The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-31 A fun day out

Jaina was up on her toes as she bounced on the rogue's cock, driving it into her soaked pussy. He was a dranni man with dark blue skin and nearly ghost-white hair. He had the typical white eyes of the race and a powerful build. Aside from coloring, the only thing that made them different from humans was their long thin tail. They could blend into the shadows and climb walls like a spider which made many of them play as rogues. It had been a week since their confrontation with Alexandria, and in that time, the rogues had been busy. They came to the inn every night to fuck the three girls, but today Roric had brought them back to the caves. Now all three of them were busy servicing the men and keeping up their end of the bargain.

Her dranni lover sat in a wooden chair as she sat astride him with his arms wrapped around her back. He held tight as she rode him firmly, savoring her third orgasm. Behind her, Gisley was on her knees, giving a dark elf a good sucking. The man was moaning loudly as the sex fairy put those prostitute skills to work, tormenting the poor man with an orgasm that just wouldn't come. Evalynn was in a bed with legs in the air as Droslin pounded her for what might be the tenth time that week. It was clear the man had a soft spot for Evalynn, and she encouraged it with gentle touches and soothing words.

In a room nearby, Roric and Chandice were entertaining a female rogue who was willing to taste his bestial nature. Jaina smiled to know her master was enjoying all the women he wanted. He even found a couple in town that he brought to bed one night to fuck them instead of his slave girls. He left the girls to the bedroom downstairs with an all-night invitation for anyone who wanted to fuck them. Of course, they had to pay, but it was nearly dawn when the last man finally finished with Gisley and went home.

This led to quite a bit of profit, and over the week, they danced to packed houses, gathering gold at a ridiculous pace. Roric now had over fifty thousand gold in the bank, and he was talking about building their home as soon as they could. However, he still wanted to brave the depths of a world dungeon, and they were making regular trips to the caves to practice their combat skills. Teamwork was improving, but they were relying on Gisley and Evalynn too much to carry battles.

Roric tried practicing some specific tactics, including keeping all his slaves out of the fight and using the bonuses he got from them alone. Of course, Chandice was allowed to fight, which led to a new strategy, where he and Chandice went into the caves alone or with a few volunteer rogues. Jaina, Gisley, and Evalynn were left to the rogues, spending the day having sex. The advantage of this was that Roric and Chandice were gaining inexperience. Jaina had reached level nineteen by sex alone, but Roric was eighteen now, and chandice had managed to reach thirteen. A few more days of this and Roric would surpass Jaina in level while Chandice would be much closer.

She looked over at Evalynn, who had her hands around Droslin's back, calling him baby and pleading with him to keep fucking her. Jaina knew he was in love with Evalynn, who treated him like he was all that mattered to her. Now he couldn't get enough of the woman and would likely be spending a few hours in her arms sleeping after the sex was over. It would be a sad day when their group moved on, and Droslin had to wave goodbye to his elven lover.

The man below her groaned, and she felt his hands tighten on her waist. She looked down and begged him to finish and fill her womb with his cum. For some reason, that drove most of the men crazy, but a few didn't like dirty talking. They preferred soft words spoken in love with tender kisses between them. Her current lover wasn't one of these, as he promised to fill her completely. A few moments later, she shared his orgasm as her head went back. She always smiled when they released, feeling a sense of accomplishment to receive their seed. She was living the life she dreamed of, being sold as a whore by her master. The dranni man looked exhausted, so Jaina climbed off to lick him clean. This gave him a few moments more pleasure before he thanked her and then left.

Gisley was done with her man too, and he released her head so she could come away from his spent cock. Jaina thought this was a funny sort of life, but in New Eden, it really didn't matter. There was no worry of death, disease, pregnancy, or even injury. There was almost no reason not to be free and generous with sex except for a person's personal tastes or beliefs.

Sadly there were no more men to satisfy, and Droslin only had eyes for Evalynn. So Jaina decided to amuse herself by molesting Gisley, kissing her antenna to make her squeak in that cute fairy way.

“Jaina, stop it!” Gisley moaned as Jaina kissed one firmly enough to glue it to her lips.

