The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-159 A special offer

Jaina and Gisley held hands, smiling as they walked on leashes behind Roric. He had decided to take the girls into the city to ensure people understood they were his pets. Now, they were on display as his slave girls, drawing looks and smiles from the people around them. It would have drawn a lot more attention had he allowed them to go naked, but he made them wear dresses.

Evalynn and Chandice walked at his side with Evalynn openly brandishing her weapon. She wore a very sexy set of armor that revealed a lot of skin and made her just as enticing to look at. Roric was after a new set of armor for himself, finally replacing his starting set.

“This has been too long in coming,” Chandice said as she paused to look in a shop window for a place that sold wizard's robes. “You should have gotten rid of that armor by level ten.”

“I was getting to it,” Roric replied as he ran a hand up Evalynn's exposed back. “But there was always too much going on.” Evalynn turned to smile at him and put her arm around his back. Jaina smiled at the simple gesture of love and marveled at her life. She came to New Eden with the man she loved to become his slave girl and serve his needs. Now, she was a slave, and he was married to another woman. She had two slave sisters to stand at her side, and they were all part of a much larger harem. It was a life that could only exist in a fantasy story or a world with very different rules.

Jaina squeezed the tender hand that she held and leaned into the beautiful woman at her side. Gisley responded with a smile and leaned back so their bodies would rub against each other. The beautiful lunar fairy sighed in contentment, perfectly happy to be a slave girl.

“You feeling any better?” Jaina asked as Gisley’s head rested on her shoulder.

“I feel a little silly,” Gisley replied. “I don’t know why I got so worried I might lose myself.”

“Oh, love,” Jaina replied as she played with Gisley's fingers. “I think it's because you love Hannah, but you see how much pain her lost memories cause her. It's only natural you would spend a little time worrying if that could happen to you.”

“But Chandice is right,” Gisley sighed. “Hannah lost her memories because they were taken from her, not because she played a character. This lunar fairy role I play is so different from the life I once lived it’s hard to imagine that I was that other girl.”

“Gisley,” Jaina laughed. “We already agreed to spend some dreams playing in your world.”

“I know,” Gisley said and turned to smile at her. “And I can’t wait for tomorrow night.”

“You girls talking about the dreams again?” Chandice asked as they moved on, heading down the street as three men smiled to see them pass. Jaina gave them a wink before answering and telling Chandice they were excited to see how it went.

“I imagine it will go fine,” Roric replied, tugging them along. “It will be a dream under Gisley's control, so nothing bad can happen.”

“But we will all influence it in some small way, won't we?” Evalynn asked.

“Yes,” Gisley replied. “My magic will establish the dream, but every dreamer will have some influence on how it unfolds.”

“So what if I believe it should be raining chocolate?” Chandice asked as they paused to consider a store named the rusted defense.

Gisley explained that wild deviations from what Gisley expected would be resisted. The dream's foundation would be her understanding of how events should unfold. For a wild deviation like that to occur, they would collectively have to believe it should, or Gisley would have to expend power to alter it directly.

“So are we going as ourselves?” Evalynn asked as they moved on. “Or are we creating new personas?”

“I assumed we would be going as we are,” Chandice replied. “The dream won’t care that were are elves and gnolls.”

“I assumed we would go like this,” Gisley agreed with a nod. “But I could help craft you a new image if you wanted.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he caught his reflection in a mirror. “Maybe I do want a new image.”

“Oh, but we all love our furry master’s look,” Jaina cooed. “And I will miss your long animal cock during the sex scenes.”

“It’s all about sex with you,” Chandice laughed.

“It really is,” Jaina replied proudly.

“I think he should be what he wants to be,” Gisley said. “If we want a bestial thing, we could always imagine he was a kind of werewolf that changed into this form when he wanted.”

“Oh, that could work,” Jaina agreed. “We could even go to a school for monster kids.”

“No,” Roric said with a firm shake of his head. “The whole point of the dream was to live in Gisley's real life. Let's not alter it too much. I will develop a new persona and be a regular Japanese man. The more we blend in, the better it will be for the experience.”

“So Jaina is going to play a drunken harlot then?” Candice asked, causing Evalynn to laugh.

“Oh, laugh it up,” Jaina pouted. “But we did agree this would be a poly relationship, and there would be plenty of sex.”

“I never had sex while I was in school,” Gisley reminded them. “I was always a good girl.”

“Well, that's over with,” Chandice corrected. “You can be the shy, timid girl all you want, but you are going to watch and then participate in lots of sex.”

