The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina kissed the woman's tender lips as another woman's tongue ran down her back. She was alive with passion and fire as she made love to her sisters in the harem. Rajeen was in attendance, watching over her collection as they shared their love with one another. She sat on her throne with Zillix at her side, the tiny dragon quietly sitting in Idris’s lap.

The harem was quiet, except for the moans and gasps of sex, all knowing they were not to talk while Rajeen was in observance. This was what the tiger woman wanted most: to sit and watch her girls make love. It brought her pleasure to provide a home where they could lounge around all day pleasuring one another.

Of course, Rajeen was receiving extra pleasure today as Hannah sat on her knees, her face buried between Rajeen's legs. She had been there for over an hour with Rajeen's hand firmly holding the back of her head as her nails stroked through her hair. Jaina admired the tender care the tiger woman lavished on the harem, acting as its motherly warden. She cared for every girl, knowing them all by name, scent, and the way they moaned. She had never seen a woman who loved other women as much as Rajeen did. Her firm hand and loving nature made women bow their heads, willingly submitting to her care.

Jaina jumped as kisses went over her rear, her partners savoring her body. This was what life was like for the Jade Harem, and Jaina wanted nothing more. She made love to six different women over the course of two hours, all under the watchful gaze of their master. For two hours, the girls made love, switching partners many times. It ended in tangles of panting women eager to be held as they came down from the fire of their passion.

“Alright, you may talk,” Rajeen said as she patted Hannah's head. And you are done for now.”

Jaina watched as Hannah slowly came away, her face wet with honey from Rajeen's pussy. Though Hannah twisted and moaned several times as she shared orgasms, Rajeen had never said a word. She was the picture of perfect poise, even as a woman as skilled as Hannah had eaten her to many orgasms.

Jaina was glad when Hannah crawled on all fours and joined her pile of women, settling in for a warm hug and a long nap with her harem sisters. Jaina was pulled to her chest, her head firmly tucked into the warm red flesh of Hannah's breasts. She could feel the heat of Hannah's body as the woman closed her eyes to let sleep take her away.

This was perhaps the most wonderful part of the harem. The girls didn't need the sex to express their love. It was more fully expressed when they showed their trust by sleeping in each other's arms. A warm cuddle so they could sleep, sharing comfort and body heat was often a greater expression of love. Just laying one's head in another girl's lap and being rewarded with a pet was all most needed to be happy. Still, a little sex was always welcome, but for Jaina, all she needed from Hannah was a hug.

“Are you two still dating?” one girl asked as she leaned over Jaina.

“Yes,” Jaina replied as Hannah descended into rhythmic breaths. “Hannah is my girlfriend.”

“You are very lucky,” the woman said. “I would give anything to hear her call me something special like that.”

“I am lucky,” Jaina admitted, smiling and kissing the side of Hannah's breasts. I am dating the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Ha, she says that about you,” the girl giggled. “I heard her say it to some of the other girls.”

“Hannah calls me beautiful?” Jaina asked as she blushed.

“Several times,” the girl said as she lay on Jaina, adding to the pile. “She says she wishes she could be like you, but Frank doesn’t want it.”

“You mean Rajeen doesn't want it,” Jaina replied as she put an arm around the woman. “Frank is experimenting and trying to find a balance that works for all his girls. Blackbast wants to step away from the temple, and Rajeen is determined to keep Hannah out of it.”

“I wish I could play in the temple,” the girl said with a shrug. “Just once in a while for a little variety.”

“You know, Rajeen said she would consider letting you girls play in the temple,” Jaina said as she thought back. “I wonder what became of that?”

“She probably changed her mind,” the woman said.

“Maybe,” Jaina agreed as she rolled a cheek on soft devil flesh. She could feel Hannah’s nipple pressed to her cheek as she used the breast as a pillow. She wondered if Hannah would be happy being as slutty as she was, or was she worried about Frank?

That thought was put on hold when a woman in full armor quietly picked her way across the room. She went right to Rajeen and leaned over to whisper in the woman's ear. Rajeen nodded several times and then looked directly at Jaina before whispering something to the girl. She ran off on an errand then Rajeen locked Jaina with a tense stare that said something was up. For a brief moment, Jaina thought she was in trouble for something, but the tiger woman motioned her to come forward.

“Oh, I guess you’re going,” her blanket said as the woman got up.

