The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-19 A sexy little dream

Gisley lay on her stomach between Jaina and Roric with her character sheet open. At the foot of the bed lay an exhausted Evalynn, whose body was still trying to recover from the assault of the horny fairy.

“No wonder you are so good at this,” Roric said as he poked through her skills. “The prostitute is all about satisfying her partner in sex.”

“It's like a better version of the sex slave,” Jaina said and pointed to one of Gisley's skills. “She has a ton of passives that make sex better.”

“And she has some of the same skills as you,” Roric added. “She has erotic dance, so maybe she should be dancing with you.”

“So my skills are good?” Gisley asked innocently.

“Good?” Jaina laughed as she stroked Gisley’s back. “Sweetheart, I am jealous of some of these skills. You can make somebody orgasm just by touching them.”

“And she can keep them in that state for a full minute,” Roric added.

“How does that work for a man?” Jaina asked.

“I don’t want to find out,” Roric replied honestly.

“So my class is good at seducing men, but her class is all about the sex afterward,” Jaina said.

“It would appear so,” Roric said and tapped open one of her skills. “Is this what you used to keep me from having an orgasm?” Gisley nodded as he read the description for prolong and then swatted her rear “Bad girl,” he laughed. “I was going wild trying to reach that climax.”

“So you can teach me to be a prostitute?” Gisley asked.

“Teach you?” Jaina balked and used a nail to trace a curving line up the girl's spine. “Sweetheart, you’re better at it than I am. You just need the confidence to do it. Once people hear about how good sex with you is, they will be lining up to pay you.”

“And paying a premium price,” Roric added and then had another thought. “I wonder if it will anger Alexandria that we snatched Gisley right from under her nose?”

“Ha! I hadn't thought of that,” Jaina laughed. “Oh, she will be furious when she finds out Gisley is a skilled prostitute, and you have her.”

“More reason why it might be time to leave the area and head in,” Roric suggested and put a hand to Gisley’s rear. “I want to make sure this sweet little treat is safe.”

“Stop it,” Gisley giggled. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“Oh, is our sweet little sex fairy starting to feel the excitement?” Jaina teased. “Soon, that saucy fairy body will be pounded by every man for a thousand miles.”

“So, I'm a sex fairy now?” she asked with an innocent smile.

“I think that's a good name for you,” Jaina said as she stroked the woman's soft skin. Then, she let out a yawn and put her head down as she began to think of sleep.

“Are you too tired?” Gisley asked as the two of them got more comfortable.

“It is late,” Roric admitted. “And I still haven’t heard you sing. I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Or,” Gisley said as he played with her rear. “I could give you a good dream.”

“A dream?” Roric asked as Gisley got up and dismissed her character sheet.

“Just trust me,” she said and held up her cupped hands to blow silver dust over the three people. “Now go to sleep.”

Jaina opened her eyes to find they were floating down a stream of dark water in what appeared to be a giant leaf. To either side of this gentle stream were towering mushrooms and long-stemmed reeds capped by silver bells. The sky above was full of stars, their image reflecting in the dark water. All around were flashes and lights in various colors like fireflies in the distance.

“Where are we?” Roric asked as he helped Evalynn stand on the funny boat.

“I don't know, but it's very pretty,” Jaina said and looked into the water. “It's like we're surrounded by stars.

“Did Gisley do this to us?” Evalynn asked as she looked all around at the lovely fey-like landscape.

Suddenly they heard a voice drifting on the wind, carrying the caress of a lover's kiss. It struck them as a beautiful harmony, tearing at the soul and stirring the heart. Then they saw the silver glow as a dark butterfly goddess flew into view.

“Gisley?” Jaina said in awe as the woman fluttered across the water, singing her silver tune. She alighted on the leaf's stem, standing with ease even as the boat rocked gently. She was dressed only in a silver lion cloth so sheer it was easy to see through, and the moonlight highlighted her gentle bud. She kept singing as she waved her arms, gently spreading her silver dust over their heads.

