The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-20 Time to go

Jaina moaned as Roric had his morning ravage of her body. She was down on all fours as he took her from behind while holding her leash tightly. She relished these intense poundings as they set her in the right frame of mind for the day. After all, she was a sex slave, and what better way to start the day than to go out naked in public with a pussy wet with Roric's seed.

Evalynn and Gisley were in bed as the elf woman kissed the fairies head and thanked her for the pleasant dream. Apparently, her lizardmen captors had returned several times each, and Evalynn had been thoroughly ravaged.

Gisley had five partners, each a heartwarming, tender session of love that left them speechless. Jaina was amazed at how passionate Gisley's lovemaking was and insisted that Roric watch some of it. He agreed that Gisley had a skill for tenderness that made him relent on his promise to always be rough. He actually wanted to experience that gentle lovemaking for himself, not that Jaina was getting any of that now.

Jaina was allowed to play with a couple of men, but the real fun came for Roric. Gisley pointed out that there were several women at the inn, and Roric was pulled into a dream with a saucy barbarian woman. Their sex was more of a battle as the two tried to dominate one another, and Jaina wasn't quite sure who had won.

The funny part about it was the whole experience felt like it lasted maybe an hour. Then they woke up, and it was morning. Gisley said that time was hard to gauge in the dream, especially since the dream can be any time of day. She also said that people in deep or magical sleep were hard to invade, as their mind wasn't truly dreaming. Higher-level players or those with mental disciplines could resist the effect, and the farther away she was, the harder it was to establish the link. Once the door was open, it was easy to dance around and play, but there were ways to detect her and drive her away.

“Who would want to drive away the sex fairy?” Jaina had laughed as Gisley explained that some people had very strong minds.

Roric groaned and thrust hard, sharing his orgasm with Jaina, who sang out with an open smile, loving her master's attentions. She felt that warm sensation filling her up as her master's cock throbbed deep inside. All she wanted for her life now was this feeling of being his. She also relished the wait for his knot to come out and knew she could do nothing until it did.

“So we have two collars now?” Evalynn asked as she stroked Gisley’s hair.

“For now,” Roric replied with a nod. “But I am halfway to earning a free one.”

“Does that come with any other bonuses?” Jaina asked.

“The level thirty collar?” Roric asked as he pulled on Jaina to see if he could get out. “The higher collars are just freebies, but in case you haven't noticed, your skills are not as restricted.”

“They aren’t?” Jaina asked in confusion and willed up her character sheet as Roric pulled again to no avail. “Oh, I have access all the way up to my level 12 morphic powers. Why is that?”

“Every point I spend on the collar is an extra level you can access,” Roric replied. “Every ten points is an extra collar.”

“Then why didn't you say something last night when Gisley and I were talking about the restrictions?” Jaina pressed as her body started to give way to the bulge. She groaned as her lips stretched wide, and suddenly Roric pulled free with a gush of his milk. She knelt there panting as he explained that he wanted Gisley to know how they worked without the points and honestly admitted it slipped his mind.

“So which slave does master breed next?” Jaina asked as she looked at the puddle between her legs.

“I want my trophy elf,” Roric said as Evalynn laughed and tapped Gisley's rear to get her off. She crawled to the edge with a big smile and looked down to see the mess on the floor.

“We’re going to need to wash the rugs, or you will be replacing them often,” Evalynn pointed out.

Jaina shrugged and put a finger into the fluids using absorb to consume it into her own body.

“How are you doing that?” Gisley asked as she watched in awe to see the fluids drawn into Jaina’s finger.

“I am a morphic,” Jaina said with a smile.

“What’s that?” Gisley asked as she sat on the side of the bed.

“It's a kind of slime, really,” Jaina said as she tried to think of the best way to explain it. “My body is fluid, and that's why I can change appearances. The higher level I go, the more fluid I become until I evolve into a mimic.”

“So you’re a slime monster?” Gisley asked in surprise.

“I sure am,” Jaina replied and turned a hungry gaze on the fairy. “And I am going to eat you up.”

Gisley squealed as she tried to scamper away from Jaina, who lunged after her and pounced on her body. She wrestled the fairy to the sheets and leaned in to share a long sweet kiss. Everything about the sensuous fairy was sugared and sweet. Even her kisses tasted like honey. She was so proud of how Gisley managed through the night, making love to each man as if he was her whole world.

