The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-18 A monster set loose

The shock caused Jaina to pull away, freeing the trapped woman. She sat on the edge of the bed as Gisley's character sheet winked away. Gisley tugged at the blankets to try and cover herself, so Roric helped her by tucking them firmly around the trembling fairy. Tears poured from her eyes, and she hid the sight behind her hands as she started to sob profusely.

“Gisley,” Jaina said softly and came to kneel before the crying woman. “Sweetheart, please tell me why this has you so upset?”

“Because it was an accident!: Gisley sobbed. “I didn't want to be a prostitute! I wanted to be a Prostilate! The two options were next to each other on the list, and I was so nervous when I made my character that I didn't realize I picked the wrong one. I didn't discover it until I was in New Eden, and then it was too late!”

“Oh, Gisley. I am so sorry,” Jaina sighed and leaned over to hug her.

“I don’t want to be a prostitute!” Gisley sobbed as she threw her arms around Jaina.

Jaina picked her up, careful to keep her wrapped in the blankets. She held the crying fairy tight, cradling her head as she rocked gently to help soothe her. She looked to Roric for support again, but he could only shake his head. There was nothing they could do for the woman except feel sorry for her.

“I don’t want to be a prostitute,” Gisley repeated as Jaina struggled to comfort her.

“Why don’t you just reset?” Jaina said.

“Did you see what level she is?” he asked.

“No, I was too shocked by the class to notice,” Jaina replied.

“She's level forty-six,” he replied. “She may even be evolved. That might be why she is a lunar fairy, not just a regular one. She would have to give up a ton of progress, and even then, I am still not sure it would work.”

“Oh, goodness,” Jaina sighed and kissed the top of Gisley’s head. “You poor thing.”

“I wanted to reset,” Gisley sobbed. “But I was so afraid to die. It isn’t as easy as some people say it is. I tried to get myself killed, but I was too scared to go through with it!”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Jaina cooed and rubbed her back as they rocked. “So you were forced to be a prostitute even though you didn’t like it.”

“No,” Gisley said and curled more tightly to Jaina. “I have never used it.”

“Never?” Roric balked. “How did you manage to get to such a high level then? The monsters here have to be worthless to you.”

“I can – I can earn experience by giving people good dreams,” she said between sobs. “I did some adventuring before, but people were always mean. So I came here and stayed at the inn where there would be plenty of people asleep at night.”

“You have been leveling by giving people at the inn good dreams?” Jiana asked in shock.

Gisley nodded and cried as she curled up into a little ball. It was all starting to make sense and explained why she stayed at an inn near spawn. It also explained why they had never seen her use anything but fairy powers. Her other skills were probably not well suited to combat or even adventuring, but why was she so interested in if Jaina was happy? All Jaina could think to do was lay down with the girl in her arms and let her cry it out. She stroked her back gently as the tears poured until finally, she began to sniffle softly.

“Sweetheart,” Jaina whispered as she stroked that lovely lavender hair. “Why were you so concerned if I was happy doing what I did?”

“Because I didn’t think I could ever be happy doing it,” Gisley replied. “Then I saw how happy you were doing it. You made me wonder if maybe I could be happy like you were.”

“As a prostitute?” Jaina asked as Gisley nodded. “Oh, you sweet fairy angel,” Jaina sighed. “That's why you keep watching and asking questions. You are searching for a way to be happy with your class.”

“Yes!” Gisley cried and started to sob again. “I wanted to play as a prostilate, but I picked the wrong class.”

“What was a prostilate?” Roric asked.

“An all-female order of priestesses that focus on healing, harmony, and love. I wanted to blend the fairy's soothing, protective powers with the priestess's love powers and be an avatar of love,” Gisley said and wiped at an eye.

“That kind of reminds of a sort of a cupid persona,” Roric said.

“That was sort of what I wanted,” Gisley replied. “Flying above people to bless them with happiness.”

“And instead, you ended up with a class that spends most of its time on her back,” Jaina said before kissing the top of her head. “

“I have been upset about it for so long. I was hoping you could show me how to be happy!” Gisley sobbed as Jaina rubbed her soothingly.

“Don’t be so sad,” Jaina urged as Roric came to the bed and started to stroke Gisley’s head.

“I feel bad for you, and I am sorry we drew it out this way,” Roric said as he used his claws to gently massage her scalp. “If it means anything to you, I think your idea was wonderful and selfless. You are as beautiful a person on the inside as you are outside. I am also impressed at how happy you appear despite carrying this tragedy around.”