“She has a voice like a goddess,” Evalynn said as she leaned into Roric.

“I had no idea a song could be so beautiful,” Roric replied and put his arm around his two slaves. “Maybe we should have her sing instead.” They listened to the song a few minutes more until Jaina finally asked how she was doing this.

“I can give people good dreams,” Gisley said as she jumped to flutter into the leaf. She walked directly to Roric as her wings melted away and leaned into his chest while staring into his eyes. Her playful smile was only matched by the magic sparkle in her eye as she looked deep into his. “I’m not usually in them, but I can be if I want to.”

“So you wanted to be in this one?” Roric asked.

Gisley nodded and laid her head on his chest as she ran fingers through his hair. “You are as soft as I always imagined.”

“So what happens in these dreams if you aren’t in them?” Evalynn asked.

“People dream of love,” Gisley replied. “They will see a soothing magical place like this, and whoever their heart is set on will appear. They will spend the time locked in passionate love as they enjoy one another. Then they wake up and remember the experience vividly.”

“So why aren’t we each in our own dream?” Roric asked.

“I can walk through dreams and create one of my own,” Gisley replied. “So I spun a dream and pulled you all into it. I am really laying on Roric's chest, concentrating on being here. I had to take the collar off first. The power that does this is high level.”

“That’s perfectly fine,” Roric said as she rubbed her cheek against him. “You don’t’ have to wear it all the time. I will get you a normal one to wear when you want to use your powers.”

“Thank you,” Gisley replied with a sigh. “I always wanted to use this power to do nice things for people.”

“But you don’t do it?” Roric asked.

“Oh, I do it all the time,” Gisley replied. “This is how I leveled so high. I get experience from giving people good dreams, so I worked at the inn where there would always be plenty of guests. I send all of them to wonderful places every night.”

“Wait. You had to sprinkle us with your dust to bring us here. Do you sneak into all their rooms after they go to sleep?” Jaina asked.

“No,” Gisley said with a smile growing wide and mischievous. “I change the bed linens daily, so I sprinkle a little fairy dust on their pillows. I can sense whose sleeping even from out in the forest. Then I use my power to influence their dreams to be pleasant.”

“That explains how you got to such a high level out here,” Roric said with a rub at the woman’s head. “You have been sprinkling dust on people's pillows for a while now, haven't you?”

“I have, especially yours,” Gisley admitted and then looked up. “And I am glad I did. When I influence a dream, I have no say in what the dreamer sees unless I project myself into it. But I can meditate and see people's dreams if I want to. I have watched yours several times, and you dream about how much you love Jaina a lot.”

“Aww,” Jaina said and rubbed Gisley’s back. “He’s such a sweetheart.”

“He is very much in love with you, and now I see Evalynn in his dreams as well. He isn't as in love with her, but I can tell he hopes to be,” Gisley added.

Evalynn looked up at him with a smile as he put his head against hers.

“I told you I wanted us to love each other,” he said. “I meant those words, and I want you to love me as Jaina does.”

“I want that too,” Evalynn admitted and closed her eyes as he pulled her tighter. “You make it so easy to do. Please never let me go free.”

“You're mine forever,” he whispered and kissed the top of her head.

“So, does this mean you will want to love me?” Gisley asked as she watched the tender display.

“Absolutely,” Jaina replied. “It takes some time and effort, but to be happy as a slave, you have to love your master.”

“You also have to be honest with yourself,” Roric added. “You have to decide that this is what you want, and then let go so I can command you.”

“It is what I want,” Gisley answered and rubbed at his fur. “But I need you to command me like you do, Jaina. You have to tell me to be a prostitute. I can't do it myself.”

“Aww, this moment is so sweet,” Jaina said and leaned over to gently kiss one of the bulbs at the end of Gisley's antenna.

“Tee he he!” Gisley squealed and danced back on her toes as her wings fluttered in excitement.

