The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-3 In the heat of the moment

The day was beautifully sunny as Janny and Roric stood in the town square looking over the message board. There were plenty of minor tasks the various NPCs wanted done, most of which were basic fetch quests. Roric was trying to figure out which ones would be the most lucrative while she twisted nervously and searched the faces around them. She had slept soundly through the night, exhausted by the firm pounding Roric gave her. However, when she woke in the morning, Roric was already up, reading what appeared to be a letter. It turned out several of the patrons who witnessed her dance wrote love letters asking her to meet them for private encounters. These were slipped under the door for her to find and were being read by Roric.

She wasn't sure if she should be amused or frightened, but Roric reacted with pride. He loved knowing that people desired his pet and wanted to flaunt that he owned her. She was more than happy to play along, clinging to his arm and looking at him in awe when people were around. Now they were looking for something to do that would earn a little coin and get him closer to level five.

“This one might be worth it,” he said and tapped one of the papers. “It says the NPC buys zemmic necklaces for four bronze each.”

“What was a zemmic again?” Jaina asked as she looked at the paper.

“A sort of plant creature about the size of a small goblin,” he recalled from the classes. “If I am remembering it right, they are intelligent, so they have a chance of dropping coins and other loot.”

“So we might earn treasure as we kill them, and then more for turning in the necklaces,” she surmised, proud of her master.

“That's what I hope,” he said and turned to look down at her. “I just want you to know I love you, and I appreciate what your doing.”

“Are you breaking character?” Jaina asked with a smile.

“Not at all,” he said and put a paw on her shoulder. “We aren't pretending anymore. You really are my slave, and I intend to live the life I always dreamed of with you serving all my lusts and needs. You will be chained to my throne and spend your days dancing naked as I watch. Then you will refill my wine and fall to your knees to put that sexy mouth to work. I just want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate the sacrifice you're making for me.”

Jaina felt her heart racing again as he spoke so confidently about her role. It caused a storm of sensations that raised goosebumps on her skin. She loved feeling this excited, so she decided to play along and urge him on.

“Then, hurry up and get to level five. I want to feel your collar around my neck,” she pleaded while rubbing at her neck longingly.

He took her hand, and together they walked across the little town, heading into the western hills. They stumbled across a large green lizard that they killed just because before arriving at a sea of tall waving grass.

“I think the book said they hide in the grass and build low huts out of it,” Roric said as she looked about. “They probably blend in and are hard to spot until you are close.”

“Can you track them?” she asked as they waded into the grass.

“I don't know yet,” he replied as he took out his weapon. “Until I find one to establish its scent, I doubt I could distinguish it from the grass. That reminds me, did I level you up last night?”

She nodded with a blush and wide smile and admitted that she was level three. It was unbelievable that she could level by having some of the best sex of her life, but she wasn’t about to argue it.

“Did you get anything useful?” he asked while scanning for danger.

Jaina shrugged and willed open her character sheet. Normally it was invisible to anyone but the user, but she tapped the box to make it appear so he could see it.

“What is pleading innocence?” he asked, and she tapped it to bring up the description. It allowed her to convince people accusing her of anything that she was innocent or turn any request she made into a powerful plea. It could reduce a target's hostility but didn't work if it was already attacking.

“At level three, I got a morphic ability to slightly alter my size and a seductress ability called allure. I am not sure what good that one will do. All it does is cause people to notice me, even if they are busy or distracted, but they have to be able to see me.”

“I bet we can think of a good use for that,” he said and looked at her points. “Hmm, you have six talent points to spend. Put four of them to boost erotic dance, and use the last two to purchase the endurance skill. Maybe if we boost it enough, you won't need a nap after sex.”

“Maybe if you didn't fuck me like an animal, I wouldn't be so exhausted,” she countered.

“You like it that way,” he laughed as she smiled in agreement. He then looked over her starting skills and asked her to open a seductive smile. She did so without hesitation, and he read through the skill and started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“It says here you get a bonus to the skill if you’re naked,” he pointed out.

“It does?” she asked and looked at it herself. He was mostly right; the bonus depended on how naked she was, with a small bonus for slightly revealing to a massive bonus for absolutely bare.

