The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina stretched with a yawn as the night grew late and the party winded down. It was well past midnight, and the music had long since ended, while guests picked girls and headed off to bedrooms. Jaina had managed to hide with a little help from her mimic powers and avoid being selected for a late-night interlude. Now, she slipped through the marbled halls of Alexandria's unique estate and found herself in a study of sorts.

“How many rooms does this place have?” Jaina asked as she admired a painting of two girls dancing.

“A lot,” Alexandria said as she slipped in from the doorway. The upper bedrooms are part of an extra dimensional space, allowing for a lot more rooms than the outside would indicate.”

“I was wondering where all these people slept,” Jaina said as she smiled at her new master. “And I want to say, your house is beautiful.”

“If only I could have gotten you to come with me in those early days,” Alexandria sighed. “I just wanted you to see how things were.”

“You know why I couldn’t,” Jaina replied as she felt bad for the woman.

“Let’s not open that wound,” Alexandria said. “Did you have a good night?”

Jaina smiled and admitted that she had made love to several guests and was having a wonderful time. Two of them had been women who were very skilled at what they did. She asked if it was common for people to be so open here.

“It's why they are here,” Alexandria replied. “This is a place where people can come and drop all pretense of the game. The girls and guests are here to have sex, and all the rest of it is just window dressing. I provide beautiful girls, a pleasant environment, and special functions to keep them entertained, but everyone is here for the sex.”

“But you are so good at it,” Jaina said as she looked around. “Alexandria, this place is amazing, and your girls are so happy.”

“I appreciate that,” the woman said. “But, did you learn anything?”

“I learned that this place is a gold mine of political information,” Jaina said. “I had no idea nobility from surrounding kingdoms was in residence and eager to tell me all about the moods and dispositions of our neighbors. I can’t wait to see Frank and Hannah to tell them what I have learned.”

“You should get Hannah to come in disguise and spend a few days here,” Alexandria teased. She could get the information firsthand.”

“Ha, I would love to see Hannah prancing around as one of your whores,” Jaina agreed. “But Rajeen wants to keep her confined to the harem.”

“Pity,” Alexandria said. “But let’s focus on business. I asked some discreet questions when I had a chance to pull girls away. I learned your bug man has been here at least a dozen times. He keeps to himself and avoids talking to the girls. One of them did get him to speak a little, but he told her he was a messenger here to deliver a report.”

“And she believed that?” Jaina asked.

“Of course she did,” Alexandria scoffed. “Messengers come all the time. This house is full of nobles and rich players from other lands who need to be updated on events in their homelands. There were at least three messengers today alone from the east.”

“Ah, I suppose that makes sense,” Jaina agreed.

“Well, I did learn he doesn't drink hard liquor but prefers mead. He was seen talking to Count Arvin in one of the parlors a few times. One of the conversations appeared to become heated.”

“That’s interesting to know,” Jaina said a she wondered.

“But by far, the person he spent the most time with was a woman known as Julliesta,” Alexandria added.

“Ah, the pirate queen,” Jaina said with a nod.

“I see you did a fair bit of digging,” Alexandria replied with an approving smile. They were seen talking in the garden multiple times, always early in the morning, and she was even witnessed handing him a small leather bag.”

“So, he was meeting two people,” Jaina said. “Both from distant lands and one a woman.”

“Is that significant?” Alexandria asked.

“We know the person paying Thexis to make his attacks was a woman,” Jaina explained. “He did say a group hired him, but this woman appears to be the head or his primary contact.”

“And if it turns out to be her?” Alexandria asked. “I don’t need the Jade Harem raiding my manor. Do you have any idea what kind of damage that would do to my reputation? People need to see this as a safe place where they can freely indulge their desires.”

“I am sure they wouldn’t storm your gates,” Jaina said.

“Good,” Alexandria said as she leaned against a wall. “Oh, on a side note, Gisley wants me to send a letter to Roric asking if she can stay the week.”

“Ha, that little whore,” Jaina laughed. “She loves being a prostitute.”

“This is how I always imagined it would be,” Alexandria said. “You and I working together, laughing and talking as I took good care of you.”

