The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-4 Let them see you

Jaina sat on the edge of the bed, looking through her character sheet. A night of arousing hundreds had earned her a decent amount of experience, and she was now halfway to level 5. It unlocked two new abilities that seemed very useful. From the morphic half of her class was a slow regeneration to heal wounds over time. From the seductress side was a skill called sultry steps. It acted as a debuff, lowering a single target's resistance to her other effects. All she had to do was get the target to look at her and then begin walking, rolling her hips seductively as her body language suggested sex. It forced the target to make a willpower save, and if they failed, they had penalties for resisting her other powers for the next hour. There was a small bonus to the effect if you were directly approaching the target, and points could be spent to boost the effect. She had two more skill points to spend, but her master would tell her where to put those.

She released the character sheet and closed her eyes as images of a room full of people lusting for her flesh filled her mind. She smiled nervously to think of how wild with arousal she had been the night before. It had become so overwhelming that she readily discarded her clothing, eager to be naked for all to see. Now that the moment had passed, she was nervous and even a little embarrassed. The whole town would no doubt be talking about her little performance, and that thought made her tremble. How many would be back tonight to see her naked body writhe and dance for their lusting eyes? Roric believed word would spread, and the inn would be filled to capacity. He also told her she would use her morphic powers to appear as a different woman every night. Thus the audience would be given a buffet of bodies to lust after. In exchange for her dancing, the innkeeper would give them free meals and drinks while also providing a private room. Now they had a home and an income, all earned by Rorics use of her body.

That thought stirred some of the sensations she loved and brought her mind to him. Roric was still asleep, his tall furry frame taking up most of the bed. Jaina rather liked that about him as it meant her master needed to keep her close. She looked at him now and struggled to remember the scrawny man he once was. Now he was six foot five and covered in fine, almost blue fur with gray spots. He had a short furry tail, and his legs were shaped like a dogs, even ending in large padded feet. His upper body was shaped more like a man, but that head was unmistakably not human. It was shaped more like a German Shepard with tall pointed furry ears and a long muzzle. This beast was the man she loved, and thinking of him as her master made her tremble. She also loved the thought that this bestial man took her body and bred her night after night. There was something about submitting to somebody so clearly not human that set a fire alight inside.

She realized that she was becoming addicted to the thrill of obeying him and relished those butterflies in her stomach as he pushed her boundaries to the edge. She longed to be in a situation where her hands would shake as fear mixed with arousal while he looked at her with lusting eyes. With a smile, she thought of one possibility and looked at the pile of rags that had once been her dress. Roric has always wanted her to be naked at all times, and after last night's performance, he saw no reason that time shouldn't be now. So there would be no turning back; he shredded her dress before her eyes, leaving her with only the see-through bra as her only piece of clothing.

Jaina got up and walked to the shreds as she considered a thought. Clothing was a bit of a funny thing in New Eden. All characters started with a basic outfit, and if for some reason that outfit was torn or soiled, all you needed to do was hang it in a wardrobe overnight. By morning it would be clean and mended as if brand new. If she were to die for any reason, she would respawn with an exact copy of the outfit. She could even spend points through her character sheet to change her default outfit, choosing from thousands of styles. So in many ways, it was pointless to shred the dress, but it was still a symbolic gesture, and since the night had passed, there was no restoring it now.

With that in mind, she headed for the door and left the room naked. She planned to go downstairs and get Roric breakfast so she could feed him in bed. He would ask how she got it, and she would bat her eyes and tell him she went downstairs to get it. She knew he would realize that she must have done it naked and be pleased by her progress.

The butterflies came rushing back as she passed a woman in the hall who stopped to gawk. Jaina focused on her task of pleasing Roric, and besides, she had nothing to wear after all. Down the steps, she descended into the common hall where a dozen sleepy patrons were just sitting down to eat. That intoxicating rush of adrenaline filled her veins as her heart started to race. All eyes quickly noticed the naked woman descending the steps, and very few continued to eat. Jaina realized she was indeed addicted to this wild thrill even as she blushed and trembled. She ignored the stares and went directly to the bar, asking one of the maids for breakfast.