Gisley smiled as Jaina rubbed her arm. They were all looking forward to the unusual adventure but couldn't spend too much time in the dream world. Roric wanted to expand the Lovewood through the mountains to a wider area beyond. Gwen had used her considerable powers to create a valley through the mountain, complete with a river that ran down one side. Now, they needed to focus on expanding the forest through the valley and into the region beyond. They also needed to finish some settings for the branch of the Lovewood that integrated with Frank's graveyard and Quinny's forest. They weren't sure if they could make it work, and if not, they would retract the forest and leave those areas alone.

They also needed to work on details for the knighthood of the jade harem. Roric was looking for new armor so he could have it decorated with symbols of the new order. The girls would also be given decorations to symbolize they belonged to the harem. These were called adornments, which could be added to a player's armor and equipment. The girls would have a jade tiger prominent on their collars. They would also wear jade cuffs on wrists or ankles if out of the harem for any reason. They were also going to be required to wear veils when outside the harem as a way to say that only their masters could see their faces.

One of the big conversations had been the role of the girls themselves. They were given tasks to aid Hannah's research or Chandice's crafting. Some were even being assigned to the goblins to help with engineering. Some of the girls had been formed into two elite teams to deal with threats or accompany masters on dangerous missions.

These girls had special collars that were not true slave collars. They were solid silver bands decorated with green gems and a jade tiger. They were enchanted to provide minor protections but otherwise were made so as not to hinder the slave's level. This allowed them to operate at full capacity in their chosen roles, but they put on proper collars when they returned to the harem.

The final big issue was sex outside the harem. As of now, Jaina, Gisley, and Evalynn were allowed to serve in the Lovewood, having sexual adventures at their leisure. Hannah and Quinny were serving in Blackbast's temple and playing with the rogues. Rajeen was pushing to limit all girls to serving only in the harem, and sex outside it was forbidden. She was willing to concede that in rare instances, a girl might be given to a visiting diplomat or ally for an encounter, like how Hannah serviced the druid. Otherwise, they would spend most of their days making love to other women as Rajeen wanted it to be.

Jaina didn’t mind the restriction as she preferred women anyway, but the issue was Blackbast. Blackbast had to operate a temple where she offered sex and passion to anyone who came in to seek it. Her class was tied to the location and suffered penalties for refusing to fill her role. The solution that was being considered was using her temple exclusively as a place to level the key players. Hannah and her girls would spend hours a week in the temple making love with the masters and other girls. Annasara would also be on hand as often as possible, while some of Rajeen's girls would switch to Blackbast's collar to help serve. It would become a private temple of passion for the Jade Harem, and Jaina was looking forward to spending long hours feasting on succulent pussy.

She wondered how Frank and Hannah felt about the changes, but they had been hard at work on other tasks of late. Hannah was encouraged to dig into her mysterious past and had a secret chamber set up for her research. Chandice had even recently accompanied them on a mission to explore some of it, and it apparently had been very revealing.

Roric stopped before a shop called Fiona's Armory. It had racks of weapons on the sidewalk out front, but some impressive-looking suits of armor stood in the window. Roric took them inside, and Jaina had a chance to marvel at how large the inner building was. The entire left wall was a long row of armor stands, side by side, like a formation of soldiers. The wall above was covered in shields in dozens of designs, from simple to elaborate. Many pieces glowed with magical energy, giving the shop a supernatural feel.

The center floor had rows of racks with various weaponry, but most were swords and daggers. The shop didn't have the pole arms Roric and Evalynn favored, but they were looking for armor anyway.

“Hello,” came a cheery voice, and they turned to see a tall, slender woman with reddish skin and three eyes like Hannah. She had short, pointed ears and a delicate nose as she sauntered out from a back room in a revealing white gown.

“Welcome to my shop,” she said with raised palms. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“We are looking to upgrade my armor,” Roric said.

“I assumed it would be you,” she replied with a smile. “Your pets don’t seem to wear too much.”

“I like them on display,” Roric replied as Jaina and Gisley smiled.

“Of course,” the woman replied. “Every good master should keep his conquests on display for all to see his power.”

“Oh, I like her,” Jaina laughed, getting a wink from the sexy woman.

“If you don’t mind my asking, what race are you?” Chandice said. “We have seen several of your type now, and I have no idea what race that is.”

“It's called a Furian,” the woman replied. “It's a kind of elemental spirit that comes in water or fire. A lot of people take the fire for its strength and endurance because it makes a good tank and you're resistant to fire. Water is better for magical builds as it boosts your mana and recovery.”

