The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-35 A slave’s greatest joy

Jaina and the others were proud of Roric. As much as he wanted to run and protect his girls, he felt responsible for the townspeople. He had Gisley turn around and head for the town they had called home for such a short while. The fire creature was gone, but so were half the buildings, meaning quite a few players had lost a significant amount of invested points. When it came to building anything, all builders earned a small number of creation points per level. However, nearly every building class had a way to convert treasures or items of value into additional creation points. The problem was that once those points were spent, they were gone, and if your creation was later destroyed, those points were not recovered. Many in the town were in that position now, reduced to only the points their level offered.

One of the buildings that remained was the bank, as it was made of stone and iron. Roric made a quick stop to withdraw all their gold, dividing it between the two bags of deep pockets. They then returned to the rubble-strewn street and picked their way through the devastation.

“This is so horrible,” Jaina said as she surveyed the damage from the magic disk. Gisley was once again on Roric’s shoulders, her wings hidden away to avoid drawing attention. Evalynn walked beside him, still wearing her armor and ready for battle, but the fight here was over.

“I can’t believe that woman did this just because you didn’t want to be her slave,” Chandice said.

“It wasn't just that,” Evalynn corrected. “It was that Jaina wanted to be Roric's slave and not hers. She does not feel he has the right to own such a talented sex slave and was insulted when Jaina chose him over her.”

“I never thought she was a nice person,” Gisley added. “She was a big reason why I was afraid to play my class. Once I revealed what I was, I thought she might come looking to recruit me, and I didn't want to be her slave.”

“I wonder if she knows you're a prostitute now,” Roric said. “If she was angry at me owning a seductress, how mad did she become when she found out I snatched a prostitute right from under her nose?”

“Oh, I bet you’re right,” Jaina replied as they passed a smoldering shell that had once been the magic item store. “We know she was spying on us, so it makes sense she knows Gisley is a prostitute. She must have gone insane with rage.”

“She doesn’t have the right to own people just because they suit her needs,” Chandice complained as they continued to pass charred buildings.

“Tell that to her,” Evalynn replied. “I have been told she is a pleasant person when she gets what she wants.”

“To think, just this morning, we were talking about how happy we were,” Gisley said as she looked around. “Now, I just want to cry.”

“Oh, please don't do that,” Jaina urged. “If you cry, my heart will break.”

“We can't afford to linger here for too long,” Roric said as they turned a corner. “I hate to say it, but I think those assassins recognized what Gisley is. They said she was worth a fortune, and I suspect they will make further efforts to collect on it.”

“Great, more trouble thanks to Alexandria,” Jaina groaned. “What are we going to do if they kidnap her?”

“I can try to track her by scent,” Roric suggested.

“I have a better idea,” Gisley offered. “If for any reason I go missing, you should sprinkle some of my glitter over one of you and go to sleep. That way, I can find your dream and tell you where I am.”

“Wow, that is a brilliant idea,” Chandice said.

“You might not even have to use the glitter,” Gisley added. “So long as one of you has made love to me recently, you will have been covered in it. Especially if you have eaten me out.”

“I will make sure to do that to you every day,” Jaina said as they looked down the street to see the inn they had once called home. It was a pile of smoldering lumber, charred beyond recognition. Natalie stood outside, looking at the ruins with tears falling from her eyes.

“Natalie,” Roric called and hurried to her side.

“Roric,” she replied and tried in vain to dry her eyes. “I am glad to see you and your girls are fine.”

“Natalie, I am so sorry,” Roric said as he took her hands.

“What do you have to be sorry for?” Natalie asked. “People think some high-level summoner set that thing loose just to screw with low-level players. It's a sick joke if you ask me, but what can anybody do about it?”

“This is so terrible,” Jaina said sadly as she looked at the ruins.

“I guess I will start over with a small tavern,” Natalie said. “I am afraid it won't be large enough for you to dance in for quite a while.”

“Surely you have some gold saved up?” Evalynn asked.