The woman gasped in shock to see Jaina's bare skin and asked her what she was doing. Jaina explained that she was master Rorics slave, and he preferred her naked. The woman smiled and nodded before admonishing Jaina for being so brave, then explained the breakfast options.

It was silly to expect foods to be medieval fair like gruel, especially when people were accustomed to fast food. Thus it should have been no surprise to learn that bacon, eggs, ham, sausage, and even biscuits were readily available. She could even order breakfast sandwiches prepared with local cheese. Jaine considered Rorics bestial nature and asked for a plate of bacon and sausage. The barmaid nodded and told her it was on the house and would be ready in just a moment.

Thus Jaina turned around to wait and was started to meet the gaze of a smiling Alexandria.

“Well, look how brazen you are,” Alexandria said with a wry smile.

“What are you doing here?” Jaina remarked as she suddenly felt very exposed.

“Looking for breakfast the same as you,” she replied and looked Jaina up and down. “Such a lovely, shapely body. I bet the men and quite a few women are just dying to put you to use.”

Jaina folded her arms and reminded her that she was Roric’s slave and other people would have to settle for watching.

“Oh, but you're not a slave, are you?” Alexandria said. “You're just pretending to be, but that tells me a lot about you.”

“And what does it say?” Jaina asked with contempt in her voice.

Alexandria smiled and leaned against the bar, her eyes delighting at the sight of Jaina's chest. “It tells me that you desperately want to be collared. You crave to be a slave, and until you are fully locked away, you will play the role to the best of your ability. I have to say, from what I hear, you are very good at it.”

“I happen to love my master,” Jaina replied.

“And you say that with no hesitancy or remorse,” Alexandria said. “You are a slave girl at heart, and you deserve a master who can put that heart to use. If you were my slave, you would spend your days in the comforts of my brothel, eagerly spreading your legs for dozens of men every day. I would care for all your needs, drowning you in every possible comfort. All you would have to do is enjoy yourself and have sex freely.”

“I do that now,” Jaina replied defiantly.

“Do you?” Alexandria asked. “I see no collar around your neck, and my sources tell me you spend most of your time running fetch quests. You can't possibly be happy wandering the countryside and killing monsters when your character is all about sex.”

“I get enough of a thrill when I dance for the people,” Jaina insisted as she wished this woman would go away.

“But that's it, isn't it? You love the thrill that comes from doing the taboo,” Alexandria said with a seductive voice. “That's why you're naked now because it sends shivers up your spine to be seen. You crave that tension inside and desperately seek to feed it. But you serve a master who keeps you all to himself. Yes, he prances you out and puts you on display, but how many men have you spread those legs for? None?”

Jaina didn’t answer her question as the woman nodded in understanding.

“Don’t you think that’s a waste?” Alexandria said with a slight frown. “Think instead of how your heart will race when an orc warrior comes into the brothel and takes you to bed. Every day, a dozen partners from every conceivable race.”

Jaina did indeed feel the tension inside as Alexandria's words touched a cord. After all, she was a seductress, and her power was luring men to bed. It was a waste of her skills to save herself only for him, but that was part of being his slave. If he wanted to keep her all to himself, that was his decision, and if he wanted to whore her out, she would gladly do it.

“I can see you are thinking about it,” Alexandria said and raised a hand to dangle a leather collar with metal rings before her face. “A pity your master doesn't have one of these, but as you can see, I have one to spare.”

Jaina stared at the collar as a sense of desire flooded her heart. She longed to be owned and commanded but not by this woman. Still, she reached up to touch the device while chewing at her lip. If only Roric were level five already, the wait was killing her.

“See what I mean?” Alexandria said as she allowed Jaina to touch it. “You are that rare woman who desires to be kept. You belong in a collar serving a master who will put your skills to use. I will have you seducing men in droves to lure them into bedrooms and pound your flesh.”

“I. I can’t,” Jaina said and turned away. “I belong to Roric.”

“Look there,” Alexandria said and gestured to the wall at the end of the bar.

Jaina looked up to see the wall was a long mirror and her naked body was on display. As she watched, Alexandria reached around Jaina's shoulders and wrapped the collar tightly about her neck. She ran a hand along the leather while staring into the glass with a desperate need.

“All you have to do is say yes, and I will close the clasp,” Alexandria whispered in her ear.

