The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-40 Surrender to being a woman

Gisley walked through the posh bar room of the inn holding hands with Evalynn as the two searched for a secluded place to sit. Jaina had to return to the harem for a bit, both to honor their contract and find another woman to mimic for the dance later. They wore the new dresses Chandice bought, feeling funny to be so modestly dressed. Chandice and Roric would join them after they were done with a little sex, so the two had a rare chance to be alone.

“I hate that Jaina has to be away from us,” Gisley sighed as they looked into the small sitting areas tucked away in nooks along one wall.

“She is making the sacrifice to help us earn the money we need to build our home,” Evalynn said. “I admire her spirit, but I miss her too.”

“I am sure she is having fun,” Gisley added as they checked one of the private areas to see four men who looked up with lewd smiles.

They quickly moved on despite the calls for them to come back and join the men for some quality time. It took a little more searching, but they finally found a low table surrounded by pillows where nobody was sitting. A harem girl arrived minutes later and blushed when she recognized who they were.

“Oh, you’re the two girls who danced last night,” she said excitedly.

“That's us,” Evalynn replied with a smile as Gisley moved over to snuggle into her side.

The harem girl was some form of beast race, with hooves for feet and a short fluff of a tail. The rest of her body was covered in a soft fur that was tan and gold with thin black lines. She had a very human face with pointed ears sticking out of her head, making her race rather hard to place.

“Would you mind if I asked you a question?” the woman said while looking around to see if she was being watched.

“So long as it doesn’t get you into trouble,” Evalynn replied when she noted the odd reaction. Gisley saw it as well and how the woman's long pointed ears twitched. She stepped closer to the table, so she was partially hidden by the walls of plants that created the nook. Whatever she wanted to ask, she didn't want others to overhear it or perhaps to get back to Rajeen.

“I was just wondering, do you enjoy the sex with random men?” the woman asked.

“I do,” Gisley said as her antenna uncurled up a little. She could see something akin to anguish on the woman’s face and could feel the tension in the air. “But, I only do it because my master has a beautiful dream for us, and we urged him to use us to make it happen faster.”

“We enjoy the sex,” Evalynn added. “But Gisley is right. If we weren't doing it for our master, I doubt either of us would do it at all. Our master gives what we do a deeper meaning and encourages us to enjoy the moment.”

“So, you didn't become slave girls just to have sex?” the woman asked.

“I suppose we both assumed we would be having a lot of sex,” Evalynn replied. “But I don't think either of us assumed it would be like this. Of course, we had our fantasies, but we never dreamed we would be full-time prostitutes.”

“And that doesn’t make you, you know, uncomfortable?” the bestial woman asked.

“If you mean do we feel bad about it, no,” Evalynn stated. “To be honest, the vast majority of men are very nice and well mannered. It is a pleasure to share our love with them, and I am grateful for many of the experiences.”

“I am too,” Gisley added but noted the woman’s expression hadn’t changed. “I enjoy it when a man says he loves me, and I hear it a lot now.”

“Plus, the nature of the world takes away a lot of the negatives of sex,” Evalynn added. “You can't get a disease or get pregnant, and the men are all in perfect health.”

“Yeah, they are all tight and fit,” Gisley sighed as she thought about some of those muscular chests. “It's just a never-ending train of perfection.”

“And the magic of the slave collars gives us an ability to refresh ourselves with a thought,” Evalynn pointed out. “So the experience is very different from the real world. But why are you asking us this?”

The woman sighed and looked down as her shoulders sank. Gisley could sense something of regret in the air, her antenna picking up the surface emotions. This woman's line of questioning wasn't getting at what she wanted to know, and now she was afraid to ask directly. Gisley wondered if the girl was a virgin as all her questions circled around one concept. Did they enjoy having sex with men?

“I can tell you are afraid to ask us what you really want to know,” Gisley said and tried her best to make eye contact. “So let me ask the question for you. Why are you afraid to have sex with a man?”