Natalie shook her head and let out a timid laugh. “I had too much, so I converted it to points to add a new basement level and a fourth floor. An hour later, that monster tore through, and it seems like it targeted my inn specifically.”

Jaina saw Roric's ears droop as he felt awful for the poor woman. No doubt, many in the town had some gold to rebuild with, assuming they hadn't been reset in the attack. What made her even more proud of her master was when he opened his pouch of deep pockets and offered to give Natalie five thousand gold to rebuild.

“I can't take that from you,” Natalie said in alarm. “You told me about your dream home, and I know all your girls have been working hard to make that money.”

“You gave us a place to make that money from and asked for very little in return,” Roric said as he started to count out coins. “And as much as it pains me to say this, I believe your inn was targeted because of us.”

Natalie looked confused, so Roric explained the rivalry between them and Alexandria. He covered the events leading up to the assassin attack and how they admitted the fire elemental was sent to destroy their home points.

“I can't prove any of this, of course, but it is safe to assume they were telling the truth,” Roric said as he took out a normal bag to fill it with the coins. “I won't be able to live with the guilt if I don't do something to help you rebuild.”

“What a terrible woman,” Natalie said in shock. “If there was some way to prove she was behind the attack, I bet we could get a bounty put on her head.”

“I would be careful going after her,” Evalynn interjected. “She seems to be well connected and more than willing to use violence to get what she wants. You might be asking for more trouble than it’s worth.”

“We are so sorry,” Jaina insisted. “We thought we left her behind. We had no idea she would do something this drastic.”

Roric filled a large sack with five thousand gold and laid it at Natalie’s feet. He urged her to rebuild right away and convert the going to points before the assassins respawned. He then told her that it wasn't safe for them to remain in the town, and he was going to go south to hopefully escape the woman's notice.

Natalie was sad to hear it but fully understood why they felt they needed to go. She thanked them all and gave Roric a firm hug, wishing him good fortune wherever they went. She then looked up and suggested they go to a city named Klestton, several days' journey to the south. She said it was the first proper city from the spawn area, with a strong wall. It was also a world spawn city and had a sizable force of NPC guards who could deal with threats like the elemental.

He thanked her for the advice and asked for basic directions before wishing her luck. Roric and girls waved their goodbyes but made a dozen more stops, visiting shops and people they knew to give each of them a share of their gold to help them rebuild. Her saddest moment came when they found Sergius and had to tell him they were leaving. He was upset but fully understood their need to get away. He wished them well and wandered back into the ruins, searching for his missing girlfriend.

It was a terribly sad moment when they finally left, with significantly less gold and a heavyweight on their heart. They waited until they were a mile south of town before Gisley dared to take her wings and turn invisible. They flew off, with Roric holding Evalynna and Jaina in his arms as they lamented the turn of events.

They traveled across the wilderness, avoiding roads where they might be spotted. Roric didn't want anyone to be able to mark their passage and potentially point Alexandria their way. When the moon moved to the midnight position, Roric had them camp in the trees and closed the door flaps to hide the light. Gisley found a small pond to dance over and sing, filling the air with a remorseful song that echoed their mood.

Jaina curled into Roric’s arms as he stroked her head and promised them they would find a home free from Alexandria's deprivations. For security sake, Chandice summoned a rogue demon and had it patrol the area around the tent while an invisible Gisley lurked inside to ensure their safety. Evalynn stayed in her armor and used her elvish gift to avoid sleep, insisting that if the assassins had long since respawned and may be following them.

Roric tried to address their fears, pointing out that they had flown here, leaving no trail to follow. Unless they were being pursued magically, nobody could possibly know they were they were. Still, it made sense they would be heading south, and groups might be out searching. He hoped to find Klestton in less than two days, assuming that Gisley's flying could cut a day or more off their travels. With three days of travel between them and Alexandria, she was less likely to locate them. Even if she did, the city sounded large enough where such a bold attack wouldn't get very far. None of them bothered with sex, it just didn't feel right considering recent events, but Jaina slept soundly in Chandice and Roric's arms.

