The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-33 Punishment and passion

Roric was impressed by how many bottles of glitter came out of the water and wondered what the hoard's true value might be. He almost felt bad selling the glitter and began to consider a plan to keep it. After all, Chandice could use it to enchant things, and her shop might become known for its rare fairy dust. That would draw travelers in from all around to visit the shop and provide the girls with intimate encounters. Another more expensive option was for Chandice to create an NPC alchemist and use her to brew love potions. That would undoubtedly be a draw once people learned that love potions could be bought from the shop in the love wood.

He helped the girls unload the magic disk, piling the bottles to one side of the tent. Then they floated back out over the water, where Gisley and Chandice used magic to levitate the bottles to the surface. He was strangely honored that Gisley wanted him to have something so valuable, and it touched his heart.

“You have more than fifty here,” Jaina said as the disk started to fill again.

“I'm sorry. I came out almost every night, and I guess I lost track,” Gisley admitted.

“Can you imagine if some newbie had stumbled on this?” Chandice laughed as she waved her wand. “They would be rich as kings at level five.” She caused another bottle to float into the air, where Jaina grabbed it and put it in a pile near the center. Evalynn grabbed the ones Gisley brought up, and the team quickly filled the magical platform.

“What were you planning to do with all this?” Evalynn asked as she added another bottle to the pile.

“I don't know,” Gisley admitted. “I just knew people wanted it, and I wasn't using it, so I stored a bunch of it up.”

“Can you drink this stuff or something to get your power back?” Jaina asked.

“No, It's useless to me once it leaves my glitter pool, but I wonder if you could make a glitter potion like other people can mana potions,” Gisley suggested.

“It might be possible,” Chandice said. “But we would need the help of a proper alchemist to research it for us. I doubt the NPC one could do it.”

They brought the disk back to the tent, and Roric helped them unload it as the bottles piled up in the side. They already had more than fifty, and Jaina assured him there were more in the bottom of the pond. Roric laughed as they filled the disk again, with Chandice complaining that Gisley couldn't count. When they finally brought the last bottle up, they had over a hundred, and it was clear Gisley was somewhat embarrassed that it was so many. They also brought up a small locked box that contained nearly a thousand gold that was Gisley’s personal treasure trove.

“You keep that,” Roric insisted and pressed it back to her arms.

“But I want you to have it,” Gisley insisted. “You are my master, and I want you to have everything.”

“Alright,” Roric agreed and took the box. “You are not permitted to own things anymore. You are mine, and I will give you anything you might have or use.”

“Thank you!” Gisley cried happily and danced in to hug him.

“They grow up so fast,” Jaina laughed as Evalynn and Chandice looked on approvingly.

“She really does make a good slave girl,” Chandice commented and looked at Jaina. “But you're a lousy girlfriend.”

“How am I a lousy girlfriend?” Jaina asked.

“When was the last time you took me out?” Chandice asked. “I haven’t had a show or dinner since we met.”

“I happen to be a slave as well,” Jaina pointed out. “How am I supposed to pay for it when I don't own anything either?”

“Sigh, I guess I will have to do the taking out,” Chandice complained as she added some bottles to the pile.

“I will take you out,” Roric said and put an arm around Chandice. “The slaves can be busy earning us some money.”

“Ha,” Candice laughed and turned in his arms. “Dating you does have its privileges.”

“I feel like I was used as bait to find my master a girlfriend,” Jaina complained.

“You were,” Evalynn laughed. “And now he has found your replacement. I guess you are just the slave girl now.”

“Thanks,” Jaina said with a wry smile. “Way to cheer me up.”

“You know we all love you,” Chandice said and walked over to Jaina to take her hands. “But the way I see it, you four are a group, and I am dating you all. So if I marry Roric, I am effectively marrying all of you, and I expect you to wear nice dresses.”

“You can pick them out,” Jaina said and tapped her nose.

“Well, since it’s late and we’re here, why don’t we spend the night beside Gisley’s old pond,” Roric suggested.

“Oh, we get to hear her sing while making love,” Jaina cooed.

“Hey, I want to make love too,” Gisley pouted.

“Just a few songs?” Jaina pleaded. “Then you can come in and join us.”

“Maybe just a few,” Gisley agreed tentatively. “But I want sex with all of you.”

“I promise you will be so tired you will want to sleep,” Jaina insisted.

“I better be,” Gisley said as she fluttered to Jaina’s face. “Or I will put you to sleep and do naughty things to you.”