Jaina knew exactly how slave collars worked and knew she couldn't be collared against her will. If she didn't give Alexandria permission, she couldn't close the clasp. Looking at the collar around her neck, she desperately wanted to hear the click and feel it tightly against her skin. But this wasn't Rorics collar, and deep inside, she knew she belonged to him.

“Your breakfast is ready,” came the cheery voice of the barmaid.

“No, I can't accept this,” Jaina cried and tore from Alexandria's grasp. She spun on the woman and pointed a finger her way. “I don't need a collar to belong to Roric. I am his slave through and through. Now, leave me alone.”

Alexandria's face took on a dour expression as she clutched the collar in a fist. “Fine, have it your way, but I see the woman you are. Sooner or later, you're going to tire of your skills going to waste as you devote your body to only one man. When you start to regret your decisions, you will remember my offer and wish you had accepted it.” With that, she turned about and stormed out of the inn, leaving Jaina full of troubling thoughts.

She carried the tray upstairs, all the while wondering if Alexandria was right. She was afraid of sharing herself with anyone else but also aroused by the prospect of it. That mixture of sensations got her blood pumping, and she began to wonder if may having sex with a few others wasn't such a bad thing. After all, her class earned experience from it and had a bevy of skills to draw men in.

With a sigh, she stepped over the love letters and entered the room. Her master was stirring from his sleep when she set the try on the table beside the bed.

“Where have you been?” he asked as she looked down nervously.

“I went downstairs to get you breakfast,” she admitted.

“You went naked?” he asked as she nodded. A smile spread over his canine face as he sat up and threw open his arms. She came to his embrace and crawled into his lap, sitting astride his legs.

“You are such a good girl,” he cooed while stroking the back of her head. “How can I reward this little treat?”

Jaina clutched at his frame as the stress of the morning twisted inside. There was one thing he could do for her that would help take away the frustration.

“I need you to collar me,” she whispered. “I need people to see your mark of ownership around my neck. I want people to know at a single glance that I am a slave, and my master is nearby.”

“Has something upset you?” he asked and leaned back.

Jaina nodded and recounted the story, explaining how Alexandria tempted her with the collar and enticed her with offers of sex with strangers. Roric listened intently and held her tight, stroking her back softly to reassure her. When the story was done, he set her aside and ate his breakfast in silence. Jaina wondered what he was thinking but was too afraid to ask. Finally, when his meal was finished, he turned to look over her and began to nod his head.

“Your class is meant to level by seducing others and luring them to bed,” he said and then looked to the pile of letters by the door. “Maybe we should have picked something that wasn’t so wasted on just me.”

“What are you talking about?” Jaina asked and put a hand over his leg.

“Jaina, as your master, I command you to tell me the truth,” he said and stared deep into her eyes. “Does the idea of me ordering you to have sex with others excite you?”

“I don't know,” she honestly admitted. “What I mean is, Yes, it excites me to know you could do it, and I would willingly obey. It sends a shiver down my spine just thinking about it. But I don’t know how I will feel once I have actually done it.”

“Will you love me any less for asking this of you?” he asked.

“No,” Jaina protested with a shake of her head. “If anything, I will love you more for using me to reach your goals.” She paused to take a breath, then explained how dancing for money made her feel. She thanked him for pushing her to strip off and tried her best to convey the thrill of it all. She loved every moment of it and craved those lusting stares, but what made it the most intense was that she wasn't dancing for the crowd or herself. She was dancing for Roric.

“I see,” he replied with a nod. “But let’s reverse the question. How would you feel if I brought other women to the room and fucked them?”

Jaina hadn't considered that thought until now. What would she feel to see Roric breeding another woman? She gave it a moment of thought and realized she was excited. Her master should be free to take all the women he wanted and, in doing so, would prove his dominance. She began to dream of being tied and left to watch as he took some poor woman with that animal fury. She imagined that other woman having orgasm after orgasm while Jaina went without. With red cheeks, she described how she felt in great detail, encouraging him to conquer as many women as he could.

“I would love to conquer that Alexandria,” he growled and got up. He collected the letters and began to sift through them, reading them all carefully. He crinkled a few and tossed them aside, but the rest were carefully sorted. Then he began to dress and announced they were going out. Jaina sat nervously on the bed until he was ready, then followed him into the hall.

