The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina stretched with a smile as the tender head on her stomach shifted. She was in Roric’s camp, sleeping on the cushions before his throne. The chain around her neck kept her from leaving as it did the gentle woman who slept with her. Umtha was curled to her stomach in blissful sleep, her long green hair acting like a blanket. Jaina hadn’t had much time with Umtha alone and was delighted when the girl joined her to be chained to Roric’s throne.

Umtha was a goblin queen and had been Hathlisora's lover, aiding the woman in many of her plans. She was what they called a high goblin, an almost human version of the race if not for green skin, long pointed ears that stuck out straight from the side of her head and little fangs. That human form was very beautiful, and Umtha enjoyed the love such a form could share. Of course, she wore Hannah's collar and was blessed with the succubus kiss. The funny part was Umtha looked almost the same as her goblin form with the exception of a long tail, and little pointed horns. She also had devil eyes, with dark slits for pupils and glowing red light around them.

She was perhaps the saddest story among all the women involved in Hannah’s madness. She knew so much about Hannah's past but had been sworn to keep it a secret by Hannah's previous incarnation. Umtha was forced to watch as Hannah stumbled in the dark, trying to understand her mysterious past. Umtha could answer many of her questions and help her avoid terrible mistakes, but she lived in fear. Hannah's previous incarnation went by the name Hathlisora and had warned Umtha what would happen if she helped. Hannah would learn the truth before she was ready to face it, and that truth would drive her mad. Jaina had been warned by the dragon Hezzrigozza that Hannah had done this before and shattered an entire world in her madness. If that was true or not was still up for debate but one thing was certain. Hathlisora was desperate for Umtha to keep her secrets, even from herself.

Poor Umtha had been given one ray of light in all that darkness. A goblin crown to be given to Hannah on her wedding day. It would act as a wedding ring, adding Umtha to Hannah’s family as a wife and awakening Hannah’s memory of her love for the goblin woman. The crown did indeed make Umtha a wife, but it failed to restore Hannah’s memory. Umtha had been so distraught by this that she hid away, crying alone at the love only she remembered. Thankfully, Hannah was wise enough to know Umtha was telling the truth and, in an act of pure kindness, offered to love Umtha even if she couldn’t remember it. It took their relationship a little time to get going, but Umtha was now well and truly a part of her life and rather special to Frank. Jaina saw the way those two looked at each other and how Umtha blushed when he smiled. The goblin had fallen head over heels for the man in their bed, but then she had been his wife before.

Now she was asleep and breathing gently as Jaina held her warmly in her arms. This was the life of a harem girl, to play all day and never spend a night alone. There was always somebody with arms wide open to wrap them up and keep them warm.

With a sigh, Jaina kissed the top of her head and nestled in tight. The goblin woman was eager to be loved and relished her role in the harem. Even now, that long tail curled, running up Jaina's side as Umtha dreamed.

“I hope it’s a sweet dream,” Jaina whispered. “I hope you and Hannah are together.”

“It is a sweet dream,” Gisley said as she entered the room. “She's in some kind of temple with Hannah, making love to a bunch of goblin men.”

“What?” Jaina said while struggling not to laugh and wake the goblin woman.

“I think it’s a ceremony,” Gisley replied as she closed her eyes to peer into the dream. “They are both on their backs kissing as the men line up to take them. She has this dream a lot. I think it’s a favorite memory.”

“This is a memory?” Jaina asked as she felt jealous. Gisley was a lunar fairy with the power to not only see into people's dreams but manipulate them to make them wonderful. Of course, Gisley's idea of wonderful was always sex, but nobody seemed to mind that. Gisley explained that she helped Hannah enter Umtha's dreams and that this was what Umtha wanted. It was a kind of Goblin wedding ceremony where Hannah and Umtha were anointed before the goblin goddess to become one.

“Oh, how sweet,” Jaina said while stroking the back of Umtha’s head. “Hannah did this for her?”

Gisley nodded, her crystal-like eyes sparking purple. She explained that Hannah was in the dream for real. Jaina asked why Gisley had put her in and got a surprise. Hannah had done it herself, as one of the Lilim's powers was the ability to enter the dream of anyone she had kissed recently. It was so she could prey on them in the night, but she usually used it to find Umtha, Breanne, or Quinny and then create magical dreams for them to share.

“I had no idea she was doing that,” Jaina said.

“She doesn't talk about it,” Gisley replied. “I don't think the succubus can do it. They have to be in the room, looking at the person to see their dream. Hannah just needs to have kissed them in the last twenty-four hours. I only found out because we keep running into each other in dreams, and she had to explain.”

“I wonder why she’s keeping it a secret,” Jaina mused.

