The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-27 A pleasant talk

Roric panted as the last ratterkin fell, leaving the group wondering how close to the exit they were. It had been hours since they fell down that ramp into the lower tunnels. It had been a slow walk down cave tunnels and winding paths ever since. They fought a dozen battles against various low-level monsters, slowly refining their tactics. It was clear they needed the practice as they often wasted powers or got in each other's way. He wasn't about to take them into the much larger dungeon of black depths until they were functioning as a team.

Jaina ran up and planted a kiss, giving him a heal in the most pleasing way possible. He decided to wrap her in his arms, sharing the warmth of her skin as well as the taste of her lips.

“Well, this is nice,” Jaina said when she was done healing him.

“I love you,” Roric said and held her close. “You mean the world to me.”

“Do you think I would have come in here to be your sex slave if I didn't know that?” Jaina replied. “You loved me when I was an unhealthy, unattractive woman, and there was no New Eden to fix things. You never once treated me like I was anything less than the focus of your heart, and I will never forget it.”

“I just don’t want to get out of the habit of saying it,” Roric replied and held her at arm's length. “You may be my slave, but I never want to reach a point where I take that for granted.”

“Well, master,” Jaina said and leaned in to rub her nose on his. “I love you with all my heart, and I will always be your slave.”

Roric knew she meant those words, and it touched him in a way that was hard to explain. It also made him think of the others and if they would one day mean as much to him as Jaina did. Certainly, they were all lovely to look at, especially Gisley with her wings out. But all women in New Eden were beautiful, with bodies perfectly sculpted to be whatever they wanted. What really mattered was the woman inside and her ability to express that love. It was a funny irony that, by making all women beautiful, you took away the power that often held. Gone was the competition to fight over a select few based solely on looks. Another factor was that the pretty girls from the real world avoided New Eden like the plague. This meant that New Eden attracted the smart down to earth type that had some understanding of themselves, or at the very least could recognize their flaws. They were mentally able to handle being put in a world with a nearly perfectly level playing field. Women came to New Eden in an almost two-to-one ratio with men, and then almost a third of all men played as women, while only three percent of women chose to be men. This led to women outnumbering men by over three to one and left a world ripe for harems and poly relationships.

Now that he thought of the others, he admitted that he had many dreams, but they needed time to mature. Gisley was an angel, Evalynn a strong companion, and Chandice, a bright woman who enjoyed the company of Beastmen. They were all suitable in some way and had come so quickly he hadn't the means to collar them all. Jaina embraced them, enjoying the fun of having so many women to love, but this was the superficial love of sex. Roric wanted the more profound love of commitment like he and Jaina had between themselves. He prayed that his harem would last and that all three of those women would find happiness with him. So far, it was looking good, but it was early days when everything was exciting and new. How would they feel six months from now when that excitement had worn off?

“I think we have climbed back to the level we fell from,” Evalynn said as she looked down a dark tunnel. “We are fighting the ratterkin again, and they don't seem surprised to see us.”

“I hope that means we are close to the exit,” Chandice said as she summoned a new imp to replace one that was slain in the fight.

“I want to get out, so we don't miss the dancing and the stuff after,” Gisley said.

“Oh, is somebody looking forward to serving more men tonight?” Jaina laughed.

Roric smiled at their banter as he helped Evalynn loot the bodies. They were all bonding together well, with Jaina making each woman feel like she belonged. He realized that Jaina was the glue pulling this strange family together. She encouraged all of them to embrace being a slave and led the way by showing just how happy she was doing it. Only Chandice wasn’t snared in this net, but she was firmly bound to Jaina in other ways.

“I was thinking about how we do things,” Roric said as he moved to look down a tunnel. “When we can manage three collars, would you girls be interested in an orgy?”

“I wouldn’t say no to that,” Jaina said.

“I was kind of hoping we would do that one day,” Evalynn added.

Gisley looked around nervously at their expectant faces as they waited on her answer.

“I will do it if you want,” she said.

“I won’t force that on you,” Roric said. “I was just wondering how you felt about the idea.”

“I never thought about it before,” Gisley said. “But I want to try it.”

“What girl hasn’t thought about that before?” Jaina laughed as she took Chandice’s hand.

“Not all of us spend our days dreaming of having sex,” Chandice reminded. “I did a fair bit of reading and playing normal games.”

“So did I, but I still had time to think of being part of an orgy,” Jaina said.