The next day was spent speeding across the countryside while a light drizzle fell from a darkened sky. It left them damp and miserable, but Roric said it would help cover their trail. A skilled hunter would look for tracks in the mud and find nothing since they were flying above it. Late into the night of the second day, they found a small stream hidden in a valley. They camped beside it so Gisley could bath in the reflected moonlight while she sang. This song was a bit more beautiful, showing that she was looking forward to their new home.

They were beginning to talk about the future again and how they longed to build their home. It was sad that so much of their money had been spent to help others rebuild, but all the girls agreed it had been a noble thing to do. They could make the money back quickly, and this larger city might be just the place to do it. They also discovered something that boosted the morale of the group when Gisley checked her character sheet to announce she had leveled. One by one, they began to check, and sure enough, all of them had a level or more. The assassins turned out to be great XP, and defeating five of them had given everyone a good boost.

The next morning came with some unhappiness as they hadn't had a solid meal in two days. Roric promised they would stop in the first village they saw and look for something to eat, but Jaina insisted they had to be close to Klestton, and it would be silly not to go straight there.

“That’s easy for you to say,” Chandice scoffed. “You can absorb anything to use as food.”

“I suppose we could feed with nourishment,” Evalynn suggested. “All we would need to do is pass a collar around.”

“How does that still work?” Chandice asked. Evalynn explained that swallowing a man or woman's ejaculate from an orgasm counted as a full meal for the sex slave.

“That will work great for us, but what will Roric eat?” Jaina asked.

“I will be fine until we reach the city,” Roric insisted, then turned to Gisley. “But we need to make this feeding go quickly. I need you to use your skill to bring me to orgasm.”

Gisley nodded and went first, sucking her master until he was good and hard. Roric loved the feel of those silken lips on his cock but time was of the essence. Gisley pulled away to kiss two fingers and then began to stroke him, causing an orgasm almost instantly. Of course, shared orgasm forced her to cum with him, and she moaned while swallowing it down, savoring her meal while feeling good and full afterward.

[lvl 9 Sex Slave skill: nourishment] Swallowing an orgasm from a man or woman counts as a full meal for nourishing effects.

She got up as Jaina took her place, sucking on Roric for sustenance as Gisley kissed to fingers again. She stroked his cock to feed Jaina, who swallowed her meal down with a soft moan. Jaina handed her collar to Evalynn, who took her turn feeding from her master. The collar was then passed to Chandice, who was slow to put it on but relented when her stomach growled. She went to her knees and was fed by Gisley, milking Roric for a meal while cumming with him.

“Wow, I feel surprisingly good from that,” Chandice said and rubbed her stomach. “I would swear I just ate breakfast.”

“I wouldn’t mind having that for breakfast every day,” Jaina teased as she stretched and considered putting on her red dress. She looked to Chandice, who shook her head and suggested she wear something that wouldn’t make her stand out. Jaina sighed and didn’t bother with the dress at all. Instead, she put her layering skill to use, putting on a simple cream dress with a blue top.

[lvl 10 Morphic power: Layering] Your skin can imitate clothing so closely that it will even ruffle in the wind or become wet.

Chandice then took a lovely green dress out of her backpack and ordered Gisley into it, helping the woman dress as she took her moments to pinch and squeeze the soft purple skin.”

“You and I are about the same size,” Chadice said as she straightened the outfit. “I think it's best we don't parade around naked until we know we're not being followed.”

“Are we going to find a new place to dance in this town?” Gisley asked as Roric got dressed.

“I am sure we can find something,” Roric replied. “If it's a large walled city, there might be several inns and other places.”

“It will likely have several brothels as well,” Jaina pointed out. “We’re not about to make more enemies are we?”

“Maybe we should just work in the brothels,” Gisley suggested, but Roric shook his head.