“Probably so it stays special,” Gisley said as she lay down with them and joined the snuggle. “Umtha will wake up and think she had a wonderful dream. She might even think I had something to do with it. But in reality, it was Hannah all along.”

“And she’s having sex with a bunch of goblins?” Jaina pressed, now curious for details.

“Over a dozen of them,” Gisley replied with a smile. “There were only eight in the original dream, but she keeps adding more for fun.”

“Oh, that little slut,” Jaina giggled. “Does Frank know his wife is out having hot goblin group sex at night?”

“I don't think so,” Gisley smiled and lay her head on Umtha's back. “If you want, I can put you to sleep and bring you in so you can watch.”

“Oh, please, yes,” Jaina urged as Gisley rubbed her fingers, producing a pinch of fairy glitter. She sprinkled it on Jaina's face, and sleep quickly took her. She found herself standing in a black void with Gisley as the two stood beside what looked like a window in reality. On the other side was a scene Jaina would never have believed. Hannah and Umtha lay on a stone table with their legs in the air as over a dozen goblin men took their turns anointing them with sex. The two girls moaned and cried between kisses as the men fucked them hard. Hannah’s pussy and thighs were drenched in cum that pooled on the table and ran over to the floor. Some of the goblins were the evolved type that looked human but at least half of them were regular short goblins, using a wooden bench to stand on for the sex.

“This is a goblin wedding?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“Only when it's two women,” Gisley replied. “Umtha explained it to me. When two women marry, the priests do this to help them have a baby. This way, they can still have babies, and nobody will know who the father is. They get to raise the child themselves, unburdened by a man who might interfere. The women can return to the temple once a year to try again if they fail to have a baby or just want more children.”

“Why do I suddenly wish I had been a goblin?” Jaina laughed and then watched intently as a short goblin took his place between Hannah's legs. “Hmm, this makes me curious. Do you think Hannah has ever had sex with Legeis?”

“She’s never said anything to me,” Gisley shrugged. “But he does come to the glory hole every few days.”

“Wait? Legeis is coming to the little house in the forest to use the glory hole?” Jaina said with a scowl.

“Yes, I have sucked him at least five times. Why do you sound mad?” Gisley asked.

“Because I cornered that rat in the forest weeks ago and practically threw myself at him,” Jaina explained. “He turned me down flat and asked me to take him to Chandice’s shop instead. Honestly, I was a little insulted.”

“He was probably working on something for Frank or Hannah,” Gisley said as the sounds of sex echoed in their ears. They watched as Goblin after Goblin pounded the two women, then started over, taking a second turn.

“Hmm, they didn't use to go twice,” Gisley remarked in confusion.

“Ha!” Jaina cried as she realized this was Hannah's doing. She liked to play her game of not needing sex outside the harem, but this dream was proof that it was a facade. Jaina wouldn't be fooled by that innocent act anymore and began to plan how to lure Hannah into the forest.

“I can’t believe she is so slutty in the dream,” Jaina said.

“Well, it is just a dream,” Gisley replied. “Those aren’t even NPCs.”

“Aren't they, though?” Jaina asked. “Whose to say this is a dream? For all we know, this is just another world with limited function to act as our dreams. Honestly, it's every bit as real when you look around.”

“I guess you could look at it that way,” Gisley agreed. “But I like to think of it as just a happy dream.”

“I will give her that,” Jaina said as she noted Hannah’s big smile. “She sure looks happy. I wonder if I can get her to the glory hole in the forest. She might find it easier to do if all she can see of the person is their cock.”

“I could wake us all up, and we could ask her,” Gisley offered.

“We could, but Umtha and I are chained to Roric's throne,” Jaina pointed out. “You would have to wake him up to let us go, and I don't want you to do that.”

“Oh, yeah, but we could talk to Frank about it,” Gisley urged. Suddenly, the window was gone. Instead, they were in a graveyard under a blue sky with a small stone tower to one side. It was covered in climbing roses, offering an odd contrast to the yard of cold stone.

“Where is this?” Jaina asked as she turned to see a ghoul staring at her with a blank expression.

“Jaina?” Frank said before raising an unnaturally long arm to scratch at his head with a claw. “Why do I feel like your being here is wrong.”

“You took us into Frank’s dream?” Jaina asked as she turned on Gisley. “Is his original graveyard?”

“This is a dream?” Frank asked as Gisley worked her magic and woke him inside the dream. It took a few seconds but he gained his senses and then asked what they wanted. Jaina wasn't sure either, so she turned to Gisley, who explained the purpose. They wanted to take Hannah into the forest and show her the little house where she would be introduced to the glory hole. They hoped they could entice her to try it and maybe get her to open up to more.

