The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-26 A dream come true

Chandice was relieved to be sitting on one of Gisley's magic discs with Jaina. They sat on the edge, dangling their wet feet over the side as the dark water passed beneath them. Roric and Evalynn walked ahead, with Gisley riding on Roric's shoulders. Thankfully the tunnel was extremely tall, and he could carry her without risk. Her two imps splashed along behind the disc, obediently following their master.

They had already passed through four other chambers, fighting off more rats, a few zombies, and a worm-like thing that attacked from the ceiling. None of it posed a significant danger, but they still had no idea how to get out, and the murky water was unpleasant.

“Too bad none of us can cast a return spell to teleport out,” Chandice said as she kicked afoot to get more water out of her boot.

“Can't you buy scrolls that do that?” Jaina asked as she tugged at her soiled lace stockings.

“Yeah, and I can help make them later with some help from a class that can cast it,” Chandice said. “Inscribers and scribes can make them too.”

“Well, we should get a few,” Jaina recommended. “It never occurred to me we would have to wade through this filth.”

“It is a dungeon,” Chandice reminded and thought about all the games she played that took place in sewers or other places where filth collected.

“You don't see much of this in the adult MMOs,” Jaina replied. “You see a lot more palace harem rooms or lavish bedrooms full of pillows and plush beds.”

“We played very different games,” Chandice laughed but realized she might have enjoyed those adult games. She wasn't averse to sex and was hoping to have a lot of it, but her grounding in role-playing games was more the pen and paper variety. In those games, it was often more about the combat and less about the social things, but Chandice always wondered. After all, if you could summon a big strong devil to protect you, why not enjoy a few perks? Of course, nobody wanted to role play that out at a table full of friends, but she suspected that everybody thought it.

“So how close to ten then?” Jaina asked.

Chandice brought up her sheet to see she was already a good chunk into level nine but still less than halfway. If the battles kept coming like they had, she would be level ten in no time. Then she would be able to summon a more powerful devil that was better equipped for melee or a demon that was a bit like a rogue, striking from the shadows and turning invisible.

“I am almost eighteen,” Jaina admitted. “A few more battles, and I should have it.”

“I am glad you didn’t have to entertain those zombies,” Chandice laughed.

“Oh, thank goodness there was room to keep leading them around,” Jaina groaned. “I think I would rather reset than have one of those disgusting things pin me in that filthy water while it pumped itself and that muck into my body.”

“Ugh!” Chandice replied as she felt sick. “Did you have to describe it that way?”

“I wanted to share the image that was haunting my mind the whole time,” Jaina said.

“Why didn't your seduce work on more of them?” Chandice asked.

“I just recently got the ability to affect undead, but they have an increased chance to resist. If they are already attacking, they have a significant chance to resist. I expected to get three of them, but I will live with two,” Jaina explained.

“Hopefully, there won't be any need for more of that,” Chandice replied as they rounded a bend.

“Honestly, it's what my character is good for,” Jaina said. “Roric and I used to do this in one of the games we played. If there were too many monsters or one was powerful, I would use my body to occupy them. I can debuff them as we have sex, and Roric can pull them off one at a time, killing them while the rest are too busy fucking me.”

“And you tease me about being kinky,” Chandice laughed.

“Maybe this is why we get along so well,” Jaina said and leaned into Chandice. “We are both a couple of pervs.”

“I suppose so,” Chandice agreed. “If you think about it, who comes to New Eden that isn't a perv? I mean, the game world is just the perfect place to explore every sexual fantasy imaginable.”

“That’s how Roric and I saw it,” Jaina agreed. “It was our chance to turn all those fantasies into something real. After thousands of hours pretending online, it was just too good an offer to pass up.”

“I can't wait until I summon my succubus. I am going to write terms into her summoning circle, so she has to give me a hundred and one orgasms before she can go,” Chandice said.

“Only a hundred and one?” Jaina teased.

“Well, I can always summon another one,” Chandice replied. “Besides, the world won't let me set the limit any higher.”

Jaina went to ask a question, then leaned over as she let out a low groan.

“Are you alright?” Chandice asked in worry.

“I just had an orgasm,” Jaina moaned. “Somebody is jerking off to me.”

“Ha, you poor thing,” Chandice giggled and rubbed her back.