“See, you were meant to be naked,” he said and took hold of her dress. Before she could say a word, he pulled the laces open and yanked the dress off her body. He folded it up and put it in his pack as she looked around nervously. He then ordered her to take off her panties and added them to his bag.

“There, now you're ready to use your skills to their max,” he said with a smile.

Jaina looked around nervously, hoping nobody else was about. They hadn't seen anyone out here all morning, but that could change at any moment. Roric looked at her body with a hungry smile and pulled her into his arms.

“I know you’re scared about this, but let's try to go as long as you can to get you used to it,” he said soothingly and stroked the back of her head. “If people show up, I will let you get dressed.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, grateful he understood.

He took her hand and led the way through the grass and eventually over a small hill into an odd clearing. Almost immediately, the grass moved, and something about waist-high rushed out. It was humanoid in shape but resembled a doll made of yellowed reeds with black eyes and green leaves for hair. It wore nothing she would call clothing but wielded a sharpened stick with clear intent.

Roric released her hand and readied his long-bladed spear. He rushed the little creature as it produced a shrill cry and ran at them in return. Meeting it in the middle of the clearing, it took him only three hits to drop the odd creature. However, before he could loot it, two more showed up.

These also had sharpened sticks, and they shrieked their warcry while trying to stab him. He found fighting two far more challenging and took two small stabs to the leg before he could drop them both. Jaina discovered one of the weaknesses of her class in that encounter when she realized she couldn't heal him until after combat.

“Roric,” she cried and ran in when the last creature fell. She quickly grabbed his face and planted a kiss, receiving his tongue in return. It only took a moment for the healing to take effect, and she leaned back to wipe her lips when it finished.

“Your kisses are very wet,” she laughed.

“I can't help it,” he replied and bent over one of the bodies. He turned it over to see that it contained nothing but the stick, so he moved on to another and found one of the necklaces. The third one also had a necklace, but aside from that, all they had were sticks.

“Well, if we kill a few more, we can start a campfire,” he suggested and discarded the sticks.

“I realized in that battle that I can't heal you until after,” she said and took his arm. “I saw you get stabbed, and I felt so helpless.”

“You’re not helpless,” he said and stroked her head. “And I should be able to handle a bunch of these.”

“But what if we get too many of them?” she asked.

“Then I guess we find out what it feels like to respawn,” he laughed and looked across the clearing.

He took the lead and went further in, quickly finding more. An hour later, they had fourteen necklaces and a small blue stone to show for their trouble. Roric was teetering on level three, and Jaina was more than halfway to four. As he looked through a body, she realized that she had forgotten she was naked except for her boots. The rush of combat and the uncertainty of the outcome had quickly taken her mind off it.

They pressed on and, over the next rise, found the first of the zemmic villages. It was a cluster of about a dozen huts with twice that many of the odd creatures running about. Roric crouched low in the grass and suggested they stay back as this was far too many. Just as he was about to turn them around, a shrill cry filled the air, and one of the beasts came running out. Roric was on it immediately as Jaina fell back to watch the fight. Almost immediately, the cry was answered by a dozen more. Jaina turned to see one of the beasts rush out of the grass; its sharpened stick pointed her way.

“My dagger!” she cried to realize her weapon was with her dress in Rorics pack. Roric saw her peril and tried to disengage to intercept it, but too another stab to the thigh.

“Jaina, run!” he cried, but the creature was already on her.

Just as Jaina was about to scream, she remembered her skills and racial traits.

“Claws!” she shouted, and her fingers stretched and thinned until they ended in long sharp blades. She swiped the stick aside and slashed with the other hand, cutting four neat lines across the wicker-looking creature. It squealed and pressed the attack, stabbing wildly as she slashed at it. Three more rushed out of the grass and jumped on Roric as he started to bleed from multiple wounds.

Frightened by the sudden turn of the battle, Jaina grabbed the thrusting stick and yanked the creature forward. As it lurched toward her, she buried her other hand in its chest and then flung the lifeless body into the dirt. By the time she turned around, Roric had two dead at his feet, but there were six more around him. Jaina realized he couldn't fight so many at once and was about to run into help when she had another idea.

