The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-34 To sour your happiness

Jaina sighed as she lay in Roric's arms while Gisley carried them across the countryside on the magical disk. Evalynn and Chandice sat at the front chatting with the fairy, who was invisible again. It was surprising how fast she could fly considering her wings, and they enjoyed the speedy trip that could easily go cross country to avoid roads.

The sun had risen maybe an hour ago, and they expected to be back to town by noon at the rate they were going. Unfortunately, the sky was overcast and a little stormy, raising some concern that it might rain before they got there. Still, it meant a cool breeze was blowing, and Gisley's glitter was trailing in the breeze, making them all feel relaxed and content.

Jaina snuggled into Roric's warm chest, savoring the breeze on her naked skin. She opted not to wear her red dress, enjoying being naked for her master, who greatly appreciated it.

“This is nice,” Jaina said as he stroked her side. “Us alone as we zip across the countryside.”

“It is nice,” Roric agreed. “It almost seems impossible to be this happy.”

“I know, right? I keep thinking I am going to wake up, and this was all a dream,” Jaina said as she nestled in closer. “But I don't want it to be a dream. I want to stay here and be your slave.”

“This is a dream come true,” Roric said as he looked down. “And it’s never going to end.”

“Good,” Jaina sighed as thunder rumbled in the distance.

“We are going to get wet,” Chandice grumbled. “And just after we took that lovely bath.”

“Now that was a dream,” Roric laughed and turned to look at the dark clouds ahead. “Too bad one of you isn't a druid.”

“You have to be super high level to change the weather,” Gisley called from ahead. “Some fairies can change the local weather slightly, but all I can do is raise a slight fog or cool an area to cause a dew to set.”

“Priests of the storm or tempest gods can do it too,” Chandice added. “And I think there is a variety of storm-based wizards.”

“If it rains, we get wet,” Jaina said with a shrug. “No big deal. I used to like walking in the rain.”

“So did I,” Gisley replied. “It rains a lot in Japan.”

“I am envisioning her walking with a hello kitty umbrella,” Evalynn said with a laugh.

“I had a perfectly normal umbrella, thank you,” Gisley replied. “But it was lovely to be out during sakura season when all the trees were covered in pink flowers. All the good sakura flavored foods came out then.”

“I have no idea what a sakura is,” Chandice commented.

“A Japanese cherry tree,” Roric explained. “They only bloom for a couple of weeks, and they use the flowers to make all sorts of flavored treats.”

“How do you know all that?” Gisley asked from someplace ahead.

“We are gamers,” Jaina replied as she played with Rorics hand. A lot of the adult MMOs we played were Japanese.”

“Oh,” Gisley replied, then asked if they had ever tried any.

“No,” Roric said sadly. “We always meant to order one of those food boxes when the season came around, but life never permitted it.”

“That’s so sad,” Gisley said as an extra puff of glitter trailed out of nowhere.

“You know, it's too bad she's invisible doing this,” Chandice said with a wry smile. “I would love to put her in one of those ponygirl outfits and hold some leads to steer her while I crack her ass with a whip.”

“Hahaha!” Jaina cried out as she tried to picture Gisley in that outfit.

“I would wear that for you,” Gisley called back.

“Yeah, but it's no fun if we can't see you,” Chandice replied.

“I know what you could put her in that you could see,” Evalynn commented. “She worked at a maid cafe, so put her in one of those sexy maid outfits while working the rogues guild dining hall.”

“That’s a great idea,” Chandice agreed. “I will have to see if I can find an outfit.”

“You know I get a master's panel at level thirty,” Roric interjected. “I think it gives me clothing options.”

“I feel clueless today,” Chandice sighed. “What’s a masters panel?”

Jaina smiled as Roric explained it was an interface that allowed him to tweak cosmetic options on his slaves. He could change their hair, slightly adjust body proportions, and alter the color of almost everything. It even came with some basic clothing options, but they could buy a slave's wardrobe and outfits to add to it. Then he could link his panel and force any outfit he wanted on the girls.

“Could I use this panel?” Chandice asked as she looked at Evalynn.

“I think I can create an actual physical device,” Roric replied and rubbed Jaina. “But I am not sure if I can give you permission to use it.”

“I bet you can if you're married,” Jaina said and looked at Chandice. “Then you can dress or strip us at the touch of a button.”