“Oh,” Jaina groaned and leaned back. “Part of me is torn over these coming out of nowhere or wishing they would come more often.”

“I would offer to clean you up, but you have been splashing around in filth, and I am sure that needs a good cleaning,” Chandice said.

“I can just use cleanse to clean off,” Jaina said and then slapped her forehead. “I am so stupid. I could have cleaned all this filth off hours ago!”

“Hahaha!” Chandice laughed. “You could have been clean and dry this whole time.”

Jaina folded her arms and triggered her ability, suddenly becoming perfectly dry and clean. Even her clothing was cleaned, looking pristine and fresh as if brand new.

“See, that’s a power I would wear the collar for,” Chandice laughed.

“You are welcome to put it on,” Jaina said and reached up to take it off. She held it out to Chandice, who nervously took it.

Chandice turned it over in her hands as she tried to tell herself it was just to use one power. She had no reason not to use it but struggled to put it around her neck.

“Is something wrong?” Jaina asked.

“I….” Chandice began and let out a long sigh. “I guess I don't like the idea of being a sex slave. I know it's not a big deal, and you love it, but there is just something inside that makes this hard to do.”

“Oh, Chandice,” Jaina said and took the collar from her hands. “You are just using one power really quick, and then I am putting it back on. Just think of it as if I was casting a spell on you.”

“I guess I can do that. I am kinda sick of my toes being wet,” Chandice replied. Jaina nodded and offered to put the collar around Chandice's neck. Chandice leaned over as Jaina wrapped it around and clicked the clasp. She held it in place as Chandice looked through the skills and triggered cleanse, instantly refreshing her body and clothes. Jaina immediately took the collar off and put it back around her own neck before patting Chandice's hand.

“I understand how you feel about it,” Jaina said. “Nobody will ever try to talk you into it, but it's always there if you want to try it.”

“Thank you, but I have to be honest, I do think about it,” Chandice admitted and described how she wondered what the sex was like. The few women she had given the imp treatment to screamed out of their minds, making her curious. She knew it increased the frequency and strength of orgasms, but there was a fear associated with that. She worried that she could become addicted to the easy sex and frequent orgasms, especially after seeing that woman who took Jaina'a place one night.

“I see your point,” Jaina agreed. “I guess I should be honest too. It is addictive, and I am addicted to it. I know I am, and I hate having sex without it. I love having orgasms, and I crave that partner that can give me ten in one go so that sexual escalation can really ramp up.”

“See, I worry I will become like that,” Chandice said. “Not that I don’t think it’s wonderful for you, but it isn’t me.”

“I understand,” Jaina said and rubbed her arm. “I will give you all the orgasms you want. You just have to ask,”

“Is it dry ahead?” Gisley asked, causing Chandice and Jaina to look over. Sure enough, it looked as if the tunnel was heading up a shallow ramp, and the water line ended at a distant shore.

“Thank goodness,” Evalynn groaned. “My feet must be shriveled in this these boots.”

“Mine aren't too comfortable,” Roric agreed and looked up to Gisley, who was smiling down. “And how are you?”

“I am fine. Thank you for carrying me. I love being up here,” she replied.

“Anything for my girls,” he replied.

“I like her up there too,” Jaina said to Chandice. “You can see her plug sparkling in the light.”

“You can?” Gisley said and tried to lean back to see it. “Why didn't you tell me sooner? Everybody in town must have seen it.”

“Sweetheart,” Jaina began and tried to speak softly. “You're a prostitute, and showing your rear around town is just part of the job. Everybody can see mine and Evalynn's rear if not more.”

“It feels rather soothing when the wind blows,” Evalynn added.

“I just wish I had known everybody could see it,” Gisley sighed. “But maybe you're right. Maybe I should have a dress that shows a little more.”

“I bet if you took that dress to a designer, they could modify the look and make it shorter,” Evalynn said. “Then you could keep the magical bonuses while showing more skin.”

“Would you like to do that?” Roric asked as he looked up.

“If it makes you happy, I want to do it,” Gisley replied.

“I will think about it,” Roric said as they reached the water's edge and climbed into a large round chamber. They were cautious about what might be lurking in the darkness beyond the moonlight, but nothing leaped out to attack.

