The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


“He did what?” Evalynn cried as her hands curled into fists. “You are making that up!”

Alexandria smiled and waved the papers with her hand, smugly enjoying the moment.

“To think of all the trouble I went through to get Jaina,” Alexandria laughed. “And now I have all three of you without even asking.”

Jaina felt panic and dread as the blond woman sized her up, plotting how she would be used effectively.

“Well, I suppose you may as well tell me why he is offering to sell you,” Alexandria replied as she sat on the edge of her desk. “What is going on?”

“So we’re not sold yet?” Jaina asked.

“No, it's a bill of sale,” Alexandria replied as she held it up. “It says you are for sale for a hundred gold. All I have to do is sign it and send the money, and you're mine, but I want to know what trouble is coming with you. What is he trying to dump on me?”

“Well, this is an interesting change,” Jaina said. “She won’t take us.”

“They never said anything about being sold,” Evalynn quipped. “And for a hundred gold? She probably gets more from a single customer than that.”

“I charge a hundred and fifty for twenty minutes,” Alexandria replied, smiling. “Two fifty for an hour plus other charges if you want to join the party or mingle as an all-day guest.”

“Neat, she has day passes,” Gisley said.

“We have been sold as cheap whores,” Evalynn snapped.

“No, you are potentially going to be sold as cheap whores,” Alexandria corrected. “And as much as I am enjoying this game, there is some fine print. It says you are only being sold for a maximum of forty-eight hours or until you complete your task. So I ask again, what trouble are you getting me into?”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Evalynn sighed.

“I feel insulted that you dread my caring for you,” Alexandria snapped. “You know I treat my girls very well, and you would be no different.”

“Your house is amazing,” Gisley said with a fluttery bounce. “Can we see more of it?”

“Answer the question,” Alexandria insisted, drawing all other talks to an end. Jaina nodded and explained the attacks on the harem and how they were being targeted specifically. She went over the gory details, including the discovery that the mercenary Thexis was meeting a contact here. They had come to pose as guests and mingle, hoping to quietly uncover who that person was.

“And you say he was a Klaxthorian?” Alexandria asked.

“I have no idea what that is,” Jaina said.

“It's one of the insect races,” Alexandria explained. “Usually thin, mantis-like, four arms.”

“That’s him,” Evalynn said. “He was completely black.”

“I don’t recall any such person coming here ever,” Alexandria said as she got up to pace. “You are sure he was coming here?”

“The woman he had enthralled was sure,” Jaina said. “She was invited to come several times but didn’t like the idea of going into a brothel.”

“Well, a person like that doesn't blend in,” Alexandria countered. “And I tend to mingle with my guests. I would have seen him if he came here as often as you say.”

“Then we wasted our time,” Evalynn said.

“No!” Gisley cried excitedly. “He likes to wear a disguise. He folds two arms in and wraps himself in black cloth. He wears a hood with a facemask, so you can't see his face or hear him click when he talks. He still looks too thin and walks with a funny gate.”

“Him,” Alexandria said with a knowing not. “I know exactly who that is.”

Jaina saw the unpleasant look on Alexandria's face as she walked to the fireplace. She mumbled something to herself and then turned to the group with a frown.

“I never spoke to him, and he tended to avoid the girls,” Alexandria said. “A few did try to socialize, but he was here to talk to other guests.”

“Guests, as in several of them?” Jaina asked, hopeful the woman could narrow it down.

“I don't know,” Alexandria shrugged. If a guest isn't interested in chit-chat, I don't push them. A lot of people come here to conduct private business in comfortable surroundings. I even have private rooms where they can conduct business away from eavesdroppers. The one thing I do know is he spoke to at least two people, but that's all I can help you with.”

“Maybe one of the other girls will know,” Evalynn suggested.

“We can’t just start pulling girls aside to interrogate them,” Jaina said.

“I will do that,” Alexandria cut in. “If you three ask the wrong questions, it will raise suspicion.”

