The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-43 Sold to another

Jaina stood side by side with her slave sisters just behind Roric and Chandice. A dozen other people of note were also in attendance as a historic event unfolded. Rajeen stood proud and noble before her throne, dressed in a white and golden dress accentuating her feminine form. Beside her stood Sandris wrapped in ornate silks and wearing a veil as she trembled over what was happening.

Before them stood a man with deer-like antlers on his head. He was a handsome man with a kind face sporting a well-trimmed beard. Jaina learned his name was Drellis, and he was suspected of being a rather high level. He maintained a magical grove in a distant forest that was rumored to be much bigger inside than out. They were there to bear witness to the first time Rajeen had ever sold a slave girl, and Drellis was the buyer. He was more than eager to purchase the doe woman, his eyes glancing at her with love and compassion.

The terms of the sale were simple; she would be purchased for one thousand gold and a promise that if he ever decides to sell her, he would offer Rajeen the first choice to buy her. The deal was struck, and Rajeen took Sandris into her arms before the whole audience and began to cry. She ordered Sandris to turn around and reveal her mark, then caught a single tear as it fell. She wiped the tear across the mark, and it magically vanished along with her slave collar.

“You are sold,” Rajeen said as she stepped back. “Go with your new master, and may you find the love you so richly deserve.”

Sandris descended the steps and bowed her head as the dryad man placed his collar around her neck. He attached a golden chain before reaching up a gentle hand to lift Sandris's veil. Jaina felt her heart race as he leaned in to kiss her, the love so plainly obvious. Then as Sandris began to cry, he took her leash and led her away, taking her home to be a pet, frolicking in his magical grove. She looked up at Jaina as they passed, a gentle smile on her face as she mouthed a thank you.

“Go and be happy,” Jaina whispered as Sandris nodded and walked away.

“Why do I want to cry?” Evalynn asked as the two walked the long distance down the hall.

“Because this is as beautiful as a wedding,” Jaina replied. “I am glad she found a man who loves her so completely.”

“Why didn’t we buy her?” Gisley asked as she squeezed Jaina’s hand.

“She wasn’t ours to buy,” Roric replied. “Rajeen did offer her to me in private, but I knew it would be a mistake. Sandris needs to go far enough away that her life will feel new. She would still be here if we bought her, and hardly anything would change. Also, it would pain Rajeen to keep seeing her and not be able to call her a slave.”

“Not to mention we don’t have the collars,” Jaina added. “Though, there is a way to get more.”

“I am not sure we want to explore that option,” Roric replied as Sandris and her new owner finally left the room. “I don’t like the idea of any of you wearing a cursed tattoo.”

“Who cares if the curse is easy to feed?” Jaina asked. “If it requires me to have sex in some unusual way or publicly, I am not bothered by it.”

“But what if you have to be whipped like that other woman?” Gisley asked.

“That was just a rumor,” Jaina countered but still felt a chill run down her spine. The way Rajeen spoke about the potential risks made it clear this was not something to be taken lightly. She could find herself facing very strict sexual requirements or outright needs if she wasn't careful. Of course, the witch supposedly told you what the terms were first, so the person could choose to go ahead with it or not.

Once Sandris was gone, Rajeen looked visibly upset. She thanked those who had gathered to witness the event and then retired to her harem to embrace the girls she had left. Jaina felt a need to be in Roric’s arms, the display reminding her how important her master was. She fell into his embrace, hugging him, and she professed her love and need to be his slave.

“Shh,” Roric said as he rubbed her back. “You will always be my slave, and you will never be without a master. You will spend the rest of eternity providing your body to me or whoever else I sell it to.”

“Thank you,” Jaina whispered as she clutched him tight. He rubbed the back of her head, taking a deep breath as he enjoyed her embrace. They shared the warm moment for a minute before he suggested they go on a walk outside the city. The girls thought that was a great idea, especially when Roric suggested they pack a picnic and travel by magic disk.

An hour later, they passed a farm as Roric ran at a modest rate with Gisley on his shoulders. They didn't want to risk anyone seeing her wings, nor did he want her to have to be invisible for the trip. Instead, the others rode on the disk, commenting on how pretty Gisley's butterfly plug was. Roric took them into some hills where they discovered a variety of giant beetle scurried about. For fun, he leaned Jaina over the magic disk and buffed up by using his slave. She gave him her kiss of strength, and they established the magic bond that allowed Jaina to take some of his damage. Then he, Evalynn, and Chandice faced off against a few of the cow-sized bugs. While Gisley and Jain floated on the disk with the baskets.