“I have seen this red form with four arms before,” Roric said as he considered the race.

“That's an evolution,” the woman replied. “If you were going a DPS build for a rogue, you would evolve into the four-armed variety. You get more agility from it and, of course, four arms, but you sacrifice the armor and toughness the other path allows.”

“Makes sense,” Chandice said as she looked around. “Nothing much for me here except maybe shoulder plates.”

“It's funny how warlocks and some other casters can wear metal shoulders but nothing else,” the woman agreed. “Oh, I am Fiona, by the way. If the store's sign didn't give it away.”

“Well, Lady Fiona, I am Roric, a master of Jade Harem and I am looking to upgrade my armor to something more fitting of my station.”

Jaina sat by looking sultry as Roric and Fiona discussed his exact needs. His class could wear any armor and often favored the heavy, but Roric liked the flexibility of the medium armor. They discussed blending heavy with medium, as his class gained no bonus from a complete set. Jaina and Gisley were handed to Chandice, who kept the pets on a tight leash. They leaned against a post and whispered about how some of the armor was rather sexy.

“I would love to see Evalynn in that one,” Jaina said as she pointed to a salacious suit of armor.

“I like that one,” Gisley said, pointing to a suit with armored hands and legs, but the sexy parts were tight silk straps. The legs were more like thigh-high boots, and the arms were designed to look lacy. Jaina smiled to think that Evalynn's pussy would be easy to eat, even if she were in full armor. She smiled at the elf woman who shook her head, knowing full well what was going through Jaina's mind.

Roric explained to the woman how he wanted a clasp for his cloak, made up of two jade tigers linked by a golden chain. Then, to Jaina's surprise, he canceled that and took a pause.

“Is something wrong?” Chandice asked with a hand to his side.

“Am I wrong for honoring Rajeen with my choice of emblem?” Roric asked. “Rajeen may have formed the original harem, but the true power behind it comes from Frank and Hannah.”

“You think it wiser to honor them?” Jaina asked as she saw the reasoning behind Roric’s sudden pause.

“We talked about an emblem for hours,” Chandice sighed. “Frank was fine with the pawprint and crossed swords. He isn’t going to be upset over jade tigers.”

“But we should show them deeper respect and appreciation,” Roric countered. “They provided this home and the protection of their mother to keep it safe. They are the ones who give the jade harem its teeth and political power.”

“Well, I don’t know what you could use as an emblem for their sakes,” Chandice argued.

“I do,” Jaina said as she saw the idea clearly. “A cross gravestone with a climbing rose growing around it.”

“That’s very gothic,” Chandice said.

“But it fits,” Jaina pressed. “Put the emblem on a jade shield shape or a circle.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he considered the idea. “We need to discuss this more.”

“Oh, this is going nowhere,” Chandice laughed. “You boys are being too careful not to step on each other's toes.”

“This is a delicate arrangement,” Roric insisted. “Frank is a brother to me, and I do not want to do anything to make him regret our friendship.”

“Well, one of you has to make the final call,” Chandice insisted.

“Why not do both,” Fiona suggested. “I could make the cloak clasps jade tigers but put an emblem on the armor.”

“Oh, that would look impressive,” Evalynn agreed. “You could call it the tiger's cloak.”

“Why not put the emblem on the cloak as well,” Jaina offered.

Roric appeared to be mulling it over when Fiona shook her head and offered to let him discuss it with the other masters. She would modify anything he bought one time for free so he could buy his stuff now and have emblems added later. That seemed to please Roric, who began a lengthy list of what he wanted in gear.

Jaina wasn't surprised that he wanted a little more plate than medium armor this time but still wanted to keep the flexibility. They settled on a set that was decorative but not too flashy. He then asked if there was a way to modify Evalynn's armor to make it more sexy while improving her protection.

Fiona said anything could be done for the right price and showed him some styles with a little more skin, yet it offered more protection. It was the funny way video game mechanics worked, how a girl could wear next to nothing but have just as much armor value as a man fully encased in metal.

They settled on a new set for Evalynn and added it to the purchase. Then, it came time to discuss the material. Jaina was surprised to discover that most of the armor could be created using a range of different metals, crystals, magical materials, and the like. This Fiona had much greater access to resources than previous vendors, and Roric now looked through a list of options.

“Vulcanite will give the armor natural fire resistance,” Evalynn said as she tapped at a paper that described the options.

“This dark metal has shadow protection and improves your stealth,” Chandice said.

“Which metal is the lightest?” Roric asked as he looked up.

