The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-41 A masters love

Jaina awoke from a long dream of passion with her lovers to find herself tangled in a pile of women. All around her were beautiful women whose entire existence was to be sexual art. She turned her head to kiss the woman on her shoulder, causing a smile to spread. The woman looked up, and their eyes met, communicating all that needed to be said. She shifted so their lips could come together, and Jaina eagerly accepted the offer, spending the next twenty minutes in a simple, passionate kiss. Then they snuggled closer as she stroked the back of the woman over Jaina’s chest, getting a pleased groan.

Jaina felt content to be a part of it all, but then something very odd happened. The woman at her chest looked up and, out of nowhere, spoke.

“You have very pretty eyes,” she said in a hushed voice.

Jaina was confused by the sudden words when she hadn’t heard any of them speak other than in the heat of passion. The woman could see the doubt on Jiana's face, so she crawled up to lean over Jaina and whispered some more.

“We know we're not supposed to talk, but some of us dare to whisper a comment or two when Rajeen isn't here,” she said. “The matrons who care for us don't mind if we talk in a hushed whisper.”

“So we can talk a little?” Jaina replied cautiously.

“Only when Rajeen isn't here,” the woman she had been kissing added in. “And she usually plays with whoever she took to bed first thing in the morning. She won’t be here for another hour, so if you want to say something, now is the time.”

Jaina wasn't sure what she wanted to say that wasn't simple praise of the women's beauty. It seemed a rather silly comment considering they were all beautiful, and she had gotten used to being silent.

“So, did you really have sex with all those men?” The woman at her chest asked.

“You know about me then?” Jaina asked as the woman nodded. “Well, yes. I did,” Jaina admitted. “And tonight, I will have sex with more.”

“Then we will have to purify you again,” the woman said with a pleased smile.

Jaina blushed as she remembered yesterday's cleansing, where she was placed in a tub of warm scented water while twenty women scrubbed her body. They even used a device to rinse out the inside of her body, eager to purge every trace of the men. She vividly remembered the warm water pouring from her body as she was purged of the unwanted taint.

“You know that purifying is kind of a reward,” Jaina suggested as the woman at her shoulder snuggled in.

“It's meant to make you feel good before you're locked away for a year,” the woman at her chest replied. “But the rumor is you have special permission because you're a shape shifter, and you're on loan from another master.”

“I see gossip spreads even when your not supposed to talk,” Jaina said and started to stroke the woman at her side. “And yes, that rumor is true. I have a primary master who has loaned me to the harem for Rajeen's pleasure. As part of the agreement, I still work at night for my original master.”

“Why?” the woman at her chest asked. “Wouldn’t you rather be here for good?”

“Honestly, no,” Jaina said as she noted the confused look on the woman's face. She realized they didn't understand her motivation, so she explained why she came to New Eden. How she and Roric were a pair, and she couldn't do the things she did without him. She also told them a little about their dream and how they planned to build a magical forest full of sexual adventures.

“That sounds fun, but I like it here,” the woman at her side said.

“I would still rather share myself with other women,” the one at her chest intoned.

Jaina understood their points of view and to each their own. If a woman was happy to be here or simply to share herself only with other women, that was her choice. She honestly thought that what Rajeen enjoyed most was taking women who did like men and forcing them exclusively to love women. She enjoyed having the power to deny them sex with men and Jaina had a sneaking suspicion she would one day try to convince Jaina to stay. Of course, it wouldn't work, but she liked the idea that Rajeen desired her. The two women started to kiss one another, using Jaina as a bed as their kissing progressed to much more. Jaina stroked and petted them as they started to moan, and the harem slowly woke up to resume its day-to-day role. Rajeen joined them an hour later and watched for a bit before heading out. This was when Jaina was free to roam, so she quickly met her family in the common hall and sat at a table close to a fountain.

“So, how were your dreams?” Gisley asked with a wide smile.

“You know exactly how they were, you sneaky little fairy,” Jaina laughed as she sat down.

“You know I feel bad that I hadn’t considered using Gisley to bring us together at nights,” Roric said. “It gives us hours of time to love one another.”

