The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-32 I hid something

Jaina wore a full cream dress as she walked through the village with Chandice and Gisley. Gisley was clothed in a pretty white slip that ruffled around her chest, leaving her shoulders and arms bare. She looked like a flower in bloom, with her lavender hair flowing in curls down her back. Chandice was responsible for all the clothes, insisting that she wanted her pets to look beautiful at all times. It was also meant to be another day off as Roric wanted them to himself for a few days.

They were out looking for a shop that sold magical ingredients for Chandice. She wanted to enchant Roric's weapon with a spell that would give him light on command but needed some glow fly dust and a pinch of sulfur. They walked hand in hand, with Chandice in the middle smiling as she showed off her beauties.

“You are enjoying this,” Jaina laughed when she noticed the big smile.

“That I have two lovely slave girls?” Chandice asked with a bat of her eyes. “You are absolutely right. I am enjoying this. I want everybody to know you are mine.”

“So, does this mean you are considering being a part of our family for good?” Jaina pressed.

“I have to admit I see nothing wrong with it so far,” Chandice admitted. “There is that human part of me that says I need to take it slow and be cautious, but I love being a part of this. I worry that if I don't grab it with both hands and embrace it, I might miss something wonderful.”

“I want you to stay,” Gisley added. “I love being your slave girl.”

“And I love dressing that fairy body of yours,” Chandice replied. “Oh, and kissing those little bulbs on your head.”

“Ha, she is so sensitive there,” Jaina added and smiled at Gisley. “But funny as it sounds, I think you have the bigger commitment to make.”

“Me?” Chandice asked.

“I think so,” Jaina replied. “Gisley and I are slave girls, but you are potentially going to be Roric’s wife.”

“How is that a bigger commitment?” Chandice laughed. “I will still have the freedom to do as I please.”

“It sounds easier but is it really?” Jaina pressed. “Gisley and I are simply expected to have sex. That's not all that challenging, and with our skills, it's actually a lot of fun. But as a wife, you will have actual responsibilities while making choices day by day to love and honor your family.”

“Huh, I hadn’t thought of it like that,” Chandice replied. “I guess I do need to consider what being married to Roric will mean.”

“I think it will mean things will be even more fun,” Gisley said. “You have a good sense of humor, a kind heart, and you like to dress up girls.”

“Ha, I do like to dress you all,” Chandice admitted as they rounded a corner and went down a narrow street. “I want you to be sexy when you're out on my arm.”

“I like taking care of the rogue's kitchen and dining hall, too,” Gisley added.

“Oh, that reminds me, I want to buy some supplies for their kitchen,” Chandice said and nodded to a group of men who noticed their passing. “I don’t know how they survive on cooked meat and bread.”

“You have been wowing them with some of your meals,” Jaina commented. “Did you learn how to cook at the inn?”

“The inn was serving similar basic things, so I spent points buying the cooking skill,” Chandice said. “But it's a secondary skill, so it won't ever be as good as a class that focuses on cooking.”

“It seems to be working just fine,” Jaina said. “And it’s certainly better than what they were eating.”

“Speaking of which, I am looking forward to cooking for you all,” Chandice sighed. “I like taking care of you.”

“I like being taken care of,” Gisley admitted and leaned into Chandice. “But I will help you do the cleaning.”

“I can help clean dishes with my absorb skill,” Jaina added.

“I am grateful to hear that, but I will enchant the house to make the chores easier. Besides, your jobs are to prowl the forest looking for sexual escapades to have,” Chandice reminded.

“And what about your needs?” Jaina asked.

“I will have a husband and three sexy slaves to see to those, and I will have the occasional dalliance with a handsome traveler,” Chandice replied. “Besides, I hope to have my succubus by then, so my days will never be empty of sex and passion.”

“I can't wait to see your succubus,” Jaina said. “I hope you will let us play with her?”

“Oh, I intend to make you play with her,” Chandice laughed as they turned another corner. “And I am going to watch. I loved it when you and Evalynn were turned into pets for my imps. Knowing you had to obey them as they fucked you endlessly made me excited.”

“Then why don’t you do more of that?” Jaina asked. “I don’t mind if you want me to be a sex toy for your minions.”