“Still thinking about mobility,” Fiona said. “I thought you conquerors were all about smashing and running off with the women?”

“I ran off with them already,” Roric said with a gesture to Jaina and Gisley. The two girls smiled with Jaina giving the woman a wink. To her surprise, the woman returned the smile with a wink, then continued to glance Jaina's way as she explained the three lightest options.

Roric settled on a metal called Valisheen, because it was a good mix of armor and lightness. Fiona said she could craft the set in about an hour, then went behind the counter to discuss payment. Jaina nearly jumped when the woman asked for twenty thousand gold for a complete set, along with Evalynn's armor, the cloak, and custom tiger clasps. Roric's ears twitched at the amount, but he didn't overtly react. Chandice, however, immediately dismissed the amount as ridiculous.

“I will have to put up a quest for more of the ore,” Fiona explained. “I have to pay adventurers to bring me more.”

“Maybe we could get the ore ourselves?” Gisley offered. Fiona explained that the ore came from very far away but would be happy to lower the price if they provided the materials. Roric didn't like the idea of running off to mine the ore themselves, but he briefly debated the price with Chandice. Evalynn suggested they not get her armor, but Chandice waved a hand.

“We can easily afford that, but we wanted to use the gold to buy points for your forest expansion,” Chandice countered. “Can’t we negotiate a discount if we sent the harem’s members here for more armor?”

“I can give you a small discount if you agree to make me your official armorer,” Fiona agreed.

“Frank and his girls don’t wear armor,” Roric reminded them. “Maybe a few harem girls would be interested, but only if Rajeen has put them in one of the special teams.”

“Oh, please send the girls my way,” Fiona said with a wide smile. Jaina began to have her suspicions about the woman who kept shooting her sultry glances. She could feel the energy in the air as the woman's body language communicated that girls were her thing.

“Maybe we could offer a trade,” Jaina said as she tilted her head at Fiona to signal Roric.

“What kind of a trade?” Fiona asked as she noted the gesture.

Roric nodded thoughtfully, then turned to Fiona. He asked for ten thousand in exchange for the services of Jaina.

“The sexy dark-haired slave girl?” she asked as Jaina nodded with a seductive smile. She saw the spell take hold as the woman suddenly trembled but held her ground.

“Fifteen thousand, and she services me for four hours,” Fiona stated with a hungry glance Jaina’s way.

“We can’t leave her behind for an hour,” Chandice stated. “She can give you five good orgasms while we wait.”

Fiona looked at Jaina, who blew the woman a kiss. She agreed to the price, and Chandice tugged Jaina's Leash.

“Now be a good girl and make her so happy she takes more money off,” Chandice commanded as she handed the leash to Fiona. Jaina was tugged to the side of the counter and commanded to her knees. She dropped before the woman and looked up with a pleading expression as Fiona’s smile grew wider.

“I love to see slutty little girls on their knees,” Fiona said as she held the leash tight. “And little girls like you should always be on a leash.”

“Somebody is a little dominant,” Jaina teased back. “Are you going to teach me how to be a good girl?” Jaina felt her body growing hot as Fiona assured her she would teach Jaina where her place was. She then went for the hem of her dress, unafraid to expose herself while Roric and crew stood nearby. Her focus was on Jaina and the sex that was about to come.

Jaina could barely contain herself as the hem of the dress was pulled up and the woman's sexy legs exposed. She felt a genuine sense of excitement to see the rounded bump of her lacy, pink panties. She leaned forward and could smell the scent of a pussy, sending her body into a state of desire. Jaina ran trembling hands up the woman's silky stockings to the straps of her panties and gently took hold. Slowly, she pulled the panties away, watching them expose the tender flesh as she teased herself. Jaina licked at her lips as the lips of the woman's clit were exposed. She was even more excited when they finally came away, and a few strands of sexual honey showed just how moist Fiona was. The woman was just as excited as Jaina, her body already flowing with anticipation.

Jaina pulled the panties down, kissing Fiona's legs as she went. She planted a few kisses on the woman's toes and then encouraged her to spread her legs. Jaina shook as her head was petted and words of encouragement uttered. Fiona was calling her a good girl and admonishing her for being such a willing slave. Jaina closed her eyes and kissed her way back up, this time focusing on the inside of Fiona's thighs. She couldn't wait for the moment when she tasted the nectar now oozing from the dominant woman's flower.

Her lips came to the smooth skin above the stockings as she went higher, closing in on her target. Her nose was filled with the scent of a pussy in full arousal, that sweet fleshy scent that Jaina craved so hungrily. Jaina's hands went around the woman's thighs as she finally reached the tender mound. One last kiss just above to tease the woman and cause a soft gasp. Then Jaina's wet tongue came out, and a long, firm lick helped to part the sticky petals of Fiona's flower.