“When our forest home is built, there might be cause for us to host regular ones,” Evalynn said. “We could have special holidays where we came together with guests or maybe just anyone lucky enough to be in the woods that day.”

“I love how you think,” Jaina said.

“Could we do one under a full moon?” Gisley asked.

“Of course, we can,” Jaina replied. “Assuming our master is alright with it, of course.”

“I am fine with there being special holidays where you three come together to have sex with strangers in the woods,” Roric said.

“How often should we have them?” Evalynn asked as she shouldered her weapon and followed Roric into the tunnel.

“They shouldn’t be an everyday thing,” Jaina said as she and the others walked along. “It should be something special that happens now and then.”

“The white moon is eclipsed by the blue one twice a year,” Gisley said. “When it does, I have extra power for a short while.”

“Then we can have a lunar orgy on those days for Gisley,” Jaina agreed and pondered her own. “I think I would like to have one on the anniversary of our coming in.”

“I think that is a good one,” Roric agreed.

“Hmm. How to mark mine as special then?” Evalynn said.

“Yours is easy,” Jaina replied. “The day you found your forest should be the day that is most special to you. It’s the day we settle down to enjoy our happiness together.”

“You're right. That is a good one,” Evalynn agreed.

“What about Chandice?” Gisley asked.

“I’m not a slave,” Chandice reminded the fairy woman.

“But you are still a part of us. So you should have a day,” Gisley insisted.

“Common,” Jaina urged. “What day would you like to have your orgy on?”

Chandice looked lost in thought for a moment and then lit up as she finally had an idea.

“How about the day I reach level thirty and summon my first succubus?”

“I think that’s perfect,” Jaina said.

“I think so too,” Roric agreed. “All of these days are truly special to each of you in some way. It will help mark the passage of time and remind us why we came together.”

“Somebody is a romantic,” Chandice said with a giggle.

“He's the perfect man to be a slave master,” Jaina said with a contented sigh. “I can't believe how lucky I was. You should all know I was hardly a catch in the real world, but when Roric met me face-to-face for the first time, he treated me like I was my avatar. You would swear he was looking at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he made me feel things nobody had ever done before.”

“Oooh, how sweet,” Gisley said.

“I knew after our second date that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him,” Jaina admitted. “After our third date, I started to wish I could be his slave just like I pretended to be in the games.”

“So you decided to come to New Eden?” Evalynn asked.

“New Eden wasn't even a thing then,” Jaina said happily. “He loved me like that, just the way I was with no hope of ever-changing it.”

“Goodness, he is a romantic,” Chandice said as Roric glanced back for just a moment.

“He is the most special person I have ever met, but when New Eden did come about, I immediately asked him about going,” Jaina said. “I told him this was the life I wanted, and we spent a full year talking about it.”

“Those were some long conversations,” Roric added as they rounded a bend in the tunnel. “After that year, we enrolled in the preparation courses. When Jaina told them what roles she planned to play, they tried to talk both of us out of it.”

“Those courses are terrible,” Chandice griped. “They try to talk everybody out of it. They even required me to take an additional psychological prep.”

“Us too,” Jaina laughed. “The counselor nearly rejected my profile, saying I was expecting too much and would suffer a breakdown when the reality hit.”

“They gave me hell about it,” Roric said. “What right do I have to expect this or that from Jaina? Why don't I appreciate the value of human life? So I asked them if they ask the same questions of political leaders who send soldiers off to die in wars.”

“I am surprised they passed you two,” Chandice said.

“We thought about lying and just saying we wanted to be normal things, but then we would have been able to do the research we wanted,” Roric said. “So we went in holding hand and told them flat out this is what we were going to do.”

“They challenged us a hundred times, but we never wavered,” Jaina said. “And they ultimately made us take ninety days of couples counseling. The woman running it was very nice, and she said we had what it took to make this work, so here we are.”

“I didn't have any trouble with my courses,” Gisley said. “I took the classes, and they sent me in.”

“Does anyone mind my asking where they are from?” Jaina asked. “I know some people like to put their previous life away like it was a dream.”

“I already know you and Roric are from the US,” Chandice said. “I’m from Spain.”

“I am Irish,” Evalynn said.

“Japanese,” Gisley said.

“Wait, you're from Japan, and you're timid about sex?” Jaina laughed.

“What? You think every Japanese girl is just like in the manga and anime?” Gisley asked.

“I didn't mean it that way,” Jaina said and hugged Gisley. “It's just that I always got the impression your culture was more open.”