“We should consider inviting Sandris into one of our dreams,” Chandice offered. “Give her a little more experience.”

“I’m not sure she is ready for the kind of pounding Roric likes to give his women,” Jaina laughed. “But she seems to have gained an understanding of what she was.”

“I wish you could have seen her,” Gisley said as they looked at Chandice. “She was so happy to finally be making love to a man.”

“She was hung up on thinking of herself as a man,” Evalynn added. “She might have those memories, but no matter how you look at it now, she is a woman.”

“It must be hard for some people,” Jaina said and looked at Roric with a smile. “We discussed your coming as a woman once. If I recall, you told me it would never happen unless the transition wiped your memories.”

“I know who I am,” Roric said. “And it sounds like our friend was suffering from gender shock.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Jaina agreed. “She was so tightly wound up in her male identity she couldn’t let go.”

“Why would anyone like that choose to play a woman?” Chandice asked as she looked over a menu.

“She said she thought it would be more fun,” Gisley replied. “I think she thought that just changing her body would change her mind.”

“They tell you in class that doesn’t happen,” Roric said as he put an arm around Jaina. “And considering the trouble they gave us about our choices, I am sure they make you jump through hoops if you plan to switch genders.”

“Honestly, I think most people have no trouble with it,” Evalynn interjected. “Until Sandris, I have never even heard of somebody with her problem.”

“I am just glad I was able to help her,” Gisley said as she looked around the room.

“Hoping to see her?” Jaina asked as she noted how Gisley searched.

“I was,” Gisley admitted. “But I am sure we will see her later.”

“Will we?” Evalynn asked. “She said she was planning on leaving. Now that she is ready to embrace love with a man, she might already be on her way out.”

“Oh,” Gisley said with a sad note. “I really wanted to see her again.”

“Nope, I can't live with Gisley being sad,” Jaina said as she got up.

“Where are you going?” Roric asked as Jaina adjusted her silk wraps.

“I can go into the private rooms,” Jaina replied. “I am going to find Sandris and send her to the table.”

Gisley’s eyes started to sparkle at the prospect, and Jaina knew this was her task. She wandered the hall and then went behind the bar into the kitchens where a dozen women were lounging in a nook, talking. She asked about Sandris, and none of them knew where she was, so Jaina headed to the back halls, where there was a stairwell to the harems. It was guarded by two tiger men NPCs who nodded as Jaina smiled and walked passed. She hoped to find her before reaching the harem as then she would be unable to ask questions and might be pulled into sex. To her great relief, she found the deer woman at the end of a hall, nervously pacing.

“Sandris,” Jaina called as she approached, causing the woman’s ears to stand straight up.

“Oh, it’s you,” Sandris said in surprise.

“Are you alright? You seem very nervous,” Jaina said, noting how she shifted her feed and didn't seem to know what to do with her hands.

“I don’t know what to do,” Sandris said. “I enjoyed last night, but now I don’t know if I have the courage to leave.”

“Why wouldn’t you have the courage to go?” Jaina asked, not sure why this was such a big deal.

“If I go, I can never come back,” Sandris replied. “I will have to make it on my own.”

“Sandris,” Jaina sighed and took one of the woman’s hands. “Why are you so afraid of life?”

“I don't know,” Sandris admitted. “Maybe it's because I wasn't very good at taking care of myself in the real world. When I came here, I thought things would be easy, but you still have to work hard.”

“Well, you need to do something profitable, but we can talk about that later,” Jaina said, pulling her from the hall. “Are you off work?”

“I am not working today,” Sandris replied.

“Then come sit with us,” Jaina urged. “Gisley really wants to talk to you.”

Sandris nodded, and Jaina led her back to the table to sit her down next to Gisley. Jaina introduced her to the others as Sandris withered under Roric's gaze.

“Is something wrong?” Gisley asked.

“I feel embarrassed that he knows I slept with a man,” Sandris said.

“Why would that be embarrassing?” Roric asked as he leaned back in his chair. “That’s perfectly normal behavior for an adult woman.”

“But I used to be a man,” she admitted.