“Because I was a man,” she said and looked away. “But I thought it would be more fun to play as a woman. They warned me about doing it in the training classes, but some other guys kept bragging they were going to. I guess I wanted to try it, but now I can’t bring myself to, you know, do what a woman does best,”

“Have sex with a man,” Evalynn replied.

“Oh, is that why you’re a harem girl?” Gisley asked as she realized this woman was probably more comfortable with girls. “So you can have sex with all those girls?”

“I thought it would be the answer to my fears,” the woman said and scratched at her arm. “I figured if I joined Rajeen's harem, I could have all the women I wanted. It worked for a little while, but I feel like I am missing out. I can’t stop wondering what it’s like to have sex with a man.”

“And you can't bring yourself to do it because you are still a man in your mind,” Evalynn finished for her. “Well, you need to get over that because you're a woman now.”

“Evalynn is right,” Gisley added. “You have nothing to be worried or ashamed about. You're a woman, and you need to embrace it if you want to know the joy we do. But, you are part of Rajeen's harem, and Jaina said that means you can't have sex with a man even if you wanted.”

“I know,” the woman replied. “But I was thinking about leaving.”

“You can leave?” Evalynn asked with a raised brow.

“It's rare, but it does happen,” the woman said. “Rajeen removes the mark and casts you out, so you are never welcome to set foot in her inn again. I feel torn about what I want to do. I am settled here and have plenty of sex with the other girls, but….”

“But you wonder what it’s like,” Evalynn said.

“Yeah, but what if I leave and still can't do it? Or what if I do try it and I hate it? Then I can't come back, and I will be cut off from everything,” she said with a true tone of fear in her voice.

“Oh, you’re afraid to risk your comfortable life on something you aren’t even sure you want,” Gisley said as she tapped her fingers on the table. In a way, this woman had the same problem Gisley had before she met Jaina. She made a choice that she was now having trouble acting on, and Gisley wanted to help her overcome it. “I think I know how to fix this.”

“You do?” Evalynn asked with a smirk. “How can you fix this without her having to risk it all?

Gisley smiled as the idea formed in her mind. Jaina told them all about the rules, but Rajeen never said the girls couldn't have a naughty dream or two. She turned her head to whisper her idea into Evalynn's ear, causing the elf woman to blush at its simplicity.

“That might work,” Evalynn said with a smile. “You really are a sweet thing.”

“I try to be,” Gisley said and then turned to the woman. “I can arrange for you to make love to a man this very night without having to risk your place in the harem.”

“You? You can?” the woman said as she looked around nervously. “How?”

“With a little of this,” Gisley said and lifted her palm as glitter magically formed in it. She blew the glitter over the woman, who looked started for a moment.

“What did you do?” she asked while looking over her body in surprise.

“I marked you with a little fairy glitter,” Gisley replied. “Now, you pick out any man in the inn and bring me a drink. I will add some glitter to it, and then you serve it to him. That way, you are both marked, and I can find you tonight while you sleep.”

“You can find us while we are sleeping?” the woman asked.

“Uh-huh,” Gisley said with a wide smile. “And I can pull you into the same dream where you can experience what sex is like between a man and woman. It will only be a dream so that it won't break the rules, and you will know for certain if this is what you want or not.”

“You can really do this?” the woman gasped. “I mean, you’re not just playing with me?”

“Gisley is a rare class that can manipulate dreams,” Evalynn said. “So long as you have been marked before you go to sleep, she can find your dream and make it a pleasant one.”

“I can't believe this,” the woman gasped. “And now I am so nervous. Who do I pick?”

“Ha,” Gisley giggled. “That choice is up to you. We will be here for a bit, so take some time to look around and pick out the man you want to be your first.”

The woman nodded nervously and almost turned to leave before remembering she hadn't even asked them if they wanted anything. The two laughed and ordered drinks with a basket of fried mushrooms to share. The woman thanked them again and ran off, her blush so deep it darkened her whole face.

“Do you think she will go through with it?” Evalynn asked.

