The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina stood before the grand window in Alexandria’s office, fuming at their failure. She and Evalynn returned to the estate to locate and question the three prime suspects. Julliesta, Thexis, and the mysterious Count Arvin had all vanished into thin air, leaving Alexandria perplexed. Jaina had hoped to find the real Julliesta hiding in the estate, but several harem girls witnessed her leaving. Nobody saw Thexis leave, and Count Arvin went for a stroll in the garden before lunch and never returned.

“You need to calm down,” Evalynn urged as she joined Jaina by the window. “It is not your fault.”

“I should have stayed to watch Arvin,” Jaina grumbled. “I am perfect for hiding in plain sight. He would never have known I was following him.”

“You were needed to bait Julliesta,” Evalynn reminded.

“Hannah could have handled that on her own,” Jaina replied as she looked into the lower yard where guests flirted with the ladies who worked the estate. “But I was so focused on Julliesta.”

“She was the most important target, and if Hannah was the target, putting her in the room would have been a mistake,” Alexandria said from behind them. “I would have watched them if you had asked me.”

“We aren’t even sure he’s involved,” Evalynn interjected.

“Oh, he’s involved,” Jaina stated. “He wouldn’t have run if he had nothing to hide.” Evalynn conceded the point, but it did little to soothe Jaina's nerves. Not only had they failed to capture the woman, but Jaina had been stabbed in the process. Thankfully, Roric easily purged the daggers' terrible effect, but it still wounded her pride.

“You are upset that she got away,” Evalynn said as she wrapped Jaina in a hug.

“You’re damn right I am,” Jaina cried. “I let us all down. I should have known better.”

“You did exactly as you were told to do,” Evalynn corrected. “None of us suspected there was a serious danger. You heard Julliesta state that all she was going to do was scout the situation. You could not have known she would strike or melt away when captured. None of this was your fault.”

“It still feels like it,” Jaina replied as she surrendered to Evalynn’s warm arms. The elf woman wrapped her up, rubbing her naked skin as she nuzzled Jaina’s neck.

“You did all you could,” Evalynn whispered. “If anyone is to blame, it's me. I am the one in charge when Roric isn't here. I should have decided to stay and watch Arvin.”

Jaina squirmed as Evalynn continued to rub, soothing her skin and reaching lower. A slight gasp escaped her lips as two fingers reached between her legs and began to dig.

“Now, let this go. I am sure these fools will reveal themselves again, and we will be ready,” Evalynn whispered.

Jaina nodded as her pussy was expertly loved by her protective sister. She spread her legs to give the woman more freedom and let out a little moan as her body was stimulated.

“You two are so good together,” Alexandria commented as she watched the tender display. “You know your roles when it relates to one another.”

“That was actually your doing,” Evalynn said as Jaina moaned. “Roric appointed me to be her protector. He was afraid you would try to steal her away.”

“I learned that lesson the hard way,” Alexandria laughed and nodded knowingly to the elf woman. The three went silent as Evalynn focused on Jaina, who began to squirm as the pressure built.

“Oh, these collars are terrible,” Jaina groaned. “I am close already.”

“Good, you need to have an orgasm to clear your head and remember why you're in New Eden in the first place,” Evalynn said as she rubbed honey-coated fingers through Jaina's petals. She focused on the clit, driving Jaina to her toes as she began to sing.

“I love watching girls make love,” Alexandria sighed as Jaina went over the edge. Evalynn groaned as the collar forced her to share it; the two united in the moment of pleasure.

“So many girls do,” Jaina panted as she was gently laid in a plush chair beside the window. “I wonder why that is.”

“I think it's the fantasy of it,” Evalynn said. “We like to watch, so we can imagine it's us that the sex is happening to. It's why we like sex scenes in movies.”

“Maybe Frank is right,” Jaina laughed. “Girls are weird.”

“Girls are more open,” Alexandria corrected. “It's the same reason why girls can curl up together in a bed and snuggle without it meaning anything. We simply see nothing wrong with it, whereas men have a very different reaction.”

“I can’t imagine Roric and Frank curling up together,” Evalynn laughed. “But I would love to see it.”

“Oh, god, I bet just suggesting the idea would make them uncomfortable,” Jaina said as she leaned forward. The orgasm had done wonders for her mood, but there was one lingering thought that made her sad. The truth was she had liked Julliesta and found the woman's ideas about sex slavery enticing. She was wounded that the woman had turned out to be an enemy and now questioned her own judgment. Why hadn't she seen this danger while they were playing? How could she have been so wrong about somebody?