“That giggle!” Evalynn laughed. “It is the happiest sound in the world.”

“Goodness, those must be sensitive,” Jaina said as Gisley's eyes sparkled with yellow light.

“Oh, they are,” Gisley insisted with wide eyes as she wiggled the two buds. “They help me see in the dark, and I can hear other fairies talking with them.”

“Do you encounter other Fairies often?” Roric asked.

“No. Most of them travel toward the fey areas and vanish into the woods,” Gisley admitted.

“And why didn’t you do that?” Roric pressed.

“Because almost nobody there needs to sleep, and my powers would have been useless,” Gisley replied with a sad note.

“So you stayed close to the races that need to sleep regularly,” Roric replied and had another thought. “Hey, you said you could bless people with good dreams by sprinkling their pillow with your dust?”

“That’s right,” Gisley replied.

“And are their people sleeping on your dust right now?” he asked as she nodded to let him know they were.

“What are you getting at?” Jaina asked.

“I was just wondering if since she had brought us all into a dream together, could she bring us into somebody else's dream?” Roric replied.

“I guess so,” Gisley said and stepped back. “Why?”

“I was thinking this might be a great way for you to practice,” Roric said and smiled his strange canine smile. “Bring us into a dream and hide us someplace where we can watch. Then you go to the dreamer and give them a good dream with yourself.”

“You want me to have sex with them?” Gisley asked.

“It's what prostitutes do,” Roric said. “Only you can do it in people's dreams.”

“A dream prostitute,” Jaina said as she thought it out. “I wonder if you could sell her services like that?”

“I bet we could,” Roric said as he thought about it some more. “People have to pay for a room, and if they want a visit from the sex fairy, they pay extra, then she comes to them in their dreams.”

“So they get to watch and bang Jaina, then go to bed to bang Gisley,” Evalynn said.

“Yeah, we could rake in the cash,” Roric replied.

“I feel very left out of this,” Evalynn replied sourly.

“Oh, the poor dear is right,” Jaina insisted. “She needs a sex role too.”

“I can help with that,” Gisley replied and looked at Evalynn with a smile. “I can plant you into other people's dreams so you can play too.”

“You can do that?” Roric asked.

Gisley nodded and explained that so long as both parties were under the influence of her dust and not too far away, she could easily pull people into and out of each other's dreams.

“We could offer people a menu,” Jaina laughed. “Let them pick which one of your girls they want a visit from in their dreams.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he thought it out. “I think all three of you should start dancing. Then we offer customers a few hours to try your bodies directly followed by the dream service at night.”

“You’re not afraid to have Evalynn out of her armor?” Jaina asked.

“No,” Roric replied with a shake of his head. “The townspeople love us, and even she isn't stupid enough to pick a fight in an inn full of people there to worship you.”

“Not to mention we have the super-powerful giggly now,” Jaina teased.

“A perfect name for her,” Evalynn laughed. “People would pay just to kiss those buds and hear that magical laugh.”

“I want to try this,” Roric said as he looked at Gisley. “Can you take us into somebodies dream?”

“I know exactly the dream we need to go into,” Jaina said and dislodged herself from Roric’s side. She took Gisley to the end of the leaf boat to whisper in her ear as the woman smiled.

“He’s at the inn,” Gisley said with a nod. “And he is sleeping.”

“Good, now can you set the dream exactly how I described it?” Jaina asked.

“Ahuh,” Gisley said before smiling wickedly at Evalynn.

“Wait a minute!” Evalynn cried. “Why is she looking at me like that?”

Suddenly the dream changed, and they were in what appeared to be a dungeon room with torches flickering on the walls. Roric, Jaina, and Gisley were hidden in the deep shadows of one corner as they watched poor Evalynn.

She was wearing but a faint slip of white cloth that hung loosely from her chest and barely reached her groin. Her hands were cuffed and chained to the ceiling so that she had to hold them over her head. She looked around in alarm to find the others when a shadow appeared in the doorway.