“Hmm, I will talk to Roric about it,” Chandice said and stopped at an intersection to look around. “And I was sure I saw an ingredient shop around here yesterday.”

“Can I be of some help?” A dark-furred cat man said as he walked up and smiled at Jaina.

Sergius!” Jaina cried before running up to kiss him. “I have missed you, and I have been dying to know how your date went.”

“It went really well,” he admitted and rubbed at his arm nervously. “We are having sex.”

“Well, good for you,” Jaina said and smiled playfully as she stepped back. “See, you just needed to mellow out a bit.”

“Thank you, but it has gotten a little complicated,” he added.

“Complicated how?” Chandice asked.

Sergius sighed and explained that he had told his girlfriend about Jaina, and now she wanted a threesome.

“She wants a threesome with me?” Jaina asked.

“Does that sound weird?” he asked timidly.

“I don’t think it is,” Chandice said with a shrug. “I like threesomes, and I seem to recall we three had one.”

“I don’t think so either, Gisley added. “I will have a threesome with you if you want.”

“I appreciate that,” Sergius said but looked into Jaina's eyes. “But she really wants you. She said she wanted to know the girl who changed me so much.”

“How much did you tell her about us?” Jaina asked, wondering if he told her how Jaina copied her body so he could experience it. He thankfully left that part out, but he oversold how passionate and healing sex with Jaina was. He also credited Jaina with coaching him on being a better man and giving him the advice to approach his new girlfriend.

“So, do you think you could?” Sergius asked.

“I guess that’s fine,” Jaina laughed. “Did you two have a plan as to when?”

“Tomorrow after she closes,” Sergius suggested.

“Hmm, I am still off tomorrow, but I have to ask Roric. He was hoping to keep us all to himself for a few days, and I wouldn't want to upset him, Jaina replied.

“I think it would be a bad idea to ask him,” Chandice said. “He made it clear that you were not to have sex with anyone but him.”

“Another time then,” Sergius replied. “Maybe later in the week.”

“I am sure we can manage to work out the time,” Jaina replied. “Just tell her I am looking forward to making love to her.”

“I will do that,” he said, then looked to Chandice. “Now, what were you looking for?”

“A shop that sells magical components,” she replied. “I swear I saw one last night during the festival.”

“One street over,” Sergius said and pointed to the corner. “I can show you exactly where it is.”

“That would be very sweet of you,” Chandice said.

Sergius led the way, and they talked about his new relationship. Chandice reminded him not to rush into things, and he explained that she had already admitted she would like a girlfriend.

“Well, good for you,” Jaina replied. “But I had a thought. Do you think she would be interested in a foursome?”

“A foursome? With who?” Sergius asked.

Jaina tugged on Chandices arm and tipped her head at her. “Chandice, of course. She was the one who gave you most of the advice. So I think it's only fair she gets to fuck your girlfriend too.”

“You're right. Her advice was very useful,” Sergius agreed. “I did tell her about Chandice, but I played up your role too much.”

“Then what you do is tell her that we spoke, and I reminded you how important Chandice had been to it all. Then tell her that I asked if Chandice could come and be part of the lovemaking,” Jaina said.

“Hmm, maybe we should ask Roric about that too,” Chandice interjected. “When we first did that, I was just your girlfriend, but things have changed. Roric and I are now pursuing a proper relationship, and I want to be faithful to my boyfriend.”

“Oh, that's right,” Jaina said and chewed on a thought as she looked at Sergius. “Why don't you find out if Chandice is welcome, and we will find out how Roric feels about it. So long as everyone is alright with it, she will come. Otherwise, it will just be me.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Sergius replied and then pointed to a building. “And that is your ingredient shop.”

“Thank you,” Chandice said and bid him a farewell.

The shop was called Melody's pantry, and they went inside to see shelves full of jars, bowls, and vials. They contained ingredients of a thousand varieties laid out in meticulous order. Melody turned out to be a flower sprite with beautiful green hair that blossomed with little flowers. Gisley took an immediate liking to her, and the two talked about fairy stuff as if they were sisters born to it.