“Promise?” Jaina said excitedly.

“Ha, ha!” Evalynn laughed. “You can’t threaten Jaina with things like that.”

“She likes being abused,” Gisley grumbled.

“And somebody here likes being disciplined,” Chandice said and grabbed Gisley’s rear. “Why didn’t you tell anyone? Roric and I will do all we can to fulfill your fantasies.”

“I don’t know,” Gisley said and dropped to her feet. “How do you tell someone you like to be punished?”

“By saying I like to be spanked,” Jaina replied. “Honestly, Chandice made that look so hot I want to try it.”

“So do I,” Evalynn added.

“Sigh, you picked a bunch of masochists,” Chandice said and shook her head at Roric.

“They seemed so sweet,” he replied and took Chandice into his arms. “But you can always summon one of your demons or devils to give them a good whipping.”

“Suddenly, I am not interested in trying it anymore,” Jaina said quickly.

“Hmm, we are here for the night?” Chandice asked him just to be sure. He nodded, so she turned on Jaina and Evalynn with a cruel smile.

“I don’t like that look,” Evalynn said as she stepped back.

“No, that’s the look that says I have something unpleasant planned for you,” Jaina agreed.

“Well, I was thinking of giving you two to my pets,” Chandice said, then let out a tired sigh. “But to be honest, I love you both too much for that.”

“You love us so much you don’t want us to have hot sex?” Jaina asked with a funny expression.

“I know that sounds funny, but I feel odd after spanking Gisley,” Chandice replied and sat on the edge of the bed.

Jaina could see something was troubling her, so she sat beside her and held her tightly. She implored Chandice to talk about it and share what was going on inside.

“I don't know,” Chandice replied and rubbed the back of her head. “I enjoyed spanking her, but part of me got a sadistic thrill out of it, and that isn't me. I see her as such a gentle flower, and now I feel bad for hurting her.”

“You didn’t hurt me,” Gisley insisted and fell at Chandice’s feet. “I wanted you to spank me.”

“We could all see that,” Roric laughed. “But that's why I was so willing to let Chandice do it. I didn't like the idea of it either.”

“I just want our relationship to be full of tenderness and love,” Chandice said.

“With the way Roric likes to take his women?” Jaina laughed and considered how rough sex with Roric was.

“That's different,” Chandice insisted. “Rough sex isn't sadistic; it's just rough. Lashing poor Gisley thirty times then turning you into fuck toys for a pair of imps feels a bit more….”

“I get your point,” Jaina said and rubbed her back. “You like to have fun, but you don't want it to go too far into the dark side.”

“I don't mind dabbling once in a while, but I just don't want it to become a common thing,” Chandice said and took a long pause as she played with her hands. “And I am afraid I might like it.”

“You are planning to summon a succubus to live out sexual fantasies with,” Jaina reminded. “You do realize that sadistic sex is kind of their thing.”

“I know,” Chandice replied and looked down. “Maybe I am overreacting.”

“No, I think you are doing exactly the right thing,” Roric said and sat with her, so she was between him and Jiana. “You are taking the time to deeply consider how you feel on the matter and sharing your fears. You want to play on the dark side, but you don't want the people you love to get hurt. You are worried you might like it so much that you will take it too far and taint your relationships. I have to say I admire how you have approached this. If you want my advice, take it slow, try a few more things and talk to the girls afterward. Look at Gisley now, assuring you she enjoyed your session.”

“I know, but should I enjoy hurting others?” Chandice asked. “Doesn’t that make me a bad person?”

“Only if you start doing it out of cruelty,” Roric said. “You spanked Gisley because she made it clear she wanted a spanking. If you decided to whip Jaina just because you enjoyed hearing her scream, we would have a problem. Why don't we agree that you get to handle all sexual discipline, and if one of the girls wants to try a little, they will come to you for a session.”

“But I won’t initiate them?” Chandice asked.

“Not if you feel this unsure about it,” Roric said. “If they come to you and ask for some discipline, then much of the burden is off your shoulders. You are only playing with your lovers, and they want your discipline. A time may come when you find your balance with this, and then you can dabble a little with initiating the scenes yourself.”

“That makes sense,” Chandice said and looked at Gisley. “You’re really not upset with me?”

“Ha, no,” Gisley replied and leaned up to kiss her. “I was hoping we could do it again soon.”

“And I was hoping to be fucked by an imp again soon,” Jaina added. “Those things are like energizer bunnies. They never get tired.”