“No,” Roric corrected and waived a finger. “You are a woman, and whatever you think you used to be is wrong. Holding on to those memories is doing nothing but hurting you. You are a woman, and you did what is perfectly natural for you to do. What you should be talking about right now is how much you regret not doing it sooner.”

“But,” she started to argue, but Roric cut her off.

“Prove to me without talking about your previous life that you are a man,” Roric said.

Sandris blinked, and Jaina could tell she was honestly trying to think of some way to prove it. However, Roric had her trapped as there was nothing of her previous life left. She was and always would be a woman. It was only her thinking that was different. She finally admitted she couldn't, and Roric explained that was because she wasn't a man. This caused her to smile slightly as Roric began to ask some questions about what she wanted from the world.

Her answers were rather simple; she wanted to see magical places but not be in any real danger. She wanted to play the game in safe mode, where all the dangers were hidden away, and somebody was present to take care of her. Roric nodded his head as she admitted she wasn't very good at managing things and often got distracted. However, she did like having sex, especially with other women. It took a little prying to get her to admit she wanted to have sex with more men, but she blushed deeply after saying it.

“I know how to solve your problem,” Roric said with a nod.

“You do?” Jaina asked with a raised brow.

“Yes,” Roric said and listed off the important details. She wanted to see more of the world and experience some of its magic. She wanted to have sex regularly and was very interested in more men. She wasn't very good at taking care of herself, so she needed somebody who would take charge.

“What she needs is to be sold,” Roric suggested.

“What?” Sandris said as her ears went straight up.

“To a man,” Roric added. “You need to be sold to another slave master who will carry you off and take good care of you. Then you will get to see more of the world from the safety of your master’s protection.”

“But, being sold?” Sandris said nervously. “I would have no say in who bought me.”

“None,” Roric replied.

“We should buy her,” Jaina suggested, but Roric shook his head.

“No, we are too close to Rajeen, and she would want Sandris out of her inn. We would have to leave with her and never come back,” Roric said. “However, I could tell her that you and Sandris have become friends, and I have learned through you that she is unhappy here.”

“But Rajeen might kick me out then,” Sandris argued.

“A good master never throws out a slave for being unhappy,” Roric countered. “She sells to a master who can make the slave happy. I can tell from my time with her that she enjoys controlling your lives. I doubt she would pass up the chance to make such decisions for you.”

“Oh, how exciting,” Evalynn sighed. “To be sold on auction to an unknown buyer.”

“Do we need to sell you?” Chandice laughed.

“I am perfectly happy where I am,” Evalynn countered. “I was just pointing out that I find the lack of control exciting.”

“It is very nerve-wracking,” Jaina agreed. “When Rajeen tried to make me believe Roric had sold me and left, I was filled with emotion. It was equal parts excitement and terror, but it quickly became a sense of betrayal because Roric promised he would never sell me.”

“And I wouldn’t, at least not for real,” Roric agreed. “But Sandris might want to consider it if she wants to keep exploring what she has become.”

“You really think I should be sold?” Sandris asked as she trembled nervously.

“It is just a suggestion,” Roric said. “If you want to keep exploring your potential, you will have to leave here, and a new master might be the best option. It will guarantee you will be taken care of and fulfill your fantasies. You strike me like the type that will be sold often as you yearn to keep expanding your understanding.”

Sandris looked faint, but Gisley took her hand and suggested they try another dream that night. Rajeen was going to start serving glitter spiked drinks, which meant dozens of men to pick from. Gisley suggested Sandris try several men and get a good feel for what she wanted. This would help make the transition to a new master easier as she had more experience.

Sandris agreed, so Gisley blew some glitter to ensure the girl was marked and then teased her about all the fun they would have tonight. Jaina moved chairs to sit beside Chandice so she could hold her hand and play with her fingers. She felt a need to be with Chandice for some reason, and the woman leaned over to whisper words she was dying to hear.

“Do you need your girlfriend?” Chandice asked.

“Yes, please,” Jaina replied and was rewarded with an arm around her back.

“I’ll be honest, I need you too,” Chandice whispered as Roric spoke with Sandris. “So much is happening so fast I feel out of control.”