Chandice and Jaina were free to explore the shop, looking through the various bottles and containers, some of which moved when poked. There were boxes along one wall full of dried goods and a section of shelves devoted to ground-up crystals. Chandice gave Gisley some time to talk to her new friend and then interrupted to ask for her ingredients.

The woman was all smiles, quickly gathering up the few things they needed. She then asked if they were interested in helping her gain an ingredient or two. Chandice was curious and asked for details, so the woman explained that there was a swamp nearby in which grew a red bulb-like flower that floated on the water. She had a standing reward for gathering these because they were useful in potions of water walking. However, players hated to gather the plants because it meant braving a muddy, slimy swamp.

“Doesn’t sound like something we want to do either,” Jaina agreed.

“Let’s not be too hasty,” Chandice said and tapped her chin. She had the perfect group to collect those pods, and she knew exactly how to get them without so much as setting foot on the swamp. She turned to the woman and agreed to get some. They left the shop with Jaina and Gisley wondering how she planned to get the pods.

“It's easy,” Chandice said as she tucked the ingredients into her pouch. “Gisley summons a disk to carry you and I, then she flies over the water and carries us to the plants. Not to mention if either of you got dirty, you could just use cleanse to clean right off.”

“But I have to use my wings where somebody can see them,” Gisley said.

“I am betting nobody plays in the swamp,” Chandice said. “If we see anyone, we won't risk it.”

“I am fine with trying,” Jaina shrugged.

“I guess I am, too,” Gisley replied.

“Good, then let's ask Roric for permission to gather some up,” Chandice said and took them back to the inn. They found Evalynn outside the door kissing Droslin and asked where Roric was. She said he was inside bedding Natalie and the two had been going at it for over an hour now.

“Of course my boyfriend is banging another woman. And here I was worried he might be upset if I joined that foursome,” Chandice laughed and went inside with the other two. She marched them upstairs and knocked on the door to hear a startled Roric ask what they wanted. Chandice explained their little adventure and asked if he wanted to come along. He politely declined and wished them well on their fun.

“I guess it’s just us,” Chandice said. “I am pretty sure Evalynn would rather find a bed to spend the day with her boyfriend.”

“He is going to be heartbroken when she leaves,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “She says she has warned him plenty of times, but he doesn't seem to understand.”

“Well, let's head for the swamps,” Chandice said and took the lead with her two slave girls following behind. Nearly two hours later, they were far to the east, following a forest road. Gisley stopped to summon a disk and took one final look around before transforming into her butterfly form. She fluttered up, intentionally flashing her rear so her lovers could see the plug.

“I am going to enchant that plug if she keeps flashing it at us,” Chandice said.

“Enchant it to do what?” Jaina asked.

“I will make it cause a rainbow to come out of her butt,” Chandice replied.

Jaina fell over laughing at the image of Gisley with a rainbow coming out of her rear. Gisley didn't think the idea was all that funny and threatened to pull the plug out. Chandice warned Gisley that she would buy a bigger one and enchant it to glue in place if she removed that plug.

“You wouldn’t!” Gisley insisted as they flew down the road, looking for the swamps.

“I will make it so big you can’t sit down,” Chandice said as Gisley tried to protect her rear with a hand.

“Speaking of butts, do you ever wonder why we still have them? I mean, none of us poop anymore,” Jaina said. “If you ask me, the only purpose they serve now is for anal sex.”

“And to hold big plugs,” Chandice added.

“Oh, you just want to tease me,” Gisley called back.

“I like seeing her little butterfly,” Jaina said and ran a hand up Chandices leg. “But I love seeing that pussy even more.”

“That's because you're addicted to them,” Chandice replied and sat back on the disk. “But I know where you can find a pussy that's ready to be licked.”

“Do you now?” Jaina smiled. “Could I see it?”

Chandice smiled and pulled up her robe, revealing her black lace panties. Jaina grabbed them at the hips, slowly pulling them down Chandice's legs.

“Oh, it is ready,” Jaina said as she saw the soft-shaven folds exposed to the light. “I bet it needs a lot of attention.”

“It needs you to eat it every day,” Chandice replied. “I don’t want to start a day without you eating my pussy.”