“And what about you, Evalynn?” Chandice asked.

“I wouldn't mind a session as an imps pet again,” Evalynn replied with a little smile. “Their cum is hot, and you can feel that heat inside you when they pump you full of it.”

“Alright, so long as everyone agrees to step in the moment they think I am going too far,” Chandice said.

“I promise to keep a close eye on you,” Roric said.

“Well then, let's give our girls a fun night. Roric, could I have your pet's leashes?” Chandice asked and held out her hand. He handed her the leashes, and she walked up to Jaina and Evalynn, attaching a leash to each of them. Then she stepped back and began to cast, summoning an imp as the two women understood their fate. She summoned a second one and handed a leash to each of them. She then turned to Evalynn and Jaina to tell them that the imps were their masters now, and they were NPC slave girls. They existed solely to do as they were told, and from now on, whenever they had an orgasm, they were to scream fuck me harder. They were also forbidden to use cleanse and had to wear their master's cum proudly.

She turned to the imps with a wry smile and gave them a direct order. “I give you these two women to use however you see fit for as long as you wish. Take them outside and show them who the master is.” The two imps cackled and tugged the leashes as they dragged the two girls away.

Jaina was surprised to be led out of the tent by an NPC pet. However, the roles had been reversed, and now she was the pet, and this was her master. She managed a look at Evalynn, who had a distraught expression before her master tugged the leash and took Jaina into the forest. They walked for minutes as Jaina realized that Chandices orders were very open-ended. She told the imps they could use her however they saw fit and to show her who the master was. They walked until she was sure she would never find her way back, and then the little beast yanked the leash hard.

It said something in a language she didn't understand, but she understood it wanted her to kneel. So she fell to her knees and looked into the creature's slitted yellow eyes as it reached up a clawed hand to stroke her cheek. It had an imp's long pointed ears and nose with a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. That wicked mouth smiled as it contemplated what it would do to her, and she trembled to think of what a devil would do with a helpless woman.

Its thick black cock hardened and poked her chest, causing her to look down at all eight inches of it. The imp grabbed her hair and pulled her face to it, telling her all she needed to know. Her master wanted to be sucked, so she parted her lips and took him in. There was a tense sensation inside as she tasted that leathery flesh that had a bitter-tasting oil on it. That substance immediately coated her tongue as the creature pulled her head, forcing the cock into her throat. She groaned as she felt it stretching her neck until her chin rested against its furry balls.

Jaina thanked the gods for the magic of the collar removing her gag reflex as the little beast held her there so long she had to look up. She saw its wicked little smile as the devious thing enjoyed seeing her so helpless. After all, she was just a pet, and it could do whatever it wanted with her. The beast wrapped her leash around a hand until it was pulled tight, then grabbed her hair with both hands. Even as she looked into its terrible eyes, it began to thrust, fucking her throat.

Her heart started to race as the monster used her so cruelly. This was something Roric wouldn't do even though she suggested they try it. Now it was a summoned imp who would be the first to use her like this, with its oily cock coating her mouth and throat. She put her hands down to keep her balance, standing on all fours as the creature fucked her firmly. It cackled in glee and sent shivers down her spine as years of past books and stories programmed her to see this as wrong. A woman having sex with a devil was always a bad thing, and it usually ended badly for one of them.

She clutched the ground as her master worked, the bulge in her throat rubbing against the tight collar. She closed her eyes only to get a firm swat on her head, indicating her master wanted her to look up. She met its evil gaze allowing it to see the submission in her eyes as it continued to use her throat for its pleasure. She gave it a perverse thrill by moaning on its cock, causing it to babble something she didn't understand.

Though she'd had sex with an imp before, that was under close supervision. Now she was alone in the dark with a beast given free rein to do what it wanted. That knowledge led her to imagine all sorts of dark deeds, and it sent her stomach twisting in butterflies. The familiar mix of fear and arousal began to course through her veins as she wondered what might happen.

The beast pulled her hair tightly as it thrust into her mouth and held it deep. Her body shook in a rolling orgasm, sharing the one going on in her throat. She felt something warm in her chest, and then her stomach began to fill as its cum was pumped directly in. She did as instructed, mumbling the words fuck me harder around its oily cock, but the creature didn't appear to understand.