“This is a fun change,” Gisley said as she cuddled with Jaina on the floating disk.

“It is nice to be out and see some of the countryside,” Jaina agreed as they watched Roric and the others square off against one of the giant bugs.

“I wonder if Sandris will come back one day,” Gisley added as she thought about the doe woman.

“Well, if she's happy with her new master, there is no reason for her to come back,” Jaina suggested. “But I suppose she might come to appreciate Rajeen's love and one day desire to return.”

“I thought she looked happy to be his slave,” Gisley added. “Did you see how she smiled when he put the leash on her collar?”

“I did,” Jaina said as she thought of the wonderful moment. Sandris was truly happy about being sold and looking forward to her new purpose. She would spend her days making love to her new master, her body his to use as he saw fit. Jaina was moved by the whole scene and deeply hoped all slave sales were just as beautiful.

“Do you think you could ever be sold?” Jaina asked as Gisley curled to her chest.

“No, I want to stay with you and Roric forever,” Gisley replied as she lifted one of Jaina’s breasts and began to suckle as if a child feeding from her mother.

“Oh, baby,” Jaina cooed as she closed her eyes and wrapped Gisley in her arms to cradle her to her chest. “You know I love it when you do this.” She smiled and began to rock, singing a soft lullaby as Gisley sucked on her nipple. The two spent a good hour in the embrace, sharing their love for one another. Jaina sang little songs the whole time as if trying to soothe a child to sleep. When at last they looked at one another with pleased smiles Roric and the others were returning to resume the trip.

With Gisley on his shoulders, he ran off, carrying the girls on the magic disk as Chandice complained the beetles were disgusting. They spit gooey balls that dissolved like acid, and she had two holes burned in her new robes to show for it. Thankfully the material would repair after a night in a magic wardrobe, but she was still rather unhappy about it.

After nearly an hour, they found a small brook that wound its way through the countryside. Roric took them to a shady tree, and it was here they laid out a blanket for their picnic. A basket packed with food was set out, and the girls sat about laughing and talking about Sandris as they relived the touching moment.

“So, I think we should talk about these tattoos,” Jaina said as she nibbled on a meat pie.

“I don’t want you getting one,” Chandice said and handed Gisley a cherry tart.

“Why not?” Jaina asked. “Think of what we could gain for a little inconvenience.”

“But will it be a little inconvenience?” Evalynn asked. “Rajeen only knew of a few of the curses, and she was sure there were far worse ones.”

“I understand, but she was able to double her collars and unlock one, so it caused no penalties,” Jaina pointed out. “Roric will reach a point where he can have three full collars soon. Think of what we could do if he had six instead. We could have taken Sandris or any other girls we fancy.”

“It would be fun to have more girls to play with,” Gisley agreed. “I am jealous that you get to play in Rajeen’s harem.”

“I am sure she would let you play in the harem if Roric asked her,” Jaina said and looked at her master. “So, what do you think about the tattoos?”

“I already told you, I am not so sure I like the idea,” Roric replied as Chandice nodded in agreement. “I have four wonderful women at my side, and I am swimming in your love. So why do I need the tattoos?”

“Because you only have two actual collars,” Jaina countered. “Your third collar comes from a special power you have to use daily. If we could double your collars, you would have four normal ones, and we could all wear one for good.”

“By we, I assume you mean the slave girls,” Chandice added with a smirk.

“Of course, I wouldn't expect my mistress to be in a collar,” Jaina cooed. “Which means you would have an additional slave girl to dress and care for.”

“Hmm, I like the sound of that,” Chandice agreed as she tossed her long blond hair. “But I still don’t like these curses.”

“Neither do I,” Roric added as he made a sandwich out of bread and meat. “What if the curse does something like you can no longer orgasm from men?”

“Then we don't get it,” Jaina countered. “Look, I am not saying we should accept any curse. All I am saying is it wouldn't hurt to find out. Let's look for this hex witch and see what she wants for the same thing she gave Rajeen. In fact, let's see what curse it takes to make you a chosen.”

“Why would we do that?” Roric asked.

“Because you would have an extra class. You could pick one of the big harem building ones, and then you would have extra collars to play with plus skills to manage the large harem of girls,” Jaina argued.

“You just want a lot of girls now that you have had a taste of it,” Evalynn laughed. “You really are a lesbian.”