Jaina smiled and stood up, slipping the black panties over her legs and putting them on. She then knelt between Chandice's open legs before tossing her hair aside and leaning in. A moment later, she tasted the succulent folds of her mistress's body, sucking at the lips gently. She licked and kissed all around the mound savoring the soft flesh as Chandice moaned. She then focused on the tender clit, pulling it between pursed lips and flicking the end with her tongue.

She couldn't believe how much she enjoyed pussy now. She loved to tease the others by eating them slowly and methodically, building up their pleasure until they could take no more. With Chandice, she liked to be gentle at first, then go wild, feasting on the succulent petals of her flower. She did the same here, licking in long strokes, so her tongue slid over the tender clit. She then traced circles around it before kissing it and holding it in a firm suck. Then back to long licks, keeping it stimulated and on fire so Chandice had no hope of coming down. Then when Chandice was thrashing and moaning, Jaina dived in, savagely feeding on the poor woman's body. Oral mastery worked on women too, and in moments Chandice was having her first orgasm. Jaina knew because she was sharing it, making Chandice's panties wet as she soaked through them. This was the beauty of making love to a woman. She could have as many orgasms as you wanted to give her, and Jaina would share every single one of them. Sexual escalation would make each orgasm better, and it could go on until Chandice pleaded for mercy.

Chandice leaned up to cup her hands behind Jaina's head, pressing the woman into her body. She loved it when one of the girls ate from her garden, and no one was better at it than Jaina. She moaned so loudly that Gisley started to giggle, even flying in little zigzags to rock the disk. She realized this was the life she wanted to live, sharing herself with Roric and his harem of sex slaves. As her second orgasm shook her body, Jaina reached back and plucked the plug from her rear. Chandice threw her head back and cried out as it was gently worked into her tight hole until her body accepted it.

Jaina smiled as the plug popped into place, and Chandice was now feeling the full sensation. She hoped it would make her lover's orgasms more profound and quickly worked to give her another one to find out. The two rocked in a shared orgasm a minute later, and Chandice kept Jaina in place to provide her with another.

“Sorry to interrupt you two, but I found the swamp,” Gisley called as the disk came to a halt.

“Oh, pooh,” Chandice groaned and tapped Jaina’s head. “You can have some more later.”

“I was so enjoying that,” Jaina sighed as she sat up.

“I assume my underwear is soaked,” Chandice asked.

“As wet as the swamp is,” Jaina said with a wide smile.

Then you can wear them until they dry,” Chandice said and wiggled her hips to shift the plug. “I will wear your gift for a little bit.”

“I hope it fits nicely,” Jaina teased and pushed at the gem to work it in firmly.

“It's deep enough,” Chandice groaned and sat up, then groaned again when the plug shifted.

“It takes some getting used to,” Jaina said and looked around.

The swamp was a rather pretty place with tall belts of dense green reed and cattails. There were a few willow trees scattered about and a wide assortment of lily pads clustered around a series of muddy tracks leading in. The air smelled of dampness and was filled with the sound of distant frogs, but otherwise, it seemed like a rather place, especially if you didn't have to walk.

“Take us over the water, and let's see if we can find these bulbs,” Chandice suggested, so Gisley fluttered out, taking them down a muddy trail in the tall reeds. She found a break in the plants and headed out over the water as they watched for danger.

“Let’s not forget that something dangerous probably lives here,” Jaina reminded.

“I could summon some imps to give us a little firepower or use as bait if needed,” Chandice offered.

“Roric didn't think this would be dangerous, or he wouldn't have let us go without him or Evalynn coming with,” Gisley suggested as she fluttered along. “Besides, I dance over waters like this all the time. It isn't very deep, so nothing too big could hide in it. The worst thing we might encounter are wild lizard men or swamp stalkers.”

“What is a swamp stalker?” Jaina asked.

“It's like a cow-sized catfish with four long tendrils it can use to grab prey and drag it into the water,” Gisley said. “But this waters too shallow to hide one. We would see it long before it could attack.”

“I think I see a pod,” Chandice said and pointed to a dense bed of tall grass rising out of the water. Gisley took the disk close to the pod, and Chandice leaned over the side to try and grab it. It was the size of an apple with a leathery skin and two bluish-green leaves growing out of it. It had a long snaking root that sank into the swamp, anchoring the plant to the muddy soil beneath. Chandice tried to pull the pod but found the long root anchored it firmly. Jaina lent a hand, trying to pull, then grew frustrated and turned her fingers into sharp claws to cut the root.