“I try to be happy,” Gisley replied in a weak voice. “I thought I was going to be so happy here. I wanted to be a champion of love and harmony. I had it all planned out, but I was so nervous, and I made a simple mistake.”

“Shh,” Roric urged. “What can we do to help you?”

“I don’t know,” Gisley sobbed.

Roric took a long moment to think of an option, then remembered Gisley's secret place. He realized that there was no reason they had to stay at the inn, and if they left, now they could be in the woods with the tent up before midnight. Perhaps, she would find some comfort in her little pond, and they could talk about her issues.

“Evalynn should be free to leave the hall, so why don't we all go for a walk,” he said and picked up Gisley's dress. “That way, we can talk in private where no one will hear.” He handed the dress to Jaina and told her to meet him in the hall.

Jaina got Gisley dressed and sent her into the hall before turning to straighten the bed. On her way out, she stopped to use the peephole and smiled at the sight in the other room. Isanha was sitting on the edge of the bed, squeezing her breasts tight as a powerful lizard man rammed his cock between them. He held her head down, so the tip of his cock slid into her mouth in preparation for her eventual feeding.

“Oh, lucky girl,” Jaina sighed and left to join the others in the hall, where Roric was explaining the situation to Evalynn. They gathered their gear and together headed into the dark streets of the village. An hour later, Gisley was still wiping her eyes, but she was done sobbing and holding Jaina’s hand tightly.

“Where are we going?” Gisley asked as her mood started to level out.

“We are going to the forest so you can be alone with us and your thoughts,” Roric replied.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” Gisley asked.

“Why wouldn’t we be?” Roric asked.

“Because I have tried to get close to people before,” Gisley replied. “But people are so focused on money and levels. Everybody is looking for the easiest path, and once they find out how much my glitter sells for, they turn on me. They try to convince me to keep giving them glitter, not realizing it's the source of all my fairy powers.”

“It is?” Jaina asked.

Gisley nodded and explained she didn't have a mana pool; she had a glitter pool. She expended glitter with every spell, and it recovered slowly unless she was in the moonlight. On nights with full moons, her wings would produce glitter at no cost, but that was never fast enough for them.

“We would never make a demand of you like that,” Jaina said.

“And yet, we already do something very similar,” Roric said. “I exploit your class to make money by using you as a prostitute.”

“That’s completely different,” Jaina protested.

“Is it?” Roric scoffed. “You have an asset, and I use it to make money. It's exactly the same.”

“Except that you didn’t force it on me,” Jaina stated. “We discussed the offers, and I told you to go after the money and not pass them up. Also, I lose nothing in the transaction and gain experience from it.”

“Not to mention it is rather fun,” Evalynn added.

“Oh, are you missing your time earning your master some money?” Jaina asked with a smile. Evalynn cleared her throat before admitting she wouldn't mind doing it again and was hoping it would be soon.

“See,” Gisley sighed. “You two look forward to it. I wish I could feel like that.”

“Oh, love. You can’t compare yourself to us,” Jaina said. “A big reason why Evalynn and I enjoy it so much is because of Roric. We enjoy the thrills of him being our master and deciding when and with whom we have sex.”

“Do you like being told to do it?” Gisley asked.

“Well, I like being told, and Evalynn likes to be forced, but yes, we need Roric to take charge. One of my biggest fantasies is a loss of power to a man. I love his being able to order me to do things I wouldn’t normally do because it feels so good. There is a certain sensation that comes from being his slave that is hard to explain. It's like when you're afraid of something yet excited to do it. Kind of like the first time you ever rode a roller coaster. Only he keeps you riding in that sensation and mixes it with arousal for hours until you are so addicted to the feeling you would do anything to keep it. It's why I am naked everywhere I go, to keep that tension pumping through my veins.”

“It feels that exciting?” Gisley asked as she played with Jaina’s fingers.

“It’s hard to describe until you feel it,” Evalynn chimed in as they crested a hill under a sky full of stars. “And Jaina is right. The thrill can become very addictive. You hate when you finally come down and will do almost anything to return to it.”

“I notice people come back for you,” Gisley said and looked at Jaina. “I see them say thank you in the bar sometimes.”

“Of course they do,” Jaina laughed. “People don’t like to admit it, but they love prostitutes. We give men what they desperately want, and a good prostitute makes every man feel like he’s special to them.”