“You should let her walk from here,” Evalynn suggested. “If we are attacked, you will be hard-pressed to get her off your shoulders quickly.”

Roric nodded and set Gisley down as she took her place just behind the two to follow them across the chamber. Chandice and Jaina just followed along on the disc, looking around as Evalynn’s footsteps echoed from the walls.

“So, Roric,” Jaina called as he moved to sniff at the air near a side tunnel. “Chandice and I were talking, and I think it would be a good idea to sit down with our new girls and talk about the future.”

“You mean what we hope to do?” Roric asked as he looked back.

“I think they should know what the future holds and what they can expect from us,” Jaina replied.

Chandice was grateful Jaina was bringing this up as she still had doubts. The fact was this was a whirlwind relationship, and she had gotten herself deeply involved. Now she wanted some measure of security to help her know she had made the right choice.

“I would like to know what they want,” Roric replied. “As the leader of this group, it is my job to try and cater to everyone's dreams and fantasies.” He turned and looked at Chandice with a firm gaze. “Even yours.”

Chandice smiled and decided that now was a good time to ask him if he had used Jaina to keep her close. He laughed slightly and came clean that he fancied her and hoped she would come. He knew Jaina liked her too, so suggesting Jaina make her a girlfriend seemed the best way to speed things along.

“I knew we wouldn't be in the spawn town much longer, so it was a now or never kind of scenario,” Roric said.

“Oh, that's so sweet,” Jaina said and looked at Chandice. “You have a boyfriend.”

“It appears that I do,” Chandice replied with a raised brow. “When were you going to tell me that you liked me?”

“I wanted more time,” Roric admitted as he led the way down the tunnel. “I also wanted a chance to talk to Jaina.”

“Talk to me about what?” Jaina asked.

“About falling in love with Chandice,” he said.

“You think you might love her?” Jaina asked and looked at Chandice. “But you have only known her a couple of days.”

“I am not saying I love her. I am saying I wanted more time to find out,” Roric sighed. “And I needed to know how you felt about it if I did come to love her.”

“I see,” Jaina replied and smiled at Chandice. “I think you two could be happy together.”

“What are you saying?” Chandice balked. “That’s your man, not mine.”

“I am his sex slave,” Jaina replied and leaned in close to Chandice. “But you could be his wife.”

“Ok, just stop!” Chandice cried and shook her head. “This is all going way too fast. I have known you and Roric for less than a week, and I am already sleeping with you all, calling one of you a girlfriend, and talking about marriage now?”

“You're right; this is all going too fast,” Roric agreed. “That's why I wanted more time to get to know you and for you to get to know me. I was trying to slow this down and see if maybe we had a chance at something more.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Chandice replied.

“And all I am saying is, if it did work out in the long run, I wouldn't be jealous,” Jaina said. “You have my blessing to marry him if you decide you want to.”

“How can you two be like this?” Chandice asked.

“Jaina and I were lovers long before we came in,” Roric replied. “We have talked about this sort of thing many times. The fact is no matter what happens, I will always love Jaina, and I will never part with her, but we both want more people to love. You three are being given an opportunity to be those people, joining our family in various roles. Gisley and Evalynn will be slaves beside Jaina, but you don't want that for yourself. So if you will let me date you, maybe we can find another relationship you could fill.”

“You really think I could be your wife?” Chandice asked.

“I don't know yet. I was hoping to find out,” Roric replied. “But since we're being honest, why did you come here? Why are you in New Eden, and why did you come with us?”

Chandice took a moment to explain her desires for both her magic shop and the sexual thrills of summoning a succubus. She opened up and admitted she was a bit kinky, fond of submitting to men and dominating women. However, her dreams were put on hold when she got here because she was easy to kill and couldn’t level. She found it hard to solo things, and her enchanter class didn't have much of a demand. She died a couple of times, and it really shook her confidence. She started staying at the inn, where she had sex with a few players and discovered her love of beastmen. But they were so few and far between, and her succubus wasn't available, so she experimented with what she had. Thus she started having sex with the imps, but even with these, she was timid. One day she got the bright idea to enchant the ropes, so she took a few stiff drinks, summoned an imp, and bound herself. She gave it a command that prevented her from stopping it, and for an hour, she was helpless. The thrill of that night has never gone away, and she was rather fond of being helpless during sex now. Eventually, the innkeeper offered her a job, so she took it to have a place to call home, but her heart longed to go out and see more of the world.