“I just love hearing your squeal,” Jaina teased.

“Is that so?” Gisley asked and held up two fingers close to her lips. “How would you like to squeal for a few minutes?”

“On long powerful orgasm?” Jaina questioned with a lusting smile. “I thought you would never ask.”

“Oh, you enjoy it!” Gisley laughed and climbed into her arms. “And I enjoy you.”

“Do you really?” Jaina asked as she stroked her head.

“Jaina,” Gisley said softly while looking into her eyes. “I love you.”

“Oh, Gisley,” Jaina sighed. “I love you too. I want us to have our home and be a family so badly.”

“I love Evalynn and Chandice as well,” Gisley added. “They are so much fun to be with, and none of them ever gets jealous.”

“Jealousy has no place in this relationship,” Jaina cautioned.

“I know, but that's what I am saying. Most girls would get jealous, but all of you are wonderful and caring,” Gisley replied.

“Says the woman who came to New Eden hoping to give people sweet dreams and blessing of love,” Jaina countered as she held the woman tight. “You have a heart of gold, little girl, and I love you for it.”

Gisley smiled and let Jaina hold her as the two rocked gently at the edge of the bed. Across the room, Droslin was groaning as he and Evalynn culminated their love, sharing the gift of a final orgasm. As predicted, Evalynn invited him to sleep in her arms, and he readily agreed, settling in to sleep in his lover's embrace.

“They are so cute together,” Gisley whispered.

“They are in love,” Jaina replied. “But he will be upset when we finally move on. Such is the price you pay for falling in love with one of us.”

“I like it when they fall in love. Some of them have even asked me to marry them,” Gisley said.

“I have had a few extra nice ones, too,” Jaina admitted. “But I always feel a little bad when I can't give them their happily ever after.”

“Yeah,” Gisley replied sadly. “I suppose we can’t.”

“We belong to Roric, and it is to him our happily ever after will go,” Jaina pointed out. The two laid down with Gisley directly over Jaina, pressed firmly to her chest. Jaina shut her eyes and tried to see their home in the magical forest. They had enough gold to build it now, all they needed was the space, and the dream could become real.

Jaina wasn't sure when she fell asleep, but Gisley was still pressed firmly to her chest when she awoke. Evalynn was in bed beside them, her around thrown around them both as she slept soundly. Beside them on the next bed was Roric, sitting up and watching the three with interest.

“Hello, master,” Jaina said as she smiled. “How are you?”

“I am wonderful,” Roric replied while leaning over to stroke Gisley’s head. “And seeing you three like this is a dream come true.”

“You like to see us in bed together?” Jaina asked.

“No, I like to see how much you love each other,” Roric corrected.

“Speaking of love. Our little glitter bug has admitted she loves us,” Jaina said. “And I love her.”

“I do, too,” Roric sighed. “I don't know how this happened, but we found several wonderful women yearning to be loved in such a short time.”

“Why do you think that is?” Jaina asked. “It's New Eden, and everyone is practically even. Every woman is beautiful, and every man a chiseled hunk. So why does it seem like so many are still struggling to find love?”

“It's the nature of the world,” Roric replied. “There are no advantages to pairing up in dedicated relationships and no disadvantages to being promiscuous. Though I suppose the marriage bonus and building options that come from it can be useful.”

“You're right,” Jaina agreed. “There really isn't a big bonus to relationships unless it's through the slavery system. At least that way, you and I have buffs we can give each other.”

“The slavery system is superior to the marriage system in that regard,” Roric said. “But so many people see that word, and it evokes terrible connotations. New Eden needs to overhaul marriage and provide bonuses for being faithful.”

“Like you get a boost from happy slaves,” Jaina said and pondered a thought. “Speaking of your boosts. Do you care that you aren’t getting the bonus for the collar being locked?”

“Have I ever complained about it?” Roric asked.

“No, I suppose you haven’t,” Jaina said and stroked Gisley. “But I have to admit, I do dream about being locked. I hate how it strips our power, but knowing that I am yours for good is as deep into the mindset as you can go.”