“That won't be hard for me to do. I have a skill that does that,” Gisley admitted. “I have all sorts of skills that increase pleasure in sex for my partner.”

“So all you need is the courage to start doing it,” Jaina said and squeezed her hand. “I will teach you if you really want to learn.”

“Hmmm,” Gisley said and looked back to the town that was just a series of lights in the distance. “I want to get to the pond faster. Will you let me carry you?”

“Carry us how?” Roric asked as Gisley started to smile. She threw out a hand a disc made of light and as clear as glass formed In the air. It floated effortlessly and was large enough for four people to sit on.

“Please get on,” Gisley said as she tilted her head to one side cutely.

“Ha, does she practice being cute?” Evalynn asked as they all sat on the floating disc

“She has a natural talent for it,” Roric said as he put an arm around Evalynn.

“Oh, I suspect we haven't seen cute yet,” Jaina said as they all turned to watch Gisley. Behind her, the moon suddenly moved, climbing high into the sky to shine like a beacon in the night. Silver glitter filled the air and spiraled around Gisley's form as she threw out her arms. Suddenly her dress was gone, and all she wore was a silver chain at her hips, holding up the sheerest of silver cloth. Something like shadows unfurled at her back, and suddenly wings of midnight black, blue, and purple spread out behind her.

“Oh!” Evalynn said as she covered her mouth. “Your description of her wings did them no justice.”

“How was I supposed to describe something as beautiful as that?” Jaina asked. “I have no context to compare it to.”

“She is amazingly beautiful,” Roric agreed.

“You three are very sweet,” Gisley said with a smirk as her eyes sparkled with purple light. “And I am so glad you know about me. It can be so lonely trying to hide what I am all the time.”

“We understand why you need to hide it,” Roric said. “None of us will ever betray your secret.”

“Good, then hold on tight and let me fly us the rest of the way,” Gisley said as her wings began to flutter. She lifted from the ground in a gentle sway before turning to race down the road. The magical disk immediately followed her, floating above the road in a smooth perfect balance. The moonlight struck Gisley's wings, causing them to trail spirals of silver glitter that drifted by as they passed.

“Oh, I feel so soothed by that,” Jaina said as the glitter collected in her hair. “It's like being in a dream; only you're still awake.”

“No wonder people fight over fairy glitter,” Evalynn said as she, too, felt the overwhelming sense of peace. “She is like a little factory of pleasant feelings.”

“And this dust is free because the moon is striking her wings,” Roric said. “No wonder she sneaks out at night, she can't use her wings where anyone will see them, and they are most powerful at night.”

“Too bad she can’t use them all the time,” Jaina said with a wicked smile. “The view from here is rather nice.”

They all looked to see that as Gisley flew level, her silver slips of cloth flapped in the breeze, making it easy to look between those silky legs to her hidden flower.

“Hey! No peeking!” Gisley cried as she overheard them and tried to cover herself with a hand.

Jaina burst out laughing and reminded the girl that they had just been making love an hour ago, and Roric had witnessed some of it. Evalynn was the only one who hadn't yet seen those lovely petals, so there was no point in trying to hide it now.

Gisley relented and took her hand away as Jaina told them how her folds were full of tasty glitter. The others couldn't help but try to see it; however, there was so much glitter in the air it was impossible to tell.

Gisley carried them at great speed into the distant forest and down the narrow paths as moonlight streamed through the dark canopy above. It wasn't long before she pulled up at the shore of a little pond as the sounds of frogs and crickets filled the air. She intentionally chose a clear area to one side and allowed them to climb off before dismissing the disc.

“Here we are,” Gisley said as she fluttered near the water’s edge.

“That is a wonderful way to travel,” Jaina said with a pleased smile and slowly approached Gisley to take her hands. “Thank you for bringing us here.”

“Thank you for being my friend,” Gisley replied and leaned in to give Jaina a little kiss. Jaina used her grip on the woman's hands to pull her in, forcing the kiss to go on and on. When she let Gisley free, the woman fluttered off with a musical giggle that melted the heart just to hear it.

“I am in love with that woman,” Jaina said as Evalynn came to her side.

“Who wouldn’t be after hearing that laugh?” Evalynn said. “I just want to hold her in my arms and smell the scent of her hair.”

“It has a sort of lilac smell,” Jaina replied.