It pulled away a minute later, leaving behind that coating and taste. Then it walked behind and grabbed her full hips. She tensed for what was to come next, then flinched as a hot tongue slid into the folds of her pussy. She went to put her head down, but her master yanked the leash, keeping her on all fours as it tasted her passion fruit. Its tongue was unnaturally long and tapered to a sharp point that went deep inside her body. It licked and teased until she felt another orgasm building that started to arch her back. She felt the leash tug her back as her legs began to shake. That tongue coiled and slithered inside like a snake until she couldn't take it anymore.

“Fuck me!” she cried as her orgasm finally came rushing out. “Fuck me hard!”

The imp pulled away and answered with a chorus of words she didn’t understand. She remained on hands and knees, her heart racing as the beast roughly grabbed her pussy. It used its clawed fingers to fondle her most tender area, letting her know it belonged to him now. A moment later, she was pulled open, and that oily cock shoved inside, filling her firmly. The imp them proceeded to thrust at a firm, vigorous pace, its claws holding its slave's hips in place.

Jaina felt something strange inside as she considered the situation. She was this creature's slave until Chandice said otherwise, and it was going to use her as such. In the previous encounter, the imp had been a sex toy, but now she was the toy, and it was the imp who was to be pleased. She started to moan and rock her hips, showing her master that she was thankful for his attention.

The imp cackled in that devilish way and kept up its firm pace. Jaina's body responded as it always did, loving the sex and building to an orgasm. Somewhere in the far distance, she heard Evalynn scream fuck me harder and knew she was suffering under her imp. It wasn’t long before Jaina was screaming the same as another orgasm rocked her trembling body. The imp relished her response and did as she screamed, going at her harder in firm wet slaps.

Jaina was panting as her body couldn't quite come down from the orgasm. The imp tugged her collar, forcing her head up and arching her back as it fucked her pussy firmly. A couple of minutes later, she was crying out in orgasm again, imploring her master to fuck her harder. She was lost to the passion at this point and didn't care what was between her legs. The fucking went on a few minutes longer until the imp thrust deeply, and she felt that familiar warmth flooding her insides. She also shared the orgasm, crying out yet again to be fucked harder.

On it went the sex that never ended with Jaina changing positions often. She spent some of the night astride her master's waist, riding that hard cock into her body. She and Evalynn filled the night with cries until she was sure she couldn't go on. At one point, the little beast used the leash to tie her hands to a tree to help hold her up as the sex went on and on. She lost track of the orgasms, but her body was soaked with sweat and the little monster's cum. It dripped from her pussy and ran down her thighs to create a sticky pool at her feet.

It wasn't until she was lost to her senses that the imp suddenly vanished, and strong arms lifted her from the ground. She was carried away in a daze and only vaguely aware that somebody else was there. A familiar voice told her to sleep as a shower of glittering light filled her eyes. Then, the world faded into darkness, followed by a soothing light.

She awoke to discover she was naked and sitting in a large copper tub big enough for ten people. The water was steamy, warm, and the surface full of sweet-scented bubbles. The whole tub was sunk into a stone floor covered in decorative rugs.

“I see you're finally here,” Evalynn said from across the tub, where she lounged with a soothed look on her face.

“Where are we?” Jaina asked as she looked around to see silk curtains and marble columns. The room was lit by several braziers that danced with red flame, but she could see dark shapes and stars beyond the cloth.

“Were in a dream manufactured by Gisley,” Evalynn replied. “Chandice started to feel bad that we were not part of the group, so she wanted us to have a special dream to make up for it.”

“She really isn’t sure if she likes being dominant or not,” Jaina said and leaned back to enjoy the soothing water. “That imp never let up.”

“Mine didn’t either,” Evalynn agreed. “I heard you screaming a few times.”

“I heard you,” Jaina said and leaned back. “So, where are the others.”

“Nearby,” Gisley replied as she walked in from outside the tent. “We are just preparing some things to make it more wonderful for you.”

“Hmm, I could get used to this,” Jaina laughed as Gisley slipped into the water. Her sexy body slipped into the bubbles and sank beneath the surface, soaking her hair before throwing it back. She then made her way to Jaina and sat across her lap, so her soapy breasts were in Jaina's face.

“I love you,” Gisley said softly and cradled Jaina to her chest. “I love being a slave with you and Evalynn.

“We love you too,” Jaina replied and wrapped her arms around the soapy fairy.

“We very much do,” Evalynn said and joined them to share the hug. “I love the both of you very much.”

“So we will always be slave girls together?” Gisley asked.

“Now and forever,” Jaina said before first kissing Gisley, then Evalynn.