“Well, I will get a better collar eventually,” Roric said as he helped her stroke Gisley. “And what about that debate we saw online? People were claiming there were ways to unlock the collars.”

“Through some kind of curse,” Jaina said. “I don’t know that we want a sex curse. If I knew more about it, I might consider it.”

“We have plenty of time to look into that,” Roric said and got up. “But for now, I wanted to head back to town. We don't want to miss the festival after all.”

“Oh, that's right, they are having some kind of beer festival,” Jaina said. “And the innkeeper wanted to make a bunch of glitter spiked drinks.”

“Our Gisley is popular for her fairy glitter drinks,” Roric said with a smile. “The rumor is you have wonderful dreams after drinking one.”

Jaina tried not to laugh and wake the sleeping fairy up. They both knew full well what was going on in those dreams, and Gisley was becoming quite the whore. She spent some days having sex from dawn to dusk, only to go to sleep and flit from dream to dream having more. Even now, she was probably in somebodies dream with legs spread wide, taking a good firm pounding.

He gave them an hour more to sleep, then insisted they get up and dress appropriately. All three women were surprised when Roric produced three fancy and frilly dresses from his pack. They were covered in bows and ribbons with embroidered flowers along hems that didn't expose much of their chest. Jaina was dressed in red, while Gisley was in the purest of white. Evalynn was in gold and yellow, looking almost like a queen at some fancy ball. Chandice was already in a sleek black robe decorated with red symbols and lines. She admitted to picking out their dresses as she helped lace the girls into them.

“Why are we wearing so much?” Gisley asked as she flared out her pretty skirt.

“Because I love you, and I desire to keep you to myself some days,” Roric said. “Now let's go to town and enjoy the festival. We will play some games, eat all the treats your heart desire, and finish the night with me in our bedroom.”

“That sounds like a wonderful day to me,” Jaina agreed.

“Good, then let’s get going,” Chandice insisted. “I want to try some of that fire bread I saw cooking when I went for the dresses.”

Roric led the way back to town, running with Gisley on his shoulders. The girls followed along on the magic disk, eagerly awaiting the new adventure. When the town came into view, it was clear something was going on. Paper lanterns and colored flags hung everywhere as people in fine colors filled the streets. There were merchant wagons in great abundance and musicians playing on street corners. People were flying above, casting illusions to light the sky up with glowing images of beet steins or simple firework-like displays. Even before they reached the first street, they could smell smoke and the scent of good things cooking.

“Oh, I could get used to this,” Jaina said after taking a deep inhale. “I swear I smell sausages.”

“You do,” Chandice said. “And Pretzels, bread, burgers, ribs, and a dozen other things. There are three big beer gardens set up near the center of the city, and they are having a contest to judge the best beer of the festival.”

“Oh, I want one of those hats!” Gisley said as they entered the first street. She pointed to a wagon covered in flowered hats of every shape and description. Some had magically enchanted flowers that glowed with soft light or slowly changed colors in rich hues.

“Why don't you girls all go pick out a hat,” Roric suggested, and they eagerly ran to the wagon to begin trying them on. He waited as they fussed over colors and styles but wasn't surprised with some of their choices.

Jaina's was covered in red roses down one side and had a white flock of tiny flowers. Chandice went for something more colorful with dark orange and bright yellow. Evalynn wanted hers to match her dress and went with one full of green clover and bright yellow flowers, but Gisley was the most predictable. She had a hat covered in lilacs and two magical butterflies that danced on the flowers. She wore it proudly with a big smile as they lined up and held hands before wading into the crowds.

“We could make a fortune entertaining a crowd this size,” Jaina suggested as they stopped at a stand that sold honey-baked nuts. Roric bought them each a bag, then took them to listen to an impressive group of twenty minstrels using fantasy instruments to copy modern music.

The girls listened and laughed, enjoying a day to themselves as Roric went to a nearby stand and bought them all something called a sugar ale. He found out what it meant when the girls took their sips and declared it to be sweet like a soda and had a bite of citrus. With the first drinks finished, they wandered the streets, looking in on all the little stands until Chandice spotted something she had to have. A man was selling magical dragons that were made of light. They were the size of a cat and came in red, yellow, blue, and green. He explained that they were pure illusion and would fade in twenty-four hours. Still, they behaved like living things, riding on their owner's shoulders and moving about as if curious.