“Sweety, I am sorry I never gave you a chance,” Jaina said, recognizing how much it hurt Alexandria to have missed her chance with Jaina. “If it helps, I will ask Roric if we can come back regularly to work for you. We can have our times now, and I will happily call you master.”

“You would do that for me?” Alexandria asked with a slight smile.

“Look, after what you did for Hannah, I reconsidered how I felt about you,” Jaina replied. “It also helped to know you were being blackmailed. Now that I see how much your girls mean to you, it makes sense that you would do anything to protect them.”

“I am glad you understand,” Alexandria said.

“It still doesn’t make what you did right, but I am willing to give us a second chance,” Jaina said.

“Well, if you are willing to give me a chance,” Alexandria said as she walked toward Jaina, her hands pulling at the lace of her dress. “It would seem the guests have gone to bed, and you don't have a partner for the night.”

“Oh, do you know somebody who needs a girl to keep them company?” Jaina asked as she turned her hips to Alexandria and smiled.

“I might know a bed that you could sleep in,” the woman said as her dress came down, exposing her full breasts.

Jaina felt her heart racing as she looked at her one hated enemy and reached for her with eager arms. They came together in a kiss as Alexandria pulled Jaina's corset open and then took her into a firm embrace. Jaina wrapped her legs around the woman, suspended in the air as Alexandria pressed her into the wall. They kissed and fondled for several minutes before the kiss broke, and Alexandria recovered.

“Not here,” she said in a pant. “Come, tonight I want you in my bedroom.”

Jaina nodded in a daze and followed the woman who pulled her along by the hand. They went to the second floor, where a palatial bedroom awaited, complete with white-paneled walls, a canopy bed that would sleep ten, and a hungry woman who began tearing her clothing off.

Jaina tried to return the love, but Alexandria was in charge, carrying Jaina to the bed and practically throwing her down. She tore Jaina's panties away and fell on her, licking and sucking her tender pussy as Jaina called out in pure pleasure.

“Take your real form,” Alexandria said as she paused to discard her dress. “I want to make love to the woman I hungered for all those weeks ago.”

Jaina nodded and changed, returning to the milky-skinned maiden with long dark hair and big eyes. Alexandria smiled and threw Jaina's legs wide, going at her pussy with fingers and tongue. It went on forever, with Jaina bucking at every orgasm, but Alexandria wouldn't stop. She refused Jaina's efforts to return the favor, preferring to be the one doing the pleasuring.

“This is how I reward my girls,” Alexandria said as she came away and crawled up Jaina's body. “Your mistress is here to serve you.”

“Oh, I wish I had known,” Jaina moaned as the woman's lips wrapped around a nipple. The sex was completely one-sided, with Alexandria leaving Jaina breathless and exhausted before pulling her into her arms.

“I have been dreaming about that for a long time,” she said while holding a trembling Jaina.

“I hope it lived up to the image in your head,” Jaina panted. “I wish you would let me pleasure you.”

“I got everything I wanted out of that,” Alexandria said as she stroked Jaina's back. “I got to pleasure you, and now I get to sleep with you in my arms.”

“Alex, I promise I will come back and sleep in your arms as much as I can,” Jaina said. “I will tell the others all about this place, and who knows, maybe Hannah and Frank will come for a visit.”

Alexandria leaned over, and the two began to kiss, winding down the night before sleep. Jaina lay naked in the arms of her once enemy, basking in the love of the woman who finally got what she wanted.

Jaina found herself standing in the ballroom, but it was quiet and empty except for the five people at her side. Roric, Rajeen, Gisley, Evalynn, and Zillix stood around the center of the floor. Gisley immediately announced that they were in a dream so they could discuss what had happened so far. Roric was impressed at her initiative and complimented her on the clever use of her power. Rajeen seconded the feeling, stating that Gisley had thought of the perfect way to relay information.

Roric then asked what the girls had learned, causing a very surprising response. Evelynn ran to him and fell at his feet with tears in her eyes.

“What did I do to make you sell me?” Evalynn begged.

“Evalynn,” Roric said as he squatted to meet her at her level. “I loaned you to her to help establish your cover. She can't keep you any longer than the terms in the bill of sale. I would never have given you to her permanently.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Evalynn asked. “The shock nearly toppled me.”