“Now, you hold still so I can feed on that glittery flower of yours,” Jaina said and slowly worked her way down, her lips never leaving Gisley’s skin. She sucked at a nipple for a moment before tracing the curve of her full breast and continuing down. She paused to trace a few little circles around the woman's belly button, then went lower as Gisley tensed for what would come next. Then she paused and considered an idea as Gisley wasn't wearing a slave collar. She decided to remove hers and climbed back up to put it around Gisley's neck as the woman smiled up.

“But you won’t be able to share the orgasms,” Gisley said.

“You have plenty of prostitute skills to make me happy,” Jiana replied. “Besides, when we're done, I am going to curl up in your lap so you can kiss those little fingers and bury them inside.” The two shared a final kiss before Jaina went to descend on the fairy garden. Then they noticed the rather tender lovemaking going on beside them.

Roric was on his back, sitting up as Evalynn laid across him with her tongue in his mouth. She reached back with one hand and took his already swollen cock to guide it into place. With a moan, he slid into her pussy until the know pressed against those elven lips, then Roric began to thrust up gently.

“What is going on here?” Jaina asked in surprise. “Why isn’t she bent over the bed with her hands tied behind her back?”

“I was very inspired by how passionate Gisley was last night,” Roric replied as Evalynn rested her head against his and moaned softly. She rocked gently into his thrusts, the knot being outside allowing him much greater freedom of movement. Jaina and Gisley settled in to watch them make love slowly as Evalynn gave herself body and soul to Roric.

Eventually, she started to moan, and he cupped her rear as their tongues came back together. She had her first orgasm from his slow deep thrusting while his tongue was being kissed.

“She is so sexy looking,” Gisley said as Evalynn smiled and started to lick all through her master's mouth.

“Evalynn secretly wanted to be dominated by a beastman,” Jaina replied. “I think she has fallen head over heels for Roric since he gave her what she wanted. She belongs to him in every way imaginable.”

The two went on as Evalynn softly moaned with every thrust before closing her eyes to rest her head against his face. Roric had such a look of peace and contentment as he wrapped his arms around the woman's back and held her tight. A minute later and Evalynn had another orgasm for her master as he started to increase the pace.

Jaina had seen enough and decided it was time to eat her fairy cake, so she descended on the woman’s body as Evalynn moaned and writhed on top of Roric. Together the two pairs made love side by side until all were heaving from multiple orgasms. Evalynn laid cradled in Rorics arms as Jaina sat up with Gisley in her lap, stroking the woman’s lavender hair.

“So, what do we have planned for today?” Jaina asked.

“We have to return to town so I can tell the innkeeper that we are leaving soon, and I am taking Gisley and Chandice with us,” Roric replied.

“Chandice is coming?” Gisley asked as Jaina stroked her back.

“Of course, she is,” Jaina said and kissed the top of the fairy woman's head. “She is my girlfriend, after all.”

“I like Chandice. She's really nice, but sometimes she is noisy in her room,” Gisley replied and snuggled back in.

“You don’t think he will object to you taking half his staff?” Jaina asked.

“He can create NPCs to fill in the gaps until he has other players to do it,” Roric replied. “I want to move to someplace where there is a bigger town and maybe some space to start our camp. I would ideally like it to be close to that world spawn dungeon.”

“Black depths,” Jaina reminded him. “You really want to explore that place?”

“I want to make all the money we can,” Roric replied. “When I start the camp, I want to convert a lot of the gold into points to buy a significant area.”

“And selling your three beauties for sex isn’t making you money fast enough?” Jaina asked.

“A larger city means more customers with deeper pockets,” Roric replied as he stroked Evalynn’s head. “And if I may be honest. I dream of keeping you three to myself. My private harem to take care of my needs and accompany me on our adventures.”

“I will go with you anywhere,” Evalynn replied in a whisper.

“So the day has come when we move on,” Jaina said and hugged Gisley. “No more hiding in the spawn for you.”

“So long as you go with me,” Gisley replied and rubbed her cheek on Jaina. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“You're never going to be alone again,” Roric replied and stroked her head. “And thank you for showing us how beautiful lovemaking could be. You touched my heart last night, and I will always treasure that.”