“Then we will be making the brothel owner rich and not ourselves. I will find us an inn, and we will start earning money quickly,” he insisted.

“Why not sell some of the glitter we have piled up?” Chandice said and pointed to the mountain of bottles.

“Actually, I was hoping to save that for you,” Roric said.

“Save it for me? To do what with?” Chandice asked.

“I thought maybe your magic shop could become known as a good source of love potions,” Roric answered as he stood and adjusted his armor. “You did say you planned to add an NPC alchemist to make other potions.”

“I suppose I did,” Chandice agreed. “Well, thank you for being so considerate.”

They went outside to collapse the tent and plucked the magic bag from the ground. Gisley had her disk summoned, and Roric climbed on to travel with the girls. Gisley turned invisible and hurried off, the disk silently flying across the countryside as she trailed streams of glitter. They found a road heading in the right direction in less than an hour, so they followed it to a small village. Roric dared to enter and ask for directions to discover the city was less than an hour east. So they headed off, and the closer they got, the more developed the land became, with large fancy homes and sprawling estates.

The city was surrounded by a wall of gray stone with modest towers and decorative flags showing three white arrows on a red field. Outside the gates was a small village in its own right, and it was just before reaching here that Gisley ended her flight. She hid her wings and let go of her invisibility while the others climbed off the disk. From here, they walked with Roric holding Chandice's hand and the three girls walking in a line behind them.

The city was a wondrous place, with crowded streets full of people of every kind of race. Jaina saw a few of her fist insect players and even a lazrin who had the torso of a man but the lower half of a four-legged dragon.

Many streets were lined with buildings that went up three or more floors, creating a canyon-like feel of white plaster and wood. There were soaring towers and temples with grand statues of various gods. While most buildings looked as if they would fit in a medieval city, some were very different with magical effects or unusual materials.

“I think that’s a magic school,” Chandice said as they noticed a tall tower standing on a hill that had blue runes up one side. It had its own wall of white stone around a fancy garden full of statuary. They passed several plazas decorated with fountains, statues, artworks, and more as the group took in all there was to see. They eventually arrived at a large open area where a guard politely told them was the binding stone and the portal area.

“So this is where players portaling to this city arrive,” Jaina said as they saw a woman in a fancy white gown appear through what looked like a blue hole floating in the air.

“Too bad none of us can do that,” Chandice said sadly as Roric suggested they all use the binding stone. The stone itself was to one side and appeared to be a rectangular obelisk with words written in some alien language. Everyone but Jaina touched the stone and declared that they wished to be bound here, and the stone glowed blue for a second. Being a monster player, Jaina couldn't use the stone, so they quickly moved on in search of an inn. A few questions later, they were pointed to an inn called the old rooster, where the barmaids could be bought for a night's entertainment.

“That sounds like our kind of place,” Jaina laughed, and they headed off to follow the man's directions. It was with some additional asking they finally found the massive structure that dominated a small market square. It went up five floors and was covered in chimneys, many of which produced trials of smoke. The sign over the door was a rooster with a peg leg, and Roric took them inside to see a rather disturbing scene. The barroom was rough, with mix-matched tables, some of which were obviously broken. There were spilled drinks on the floor and empty mugs on every table. Flies buzzed about as a few barmaids stood by the bar laughing about something.

“This place is filthy,” Gisley said as she looked around. “I already feel the need to clean it.”

“This place would take a week to clean,” Evalynn replied and waved a fly from her face. “And it smells like stale ale.”

“There is no excuse for a place that can summon NPC staff to clear to look like this,” Chandice said as a rather large man came out of a back door. He slapped one of the girls on the rear, causing her to laugh as he squeezed behind the bar and then looked directly at them.

“He chose to play that?” Jaina said as they looked at the flabby man with surprise.

“Well, what have we here?” the man called as his barmaids turned to regard them with lustful smiles.

“Oh, please tell me we don’t look like that,” Evalynn said when she noticed those gazes.