Jaina saw pain flash through Roric's eyes as he picked her up in a warm hug. He assured her he would never sell her for anything but a tiny duration, as he could not live without her love. He then told her that he thought the surprise would make it exciting, but clearly, he had been wrong.

“That’s not true,” Jaina cut in. “One of us was absolutely thrilled.”

Gisley bounced with a big smile, admitting she had been excited to be sold to a brothel. She then asked if he could send another bill of sale to extend her stay to the week. She told him about the party and how they danced, drank, and made love. She used her dream magic to show them the pretty outfits they had worn and even recreated some of the music and singing.

“So, this room is from her estate?” Rajeen asked as she looked about.

“This place is not what we expected,” Jaina said.

“It's nothing like we expected,” Evalynn agreed as Roric held her tight. “Nor is Alexandria.”

“Her place is amazing,” Gisley said happily. “There's music, dancing, and lots of men.”

“It sounds like somebody is having a good time,” Rajeen said before turning her gaze on Jaina. “Have you learned anything?”

“We need to establish a presence in this place. It's a hotbed of political information,” Jaina added. “Alexandria has made an impressive and stately manor, attracting people of importance from our neighbors. With a few smiles and a little flirting, the visiting lords are all too happy to discuss the political climate of their homelands. I can tell you how our neighbors feel about us and what they are currently worried about.”

“How interesting,” Rajeen said with a purr. “I hadn’t suspected this use of the brothel. I assumed they had such places locally and wouldn’t need to come here.”

“Some of them are here to spy on us,” Jaina said. But it would appear that few lands have as lavish and well-managed brothels as Alexandria provides.”

“She really has done that well?” Roric asked.

“Honestly, Roric, I was blown away,” Jaina said, holding up her arm to show them the bracelet. She explained how it worked and how Alexandria took supreme care to ensure her girls' safety. She was all about the experience and providing a safe place for both girls and guests to have a rewarding encounter.

“So, no closer to finding out who might be his contact?” Roric asked.

“I spoke to a few people who said they had seen Thexis,” Gisley said. “But he was always passing through and never spoke to anyone. They assumed he was there on business and not one of the guests.”

“One of my customers said they had seen him in one of the parlors around noon three days ago,” Evalynn added. “They didn't see who he was speaking to, but they suggested they were arguing.”

“Why would they be arguing?” Zillix asked.

“Maybe they didn't like Thexis bringing Cindariel in,” Rajeen suggested. Or maybe things were moving too slowly, and they wanted the schedule accelerated. But this is all guessing; we need to know more.”

“I had better luck,” Jaina said with a pleased smile. “Alexandria helped us by slowly pulling girls aside to ask them about Thexis. We met after the dance and went to her bedroom for a private discussion.”

“You and Alexandria had sex?” Evalynn gasped.

“It was wonderful,” Jaina replied with a pleased sway.

“Can we focus on what we learned,” Rajeen insisted.

“Alright,” Jaina replied and continued. He was regularly meeting with two people: a man from a nearby kingdom and a woman who fancies herself a pirate queen. She's from much farther away but apparently has a thing for girls and won't give men the time of day yet spent a great deal of time talking with Thexis in the garden.”

“That’s probably our best bet,” Roric said. “I suppose you won’t be upset if I ask you to have a lesbian encounter.”

Jaina and the others burst out laughing at the suggestion that such a thing was too far for her. She assured him she would do all she could to stomach the situation and get the information they needed.

“Then you should find a way to get close to her,” Roric said. “And we can meet tomorrow night in the dream to discuss what you learned.”

“There is something more I would like to mention,” Jaina cut in. “I had a chance to speak to a few guests, and they all had something to say about the prince and princess. A lot of people are wary of Hannah but outright fear Frank. They feel threatened by him.”

“Threatened by Frank?” Rajeen asked.

“It's the monster guild,” Jaina explained. “They see that as a threat to their stability. He is creating a land where players have somewhere to level effectively, and people are leaving their kingdoms to come here.”

“He is weakening them while increasing his own power,” Rajeen surmised. “We will have to discuss this with him.”

“They also think Frank is something more than he represents,” Jaina said. “So far, all I have are a few rumors, but visiting nobles seem to think he is the mind behind some grand plan, and Hannah is his weapon.”