“I am very jealous of you,” Evalynn complained as Gisley fluttered just a step above the water, going through a spiraling dance as she spread her glitter. Somehow the landscape around them seemed sharper and more full of color as fireflies shone brighter, and the shadows had sharper contrast. Despite the trees, the moonlight seemed to fill the air, illuminating night flowers that suddenly began to bloom.

“She is enchanting the forest around her,” Evalynn said in surprise. “If her dust can do this, it would cause a mad demand for her power.”

“Then we keep this to ourselves,” Roric said as he pulled the cord on the magic tent. It folded out and rose into the air, becoming a massive structure in seconds. He tied it off and joined the woman at the shore to watch Gisley dance with a slow spiraling grace as silver glitter came away in waves.

“Why don't you and I take our armor off,” Roric suggested to Evalynn, and the two went back to the tent. They returned a few minutes later to find Jaina sitting on the grass as Gisley continued to dance, the forest becoming more and more magical with every passing second. The moonlight itself became visible silver rays that sparkled with light and danced on dew drops that appeared on every spider web.

Roric sat between them and put an arm around each of his pets as Gisley paused and looked rather sad.

“Is something wrong, sweetheart?” Jaina asked.

“I can’t use most of my power,” Gisley replied and reached up to the slave collar around her neck. “It’s blocking me.”

“It's part of the trade-off to be a slave,” Jaina said. “You get all the wonderful bonuses to sex, but you lose access to most of your primary class. Since you're so high level, you should be capped out at about five on the fairy class.

Gisley brought up her character sheet and confirmed she was stuck at level five and then looked sad again.

“You don’t want to take it off, do you?” Jaina asked.

“I,” Gisley began and fluttered to them and ran a hand over the collar. “I like it,” she replied and chewed her lip. “It felt good to make love with it on, and I like belonging to someone.”

“The curse of the collar,” Jaina laughed and knelt up to take one of Gisley's hands. “It's hard to give it up once you have had a taste of its delights. That's why that woman took my place tonight. She tasted the collar and was so hungry to have it again; she was willing to fuck all those men for Roric.”

“But you and Evalynn aren’t wearing one,” Gisley pointed out.

“I only have two collars,” Roric explained. “That woman is wearing one, and you have the other.”

“Do you want me to give it back?” Gisley asked as she reached up to take it off.

“I have a better idea,” Roric said and held a hand up to stop her. “Why don’t you keep it on just for tonight and let us all make love you to until morning.”

“All of you?” Gisley asked as her antenna went straight up, and her eyes turned as purple as her darkening cheeks.

“I will pay you ten gold for each of us,” Roric said as he tested the fairy.

“You will pay me?” Gisley asked and looked to Jaina before touching the collar again. “I know you should pay me because I am a prostitute, but aren't I your slave too? Doesn't that mean I would have to give the money back to you?”

“It does,” Roric said and stood up to look her in the eyes. “But, I need you to tell me that you want to keep that collar on. If you do, I am taking you as a slave girl, and you will put those prostitute skills to use.”

“You would command me to do it?” Gisley asked.

“You will do it tomorrow night,” Roric said in a commanding tone. “Now, are you ready to be my slave and a prostitute?”

Gisley looked lost until Jaina tugged at her hand and pulled her gently to her knees. Gisley was face to face with Roric's groin, and Jaina sat up to stroke his sheath.

“Open those fairy lips and show your master that you belong to him,” Jaina said.

Gisley looked up to meet Rorics gaze as her gentle mouth slowly opened. Jaina stroked a few inches of his cock free of the sheath, and Gisley sucked him in.

“Good girl,” Jaina said softly as she stroked Gisley’s arm. “You're a slave now, and you will spend the rest of your days with us. You sleep in our room, and you share our bed after you are done fucking all the customers for the night.

Gisley moaned as Roric put a hand to the back of her head and guided her lustful strokes. He was about to speak when a cloud of glowing pink hearts danced above Gisley’s head. He suddenly let a deep low groan as his head went back in pleasure.

[lvl 5 Prostitute skill: Lavishing tongue] You use your tongue to deliver instant and rewarding pleasure to a target's sex organs. This sensation is akin to a long slow orgasm.”

“Goodness!” Jaina cried. “I wish I had that skill.”

Suddenly Gisley picked up the pace, sucking Roric's lengthy cock deep into her throat with ease. She looked up with her magical eyes to see he had his closed, lost in the throws of pleasure she was delivering. She wanted to giggle, but her mouth was too busy, so she focused on the task at hand.