“I don't know,” Gisley replied as she took one of Evalynn's hands to play with. “I never thought about how hard it must be for some men to make the switch. I mean, you spend twenty or more years as a man, and then in the blink of an eye, you are one hundred percent a woman. That has to be confusing or something.”

“Honestly, that is the first woman I have met who admitted to having previously been a man. I assumed all the men who switched were gay and were now very happy in their new lives.”

“Maybe,” Gisley said as she thought about it some more. “But she did it just because she thought it would be more fun. I bet there are a lot of men who did the same who are struggling to adjust to the new body they are in.”

“I suppose there must be,” Evalynn agreed. “But, as I said, that's the first one I have seen. I think quite a few have embraced what they have become quite easily.”

Gisley shrugged, and they snuggled for a few minutes when their waitress returned carrying a tray with their mushrooms and over a dozen drinks. She set the mushrooms on the table and then the two drinks before laying the whole tray out before Gisley.

“What's this?” Gisley asked as she tried to figure out why there were so many drinks.

“I can’t pick the man,” the woman said nervously as she wiped her hands on her apron. “So I picked up all the waiting drink orders and brought them to you. I will turn my back and let you spike one of them, so I don't know who it is.”

“Are you sure about that?” Gisley asked, not wanting to add to the poor woman's stress. It was obvious she was incredibly nervous, and picking somebody at random was only going to add to it.

“I tried to pick one but doing it that way made me feel strange,” she insisted. “Please, this is the only way I can do this. It needs to just happen.”

“Alright,” Gisley agreed with a nod. “Turn around, and I will spike one.”

The woman nodded and turned around, even putting her hands over her eyes for extra measure. Gisley looked over the glasses as she wondered which one to pick. For all she knew, most of these orders were for other women, and this would be a wasted effort. She felt it was important to ensure this woman had her encounter go well on the first try, so she spiked every drink before telling her it was done.

“Thank you,” the woman said graciously and picked up the try. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“I can see how much it means to you,” Gisley replied. “By the way, what's your name?”

“Well, I wanted to be Sandra, but a lot of people have that name. So I call myself Sandris,” the woman replied. “I hope I haven't been too much of a bother.”

“You have been very nice,” Gisley replied and waved her off. “Now go deliver your drinks. I look forward to seeing you tonight.”

The woman rushed off with her tray looking even more nervous than before. Evalynn struggled not to laugh as she nudged Gisley and commented on how she spiked every drink. Gisley explained her fear that some of those drinks might go to women and wanted to ensure Sandris had the perfect encounter.

They settled in to eat their mushrooms and were nearly done with Roric, and Chandice arrived to join them. Gisley excitedly told them about Sandris and the plan for tonight as Chandice giggled at the idea of it all. Roric stressed the need to keep this a secret, causing Gisley to wonder if she had done something bad.

“Did I do a bad thing?” Gisley asked.

“I hope so,” Chandice said with a grin. “I would so love to punish that little fairy rear again.”

Gisley squeaked and covered her rear as Evalynn laughed to see the reaction. Roric shook his head and explained that he didn’t want to upset Rajeen, but he wasn’t angry with Gisley. What she was doing was very kind, and he was proud of her for it. Sandris returned a little later to get Roric and Chandice's order, looking at the two women with a nervous twitch. The two smirked as the woman blushed and hurried away to get the food.

“She is very nervous about this,” Roric observed.

“Is she a horse?” Chandice asked as she leaned out to see the long tail.

“We never asked,” Evalynn replied. “She could be a deer, I suppose.”

“That tail is a lot like a deer’s,” Roric agreed as he considered it. “But all the deer races I seem to recall had four legs.”

“Their are cat races that have no traits of cats except a tail and the ears,” Evalynn reminded.

“I bet she’s a deer,” Gisley said with a pleased smile. “And tonight, she is going to be hunted by man.”