“Oh, good, you don't look upset,” Chandice said as she entered with Roric carrying trays of foods, goblets, and bottles.

“Will you stop worrying about that,” Jaina laughed and hugged her sisters tight. “I had a fun night of thrilling sex that stirred all sorts of taboos.”

“But were you upset I had them take you away from us?” Chandice asked as she came to the tub side and set her tray down.

“No, that only added to the thrill,” Jaina urged. “Knowing that you were so far away and I was essentially at its mercy filled me with tension.”

“I had the same feeling,” Evalynn agreed. “It makes the sex more intense when you feel out of control.”

“Thank goodness,” Chandice said and discarded her robe to reveal her naked body.

“So, are we all taking a bath?” Jaina asked as Roric too shed his clothing.

“No,” Chandice said and sat on the side of the tub with her legs to either side of Jaina. “Roric and I are going to pamper our pets. “First, we are going to wash your hair, then give you a good soothing rubdown. We have brought chilled wine, sweet cakes, and cream for you to eat while we work.”

“See, this is why I came to New Eden,” Jaina said as Chandice started to rub the back of her neck.

“I guess I sorta did too,” Evlaynn admitted. “I was hoping to start a whole new life and have a lot more sex than my old one.”

“Well, you're certainly having a lot of sex,” Chandice laughed as Roric sat beside her on edge and pulled Evalynn into his grasp. He used the claws on his hands to gently rake her scalp, making her sigh with delight at the soothing feeling.

“That feels nice,” Evalynn said as she mingled her fingers with Jaina’s. “I love being your slave.”

“I love you being my slave,” Roric replied. “I never thought you would stay after how you were defeated, but I guess I hadn’t realized that this was a dream of yours.”

“Wait, what about poor Gisley?” Jaina said as the fairy slipped off her lap.

“Oh, they took care of my needs while you two were out being pets,” Gisley replied. “So they are going to take care of you first, then wash my hair as well.”

“Too bad this is just a dream,” Evalynn said. “This soap in the water smells divine. I wouldn't mind smelling like this.”

“It’s called kiss of rose,” Gisley said and ran her hand up Evalynn’s leg. “And you can buy it from the scent shops.”

“I will get you some,” Roric said as he took up a copper pitcher. “Now, lean your head over so I can soak your hair.”

“You too,” Chandice urged Jaina as she took up a pitcher of her own.

Jaina did as she was told and was rewarded with a slow pour of steamy water, washing all the stress out of her head. Chandice took her time, pouring sever pitcher fulls before taking up a small bottle of oils and pouring it into her hands. She then worked the oil into Jaina's hair while explaining how she planned to have a bath like this in her magic house. She wanted them all to use it regularly, especially the slave girls, so she could wash their hair and rub their tired bodies.

“This world has a great interpretation of what a slave is,” Jaina cooed as Gisley took up one of her feet to begin rubbing it.

“A happy slave is a bonus,” Roric said as he worked the lather in Evalynn's golden hair. “But truth be told, you three have no idea how grateful I am to you. I have a very selfish and needy dream that you three are making come true, and I love you for it.”

“That's all the reward I need,” Jaina said with a sigh. “Knowing that you love me for my sacrifice.”

“I have to say I love you three too,” Chandice added. “I didn't know I wanted this, but now that I have seen how wonderful it is, I can't imagine my life without you. Thank you so much for inviting me in.”

“I was just the bait,” Jaina laughed. “Roric is the one who saw your potential and put me to use.”

“So you don’t really love me?” Chandice asked with a playful tone.

“Oh, I didn't say that,” Jaina replied. “I was just saying Roric is the one we all need to thank. He recognized the potential in us and then brought us together to share our love. I love all of you, and I never want to be without you.”

“None of you are ever going to leave,” Roric said. “I claimed you as my property, and you will stay no matter what you want.”

“And what about me?” Chandice asked.

“Once I put a ring on that finger, you will be mine forever,” Roric replied.

“Oh, was that a proposal?” Evalynn asked.

“Not yet,” Roric replied. “I want that moment to be special.”

Jaina looked back to see Chandice blushing and realized just how magical their relationship was. The five of them were a whole while enjoying sex and intimacy with others. She saw this as a good time to bring up Sergius and his odd request. Roric was touched that Chandice wanted to be loyal but urged her to go and have fun.

“I so look forward to the day when I come home from work to find my husband fucking some random girl,” Chandice laughed. “I just want to be able to walk in and ask him how his day was like nothing was happening.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed. “I am sure you will have plenty of those moments.”