“So, will you two be available to play?” Alexandria asked. “Now that you don't need to disguise yourselves, I could present you as who you are. I am sure many of the guests will jump at the chance to play with a girl from the Jade Harem. Jaina's being a shapeshifter will be very popular.”

Jaina understood her desire but had to shake her head. She explained that they no longer had Roric's permission to play here and needed to get back to report. Alexandria was disappointed but understood, even praising Jaina for her devotion.

“That’s the Jaina I met back in the spawn,” Alexandria said. “Hopelessly devoted to her master.”

“It’s the whole reason I came to New Eden in the first place,” Jaina replied as she got up. “If I wasn’t doing this for Roric I am not sure I would do it at all.”

“I doubt that,” Evalynn snickered. “You were born to be a slut.”

Jaina blushed at the use of the word as she took one of Evalynn’s hands and nodded. She had to admit she did love the sex, but the real excitement came from Roric commanding her to do it. She loved it when he pushed her boundaries and placed her in new situations. Even coming to Alexandria's estate had been his command and she relished obeying. The truth was it was obeying him that gave it all the intensity she loved. If she started playing at random with whoever she desired, it would cheapen the whole experience.

“Don't you girls run wild in that forest of yours?” Alexandria pressed as if catching them in a loophole. Evalynn explained they had special permission to play in the forest, but the masters decided when. Otherwise, they attended to their masters directly, serving their needs with every action.

“How did he find three girls so willing to be slaves?” Alexandria asked. “Do you know how many girls I go through before I find just one like you three?”

Jaina assumed a lot, and Alexandria readily agreed. She had heard this story before when Blackbast explained how hard it had been to find truly willing girls. She supposed that most girls wanted to try it but few were ready to surrender full control. After all, once that final step had been made, a girl no longer had any say in who she had sex with. Her master would decide when, where, and with whom she shared her body. She might find herself locked in chastity and denied or whored out to others for gold. Jaina was particularly fond of being whored and loved to know Roric was profiting from her body.

Evalynn pointed out they needed to return and report that the targets were gone. Jaina readily agreed but went to Alexandria, pulling the woman into a warm hug.

“I loved our time together,” Jaina whispered.

“So did I,” Alexandria replied. “I hope there will be more in the future.”

“I am sure there will be,” Jaina assured. “Gisley already has permission to return and spend a few days here. I am sure Roric will let me do the same from time to time.”

“Good,” Alexandria said as their eyes met. “I know I have said this before, but I am sorry.”

“Stop,” Jaina cautioned with a raised finger. “That's all in the past. You are my girlfriend's wife and, as far as I am concerned, a lover. We don't need to dwell on any of that unpleasantness any longer.”

“I understand,” Alexandria agreed. “Well, I will send a messenger if any of our mystery players surface.”

“Good,” Jaina said and took Evalynn's arm. They were on the road with the garden estate behind them a few minutes later. They discussed what a surprising woman Alexandria was and how tragic her obsession had become. They might have been friends from the start if not for her crazed need to possess Jaina. Who knows, Roric might have signed a contract, putting Jaina to work in the brothel under Alexandria's control.

They smiled and held hands, walking down the road as they admired the lush beauty that was Frank and Hannah's kingdom. It was covered in flowers, often brought on by Hannah's magical voice as she boosted her flower singer abilities with her essence. The roads were paved with smooth stone, and the landscape was dotted by marble ruins covered in climbing roses. Far to their left was an expansive lake, so wide across you could barely see the other side. The place had a wild and rustic beauty, with the crown jewel being the city itself. Even now, they could see the walls, and Jaina smiled when a flight of girls on bat wings flew over, trailing a rain of rose petals in their wake.

“I wonder where Hannah and her girls are going,” Jaina said as they watched the succubi fly into the distance.

“I am sure it is someplace they can play,” Evalynn said.

“I see she isn’t bothered by recent events,” Jaina commented.

“Why should she be?” Evalynn asked. “We may not know why our enemies want to copy us, but we know what that looks like. We also know it's pointless to copy to slave girl because a fake collar won't fool the guards, and a missing girl taken beyond the walls of the city will alert the master.”

Jaina nodded in agreement as Evalynn reminded her how foolish the idea was. No girl in a slaver collar could be taken beyond the city walls without the master knowing. Even if they were hidden in the city,

all the master needed to do was look at their interface, and they could tell exactly where the girl was. Of course there were methods to hide them, but that would only work so long. Even then, the harem was covered in fairy glitter, and many girls drank a little of it every day. That meant that no matter where a girl was hidden, Gisley could find them in a dream and see their rough location. Attacking the harem in this way was pointless, but that only made Jaina worry more. Surely, they knew this, so why were they so desperate to do it anyway? Did that mean they had some secret plan that hadn't come to light yet? She hoped not even as they walked through a rain of flower petals drifting in the wind from Hannah's flight.