“It's not like that,” Gisley sighed. “Some people really embrace it, but our culture knows how to distinguish fantasy from reality. We can celebrate these things while also understanding that it's all make-believe. We have very strong cultural traditions, and we understand that everyone is important in some way to the whole.”

“You have a very mature outlook on things,” Jaina said.

“That being said, I did work in a maid cafe,” Gisley admitted.

Jaina burst out laughing and hugged her again as they rounded another corner and saw the room with the rocks piled up in barricades.

“This is the first room we entered,” Evalynn said.

“Then that tunnel is the way out,” Roric said as he pointed to it with his spear. He led them across the space, reminding them of the tripwire, and then took them out. It was another minute of walking, but they exited the cave into the forest valley just as the sun moved to dusk.

“We will be back in time to dance,” Jaina surmised as she watched the sun move.

“We need to keep coming here,” Roric said as he looked around and pointed to various places. “Look, there are a bunch of other caves all up and down the hills. We need to come back and practice working as a team, so we will be ready when we get to black depths.”

“You have your heart set on that,” Evalynn said. “Are you sure you want to attempt the prize?”

“What prize?” Chandice and Jaina asked in unison.

“Rumor has it that all the large world spawned dungeons have a final level where a rare treasure can be found,” Evalynn said. “The problem is I don’t know of anyone who has ever gotten it.”

“Aren’t those dungeons supposed to be like fifty levels deep?” Chandice asked.

“I heard they were a hundred,” Gisley said. “And the monsters get more dangerous as you go down.”

“I just want to explore as deeply as we go,” Roric replied and took the lead to take them out of the valley. “I am not so concerned with beating the dungeon as earning experience and finding treasure.”

“Still, I wonder what the grand prize is?” Jaina asked.

“I heard it was a crown that granted a bonus class,” Evalynn said.

“That would be neat,” Jaina said as she felt a soft hand grab her exposed rear. She smiled at Chandice, who started to give her a soothing rub as they walked out. They reached the road and started back to town, ignoring the small trash while they talked.

“Oh my goodness, I hit level ten!” Chandice said. “That’s two levels in one day!”

“Good for you,” Jaina replied and pulled up her character sheet. “I am eighteen now.”

“Finally, she's legal,” Roric joked, causing the others to laugh.

“You had better hope I am legal considering what you tell me to do,” Jaina teased.

“Did you level?” Gisley asked and tugged on Roric’s arm.

Roric pulled his sheet up to see he was level fifteen and nodded. “Just one level.”

“But you’re really close to another,” Gisley pointed out.

She's right,” Evalynn said. “A couple more kills, and you would be sixteen.”

“He doesn’t need kills,” Jaina laughed. “He just needs to breed his slaves. His buffs have probably worn off anyway.”

“You're right; they have,” Roric said as he looked at his sheet. “Hmm, why don't you three line up, and Evalynn, take off your leg plates.”

The three women looked to one another as Chandice laughed and then lined up as Evalynn put her leg armor aside. They then stood with their rears all in a row, the plugs showing in the dim light.

“Bend over and present your rears,” Roric commanded and watched as all three slaves did as they were told. He then put an arm around Chandice to pull her close. “You know if you and I are going to have a relationship, you may as well think of them as your slaves.”

“So these are mine?” Chandice said in a sultry tone. “I knew there was a perk to being your girlfriend.”

“I thought she was my girlfriend?” Jaina asked.

“Quiet, slave!” Chandice commanded and giggled.

“Why don’t you pick who I level on,” Roric suggested.

“Hmm,” Chandice purred and walked to the row as she slid her hand over the pert rears. She gave each of them a firm squeeze like she was testing a fruit in the market. She then slid her fingers into the folds, checking each woman's wetness. She giggled as the magic rings wrote dirty things on every woman's exposed cheeks, pleading to be the one who was fucked.

“Oh my goodness,” Chandice said when her fingers slid into Gisley. “She’s as wet as a river.”

“No fair!” Jaina moaned. “She has a skill that makes her wet all the time.”

“Would you like one?” Roric asked. “I can use points to purchase unique skills for slaves. One of them is just like Gisley's skill. It will ensure you are always wet and ready for sex.”

“You know, I have heard Jaina brag about how tasty Gisley is,” Chandice said as she continued to tease those soft folds. “Maybe I will sample it for myself.” She then fell to her knees and used her hands to spread Gisley’s full lips wide. She leaned in and started to lick, quickly tasting the sweet delight that was fairy glitter.