“There’s a glory hole in the forest?” Frank asked.

“You didn’t know?” Jaina laughed. “It’s been there for weeks.”

“I guess I didn’t need to know,” Frank said with a shrug. “I don’t need it after all.”

“No, I suppose you have plenty of girls who are eager to suck that cock,” Jaina teased.

“Yes, and Hannah's is always nearby if I want to feel her heat,” Frank nodded. “I keep telling her she is free to play, but she won't do it.”

“She needs you to tell her to do it,” Jaina said. “She likes to be commanded to do it like I do, not just left off the leash and told to make her own fun. Look at how well she did when you told her she had to fuck the rogues. She loved that because you told her she had to do it.”

“Hmm,” Frank replied as he sat on a grave and considered it. “Maybe I do need to step up and make it a command. I was kind of hoping she would want to work in the rogues guild like Gisley does. I would love for her to wait tables and take money for favors in the back room.”

“Oh, I would love it if she did that with me,” Gisley cried. “Hannah and I can be prostitutes together.”

“Yeah, but she won't do it on her own,” Frank said. “You are probably right. She needs me to command her.”

“Honestly, Frank, hearing Roric command me to do something makes it ten times more exciting,” Jaina explained. “I am sure it is the same for Hannah. She needs you to exercise your authority over her and push her boundaries.”

“And does this glory hole get many visitors?” Frank asked.

“It gets a lot because it has a magical system to tell people when a girl is in the room,” Gisley explained. “When a girl takes her place inside, glowing butterflies appear before all nearby men. They will hear a voice enticing them to follow and come to the glory hole. Once they start coming, it’s usually pretty bush for a few hours. I go there a few times a week and spend three or four hours sucking the men.”

“You really are a slut,” Jaina laughed. “What happened to my sweet, innocent fairy girl, who was afraid to play her class?”

“You showed me how much fun it was,” Gisley replied with a bashful smile. “And now I can't stop. I love hearing them tell me how amazing and beautiful I am.” With that, she turned to show them her back and the tattoo that marked her skin. The trunk of a tree ran down her spine, and in its bark was a knot hole with red lips and tongue inside. Gisley explained that this was the mark earned from the glory hole. Jaina had it as well, but Gisley's had a tongue inside the lips that she didn't have. It meant Gisley had a more advanced version of the mark, indicating she had pleasured many men.

“Goodness, how many does that signify?” Jaina asked.

“Something over three hundred,” Gisley replied with a bashful smile. “You get the tongue at one hundred. The lips turn gold at five hundred and a diamond color when you break a thousand.

“You have sucked over three hundred cocks?” Jaina scoffed. “I can’t believe how prolific you are. I thought I knew you.”

“It’s really not that many, and it’s not hard to do when you spend most of your days in the forest,” Gisley replied. “You and Evalynn are always busy while I spend a lot of time at my pond.”

“I suppose that's true,” Jaina agreed as she looked over the beautiful arrangement of tattoos that combined to create a picture of Gisley's activities. Frank made her shiver when he placed his cold, ghoulish hand on her back, tracing some of the images as he thought about them.

“I love the tattoos,” he said after a moment. “They compliment your beauty and add an air of magic to you all. I want Hannah to have them all, but only if she wants them.”

“Oh?” Jaina said as she turned to Frank. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“Not really,” Frank replied, meeting her gaze. “But Hannah is a special case. She is trying to be three or four different people while also trying to remember who she was before. I worry that I might push her into something she will regret when she remembers, and that will damage us.”

“I see,” Jaina nodded as she took what he said to heart. She hadn't considered how delicate Hannah's state might be. They all knew she was using the role of a slave girl to hide from the pain of not remembering her past. Hannah admitted using it as a distraction, but that's what made it safe. So long as they all understood the rules, nobody could get hurt, but Frank was thinking further ahead. Sooner or later, Hannah would wake up and remember who she was. She claimed her feelings wouldn't change, but Frank was obviously worried. It would destroy him if Hannah woke up and regretted what he had commanded her to do.

“Oh, Frank,” Jaina sighed and wrapped her arms around his cold gray body. “You really do care about her.”

“I love her,” Frank replied. “But love is odd here. It doesn’t work the same.”

“What do you mean?” Jaina asked as Gisley turned around to stare.

“I mean, a normal husband doesn’t want his wife to go to glory hole to earn a tattoo,” Frank said. “I do feel possessive of her and want to protect her. But at the same time, I love being a master, and I want to test her. Besides, I want to be fair, and if I am going to play with all the girls, then they have to be free to indulge a few men.”