Roric found himself parting with more gold to buy the girl's dragon pets. A few stalls down, they purchased giant pretzels with various dipping sauces. They stopped at the public fountain where a water shaper was putting on a fancy display, creating works of art from the water to cheers. A second round of drinks was bought; this time, something called cheery blossoms sent the girls into giggling fits.

They found the first magical games in the park area, and Roric tried his hand at gorrick racing. It involved trying to stay on the back of a gorrick which was essentially a giant pig. He and five other contestants had to stay on while the beasts ran down a narrow track, desperately trying to throw them off. He lasted about half the distance before falling off the back to the happy laughter of his girls who came to help their poor master up.

The girls then joined up for a game of hunt the drema bird. They ran like fools in a large round area with butterfly nets trying to catch a colorful bird that darted around with tremendous agility. They giggled and laughed as they failed to capture the silly hummingbird-sized thing for almost five minutes. Then Evalynn managed to snare the beast, winning a plush drema bird that she handed over to Gisley, who hugged it with love.

They then took a flying carpet ride, sitting on a single large carpet that carried them over the town, allowing them a fantastic view of the festival below. A single man piloted the carpet, giving them a slow, comfortable flight where they could see everything.

“look, there are jugglers on that street,” Gisley said excitedly.

“And there is some kind of dancing going on over there,” Chandice added.

“The inn seems busy,” Jaina noted and pointed down. “The front street is packed with people.”

“I hope she is using that glitter sparingly,” Roric said as he considered why the inn might be packed. There had been a full moon a few days ago, and Gisley spent the night collecting the glitter shed from her wings. It was stored in a jar and given to Natalie to use in the drinks for the festival. Roric was getting a cut of the profit, but Gisley was not going to be doing anything more. “I told her Gisley was off today, and she wasn't getting any more.”

“Yay, I get a day off!” Gisley laughed and leaned into Evalynn. “So, do you know how to dance?”

“I did a little dancing in the real world,” Evalynn said with a shrug. “But I would love to dance with any of you.”

“Yeah, let's go dancing,” Jaina said and pointed to something going on down one street. It looked like a water tank with wooden platforms moving about. “What is that?”

“I don't know,” Roric replied as he tried to see it.

“It’s a water raft challenge,” the carpet driver said. “The little platforms are magically enchanted to move on their own. You have to cross the pool by using the platforms without falling in to win the prize.”

“That sounds fun, but I would hate to get my robe wet,” Chandice said.

“Roric will do it for us,” Jaina said and put her arm around him. “Won't you, dear?”

“If it will make you happy,” Roric sighed and wondered what his chances of crossing it actually were.

“Oh, what's that?” Chandice asked and pointed to a stage at one corner of the town.

“Belly dancing,” the driver explained as the girls all piled on one side to see three women in silk wraps dancing to a bouncy tune they could vaguely hear.

“We could have done that,” Gisley said.

“That’s not the kind of dancing we do,” Jaina laughed.

“Stripping is what we do,” Evalynn commented but agreed they could have managed a less naked dance.

“You are not working today,” Roric reiterated. “This is a day for you to have fun and enjoy yourselves.”

“And we appreciate that,” Evalynn said and hugged him from behind. “I am just glad we are spending it with you.”

“Aww,” Jaina sighed and then inhaled to smell something wonderful on the street below. “Goodness, what is that smell?”

“Beer brats,” the man explained. “That whole street is full of vendors selling their own recipes. You can vote on the ones you like best.”

“And to think the translation course said one of the things we would miss most was the food,” Jaina laughed.

They pointed out other attractions before the carpet finally landed, and they ran off to find one of the beer gardens and sat at a table with two girls on either side of Roric. Here they were serving tall mugs of a frothy beer, paired with plates of breaded mushrooms and thick burgers on soft, salty buns.

“Yum,” Gisley said as she ate a mushroom. “The ranch sauce is delicious too.”