Gisley smiled as Jaina let out a pleased sigh. Somehow life in New Eden just kept getting better and better. Now she had two sisters to share her master with, and the love only grew stronger. She wondered why anybody would want to live in the real world when there was so much to offer here. Practically any kind of lifestyle was open for the taking, and it was a roleplayer's paradise. Men could enter as women and women as men. Furries could be any of several hundred races of anthropomorphic animals. People could be kings, or queens with massive harems, living out their every decadent desire. There were no STDs to worry about, and pregnancy wasn't a thing, though the rumor was it could be enabled. It was a life free to enjoy with almost no limitations.

Roric suggested they pack up, and much to her sadness Gisley put her dress back on. Jaina tried to encourage the girl to go naked, but it was clear she wasn't ready for that. Having the collar around her neck was more than enough for now. Roric collapsed the tent into the magic bag and led the way with Gisley walking without her wings so nobody would see what she was. Evalynn clanked in her armor as she talked about what she knew of the roads ahead. She had made forays into the interior for months at a time, visiting some of the lands further south.

Jaina strode along barefoot, wearing nothing but her slave cuffs and collar. They passed a group of three players heading the other way, who stopped to stare at the naked Jaina. She smiled and waved as the group went by and knew they were staring at her rear for several minutes after.

It was just after noon on another sunny, wonderful day when they arrived back in town and headed for the inn. Evalynn went with Gisley to collect her things as Roric went to talk to the innkeeper. Jaina had a task of her own and went into the back halls searching for her girlfriend.

“Chandice?” she called as she poked through the rooms. She finally found the woman sitting in the kitchen, looking very confused. “Chandice, are you alright?”

“There you are!” Chandice sighed. “Where have you been?”

“We went camping in the woods,” Jaina said as she crossed the room. “Is something the matter?”

“Alexandria has been here three times, trying to negotiate with the innkeeper to buy rights to dance. She's even been trying to remind people that she was here first and has always been very good to them.”

“I never argued that point,” Jainqa replied and sat next to Chandice. “And from what I hear, she is good to people. She just has a thing for me.”

“Well, can you blame her?” Chandice laughed. “A shape-changing seductress has to be a huge draw for a place like a brothel.”

“I don’t blame her for asking. My fault lies in her not taking no for an answer and then demanding I not practice my skills because it interferes with her business,” Jaina said and put her arm around Chandice. So she’s trying to pay George off?”

“She wants to buy the right for her girls to dance instead,” Chandice replied. “George has been stalling for time to talk to Roric, and nobody seems to know where Gisley is.”

“Oh, I know where Gisley is,” Jaina laughed and explained that she had been with them.

“Gisley?” Chandice asked in shock. “You mean she was with you guys? In bed?”

“That’s where she was,” Jaina replied and took her hand. “And I am afraid I have to ask you something.”

“Why do I have the feeling I won’t like this?” Chandice replied.

“It isn't bad,” Jaina sighed and tried to look serious. “Roric wants to leave and move south. He plans to do some adventuring then settle down to build his camp.”

“You’re leaving me?” Chandice asked sadly.

“Not if you come with,” Jaina replied. “Roric told me to come get you. He wants you to come with us and be my girlfriend.”

Chandice looked down a moment as she considered the offer. She asked if Gisley was going, and Jaina told her that Evalynn was already helping her pack.

“I don’t know that I would be much use to an adventuring party,” Chandice said and looked sad. “I played a human after all.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Jaina asked. “Humans get two primary classes. Which reminds me, I have no idea what you play.”

“Nothing special,” Chandice said as she looked away nervously.

“Oh, now you have me so curious,” Jaina said in a sultry tone. “Chandice, my love. What are you playing?”

“It really is just a basic pair of classes,” Chandice insisted and brought up her character sheet for Jaina to see she was a level eight enchantress and a warlock.

“What is a warlock?” Jaina asked as she scratched her head.

“I, uh, well,” Chandice began nervously. “You see, it gives you certain powers to, umm.”

“Is this hard to explain?” Jaina asked.

“No, I can explain this,” Chandice said assertively. “It's like a wizard whose powers focus on hellish things. I can cast fire or shadow spells, and I can summon things.”

“What kind of things?” Jaina asked.

“Devil or demon NPCs to do my bidding for a short while,” Chandice admitted.

“And that’s not much use for adventuring?” Jaina laughed.