Jaina nodded as Frank continued and explained that he had been trying to quantify what was different. In the end he felt it was their inability to become pregnant that mattered. Since there was literally no repercussion from having sex, it almost seemed silly to be so protective. It was just something fun to do, and he found the fantasy scenarios exciting.

“I really hadn’t thought about it like that,” Jaina said.

“I think he's right,” Gisley said. “The only reason I embraced this life so readily is because it's exciting and absolutely harmless. You can't get sick, or pregnant, or even hurt. Anal sex is just as clean as vaginal, and everything tastes good. Not to mention, everybody has a healthy, strong body and no odor. There is literally no good reason to be picky about who you sleep with. It's just something to do for fun and to share with somebody.”

“This is also true,” Jaina agreed. “Everybody is attractive, and you're right about the taste. I don't know if you have ever swallowed in the real world, but it's not very pleasant. For that matter, a girl's pussy doesn't taste like honey and cream, either. I was kind of shocked the first time I tried it.”

“You know what that tastes like from the real world?” Frank asked as Jaina smiled.

“Oh, Frank, there’s a reason I came here to play this role,” Jaina laughed. “I wanted to take what I had already done and run wild with it.” She leaned into him and ran a hand up his chest as he looked down at her chest. “You like big chests, don't you?”

“I love them,” Frank replied. “I would make Hannah’s bigger if I didn’t think she would get angry and use them to smother me in my sleep.”

Jaina and Gisley paused for a moment to look at one another before practically falling over laughing. She had tears in her eyes as she envisioned Hannah turning her chest into a weapon.

“I can see her doing that!” Jaina cried as she doubled over. She stumbled around as the three shared the moment, laughing until they were dizzy.

“My stomach hurts,” Gisley giggled. “That was the funniest thing I have ever heard.”

Jaina needed several minutes to recover before she could look Frank in the eye again. She asked if he liked Gwen’s size and he said that’s how big he wanted Hannah’s to be.

“Those are almost as big as her head,” Gisley said as she hefted her own breasts. “I guess I never wanted mine to be huge. Just big enough to press around a cock and stroke it.”

“Oh, has Hannah ever done that to you yet?” Jaina asked, causing Frank to nod.

“I love it when she does,” he said. “Honestly, I love it when she sucks me. She is so damn good at it, and the heat of her tongue and lips is amazing.”

“You do know she has Lilim powers to enhance oral sex, right?” Jaina asked, causing Frank to nod. Jaina was a little jealous of Hannah's extra little powers that allowed her to suck a man to the edge in seconds and then drive him wild. She could tell when they were close or falling away, forcing them to ride a roller coaster of devilish heat. Her tongue was so long she could wrap it around a cock and use it to stroke. More often than not, she used it to lick at a man's balls as she took his cock deep into her throat.

But what was probably her most powerful ability was prolonging an orgasm. If Hannah sucked or stroked a cock during orgasm, she could keep a man cumming. If she wanted, she could drag it out over several minutes until the man was certain every drop of fluid in his body had gone down Hannah’s throat. Hannah would share every second of the orgasm, enticing her to make them last as long as possible.

It was shocking to see how much cum Hannah could force a man to produce as he spurted again and again over several minutes. Of course, men like Roric and Frank loved prolonged orgasms and often sought Hannah for her oral skills alone. Poor Evalynn had been Roric's favorite for oral sex, but the elf woman couldn't compete with the fiery lips of a succubus queen.

“Her special abilities would be perfect for the glory hole,” Frank said.

“And nobody would ever know who it was,” Jaina said with a smile.

“Hmm,” Frank said as he looked around. “If I command her to go into the Lovewood and stay until she earns a new tattoo, do you think you two could meet her and show her the glory hole?”

Jaina loved the idea and assured him it would be their pleasure to introduce Hannah to the little temple. She asked him how far they should go and he suggested they try to get her to stay a few hours.

“I tell you what,” Frank said as he got up. “I don’t want you to force her to do anything. Just show her the possibility and encourage her to try. If she comes back excited enough to tell me what she did, I will make it her job from now on.”

“What do you mean, make it her job?” Jaina asked as her heart began to flutter.

“I mean, if Hannah tells me she loves to suck cock then I will command her to work the glory hole as often as possible. Maybe a few hours every day,” Frank replied.

Jaina could barely contain her excitement to hear that Hannah might be turned loose in the forest. A few days of those hot lips sucking at the glory hole would send rumors racing across the land. The temple and forest would see a lot more players, but that wasn’t what Jaina looked forward to most. Jaina wanted to lay her head on Hannah's tummy after a long day at work and feel the bulge of a woman well-fed succubus.

Sighing, she ran a hand down Frank's chest and smiled. It would be a shame to waste a perfectly good dream after all.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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