“So you don’t mind me having sex with other women?” Roric asked. “Even after we are married?”

“Isn't that how we met?” Chandice asked. “You wanted to have sex with me while Jaina was working. I realized from that moment that any relationship with you would likely go on as it started. You playing with any girl you could get your hands on. Of course, I want to play with some of them too.”

“So do I,” Jaina added and was quickly followed by Evalynn and Gisley.

They all laughed and talked about the future, especially the magic forest Evalynn would build for them. Chandice discussed her magic shop and how she wanted to buy magical items, having whole rooms set aside for potions and another for magic wands. She would buy books about magic as well, devoting an upper floor to a bookstore. She would place an NPC alchemist to manage low-level ingredients and potions so her shop could handle a wide range of things.

“And where will our bath be?” Jaina asked.

“Underground with giant roots making up the walls,” Chandice replied. “I will create a couple of NPC girls to assist with bathing and any other desires you might have.”

“Oh, this dream gets better all the time,” Jaina sighed as Gisley started to rub the other foot. “I don’t understand why the whole world hasn’t come into New Eden.”

“Did you ever read the conspiracy theories that say that's what the visitors want?” Evalynn asked. “People think it's a way to take over the world by removing the population.”

“We heard some of that,” Roric said as he started to rinse Evalynn's hair. “But no matter how good the deal, there will always be people who won't take it. Fear of the unknown keeps a lot of people at bay.”

“It made us question it a lot,” Jaina agreed. “We nearly talked ourselves out of it twice.”

“We did get close to letting fear get in the way,” Roric agreed. “But this was our one true chance to be happy the way we dreamed. It was too good to let fear take away the opportunity.”

“I am glad we came in,” Jaina sighed as Chandice tipped her head back to rinse. “I have a loving master. A beautiful girlfriend who will one day be my mistress and two slave sisters who mean the world to me.”

“Ohhh,” Gisley moaned. “I love you all so much.”

“Well, that's out in the open,” Roric said as he took up a bar of scented soap to begin scrubbing Evalynn's back. “We are all saying we love each other, and I am glad to hear it.”

“Only because you anchor us to each other so well,” Jaina said. “This harem doesn’t work without so wonderful a master.”

“I agree,” Evalynn added and rubbed his leg. “It took you to tame me.”

“We all know you wanted to be tamed,” Roric replied and began to scrub her back.

“I did, but you still needed to be worthy of me,” Evalynn replied. “I can’t just submit to anyone.”

“So, when did you know you wanted him to win?” Jaina asked.

“When you started helping him,” Evalynn answered. “I realized that your devotion to him was an excellent sign that he was good at caring for his women. I didn't realize he was a slave master at the time, but that turned out to be a blessing. The first time he made love to me with the collar on, I was overcome by its power. I knew at that moment I wanted to stay and have him do that to me again and again.”

“These collars sound almost addictive,” Chandice commented.

“They are,” Gisley said happily as she moved on to one of Evalynn’s feet. “I love having sex with the collar on.”

“See, this is why I am afraid of them,” Chandice said. “I worry I will like it so much I won't want to take it off either.”

“I think we should solve this problem here and now,” Jaina said as she turned in the tub to face Chandice. “You are going to have sex with Roric with a collar on.”

“Jaina, I don’t want to be a slave,” Chandice protested.

“You don't have to be a slave,” Jaina urged as she reached up to take her collar off. “Let's all agree here and know that Chandice is Roric's future wife and our mistress. Thus she can wear the collar whenever she likes to enjoy sex fully and then take it off and be free.”

“I am fine with that,” Roric said.

“I am, too,” Gisley added as Evalynn nodded in agreement.

“Then it's all settled,” Jaina replied and reached up with the collar. “You are never a slave and always the one in charge. This is just a toy to increase sexual intensity.”

Chandice didn't move as Jaina clicked the collar around her neck and then took a deep breath as she looked at Roric.

“Now, you two get into the tub and fuck like rabbits,” Jaina insisted while pulling Chandice in. Roric followed and sat on the bench under the water as Chandice came to sit astride him. Jaina, Evalynn, and Gisley came to her body, rubbing, kissing, and touching as Chandice was guided onto Roric's cock. Soon she was the center of a storm of sex as four people made love to her, stimulating every sensitive area at once. The collar's power worked its magic, and a few orgasms later, it was Chandice who was screaming fuck me harder.

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