“The few people I spoke to who mentioned Hannah and Frank felt the same way,” Evalynn agreed. “Frank is the true danger in their eyes.”

“How did they jump to that conclusion?” Roric asked.

“It might be how Hannah is always the one speaking,” Rajeen guessed. “While Frank is the silent voice behind the throne. Powerful players are amazingly suspicious, and his mannerisms play into that insecurity. It may appear to others that he is directing her while working toward a secret agenda.”

“We need to worry about this later,” Roric suggested. “Let's give the girls one more day and see what we can learn.”

“Oh, can I please stay for a week?” Gisley asked with glittering eyes, her antenna curling up. “I was having so much fun, and I love being a prostitute.”

“Just go ahead and sell her,” Jaina said with a roll of her eyes.

“No, I happen to like her, and I want to keep her,” Roric replied but came to Gisley and took her hands. “But I will send a messenger with a new bill of sale extending her ownership of you for a week.”

“Thank you!” Gisley cried and threw her arms around him. “I love you, I love you, I love!”

“Most people would think that selling her off for a week would weaken her love for them,” Jaina commented.

“Not our Gisley,” Evalynn said. “She knows who her true master is.”

“Oh, and why don't you?” Jaina asked. “You honestly think he would sell us for good?”

“It came as a shock,” Evalynn replied. “They never mentioned they were going to sell us to her.”

“Speaking of not meantioning things,” Jaina said to interrupt the group. “I never did hear how Hannah’s little boat ride turned out.”

“Oh, that,” Rajeen sighed. “We didn't want to talk about it.”

“What? Did it not go as planned?” Jaina pressed as Roric released Gisley to stand by the girls before walking to Rajeen and Zillix.

“Are we keeping it a secret?” Zillix asked as he blinked his tiny black eyes.

‘Oh, something did happen,” Jaina said. “Dare I ask?”

“Frank is struggling to find a final solution for Blackbast,” Roric said. “He tried to take her and the girls out of the temple and make it a private part of the harem.”

“But as Hannah explained, that won't work for Gwen,” Rajeen added. So, as you may recall, we settled on the temple being open sometimes and closed other times.”

“And Hannah became your slave,” Jaina finished to see Rajeen and Roric flinch.

“That has changed,” Rajeen said as she rested her head on her hand. Jaina and her sisters waited as the masters explained what happened. Frank created a magical moonlight boat ride through the swamp and invited Rajeen to come. She accepted and quickly learned that this was meant as a way to have an important conversation.

Frank was still unhappy with the arrangement as it didn't solve Blackbast's core problem. The issue was that Blackbast was forced to be in her temple when where she really wanted to be was with her family. She was being left out of too many things because she simply could not leave. She had suffered for years in a sense of isolation made more profound by her marriage. Now, she was ready to give it all up and reset, prompting Frank to hunt for solutions.

“And what did he come up with?” Jaina asked.

“Frank wants to make Blackbast's temple part of the Jade temple,” Roric explained. He wants to create a magical door to link the two so guests can easily find it.

“What, he wants to keep Blackbast too busy having sex to miss them?” Jaina asked.

“I doubt that will solve her problem,” Evalynn added.

“No, he wants to join her,” Rajeen said, causing the girls to fall silent. Rajeen explained how Frank planned to wear one of Hannah's collars and serve in the temple at Blackbast's side. He would handle any women who came to the temple while Quinny, Umtha, Breanne, and Hannah cared for the men.”

“He even wants me to spend a few hours a day there,” Zillix added as he suddenly glittered and became the tall dragon man with broad shoulders. “He thinks I could use this form to earn some easy experience by wearing one of the collars.”

“Oh, my,” Jaina said as she was struck dumb. “You mean he intends to embrace the temple and take his whole family into it?”

“He does indeed,” Rajeen said. As a result, I had to return Hannah to Blackbast, and she is no longer mine.”

“I am so sorry,” Jaina said.

“Honestly, this sounds like a good idea,” Evalynn said. “But won’t the temple be flooded with guests?”

“It is a good idea,” Roric said. “And Frank has a solution for the problem of too many guests. We are going to make a lounge with a doorway inside. Only so many guests will be allowed in the temple at once; the rest must wait in the lounge. When one comes out, the next guest in line can go in. Guards will also prevent problem players from going through and ensure the girls are safe.”