“This place is making me feel dirty for what we do,” Gisley whispered in agreement.

“I’m sorry, I think I have the wrong place,” Roric said and turned to usher his girls out.

“If you're looking to trade room and board for a little fun with the girls, you came to the right place,” the man called.

“This place is a sty, and my girls deserve better,” Roric replied. “I wouldn’t barter them to stay here.”

“Oh, were not clean enough for him,” the man said, causing his maids to giggle even more. “Well, even if you don't believe it, some people prefer this kind of place. Sure I could make it cleaner and prettier, but folks love the rugged appearance and feel of a seedy tavern.”

The calm way he explained himself made Roric pause and reconsider. He decided to take the time and explain what he was looking for. He wanted a place for his girls to dance and then service some customers with wild sex. The man was eager to agree, but Roric once again drew attention to the state of the place.

“I am sorry,” Roric said. “I am sure you are right, and people love this atmosphere, but I need someplace a little more refined.

“You want to peddle whores, and you're worried about some spilled beer? Well, if appearance is what you're after, then what you're looking for is the White Tiger,” the man said as one of his girls nodded.

“And where can we find that?” Roric asked. One of the girls, who appeared to be a cat race of some kind, instructed them to find the inner city through the second walls. Go to the crystal plaza and look for the building with the white marble dome. Roric went to thank the man, but he laughed and told Roric he would be back. The White tiger might look pretty, but it was a dangerous place full of intrigue and secrets.

“That sounded ominous,” Evalynn said as they headed into the street and tied to spot the inner walls. The city was so densely packed it was impossible to see, so they headed off in roughly the right direction and hoped to find directions.

An hour later, they managed to find an inner wall with an entrance the guards called the jade gate. It was made of a green rock, and the doors were painted in a similar color. The NPC guards here were well-armed and armored but did little to constrain the flow of people. Inside, the city became even more mysterious with well-paved roads, planters full of flowers, and graceful arches on nearly every building.

They asked for directions to the crystal plaza and were told to follow the road they were on. When they found the plaza, they could see why it had the name. In the center was a raised round platform above which floating a massive blue crystal that gave off a faint glow. Every now and then, something like a trail of sparkles appeared nearby and flew to the crystal, causing it to hum briefly.

“That’s very pretty,” Gisley said as she admired the towering stone.

“I think I see the white tiger,” Evalynn said and pointed across the plaza to a building that looked more like a temple fit for the far east. It had a great white dome over a three-story building, but there was an even taller section behind this. The main door was a towering gate flanked by two guards in flowing blue silks, both of which were orange and black tigers.

Roric took them up the steps to the door of the building, and they gazed into a grand entry hall full of exotic greenery, flowers, glass tables, and polished white chairs. Graceful pillars held up a soaring ceiling carved and painted to resemble winged creatures and gods. Spaces had been created along one wall by cleverly using planters and dense growth. These were dominated by low tables and colorful cushions to sit on. The air smelled of smoke and sweet fruit as women in white silks trimmed with gold waited on tables. A raised platform with seven steps going to a throne-like chair with a golden curtain behind it was at the far end of the structure. It was flanked by two life-size golden statues of tigers, polished to a mirror finish.

“This placed is amazing,” Jaina said as they looked around in awe.

“Now, this is how a fantasy inn should look,” Chandice agreed.

“This might also be the wrong place for us,” Roric said as she considered the room. It was too posh and polished, perhaps not the best place for so brazen a display as his three girls stripping.

“Welcome to the white tiger,” a woman said, drawing their attention to a thin woman with rabbit ears on her head. “How can we be of service to you?”

“I would like to speak to the master of this establishment,” Roric said.

“Lady Rajeen doesn’t speak to travelers,” the woman replied. “Now, if you are hungry, we have a wide selection of foods.”

“We are here to speak with the owner,” Roric reiterated. “I have a business proposition to make.”

“I am sure she will not care,” the rabbit woman said as she looked around nervously. “She doesn't like getting involved in other people's dealings.”