Focusing on her powers, she triggered allure. Four of the beasts suddenly stopped and turned to look her way. While she had their attention, she ran her hands along her naked body and used a seductive smile. The four creatures wandered away from the fight and headed her way, leaving Roric with a more manageable two.

Jaina hoped and prayed she could buy him enough time to save her, or she would have to pay the price. She had the four creatures enthralled by making them horny and offering her body as a gift. If Roric died or took too long, she would find herself lying in the grass as a group of zemmics planted their seeds in her womb. Even now, she could see the root-like growths rising between their legs as the aroused monsters came to collect their prize.

“Get away from her!” Roric yelled as he cut one of the creatures down from behind.

Jaina looked up in relief to see he had slain the other two and was ready to rescue her. The remaining three hesitated, and Roric cut two of them before they returned to being hostile. Jaina lunged with her claws and slashed at one wildly while Roric battled the two wounded ones. Taken by surprise that Jaina was now attacking instead of offering, the creature was easily slain. She then turned her claws to helping Roric, and though clumsy, she managed to help him kill the last one.

“Jaina,” he tried to say, but she leaped into his arms and planted her lips to his muzzle. The power of a healing kiss flowed across his bloody body, mending the half dozen stab wounds to his legs. Then, they heard shrill cries, alerting them that more of the creatures were coming. Roric, realizing the danger, wrapped his arms around Jaina and lifted her up. He held her in the kiss and ran, carrying her out of harm's way. They stopped when the shouting faded, and he finally set her trembling body down.

“Are you alright?” he asked and looked her naked body over, noting the blood on her fingertips.

Jaina trembled so badly that she had to lean into his chest for support. Terrifying images of Roric's dead body laying ten yards away while a crowd of zemmics abused her body flooded her mind. She started to cry, and Roric quickly wrapped his arms around her, assuring her that she was safe.

“I thought you were going to die!” she wailed and sank into the rings of his armor.

“We got too close to the village,” he said with a sigh. “We pulled too many.” He paused and rubbed her back, then asked how she managed to get them off of him. She explained how she had used her skills and seduced the creatures but was terrified of what would have happened if he hadn't come to rescue her.

“So you can seduce monsters too?” he asked.

“Only some of them,” she replied and thought back to her skill. “At this level, it only works on intelligent humanoids.”

“And at higher levels?” he asked.

“At level five, it upgrades to semi-intelligent animals. At ten, it works on all animals, and at twenty, it even works on the undead.”

“You could seduce something like a ghoul?” he asked.

“It’s not like I want to!” she cried and looked up to meet his gaze. “It’s just how the power works. The target has to be close to my level or lower. Anything more than three levels higher has a significant chance to resist it.”

“But clearly, the class is built to seduce almost anything,” he pointed out. “It assumes you are going to have sex with animals. But then, I am pretty much an animal.”

“It's just a feature. It's not like I have to use it,” Jaina replied.

“What happens to the target after you, you know, bang?” he asked.

“It becomes nonhostile to me for one hour,” Jaina replied. “So long as I don't attack or do anything that triggers it, I can get up and walk away.”

Roric nodded and picked her up again, and began to carry her away. He was silent for a long moment as she lay in his strong arms, but finally, he spoke.

“It isn’t what I want, but if I was dead and you had no other choice, you should just do it,” he said.

“Do what?” Jaina asked.

“Use your seduction skill, have sex, and get away,” he said.

“You mean you want me to fuck monsters?” she said in alarm.

“No, that’s not what I want at all. I want to protect you from every threat, but if I couldn’t, or I was already dead, I would rather you survived and got away,” he explained.

Jaina looked away as she tried not to think of that outcome. In their fantasies, they were always together, sharing their passion through love and sex. She was even prepared to allow other men to touch her if it was what he really wanted, though she doubted this was the case. But if faced with a no-way-out scenario, would she have the courage to stare something like a giant lizard or a shadow wolf in the face and seduce it?

“Promise me you will do it,” he said as they crested a hill.

“I don’t know if I can,” Jaina replied.

“Jaina,” he said firmly. “Are you my slave-girl?”

“Yes,” she said weakly.

“Then promise your master you will do whatever it takes to survive, even if that means spreading your legs to a pack of wolves,” he demanded.