“I love her,” Jaina sighed as she caught a red rose petal. “I wish she would loosen up and play more.”

“By more, you mean like we do in the forest?” Evalynn asked as they paused to sit on a marble bench beside the road.

“Yeah,” Jaina replied. “I have heard Frank give her permission a dozen times, but she doesn't act on it.”

“So spreading her legs for the entire rogues guild wasn’t playing?” Evalynn asked.

“That was different,” Jaina laughed. “Frank commanded her to do it, and she obeyed. What I mean is her having time to herself and choosing to go to the forest for sex with a stranger.”

“I am not sure she thinks like that,” Evalynn replied. “She’s perfectly content with the men in the harem. She doesn’t feel a need to find more.”

“I know, and I should be too, but I have a fantasy of her and I wandering the forest and sharing the players we find,” Jaina said. “Like you and I do sometimes.”

“I love those days,” Evalynn agreed as she daydreamed about it. They were so lost in thought that they didn’t notice two men approach until they were standing right before them. Jaina looked up to see a man who had round ears and fur on his face. His nose was short and black, with little fangs protruding from his lips. The other was taller, lanky, and had webbed fingers. His eyes were solid blue with no white at all to be seen. He had soft greenish skin with long white hair tied with a golden band at the base.

“Oh, hello,” Jaina said as she smiled. The two men stood spellbound, and Jaina knew exactly what they were looking at. Despite being out of the harem, the two wore only the barest of silks. Roric had said that they should dress more modestly when outside, but she had chosen the silks because she loved being naked. Now, her breasts threatened to spill out as the two men found it hard to look away.

“Umm,” the furry man said as he regained his composure. “Are you two harem girls?”

“That we are,” Jaina purred while batting her eyes. She loved to flirt and tease, especially when a man was as obviously enthralled as the two were. They asked why she was out of the harem, and Evalynn explained that harem girls could leave when on special missions. They had delivered a message to the estate and were on their back to report the answer.

“How luck for us,” the furry man said. “I mean, what are the chances of stumbling across harem girls where nobody will see.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Jaina asked as she got up, her game suddenly less fun than it once was.

“I mean, you two must be dying for some fun,” he said as his blue friend nodded. “It’s ok, I won’t tell anyone.”

“You won’t have to,” Evalynn snapped. “Harem girls do not have sex outside the harem unless ordered to do so by their masters.”

“Oh, come on,” the blue man laughed. “Aren’t you hungry for something more than those two guys?”

“There are three men, thank you very much,” Jaina corrected. “And for your information, we girls make love to each other. That leaves us nearly a hundred potential partners.”

“I thought you girls did this all the time in that forest?” the furry man said.

“I can't believe this has come up twice in the same day,” Jaina laughed as she recalled how Alexandria had made the same comparrison. She explained that some girls had special permission to play in the forest, but only when a master said they could go. Outside of that window, they were off-limits and would not betray that trust. That seemed to take the wind out of their sails as the two men's shoulders slumped. Jaina felt bad to have to reject them, but then it was rude just to assume they were out of their minds for sex. Just because they were harem girls didn't mean they were wild sex fiends.

“Can’t you make an exception?” the furry man pressed.

“No,” Breanne countered. “We are slaves, and we do not have our master's permission.”

“What about you?” the furry man asked as he looked into Jaina’s eyes.

“She answered for both of us, and she said no,” Jaina replied. “If you're that desperate, go to the estate. It doesn't cost much to get in, and it's crawling with willing girls.”

“Oh, you want money,” the man said.

“No, that's not what I said,” Jaina snapped as he fished into his pouch. Before she could stop him, he held his hand out, offering her three gold coins.

“I will give you this for a blow job for us both,” he said.

“That’s an insult,” Breanne scoffed. “We make twenty times that just to take our silks off.”

Jaina readily agreed and wasn't surprised when Evalynn took her arm to haul her away. Three gold to betray her master wasn't just an insult; it was a crime as far as she was concerned. The two men called after them, asking why they had to be so mean. Jaina just shook her head but then her stomach began to tingle. She looked down to see her womb tattoo glowing brightly, and she nearly choked.

“Evalynn!” Jaina gasped as she ground to a halt.

“What is it?” Evalynn asked in alarm as she turned to regard Jaina.

“I have to go back and suck them,” Jaina said in disbelief.