“Maybe this isn't the place for us,” Jaina said and sighed. “Too bad, it was so pretty.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he rubbed his chin. He then fished in his pouch to produce a hundred gold coins. “Go and see if this will be enough to buy five minutes of her time,” he suggested.

The woman looked at the gold and, with a sigh, told them to follow. She led them toward the throne, then down a side hall where she asked them to wait in a room that resembled a study. She was gone for several minutes before returning with a man cloaked in shadows. He stepped forward as his from coalesced to reveal a broad smile.

“Santos!” Roric cried and reached out to clasp the thief's hand. “What are you doing here?”

“Turns out siding with you was a dangerous proposition,” the leader of the thieves said. “Assassins wiped us out and filled the tunnels with traps. So I brought the guild here with a scroll of portals, and I was just visiting with my good friend Rajeen.”

“Lady, Rajeen,” the rabbit woman corrected.

“Don't you have somebody else to bother, Junta?” Santos asked as the rabbit woman put her hands to her hips and stormed out. He waited for her to go and then explained that Rajeen was a well-connected Tigerian sorceress. She was regarded as a kind of nobility, having dealings with nearly all the guilds and societies in the region. She also had strong connections to the local thieves guild and to Santos. So he was here asking for her help in dealing with the assassins, calling them off, or hiring higher-level players to drive them away.

“Anyway, I have already told her all about you,” Santos remarked. “When Junta came in to announce you were here seeking an audience, she asked me to bring you in.”

“That is very kind of you,” Roric said with a nod.

“It is my pleasure,” Santos replied with that devilish smile. “And you are really going to like Rajeen. You might say you and your group will fit right in.” With that, he led them to a large room dominated by a central pit full of pillows and cushions on which lounged a dozen mostly naked women. Plants and artwork were everywhere, and the floor was a mosaic of blue and gold tiles arranged in a beautiful pattern. Even as they crossed the room, women kissed, fondled, and in some cases, outright engaged in sex. At the far end of the room was another throne-like chair of white leather and golden trim. On it sat an exquisitely beautiful tiger woman with white fur and piercing blue eyes. She wore nothing but a slip at her waist, not at all ashamed that her large breasts were out for all to see. An elf woman with red hair clung to one of her legs as the tiger woman stroked her head gently.

“I very much approve of this place,” Jaina whispered as Santos took them to stand before the woman who eyed them curiously.

“So,” Rajeen said before anyone could speak. “These are ones my Santos speaks so highly of.”

“I am grateful you have allowed us a moment of your time,” Roric replied with a bow.

“And well mannered,” Rajeen said but frowned slightly as she looked over the women. “But I was led to believe your girls wore very little clothing.”

“I have never seen them dressed before,” Santos laughed.

“What are the odds that putting on clothing turned out to be a bad idea?” Jaina giggled and stepped forward to dip her head. “If it pleases you, we would gladly shed our garments.”

“That would please me indeed,” Rajeen replied with a twitch that might have been a smile. Jaina used her power to instantly return to a naked state, then helped Gisley out of the green dress. Evalynn took a little longer to get out of her armor, but in minutes all three slave girls stood before their host so she could inspect them.

“Such lovely things,” Rajeen said and looked to Roric. “I don’t suppose you would sell me any of them?”

“I am afraid none of them are for sale,” Roric replied.

“Such a pity,” the woman said and then looked at her empty leg. “Would you at least allow one of them to comfort me while we speak?”

“Gisley,” Roric said and pointed to Rajeen's empty leg. Gisley nodded and sat beside the throne to clutch the woman's leg just as the elf was. Rajeen used her other hand to stroke Gisley's head, paying special attention to the antenna that stretched out as she giggled.

“Such a musical voice,” Rajeen said in a pleased tone. “I bet her moans of passion are just as beautiful.”

“I bet I can make you moan in passion in less than ten seconds,” Gisley said.