Jaina was surprised to hear that from Chandice, who always seemed so well-grounded. She leaned in to whisper that they should spend some time together, and Chandice asked if it could be alone. Jaina wanted to spend as much time with her family as possible, but this felt serious. So she got up and told Roric she needed to speak with Chandice. He nodded and urged her to take her time, then promised to order her some cake for when she got back. Jaina then took Chandice by the hand and took her to one of the private rooms they used for their prostitution.

“So, what's wrong?” Jaina asked, afraid Chandice might have changed her mind.

Chandice sat on the bed and shook her head slowly as if trying to figure out where to start.

“I have been thinking about us,” Chandice said and looked up. “By us, I mean all of us. The more I assume this role, the more responsibility I feel. I don't know that I can lead like Roric, and I am not sure I want to.”

“So you are worried your not up to the task of being our mistress?” Jaina asked to make sure she had understood.

“It was fun initially, but Alexandria's attack and how Roric felt responsible for the town got me thinking. I didn't feel responsible for that, and I doubt I would have thought to handle it the way he did. I worry that makes me ill-suited to be his partner in all this. I love you all so much I don't want to let any of you down,” Chandice explained.

Jaina could see her point of view. While she and Roric had years of working together to solidify their roles, Chandice was brand new to this. She was content to be a barmaid while attempting some solo adventuring. Now she was dating Roric, taking care of three slave girls, and dealing with open hostility from Alexandria. There was pressure on her to marry Roric and make the role official but only because everyone loved her.

“Maybe we should take a step back,” Jaina said and moved to rub up against Chandice. “You really have been thrust into a lot of responsibility, and nobody stopped to ask if you wanted it.”

“it isn't that I don't want it,” Chandice began. “It's just that it all came at once. I was a barmaid just over a week ago. Now I sleep with a man who is supposed to be my husband soon.”

“Chandice,” Jaina said and rubbed her back. “All of that can wait until you are ready to deal with it. Roric will give you all the time you need, even if it takes years. So why don't you focus on being my girlfriend and let Roric handle all the other stuff? You can still play your role when you feel like it, but otherwise, you are my girlfriend.”

“I do want this to work,” Chandice said. “But I don’t know how to do it as well as Roric. I worry I don’t have the heart for it.”

“Lover,” Jaina laughed. “That you even care so much proves you have the heart for it. You feel responsible for your slave girl's happiness, and that speaks volumes about you. I now know you are perfect for the role we hope you will fill, and you shouldn't compare yourself to Roric. He has been planning this life with me for years. We even practiced it in other games to work out the bugs. You don't have any of that experience, and it will take you some time to gain it.”

“Thank you,” Chandice said and let out a relieved sigh. “I was beginning to feel overwhelmed, but I knew you would understand.”

“Of course I do, and you should know, Roric will too. He would have grown even more fond of you if you had said this to him. He cares about his girls, and knowing you feel that way about us would touch his heart,” Jaina insisted. “You can tell him any of these things, and I promise he will understand.”

“I will try to be more open with him,” Chandice agreed. “It’s just I really consider you my girlfriend. I kinda feel like I should be marrying you, not him.”

“Oh,” Jaina said and leaned in to kiss Chadice's neck. “Is that a proposal?”

“Would you marry me just like that?” Chandice laughed.

“After what you just said about being worried you're not good enough to care for us, I would marry you in a second,” Jaina said. “But I know you aren't ready for that. Maybe we should talk to Roric about the whole marriage thing. This world has all sorts of poly marriage options, we could all marry each other, or you and I could marry then marry Roric. Whatever you want, I am open to it.”

“You mean that?” Chandice asked with a smile.

“I love you,” Jaina whispered back. “And I would be happy to be your wife.”

“How did I get so lucky?” Chandice said. “You two appeared out of nowhere and just swept me up.”

“Chandice, you had a lot to do with that,” Jaina said. “First, you were not at all put off by Roric being a beastman. Then you were fine with him having sex slaves, even letting me watch while he had sex with you. You let me eat your body and loved it, then agreed to be my girlfriend. Of course, we were going to invite you to come with us.”