“And then we came along and shook up your world,” Jaina said.

“Well, I was already sleeping with other guests semi-regularly,” Chandice admitted. “I always assumed Gisley was, too, what with her sneaking out all the time. But then, in walks a beastman with his slave girl, and I was hopelessly enthralled. You have no idea how happy I was when he asked if I would be interested in entertaining him one night. Then a few days later, his sexy slave girl, who I would love to dominate, is eating me out and then asks me to be her girlfriend. The rest is history, I guess.”

“This magic shop is important to you?” Roric asked.

“It was just something I wanted to do,” Chandice said with a shrug. “I like the idea of having a home full of magical things that do chores and other fun things.”

“Like you see in the movies,” Jaina said.

“Exactly, and I figured I could make a decent living making magical items to sell in a shop,” Chandice finished.

“I will plan to give you space for your shop in our camp,” Roric said and turned to Evalynn. “What about you? What are your hopes and dreams?”

“I already told you I came in with a bit of an ego problem and found it hard to make friends,” Evalynn replied.

“But where did this whole beastman domination thing come from?” Jaina asked.

Evalynn sighed and explained she was an avid reader of an author named Monica Stars. She was famous for her werewolf romance novels, and Evalynn developed a fantasy based on them.

“Oh, that explains why Roric was so interesting to you. A gnoll looks a lot like a werewolf,” Jaina said.

“He does, and I lost control,” Evalynn admitted. “You're right. I pulled my punches in our fight and hoped he would punish me.”

“Wait, you wanted him to dominate you?” Chandice said in shock.

Evalynn shrugged as her cheeks turned red. “What am I supposed to say? I had a fantasy. It was part of why I came to New Eden, but you're also right; beastmen are rare and werewolves even more so. So I kept returning to spawn, trying to find any beastman who could beat me. But if you want to know my hopes and dreams, I have a funny wish to plant a magical forest and grow beautiful things. I want trees with colored leaves and flowers that glow. I want the place to be full of that sylvan magic you see in video games where things sparkle with light. There will be winding stone roads and narrow paths leading to hidden areas where special things can be found.”

“Can you do that?” Chandice asked.

“Indeed, I can,” Evalynn replied. “I am a green warden, and I can turn a region of land into an enchanted region in a forested sylvan style.”

“Hugh,” Roric said and scratched his chin. “This is all perfect.”

“How is it perfect?” Jaina asked.

“Think about it,” Roric said and turned back to smile. “Evalynn wants a magical forest, Chandice wants a magical home and shop, Gisley is a magical fairy, and you and I want our camp. So why not have Evalynn build her forest over a road someplace, and then she and Chandice can fill it with magical things. Chandice can build her shop on the road so travelers to the forest will visit and buy her things. A magical forest is a perfect home for Gisley, who is a fairy. She can spend her days dancing and singing; then, she might come on lonely travelers camping in the woods at night. She can sprinkle her dust on them and slip into their dreams to make love.”

“Oh, I love that!” Gisley said excitedly.

“And we can build our camp, tucked away in the forest surrounded by beauty and listening to Gisleys musical voice drifting on the wind,” he added.

“I am so on board with this plan,” Jaina said. “I wish we had that now.”

“So do I,” Chandice said with a truly hopeful heart. “You really think we could do all that?”

“Why not?” Roric said. “I am pretty sure Evalynn can give me permissions in her forest that will allow me to spawn Gnoll guardians. Then, the whole place will be our home, and players might come to hunt for rare plants or other adventures.”

“They might even come to camp there hoping for a visit from the sex fairy,” Jaina teased.

“Again, why not?” Roric said. “We can give the forest a name like the love wood or Passion falls. You could use your shape change and seducing abilities to lure lonely travelers off the path and give them an intense encounter. Gisley can share herself with people who discover her hiding place, or she finds sleeping at night. Word would get around, and people would come to see just what was going on in those mysterious trees.”

“This sounds amazing,” Evalynn said. “You know I can plant farms for magical plants too. Would those help with any of your enchantments?”