In walked the lizardman from the inn, and right away, his gaze went to Evalynn. The elf woman let out a cry and pulled on the chains as the bestial monster headed her way.

“What if he sees us?” Jaina whispered as the lizardman wrapped a hand around Evalynn’s throat before using the other to tear her slip of a dress away.

“He can't,” Gisley replied. “We are here like ghosts. Only Evalynn is solid.”

They watched as the lizardman produced a broad flat tongue and slid over the side of Evalynn's face. She cried out as he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them roughly before giving them some firm licks. His hands then went down her sides to cup her perfectly curved rear before hoisting her up with ease. Her legs went wide as he lifted her passion fruit to his teeth filled maw and that tongue went between her legs.

Her hands grabbed her chains as she pulled herself up high enough to arch her back while the lizardman feasted on her body. They watched as that huge tongue tasted her entire pussy in a single pass, driving her wild and causing her to jump. It went on like this for several minutes until, at last, she heaved for breath and came to his ravenous feeding. He held her a little longer to gather up her elvish nectar, then let her drop to dangle from her wrists again. She held her head down, panting as he reached low to dig a clawed finger into her delicate folds. They watched as one finger disappeared inside, quickly followed by another as the monstrous man molested Evalynn.

She moaned with every touch, thrashing on her chains as he forced her to endure his rough handling. Her stomach heaved as she threw her head back and forth, his aggressive handling sending her spiraling into bliss.

“I should have had you put me in those chains,” Jaina said with a jealous tone.

He fondled Evalynn so forcefully she swayed on her chains, groaning as her legs twitched and her toes dragged on the ground. The lizardman enjoyed listening to her moan and rubbed all the harder, brutalizing her tender flower until she finally started to plead with him to stop.

“That's right, beg for mercy,” the lizardman said. “You elves think you're so high and mighty, but now you're nothing but my fuck toy.”

Evalynn smiled to hear those words as she hung helplessly from the chains. Her captor grabbed a thigh and lifted it, exposing her soft, swollen lips. She looked down to see a cock that was unusually wide, with a row of bumps down each side. The tip was somewhat triangular, like a broad arrowhead at the end of a spear. The green flesh throbbed as he used his other hand to position that weapon, sliding the point through her folds.

She trembled to feel that beastmans cock teasing her tiny elven pussy. Her heart was already racing, but knowing what was coming next, made it pound so fiercely she heard it in her ears. She wondered if the others were here someplace watching what was happening. Suddenly the lizardman planted the tip into her tender hole and reached for her other leg. He pulled them out and up until she was folded in half, her legs straight and her feet above her head. Her pussy was spread wide, the tip of his cock just inside her hole, then he stepped forward and thrust.

Evalynn cried out as a cock, so very different from a man's, slid into her delicate body. He lifted her up as he stepped in close, then dropped her down slowly, allowing gravity to force her body to swallow it. With a desperate moan, she felt her pussy absorbing the terrible length until, at last, her pussy rested on a bulge much like Rorics knot.

“Don't do this to me,” she pleaded just to drive him wild. Deep down, she loved being helpless to a monstrous race and hoped he wouldn't stop. Instead, he held her legs out as he stared into her pleading eyes, then pushed her out, forcing her to sway and do the fucking as he held perfectly still.

Evalynn groaned with every pass, that wide cock tormenting her body. Only now did she realize she wasn't wearing a slave collar and all of this was how she really felt. She smiled and thrashed as he swung her helplessly on the chains, forcing her pussy to ride him.

The others watched in silence from the shadows as Evalynn was taken by yet another bestial lover. It was Jaina who first realized the poor woman didn't have on a collar, and she mentioned it to Roric, who said it was too late now.

“No, it isn't,” Gisley whispered, and suddenly the collar appeared in her hands. “I am technically not wearing it, and in this place, the amount of collars you have is irrelevant.”

“But she is already being fucked,” Jaina pointed out.