“So, do we just stand here waiting?” Evalynn asked.

“I guess so,” Jaina said with a shrug as they both tried to look over to see Gisley with her eyes shut as she moaned softly.

Gisley flinched and jumped in little groans as Chandice savored her delicate flavor.

“Oh, this girl is like licking pure honey,” Chandice sighed. “I want you to fuck this one good and hard.”

“Well, we lost,” Jaina said to Evalynn.

“Who said you lost?” Chandice corrected and pointed at her. “Jaina, give Evalynn your collar.”

Jaina looked at Evalynn, who shrugged, and they swapped collars, so Evalynn had on the real one. Before Jaina could put the fake collar on, Chandice took it and looked at Roric. “Use that power of yours to conquer her for a day.”

“She cant’ take that collar off,” Roric said. “It will have to expire naturally.”

“She can wear it for a day,” Chandice said as she smiled at Jaina. “Her mistress commands it.”

Roric laughed and placed his spear point to Jaina's throat as he asked if she would submit. Jaina said she gave up, and the magical red collar tightened around her neck, locking her in for twenty-four hours.

“Good,” Chandice said and looked at the two slaves. “Now, get on your hands and knees.” Jaina and Evalynn did as they were told while Chandice walked around them, smiling. “Imps, fuck those two whores until I tell you to stop.”

The two women tensed as devilish hands suddenly groped at their hips. Without so much as a kind word, the imps started to probe for their pussies and shove their ample cocks in. Chandice laughed and went back to Gisley as she gathered the hem of her dress and lifted it high.

“Down on your knees,” Chandice commanded Gisley as she herself got down and laid back so that her pussy was just below Gisley's soft purple lips. “Now, give your mistress some pleasure.”

“Somebody has taken to her role,” Jaina moaned as an imps cock burst into her body.

Gisley's mouth went to Chandices's soft flesh as Roric knelt behind her and pressed his cock in Gisley's pussy. She bucked and groaned as he worked his hardening shaft as deeply as he could, then waited for the knot to swell. Beside them, Jaina and Evalynn were rocking as their pussies were given good hard poundings.

“I could get used to being a mistress,” Chandice moaned as Gisley reached deep into her folds with a hot tongue.

“You don't have to call yourself a mistress,” Roric offered as he pulled to test the fit. “You could be another master.”

“I have no qualms about mistress,” Chandice said and wrapped a hand around Gisley’s head to hold her in place. “Now use this little slave to level up.”

Roric nodded as his hands tightened around Gisley's waist and launched into a firm brutal fucking of her tender pussy. Gisley immediately cried out, the sound nearly muffled by Chandice, who held her mouth firmly to her body. Beside them, Jaina and Evalynn were moaning in their first orgasms, brought on by the devils fucking from behind.

Gisley used her powers to please her master, making the sex as pleasurable as possible. She had her first orgasm in less than a minute, then another half a minute later. She struggled to keep licking as her body was rocked by the brutal sex, trying her hardest to pleasure Chandice.

Jaina had to put her head down to moan as her pussy was thoroughly used by the summoned creature. Something about being used to pleasure a summoned NPC made the moment all the more intense, and, judging by Evalynn's screams, she was feeling the same thing. Her nails dug at the ground as she felt yet another orgasm building to climax, and when it came, she went flowing wet for the little creature. She was the monster's little plaything, and as far as she was concerned, it was what she wanted.

“Roric!” Jaina called and waved a hand as her body started to build to another orgasm. He looked over to see what she wanted, and she begged for the leash. With a laugh, he paused in his fucking of Gisley to unshoulder his pack and fish out the long leather lead. He clipped it to her collar and handed the other end to the imp, who quickly pulled his pet's head up.

Roric went back to earning his experience as Jaina was pulled tight by her new owner. One buff after another went off as Roric continued to rattle Gisley's fairy body. He could tell she was using her abilities as writhe took him right to the edge and prolong kept him there. It was also working on Chandice as oral mastery sent her into a panting orgasm that Gisley eagerly licked up.

It was their own private little orgy, which reminded him of the conversation from earlier. With the temporary collar on Jaina, he could use all three of them at once. Maybe tonight would be a little different, and the girls would experience something new.

A few minutes later and Gisley was heaving from her sixth orgasm as her master punished her body. Roric felt the need to cum but was enjoying seeing the fairy girl tremble while pleasuring Chandice. He looked up and met Chandice's lusting eyes as she smiled and gave him a nod. He took that to mean she was happy with their relationship and liked the idea of thinking of the girls as her slaves.