“I kind of like dressing you by hand,” Chandice replied. “There is something sexy about being the one who is pulling your panties up.”

“Speaking of which, I am still wearing yours,” Jaina reminded.

“I know, and I will have you put them on me later,” Chandice said.

“Oh, I get to dress my girlfriend for once,” Jaina teased. “I will make sure they are nice and wet before sliding them up your legs.”

“I made you keep wearing them because you got them wet,” Chandice scolded.

“If you wanted them wet, you should let Gisley wear them,” Evalynn suggested.

“I will wear them,” Gisley offered as Chandice rolled her eyes.

“I am trying to make the point that I want my panties to be dry,” Chandice complained and swatted Jaina’s leg. “Now be a good girl and dry them out.”

“Yes, mistress,” Jaina teased.

“Be careful; I might start to like that,” Chandice laughed as they crested a slight rise and suddenly came to a stop.

“What the?” Roric said they surveyed a burned and blasted landscape. The grass and a few trees had been consumed by fire for a considerable distance, leaving a charred and barren landscape. Streams of smoke still floated from smoldering areas, and what looked like a dozen burned bodies lay in the immediate area. All of them were so badly burned that it was impossible to tell what race they were, and if not for metal plates that had one been armor, roughly what class.

“What happened here?” Evalynn said as she stood on the disk to look around.

“Some kind of battle,” Roric said as he too looked about for the cause.

“There are a lot of players involved, Jaina said as they sat up. “But what could have killed so many near the spawns?”

“Maybe something powerful lured in by a high level,” Evalynn said. “I have seen some jackasses do it before. They lure something dangerous from the wilds outside the ring into the newbie area and then watch it rampage.”

“What could they have lured in that did this?” Chandice asked, then looked skyward. “I wonder if it was a dragon.”

“Let's hope whatever it was, it is long gone,” Roric said as he grabbed his spear. “Evalynn, take the collar off, put your armor on and take up your weapon. We are going to cross the battlefield and race straight for the town. If anything dangerous attacks us, Evalynn and I will delay it while Gisley carries the rest of you away.”

“What?” Jaina said in alarm. “You can’t expect us to abandon you.”

“You out of all of us must run,” Roric insisted. “You are a monster player, and you are too far from your home point. If you die out here, you will reset while the rest of us will get a four-hour nap.”

“Gisley can carry you away faster than you could run,” Evalynn said as she began to put her armor on quickly. “It only makes sense you go.”

“I don’t mind trying to stay and fight,” Chandice said. “Why don’t I summon my level ten devil just to have an extra body to throw at it.”

“Go ahead,” Roric agreed, and she jumped down to begin the summoning. A moment later, the creature was spawned, and she ordered it onto the disk and to stealth, so it wasn't seen. She then joined the others before Gisley took off as fast as possible, Racing across the smoldering landscape.

They watched in all directions as the charred region passed by, seeming to stretch in the same direction they were headed. An hour later, they were still passing over ash when they noticed plumes of smoke on the horizon.

“What do you think that is?” Chandice asked.

“That is our destination,” Roric sighed. “That is the town we are staying in.”

“Judging by that smoke, half the town must be burning,” Evalynn said.

“Oh no,” Jaina added. “What if my home point is destroyed?”

Roric nodded and ordered Gisley to veer off and head for the rogue's hideout instead. Jaina could set a new home point there for safety sake, and the rogues might have some warning on what is happening. Gisley did as she was told, hurrying away from the distant danger and hopefully to safety. They arrived at the forested valley almost two hours later and headed for the secret entrance near the back. The girls jumped down and headed for the illusionary stump when Roric quickly threw his spear out and barred their path. His ears twitched as he sniffed the air, the stance alerting Evalynn that something was amiss.

“Gisley, stay invisible,” Roric whispered, then turned to Jaina. “Use blending and hide in those trees.”

“What is it?” Jaina asked as she started to blend into the background.

“I smell something new in the valley. Something acidic and noxious,” he explained and looked all around. “Chandice, have your rogue devil check that stump for traps.”

“Right,” Chandice replied and ordered the devil to do as Roric instructed. The creature went to the illusionary stump and then used a spell to test the secret trap door. Suddenly there was an explosion of green gas as the devil stumbled and fell to its knees. It gave Chandice one final look of regret before collapsing to the ground dead.

“The door was trapped with something so powerful it killed him in one hit?” Chandice said in alarm.