For so long, she had tried to bring herself to put her class to use but was afraid of what it would mean. This wasn't what she wanted to be but was it really so bad? Jaina was right, people loved her for being a prostitute, and they complimented her on the streets. Gisley wondered if maybe she could share just as much love and happiness as she originally planned, just in a different way. Roric moaned and finally looked down to meet her gaze, and she just couldn't help herself.

[Lvl 11 Prostitute skill: Pleading look] Give your partner a look that begs them to take you and drives them wild with desire.

Roric immediately reacted, guiding her head with a firm grip as she bobbed on his cock. She could tell he wanted this badly now, and she felt such a thrill to know she was doing it. Was this the sensation Jaina and Evalynn were talking about? This feeling that Roric was going to have her no matter what? Her heart was beating faster as the feeling of his cock stretching her throat made her hungry.

She realized that out of shame of her class; she had forsaken sex except to occasionally masturbate when she was alone. Now she was on fire with a need to feel the power that could only come from sex with a slave collar on. Jaina had given her just enough of a taste that she craved to know more, and now Roric was eyeing her flesh hungrily. She wanted this moment to last longer, so she reached into the sex slave skills and activated prolong.

[lvl 11 Sex slave skill: Prolong] Slow the onset of your partner's orgasm, keeping them right at the edge for far longer than they would normally be able to bare. Women have significantly longer orgasms, and men never lose their erections during this period.

Now that she knew he wouldn't come, she attacked him with lavishing tongue, driving him wild as her lips slid down his glittered cock. He lost control and grabbed her head with both hands as he started to thrust. Jaina and Evalynn looked on in shock as he fucked poor Gisley's face nearly as fiercely as he did their pussies.

He pulled away with a primal roar and yanked the girl up to stand before him. Without a word, he spun her around and grabbed her hips as Jaina quickly ran forward. She took Gisly into a hug, holding her steady as Roric positioned himself and shoved his way into those glittery folds.

Gisley felt her feet come off the ground as he forced his way in. A lump larger than her fist hit her tender pussy and lifted her up. She swung her feet in the air as Roric tightened his grip on her waist and pushed down. She went to scream as her pussy stretched, but Jaina was there to kiss her. Their lips came together as Gisley's body was forced to accept an already fully swollen knot. Then, with a jarring plunk, her body gave way, and she dropped enough that she was on her toes. Gisley was cradled to Jaina's chest as Roric burst into a brutal assault, hammering her tender pussy with wild lust.

Silver dust wafted from her wings as they fluttered helplessly in the brutal sex. Gisley was grateful for Jaina's chest and held on for dear life as her body was lit on fire. No one had ever taken her like this, and the shock and fear drove her to new levels of arousal. Soon all that mattered was the punishment going on below, and she started to smile with every moan.

Gisley realized that this was the feeling they were talking about. The moment where fear and arousal balance out and that tension inside makes you hyper-aware of the pleasure.

“Oh, this pussy is so warm and silky,” Roric said as he threw his head back. “I will make a fortune selling her sex. Show me more of your skills,” Roric demanded between growls. “I want to know how much I should charge to let men fuck you.”

Gisley's tension soared to terrible heights to hear him say she would be fucking men for him. Then her body began to tingle and shake as an orgasm suddenly raced up out of nowhere. She cried out in gasping pleasure, the smile on her face showing how lost to it she was. Jaina's chest muffled her screams as the pounding went on and on. She wanted to show him just what she could do, so she triggered one of her powers as her hips rolled and her body twisted like a snake.

[lvl 6 Prostitute skill: Writhe] Your body twists and shakes sensuously, greatly increasing pleasure for you and your partner.

Roric really liked that one as he groaned during her little dance. Great strings of glittery goo were dropping from her silken pussy as her wet and wild skill made her extra wet.

[lvl 3 Prostitute skill: Wet and Wild] Passive: Your body is always soaked and ready for sex and gets extra wet during actual use.

“What else can you do?” Roric demanded as he hammered away.

Gisley was crying in rapid screams into hot breasts when she activated squeeze.

[lvl 13 prostitute skill: Squeeze] You squeeze your holes firmly and can hold them this way for minutes at a time. This greatly increases contact with your partner and improves the rate of orgasms for you.