They settled in for food and drinks until it came time for the dance. Gisley was so happy to see Jaina again as they met backstage to prepare for the show. Jaina was in the guise of a human woman with long red hair and beautiful green eyes that were enchanting to stare into. Gisley told Jaina all about Sandris and what she planned to do tonight. Jaina asked if she could tag along to witness the display, and Evalynn quickly asked if she could too. The three agreed to go together and then, after a few kisses, went out to start the dance.

The inn was even more packed than before, and this time they were louder. Now they knew what to expect, and people were ready to cheer when the clothing started to come off. It took them almost two hours of constant dancing to reach the point where they had made love to each other several times. Then they settled into the rooms to deal with the men they had driven wild. Gisley was pleased to have two women come to her room that night, and she made both of them melt under the power of her touch.

As the night wore on, the customers finally fizzled out, and the three met one final time before Jaina had to return to the harem. Gisley doused her with glitter and promised to see her in a bit, then ran off with Evalynn to find their masters.

Chandice and Roric were counting the haul and laughed when they saw the smiles on the girl's faces. They knew what the girls had planned, and Roric didn't waste any time leaning them over the bed, giving each of them a good hard fucking.

As much as Gisley loved the passionate sex, there was something about being dominated by Roric that drove her crazy. Her whole body trembled as he pounded inside her, that knot trapping her in place until he was done. Her orgasms came fast and hard, causing her to sing loudly when they rolled through her body. A feeling of being his slave engulfed her whole being as he finished his task and finally allowed her to rest. She curled up with a spent Evalynn to finally drift off to sleep, the two eager to begin the night's adventure. Jaina wasn't asleep for another hour, so they spied on a few dreams, taking note of just how many of those drinks had been for women.

“You were right,” Evalynn said as they looked into yet another woman's dreams. “If you had picked randomly, she would likely have gotten another woman.”

“She was too nervous to think it through,” Gisley said as she switched to a dream that finally contained a human man who looked to be a priest by his appearance. “I doubt she would have had the nerve to do this again if the first time failed.”

“I still wonder if she will have the nerve to do it anyway,” Evalynn countered. “She was very unsure of herself.”

“Well, this is her best chance to go through with it,” Gisley insisted as she finally spotted Jaina's dream. With but a thought, they appeared in the little private room they had in the first inn, as Jaina dreamed about Roric. She was naked except for her collar and cuffs, panting as her dream version of Roric finished with her body.”

“You really do miss him at night, don't you?” Evalynn asked as they appeared in the room.

Jaina looked up in alarm as her dream was intruded on. Gisley knew her subconscious mind would work to correct the sudden alteration, and it would feel normal to Jaina in seconds.

“Where have you two been?” Jaina asked as if they had just walked in.

“We are meeting you to help Sandris,” Gisley said as she stepped forward. “You are asleep in Rajeen's harem, and I am taking over your dream.”

“Oh, is this a dream?” Jaina asked and blinked her eyes. “It's so hard to remember what is and isn't real when you sleep.” She turned to her dream version of Roric as Gisley took over the dream, and he faded into nothingness. “It felt so real, and I didn’t have any memory of who you were until you appeared.”

“Your mind remembers only what it needs for the dream. The sudden intrusion can be confusing, but It gets easier if I am around,” Gisley replied and walked up to take her hand. “We need to pick a good man for Sandris and then pray she is brave enough to go through with it.”

Jaina nodded as Gisley pulled her out of the dream to float in a black void surrounded by little clouds with images playing in them.

“Are these all dreams?” Jaina asked as she looked around.

“All of them are,” Gisley replied and pointed to one. “Theirs, Sandris.”

“Oh, I see her,” Jaina said with a nod. “But where are the men.”

“Unfortunately, most of the drinks were for women,” Evalynn replied. “There are only four men to choose from.”

“What terrible luck,” Jaina said as Gisley took them into a dream to see the human priest again. She then showed Jaina an elf, an orc, and a thrixis insect man.”

“Let’s not shock her with the thrixis,” Jaina suggested. “This is going to be hard enough for her as it is.”

“I haven’t had an insect man yet,” Evalynn asked. “Have any of you?”