“We are in danger here,” Roric said and took off his backpack to toss it on the disk. “Gisley, fly well above us and wait for my signal. When I say, so fairy glow the entire area and be ready to run.”

“I am not leaving you,” Gisley insisted as they heard her flutter about.

“I need you to carry Jaina and my pack away,” Roric said. “Jaina, if I say run, you are to jump on the disk and leg Gisley take you away. Go to where we camped last night and wait for us there.”

“What do you think the danger is?” Chadice said.

“I believe an assassins guild has attacked our rogue's guild,” Roric said. “And if my nose is right, they are surrounding us right now.”

“I can’t see anyone,” Evalynn said as she looked around.

“Not yet you can't,” Roric replied, then took a combat stance. “I know you're there,” he called to the trees. “I can smell you even if I can't see you.”

“Looks like the boss was right,” a voice said from nowhere. “Your group really is a pain in the ass.”

“By boss, I assume you mean Alexandria,” Roric growled as his hatred for the woman started to mount.

“Oh, I don't reveal who my employers are,” the voice said. “All I care about is they were willing to shell out a great deal of money to see you reset.”

“You can’t reset a hero player that easily,” Roric replied as he turned to point his weapon in a new direction.

“Oh, I am well aware of that,” the man laughed. “That's why a level fifty fire elemental is burning down the town. We will erase any possible home points or binding stones you might be using.”

“A level fifty fire elemental,” Chadice gasped. “That had to cost some serious money to summon.”

“Let’s just say you have angered somebody who is well connected,” the invisible man said. “We were warned you might flee here, so we cleared out the rogues and set a little trap.”

Roric tried to use his keep hearing to pick out the man's location, but somehow the direction of his voice kept changing. What wasn't changing was his scent, which was slowly growing stronger until Roric was sure the man was only a dozen steps away. There were at least two others with him, and their scents were getting close as well. He kept the man talking while waiting for them to get close enough for his plan to work.

“Now, Gisley!” he shouted.

Gisley, who was up near the leaves of the tree, became visible as silver dust flowed from her fingertips. Suddenly everything around them began to glow with a silver light, including three humanoid shapes with cruel-looking daggers.

[lvl 4 Lunar Fairy Skill: Magical Glow] Cause all living things within a ten-meter radius of the spell's center to glow with a silver light for one hour.

Roric and Evalynn burst into motion, lashing out at the assassins, who were taken completely by surprise. Evalynn used her sweeping attack to throw one of the men back while turning on another. Roric charged and went into a dance of thrusts, trying to keep the man on the defensive. The third man went to double team Roric when a shadow bolt hit him in the side. Chandice had one imp summoned and was quickly working on another, trying to lend some kind of offensive power to the fight.

Jaina felt cowardly, hiding by a tree, trying to remain unseen. It was three on three, and she felt confident she could tip the odds of the battle. She realized that these men were all higher level, but they were still outnumbered. She quickly opened her character sheet and began to spend points, boosting the skill she hoped would do the most good. She was just about to act when a fourth assassin appeared out of a black flash and stabbed Evalynn in the back as she cried out.

“Evalynn!” Jaina called in shock as a silver cloud appeared around the new assassin. It let out a woman's cry of anger as she floated into the air, levitating upward and out of the fight by Gisley. The fairy woman then dived out of the sky as she held out her right hand, a curved sword of green glass appearing in her grip. She flew into one of the men attacking Roric and turned into a blur of rapid attacks and dashes.

[Skill Power: Fluttering assault] Your attacks come from all directions as your flutter around your opponent. You are 20% harder to block or parry for 30 seconds. You must be flying to use. (Unlocked by Flight Butterfly + sword dancing 10)

“A winged fairy!” the man cried as Gisley scored several hits, drawing blood and separating the man from Roric.

“I meant for you to remain hidden,” Roric said as Gisley worked to keep the man busy.

“I am not letting my master get killed,” Gisley cried as she took a cut across the leg that burned with a hiss on her skin. She fluttered back while trying to clutch her leg as the assassin spun about and released a hail of black metal spikes. Several of them found her body, drawing more blood and causing increasing pain as Gisley tried to fly up but found her strength failing.

“We should forget these fools,” the one fighting Evalynn said. “That fairy is worth a fortune!”

“We got paid to reset them,” the leader said as he parried Roric’s attack and returned a counterstroke that cut his shoulder. “Kill them all but the fairy, and we can collect on both.”