“And I feel like I belong,” Chandice replied. “I so badly want to be a part of this. I just want to be sure I can make you all happy.”

“You can, and you will,” Jaina said and leaned in for a kiss. “I would love to show you how happy you make me.”

“You little tease,” Chandice laughed. “You made love to me for an hour last night.”

“We made love to each other,” Jaina corrected with a wide smile. “It got so hot the others stopped to watch us.”

“That was rather hot,” Chandice admitted as she blushed. “Alright, you have convinced me that I am not as bad at this as I thought. I guess I just needed somebody to talk to about it.”

“You can talk to all of us,” Jaina urged. “Gisley and Evalynn love the idea of you being in charge of them. Gisley even liked it when you spanked her.”

“I kinda liked that too,” Chandice replied as she smiled.

“Well, why don't you do it some more,” Jaina asked and got up. She took the silk wrap off her waist to expose her rear, then laid across Chandice's lap. “Practice on me.” Jaina felt Chandice squeeze her rear and tensed as the woman gave her a playful slap. Then the hand came away, and she closed her eyes just before the first good smack. Slowly they started to come, with Chandice giving Jaina her first proper spanking. Jaina felt so dominated by the woman, and even though her rear started to sting, she was in heaven. After a dozen good smacks, Chandice stopped to rub Jaina's red cheeks.

“I enjoyed that,” Chandice said. “I think I will spank you more often.”

“Yes, mistress,” Jaina replied just to tease her.

“Stop, you bad girl,” Chandice laughed and gave her another smack. “Now hurry up and find another boyfriend so we can have a threesome again.”

“I am trying,” Jaina replied. “The lizardman was the only one who wanted something deeper than just sex.”

“Well, try harder,” Chandice urged. “Goodness, you had a dozen men who were absolutely in love with you in the last town.”

“That’s because I was just me,” Jaina said as she got up. “Because of the paw print and how much we are charging, I am only attracting men interested in helping keep me locked up.”

“Yeah, that is an issue,” Chandice agreed and got up to take her hand. “I will have to find a threesome with Gisley or Evalynn.”

“There is always Droslin,” Jaina offered.

“Actually, I might just do that,” Chandice said. “Shed needs help with him anyway.”

“See, you care about your girls,” Jaina said with a smile. “You can’t help but want to protect them.”

They hugged and locked lips, kissing as only two women can kiss. When they parted, Chandice was happy again, and Jaina dressed before they returned to the table holding hands. Sandris was gone, and two large pieces of cake were waiting for them as Roric held Evalynn in his lap.

“You did get us cake,” Jaina said happily as she sat down.

“I did,” Roric said as he used his claws to comb Evalynn's hair as she moaned softly. “Oh, there is something I wanted to mention to you.”

“And that is?” Jaina asked.

“I was supposed to pay Rajeen twenty percent of your take on nights I kept you from her harem, but it seems you paid her for me,” Roric said.

“I did? How?” Jaina asked as she looked confused.

“That slave girl you sent her,” Roric explained. “She was so delighted that you converted a woman like that. She wants you to do it as often as you can, and she has waived the cut of profits on nights you send her a girl.”

“Goodness, she likes to collect women,” Jaina said while cutting a forkful out of her cake. “But that woman was ready to consider it anyway. I don't know how often I can repeat that.”

“It doesn't matter how often you can manage it,” Roric replied. “Just when the opportunity arises, you help guide them in.”

“Our little Jaina leads other women into slavery with her charms,” Chandice said and held up a forkful of cake to feed Jaina.

Jaina opened her mouth as Chandice slowly began to feed her, savoring the tender moment as the others watched. Gisley let out a tender sigh as the two stared at one another in obvious love. Jaina couldn’t believe she had such a life and deeply desired to spend the next eternity in the arms of the people sitting around the table.

They spent the rest of the day together, and then the night began with the three girls dancing for another massive crowd. Gisley's drinks were offered and sold rapidly, as they came with the promise of erotic dreams. The girls danced and swayed as the audience cheered to see their bodies on display.