“She's tight as a virgin,” Roric cried as he gripped her hips firmly. Her breast and wings were flapping wildly as brutal thrusts jarred her delicate body. A second orgasm built up in a few thrusts and came rushing out, sending her body into a trembling spasm. Glittery goo sprayed out between her legs as she danced at the tips of her toes. The collar was making them come fast and hard, each orgasm growing in strength. To help it along, she activated yet another power as Roric nearly lost control.

[lvl 31 Prostitute skill: Rolling suction] Your pussy rolls in a vibrating suction, allowing you to bring a man to orgasm without having to move. The motion will draw them in deeper, inviting them to fill your womb.

Roric suddenly groaned as his body was drawn into Gisley's hot flesh. He froze, teetering on the edge of an orgasm he still couldn't have, as Gisley took over and started to rock her hips.

“Oh my!” Evalynn said as she flushed. “The girl is very good at this.”

Gisley was in charge now, riding that long bestial cock and sucking it in with her powers. Seconds later, she had her third incredible orgasm but wasn't content. She needed more to make up for years of pretending to be nothing but a simple barmaid. Eager to show off, she took a hand and kissed the tips of her fingers before reaching down and plunging it between Jaina's legs.

Jaina threw her head back and cried out as her body came hard at the slightest touch of the little fairy.

[Lvl 43 Prostitute skill: Touch of Release] Kiss the tips of your fingers, then use them to stroke or man or fondle a woman. Causes the target to orgasm in seconds and to keep doing so until you remove your hand or a full minute goes by.

Then something Gisley hadn't counted on happened as the collar's power reflected the orgasm back. Gisley was suddenly in full orgasm with Jaina, the power of which would last a full minute if Gisley had the strength to endure it, so she gritted her teeth and pushed on. Jaina was so overcome by an orgasm that wouldn't end she started the woman's head and begged her to stop.

Gisley kept rubbing as she rocked her hips aggressively on Roric. Both partners were lost at the edges of pleasure, their voices desperate groans as Gisley dragged it out. Neither one could pull away as the woman made them suffer in ecstasy, using her powers to drive them wild.

“Gisley, please,” Roric groaned. “Whatever you're doing to keep me here, stop it.”

Gisley smiled and moaned in an endless orgasm, her body so wet it ran down her thighs to her ankles. She heard her master's plea through the haze and decided to take mercy on him by activating another of her many skills.

[lvl 10 Prostitute skill: Finish him] Bring a man who has been inside you for at least a minute to orgasm instantly]

Roric jumped as his orgasm was not only turned free but forced out. It thundered with power as Gisley continued to ride him with a tight, devouring pussy, making every pass of her body pure heaven. Jaina was still crying out from the rub going on between her legs when suddenly Gisley was sharing Roric's orgasm too. A second orgasm exploded over the top of the first, and the fairy lost control. She bolted out of Jaina's chest and stood straight up on her toes. She sang one long beautiful note as her body shook in an orgasm that threatened to black her out.

Jaina fell away, her chest heaving as Gisley stood on her toes like a ballerina. Her beautiful wings were flared out wide as she jumped in little shocks, the orgasm so intense she couldn't move. Roric's white gift mixed with fairy goo poured out of her swollen pussy. A moment later, she practically collapsed, and Roric had to catch her and set them both down until the knot came out.

Jaina lay on the grass panting as Roric cradled the exhausted fairy to his chest, careful of her wings. Evalynn looked on in shock, wondering what had happened. It started with Roric and Jaina tormenting the poor fairy, but by the end, Gisley was doing the tormenting. Nobody said a word until a few minutes later, Roric's knot came out with a plop, and Gisley began to drain.

“Goodness, you're wet,” Jaina laughed as she hungrily looked at that abused pussy. “I can't wait to taste a fresh fucked fairy fruit.”

“Hmm,” Gisley said as she stretched in Roric’s arms. “I would like that, but on one condition.”

“And what is that?” Jaina asked.

Gisley looked at Evalynn with a wicked smile and then turned to Roric. “Order her to give herself to me for the next hour. I want to give her dozens of orgasms, even without the collar. Jaina can eat my pussy while I work, drinking up every orgasm as I share them.”

“Oh, I like this idea,” Jaina said excitedly.

“A whole hour?” Evalynn gasped in genuine fear. “I won’t last that long under the care of that orgasm monster!”

I thought you were already mine,” Roric said as he reached up to brush her cheek.

“I just wanted some sex,” Gisley replied and looked deep into Roric's eyes. “But you do this for me, and I will wear your collar from now on. You can sell my body to whoever you wish and I will make you all the money in the world.