“A dream is a fluid thing,” Gisley replied with a smile and held out the collar. It broke down into glittering dust and vanished into the air. A moment later, a band of dust appeared around Evalynn

s neck and quickly became the collar.

“He won’t notice that?” Roric asked.

“I don't think so,” Gisley replied. “Dreams can change a lot without people reacting too strongly. So unless he suddenly feels threatened or is provoked to anger, he wouldn't even care if he did notice it.”

“I bet she really enjoys this now,” Jaina said with a wide smile.

“I can make it better,” Gisley said and lifted a palm-full of glitter. She blew with pursed lips, scattering the glitter into the dingy room with neither of the participants noticing. Suddenly another shadow appeared in the doorway, and in came a second lizardman with blue scales. He walked right into the room as the two were fucking and directly behind Evalynn.

Evalynn had no idea where the second lizardman came from, but suddenly the first stopped his swaying so the second could press at her rear. He grabbed the chains and let out a terrible moan as her tight ass was forced to stretch around another wide cock. He rocked her hips as she bucked and tried to climb away, but suddenly her body accepted its fate. Panting, she hung suspended between them as the one from behind reached up to take her legs.

They worked together, thrusting as a team as her body was abused from both sides. She felt them pressing together inside, a bulge visible in her stomach. The torment was too much, and without realizing how close she was, she started to cum. Her body rolled with the power of her orgasm, and only then did she realize there was a collar around her neck. She had no idea where it came from, but she knew it was going to drive her mad.

Easy going made the orgasms come in rapid succession as both sexual escalation and bound and serving made each one more intense.

[lvl 4 Sex Slave Skill: Sexual escalation] Every orgasm you have during a single bout of sex will be more powerful than the one before it.

[lvl 10 Sex Slave Skill: Bound and serving] Passive skill that increases sexual pleasure while bound. The more restricted your movements, the more intense the pleasure will be.

She shook as her hands squeezed chains, causing them to rattle. Her body was helplessly trapped between the two lizardmen as they pounded her tender holes. Sweat began to bead up on her skin, rolling down as the heat of their bodies mingled together. The one in front grabbed hold of her breasts, squeezing them mercilessly as she was helpless to stop him.

Her fifth orgasm had her pleading for them to stop as long strands of goo hung from her overstimulated pussy. Every thrust was now a wet slap as she jostled and shook from the impacts. The two men laughed and pressed on, promising that this was just the beginning. She was their captive now, and she would be bred night and day until she loved their cocks.

Evalynn heaved for breath as she smiled from the relentless attack. She wanted to scream out thank you to Jaina and Gisley but wasn’t even certain they were here. All she knew was the endless thrusting of her captors and the hopelessness of her situation. It made the moment that much more intense, and she eventually hoped this wasn't a dream.

Her body was just a toy to the aggressive lizardmen who never seemed to run out of stamina. She began to plead with them to stop, begging for mercy. Her cries only made them more aggressive, thrusting harder and ordering her to accept her fate.

“Wow,” Jaina said as the fucking went on and on. “I think that’s ten orgasms!”

“And each one is getting better and better,” Roric said. “If she wasn’t addicted to beastman cock before, she is now.”

“You might have to sell her to lizardmen after this,” Jaina laughed. “Heck, you might have to sell me to lizardmen after this.”

“I am keeping both of you,” Roric insisted and grabbed her rear. “This body is my plaything, and I intend to fuck it for the rest of eternity.”

“Hmm, I hope you mean that,” Jaina said with a smile as Evalynn thrashed in yet another orgasm.

“I do mean that, but I am still going to sell your sex to the highest bidder,” he replied.

“That’s my master,” Jaina laughed as the sex before them became more intense.

Evalynn was thrashing and fighting as the two lizardmen changed their pace. One was thrusting in as the other was pulling out, leaving her unable to find a moment to recover. She threw her head back as her body shook violently in yet another orgasm as a near-constant stream of elvish fluids pooled on the floor beneath her.