Roric realized the danger of these men getting their hands on Gisley. They would likely never see her again, and she would spend years, if not more, locked in some dungeon. He needed to turn the tide of the battle quickly as the assassin was landing far more hits than he was. The assassin was fast with quick strikes, but he was a conqueror, and they were all about brute force.

[lvl 4 Conqueror skill: Surge of might] Boosts strength by 20 points for 30 seconds.

Roric glowed with a red light as he surged with increased strength before launching into a devastating attack that caused the assassin to growl and leap away, hoping to avoid the damage.

[lvl 16 Conqueror skill: Reckless Assault] Attack wildly, delivering heavy blows that do increased damage. Attack speed and strength are boosted by 15% for 30 seconds, but defense is lowered by 20%.

The assassin did his best to avoid the powerful swipes, moving back instead of trying to face them. Roric was stacking his strength buffs, desperate to score a solid hit that would do significant damage. Gisley came crashing to the ground, sick with poison, as the magic disk vanished in a puff of smoke. Evalynn looked weak as well; the stab in her back also poisoned and having a terrible effect on her. For now, they seemed to be ignoring Chandice, whose imps were doing little damage to the high-level players. He was desperate for a way to save Gisley and Evalynn when her remembered the collars.

“Gisley and Evalynn!” he shouted. “Put your collars on!”

The two women did as they were told, quickly snapping the collars around their necks. Roric then leaped away from his opponent and shouted masters defense!

[Lvl 5 Conqueror skill: Masters defense] Shield the slave in a protective bubble for 60 seconds. +30 seconds per point spent.

Both women were encased in a clear glass-like bubble that rendered them immune to further attack. The two assassins that had been running them down looked at Roric with a funny expression.

“You kill the warlock,” one of them said. “I will help put down the gnoll.”

The other man nodded and turned on Chandice, who cursed him with weakness before running away to avoid his counterattacks. The second man moved to double team Roric again as the leader shook his head.

“You just made our job easier,” he laughed. “You took two of them out of the fight so we could kill you first.”

“I am sorry you gentlemen don't seem to understand the situation,” Roric replied and then, in a loud voice, cried, purging command.

[lvl 14 Conqueror skill: Purge all negative effects from your slaves and render them immune to new effects for 20 seconds.

Evalynn and Gisley looked up as a green light flashed over their bodies. While Evalynn couldn't do anything from inside the bubble, Gisley reached up a hand and filled the air with swirling glitter.

[lvl 10 Lunar Fairy Skill: Glitter storm] Create a five to twenty-meter cloud of swirling glitter that blinds foes that rely on traditional sight to see. Lasts up to ten minutes.

The raging clouds of silvery glitter instantly blinded Roric. He stepped back to avoid the advancing men until Gisley suddenly appeared before him. She transferred her fairy sight to him with a kiss, allowing him to see through the cloud and easily spot the struggling men.

[lvl 1 Lunar Fairy Skill: Fey touch basic] You can grant any person you touch your fey resistances or sight until morning.

“I will completely heal Evalynn,” Gisley said as she fluttered off.

Roric watched as she fluttered to Evalynn and kissed her as well, transferring her sight to the woman, then she blew a handful of glitter over her as she glowed with golden energy.

[lvl 20 lunar fairy skill: Blessing of love] Bless a target with a complete recovery of health, mana, stamina, and special power bars. All bars are increased by 20% for 12 hours. Can only be used once per day.

Evalynn was purged of her poisons, fully healed, and boosted to new levels. She picked up her glaive and blurred as she charged into one of the blind men, practically impaling him. Roric tackled the other leaping out of the glitter to strike with bonuses. Suddenly the tide was turned, and the assassins were cursing the sudden change. However, they could play a similar game as the air filled with smoke and obscured their vision again.

“You think you fools are the only ones with blinding effects,” one of the assassins growled.

Gisley once again came to the rescue, grabbing Roric and then Evalynn as she pulled them from the cloud to where Chandice and her imps had retreated. Jaina chose this moment to dart from tree to tree, working her way closer as the assassins stumbled out of the clouds and faced off against them again.

“Nice tricks,” one of them said as he did a little dance with his blades causing them to glow with a sickly green light. “But none of you are high enough to defeat us.”

“Aren't we forgetting something?” one of the others asked. “Where is the shapeshifter?”