“Can we even be sure his contact is still here?” Evalynn asked.

“Most of the regular guests have been here all week,” Alexandria replied. Nobody who was here a few days ago has left since, so there is a good chance he's here. What you three need to do is mingle with the guests while I do some digging.”

“We were hoping to lure a few guests to a private room for a little pillow talk during sex,” Jaina said.

“Oh, you will do plenty of that,” Alexandria laughed. “I am going to act on these contracts. Starting now, you three work for the brothel. You will be able to mingle more freely as three of the girls.”

“Yay!” Gisley said happily. “I finally get to put my prostitute class to use.”

“You have no idea how my stomach turned when I learned you were playing a prostitute,” Alexandria grumbled. “All that time working as a barmaid right under my nose. Why didn't you come to me?”

“I was afraid to play my class,” Gisley replied. “I picked it by accident and was too upset to try playing it. It wasn't until I saw how happy Jaina was as a prostitute that I started to wonder if maybe I could be happy too.”

“Hmm,” Alexandria grumbled and called to the door.

“Nahliah, get in here,” she called loudly. A tall elf woman stepped into the room and bowed slightly as Alexandria spoke. “I have just bought these three from another master. Take them downstairs and get them familiar with the system. I want them working the party and sitting rooms for the time being.”

“Yes, mistress, I will make sure they settle in,” the woman replied.

“Oh, and make sure the guests know we have some new girls,” Alexandria said with a smile. “I know how much some of them like to try the new ones.”

Jaina grabbed Evalynn’s hand as Nahliah told them to follow her. They were escorted from the room and taken down the hall as the girls wondered what would happen next. Jaina noted how the woman before them walked, swaying her hips suggestively with every step. She wore panties, a corset top, long lace stockings, and killer heels. Her collar was wider than most, and her hair was pulled back through a ring to create a tail. She had on some minor jewelry, but what stuck her most was the elaborate silver bracelet on her arm. It covered half her lower arm, with three blue gems set in a delicate pattern of silver twists. It was exceptionally ornate and caught the eye but seemed somewhat excessive for the woman's otherwise simple charms.

“Do you three have any experience working as whores?” the woman asked.

“A bit,” Jaina replied nervously. “But never in a professional setting.”

“Probably selling yourself in some seedy bar,” the woman nodded. “Well, here you are, dignified ladies, and you are to conduct yourself properly. You always flirt when flirted with and never disagree with a guest. If they ask you to pick a side on an issue, you feign ignorance and say you couldn't choose. You are here to be ogled, handled and played with, but only so far. Your body isn't free, and a little sample is alright, but they have to pay if they want a ride.”

“So, how much do we charge?” Evalynn asked.

“You won't need to worry about that today,” the woman replied. “You are being put into the party. Every guest present has paid for full access all day, but they may not expose you or make love in the ballroom, the barroom, or the terrace. The library, art gallery, or any place you can find some privacy is free game.”

“So, anyone who wants us can just take us?” Evalynn asked.

“That's how it works,” the woman said with a smile. “But there are some precautions to take.” She stopped at a door and opened it up, ushering the girls inside. They found a massive dressing room with closets full of exotic clothing. There were eight tables on the wall with magical makeup mirrors where they could see the intended look in their reflection before trying it for real.

“I love this place!” Gisley cried as she ran for a wardrobe, looking for the sluttiest things she could find.

“Umm, she’s enthusiastic,” the elf woman said.

“She’s an actual prostitute,” Jaina said. “And she loves to play her class.”

“So she actually plays the prostitute class,” the woman said with a smile. “And she's an exotic race. She's going to catch a lot of eyes and spend most of her time in the bedrooms.”

“That should make her happy,” Evalynn laughed.

The woman helped Jaina and Evalynn find something more suited to the event. They ended up in lingerie and little skirts to advertise what they were there for. Just when they thought they were finally ready, the door opened, and in walked Alexandria carrying three bracelets that matched the woman beside them.