“They sure would!” Chandice replied enthusiastically. “Roric, you're right. This is all perfect!”

“I bet having Evalynn as my slave will allow me to tweak my camp with a sylvan theme,” Roric added.

“It all fits in perfectly,” Jaina agreed. “You know what would be fun? If we could find a place with a world-spawned cave like this one in it. Then there would be even more reasons for people to explore the forest.”

“You know I never did understand how that player mixing system worked,” Chandice said. “Like I know if two players build a home on top of each other and share permissions, they can each use a little of the other player's theme. Does that mean I can give you access to some of my stuff if I set my home there?”

“It might,” Roric said. “But I know for certain it will if you marry me. Then, I would be able to give you full control of the camp, and I bet we could place devil or demon guards.”

“Oh, just imagine the love wood being full of wandering succubus,” Jaina laughed.

“I bet we could all share our themes,” Evalynn said. “Gisley would give us the ability to add fairies, Chandice the succubus, Roric gnolls, and I can add all sorts of Sylvan animals and beasts.”

“Please tell me this isn't just all talk,” Chandice pleaded. “I love this idea, and I want it to happen.”

“If you four want this, I promise to make it happen,” Roric said.

“I want it,” Jaina said the second he was done.

“I want it too,” Gisley said, followed quickly by Evalynn.

“I have never wanted anything so much,” Chandice added. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”

“You are welcome. I am sorry I didn’t realize you three might be uncertain about the future. I want you all to know I will do all I can to blend our lives together and make them wonderful,” Roric replied.

“You know,” Evalynn said as she thought about her forest powers. “I believe at level fifty; I can plant a house tree. This can be one of two themes, a large tree with a house inside it or one large enough to build it in the branches. Why not put the magic shop in the tree and really play it up?”

“Could I?” Chandice said with wide eyes. “That would be a dream come true!”

“Yep, she’s not going anywhere,” Jaina laughed.

“Could I put my moon pond in your forest?” Gisley asked.

“Moon pond?” Roric asked. “You never said anything about a moon pond before.”

“It’s a lunar Fairy thing,” Gisley admitted. “One of the reasons we dance over the water at night is because it reflects the moonlight and doubles our recovery rate. But a moon pond is a body of water I bless, and then it will absorb and hold the moon's power. Then if I need to recover, I can dance over it and absorb the stored power, even if it’s the middle of the day. I can also produce extra glitter when I dance over my pond, and then maybe Chandice could use it for her enchantments.”

“Of course, you could put your pond in the forest, Evalynn said. “I would love to have something like that.”

“You know,” Jaina said as she thought about it. “When you danced for us before the forest around you changed. It became enchanted like Evalynn wants.”

“She can do that?” Chandice asked.

“Oh, you have never seen it,” Jaina replied. “When Gisley dances and spreads her glitter, everything around her becomes like a fairy dream. It's very magical.”

“I want to see that,” Chandice said sadly.

“Why don't we look for a secluded pond for her to dance over, and we can camp beside it one night,” Roric said.

“Gisley will finally have her dream,” Evalynn said. “She will be a fairy queen spreading love over all who wander the forest and dare to sleep under its branches.”

“Yeah!” Gisley said excitedly. “Oh, I can’t wait!”

“Well, this really did work out,” Jaina laughed.

“It works so well,” Chandice agreed. “You would swear we were meant to be together.”

“Maybe we were,” Gisley said. “I feel like I was supposed to be here.”

“So do I,” Evalynn said and pondered the thought as they reached a chamber full of tumbled rocks. “I can’t help but feel this is why I never went far from spawn. I was waiting for you to get here.”

“Hold up,” Roric said and raised a hand. “As much as I enjoy talking about this, I smell something in this cave.”

Evalynnn nodded and readied her weapon as she took a few cautious steps in. Nothing moved in the darkness, and with them all waiting quietly, the silence was unnerving.

“I don’t see anything,” Gisley said as she looked around. “And I bet I can see better in the dark than any of you can.”

“It smells strong,” Roric said as he looked to his side. “I would swear we are nearly on top of it.” His ear twitched as he heard a faint shuffling noise, so he followed the sound to look up and realize why there were so many tumbled rocks on the floor.