“Evalynn!” Roric shouted and doomed the women to an hour of relentless pleasure at the hands of the sex fairy.



New Eden Game Mechanics-- Slavery

Slavery in New Eden is accomplished in several ways. The primary means is for a player to be a class slave master class. These come in various varieties and are allowed varying numbers of slaves. All slave master classes have one thing in common and that is the slave collar. The vast majority of slave master classes can summon the slave collar. However, more advanced versions of the collar are available, but have not yet been introduced to the world.

Types of Collar

  • Slave Collar

  • Advanced Slave Collar

  • Masters collar

The slave collar

  • Earned at level 1 with additional collars available at certain levels or with points.

  • Primary class completely over written. Racial classes severely restricted.

Starting at level one to ten depending on the class, the master can summon a magical slave collar. Any person who puts this collar around their neck automatically replaces their primary class with that of a bonded slave. This is why the slave collar was enticing to Heather the Necromancer because it effectively freed her of her cursed class.

If the primary class is also a racial class the rate of replacement is different. In the case of a racial class the race retains 1 level out of every 10 rounded up. Thus if a level 10 morphic puts on a slave collar they instantly become a level 9 bonded slave, and a level 1 Morphic. These two classes are now “linked” as far as level is concerned so that if the player gains one more level. (11 in total) the player would become a level 9 bonded slave and a level 2 morphic. All the levels after that point would apply to the slave class until level 21 at which point they would become a level 3 morphic.

This restriction can also be raised by spending skill points on the collar skill. For every point spent on the collar skill the slave has access to one level of their primary class. At 10 points the master can summon an additional collar. The skill cannot be raised higher than 10.

The advanced slave collar.

  • Earned when a slave master reaches level 50 

  • Primary class overwrite is optional based on the masters decision. This decision can be changed on a whim. Regardless the slaves primary class will always be ten levels lower than the master.

Some slave master classes can create an advanced collar once they reach level 50. This new collar functions like a spell and is used to upgrade an already locked standard collar. In the new collar the master can choose just how restricted the players primary class or race is. This allows the master to divide the levels how they see fit, but the slave’s old primary class must always be ten levels lower than her master.

The Masters collar

  • Special in game reward. Earned by completing a quest.

  • Allows full and equal access to the slave class as well as the original primary class.

Highly prized by slave owners. This collar grants all the rewards of being a slave while also allowing full access to the players original class. The player effectively has three classes from now, or four if they are a chosen. The new slave class is automatically the same level as the primary class and has the added benefit of awarding additional skill points.

Types of Slave:

  • Sex slave

  • household slave

  • bondage slave

Authors note: I originally intended for their to be six varieties of slave to fill various roles. These would be subclasses of the bonded slave that the master would assign to the newly collared slave. Each variety would earn skills unique to their role. For example in the Heather story line Maline has a small group of maids that attended her at all times. These were household slaves and the little black chokers they wore were their collars. I wanted to flesh out a system where slaves of various skills could fill all sorts of roles, but I quickly ran into trouble with readers who hated the slavery system in Heather. As such I abandoned even talking about any roles except the sex slave as that one was already established. I had considered a type of slave that was so bonded to her master that the two could switch bodies, and another type where they forcefully switched roles at every full moon. Thus the master would become the slave and they could continue the fun. I briefly considered a pain slut as a slave type but I knew my Heather readers would object strongly.

As such this section of my world has never been fully fleshed out and I am not sure it will be. However if you have any unique slave ideas I would love to hear it. I might just include it in the Jaina line.

How to collar a slave.

A slave collar will not lock on a person who hasn’t agreed to wear it. If they person’s agreement is gained under threat the system will detect it and refuse to allow it to lock. The player must wholeheartedly agree to the collar, before it close about their neck. This collar is unlocked and can be easily removed and handed off to another to wear for awhile. The vast majority of players do it this way, going no further than enjoying the benefits of the collar. However, there is a way to lock it permanently.

To lock a collar for good, the slave master must hold the collar up before the slave and cast a spell on it that readies the collar for use. The collar will glow with a red light once it is charged and then it must be handed to the slave. The slave must accept the collar and put it around their own neck, closing the clasp and starting a countdown. In five days the collar locks for good, sealing to the slaves skin forever more. This gives the slave time to change their mind and removed the collar before it locks. If they do the countdown ends and they must ask the master to start the process over.