“These burgers are delicious,” Jaina said in surprise. “Dare I ask what the meat is?”

“Probably best we didn’t,” Chandice laughed. “Though they do have cows in this world.”

“It smells like beef to me,” Roric said as he sampled one of the burgers. “And the bun is fabulous.”

“It even has ketchup, mustard, and pickles,” Evalynn added. “It’s like being at a festival back in the real world.”

“A ren fest,” Jaina agreed as she looked around. She noticed the unsavory gaze of two men, one of which was pointing at them while saying something to the other. She sincerely hoped they were not about to approach the group, but her hopes were dashed as the men made their way over.

“Hello, sweet things,” A tall elf man said as she looked over them. His friend looked human, with short dark hair and rather expensive clothing. Judging by the wand in his belt, he was some kind of caster, and by the look on his face, he was interested in something not on the menu.

“How would you like to enjoy the festival with us?” the dark-haired man asked.

“We have a date,” Evalynn replied and grabbed Roric’s arm. “But thank you for checking to see if we needed company.”

The elf put a foot up on the bench to lean over the table, ignoring the fact that Roric was glaring at him.

“Surely you girls would prefer the attention of cultured men to this animal,” the elf replied.

“How dare you!” Gisley cried as she shot up, but Roric put a hand on her shoulder as he got up to glare back at the man.

“You cultured men need to find trouble someplace else while you still can,” Roric insisted.

“Oh, look, a dog that can talk,” the human laughed.

“I will kill them both for you,” Evalynn offered as she tightened her grip on the beer stein to use it as a weapon. The two men heard her words and realized none of the girls were impressed, so their demeanor changed sharply.

“What a bunch of whores,” the elf said indignantly. “Standing up for something so unw –“ he stopped in his words as a blade appeared around his throat, and Santos smiled from behind his shoulder.

“You should be careful who you insult,” Santos said into his ear. “You never know who a man’s friends are.”

“You?” the elf said in alarm. “Aren’t you the leader of the thieves guild?”

“I see my reputation proceeds me,” Santos replied. “Good, then you realize I can use my rogue skills to not only score a critical hit, but I can add my lethal strike damage to it. You and your idiot friend will be spending the rest of the festival waiting to respawn.”

The elf glanced over to see his human friend had a similar blade at his throat, and two more rogues were standing to either side with weapons drawn. He realized quickly his position wasn't tenable and threw up his hands in defeat.

“Now apologize to the ladies for spoiling their day out,” Santos insisted as he drew a fine line of blood.

“I’m sorry!” the elf cried. “I behaved foolishly.”

“Truly you did,” Santos laughed and threw the man back. “Now run away before I think of a good reason to kill you anyway.”

The two men backed off and blended into the crowds, some of which were watching the scene unfold with interest. Santos put his blade away and smiled at the girls before turning to Roric.

“Anyone gives you an ounce of trouble, just pass his description to one of my men,” he said as two of the rogues suddenly faded from sight. “We will fix the situation for you.

“Thank you,” Roric replied with a nod. “It would have been unfortunate if we had to start a brawl here.”

“I think it will do some good for people to know the thieves guild will come to your aid if they cause you trouble,” Santos laughed. “Now, please, go back to enjoying your food. It is a festival, after all.”

“Thank you,” Gisley said. The others quickly followed with comments of gratitude as Santos gave them a quick salute and took his remaining rogue into the streets.

“Protected by the thieves guild,” Jaina said with a smile. “That must carry some weight.”

“We make friends easily,” Evalynn commented. “Everybody wants to be friends with girls like us.”

“What were those two idiots going to do when all five of us attacked them?” Chandice asked. “Did they think they could goad Roric into a fight, and we would stand by to see who the winner was?”

“Maybe they thought we would walk off with the winner?” Gisley said.

“Well, they called us whores when we made it clear that wasn't going to happen,” Jaina said.

“Let's not dwell on it,” Roric insisted as he finished his beer. “We have a lot of fun to have yet.”

“I agree,” Chandice said. “I especially want to see you navigate that water game.”