Up until now, this had all been a tantalizing fantasy, edged closer and closer to reality through constant stimulation and arousal. Now she stepped into the streets naked except for her boots, and the fantasy was over. Immediately she began to tremble as people pointed and stared. Roric paid none of them any attention and led the way as she turned heads at every corner.

He took her directly to the market, where she was displayed before half the town. He found a shop that specialized in leatherworking and took her inside. The shopkeeper was a burly-looking humanoid with a wide face and broad jaw. His skin was almost a mustard yellow and had a slight scaly texture. Small black horns protruded from his forehead, and a leathery tail hung behind.

Roric explained what he wanted while the shopkeeper grinned and looked Jaina's naked body over. He then went into a back room and returned with an assortment of items. Jaina quickly found a leather cuff with a metal ring around her ankles and wrists. Again, she felt that terrible mixture of fear and arousal as Roric locked them on with small padlocks. Then he reached up and belted a similar strap around her neck, pulling it tight before locking it in place.

“This will have to do until I have my actual collar,” he said as Jaina trembled. “But the other cuffs are on for good.” With that, he turned to the man and told him to go ahead.

Jaina was shocked when the man produced a small hammer and some metal spikes. He positioned the spike over the lock's keyhole and then hammered it in. Once the keyhole was sealed, the man bent the spike rendering the lock permanently shut. Jaina looked at Roric in shock as the man sealed her forever in slave cuffs.

“Let's see if people can look at you now and not realize what you are,” he said and reached up to attach a leash to her collar. He then held her arms behind her back and put another lock through the rings, binding her wrists together. He then went to pay the man who offered a discount for access to Jaina.

Jaina felt aroused and frightened as Roric began to haggle, offering a blowjob in exchange for half off. The man wanted much more than that, but Roric said he already had a better offer for her pussy. The shopkeeper immediately changed his offer to ten percent off, but Roric would go no lower than thirty. He slammed the money before the shopkeeper with the thirty percent discount and then held the rest in his hand.

“Now, do you want the blow job or the rest of the money?” Roric demanded.

Jaina's heart threatened to break free of her chest as the man scooped the coins from the counter but not Roric's hand. He began to unfasten the belt at his waist as Roric pulled her leash to get her attention.

“Get down on your knees,” Roric commanded.

Jaina trembled visibly the whole way down and struggled to watch as the man dropped his pants. Roric then stepped back while holding her leash as the man fondled for something under his shirt. Jaina wasn't sure what race this man was, but that no longer mattered. Her master had bartered a blowjob for a discount, and money had already changed hands.

The man produced a thick shaft with slick yellow skin. Jaina couldn't believe this moment had come. A few days ago, she was shyly dreaming about what might happen. Now she was walking naked at his side and staring down the cock of a strange man. Her hands were tied behind her back, so she had no choice but to lean forward, her soft lips parting as she went. Her heart thundered as she tasted the skin of a strange man for the first time. Her lips wrapped around him, and quickly she went to work, bobbing back and forth as the man grunted in pleasure.

The moment was much more powerful than Jaina could have imagined as one of her barriers was torn away. She looked up and met the scaly man's eyes as he leered down in delight to see her work. She then looked to Roric, who didn't show any emotion whatsoever.

With a storm of emotions roaring inside, she focused on sucking the cock, eager to please her master. It didn't take long before shop keeper started to moan and had to steady himself by grabbing the counter. Slowly she built him up over the course of a few minutes, her lips and tongue doing all the work. He groaned louder and louder as Jaina kept up the pace, earning her master the discount. He thrust a few times as he grunted, and Jaina was sure he felt harder suddenly. Then he grabbed the back of her head as his cock throbbed, and her mouth filled with a sticky warmth. He held her still while he pumped his hips, emptying himself until a little dripped to her chest. Panting, the man jerked away, and Roric tugged on the leash.

“Let’s go,” was all he said and waited for her to get up.

Jaina swallowed and climbed to her feet with a swirl of emotions spinning through her head. She had just sucked another man just because her master said so. It had nothing to do with lust or emotion; it was purely obedience. Her steps were unsteady as she trembled to think where this was going to lead.