“I guess so,” Jaina sighed as she lifted her head from the most comfortable bed in the palace. “Hannah, sweetheart,” Jaina said with a gentle shake. “Hannah. I am sorry to wake you, but I need to get up.”

“Is it time to dance?” Hannah asked with a sleepy expression.

“No, but if you have been dancing without my knowing it, I am going to be very upset,” Jaina replied, leaning up as Hannah relinquished her grasp. The other girl took her place, nestling to Hannah's breasts as the two went back to sleep. Slowly, Jaina untangled herself from the others and picked her way to the thrones. She came to the base and bowed with a smile before looking up for instructions.

“I do hope you called me to take Hannah’s place between your legs,” Jaina teased. “I would be glad to give you more.”

“I want more,” Rajeen said with a purr. “But that is not why I called you here. Cindariel had a thought and relayed it to a messenger.”

“Oh, is she still thinking about joining?” Jaina asked.

“I believe she needs more time,” Rajeen replied. “It has only been a day since she learned the truth. I have given her a room and invited her to spend all the time she wishes with me. I will mother that girl to death until she heals and can make a sound decision.”

“So what did you want then?” Jaina asked as the tiger woman motioned her closer. She climbed the steps and sat at Rajeen’s feet, her hands on the woman’s legs as she looked up. Soft hands stroked the back of her head as Rajeen stroked her like a favorite pet.

“Cindariel believes there might be somebody who might have more information,” Rajeen said. “She thinks Thexis was meeting somebody here in the kingdom.”

“He has a spy in the kingdom?” Jaina asked, now growing rapidly more alert. “Do we know who?”

“No,” Rajeen said. “All she knew was where he was meeting this person. It is a place she never wanted to go near, so she never saw who it was.”

“Oh, and what is this place?” Jaina asked, now curious about the answer.

“Alexandria's brothel,” Rajeen said. “Apparently, he went there almost a dozen times.”

“The brothel?” Jaina said as she looked confused. “Was he going there for girls?”

“I am not sure he was going to meet a prostitute,” Rajeen said. “She offers many services, including banquets, dancing, massages, and performances.”

“Really?” Jaina said in surprise. She tried to think back to when she first met Alexandria. She never recalled the woman being known for her other services, though she was rumored to be very good to her girls.

“I want you to investigate,” Rajeen said. “Disguise yourselves and go to the brothel. Mingle and talk with the guests, and see what you can learn. I sent for Roric and your sisters. I want all three of you to go in posing as guests and see if you can locate this person. See what you can get out of him that might give us a lead if you can.”

“You want us to go in as customers?” Jaina questioned.

“That is what I said,” Rajeen replied. “Plenty of women go to the brothel for a lesbian encounter. I am not asking you to work in the brothel.”

“But it would be so much easier to get answers if we did,” Jaina said. “A few seductions and twenty minutes alone in a private room would be very helpful.”

“Hmm,” Rajeen said as she leaned back. She motioned to a nearby girl and bid her to fetch a quill and paper, then bid Jaina remain quiet while she thought. The paper arrived a few minutes before Roric, Gisley, and Evalynn, and by the time he got there, Rajeen had written several documents.

She bid the girls to wait at the bottom of the steps while she and Roric discussed the matter. A few minutes later, Roric agreed to her plan and motioned the girls to step forward. He then commanded the girls to change, disguising themselves so nobody would know who they were. Gisley was turned golden, with soft silver hair and blue stars around her eyes. Evalynn was ordered to change into a dark elf with thick red lips and violet eyes. Her hair became thick and white with silvery highlights.

Jaina was ordered to make her skin a soft yellow, with golden hair and glowing eyes. Her ears were pointed and made unusually long, and she was given a short, puffy tail. She was going as a rabbit race, to hide what she was.

Gisley would become Gisele, Evalynn Taralynn, and Jaina would be Kasine. They were each handed a folded note and told to go straight to the brothel, find Alexandria, and hand her those notes. They were not to read them, only deliver them and wait for her instructions. They were to stop in the wardrobe of the temple and put on fancy dresses fitting of a wealthy woman. Oddly, Rajeen didn't want them taking any gold or jewelry, insisting that Alexandria would help them once she read their letters.

“Now go,” Rajeen said. “Do not return until your time is up or you have something urgent to report.”

Jaina smiled and took her sister's hands as they hurried off and ran through the temple. She felt her skin tingling with excitement at the prospect of going to the brothel as spies.