She was lost to the endless sensation tormenting a body driven mad by the power of the slave collar. Suddenly the one in front grabbed her hips and shoved in deeper than ever before. He let out a warbling growl, and she felt something hot filling her womb. Shared orgasm was triggered a second later, and she howled in overwhelming delight as he filled her with seed.

The second lizardman began to hammer from behind, groaning with every violent thrust. She felt his knot pounding her tender sphincter, abusing a hole never meant for sex. With a cry of “Take it, elf bitch!” he shoved hard, forcing her to stretch wide until it finally went in. Then she felt it throbbing as if it was alive, and another sensation of heat began to fill her stomach. Shared orgasm went off again, and she screamed as her body filled with lizardman seed. She hung drenched in sweat as the two lizardmen emptied into her body. A minute later, the two suddenly pulled away, violently vacating her body and causing a pour of milky cream. They let her legs fall and left her to hang while she stood in a pool of cum, panting as she tried to remember who she was.

“Do me next!” Jaina said excitedly as Evalynn hung helplessly.

“No,” Roric said and looked to the purple woman. “It’s Gisley’s turn next.”

“Mine?” Gisley replied with a look of fear.

“This is the perfect way for you to practice being a prostitute,” Roric said. “You can go to people one at a time in a dream and put your skills to use. Now tell me who is asleep that you can affect.”

Gisley nervously rattled off a list of the people she could see asleep. Roric took a moment to consider the prospects and then made his choice and set the terms of the encounter. He also insisted the collar go around Gisley’s neck so she would have maximum effect as a sex slave and prostitute.

“What do we do with Evalynn?” Jaina asked.

“We can leave her there,” Gisley said. “She is a part of the dream, so she can hang there until she wakes up. The lizardman will probably come back a few times to use her in the meantime.”

“So we don’t need to be here?” Jaina asked.

“No,” Gisley replied. “Once the dream is established, I can leave any of you behind, and the dream will continue on its own. The original dreamer will fill in the blanks and keep it going.”

“Then let’s go to your dream,” Roric said as Gisley shuddered nervously. Suddenly they were in what looked like a bedroom lit by the moonlight coming through the window. A large bed stood against the wall with a chain attached to a metal ring. Roric took Gisley by the hand and led her to the bed, where he took up the chain and used a lock to attach it to her collar. Now she couldn't leave the bed, and she sat on her legs nervously as he stepped back.

“What are you doing?” Jaina asked as he went to the door of the room.

“The dreamer is in the next room,” Roric said. “I am going to go sell Gisley to him.”

Jaina stood in the shadows of the corner as Roric left the room and was gone for several minutes. Then the door opened, and in walked a tall half-orc player. Jaina recognized him as a man named Drell, who had paid to have sex with her before. He didn't seem to notice Jaina but his eyes quickly went to the nervous fairy as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Gisley moved back on the bed as he approached and discarded the shirt before going for his belt. She knew this man as a regular at the inn and one of Jaina's customers. But, the way he looked at her now, it wasn't Jaina he had on his mind, and she felt trapped. Over and over, she told herself that she could do this. After all, she had just made love to Jaina and her partners. So why would this be any different?

“I can't believe my luck,” Drell said. “First, I get to fuck that stripper, now the sexy fairy girl. I have had a burning desire for you since the first time I saw you.”

Gisley remained silent even as his pants came down, revealing his rapidly hardening cock. She looked to it as her lips trembled from the tension inside as fear and desire collided. She knew this was just sex and, even more, only a dream, but for Gisley, dreams were a very real thing.

He came to the side of the bed and reached for her chain, pulling her back to him. She couldn’t resist the pull and crawled to him as he looked down in hungry need.

“Suck it,” he said softly as Gisley looked down at his cock. She trembled while leaning forward as her soft fairy lips parted. A moment later, she tasted warm flesh as it passed into her mouth, and with her eyes shut, she focused on pleasing him.