Masters earn 5% more XP from a locked slave, and can detect the location and general well being of their slave at all times. If a slave is ever under threat or being harmed the master will know it instantly and be able to cast masters defense on them, even if they can’t see them. Locked slaves can be given special permission to leave the vicinity of their masters, and be away for up to 48 hours. No matter how far they go, the master will always be able to find them, and feel their general disposition.

Special slave rules:

All slaves regardless of collar state feel a need to be close to their master. The master can set this range but by default a slave will go no further than 100 meters from her master. Once they go beyond this range they slowly start to feel a need to return to the master and beg them for forgiveness for going so far. This urge can become overwhelming to the point of causing screaming fits if the slave is somehow prevented from returning. A master will know immediately if a slave is being prevented from returning and roughly in what direction the slave is.

Most masters have special buffs and protections that can only be cast on somebody wearing one of their collars.

Masters command. Anyone wearing a slave collar will feel an intense desire to obey any order given by their master. Even an unlocked collar will convey this need though a strong willed person can still rip the collar from their neck to avoid answering it.

Masters preference: All masters can not only use the character sheets of their slaves to spend their skill points, but they have a special interface that allows them to make cosmetic adjustments. They can change hair color and style, alter skin complexion, add makeup, increase breast size, slim waists, and alter the fullness of a butt. They can even alter eye color and add tattoos. If the slave has extra features like wings or horns they can often make slight modifications to these as well. The slave instantly changes back if the collar is removed but the preferences are saved in the collar. If the collar is put back on, all the changes return.

The conditioning of the collar: The collar has a built in conditioning system that slowly alters a players perspective. Once put on it will force a player to question what they are doing over the next four to five days. This is to help prevent people who aren’t fully committed to the idea from being locked in the collar. If the collar is still worn after five days even if it isn’t locked the slave will slowly start to feel more inclined to fill their role. A household slave will find joy in sweeping or serving tea, a sex slave will start to feel desire to have sex, particularly with somebody they love.  This process is very slow in an unlocked collar, but becomes much faster in a locked one.

The safety of slaves

Slaves are heavily protected by the system in New Eden and as such mistreating one can be a seriously risky affair. Masters are awarded bonus experience and buffs if a locked slave is happily serving. The more happy slaves he has the greater the rewards.

However, is a slave is unhappy they suffer a small penalty to encourage them to do something about the slave’s mental state. If a slave becomes miserable about being a slave, even for a short period of time the collar will simply unlock and fall off.

Abusing a slave, ordering them to commit self harm, or intentionally sending them to be harmed by others is a terrible crime. Ordering a slave to kill itself will result in a near instantaneous response. This usually results in the collar instantly unlocking and falling off, freeing the slave of the her master.

If for some reason the master has placed the slave in a state were escape is difficult or even impossible the world will intervene. This places the slave in a glowing ball of light and removes the collar. Any and all restraining devices will unlock or even vanish if necessary freeing the slave. Any lock or door the slave approaches under this effect will magically open and bridges, stairs, or ladders of light will appear to carry them over obstacles. In extreme cases where a slave has been magically put in a room with no exits a portal will appear on the wall to carry them to the nearest safe spawn.

While in this state the slave is immortal, will feel no harm and can cross any danger even things like lava or hellfire. They cannot be attacked or hindered in any way and attempting to do will result in an instant death smite followed by a full 24 hour respawn wait. The buff will remain in effect until the slave is safely away from her old master, at which point they will be healed, buffed and awarded a special chest that appears at their feet. This chest contains everything they need for whatever their primary class is.

A master is often not judged too harshly for a first offense of this nature but they receive a mark of shame on their character sheet. After a full year of careful care of further slaves the mark is removed. If the master earns a second mark they might loose the ability to take slave for a full year. If they reach three marks they will be struck dead, given a week respawn to allow all their slaves time to flee to new areas, and the master will be reset. They will discover that they no longer have access to slave master classes and will never be able to own a slave again.

The collars curse

This is a condition players refer to as the call of the collar or the wicked kiss. It is more prevalent in sex slaves who after tasting the pleasure of sex with the collar on become almost addicted to it. A slave who tastes this forbidden delight but then ceases to be a slave might feel a deep need or desire to experience it again. This often leads to a kind of withdrawal where they just want to experience it again. This curse often brings previous slaves crawling back to find new masters, sometimes even seeking out the slave markets and selling themselves.

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