“You would think they would be easier to pull up,” Chandice said as she placed the red bulb on the disk.

“No wonder nobody wants to hunt for these things,” Jaina said. “You would have to wade out into the muddy water just to look for them.”

“You could always use a boat,” Gisley offered as she fluttered along, looking for more.

They found a dozen more growing among the tall grass, with a few having a pretty dark blue flower. They piled the pods in the center of the disk as Gisley asked why they were wasting their time when they had more than enough money to buy almost anything. Chandice explained that it was an easy task and fun to do, plus she wanted an excuse to be out with her playthings. Besides, it was always good to earn some favor with the shopkeepers who traded in the things they needed. When Chandice needed a rare ingredient, Melody would be extra motivated to help locate it.

“I see,” Gisley said as she fluttered along. “But I was thinking about something I could do.” Gisley explained how badly she wanted to build their new home in the magical forest. After visiting the ingredient shop, she thought maybe they could sell some of her glitter. Not only would they make more money, but selling Melody such a rare ingredient might encourage her to be more helpful.

“I don't like that idea,” Chandice said with a shake of her head. “People who know about your glitter think it's a byproduct of your orgasm. Even when Roric gave the innkeeper that jar of glitter, he made her swear to tell people it was from your orgasms. If people find out you can make tons of glitter easily, they will question how you're making it. That could lead to a lot of rumors and people trying to figure it out. As soon as one of them finds out, people will be after you for it.”

“I have to agree with Chandice,” Jaina said. “We don’t want people coming to you for glitter when you need it to power all your abilities.”

“I know we can’t give people glitter all the time, but I make extra glitter at full moons,” Gisley insisted.

“We know, sweetheart,” Jaina said and took her hand. “But you have witnessed firsthand what happens when people figure out how valuable your glitter is. You told us they started hounding you for more and more to sell.”

“And when you had to turn them down, they became hostile,” Chandice added.

“They did,” Gisley admitted. “But you guys know, and you never ask me for it. So I want to give it to you as a gift to sell so we can have our forest sooner.”

“We nearly have enough to make it,” Chandice said. “Roric is already talking about moving to that dungeon he wants to explore.”

“Another week of sex, and we will have all we need,” Jaina added.

“But,” Gisley said in an exasperated tone. “There is something you guys don't know.”

“And what is that?” Chandice asked.

“I already have fifty jars of glitter stashed away,” Gisley admitted.

Chandice and Jaina looked up in alarm and then turned that gaze on the fairy woman, who looked very nervous about being on the spot like that. Chandice asked when and where Gisley had managed to produce so much glitter. Gisley explained that she had been making it over the last couple of years. She snuck out of the inn to dance over her pond and frequently brought bottles to catch and store her glitter. She then sank the bottles in the pond for safekeeping.

“Are you telling me that the pond you used to dance over has a treasure trove of rare glitter hidden under it?” Chandice asked.

“Yes,” Gisley replied bashfully.

“And you just left it behind?” Chandice groaned and slapped her head.

“I didn't know how to bring it with me,” Gisley replied.

“We could have put it in the tent,” Jaina offered. “It would have stored away just like the furniture does.”

“Oh, I didn't think of that,” Gisley replied as she fluttered back. “I want Roric to have all my dust, though. He should be able to do what he wants with it.”

“That's very sweet of you to want your master to have all that, but we will have to go back and collect it when Roric wants to head south,” Jaina said.

“I'm sorry,” Gisley said as she stepped onto her disk. “I wasn't thinking about the glitter back then. I was so lost in the moment of being Roric's slave and nervous about finally being a prostitute.”

Jaina stood up and hugged her, careful not to press on her wings. She reassured Gisley that she understood how nervous she must have been and congratulated her on wanting to give all that to Roric.

“I want him to have everything,” Gisley replied. “I even have some gold hidden there.” She paused and considered an idea, then looked to Jaina and Chandice. “If we leave right now, I bet I can fly us back there before nightfall.”