“Well,” Chandice said as she twisted uncomfortably. “I don’t typically use them to fight.”

“Then what do you use them for?” Jaina asked.

Chandice smiled nervously as Jaina burst out laughing to discover her girlfriend was sleeping with her summoned pets.

“Don’t laugh,” Chandice pouted and turned away.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jaina said sincerely. “I just never thought of you as that type. Imagine my girlfriend summoning muscular devil things to take to bed.”

“Well, I can't summon too much at my level,” Chandice admitted. “But later, I can summon things like a succubus or the powerful devilkin. Some of those are really hot looking.”

“Well, they are from hell,” Jaina pointed out.

“You know what I mean,” Chandice groaned.

“Ok, but you can use these things to fight, can't you?” Jaina asked.

“I suppose so,” Chandice replied and looked up with a smile. “This doesn’t bother you?”

“You’re asking a sex slave who goes around naked except for a collar and slave cuffs if she’s bothered by your sexual choices?” Jaina asked.

“I guess it was silly to think you would be shocked by that,” Chandice laughed.

“It was silly, but you still haven’t said if you will come with us,” Jaina said.

“Do I have to be a slave girl?” Chandice asked.

“Not at all,” Jaina insisted. “You're there to be my girlfriend and occasional lover of my master and his pets.”

“Hmm, so I get to play with all of you,” Chandice said happily. “How could a girl pass that up?”

“And you can summon pets for us to play with,” Jaina added.

“All I can summon right now are imps and things called grakkin, which resemble demonic dogs,” Chandice pointed out.

“So, which one are you sleeping with?” Jaina pressed with a wide smile.

“You’re a terrible girlfriend,” Chandice groaned and tried to look away.

“I have already been used as bait for several monsters,” Jaina pointed out. “I am certainly not going to judge you for either of those choices.”

“Several monsters?” Chandice asked.

“I will tell you all about it if you promise to come with us,” Jaina offered.

“Oh, what the heck,” Chandice cried. “Where am I ever going to find a group of people who can accept my kinks again?”

“Perfect! Let's go to your room and get your things,” Jaina said and pulled her up. “Tell me about the enchantress class.”

“It allows me to make a lot of mundane magical items or animate objects. You may not realize this yet, but I do a lot of the cleaning with an enchanted broom that sweeps by itself,” Chandice pointed out.

“Well, that sounds handy,” Jaina laughed. “Why don't you have magical dishrags to wash dishes?”

“What, when my girlfriend can clean plates by absorbing the residue with her skin?” Chandice replied with a wink. “I can do a lot of levitating and floating of things as well. I can place magical traps, remove them, and do all sorts of little quirky things.”

“It sounds fun,” Jaina replied as they entered her room. She had a small pack under her bed that she began to stuff clothing into with wild abandon. Jaina was sure the thing was full when she went to a chest of drawers to reveal more clothing. Into the pack these went as well until Jaina was curious where it was all going.

“It's a backpack enchanted with deep pockets,” Chandice said as she noticed the funny look. “And it has a featherweight enchantment on it.” She demonstrated the point by lifting it with a finger.

Oh, see, those are really useful skills. Roric just spent a lot of money on a bag of deep pockets,” Jaina said.

“I wish I had known. I would be glad to have enchanted some for him,” Chandice replied and then reached for a small wooden box. She blushed as she picked up the box and then held it close to her chest as she smiled at Jaina. “I have something I want to show you.”

“Is this blush-worthy?” Jaina asked as she smiled in anticipation.

“Well, being an enchanter has its perks,” Chandice said and opened the box to reveal three wooden dildos of various sizes. They all had a metal band at the base with strange symbols written on them, and Chandice quickly explained they were enchanted.

“They vibrate and do other things when given the command word,” Chandice said.

“Oh, you are just perfect for us,” Jaina said and ran her finger over the biggest one. “So, do I get to try these out?”

“The first chance I get to tie you up,” Chandice replied and shut the box.

“Tie me up? Are you into bondage?” Jaina asked as Chandice's cheeks went bright red. “Oh my goodness, you are!”

“Oh, I am going to end up telling you everything, aren't I?” Chandice groaned.

“The sooner you get it out, the sooner we can start enjoying it,” Jaina suggested.