“Why does everybody want to see me get wet?” Roric laughed. They finished their meal and headed off to find the strange game and eventually found it at the end of a street. The tank was made of wood magically enchanted to hold the water. Inside were eight wooden platforms moving back and forth at various speeds. The woman running the event dared anyone to cross the platforms and reach the other side dry. The prize was an ever full stein. A mug that, once a drink was poured into, would replenish that drink on its own every three minutes, ten times a day. They watched two other men attempt the crossing, each making it about halfway before making a misstep that sent them into the water.

“You can do it!” Gisley cried as Roric handed all his equipment to Evalynn and took to the platform in just his shirt and pants. People cheered at his daring, and the woman running it said he was going to smell like a wet dog soon. Roric paid ten gold for the privilege of getting wet and then looked out over his face.

Roric tensed as he watched the platforms move about. None of them were particularly fast, but some would stop and change direction, while others moved side to side at a slow, methodical pace. One part of the rules was that it would sink if he stood on any platform longer than ten seconds, costing him the game. It seemed like the best bet was to run right down the center, but that was where the pausing platforms would be the trickiest. It would be better to start from a corner and use those platforms to carry him across at an angle. With his plan set, he moved to the right and gave the girls one final glance before making the first step.

Stepping from a stationary stage to a moving platform was disorientating, and he teetered as people cheered. With great struggle, he quickly gained his feet, setting up to move to the next platform. Seconds counted as he stepped to the next platform moving in the opposite direction. This one too nearly toppled him over, and he fell to his hands to regain his balance. As unheroic as it was to crawl across the platforms, he realized it was the best way to go. His gnoll stature made it easy to scurry on all fours, and he quickly crossed to the next as his girls cheered him on.

“I am going to so regret this,” he said as he waited for platform four that paused near the center. Seconds were precious, and soon the one he stood on would sink, but at the last second, he realized he couldn't wait. So he leaped over the empty gap to the fifth platform as it went by, grabbing it firmly with his hands to avoid tumbling over the side.

Now people were cheering wildly as he was in striking distance of actually making it across. Platform six was easy to do, and that left him with only two to reach the other side. These were two of the fastest moving, and number seven liked to stop and change direction. He waited until they were almost next to each and then darted across as fast as possible. He dashed across seven, who suddenly stopped, his momentum causing him to stumble onto eight. With a final bit of strength, he wobbled and rolled, throwing himself over the edge and onto the far platform.

People cheered as Roric lay panting and looking up, grateful he was still dry. The woman announced they finally had a winner and held up the decorative stein waiting for Roric to come around and claim it. He took the mug with gratitude and held it out as his four girls rushed up to him and took him into a hug. People in the crowd cheered even more, to see him embraced by his girls, and he took his prize away as they argued about what beer to fill it with.

They visited the sausage row next, and the girls gorged themselves on cooked sausage of every kind. Chandice was partial to a cheesy one, while Gisley liked one that was particularly hot. Jaina and Evalynn found one rich with garlic and onion, and all cast their votes for their favorite. Roric filled the magic stein with a purple beer named Dark rose, and the girls all passed it around, savoring the drink as the mug continued to refill.

They cheered for the belly dancers, and the girls got a chance to throw coins for other women for a change. But when the sun moved and faded away, the real fun began. Magical fireworks filled the sky, and the girl's magical dragons stood out as the strange animals danced on their shoulders. They finally returned to the stage full of minstrels as they played a funny yet lively mix of songs from the real world. It was here that Gisley started to bounce, and Jaina realized that it was time to burn the little Fairies energy off. She danced with Gisley first, then with Chandice as Evalynn took on the happy fairy. Roric sat back with his magical stein, admiring the smiling faces as his girls laughed and played. Day after day, his dreams came true, and his girls looked truly happy. He hoped magical moments like this would be common until the four girls turned on him and demanded he dance with them.

For the next few hours, Roric did something he dreaded, dancing with a woman, or in this case, four of them. When the festival finally ended, and they arrived at the inn, all the girls were anxious to get him into bed. He made love to them slowly, savoring their passion as they took turns pleasing their master. When the night was long in the hour, he fell asleep under a blanket of naked women, hoping that this was how it would be every day going forward.

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