Jaina hid behind a tree as she put her collar back on and quickly used her punishment skill.

[lvl 8 Sex Slave skill: Punishment][Boosted 10] You take damage in place of your master, absorbing 40% from every attack. The effect lasts 1 hour.

She watched as the men looked around just before the women who Gisley floated up came crashing to the ground. She looked dazed but not dead as they sneered and looked at Roric with rage in their eyes.

“She said you were a tricky bunch, and we should take you by surprise,” the man said.

“So it was Alexandria,” Roric growled back. “When you respawn, be sure to tell her we will be coming for her.”

The three men laughed, and one suddenly blurred, his two daggers a whirlwind of slashes. Gisley raced at him with her green glass sword and used a power none of them had seen her use before.

[Skill power: Parrying Dance] You dance and spin while your blade flashes in all directions. Your parry chance is increased by 50% for 30 seconds. You have a 20% bonus chance to counterattack. (Unlocked by sword dancing 15)

Suddenly the two were locked in a fantastic display of martial skill, with the near-constant ring of weapons hitting each other. The assassin growled as Gisley scored a hit followed by another, the fairy turning his rapid attacks against him by giving her dozens of opportunities to trigger a counterattack.

“Kill these fools,” the leader growled as the two men ran in.

Roric knew these men were too fast for heavy attacks, and he couldn't avoid being hit, but now he had a damage buffer, and if he was willing to take the hits, he could easily return them.

[lvl 2 Conqueror skill: Recklessness] All your attacks gain a bonus to hit and crit, but your defense lowers by 20%. The effect lasts until the battle is over or you die.

The assassin used a skill that caused him to vanish and appear behind Roric. He buried a blade in his back while throwing something aking to a glass ball at Chandice. She was suddenly choked in a green cloud that left her gasping, but Roric ignored the hit and came around swinging.

Jaina grunted as Roric was hit again, but he created an opening and lashed back, scoring his first real blow. Evalynn had intercepted the other man who made a copy of himself out of shadows and was forcing her to keep turning about to figure out which one was which. The woman who had fallen was slowly getting to her feet, and Chandice was crawling on the ground. Her two imps had resumed firing shadow bolts, but the assassins didn't seem all that bothered. Jaina realized she needed to help in some way and desperately looked about for a solution. She spotted the ratterkin caves below the ridge and settled on a plan, running for the caves with great haste.

Roric landed another hit that stumbled the assassin, but he had taken three in return. He was thankful this assassin didn't seem to be using poisons, but he was darting about in short teleports that kept Roric Guessing. Evalynn was holding her own, but the woman had recovered, and she was now being double-teamed. Chandice was lying in the road motionless, and he would have guessed she was dead if not for the fact that her imps were still firing at Gisley's target. The fairy woman was doing an amazing job of fighting off the man, putting her rather impressive sword skills to use, but she was already cut, and Roric was forced to purge her poisons again. Unfortunately, that skill was taking a toll on his stamina pool which forced him to leech it from Jaina. Despite all of this, the battle was not going in their favor until Jaina suddenly appeared on the ridge.

“You assassins had better run!” Jaina cried out, drawing their attention to her.

“There she is!” the woman attacking Evalynn said.

“Theirs a bonus if we bring back her head,” the leader said as she flashed away from Roric.

“Jaina, what are you doing?” Roric said in alarm as he used the opportunity to step back and check on Chandice. Gisley flew into the air, and Evalynn used a roll to fall back, all of them regrouping near Chandice as Jaina walked closer.

“You're a brave one to walk so boldly to your death,” the leader said.

“I hope you men aren't threatening me,” Jaina stated as she stood there naked and smiling.

“We are going to have a little fun with you before we finally reset you,” the man snarled.

“Is that so?” Jaina replied with a wave of her hand.

“Your charms won't work on any of us. We are too high level, and we have taken potions of willpower,” the leader replied.

“Oh, I figured that from the moment the battle started,” Jaina said as dozens of shapes crawled over the ledge behind her.

“Ratterkin?” Evalynn said in surprise as the beasts converged on Jaina.

“But these things are easy to manipulate,” Jaina said and turned to face the seduced beasts.

[lvl 18 seductress skill: Damsel in distress] You cause nearby nonhostiles to desire to protect you and come running to your aid.