“Nope,” Gisley replied. “But we could always come back later and try him?”

“This is like a sex buffet,” Jaina laughed. “And it’s all you can eat.”

“The buffet is in that harem room,” Evalynn argued. “And I bet you have done plenty of eating.”

“Oh, I sure have,” Jaina admitted. “I thought maybe she had twenty or so slave girls, but it's more like fifty, and I intend to eat every single one of them.”

“How she does collar that many?” Evalynn asked.

“She doesn’t,” Jaina said and turned to show them her rear. “This is her mark of ownership,” she added and pointed to the paw print.

“So all those girls are staying simply because they want to?” Evalynn asked.

“That they are,” Jaina said. “And because if they leave, they can never come back.”

“We should take on more girls like that,” Gisley said as she considered the thought. “I wonder if Sandris would come with us?”

“Let’s not start planning to steal girls from Rajeen’s harem,” Evalynn suggested. “I imagine that would get us all thrown out.”

Gisley nodded and asked who they should pick then. Jaina said to keep it comfortable and simple. She recommended the human priest and that they pull him into Sandris's dream as she was alone in some kind of castle. Gisley nodded and worked her magic, pulling at one dream cloud and drawing it to the other. In moments the man walked through a door to find Sandris nervously looking out a window. Gisley used her power over dreams to fill the man with love and arousal as if he had come home to his wife after weeks of being away.

The three girls were now in the room with them but completely undetectable. They watched in silence as the man went to Sandris and took her in his arms. It looked like it was going well until he leaned in to kiss her, and Sandris panicked, kicking away with a cry of alarm.

“She isn't ready for this,” Evalynn said. “She is still a man in her heart, and she isn't gay.”

“She isn’t a man,” Gisley insisted. “What she was in the other world is meaningless here. She is a woman as completely as anyone can be.” They watched as the dream faltered and the man suddenly vanished.

“What happened to him?” Jaina asked.

“He was in her dream, and it became hostile to him, so he was ejected,” Gisley sighed. “He probably woke up from the sudden shift in what he expected.”

“So, what do we do now?” Evalynn asked as they watched Sandris lean against the window and start crying. “Do we try the elf?”

“No,” Gisley said and waved a hand, making the three visible in the dream. “Sandris? What happened?”

Sandris looked up and tried to wipe her tears away before they saw them.

“How did you get here?” Sandris asked in shock.

“I told you I could manipulate your dreams,” Gisley reminded. “We were watching to see how you did. Now tell me what went wrong.”

“I'm sorry,” she pleaded. “I just couldn't do it.”

“You don't need to be so afraid,” Gisley urged and walked up to take her in an embrace. “You're a woman, and making love to a man isn't anything to be ashamed of.”

“I know, but I still feel like a man inside,” Sandris cried. “I just feel so wrong trying to do this.”

“They called this gender shock in the classes,” Jaina said. “She has it bad.”

“She needs to reset and go back to being a man,” Evalynn added.

“No, she doesn't,” Gisley urged and tightened the hug. “Shh, just cry it all out,” Gisley urged. “You don't know it yet, but there are many wonderful things about being a woman.”

“Their are?” Sandris asked.

“Of course, there are,” Gisley replied. “We are the ones who add all the beauty and fun to the world. With just a smile and a little glance, you can set a man's heart to beating faster. You have so many wonderful choices of clothing, and we have the best voices for singing. Our lips are like the petals of roses, and men get lost when they stare into our eyes. We are often treasured by those who seek our affections, and no man can make love for as long as a woman can.”

“You haven't had a lizardman yet,” Jaina pointed out, causing Evalynn to snicker.

“My point is, women are beautiful, sexual, and radiant. We are the driving force behind love, and without us, men have nothing to strive for. You are one of these treasures now, and you need to feel your worth as a woman,” Gisley insisted.

“I don't know-how,” Sandris said and looked away. “I am not sure I ever will.”

Gisley felt terrible for her and tried to think of another way to encourage her. She looked to Jaina for help when a wonderful idea came to mind.