“He also intends to add a quest to the guild,” Rajeen commented. “It will look for girls who wish to experience the collar for a day. They can report to the lounge and offer to serve. Blackbast will then choose two to five girls and provide them collars so they can experience it.”

“What a good idea,” Jaina said. “It’s a great way for a girl to experience the sex slave class without a full commitment.”

“Frank seems to think so, too,” Rajeen said. “He believes that there will be women who realize they want this and will come to the masters offering to serve.”

“I am sure it will draw some,” Evalynn said. “And the Jade Harem's power will grow, but that's only going to magnify the suspicions about Frank. When the nobles hear that Frank has created a way to farm new girls to expand his power, they will worry even more.”

“She’s right,” Roric agreed. “This is how Frank keeps angering them. All of his moves always result in an increase in power to the kingdom.”

“I had not considered that,” Rajeen said. “And since we need to make the temple public we cannot hide our efforts. I hope this doesn't come to haunt us.”

“Well, Alexandria’s brothel is the best way to get a feel for how people are reacting,” Jaina reminded. “We may need to find some harem girls who can work the brothel and act as spies.”

“And now more of my girls are being soiled,” Rajeen complained.

“I can do it,” Gisley volunteered. “I don’t mind being her prostitute. She’s a lot nicer than I expected her to be.”

“I would miss you,” Roric said, causing Gisley's mouth to fall open. She apologized immediately and said she would only do it for short periods when they needed her to. Roric forgave her and embraced the fairy, telling her how much he loved her.

“So many things to think about,” Rajeen said as she watched the tender display.

“What about the other thing?” Zillix asked as he turned to Rajeen. “What about Gwen?”

“What? Gwen?” Jaina asked. “What about her?”

Rajeen shook her head and said that during the moonlit voyage, they met Gwen waiting on an island. Frank had planned it all to help soothe Rajeen's pain in transferring Hannah back over. Gwen was there to take Hannah's place and promised to live in the harem as much as she could.

“That’s wonderful,” Jaina said. “But why do you look disturbed by that?”

“I was very happy with her offer,” Rajeen agreed. “But then there was nothing left to discuss.”

“So?” Jaina asked, not sure where this was going.

“So, then we settled in for a night of sex,” Rajeen added with a stern face. “And I got to watch Frank make love to his wife and her mother.”

“Oh!” Jaina cried and had to cover her mouth. In all her wildest dreams she never would have guessed that had happened. Evalynn jumped in and said that didn’t sound like Frank, pointing out he had been horrified that he nearly made love to Gwen when he thought she was Annasara. Rajeen explained that the mood had been very powerful, and sexual tension was in the air. When the sex began, it just sort of happened, and nobody tried to stop it. Even she was overcome by emotion and not in her right mind.

“I am aware that many men have this fantasy, but I never expected such a thing from Gwen,” Rajeen said. “Blackbast told me that she and Hannah fought in the temple over the fear that a guest might want to see them together. I suppose they are over that fear now.”

“It would appear so,” Jaina agreed.

“Just because she made love to Frank doesn't mean she is about to start making love to her daughter,” Evalynn cut in. “I had a boyfriend who wanted a threesome with my mother, and I seriously considered it. My mother and I were close, and I would not have balked at a few kisses.”

“Hmm, I suppose if I was close to my mother and Roric wanted a threesome, I might see if she was interested,” Jaina said, causing Roric to jump.

“I would never have asked for that,” Roric insisted.

“But if my mother was hot and open to the idea, would you have turned it down?” Jaina asked. His silence was all she needed, and she turned to Rajeen, confident the matter was settled. “So, when do all these changes begin?”

“In a few days,” Rajeen replied with a distant look. “But this is not a matter for your shoulders. You three need to learn what you can from the brothel, the man, and the pirate queen.”

“Report back tonight in a dream,” Roric added. “In the meantime, we will talk with Frank and Hannah about the usefulness of the brothel as a source of political capital.”

Jaina nodded as the dream ended, and she returned to a normal dream. The night had been most revealing, and she was excited to begin a new day of intrigue. For Jaina had transcended being a harem slave and entered the world of a sex spy.

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