He didn't say a word as he guided her through the town, turning heads everywhere they went. It wasn't until they were well out into the countryside that he told her they were going to hunt more zemmics. He then turned her around and unlocked her arms so she could use them.

“You uh, might want to wipe that off,” he said and pointed to her chest as she tested her wrists.

Jaina looked down to see a trail of cum had run down her breast, leaving an obvious glistening trail. Her mouth fell open in shock to realize she had just walked through town like that.

“Why didn't you say something sooner?” she asked as she bent down to rip a handful of grass from the ground. She used it to wipe the mess away and then discarded the clippings as Roric started to laugh. “Oh, you think that's funny?”

“You have to admit it is,” he replied and stepped up to take her arms. “I am proud of you. You really do mean to obey me in everything, don’t you?”

“Everything,” Jaina responded and gave him a smile. “Provided you will always love me.”

“Theirs going to be more of that,” he warned and looked her firmly in the eyes. “I have realized that you will never reach your full potential unless I put you to use.”

Jaina was awash in the intoxicating thrill she was so addicted to. He was promising to keep using her like that, trading her body to gain power and profit. He told her that he had a plan for her tonight and something special to add to her performance. He wouldn't say more about either, choosing to leave her twisting nervously as she dreamed about what it might be. They hunted more Zemmics until he hit level four, then took a break so he could satisfy his needs. Without so much as a word, he locked her arms behind her back again and dropped her to her knees. He then knelt behind her and held her arms while his other hand guided his cock in.

Jaina felt the familiar process of his cock filling her body and swelling along the base to lock her to him. Then while holding her arms, he began to thrust, using her body as he saw fit. Jaina was moaning in seconds, the size of his cock and that incredibly fat knot driving her wild. Her body responded with waves of pleasure as her legs went slick with wetness. His thrusts began to make a wet slapping noise as her first orgasm rolled in. It came so incredibly fast, but then she was already super aroused. She convulsed with pleasure, her muscles tightening around his shaft and making the sensation worse. It turned into one long screaming orgasm as her breasts danced with every impact. Roric wasn’t near done, and he kept up the brutal pace, forcing her to endure every moment of it.

The second orgasm spilled out a minute later, and Jaina was almost numb to pleasure. She couldn't think straight as all that mattered was that relentless pounding coming from behind. It went on and on until he released her arms and took up the leash instead. Pulling her back by the collar, he forced her to stand on her knees as he thrust hard into her tender flesh. She screamed with every thrust as he brutally forced her into the third orgasm, having his at practically the same time.

Jaina could feel him throbbing as he filled her body with his seed. She rocked her hips, eager to get it all as he held her tight from the leash. When at last he was done, she was allowed to fall face-first into the grass, but her rear was held high by his knot. Slowly the size went down until she yelped as the bulb pulled free, causing a gush of while liquid to follow.

Jaina collapsed to the grass, panting but managed to look up with one eye. She saw Roric standing over her with his cock covered in the sticky fluids of sex. A hunger filled her senses as she remembered the cock she had just sucked and the sweet reward at the end. Slowly she twisted to her knees and sat before Roric to look up with pleading eyes.

“Go ahead,” he instructed, so she closed her eyes and began the process of cleaning him. She sucked every inch of his cock, and licked all around the base, making sure to erase any hint of their sex. She savored the flavor of his cum mixed with the sweet nectar of her flower. She was allowed to spend a good half hour licking and kissing to her heart's content.

Roric finally called an end to her fun and pulled up his pants. He released her arms, and they spent the next few hours hunting zemmics. Jaina was told to use her seduction skills several times, luring the horny monsters out with promises of her body. Roric killed them all and, when he had enough of the necklaces, called an end to the day's efforts. They returned to town, where Jaina was once again on display, her naked body out for all to see. The necklaces were turned in, and they went shopping for a new outfit. Jaina was surprised he was buying a skimpy dress, bra, and panties, but Roric said he had a plan.

That night the inn was packed as word had indeed spread of Jaina's performance. Roric had a private table along the wall, but he was in the room with Jaina getting her ready. By his command, she now had long, slightly curly red hair. These were paired with elvish facial features and a tiny green dress.