“What if you made love to a woman who was pretending to be a man?” Gisley asked.

“What?” Sandris said and looked up. “How does that work?”

Gisley turned to Jaina with a smile and then explained that Jaina was a morphic and could change her appearance. She was a woman but could appear as a man if she wanted to. Jaina could make love to her and bridge the gap, giving her the experience of a man while still being a woman.

“I guess so,” Sandris said weakly.

“Are we sure about this?” Jaina asked. “If I appear as a man, isn't it just going to feel the same as if I was a real one?”

“What matters is what she thinks in her mind, not what she sees with her eyes,” Gisley said and then had another thought. “Or maybe, we should just blindfold her.”

“Actually, that might be a great idea,” Evalynn agreed. “Let her see Jaina as she is now, then blindfold her and take it slow.”

Gisley nodded in agreement and asked Sandris if she was willing to let them blindfold her. She nodded and was instructed to stare at Jain, memorizing the curves of her beautiful female body. Then Gisley produced a red silk scarf and gently wrapped it around Sandris's head. When it was firmly in place, she asked if she could see anything, and Sandris insisted she couldn't.

Gisley stepped away and whispered to Jaina to take that previous man's form. Jaina nodded, and in a quick shift of her body, she was now the human priest, naked and looking at the trembling Sandris.

“I am going to talk you through everything,” Gisley said as she took Sandris's hand and pulled her to the side as a bed magically appeared in the room. Gisley guided her to it and helped her lay back, urging her to relax and then leaning over to kiss her. “You are kissing a girl,” Gisley cooed softly. “And another girl wants to eat your pussy, so spread your legs for her.”

Sandris trembled as she spread her delicate legs allowing Jaina to climb between them while Gisley rubbed at the woman’s furry stomach.

“Now, focus on my voice and touch,” Gisley insisted. “Everyone in this dream is a woman, no matter what you might feel.”

Sandris nodded as Gisley reached lower, playing with the edge of the woman's folds just before Jaina closed in and started to lick. Sandris's arm raced up and wrapped around Gisley's back. She caught the other one before it could reach the blindfold and quickly pressed it to her chest. She reminded the woman that it was Jaina between her legs. Just another girl from the harem and nothing to worry about. Sandris nodded and tried to relax as a little moan escaped her lips. Evalynn came to the other side of the bed and took the other arm, helping to hold the woman in place.

“You are doing good,” Gisley said as she played with one of Sandris’s breasts. “See, you are making love to three women, and nothing is out of the ordinary. I bet you have done this a thousand times in the harem.”

“I have,” Sandris moaned as Jaina's very masculine face feasted on the woman's body.

Gisley looked up to Evalynn and then raised to fingers before kissing them. She reached down and rubbed at Sandris's pussy, causing her to cry out in shock as her back arched and her legs struggled to close. Jaina forced them to remain open as Sandris had a good long orgasm, Gisley forcing it to last nearly thirty seconds.

Sandris thrashed as Gisley took her hand away and ran the fingers over her own lips to taste the woman's honey.

“She’s delicious,” Gisley said and reached her fingers out to Evalynn to give her a taste. Evalynn sucked the fingers in, giving them a good cleaning before nodding that she was.

“Of course, the collars ensure every woman tastes sweet,” Evalynn commented.

“And yet they all taste a little different,” Gisley said. “Almost like a thousand flavors of soda.”

Sandris began to moan in rapid pants as she threw her head forward. Jaina was successfully eating her to another orgasm, and just under a minute later, the woman exploded. She tugged at her arms, desperate to get free as her body shook in the throes of passion. Jaina pulled away as fingers replaced her efforts, thrusting into the woman's body to keep up the pressure. Sandris moaned as her feet danced in the air, her body rocking gently with the thrusting.

“You are doing so good,” Gisley whispered. “Can you feel the sexual power building up inside? Soon you will know what it feels like to be a woman. Your body was meant to know sensual pleasure. It is why you are so soft and beautiful like a flower so that men will desire you.”