“Oh, that’s nice,” he sighed. “Roric said you were very good at this.”

Gisley knew what that meant and didn't want to disappoint Roric. She leaned onto her hands to suck him in deeply and activated her lavishing tongue.

[lvl 5 Prostitute skill: Lavishing tongue] You use your tongue to deliver instant and rewarding pleasure to a target's sex organs. This sensation is akin to a long slow orgasm.

“Oh!” Drell cried out as he tightened his grip on the chain. “How are you doing that?”

Gisley quickly hit him with prolong to prevent him from finishing right away, then looked up to meet his eyes and give him a pleading look. She saw his expression change from one of pleasure to pure lust, as he was driven wild to have the fairy.

She put the sex slave skill of oral mastery to avoid the gag reflex, making it easy to push his cock down her throat.

[lvl 14 sex slave skill: Oral mastery] Passive - Oral sex provides extra stimulation to the one you are giving it to. You also cannot choke and have no gag reflex.

“Oh, how are you doing this?” he cried and leaned back with Gisley’s chin against his balls. “It’s never been this good!”

Gisley used lavishing tongue again, keeping him at the very edge of explosion. The prolong kept him from falling over, and he was lost to the power of her fairy lips. She struggled to focus on doing a good job, telling herself that this was just a dream. Maybe Jaina and Roric were right, and she should become a sex fairy, delivering erotic encounters at night to sleeping patrons.

“You are amazing,” he groaned and pulled at her chain as she sucked him to the base. The power of her touch was overwhelming as he trembled eagerly to release. She kept him there a few minutes longer before finally coming off to stroke him gently with one hand.

He looked down at her with a desperate expression, his orgasm so close yet never arriving. With a smile, she sat up and then lay back, spreading her legs so he could see her flower. For so long, Gisley had been afraid to do this, but Jaina made it look perfectly normal. Even more, she was happy to be having sex with men, and they often thanked her profusely. If she wanted to find peace with her class, she needed to take this step, so she smiled and beckoned him in.

With eyes closed, she felt him crawl over her body, his hands exploring up her thighs, then waist, then chest. She inhaled sharply as his lips came to her neck, and he whispered something about how beautiful she was. She held her legs wide and wrapped her arms around his back, inviting him to take everything. Their lips came together as her hands explored his back, clutching at him firmly.

“Take me,” she whispered back, desperate to keep this moving before she panicked. Inside, a firestorm of emotions was raging out of control as fear and arousal competed for dominance. Thankfully he responded quickly and reached down to guide himself in.

She let out a tender squeal as the top of his cock slid through her soft purple folds before finding the wet gooey center of her body. Thanks to wet and wild, she was always ready to have sex, and he found no resistance getting in. And then it was happening, a man was inside her body, taking her because Roric had sold her to him. Finally, after all these long years, she was a prostitute, and somehow it felt right. Quickly she activated writhe, twisting under his touch, so her hips worked into his thrusting.

[lvl 6 Prostitute skill: Writhe] Your body twists and shakes sensuously, significantly increasing the pleasure for you and your partner.

He moaned into her lips as their mouths never parted. She reached up with her glittery tongue and tasted his, eager to make the moment passionate.

[lvl 12 Prostitute skill: Kiss of passion] A long, tender kiss that fills your partner with passion and desire for you. Anything they are doing to you will be 50% more stimulating.

Instantly his touch became more hungry, as did the sensation between her legs. Jaina was right when she said the prostitute was all about the sex itself, and coupled with the slave collar; it was overwhelmingly intense. His hands slid across her body, testing every curve as if trying to memorize them. She felt the first shocks of an orgasm about to come and dug her fingers into his back as she activated clutching hands.

[lvl 16 Prostitute skill: Clutching Hands] You clutch your partner's back, desperate to hold on as they ravage you. Slowly transfers stamina from you to your partner so they can keep going and improves the strength of their orgasm.