“What are these?” Jaina asked as the once foe came right up to her.

“Protection,” Alexandria replied, pointing to the one on Nahliah's arm. “I am the only one who can remove these bracelets. So long as you wear it, you can't leave the estate grounds. I have only to think of your name, and I will know exactly where you are and who is standing within fifteen steps of you. I can hear what you hear, feel what you feel, and even see a little around you.”

“Why would we want that?” Jaina asked as she folded her arms.

“Oh, these are for our protection,” Nahliah said. “If anybody tried to cast a spell in our presence, the bracelet immediately casts a dispel magic and alerts the mistress.”

“That’s handy, I guess,” Jaina agreed.

“It does more than that,” Alexandria said. “If you are struck, bitten, or harmed in any way, I will know the second it happens and where you are. If anyone tries to gag or restrain you, I will know. If anyone tries to use movement magic like teleport, city portal, sending, astral travel, or even gate, the bracelet will fire off a massive dispel, render you immune to magic, and alert me. If you even begin to feel distressed or threatened, I will know and come running. The magic will examine anything you eat or drink. If it's drugged, I will know. If they use magic remotely to charm or suggest you, I will know. If, for any reason, they attempt to leave the grounds with you, the bracelet will fight back. The second you are outside the estate borders, it will teleport you to a safe room. Any effort to remove the bracelet or interrupt the magic teleports you to the safe room. If somehow they manage to wound you seriously, it teleports you to the safe room and begins regenerating.”

“You have really taken protecting your girls seriously,” Jaina said.

“These girls are my treasures,” Alexandria replied. “Just because they are prostitutes doesn't mean they are here to be abused or treated badly. I will not tolerate anyone harming my girls, even if they are only mine temporarily.”

“I see,” Jaina said with a smile. “I heard you cared about your girls. It's good to see it in practice.”

“I wanted to care about you,” Alexandria sighed. “But you didn’t want anything to do with me.”

“I had Roric,” Jaina insisted, taking the woman's hand. “I did tell you. I wish you could understand. I only played this class to be with him. Anybody else would never have made me happy.”

“Well, for what it's worth, I am sorry about how far I took things,” Alexandria said.

“You settled all debts when you helped us,” Jaina said. Now, let's put on those bracelets and go mingle.”

Alexandria nodded and put one on each girl, then gave them one last instruction. If they felt something was going on and Alexandria needed to know, all they had to do was cover the middle gem with their palm. That would trigger an alarm, and Alexandria would immediately begin watching and listening to see what was happening.

“Good to know,” Jaina nodded and took a deep breath. “So, let’s go entertain some guests.”

“I hope somebody picks me quick,” Gisley said excitedly. “I want to play with a lot of guests.”

“Oh, what I would have paid for a girl with that kind of enthusiasm,” Alexandria laughed as the girls filed out and followed their guide. She showed them where the private rooms were and how to tell if one was in use. She also showed them how special areas like the ballroom had magical wards. Thanks to the bracelets, the girls could see words floating in the doorways. Some rooms were marked private, some pay only, and some as free for special events. The ballroom was free as its members paid in advance for a night of access to beautiful women.

They were allowed to eat and dance but never to turn away from an interested party. If they were already on the arm of a man and another wanted her attention, they were to politely say they were already engaged. That was a key phrase that would alert women set aside to interrupt conflicts. One would come running to fawn over the newcomer and divert his attention away.

Jaina was truly impressed by the careful care and effort that Alexandria had poured into her brothel. It was a well-oiled machine that promised comfort and decadence. She and the girls were delivered to the ballroom and told to have fun. If they needed anything, all they needed to do was cover the middle gem, wait a few seconds, and then whisper close to it.

Gisley bounced as they entered the room, immediately drawing some attention. Music played in a swaying dance as a dozen people turned in practiced steps while thirty or more watched. Jaina studied faces, trying to guess who might have been Thexis's contact and whether they would be present in the ballroom. For all she knew, that person preferred the quieter terrace or even the gardens or perhaps the seclusion of one of the parlor rooms.