Gisley hoped her words were prepping the woman for what was coming as Jaina shifted closer to her body. She wanted to help the woman overcome her fear and give her an experience that wasn't truly a man and not fully a woman. She nodded to Evalynn, who took firm hold of one arm while Gisley took the other, then Jaina tried to carefully and quickly switch her fingers for her male parts. Sandris noticed the change immediately and cried out in alarm, struggling to get her arms free.

“Shhh,” Gisley said soothingly. “Remember, that’s just Jaina. You are still making love to a woman.”

“But it feels!” Sandris cried as she arched her back under a firm push from Jaina.

“It's still just Jaina,” Gisley whispered and leaned over to kiss her. “And you are still making love to three women.”

“No, It feels…So good!” Sandris cried as she thrashed. “Oh, I can't believe I like this!”

Gisley smiled wide and met Evalynn's gaze as the two women dared to relax their hold and go back to playing with the woman's body. Gisley reached down to rub at Sandris's clit, while Jaina continued to firmly pound the woman's pussy. Evalynn leaned over to kiss the woman and guided her hands to her own breasts. Sandris was squeezing her breasts in no time as her body began to shake in the throes of a nearby orgasm. When it finally came, she sang out and then reached up, pulling Jaina down to her.

She wrapped her arms and legs around Jaina tightly as she panted in a never-ending song of passion. With a wide smile, she rocked her hips to meet Jaina while clutching her lover tightly. The moment had the desired effect, and she threw her head back, calling out with no shame.

“This is it,” Gisley said happily as Sandris leaned forward and pressed her lips to Jaina’s. “Now you know what it feels like to be a woman, and you won’t ever be ashamed to experience it again.”

The lovemaking continued for another ten minutes, with Jaina taking her time to ensure Sandris got the full experience. Gisley even managed to coax the woman to suck on Jaina's cock by sharing it with her. Their lips and tongues danced together as they teased Jaina, savoring the flavor of the sex that had just happened. They tried a few fun positions, driving Sandris wild while the smile never left her face.

At last, it was Sandris's turn to take over, and Jaina laid back on the bed as Gisley guided the woman into place. Sandris sat astride Jaina and worked her hips, doing all the work as she discovered this position gave her even more pleasure. She shook in two more orgasms from her own efforts before her voice started to fade from exertion.

When Sandris was finally exhausted, Jaina picked her up and carried her to the window as Gisley threw it open. A cool breeze blew in from a dark sky, soothing the woman's hot skin. Gisley and Evalynn stroked her back as she clung to Jaina's chest, relishing the breeze that raised goosebumps.

“Why did that feel so good?” Sandris said in a tired voice.

“Sandris, I already told you the answer to that,” Gisley whispered. “Now you admit it to me. What are you?”

“A woman,” Sandris replied in a weak voice. “And I have never been so happy.”

Gisley looked up to see the approving smile on Jaina's face. She honestly felt she had done something good here and hoped Sandris would enjoy a fuller life, just like she did when she met Jaina. They stood in the window looking out over a dream version of some distant city as Sandris fell asleep in the dream and woke up for real.

“Does that mean we’re done?” Evalynn asked.

“Not yet,” Gisley said and looked to the others.

“What else is there to do?” Jaina asked.

“I just realized that it doesn't matter where Jaina sleeps; we can always spend the night together,” Gisley said and took their hands. The dream faded around them, and suddenly they were in another. Around them was the magic tent with a confused Roric and Chandice looking around. Outside was Gisley's little pond hidden in the forest under a star-filled sky.

“Did you pull us into a dream?” Roric asked as he got his bearings.

“I sure did,” Gisley replied and snapped her fingers, instantly altering the dream, so they were all naked. “Now, let's spend our night together so I can sing to my family.”

For the rest of the night, they made love to one another, and when they were all satisfied, Gisley unfurled her wings and fluttered over her pond singing in her magical voice. It was a beautiful end to a beautiful day, and tomorrow Sandris would wake up and be a woman inside and out.

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