“You mean fly the whole back where people can see you?” Jaina asked.

“If we wait until nightfall, there will be less people,” Gisley offered.

“Still, if somebody sees you, there could be problems,” Jaina suggested.

Chandice sat back and considered the options, then asked a logical question. She wanted to know if Gisley could fly while invisible, and she happily said she could. She then suggested Gisley turn invisible and take them back to town so they could tell Roric about the glitter. So they hurried back, racing across the landscape as Jaina pointed out this was yet another example of their mistakes.

“How do you figure?” Chandice asked.

“We spent nearly two hours walking out there when she could have flown us in a quarter of the time,” Jaina pointed out. “None of us thought to use invisibility and her flight until now?”

“I see your point,” Chandice agreed.

“No wonder Roric wants us to keep practicing combat together,” Jaina sighed. “We overlook some of the most obvious things.”

“I’m sorry,” Gisley said again. “I just don’t think about these things.”

“Oh, sweetheart. None of us are blaming you,” Jaina said. “We just need more time to get used to each other's abilities.” Chandice agreed that they were still coming together as a team, and there would be plenty of mistakes yet to make.

Once they were close to the city, they dismissed the disk, and Gisley put away her wings before becoming visible. A quick stop at the magic ingredient shop earned them over a hundred gold for the pods. They took that money and headed off to the inn to find Roric drinking with Evalynn as she pointed to the ever full stein.

“I think your idea is brilliant,” Roric said with a nod.

“Thank you for saying so,” Evalynn replied with a blush.

“Are we having brilliant ideas?” Jaina asked as they arrived at the table.

“There you are,” Roric said and looked at their faces. “How did your ingredient hunting go.”

“It went wonderfully,” Chandice replied. “We were able to collect the pods easily and made a little gold. But what brilliant idea were we having?”

“I think you should tell them,” Roric said and gestured to Evalynn, who smiled and looked up.

“I was saying we should use the stein to produce Gisley's juice,” Evalynn said. “If we get her to orgasm into it a few times, the magic should replicate it and fill the whole stein. Then we pour it into a larger container and let the magic refill it. We can produce a ton more of her glitter juice to mix in drinks and make a killing for minimal effort.”

“Wow, that is brilliant,” Jaina said. “But we don’t exactly have a shortage of glitter.”

“What do you mean?” Roric asked with a curious expression.

Chandice looked to Gisley to explain, but the fairy was upset that Roric might be mad, so Chandice explained for her. She told him all about the massive stash of fairy glitter hidden under the waters near the spawn and how it got there. Roric looked confused and then frustrated as Gisley started to cry for fear she had upset him. With a sigh, he got up and swept her into his arms, then lifted her to sit in his lap while he stroked her softly.

“Shhh,” Roric urged. “I am not mad at you.”

“But I did something stupid,” Gisley sobbed. “And now you have to go all the way back to where we started.”

“Let’s not forget our idea to get back,” Jaina said and nodded to Chandice.

Chandice then explained the flying while invisible idea and how they could use that to cover the ground much faster. Roric was pleased by this suggestion and told Gisley he was proud of her for wanting him to have all that glitter. She snuggled in tightly to tell him she wanted to be his completely and promised she would give him all the glitter he wanted.

“You need that to use your powers,” Roric replied as he got up and asked Evalynn to grab the stein. He carried Gisley out into the street as the sun moved to twilight and the sky streaked with red. He led his harem to the edge of town before putting Gisley down to see she was still crying.

“Gisley, I told you I am not mad,” Roric said.

“I feel so bad about not telling you sooner,” Gisley said and wiped her eyes. “Now we have to go back to get it. You should punish me.”

“It's only a few hours' walk, and with your flying, it won't take any time at all,” Roric said and then stood her directly before him. “Now, I want you to forget all about this. You made a simple mistake during a stressful point in your life. Now, relax, and we will go get the glitter and store it in the tent.”

“I will try,” Gisley said and looked up with sad eyes. “I'm sorry. Are you sure you don't want to punish me?”

“Gisley,” Roric laughed. “Would you feel better if I spanked you?”

“Maybe,” Gisley replied with a little blush as Jaina and the others started to laugh.