She felt Fiona shake in her grasp as Jaina tasted the sweet love of a new woman. It was a sensation she would never grow tired of; the flavor of a new woman as her body was devoured. Jaina parted those lovely folds with skill, using her tongue to tease them open and expose the tender bulb of the flower. Fiona’s head went back as Jaina lavished that bulb with a sucking kiss, teasing the tip with her tongue.

Fiona sighed with a wide smile as Jaina began to nuzzle her flower. Jaina used her tongue skillfully to lick between the petals, tasting the sweet delight that kept flowing with sugar. The lapping brought quivers as Fiona let out a stuttered moan. Slowly, Jaina built up the tension, taking several long minutes to get Fiona where she wanted her.

“She’s so good at this,” Fiona cried. “It’s like she was born to eat pussy.”

“It is her favorite food,” Chandice agreed.

Fiona's head went back, her voice soaring as her body was pushed to the edge. Jaina felt the woman's legs trembling as her knees threatened to buckle, and then, all at once, it happened. Fiona cried out for joy as her pussy ran wet with a fresh flow of nectar. Fiona's hands clutched at the back of Jaina's head, pressing her firmly into her quivering pussy as she had a powerful orgasm. Jaina pressed on, working to bring her another as Fiona cried out in delight.

“Oh, you good girl!” Fiona moaned as she rocked her hips. “Little girls like you should love pussy.” She threw her head back again as she rolled her shoulders. “Oh, you really like it, don't you?”

Jaina couldn’t reply as she enjoyed coming down from the orgasm she had shared with Fiona. She focused instead on building up the next one, using her fluid form to stretch her tongue and reach even deep into the woman’s body. Jaina was hungry to experience another orgasm, and her path to it was to pleasure this woman as thoroughly as she could. Her own body trembled as she held Fiona's thigh while pressing her lips into the folds of her love. Fiona was alive with sexual fire as her voice went high. She went up three octaves as Jaina's tongue reached where no tongue had gone before.

“How?” Fiona cried. “How are you doing that?” She tossed her head as she leaned back, placing a hand on the counter for support. “You’re so deep!”

Her words made Jaina even hungrier as she divided her tongue in two, lapping at the inside of the woman's body while also firmly stroking her clit. Fiona jumped in startled amazement, nearly pulling from Jaina's grasp as her legs began to shake. Nearly a minute of intense pleasuring went by before Jaina felt the power of a shared orgasm and tasted the fresh flow of nectar.

Fiona buckled over, nearly falling on top of Jaina. She clutched the counter for support as she came hard and heavy, her body unable to relax as the tongues inside kept up the pressure. She bucked as if trying to pull away, but Jaina held her fast, unwilling to give up her favorite meal.

“Oh, you good, good girl!” Fiona nearly screamed. “Oh, yes! “Oh, you must love pussy!”

Every word made Jaina hungrier as she pressed into the woman's body, eating her from the inside. She tasted every inch of her flesh and then looked up with seductive eyes. Fiona met her gaze as Jaina's power began to work its magic.

“That's it,” Fiona panted. “Cock's are for women, but little girls like you are meant to eat pussy.” She closed her eyes as Jaina pressed her on, bringing her closer and closer to a third orgasm. When it came minutes later, Fiona could barely stand. She had to lean heavily on the counter as her knees gave way, her body shaking as Jaina continued her feast.

Jaina knew Roric would get his price and maybe even a little more off besides. She had served her master well and pleasured this woman to the point where she couldn't stand unassisted. Now Fiona looked to Roric with wild eyes as she clung to the counter, fighting the fourth orgasm.

“I will cut you a new deal,” Fiona panted between breaths. “I will give you all of it for free!”

“Free?” Chandice said in disbelief.

“Yes,” Fiona said as she smiled through strained lips. “Free if you promise me this little slut will never know a man again. Promise, she will only be allowed to pleasure women from now on, and I will give you all of it at no charge.'

Jaina nearly choked on her task as she heard the woman's outrageous offer. She looked up to see Chandice smiling as she leaned over to whisper in Roric's ear. He nodded in agreement to what had been said, and both turned to regard Jaina.

For the first time in months, Jaina understood she had no choice in the matter. She felt the power of being a slave girl course through her veins as her masters decided her fate. Would Roric turn her down, or would Jaina be restricted to girls for the rest of her days?

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