Jaina took a deep breath and promised she would do it as her emotions ran wild. Once again, she felt out of control and actually relished that he was making such a decision for her. Hopefully, it would never come to that, but she intended to do as he said if it did.

They walked most of the way back to the road before he set her naked body in the grass. He sat beside her and fished out a water bottle, offering her a welcomed drink. Then he opened his character sheet to see he had leveled to three and earned a new combat skill.

“I bet if I had used this in that fight, it would have gone much smoother,” he said and looked over his points. “I think I will boost my toughness.”

Jaina opened her own sheet and was surprised to see she was three-quarters of the way to four. Looking at recent XP rewards, she discovered she got extra points for every zemmic she seduced. She then realized that she would probably have leveled to four from the sex if they had taken her. Suddenly she thought of all the dungeons and labyrinths full of monsters common to games like this. With a few levels under her belt, she could walk into one naked and fuck her way through all the encounters. Once at the treasure room, she would seduce the boss monster and walk off with whatever she wanted. She would even earn XP in the process and level up even more.

“I bet those creatures store their treasure in the huts,” Roric said as he looked in the direction of the village. “That must be where all the coins are.”

“We could always come back after we level a few more times,” Jaina suggested.

“I suppose we will have to,” Roric replied, then looked at her with a wicked smile. “Of course, I could always use you to keep them busy while I looted the huts.” He waited a moment to see the shocked look on her face and then started to laugh.

“That was a terrible thing to say,” Jaina cried. “You don’t really mean to use me like that?”

“I didn’t initially, but now that we know you can seduce almost anything and you get experience for having sex, it almost seems silly not to use you that way,” he replied.

“Fine,” Jaina said defiantly while trembling inside. “If that’s what you want, use me to get your treasure.”

“Take it easy,” Roric said and put a paw to her cheek. “I would rather raid and plunder it myself than toss you at them like a piece of meat. I am only saying that there might be some rare instances where using your skills might significantly help us.” He looked back in the direction of the camp and shrugged, claiming there wouldn't be enough coins to make using her worth it.

Let's just look for more stragglers and get a dozen more necklaces,” he suggested and headed into the grass.

Jaina was once again feeling the wild sensation of uncertainty as her master talked about using her sex as bait. It sent shivers through her body to think he might one day ask her to seduce a monster intentionally. Though it would undoubtedly make the encounters easier, it meant Jaina being ravaged by some wild creature. Would he really do such a thing?

Two hours later, they had twenty-four of the necklaces, and Roric decided they should head back. The sun had moved passed the noon position and now hung about three o'clock. He made Jaina walk all the way to the road naked and then finally allowed her to dress, praising her willingness to please him.

The walk back to town was full of trepidation as Jaina kept thinking about what Roric said. He was right, her class was built to seduce anything, and that included the wild beasts. She once again thought of plundering a dungeon by sex alone and even started to feel a bit aroused. She dwelt on that idea all the way back and couldn't let it go until they turned the necklaces in.

“Well, we made a few silver,” he said as he poked through the coins. “More than enough to buy some drinks, a hot meal, and a decent room.”

“I will make you some more tonight when I dance,” Jaina said as that idea took over her thoughts.

“Right,” Roric said with a rub at his chin. “We need to go shopping.”

“Shopping?” Jaina asked as he took her hand and led the way.

“You need a better outfit to sing in. That dress is more pretty than it is sluty,” he replied.

Jaina remembered his comments from the night before and how he wanted to use the gold to buy her something skimpy. Her heart started to race as he dragged her through a dozen shops, looking for just the right outfit. He found several he liked, but they cost more than a gold, so he kept looking and finally found something a little basic but suitable to the task. It cost him the gold and two silver, but he gladly paid it, saying Jaina would easily make that back and more. Then they headed off to find them in and get ready for her performance.

If Jaina was nervous before, it was nothing like it was now. This new inn was twice the size of the other one and had a raised stage on one wall. The floor was packed tightly with tables so that you could barely squeeze by, and people were already crowding in.