“This is going to be so much fun,” Jaina said as they headed through the palace on their way to a gate.

“What are we going to do?” Gisley asked, not aware of the earlier conversation.

Jaina explained what Cindariel had said about how Thexis visited the brothel. Rajeen wanted them to infiltrate the brother as guests and do a little flirting. They wanted to see if they could learn who Thexis's contact was and maybe get him to brag or divulge a little information. Anything that would give them more to go on would be of tremendous help.

“So we are just going to ask questions?” Evalynn asked.

“Are you kidding?” Jaina laughed. “We're sex spies. We go in, have sex with everyone we can, and see if we can't entice them to talk about our friend Thexis.”

“Sex spies?” Evalynn repeated with a smile. “I like the sound of that.

“So all we have to do is have sex?” Gisley asked as she bounced happily.

“Well, we need to discreetly talk to our partners and see if they have seen Thexis,” Jaina added. “Maybe even tell us who he met while he was there.”

“What if we stumble on the man himself?” Evalynn asked. “Won’t that tip him off?”

“If you find the actual contact, let me know,” Jaina said. “I will use seductions to ensure his cooperation.”

“Ha, This is going to be interesting,” Evalynn said as they reached the lower building on the street and entered the wardrobe. Each chose a fancy dress with long skirts, tight corsets, and lace gloves. Gisley had her hair braided in a fancy ribbon While Evalynn tied hers back with ribbon. Jaina used her mimic powers to give herself a fancier cut, making it shorter and more shapely. The girls put on a little lipstick and shadow before selecting the hottest boots they could find.

“It feels funny to wear shoes,” Gisley laughed as she rocked on her heels.

“Goodness, how long has it been since we wore shoes?” Jaina asked.

“Months,” Evalynn said. “Though I always wear boots when we need my armor.”

“Well, shall we go?” Jaina asked and held out her arms. Gisley hooked the left and Evalynn the right as the girls walked through the temple and into the street. They looked like any other woman of good income with a beautiful outfit and pretty smile. They turned a few heads as they went along but focused on the task. Alexandria had a whole estate north of the city beyond the walls, where she owned forty acres of land. Hannah had once told her that she intended to visit it but never had the time. She said Frank had gone out there once and told her Alexandria had been very busy.

Now, they walked down the north road beyond the gate, swaying and smiling as they passed players. This was going to be an exciting adventure full of sex and mystery. The sky suddenly darkened as the sun moved rapidly over the horizon. It had been sunset when they left, and now the moon crept over the hills, turning the road into a shadowed landscape.

“Oh, I love being out in the moonlight,” Gisley said as she bounced. “Can I sing for us?”

“Let’s not sing,” Hannah replied. “You are known for that, and it might give you away. We need to stay in character as much as possible if we are going to make this work.”

“We have no idea who the contact is?” Evalynn pressed.

Jaina said that Cindariel wouldn't go near the brothel, so she never met the person. All she knew was the contact was there often, and Thexis went almost daily.

“He will stand out,” Evalynn said with a nod. “It won’t be hard to ask people about him.”

“We can’t look like we are prying,” Jaina cautioned. “Just make small talk and do a little flirting. Mention the drama in the city and how you heard it involved harem girls. See if anybody wants to add more to that.”

They walked for nearly an hour, heading into hills along the lake. The moon lit the land, allowing them to make out a house that grew bigger with every step.

“Oh, my,” Jaina said as they got close enough to see it in all its glory. It was a massive country manor made of sandy stone, dark oak, and yellowed glass. It was three stories tall at the front, with tall windows on the ground level and smaller ones above. The roof was steep and peaked made of a blue slate with many chimneys. The front door was framed by tall pillars supporting a balcony above that stood out nearly fifty feet. The whole manor was perched on a cliff beside the lake, with a grand flight of steps leading down to a stone landing lit by magical lights where small boats were moored.

Jaina couldn't believe how Alexandria captured both grandeur and simple country charm in a single structure. The walls of the lower house were choked with climbing vines that grew red flowers. The second floor had what appeared to be galleries and large rooms with private balconies. The uppermost floor had smaller windows darkened with curtains where the private bedrooms were. Jaina wondered how many of those bedrooms were in use right now as they followed a bend. The road split, going straight through a side gate to a yard beyond where more buildings could be seen. The right fork went under the balcony, where lamps illuminated the entire space.