“If she needs to be punished, I want to do it,” Chandice said and walked up as she unfastened her belt.

“Why would you want to be the one who punishes her?” Roric asked.

“Why not?” Chandice replied. “I have a fantasy that involves punishing bad girls. If I am going to be part of this relationship, I would be happy to handle the punishments.” She accentuated her point by snapping her belt with her hands to produce a loud crack.

Roric struggled not to laugh as he turned to Gisley, who looked nervous suddenly. He put a hand on the woman's shoulder and asked her to be honest with him.

“Do you think you should be punished?” he asked.

Gisley looked at Chandice, who was smiling and swinging the narrow belt, before looking down and saying yes.

“She’s all yours,” Roric said and stepped back as Chandice reached into one of her pouches and pulled out a small coil of rope.

“Put out your hands,” Chandice commanded as Gisley looked up in alarm. The fairy did as she was told and put her hands out to have Chandice tie her wrists together. She then pulled Gisley to a nearby tree and used her magic wand to enchant the rope, causing it to loop over a thick branch above and pull. Gisley's arms were lifted over her head and then pulled tight until she was up on her toes. Chandice then pulled the hem of Gisley’s dress up and exposed that tender purple rear for all to see.

“What are you doing?” Gisley asked as she pulled on her ropes.

“Just what you wanted all along. I am going to punish you for what you did,” Chandice said and ran a hand along Gisley's soft ass. “You are getting a good spanking.”

Gisley nodded and closed her eyes just before the first loud crack made her jump. It left a pink line across her tender rear that she was shaking in the air to try and soothe. Chandice gave her a second to recover and then planted another firm line across the fairy’s rear. Gisley hopped on her toes and trembled as Chandice felt her rear, savoring the touch of the stinging flesh.

“Oh, I like this part of the relationship,” Chandice cooed and then gave her three more rapid strikes, only stopping when Gisley cried out. She paused as Gisley tugged on her ropes in vain, barely able to hold her footing as she dangled.

“Now, little girl, I want to hear how sorry you are,” Chandice said and proceeded to lash her good until Gisley started to plead with Chandice that she was sorry. By the time it was done, Gisley was in tears again, and her ass was far more red than purple. Chandice released the magical ropes, and Gisley turned to fall into her arms, pleading with her for forgiveness.

“Shh, you can stop crying now,” Chandice said as she stroked the fairy's head. “You took your punishment; now all is forgotten.”

“Thank you,” Gisley said with a sniff. “I won’t do it again.”

“Oh, then I won’t have any reason to spank you,” Chandice replied sadly. “Won’t you be a bad girl for me sometimes?”

“Sometimes,” Gisley agreed with a naughty smile. Chandice cradled her like a child, stroking her to soothe away the pain and assure her she was loved.

“Why am I so turned on?” Evalynn whispered.

“I don’t know, but part of me wants to do something to make Chandice punish me,” Jaina replied.

“If you two start causing problems just to get spanked, I am buying you both chastity belts,” Roric said.

“Don’t even joke about that,” Jaina protested.

“I believe we are ready to go,” Chandice announced and started to put her belt back on.

“I wonder what it felt like when the belt hit her plug?” Evalynn said as Gisley summoned a magical disk for them to ride on.

“Speaking of plugs, could I have mine back?” Jaina asked as Chandice sat on the disk and let out a low moan.

“No, I am enjoying it,” Chandice replied and gave her a little smile, only to see Jaina looking unhappy. “Oh, fine,” Chandice sighed and got on her knees to reach around. She gently worked the plug out and ordered Jaina to present her rear. Roric watched with interest as Chandice slid the hot plug into Jaina’s rear and noted the look of absolute joy on the woman’s face when it locked in.

The two women shared a loving kiss as everybody got on, and Roric told Gisley she could go. With a smile, she faded from sight and then told everyone to hold on as she zipped off, flying as fast as she could. Though nobody could see her, she still trailed faint lines of glitter, creating a magical ride as the hours ticked away. It was made more beautiful when the girls started to sing, huddling into Roric as they put their voices together. Across the countryside went the magical disk and the choir of women singing for the joy of being in New Eden.

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