Chandice looked as she explained that there was a bag of magical ropes under her bed. These were enchanted to automatically tie up anyone sleeping in the bed once the command word was given. Once tied, they could not be ordered to untie and would stay for one full hour. She explained how she liked to summon an imp or two and then bind herself naked to the bed for them to play with. Sometimes she used the magical dildos, or sometimes she used both.

“Can’t you just tell the imps to untie you?” Jaina asked.

“You have to be careful with your wording,” Chandice said. “What you do is tell the imps to fuck you for the next hour and not accept any new instructions until the time has passed. That way, they don't have to listen to you even if you scream for them to stop.”

“You kinky, naughty girl!” Jaina laughed. “I really like you.”

“I hope so,” Chandice said and gave her a lusty glare. “Because I want to see you bound and helpless to my pets. Too bad we don't have time to do it now.”

“I am going to be thinking about that all day now,” Jaina pouted. “You’re a horrible person.”

“Teasing and denial are all part of being a girlfriend,” Chandice said with a cunning smile. “Now help me pack my ropes and chains.”

“I am telling Roric all about your kinks,” Jaina complained as she helped pull a sack full of ropes out from under the bed. It, too, went into the magical backpack that Chandice shouldered with ease.

“Well, I guess George can just take Alexandria up on her offer,” Chandice said with a funny smile. “She is going to pay huge to buy you guys out, and you were leaving anyway.”

“I didn't think of that,” Jaina said. “Oh, we have to tell Roric!”

They rushed out to find Roric in the common room talking to the innkeeper as the two laughed and joked. Jaina arrived to tell him about Alexandria, but George had already told him.

“Then what’s so funny?” Jaina asked.

“I had an idea to give Alexandria one last good payback for what she has done,” Roric replied and noted Chandice had her pack. “I take it you are coming with?”

“Oh, she’s coming with,” Jaina replied. “And just wait until I tell you what she has in that pack of hers.”

“Jaina, not here!” Chandice begged.

Jaina laughed and promised to keep it between them until later as Evalynn arrived with Gisley, who looked unusually calm.

“It’s going to be a shame to see you two go,” George said as he rubbed the back of his head. “But I am glad you’re both going with Roric.”

“It was nice to work for you,” Gisley replied and smiled as she took Evalynn's hand. “I will come to visit sometime.”

Just as he was about to reply, the door to the inn opened, and Alexandria stood tall with a broad smile.

“So the mongrel has finally decided to show up,” she said with a commanding tone as she walked in, flanked by two bodyguards that looked like rogues.

“Who is she calling a mongrel?” Evalynn growled as she tightened her grip on her glaive.

Roric held up a hand to silence them and then turned to face Alexandria.

“It was clever of you to try to buy us out, but I made George a better offer of twenty percent,” Roric said.

“You think you can outbid me?” Alexandria laughed and offered George thirty percent.

George looked at Roric as if he wasn't sure what to do, and Roric played along like he was struggling to go higher.

“I can do forty percent,” Roric said at last and looked to Jaina. “It will just take us a bit longer.”

“It isn't going to take you long at all,” Alexandria growled. “Fifty percent, and I want this cur and his pack thrown out of the inn!”

George struggled not to smile as he told Roric he couldn't pass up such an offer. Roric said he understood and then glared at Alexandria as if he was furious.

“You win this one,” he growled. “We will leave this whole stinking town.”

“Good, get out!” Alexandria laughed. “And take your two whores with you.”

Roric let out a defeated sigh and told the girls it was time to go. Alexandria looked confused when the two barmaids went with him, but she didn't say a word as they filled out of the inn.

“What is going on?” Evalynn asked once they were outside and heading down the road.

Roric started to laugh and explained how Alexandria had come to the innkeeper to buy the rights for her girls to dance and service the customers. She offered the innkeeper ten percent of the profits to buy them out.

“She was trying to convince George not to let you dance?” Chandice said. “What a bitch!”

“And you just ran her up to fifty percent,” Evalynn laughed. “And we were leaving anyway.”

The whole group started to snicker and laugh as Roric took them out of town and onto the road south. It was the dawn of a new chapter with his harem of girls and a long road of adventure to look forward to. He was lost in the dream of what might lay ahead until Jaina spoke up.

“Guess what Chandice is into?” she said.

“Jaina!” Chandice cried as they crested a hill and headed away.

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