When it came time for her performance, Roric went on the stage first and spoke to the minstrels. The men nodded their understanding with broad smiles thrown Jaina's way that made her nervous. Then Roric returned to Jaina and held her by the arms.

“I want you to do something for me out there,” he said in a commanding tone, then whispered in her ear. “You are to slowly strip your clothing only when the people throw gold. Shed the dress first, and when they have thrown ten more, the bra. Save your panties until at least thirty gold have been thrown, and then you can follow my request.”

“What request?” Jaina asked, nearly breathless with anticipation.

“I want you to save the dance where you touch your body until you are naked,” he said and leaned in closer. “Then, I want you to make love to yourself.”

Jaina gasped to hear what he wanted and looked at him in shock. He asked her again if she was his slave, and all she could do was nod.

“Then you will do what I say?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied and looked down in panic.

He turned away and headed for his table as Jaina trembled up the steps to the stage. People were expecting the woman from the night before, but instead, they saw a spicy elven girl. She smiled at the crowd and took her place as the minstrels began the first song. Jaina fell into the dance, using her powers to boost the effect. Almost immediately, coins began to fall, and Jaina watched for gold, eager to be undressed. As her hips swayed hypnotically, the first gold coin hit the stage. It was quickly followed by two more, and Jaina rolled her arms and reached down, freeing herself from the dress.

Cheers and whistles filled the air, as did more coins as Jania danced in a silken bra and barely a curtain for her panties. She spun and swayed as the song went on, her arms twisting above her head like coiled snakes. She listened to the coins fall and gave it a few minutes before looking down to count. Most of the coins were brass, with a collection of silver, but at least eight in her immediate sight were gold.

Jaina was surprised to feel disappointed that her bra couldn't yet come off. She swept her gaze over the crowd to see all the hungry faces and sincerely desired to show them more. She went on with the dance as a few more coins fell, and the gold reached eleven within a minute. The bra came off with a flick of her hands, exposing her chest to the roaring crowd. It spurred a new rain of coins that quickly started to add up and threatened to slip her feet.

Ten minutes later, she counted nineteen gold as butterflies raged in her stomach. When the next gold hit the stage, Jaina came to a stop and turned to the side, staring into the crowd as she pulled the delicate strap on her hip. People went wild as the panties fell away, and Jaina finally turned a full circle so they could see everything.

The song ended, and the minstrels cleaned up the coins as Jaina looked nervously at Roric. He nodded and urged her to go on with his idea, leaving her more nervous than she had ever been before. The minstrels knew exactly what to play and struck a slow sensual song. Jaina activated erotic dance as her hands began the slow, arduous task. She twisted and turned as her hands glided up and down her body, reaching low with every pass.

She was sure her heart would explode when the first fingers slid between her tender lips. She tried to make it all look like part of the dance, but time and time again, she rubbed her clit. It was difficult to tell if people were taking notice as the din of shouts and whistles never let up. But Jaina was very aware of slow sensual buildup as she repeatedly teased herself. On the song went as she reached an almost impossible level of arousal. Her hands began to spend more and more time between her legs, digging and rubbing for all to see.

Jaina wasn't aware of when she stopped caring, or the moment she lost track of her senses. Lost in the thrill of erotic sex for all to see, she began to moan to her own caresses. People quieted down so they could hear her gentle gasps while one hand or the other was perpetually between her legs. The sultry notes of the song carried her to another place as her body responded to every touch. Not once did she stop swaying or turning as the tension inside built to terrible levels. All at once, she trembled, her legs visibly shaking as her voice carried over the crowd. The room went silent as she writhed her body over wet fingers, and the orgasm came rushing out.

She twisted and moaned as her thighs ran wet while hundreds watched her cum. Her task finished, she used her hands to spread the wetness up her stomach for all to see, stopping only when her breasts glistened in the light.

A renewed roar broke from the crowd, and coins rained like never before. Jaina never stopped dancing for even a moment until Roric was at her side to tell her she was done. She had danced for over three hours after her orgasm, lost in another world of passion and sex. She was so aroused that when Roric broke her trance, she begged him to fuck her.

He shook his head and held her close to whisper in one ear. “I fucked you earlier today because tonight your pussy belongs to another.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.