“Cave hunters!” he cried as a long green tentacle-like arm dropped from a hole in the ceiling. It lashed out to try and tangle Gisley, but Roric was quick with master's defense.

[Lvl 5 Conqueror skill: Masters defense] – Shield the slave in a protective bubble for 60 seconds. +30 seconds per point spent.

Gisley was suddenly encased in a bubble as the rope-like arm twisted about it, spreading a kind of resin over the surface.

“The limbs will be sticky!” Evalynn cried as two more ropes dropped down and immediately tried to tangle her up.

Chandice was once again trembling in fear as her heart raced from the sudden attack. She put her imps on the closest rope as they fired up into the holes with their shadow bolts. She quickly followed suit with her fire, filling a hole with as many blasts as she could. When the light flashed in, she could see the round maw of teeth and realized the long ropes were actually the beast's tongues. The Horrifying things were burrowed into the rock, attacking from ambush with the sticky tongues.

Jaina grew her claws and tried to slash one of the ropes, but it flailed around her, and before anyone could react, it tightened like a snake and wrapped her up.

“Jaina!” Gisley cried and beat on the wall of her bubble, desperate to save her friend.

Roric leaped into the air sweeping his spear-like sword, cutting the tongue before it carried Jaina too far up. She fell to the ground with a thump, but to everyone's surprise, the long tongue started to crumble and dissolve.

“What?” Chandice said as she helped her up.

“Absorb,” Jaina said as she got up and took off her collar. “And I have an even better idea.” She shouted to Roric to let the next one catch her and give her a second. He looked confused but didn't stop Jaina as she practically dived for a tongue. It wrapped around her and started to draw her up to that waiting mouth.

“I have a surprise for you,” Jaina said, then activated spikes.

[lvl 14 Morphic skill: Spikes] You cover yourself with needles and spines, causing damage to anyone who touches you.

Jaina's skin was suddenly covered in three-inch-long spines that pierced the tongue in a hundred places. The monster let out a strange wail and tried to uncoil the tongue to drop her, but Jaina refused to be let go.

[lvl 15 Morphic skill: Adhesion] You coat your skin in a sticky residue that allows you to climb even sheer surfaces or stick to objects like glue.

Now she was as sticky as that tongue, and the two glues dissolved one another as the monster tried as hard as it could to dislodge her. She started her absorption skill, and her body rapidly ate the tongue way until she dropped again when the monster was crippled.

The fall hurt as she groaned from the impact, but there was one tongue left, and she quickly got up to tackle it. Just as before, she tangled it up and then refused to let it go until her body had eaten a significant portion of it away. She groaned in preparation for the abrupt fall but was surprised to discover she floated down instead. Gisley, now free of the bubble, used the spell fairy feather to soften her descent.

[lvl 3 Lunar Fairy Skill: Fairy Feather] Cause any target you can reach with your glitter to become light as a feather, falling safely for no damage.

“She has crippled them all,” Evalynn said. “Chandice’s imps can pick them off at their leisure.”

“Good!” Chandice grumbled and ordered her imps to keep firing until one of the beasts dropped from a hole and crashed to the ground dead. It looked like a gray tree stump with a dozen short hooks for legs that it must use to cling to the stone and dig. She quickly moved to the next one and killed it too, before turning her wrath on the final helpless monster.

“Are you alright?” Gisley asked as she hugged Jaina.

“I will be fine,” Jaina replied and welcomed the hug. “I have regeneration.”

Gisley took the time to look her over as Ealynn picked through the rocks before calling out that she had found something.

“Well, well,” Chandice said as they leaned over a pile of discarded equipment and packs. “The little beasts have killed quite a few adventurers.”

“And piled the gear in the corner,” Jaina added.

Roric was pleased with the find, and with Evalynn's help, they piled it all on the magic disk to sort through later.

“So, shall we continue dreaming about our future home?” Roric asked as he took the lead to go down the next tunnel.

“Please,” Gisley said and took Jaina’s hand. “I want to hear about all the wonderful things we can make.”

He nodded and led the way while offering suggestions on how to make the forest as magical as possible. They all shared their ideas, weaving a home as a joint effort until they all longed to see it for themselves. It became their unified goal, a dream full of magic, love, and sex. Roric promised once again to ensure they would have their home as he led them down the dusty cave, deeper into the unknown.

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