“Master, please!” Gisley moaned as she pulled her mouth away from Chandice. “Can I finish you?”

Roric loved to hear that musical voice beg to be put out of her misery. He gave her permission to let prolong go and use her finishing skill to get her final reward. He relished this moment as well, having been held on the verge of an orgasm for so long. Now, Gisley's body demanded he finish, drawing the orgasm out and making it intense. He thrust in deeply, feeling that warm wet flesh tightening around his cock as he filled her with his milk. She screamed in a final orgasm, sharing his as she thrashed in his grip, sexual escalation making it super intense.

Chandice had her eyes closed, rubbing the back of Gisley's head as the poor fairy woman tried to keep licking even as she screamed in the release. She looked content to be sharing the moment like this, and Roric hoped she was happy with her place. He could use a woman who wasn't a slave to share his future with, someone who loved Jaina as much as he did.

The other two were left to the imps until Roric finally pulled his knot-free. Only then did Chandice take mercy on Jaina and Evalynn and tell the imps to stop. The two women gushed with sticky cum when they pulled out, showing the imps had finished several times. Chandice saw those soiled folds and ordered Evalynn and Jaina to clean each other up. Jaina laid on her back as Evalynn turned around and laid over her stomach, each woman pressing her face between the other's legs. Chandice then turned to Gisley and dropped to her knees again, gently cleaning the panting fairy herself.

When all three of them were clean, except for Gisley, who was always wet, The girls were turned loose until Chandice had another idea. She whispered in Rorics ear while he checked his character to see he had leveled. He looked at the two and nodded, then went to his pack and fished out another leash. Chandice took it from his hand and attached it to Evalynn's collar. Then she handed it to the second imp, who gave Evalynn a good tug.

“You two are now their pets,” Chandice said. “I expect you to please your masters in every way.” She then turned to the two imps and told them the girls were theirs to play with, and they could use them however they wished. She cast the imp whore curse on each woman to seal the deal and then commanded them to get on the magic disk. They were scarcely a dozen steps down the road when Jaina was already moaning.

Roric looked back to see Evalynn sucking her new master firmly as he tugged her leash to pull her lips down his cock. Jaina sat astride her master, riding him vigorously as one of those little hands squeezed her breast. For the two hours it took to walk back to the city, they fucked the devil imps driven wild with lust by their curses.

By the time town came into view, they were writhing in orgasms and sex, as their sweat mixed with imp cum, giving their skin a soft glistening appearance. Both women were filled with the creature's seed, and it dripped from smiling lips as they continued to please their new masters.

“Do the imps ever get tired?” Roric asked as he looked back to see they were still taking the women.

“It's hard to say,” Chandice said as she looked back as well. “I always rotated them out just in case, but there have been nights where one imp went for hours. When they do get tired, they have you suck them until they are ready again.”

“Well, I don't think it's a good idea to drag them through town like that,” Roric laughed and asked Chandice to dismiss the imps. She joined him in the laugh and, with a quick spell, sent both imps back to the hells. Jaina and Evalynn collapsed to the disk and clung to each other for safety.

“Are you two alright?” Roric asked as she came to the side of the disk and stroked Jaina’s head.

“That was wonderful and terrible all at once, Jaina moaned. “Those little things are impossibly horny.”

“Do you think you will be able to dance tonight?” Roric asked.

“I will be fine in a little bit,” Jaina replied as she activated cleanse and wiped away the hours of sex. “It doesn’t take us long to recover.”

“I hope you're not mad at me,” Chandice said as she joined them.

“Oh, yes, I am so mad that you made me have sex for over an hour,” Jaina laughed. “How will I ever forgive you?”

“I love your attitude,” Chandice laughed. “Are you alright, Evalynn?”

“I am as satisfied as I will ever be,” Evalynn replied and rolled onto her back. “I think I could sleep for hours.”

“We have to dance yet,” Jaina reminded her. “Or did you not want to make love while a hundred people watch?”

“I will find the strength to go on,” Evalynn replied as she, too, used cleanse. “I will sleep a bit now.”

“Go ahead,” Roric urged and looked at Jaina. “Curl up with her and take a nap. I will wake you when we get to the inn.”

“I don’t know if I can fall asleep that easily,” Jaina said.

“I can make her sleep,” Gisley offered. “And I can make them recover quickly while they do.”