Roric paid for a room in advance and took her upstairs to peel her dress away. He could see she was nervous, so he decided to help her relax and made her dance for him privately. She did as her master instructed, dancing in a slow rhythmic way as her body spun and waved in the language of sex. Then he stopped her, and she looked down to see he was fully aroused, his knot already swollen. Jaina was taken aback by how much it resembled a dog and realized that it had been inside her.

“Down on your knees,” he commanded and sat on the bed.

She did as she was told as he leaned back a little and spread his legs. He told her to imagine this was his throne room, and he was ready for her attention. Jaina understood what he wanted, and slowly she reached out, taking him in both hands to feel the warm slick skin. She began to gently stroke as she opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around the top few inches.

“Good girl,” he groaned and threw his head back. “You are going to spend so much time doing this.”

Jaina moaned as she struggled to suck a cock so very different from a man's. She ignored the difference and saw this only as her master's wish and put any thought of stopping out of her mind. With closed eyes, she focused on working her lips, eager to please Roric in every way. As the moments slipped by, she found the thrill of him being in her mouth intoxicating. This was what they wanted to come her for, and now she was doing it. She was a fair maiden, serving her beastly masters every desire and need. She found a sense of excitement growing and drowning out the fear. All she wanted to do was make him happy, and tonight she would do all that more.

He began to groan as she worked to suck as much of him in as she could. Her hands worked at the base and fondled his knot, sliding underneath to pay with his rather impressive balls. She couldn't wait until he had his lair, and she could spend every day on her knees pleasing him like this.

His groans quickened, and so did her hand, stroking him in rhythm to her head bouncing between his lap. He leaned back further as he let out a long, drawn-out moan and put a furry hand on the back of her head. She never let up her pace, sucking firmly with silken lips as her excitement grew. Suddenly his hand tightened in her hair, and he let out a few faint gasps, then took overworking her head for her. It went on for almost a minute as his legs went taught, and then he could take it no more.

Jaina’s mouth was awash in the warm seed of a gnoll as he worked her head to keep pleasuring. She had to swallow when it became too much and started to seep out. He let her head go and lay back on the bed, moaning in pleasure as she took over and sucked him even more firmly. She finally let go and held it up, kissing and licking all down the length.

“You are amazing at that,” he gasped from where he lay motionless.

Jaina smiled and licked him clean before finally sitting back to smile at him. She was fully aroused now, and looking at that spent cock made her wish she could mount it. Instead, he looked at her with a pleased smile and told her she was ready to dance. He put her dress on over her new outfit and took her back to the common room by the hand. The two minstrels were already there, playing a slow dirge to an audience that hardly paid them any mind.

Roric took Jaina directly to the stage and then pointed to the table he would be sitting at. Her heart beat fiercely as he loosened her dress and told her to have fun. She walked onto the stage as the minstrels ended their song and paused for her to get in position. She waited for Roric to sit down, then nodded to the men who began a sultry, exotic tune. Then she activated her recently boosted skill and swayed into the rhythm of an erotic dance.

She immediately earned some cheers, but most of the audience appeared busy with food or conversation. With the excitement of his seed swimming in her stomach, Jaina didn't want to disappoint her master. Just as she started to feel bad, she remembered her new skill and activated allure. Suddenly dozens of heads turned, and the audience was captured. Now was the time for her secret weapon, the one her master planned for the night. She began to twist in gyrating turns, her hands held high above her head. As she did, the loosened dress began to fall away, leaving Jaina dancing in black panties and a see-through top that barely contained her breasts.

Cheers rose from the crowd, and the coins fell at her feet. The moment of exposure had been so exciting she could hardly contain the energy. Now she was almost naked before the crowd, dancing for their pleasure and hoping to make them hunger for her body. She stole glances at the faces to see how they started, lusting to taste the fruit on display.

Now she trembled in her steps and was intoxicated by the thrill. She was so grateful Roric made her do this and couldn't help but smile. That broad smile, beaming with happiness, only made people more enthralled, and the coins rained down in an almost endless hail.

The minstrels took up a new song, this one a little more sultry and with a bit of spice. Jaina went into a new dance, her hands wandering her body like a lover. With eyes closed and lips gently parted, she swayed before the crowd as her hands went where they only dreamed theirs could.