“This is very impressive,” Evalynn said as they approached the towering double doors, partly open to allow golden light from within.

“I love this place,” Gisley said as she leaned to the side. “Look, there’s a bunch of people on a side balcony over the ledge.

Jaina looked to see a terrace balcony perched on the cliff for views of the moon-drenched lake. It was a massive affair with steps up and down to several levels, some with tables, others gardens, and one with a spectacular fountain. Beautiful music was playing someplace beyond as a woman sang in a lurid, suggestive voice. They could hear the laughs and whispers of guests as they approached the door and were quickly stopped.

“Are you here for the party?” a woman said as she stepped forward in a vulgar red dress. It was cut all the way up the sides to her waist, allowing it to sway open with every step. Her stomach was bare, and the wrap at her chest seemed to be clinging on for dear life from the woman's firm nipples.

“Well, hello,” Jaina said with a smile and approached the beauty. “I love that outfit.”

“I bet you do,” the woman replied with a smile. “It’s always nice to meet a woman who can appreciate another girl.”

“Oh, I appreciate them, alright,” Jaina teased. “But, sadly, we came to see Alexandria. Would it be possible for you to tell your mistress that Rajeen sent somebody to speak with her?”

“I will have the message relayed,” the woman said, leaning in the door. She whispered to a girl dressed as a maid, and the woman scampered off. “Why don't you three go inside and wait on the terrace? I am sure the mistress will find you shortly.” She waved them in, and Jaina happily led the way, walking into a soaring ballroom-like entrance with a white marble floor and glittering chandeliers. Red curtains hung to the sides of pillars, and a massive spiral staircase went up to a balcony well above. The walls were adorned with stately artwork, and guests dressed as if for a ball passed by.

“I actually feel underdressed,” Evalynn said as they gazed at some women's outfits.

“Why have we never come here before?” Jaina asked as they looked to the left to see a wide open doorway beyond which was a ballroom. People were dancing on a glittering floor while magical lights bounced overhead. Women dressed to kill were draped over the arms of men as they smiled, kissed, and discussed future romantic adventures.

“I love this place!” Gisley cried as she ran to the doorway. “Oh, look, they have a huge band.”

Jaina and Evalynn went to the doorway, and sure enough, there were at least thirty people on a stage, all wearing glittering white. They played amazing magical instruments, and a woman in an outfit to rival the door maiden sang with a voice of gold.

“I want to dance,” Gisley said as she turned to Jaina. “Please.”

“We need to speak with Alexandria first,” Jaina reminded her. Let's not forget why we are here.”

“Do I know you?” came a familiar voice as the three girls turned to see a woman with blond curls descending the staircase. She was flanked by two more beauties of elegant grace who proudly wore collars around their necks.

Jaina waited for the woman who had been their enemy for so long to reach them before replying.

“It's me, Jaina,” she replied in a low voice. She let her form shift for a few seconds, assuming the appearance Alexandria was familar with. When recognition dawned in her eyes Jaina changed back and continued. “This is Evalynn and Gisley. We came here to speak with you discreetly.”

“Discreetly?” Alexandria replied as she looked out the door expecting there to be trouble following them. “I need to know more than that. Why are you here?”

“Rajeen has a request,” Jaina said, handing the woman the paper. Evalynn and Gisley handed the papers over as well, and Alexandria carefully folded one open to read it. She looked surprised for a moment, then folded it back and suggested the three follow her.

They were taken up the steps to a plush office where a massive oak desk rested before a towering window. Alexandria had her girls wait outside as she took Jaina and her sisters in, then angrily slammed the papers on the table.

“Is this a joke?” Alexandria demanded.

“No, this is very serious,” Jaina replied, shocked at the woman's response.

“You three come here and hand me this?” Alexandria asked as she snatched up the papers. “After all the trouble and pain between us.”

“It’s a very simple request,” Jaina said. “We just need to do a little digging.”

“I’m sorry?” Alexandria replied. “What do you mean digging?”

“What do you mean?” Jaina asked. “The letters should have explained everything.”

“Explained?” the woman laughed. “These aren’t letters.”

“They're not?” Jaina replied as she looked at Gisley and Evalynn.

“If they aren’t letters, then what are they?” Gisley asked.

“Bills of sale,” Alexandria replied with a smile. “Roric has sold you three to the brothel.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.