“You look like a woman who wants to dance,” a masculine voice said as a dark-skinned man with an expensive coat adorned with medals addressed Gisley. He bowed and held out his arm, becking her to take it and begin their courtship.

“Oh, please!” she said as he took her hand and swept her into the swaying tide.

“I knew that wasn’t going to take long,” Evalynn said as they watched her go.

“There must be nearly a hundred people here,” Jaina whispered. “I wish we knew more about who we were looking for.”

“Alexandria said she would talk to her girls,” Evalynn reminded. “For now, all we need to do is mingle and make people comfortable with our presence. I am sure she will learn something that helps narrow it down, and then we can be more direct.”

Jaina nodded, then noticed a man looking her way. She met his gaze and gave him a shy smile as the mingling began. She and Evalynn parted, going in opposite directions as she sauntered among the guests. A few people took notice of her passing, their eyes watching hungrily as she looked for a likely target. She found it in a man wearing a pressed shirt and scarf decorated with magical symbols. He looked human, but you never could be sure. He approached Jaina, holding a slender glass of wine, and held it out with a smile.

“I had no idea there were new girls,” the man said, immediately telling Jaina he was a regular.

Jaina took his glass with a gentle smile and immediately took a sip.

“We just arrived today,” Jaina explained.

“Ah, and what do you think so far?” the man pressed while smiling back.

“It certainly is an interesting way to spend one’s time,” Jaina said.

“It surely is,” he agreed, then paused. “Oh, forgive my manners. I am high mage Greggor, and may I have the honor of knowing your moniker?”

“Kasine,” Jane replied with another smile.

“You are a bright star among the others, lady Kasine,” the man replied. “May I guess and say you are a Rabbine?”

Jaina nodded because, in truth, she had no idea what race she was. She played along, letting him make the decisions to avoid saying anything that could be questioned. He said he was a noble from a neighboring land who had come to visit when he heard of this fine establishment.

“Oh, so these aren’t all local people?” Jaina said, feigning ignorance.

“Not by a long shot,” the man laughed and used his glass to gesture to a few prominent figures. “Lady Kastrell is a combat priestess from nearby Lunestarie.” He pointed out a woman who was a type of angelic, with golden hair to match Jaina's. “High duke, Everston is from the kingdom beyond,” he added, gesturing to a tall, stocky man who could be mistaken for a dwarf if not for his stature. He had the thick, broad-shouldered body type but stood nearly seven feet tall. There was a slender man with four arms, bluish skin, and no hair who preferred to be called by his title of Savant. He was from Avathar, a land over a hundred miles to the north. A woman in black and red with long hair and a prehensile tail went by the title the pirate Queen Julliesta. She was from so far away that he wasn't even sure what land she called home.

“She’s not fond of talking to men,” he added. “She’s as interested in the girls as I am.”

“Ah, my kind of woman,” Jaina replied.

“So, would you care for a dance?” he asked with another broad smile.

“I thought you would never ask,” Jaina said, handing him her glass. He set them aside and took her arm, leading her to the floor. They joined the other dancers, including Gisley, who was positively glowing. Jaina was swept away by the music and the general atmosphere of the ballroom as Greggor led the dance. She did her best to flirt and smile while scarcely looking away from his eyes. He looked back with the same intensity, communicating that he was hungry for what came later. Still, he was a gentleman, taking his time to romance her properly. After a few dances, he took her to the terrace, where two dozen round white tables gave guests a place to sit and eat outside under the stars.

They stood at a wall overlooking the hills and gardens with the lake twinkling under the moonlight. Jaina was impressed by what Alexandria had built and the lengths she went to protect her girls. Greggor put an arm around her waist as she leaned into his side.

“Have you been in this kingdom long?” he asked while sipping a new wine.