“Is that so?” Rajeen replied with a look of genuine interest. “And if you fail your task?”

“I don’t know,” Gisley said. “What do you want?”

“You will spend the rest of our conversation feasting on my flesh,” Rajeen replied.

Gisley smiled and nodded in agreement as Rajeen waved her to begin. She reached up with two fingers and kissed them before leaning forward to plunge them between the woman's legs. Rajeen didn't even flinch, and for a few moments, it seemed she was immune to the fairy's touch. Then she closed her eyes and threw her head back, her chest heaving as she took deep breaths. It was obvious she was having one long powerful orgasm, but she didn't make a sound as Gisley pressed harder. The poor fairy began to moan, her own body being forced to share the orgasm even as the tiger woman said nothing. Rajeen took the punishment for a full minute when Gisley’s power finally faded.

“It would appear I have won,” Rajeen said as she spread her legs wide. “Now, I believe you need to clean up the mess you made.”

Gisley looked shocked at the woman's superhuman self-control, but she had lost the bet, so she crawled between those legs and leaned in. Rajeen cupped the back of her head as she began to lick up the results of a full minute of orgasms.

“Now, on to business,” she said as if nothing were going on between her legs. “Santos tells me you like to display your girls in a dance to rile up the customers, then offer them a chance to satisfy that arousal afterward.”

“That is what we do,” Roric replied as Gisley’s head bobbed between the woman’s legs. “We draw a huge crowd for you to sell drinks to, and the girls earn money dancing, stripping, and fucking afterward. You provide us with food, a free room to sleep in, and two rooms for the girls to use to entertain guests.”

“I see, and would such a thing befitting of my humble inn?” Rajeen asked as she looked at Santos.

“I am surprised you don’t already do it,” Santos replied.

“Oh, but I prefer to keep my girls to myself,” Rajeen said. “I couldn't bear to see them soiled by men, but perhaps I could allow his girls to do it.”

“We have been soiled by plenty of men already,” Jaina agreed.

“Such a pity,” Rajeen said and looked at Jaina. “I have always thought women should desire other women.”

“I have no problem with that,” Jaina said. “I love to eat women. I would happily take Gisley’s place between your legs.”

“Oh, why don’t we switch then,” Rajeen suggested and took her hand off the back of Gisley’s head. “You return to my leg. Let your slave sister have a chance.”

Gisley nodded and curled around the woman's leg as Jaina came forward to take her place, getting on hands and knees with her butt in the air. She could smell the sweet scent of sex that was unique to a woman, and with a broad smile, she parted her lips to take in the woman's body. She licked through those tender folds of soft flesh, tasting the tiger woman's nectar. Inside she felt the tension of butterflies to be licking this stranger's pussy. That tension grew more intense when a firm hand wrapped around the back of her head and pressed her in.

Jaina settled in to feed on the woman’s body, kissing at her tender clit and then licking it firmly. She couldn't hear what was being said with those furry thighs against her ears, but she didn't care. All that mattered was a pussy was available to be eaten, and she wanted all of it. She worked firmly to tease that clit, kissing, sucking, and licking circles around it. She was eventually rewarded with a flood of sticky goo as Rajeen had another orgasm. Jaina immediately had one, too, running wet as she lapped up the tiger's honey. She kept licking, savoring that tender flesh until she lost track of time. Three orgasms later, she was still licking away and decided she didn't care.

A warm tongue came to her pussy, licking up the wetness of her orgasms. It went on for a few minutes more until hands came to her back and reached under to play with her breasts. She felt tongues and lips all over her skin but never faltered in her licking. She gave Rajeen three more orgasms, and the woman finally pulled Jaina's head back to look down and meet her gaze.

“You have pleased me well,” Rajeen said in a sultry tone. “Now, you may play with my harem for a bit, but tonight you will sleep in your mistress's bed.”

Jaina was confused as she looked around to realize Roric and the others were gone. Instead, she was surrounded by the harem girls who assaulted her body with mouths and hands. She looked up to Rajeen, who smiled and stroked her head.

