina asked in confusion. Gisley laughed and said they changed it a few years ago, raising it to sixteen. She then settled to Roric’s chest and ran a hand down his side, asking him to please make love to her.

“Gisley,” Roric replied as he put his arms around her. “I want you to know how much I appreciate you giving me this gift. I promise to treasure this moment for the rest of my life.”

“What moment?” Chandice asked as she and Evalynn joined the group. Jaina explained what was going on, and Candice asked what the problem was. Roric said there was no problem and took Gisley by the hand as she led them down the street with a bounce in her step. She took them to a little apartment with a minimalist and almost sterile feel, but her bedroom made Jaina laugh. It was covered in colorful pictures of anime girls, fairies, and anthropomorphic men.

“Somebody likes wolfmen,” Jaina laughed.

“I admire her choice of décor,” Evalynn replied as she lusted over a poster of a bare-chested werewolf-like man.

“Sheesh, how many women like beast men?” Jaina laughed as Gisley and Roric began to rub over each other. It wasn't long before they were kissing, and clothing was coming off. Jaina, and the others laughed when Gisley went to pull him to the bed only to discover it was far too small.

“Oh, right, the bed was a single,” Gisley pouted as she struggled to find room.

“Just change it,” Jaina urged as she leaned over Roric. “Make the room and the bed three times bigger.”

“It won’t be my room anymore,” Gisley said. “I want my boyfriend to make love to me in my bed.”

“Oh, this is a special place for you,” Jaina agreed with a nod. “Well, everyone out then. Let’s give them all the room we can.”

Chandice laughed and left with Evalynn as Jaina kissed Gisley before urging her to make love like it was her first time. She then slipped out, shutting the door behind her, to join the others in the living room. They were discussing the tiny apartment and the unusually empty space when the sounds of passion began to escape the bedroom.

“What a wonderful gift,” Jaina sighed. “She wanted him to have the real her.”

“The fairy is the real her,” Chandice corrected. “This is Gisley being afraid she will end up like Hannah somehow.”

“I think it’s deeper than that,” Evalynn interjected. “I don’t think Gisley ever had a boyfriend.”

“What? You have to be joking,” Jaina laughed. “That beautiful little girl never had a boyfriend?”

“This is Japan. People do things a little differently here,” Evalynn said as she gestured to the room around them. “Look at her living space. There’s no home or personality here. Only her bedroom shows any part of her character. She lives a lonely life and posts pictures of her dreams on her bedroom wall.”

“I wonder if that’s why that noodle shop is so important to her,” Jaina mused. “It was where she wasn’t alone.”

“Evalynn is right,” Chandice said as she looked around. “This apartment speaks volumes about Gisley.” She looked into the hall and then back as she made a realization. “There is only one bedroom.”

“So she lives on her own,” Jaina said.

“At sixteen?” Chandice pressed.

“And there are no pictures of her family,” Evalynn pointed out. “Actually, there are no pictures at all.”

“Except in her fantasy room,” Chandice agreed as they heard Gisley tell Roric she loved him.

“Maybe she altered the dream to remove them,” Jaina suggested as she wondered about Gisley.

“Or maybe Gisley was all alone,” Evalynn countered. “For whatever reason, she was isolated from her family, living alone in a big city while working at her noodle shop.”

“Oh, the poor thing,” Jaina sighed. “Do you think she's an orphan like Quinny?”

“Quinny is an orphan?” Chandice asked in surprise.

“Right, Hannah told me that in confidence,” Jaina said with a tense smile. “Please don't repeat it.”

“I am surprised Hannah didn't tell you herself,” Evalynn said as she glanced at Chandice. “You and her are as close as you and Roric.”

“Hmm, she has been rather busy of late,” Chandice said. “I am sure it slipped her mind.”

“Regardless, this apartment feels lonely, and I think this is why it was so important to Gisley that we came here,” Evalynn said. “I don't think she's worried about forgetting her memories. I think she's trying to rewrite them.”

Jaina looked around with a new appreciation for what they were looking at. Gisley hadn't bothered to make this place a home, only a room where she slept, waiting for the real home to materialize. Was that why Gisely had so quickly embraced being part of their harem? Was the poor girl desperate to be part of something based on love?

“I wonder where her parents are,” Jaina whispered, seeing a lonely Gisley sitting on the edge of her bed, looking at one of her pictures as she dreamed of another life.

“No wonder she was trying to make a love-based fairy,” Jaina said as her eyes wet. “She was trying to rewrite the sad loneliness of her life. She wanted to fill people's dreams with love and help them find happiness. She wanted to help others avoid the life she had.”

“I wish we could do something for her,” Chandice said as she looked around.

“Well,” Evalynn said as she smiled. “If Gisley is trying to rewrite her past, let’s help her rewrite it.”

“Help her how?” Jaina asked.

Evalynn explained her idea, and the more Jaina heard, the more she smiled. They would live in the dream, becoming Gisley's friends and neighbors. They would eat at her noodle shop, go to her school, and be a part of her life, rewriting any sad memories.

“I get to be a schoolgirl in Japan?” Jaina laughed.

“The school slut, more like it,” Chandice cut in.

“Oh, don’t you start that,” Jaina growled with a pointed finger. “I am willing to bet you weren’t the good girl you pretend to be.”

Chandice smiled as Evalynn burst out laughing. It was obvious Chandice had a few notches in her belt, but she wasn't about to admit it. They returned to discussing their plan and how they would integrate into Gisley's life. Chandice and Roric would be the senior couple, going to her school and always together. Evalynn would be the sporty girl, happy and competitive, always eager to meet a challenge. Jaina would be the best friend, always trying to push Gisley into finding a boyfriend.

“It sounds like she already has a boyfriend,” Evalynn laughed as they heard the bead groaning.

“How did those two manage to get into that tiny bed?” Jaina asked.

“She doesn’t need a boyfriend because we will be in a poly relationship,” Chandice said. “We play up how we're all together, but we want to keep it a secret from the other kids at school. When nobody is looking, we sneak off for group sex and pray we don't get caught. When we get caught, a teacher might demand a blow job or other favors to keep quiet about it.”

“Ha, this sounds like a bad anime,” Jaina laughed. “I can’t wait to walk to class knowing Gisley’s panties are wet from the cum seeping out.”

“We need to be sure Gisley can pull this off,” Chandice said. “It taxes her power to build worlds like this intentionally.”

“It only drains her power if she keeps altering them,” Jaina said. “Once the dream is created and in motion, the dreamer's mind does most of the work.”

“Well, assuming this won’t be a strain on her, we should spend a couple of nights a week living this life for her sake,” Chandice agreed.

“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Evalynn said with a broad smile.

“What is?” Gisley asked as she called from the hall. The three girls turned to see the naked girl looking sweet and innocent.

“Gisley,” Jaina smiled as she took the sight in. “We have an idea.”

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