Now her strength was his, and he could go on without tiring. Mixed with prolong their sex would take forever to finish. Then her toes curled as her feet danced in the air. Inside her body gave in to easy-going, and the first orgasm shook her body. She had to tear her lips away to cry out even as she clutched him harder, throwing her head back as he kissed all around her cheek.

Even as the orgasm faded, she could feel another building to take its place. The fear of sharing her body was quickly drowned out by a desire to feel that powerful shaking surge of energy. Her lover never slowed in his thrusting, her strength being replenished by her own. She writhed again, twisting her body to let him know she was loving it. Her legs never came down, held high in the air thanks to her tireless skill.

[lvl 1 Prostitute skill: Tireless] Tireless: While having sex, your legs never get tired. You can ride for hours or hold them in the air without strain.

For several long minutes, they pressed on until she had her third orgasm, then he leaned to the side and pulled her over until he was the one sitting on the bed. Now Gisley was sitting astride his lap as his hands came up her stomach and clutched her chest. She immediately took over the motion, riding that firm cock as her body ran wet with sex and passion. Her breath was a series of long gasps as she activated writhe yet again, causing an instant moan from her partner.

“You are the best girl I have ever made love to,” he groaned and leaned back. “Your so hot and passionate.”

Gisley smiled and leaned forward to kiss him while her body never stopped twisting. She rocked and writhed while her breasts were fondled and her ass cupped. She felt so alive to be making love like this and wondered why she hadn't done it sooner. Then, out of nowhere, orgasm four came rushing in, and she cried out into his mouth without breaking the kiss. Her mind was adrift on the power of sex amplified by the collar. Sexual escalation made every orgasm stronger than the one before it, and she was hungry to see just how far it could go.

She picked up the pace, going into a good long stroke with a wet slap at the end. He shook from every impact, his hands holding her waist as she leaned over to smile. Her mouth hung open in gentle moans and pants as everything sent shivers up her spine. The fifth orgasm came with a stuttering cry as the pleasure nearly rendered her unable to speak. It was mind-meltingly good, and she leaned back to run her hands up her own body, caressing her chest as he watched.

“I can’t take it anymore,” he groaned and started to trash. “Oh, I feel like I have needed to come all night!”

Gisley smiled at how helpless he was to her power, and out of sympathy, she used the skill finish him.

[lvl 10 Prostitute skill: Finish him] Bring a man who has been inside you for at least a minute to orgasm instantly]

His entire body tightened up as his orgasm finally broke free. She could feel him throbbing inside as shared orgasm sent her body into a moaning frenzy.

[lvl 2 Sex Slave Skill: Shared orgasm] Any time your partner orgasms, so do you. Shared orgasms are always more intense.

Gisley leaned back as her voice soured in the power of the moment. She clutched her breasts tightly, squeezing as she had the best orgasm of her life. It lasted for what felt like forever, but eventually, she collapsed to his chest, laying atop him to pant.

“That was amazing,” he managed to say between breaths. “You are a sexy goddess in bed.”

Gisley could only run her hand down his chest as she struggled to allow the sensation inside to die off. She had finally been used as her class dictated, and she wasn't entirely sure how she felt. On the one hand, she was relieved that it was over, but on the other afraid of what this meant for her future.

He eventually gave her a final kiss and parted, leaving her chained to the bed and feeling empty without his presence inside. When the door closed, Jaina appeared and came to her side, pulling her into a hug.

“So, how was it?” Jaina whispered as she held the trembling fairy.

“It was good,” Gisley admitted with a little smile. “Too bad it was just a dream.”

“Are you saying you’re ready to try one for real?” Jaina asked.

“Maybe,” Gisley replied and turned to look Jaina in the eyes. “If it will make you and Roric happy.”

“Little girl, just holding you in my arms makes me happy,” Jaina said and cradled her tight. “Now, let's find Roric; I wonder if there are any other men who could use a visit from the sex fairy tonight.”

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