“I guess I'm sleeping,” Jaina said and laid over Evalynn, who took her in her arms. Gisley went to their side and waved a hand as a cloud of silver glitter formed over their faces. Both women were sound asleep a moment later, and Roric put Gisley on his shoulders to carry her the rest of the way.

“So you don’t mind me treating your girls like they are my slaves?” Chandice asked.

“Provided you love them, I don’t mind at all,” Roric replied and looked her way before holding out his hand. She took it and smiled while shaking her head at how much her life had changed in just a couple of days.

“I am looking forward to this home you want to build,” Chandice admitted as they walked down the road. “I assume I will be living in the camp with you.”

Roric sighed and squeezed her hand as he thought best how to answer this. “I would like that, but we both understand this is going very fast.”

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten,” Chandice laughed. “But, I have enjoyed our time together thus far. I am very fond of you and Jaina. Evalynn is wonderful, and Gisley is a sweetheart.”

“I like you too,” Gisley said.

“I am glad we talked about the future and that you want us to have our dreams,” Chandice added. “I can honestly say I want this, and I hope we work out.”

“If I can be honest,” Roric replied. “I like you too, and I admit I used Jaina to entice you to come with. I hope we work out as well.”

“So, why don't we say that you and all your slaves are dating me,” Chandice said. “If anybody asks, I am the girlfriend.”

“So you’re my girlfriend too?” Gisley asked.

“If you don’t mind,” Chandice said.

“No, I don’t mind at all. I like that,” Gisley said. “I have never had a girlfriend before.”

“Well, you do now,” Chandice said and looked ahead to the town as it drew closer. “I can see my shop, full of magical things I made or traded for. I think I will use the option to build it into the trunk so it can be on the ground along the road. I don’t like the idea of it being up high in the branches.”

“I hope I can find a pond with a little island and maybe a waterfall,” Gisley added. “Oh, and lily pads so along the shore.”

“And what about you?” Chandice asked as she swung Roric’s hand. “What is this camp going to look like?”

“Well, the style I have by default can be large tents or rustic lodges. I was going to mix them both to get a wilderness theme. But if I can borrow some sylvan style from Evalynn, I will use it to blend it. But it's a lot of wood, animal furs, and leather. It's very heavily decorated with tribal carvings and statues. I would establish my main lodge on a ledge and connect it by a rope bridge to the rest of the camp if I had my way. If I have the points, I can put up dozens of buildings and assign rooms to the insides. I can create a cave system where I can place certain chambers. If it all goes to plan, I will have thirty or so Gnoll NPCs and small packs of hunting hyenas to sniff out rogues or other stealthers. I can have hawks or eagles flying overhead to alert me to intruders and keep the camp safe.”

“But what will life be like in the camp?” Chandice asked.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he pondered it. “Imagine the camp is cut up into three or four sections, each with tents and lodges arranged around a central plaza. Fires will burn in these centers with hunted meats roasting on spits. NPCs will play flutes and drums while they chant in low tones, giving it a primal feel. The camp will be up high, where the wind can blow, and the sky will be dominated by stars at night.

My girls will spend their days looking for sexual encounters as they entertain us or prowl the forest for travelers. Sometimes Jaina will be chained to my throne and used as my private pet. Sometimes Evalynn will be treated like a camp prisoner and abused by the NPC gnolls. Her body will be used like the imps did today, as they take out their frustrations on the elf slave girl.”

“What about me?” Gisley asked as she wondered where she fit into this painting.

“You are special,” Roric said and looked up. “I want to hear your voice on the wind as you sing in happiness. You are free to make love to anyone you want, and I encourage you to sneak into people's dreams to share yourself all you can.”

“I was thinking that I would like to hide in secluded places, and anyone who can manage to find me will be rewarded with my body,” Gisley said.

“Kinda like a little quest,” Chandice laughed. “I could tell travelers who came to my shop to keep an eye out for the magical fairy and let slip that if they find her, she rewards them intimately.”

“So long as you're happy, I am fine with it,” Roric said and stopped at the top of a hill. Below them was the town bustling with players and NPCs. Soon people would be headed to their favorite inn for the night, and his girls would be putting more coins in his pouch. He never did go to the bank that day, but it would be wise to go soon. They had too much cash on hand and word had to spreading to local thieves that they were raking it in at night. He still didn't know what was in the bags he took from the adventurers, but all that could be counted tonight. For now, he had a treasure on his shoulders and one holding his hand while two more slept innocently behind him. It was a magical day full of great ideas. He only hoped those dreams would all come true.

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