“Your price was high, but I desperately wanted you,” she said.

“My price?” Jaina repeated as her heart raced while a chill ran up her spine.

“Why yes,” Rajeen replied with a wide smile. “You have experienced the ultimate joy of being a slave. You have been sold.”

Jaina trembled as tears welled up in her eyes. Yes, it was a fantasy to experience being sold, but she never dreamed it would happen. She loved Roric and wanted to be his slave, not somebody else's.

“Oh,” Rajeen said as she clapped her hands, driving away the other girls. “You were not meant to cry.”

“I'm sorry,” Jaina said as she tried to cover her face. “I thought Roric loved me so much he would never sell me.”

“So you are bound by love and not the collar,” Rajeen said with a nod. “well then, I can no longer continue in this ruse if you are going to feel such pain over it.”

“What ruse?” Jaina said and looked away as she tried to hide her tears.

“You are not my slave,” Rajeen sad. “Your master refused to sell you to me, but I did get him to agree to leave so I could pretend he had for a little bit. He refused me even this, but I made it a condition of our agreement. He warned me you might be very unhappy, but I had no idea it would harm you like this.”

“You mean I haven’t been sold?” Jaina asked as hope flooded her heart.

“Sadly, you have not,” Rajeen said. “I would love to buy you, but only if you could love me as you do him. To have a woman cry such tears over me would warm my heart greatly.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Jaina cried and took a moment to wipe her eyes. “I'm sorry, but I can't help but love him,” Jaina sniffed. “He means everything to me. I can't be a slave without him.”

“Then, please forgive me,” Rajeen said and stroked her head. “He is waiting right outside the door with the others. I have agreed to let you perform here in my inn, and he has warned me about the woman named Alexandria. I have the power and influence to brush this upstart aside. Trust me when I say you are safe from her here.”

“Thank you!” Jaina cried and threw her arms around the woman. “You have no idea what this means to us!”

“Just to see that reaction was payment enough,” Rajeen said and wrapped her arms around Jaina. “But I would love it if you could spend a night or two in my bed, or perhaps just an afternoon as part of my harem. I have spoken to your master about it, and he said it was up to you.”

“Can I eat you and all of them to my heart's content?” Jaina asked.

“You may savor the flesh of any woman in my house whenever you wish,” Rajeen agreed.

“Then,” Jaina said as she looked at the woman's wet folds. “I accept, provided you let me give you three more orgasms.”

“Ha, you blackmail me with pleasure,” Rajeen laughed. “Very well, I will pay your price. Now so I may enjoy it, let me command you as if you were one of my girls.”

“Oh, I would like that,” Jaina said as she smiled. “But when I can talk to Roric, I will ask him to lend me to you for our stay.”

“Lend you to me?” Rajeen asked.

“Yes, so that as long as you allow us to stay here, I will be one of your girls. I will sleep where you want me to sleep and attend to your desires whenever I can. Then your commands won't be just for play. They will be genuine orders from my mistress to her slave,” Jaina offered.

The tiger woman's eyes narrowed as she leaned forward to cradle Jiana's chin with a soft paw.

“I would like that arrangement very much,” Rajeen said. “I look forward to watching you play with my girls and come to my bed for some personal time.”

“I would be honored if my mistress chose me to sleep in her bed,” Jaina replied. “I don't deserve such favor.”

“Perhaps not,” Rajeen said with a smile. “But I will give you the chance to prove it. Now, lick your mistress's pussy, slave.”

“Yes, my mistress,” Jaina replied as she leaned down to resume her feasting. Her heart was still unsettled, but in a strange way, she was excited. She got to experience the thrill of thinking she was sold and proved to herself just how much she didn't want it. It was a growing experience, to say the least, but one she was grateful for. She now knew for certain that she could never be a slave for anyone except Roric. When she had a chance she was going to make sure he understood that they could play at selling her but she would die without him.

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