She slid over her breasts a dozen times, picking them up and letting them bounce. A few daring men even attempted to toss a coin into them but drunkenly missed the mark. This song went on for nearly half an hour, and when it ended, Jaina was so aroused she wanted to pounce on Roric again.

The minstrels paused to clean the stage so Jaina wouldn't slip on the coins. While she had her moment of rest, she looked up to see Roric with a full plate of hot food and talking to a man who pointed her way. She saw Roric nod, and the man hurried off into the back of the inn as Roric waved to get her attention.

Jaina smiled as their eyes met, then her mouth fell open silently as Roric made a gesture across his chest. She understood what he was suggesting and looked out over the lusting crowd. Well over a hundred faces were watching now, their hungry eyes eager for more. The minstrels took up their instruments and went into a new song, slow and mysterious, as Jaina faced the crowd, her heart racing.

She slowly moved her hands up and cupped her chest, then spun around, turning her back to them as she began to writhe and twist. Then she curled her arms and threw them high over her head as her sheer bra fell at her feet.

People cheered as she teased them by keeping her back to the audience. Then with a smile spread across her face, she spun around and let them see all of her glory. Coins began to fall like never before, and Jaina was once again intoxicated by the power of the moment. The song went on for what seemed like hours as Jaina's skin crawled with sexual tension. She danced with sex and hunger until the minstrels paused to clean the floor again.

She stood nervously before the crowd, letting them take in her body, when she had another wonderful idea. Roric said he wanted her to grow accustomed to being naked, and in the heat of the moment, while she couldn't possibly be more turned on, she thought of a way to please him.

She stepped to the edge of the stage and called for the audience to be quiet. Once they were settled down, she smiled and thanked them for their generosity. She then strutted across the front and gave Roric a wide smile before turning the audience and activating pleading innocence.

All at once, she looked like the most innocent creature in the world as she twisted nervously before them. She bashfully told the crowd that she really wanted to be naked, but her master forbid her to remove her panties for anything less than ten gold coins.

They fell like sunlight from heaven, two dozen gold coins rolling about the stage. Jaina blushed and turned away with a smile before hooking her panties with her thumbs. She nodded to the minstrels, who took up another song as Jaina rocked and rolled her hips. Then, with her rear facing the audience, Jaina slowly bent at the waist and pulled the panties down.

She stepped out of them as she began to dance, her hands wandering her naked body. She kept her eyes closed for the entire thing, savoring the delight of being naked before so many. Time became meaningless as she stepped through the coins, swaying her body in a dance of sex and lust. When it finally ended, she picked her panties up and offered to sell them for five more gold. A buyer was found almost immediately, and a bidding war drove the price up to ten. Jaina tucked the panties into the hand of the lucky winner and blew him a kiss before stepping back to smile and thank the audience again.

She went to put on her dress but looked at Roric, who was sitting with a pleased smile. She realized what was making him so happy and folded it over her arm instead. She walked across the common room still completely naked, and handed the dress to him for safekeeping. She took her place beside him as his naked little pet while the minstrels divided her share. She managed to make over fifty gold in mixed coins that the minstrels paid directly to Roric.

Jaina was then presented with a plate piled high with steaming food and a tall mug of wine to drink. She was amazed Roric was being so generous with the money, but he smiled and shook his head. He asked her if she had noticed the man he had been talking to, and she nodded that she had seen it. Roric explained that he was the owner of the inn and contracted Roric for Jaina's services. She would be dancing here every night for the foreseeable future, and all of her dances would be naked.

Jaina nodded as the butterflies in her stomach rose in a great swirl. The tension and excitement was almost unbearable, and her feet bounced in nervousness. She had done this in a moment of wild excitement, but now that the dance was over, she felt very naked. There were still plenty of eyes watching her from across the room, and she smiled, knowing that her body was theirs to watch.

After her meal, the stress was driving her wild, and she finally turned to Roric with pleading eyes.

“Will you do me a favor?” she begged.

“After what you did, I think you deserve a reward,” he said.

Jaina knew the excitement was going to keep her awake all night, so she begged Roric to take her upstairs and fuck her to sleep. That night the patrons roared with laughter when Jaina's cries echoed down the halls. When she finally collapsed into the bed, the last of her energy spent, she found it easy to sleep after all.

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