“Only a few days,” Jaina replied. I heard this land was growing quickly and that its prince and princess were unique. I also had a friend who came here and said I needed to come too. She had met the princess, and she said the woman was wonderful.”

“I can’t really say,” the man replied. “I know the stories of her past. You know she admitted to the whole city that she had once been a necromancer?”

“What, no?” Jaina gasped.

“She did,” he said with a nod. “Apparently, she's chosen and was naively tricked into picking it by a woman who wanted to turn her in for the bounty.”

“How awful,” Jaina feigned.

“She plays a variety of succubus now,” the man continued. I think they said she evolved into a Lilim, but that's just what some of the other guests have said. There's a man from the East who claims to have bedded her, but most think he's lying.”

“Well, I hear the succubus race has certain requirements,” Jaina said as she swayed. “I suppose it would make sense if she needed to feed, but I heard she was part of a harem.”

“She is,” Greggor nodded. “The Jade Harem, the beating heart of the city and the land. Your mistress is wary of the Jade Harem, and rumor has it she knows Princess Hannah personally but not on good terms.”

“So the Princess is a master of the Jade harem?” Jaina asked, getting a laugh from her partner.

“No, no, she's a slave,” he said with a wave of his glass. “Her husband, the prince, is a master, and he keeps her on her knees as a slave in the harem. I rather respect that about him.”

“I have heard Hannah sing to the city,” Jaina said with a voice that suggested she had been moved by the act. “It was beautiful.”

“I do admit she seems very focused on impressing her people,” Greggor replied. “But she's not very liked beyond her borders. My lands see her as a threat because she's drawing players out of our kingdoms to hers. Lady Kestrel said her lands are furious over the prince's open invitation to monster players. She thinks he will bring the paladins down on his head.”

Jaina pretended not to know about the invitation to monster players and allowed Greggor to explain it. She was enjoying her game of pretending to be uninformed and allowing him to give her his perspective on almost everything. It seemed nearly all the surrounding lands were wary of Frank and Hannah, worried they would draw attention from the north. There was a general consensus that if Kevin's paladins came, they would destroy or potentially take the kingdom over. Then, they would turn their gaze on the kingdom's neighbors and squeeze them to find out who had been cooperating.

Gregor then thought he would dazzle Jaina by telling her about the Lovewood. Jaina was more than delighted to say she knew all about this as it was what had her friend all excited. She turned to show the man her back and made him laugh to see she already had tattoos.

“Only been here a few days, have you?” he asked when he saw the many marks of her escapades.

“Oh, you know how it is,” Jaina said, flashing a seductive smile. “A girl can do a lot in a short time if she puts her mind to it.” She immediately went for seduction as she realized her mistake. The sheer volume of marks on her back was proof she had been here for weeks, contradicting her story. Now, she needed to muddle his thinking and steer him away from the marks before he noticed she had the marks for Roric, Frank, and Princess Hannah.

“You know, I find you irresistible,” he said as the seduction sank in. “Would you be interested in finding someplace quieter?”

Jaina was grateful her seduction had worked so easily and said she thought that was a wonderful idea. She let him lead her away, taking her to a dark part of the garden where his hands began to wander. She was grateful his attention had been diverted, but she needed to be more careful and use her mimic powers to alter her marks and hide the ones she didn't want him to see. She hoped the other girls would be wise enough to do the same or not say something that gave each other away.

For the next hour, she entertained the high mage Greggor and learned that he had come here to get a feel for the new kingdom. He wasn't so sure that it was the threat people said it was, and he was open-minded enough to want to see for himself. She suggested he go into the city and meet the Prince and Princess, then said she had heard a rumor that they were frequently found at the Jade Temple.

She used that as an opening to mention the violence against the harem and pretended to only know street-level rumors. He nodded and admitted he heard about it, too, but didn't seem to know more than she did. She sighed and decided to focus on making this moment memorable as she spread her legs and gave dear Greggor everything he wanted.

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