Jaina was in the guise of another woman from the harem, a dark elf woman with silver hair streaked with red. Her paw print showed like neon against her midnight blue skin. To help drive the audience wild, Gisley and Evalynn focused on tormenting Jaina, even holding her arms as they masturbated her right before their eyes. There was nothing subtle about it, and the two women played between Jaina's legs, making her cry out in rapid pants as her body shook.

Then the night truly began with the men coming in to ravage her body. Most of them were brief, only interested in adding to the count with a grin on their face. Some took their time, but there was no magical lover like her lizardman to end the night. She met with Roric and the others when it was done to kiss them all goodnight and headed to the harem for her purifying. Just before she reached the doors, one of the head women stopped her and stood in her way.

“Do you know the slave Sandris?” the woman asked.

“Umm, yes,” Jaina said nervously, wondering why this woman was asking about her.

“Master Rajeen wishes to speak with you in private,” the woman said, reaching up with a leash to attach it to Jaina's collar.

Jaina was stunned when the woman said no more and walked off, towing Jaina behind like a disobedient pet. They arrived at Rajeen's private chambers, and the woman knocked before announcing that she had the slave in question.

The doors swung open, and Rajeen stood in a relaxed pose at the far side of the room. She was naked, and her body was silhouetted by a fireplace glowing soft light. However, at her feet was a woman on her knees with hands tied behind her back. Jaina only needed to see that small bushy tail to know it was Sandris.

“Leave us,” Rajeen said as the woman removed the leash and left the room, closing the door behind her. The tiger woman locked eyes with Jaina, and for the first time, Jaina saw displeasure in those otherwise playful eyes. They stared at her as if trying to decide her punishment; then, she walked toward the bed and motioned Jaina to join her.

Jaina didn’t say a word as she walked to the side of the bed and was summarily thrown down before her garments were ripped away. Her body was left exposed as Rajeen pulled her legs wide open and inspected her tender pussy.

“It is amazing how well the cleanse skill works,” Rajeen said as she played with Jaina’s folds. “It makes the act of purifying you mostly symbolic, but I think the girls enjoy doing it.” She shoved two fingers inside Jaina and began to thrust while Jaina kept her legs wide open for her master. “I suppose you are wondering why you are here.”

Jaina nodded as fear crawled up her spine. It must have something to do with Sandris, and if so, it might link back to her and Roric.

“It would appear I have a slave girl who is not happy with me,” Rajeen said softly as she continued to pleasure Jaina. “It would seem she has discovered a taste for men and say’s you helped her find it.”

Now Jaina understood the situation and wanted to explain herself, but what could she say to the woman who was currently holding her pussy in a death grip.

“If you are afraid to speak, you know have my permission,” Rajeen said.

“First, this is a very awkward way to ask somebody a question,” Jaina said as she looked up to meet the woman's gaze. “Second, she came to Gisley to ask her some questions. Gisley being the sweet innocent girl she is, was all too happy to answer them.”

“I see,” Rajeen said as she pressed deeper into Jaina. “So when does this lead to you taking the form of a man and fucking my slave-girl?”

“It was a dream,” Jaina said, causing Rajeen to stop suddenly.

“A dream?” Rajeen repeated.

“Yes,” Jaina replied. “Gisley blew some of her glitter over the woman and ensured she had a good dream. She saw what she wanted to see and had the experience her heart desired. When we spoke to her about the dream this morning, she was all aglow with her desire to have more.”

“So you two didn’t sneak off to some dark corner of my inn for sex?” Rajeen asked.

“No, we most certainly did not,” Jaina insisted.

Rajeen stepped back and turned to the woman who was silently kneeling on the floor. She asked poor Sandris if the encounter had, in fact, been a dream and the woman said yes. Rajeen then reached down and cut the woman's arms free before sweeping her up and carrying her to the bed. She was placed in it beside Jaina as Rajeen let out a tired sigh.

“I want you two to make love,” Rajeen said. “Here, in my bed.”

“But, what about you?” Jaina asked.

“I am not what she is looking for,” Rajeen replied. “If I am correct, you can take the guise of every man you have touched in the last few hours. I want you to make love to her as all of them, taking her over and over until she is satisfied.”