“You aren't going to do anything,” Evalynn argued. “Even if you were allowed to, for three gold, they don't even get to hold your hand.”

“No, I have to do it,” Jaina corrected, pointing to her stomach. Evalynn looked down to see the fancy tattoo glowing with a pink light. Then, she remembered the succubus's words and the price Jaina had to pay.

“He offered you gold,” Evalynn gasped.

“And if I don’t accept it, I won’t be able to orgasm until I crawl back to him and beg him to let me do it,” Jaina finished.

“We had to know this was going to burn us eventually,” Evalynn sighed, even as the two men began to call them names. “And now you have to reward their bad behavior.”

“I don't care about that,” Jaina groaned. “I just don't want them spreading rumors that harem girls can be bought for three gold. Think of the damage this could do to our reputation. I have to do it, and I can't tell them why I am doing it.”

“You most certainly can't,” Evalynn agreed. “If those two knew you had to do it, they would tell the whole city. You wouldn't be able to leave the harem, and if you did, you would spend the rest of your life fucking for pennies.”

“Oh, I knew this was going to haunt me,” Jaina complained as she turned to face the two men. Her stomach turned to see their glares and know she had to give them what they wanted. If she didn't, the curse would deprive her of sexual pleasure until she groveled at their feet and did as they asked. Better to just say she changed her mind and do it now to get it over with.

“Will you two calm down?” Jaina called as she walked back, swaying her hips as she worked a seduction. This lowered their resistance to her charms, so when she hit them with a seductive smile, they practically melted.

“You’re so beautiful,” the green man said as Jaina walked up to run a hand up his chest.

“That's better,” Jaina sighed. “Now, listen, you two. I will give you what you want, but only because my sister reminded me I have permission to play today.” She waited to see them not as she worked more charms, her touch soothing them and making them more aroused.

“But you have to apologize for being so rude,” Jaina said, promptly rewarded with heartfelt expressions of sorrow. It felt shallow knowing that it was the charms driving them to do it, but they didn't know that. All that mattered to Jaina was that they thought Jaina had changed her mind, not that she had been bought for three gold.

Evalynn stood behind her, sighing as Jaina dropped to her knees on the road. They were quick with their belts, quickly presenting her with ready cocks eager to be sucked. She started with the furry man, going slow at first, then picking up the pace until he was begging her to finish him. She kept him at bay for nearly five minutes before finally allowing him to cum. By then, his companion was wild with anticipation and nearly shoved his cock into Jaina's mouth. She did the same to him, using her prolonged skill to keep him at the edge until he begged. She came with his orgasm, tasting the milk of his body, and drained him dry before letting him stagger back.

The task was done, and the men were overcome by her efforts. Even now, they looked blissfully content as they smiled at her and tightened their belts. Oddly, Jaina didn't feel the disgust she expected to feel. Instead, she was excited and held out her hand to demand her three gold.

“You were worth it,” the pan said as he paid her the coins.

“You got lucky today,” Jaina said as she snatched them up. “Next time we meet, you had better have fifty times this and be much nicer. If I am free to play I will consider it, otherwise I will be insulted and tell the harem about you. You will find no girl will offer you so much as a wink once you are on our list.”

“We’re sorry!” the green man insisted. “We have no idea what people charge for that.”

“Go to the estate, and you will get an education in what a good whore costs around here,” Jaina replied while pointing down the road. With that she turned with a snap and stormed off with Evalynn trembling with rage.

“You want to kill them both, don’t you?” Jaina asked.

“Three gold,” Evalynn grumbled. “For three gold, I will only stab them four times. They might even survive.”

Jaina wanted to laugh to see how angry the encounter had made the woman. It was comforting to know Evalynn was so protective of her, but what could either of them do? This was the price for Roric's third class and the first time it had come to bite her. Thankfully, her seductions changed their attitude, and in the end, they fell over themselves to praise her. She supposed she shouldn't be so mad. After all, she got to suck two cocks, and share the orgasms. In fact, she felt the tension inside as it swam about, causing her to understand something.

“Why are you smiling?” Evalynn asked as they headed down the road.

“Because I realize I had fun,” Jaina said. “I love being forced to do things, and in the end, that was exciting. Besides, now I get to have some real fun.”

“What kind of fun?” Evalynn asked with a raised brow.

Jaina held up her hand to show the woman the three coins.

“It’s time to take our master his earnings,” she laughed.

“Oh, I am sure he will be so proud of you,” Evalynn replied as she joined the laugh. They wandered off laughing, eager to get home and deliver the spoils.

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