The ratterkin suddenly looked to the group of assassins and started screeching and wailing in a strange garbled language. They rushed past Jaina in an angry mob, sweeping across the road and throwing themselves into battle recklessly.

Gisley saw her opportunity to heal her friends and quickly threw up her healing globe, restoring their health and making them ready to go on.

[lvl 12 Lunar Fairy Skill: Dust of recovery] You create an illuminated snow globe-like effect where silvery dust swirls around. All allies in the area of effect are slowly healed of their wounds. The spell drains your glitter pool at a slow rate.

Jaina ran to them as the four assassins were swarmed by angry ratmen trying to protect Jaina.

“How did you manage that?” Roric asked as Jaina ran into the healing radius.

“I ran into their caves and intentionally pulled that alarm trap,” Jaina said. “Every time a group showed up, I seduced them and pulled it again until I thought I had enough, then I ran them all back here.”

“You better hope most of them die,” Chandice said weakly as Gisley’s healing brought her around. “Or you will be mating with a lot of rats.”

“We may want to run away before the battle ends,” Roric suggested. “That leader is killing rats in single hits.”

“I think I know how we can put a stop to that,” Jaina said and turned to Gisley. She whispered in the woman’s ear as Gisley let out one of her musical giggles and said she would do it.

“Do what?” Roric said as Gisley stood up and kissed two of her fingertips.

She then flew into the fray, darting to the side and around the man who was cutting down ratterkin like a machine. She tackled him from behind and reached between his legs, grabbing a firm hold of his crotch.

[Lvl 43 Prostitute skill: Touch of Release] Kiss the tips of your fingers, then use them to stroke or man or fondle a woman. It causes the target to orgasm in seconds and keep doing so until you remove your hand or a full minute goes by.

The man dropped his weapons and nearly fell to his knees as Gisley forced him to have a powerful orgasm. She held on as he thrashed like a bucking bull, unable to stop the orgasm as his defense fell apart. The ratterkin started to swam over him, cutting and stabbing as he cried out in rage while still having the orgasm of his life.

Gisley leaped off his back as he pitched forward and left him for the ratterkin to finish fluttering back to the group as fast as she could. With the leader down, the rat swam rushed to the others, doubling or tripling the attacks. Still, they did an impressive job of cutting the beasts down, but Roric, Evalynn, and Gisley rejoined the fight. By the time the battle was over, only four ratterkin were still standing, and Jaina resigned herself to her fate, taking them down the road a little and dropping to her hands and knees. The ratterkin lined up to breed her but fell over in a cloud of silver dust, curling up sound asleep as Gisley fluttered to Jaina.

“What happened?” Jaina asked and looked back to see Gisley smiling.

“I put them all to sleep,” Gisley replied.

“You are a wonderful slave sister,” Jaina said and got up to hug the fairy.

“I didn’t think you wanted to have sex with those filthy things,” Gisley said and took Jaina’s hand to lead her back to the others.

“You two are wicked,” Chandice laughed and sat up as Jaina arrived to smile at the chaos she had wrought. “I can’t believe you broke his defense by forcing him to orgasm.”

“At least he died happy,” Jaina said while Roric and Evalynn looted the bodies.

They found a decent amount of coin, some magic daggers, and nearly a dozen potions between them. They also pocketed some jewelry and searched the area to discover their hidden packs. These were thrown onto a new magical disk, and Roric suggested they leave the area immediately. However, he didn't want to go back to town; instead, he insisted they move on and head far to the south.

“But Chandice and I were going to have a foursome with Sergius,” Jaina protested.

“Alexandria hired assassins and somebody powerful enough to summon a high-level elemental to try to reset us,” Roric pointed out. “I am sorry, but staying here not only puts us in danger but the townspeople as well.”

“Goodness, I bet some of them get reset,” Chandice said. “Their homes would be in that town. She must have hurt dozens just to get at us. All those people are suffering just because we don’t want to play her game.”

“That woman has gone too far,” Evalynn snarled. “She deserves to be punished for this.”

“One day, we will pay her back for what she's done,” Roric agreed. “But she has too much power and influence here. We need to go where her power doesn't find it so easy to reach.”

Jaina looked about sadly as Gisley took them away, leaving the scene of chaos behind. Once again, they had settled in a town and begun to enjoy themselves, only to be driven out by Alexandria. She realized that Roric was right; one day, they would repay the woman, and Jaina had a brilliant idea of how to do it.

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