“What is that going to prove?” Jaina asked in a growing concern.

Rajeen looked deeply hurt and turned away as she spoke sorrowfully.

“I hate to see my girls go,” Rajeen said. “I want them to be happy as my pets, but sometimes they don't settle. I am hoping you can feed this desire enough that she will come to her senses and wish to stay. I love my little doe girl.”

Jaina was shocked to hear that Rajeen was upset about losing Sandris. She even claimed to love her, giving her the pet name of doe girl. She looked at Sandris, who was shocked to hear it herself and decided to go to Rajeeen instead.

“Hey,” Jaina said as she put an arm on the wounded woman’s shoulder. “Did she tell you why she was thinking about leaving?”

“No, she just told me she wanted to go,” Rajeen replied. “Or I should say she mentioned it to one of the girls, and she reported it to me.”

“I think you should ask her what is going on inside,” Jaina urged. “You will be surprised to learn she loves you and your harem but has a deeper struggle going on.”

Rajeen turned to look at Sandris, who closed her eyes and looked away.

“My slave, what are you not telling me?” Rajeen asked and moved to sit beside her. “What can I do to make you happy?”

Sandris started to cry and threw herself into Rajeen’s arms, laying out the whole story. She explained how she used to be a man and only joined the harem to hide from her fears. She loved it here and loved being Rajeen's pet, but there was a hole inside swallowing her up, and she needed to face it.

“She needs to experience men so she can affirm to herself that she is now a woman,” Jaina said as she sat beside them. “She can't go on thinking like a man while trapped in that body. Hiding here is only making the transition harder.”

“I see,” Rajeen replied and put an arm around Sandris. “But what am I to do?”

“Well, Roric listened to her plight earlier, and he had an idea,” Jaina said as she rubbed at Rajeen's back. “He thinks you should sell her.”

“Sell one of my slave girls?” Rajeen balked. “I couldn’t do that.”

“She needs to be sold to a man who will love and treasure her,” Jaina said. “It will also do her a world of good to be treated as a woman by a man. It will help her blossom into the flower she should be. And who knows, she might come back to your harem one day and be able to appreciate it far more than she can now.”

Rajeen nodded and pulled Sandris into her lap, cradling the woman as she rocked. A tear fell into Sandris's hair as Rejeen softly whispered to the woman that she loved her. Jaina was struck by how much emotion the tiger woman had for her pets. It was a relief to know that Rajeen held her girls in such high regard and treasured them so dearly.

“I will do whatever it takes to make you happy,” Rajeen whispered. “Even if I have to find the perfect man to sell you to. But I will miss you, my little doe. I always enjoyed seeing you frolic.”

Jaina had to turn her head to wipe her own eyes as the moment moved her to tears. Rajeen was legitimately upset about losing Sandris and was going to miss her. It was a touching display of love between master and slave and a powerful moment in Sandris's new life. Rajeen reached up and put an arm around Jaina, pulling her into the emotional moment. She thanked Jaina for helping her slave girl and for opening her eyes to the woman’s pain.

“I understand what it means to be a slave,” Jaina said. “And I will do all I can to help my master with her harem.”

“You have a heart that was born to be a slave girl,” Rajeen said. “I can see it in everything you do. Even calling me master is not so much to honor me but to obey your true master in Roric. You love this life and can't imagine living it any other way. I would pay your Roric a month of your earnings to keep you,” Rajeen said. “But I can see he loves you like I do, my little doe, and I know he would never part with you.”

“I love this life because of Roric,” Jaina said. “My master gives me meaning, and I couldn’t do this without him. It would be empty and without conviction.”

“Hence why I will never be able to keep you,” Rajeen replied Sadly. “But in the meantime, I will enjoy your company. Now, take the form of any man and let you and I make love to Sandris.”

“I have a better idea,” Jaina said with a smile. “You have proven to me that you are a wonderful and caring master. I would like to invite you into a secret and share my whole family with you. All I need to know is if you tried one of Gisley’s drinks?”

“I did, but what does this have to do with your secret?” Rajeen asked with raised brows.

“Let’s just say we have a long night ahead of us,” Jaina replied.

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