“I am a lesbian,” Jaina said with a playful smile. “But it isn’t about the sex. Let’s be honest, we have a lot of sex because Roric desires it, but what would we do if it was just us?”

“A lot of cuddling,” Gisley answered.

“Exactly,” Jaina replied. “The sex is fun, but it's being in your arms or seeing that look in your eyes that matters most. I love it when we are all sleeping in one big pile, each of us clutching the other for warmth and comfort.”

“That’s actually what I like about it the most,” Evalynn admitted. “I love it when Gisley sleeps directly on top of me.”

“I love that too,” Jaina said, turning her smile on Gisley. “I feel so loved when you cuddle up like that.”

“That’s because I do love you,” Gisley replied and set her treat down. “I want to be as close to you as possible.”

“Now, just imagine how much fun that would be if we had more girls,” Jaina urged.

“You know, even with double the amount of collars, Rajeen can't possibly have collared all those girls. Most of them are wearing nonmagical collars like the ones Roric had made for you,” Chandice pointed out.

“I know,” Jaina agreed. “And I think we should consider taking slave girls even if we don’t have collars for them.”

“But they are only slaves in name then,” Roric countered. “Also, who wears them and when? Are they all prostitutes? Or just you three? We would need to answer these questions before we proceeded.”

“I know a lot of girls sounds fun, but I think our family should remain small,” Gisley said. “I don't mind playing with other girls once in a while, but I would rather focus my attention on just a few.

“I kinda agree with that,” Evalynn added. “A lot of girls is fun for a night or two, but how do we go on a picnic with thirty girls?”

“Oh, I hadn't considered that,” Jaina replied and returned to her original thought. “But a girl or two more would be fun.”

“I can see a couple more,” Chandice agreed. “But not an army like Rajeen has. I wouldn’t know who to dress or how to take care of you.”

“Yes, it works for Rajeen because she stays put and keeps them in one place,” Roric pointed out. “She also employs some of the girls to manage the larger harem for her.”

“Yeah, she does do that,” Jaina said and shook her head. “We're getting off track. Can we agree that it's worth looking for this witch to see what the cost is? If it's too high, we don't pay it, and we have a fun story of our adventure to find her.”

“I can agree to that,” Roric said with a nod. “But I will decide if the cost is too high. If I tell you no, I don’t want an argument.”

“I promise I won’t cause you any trouble, master,” Jaina said sweetly.

“I think she’s lying,” Chandice laughed. “Maybe she needs a good spanking to get the truth out of her.”

“I don’t mind a good spanking,” Jaina teased and turned around to show Chandice her rear. Her lovers looked admiringly at her plug and golden shield that protected her pussy. Gisley reached over to run her fingers over the bars of Jaina's pussy cage and smiled that Jaina couldn't feel a thing.

“I like this,” Gisley said as she played with it. “You can’t feel a thing, can you?”

“Well, I can feel you pushing on it,” Jaina replied. “But I can't feel any pleasure from it.”

“To think that gem is going to be inside you for nearly fifty years,” Evalynn sighed. “He was really smitten with you.”

“He was,” Jaina agreed. “But I am sure there will be special lovers for all of you.”

“Droslin is special, but I doubt he would buy me so expensive a gift,” Evalynn laughed. “Incidentally, I told him I would help him win a girlfriend. The poor boy was heartbroken but understood he can't have me for good.”

“I offered to help him as well,” Chandice added as she poured a fruity wine into a cup. “He was very grateful that we cared enough to want him to find love.”

“That’s what we do,” Gisley said. “We care about the men who come to us for love.”

“A lot of them appreciate that,” Evalynn added. “I feel so rewarded when they say thank you or tell me I was wonderful.”

“I like that too,” Jaina admitted and picked up a strawberry. She leaned over to hold it before Evalynn's lips allowing the woman to take a bite. Jaina ate the other half, and thus they began to share the strawberries, each eating half of the fruit. Gisley and Chandice cuddled into Roric to watch the tender display, the two women content to be a part of this wonderful love. Afterward, they all crawled into Roric's lap, laying across one another as they started at the clouds.

“So how long until we think about building our home?” Jaina asked as she played with a strand of Chandice’s hair.

“Honestly, we could probably do it now,” Roric said, causing all the women to look up.

“What?” Chandice asked in alarm.

“We have nearly a hundred thousand gold,” Roric said. “That's enough to give Evalynn the points she needs to make tens of square kilometers of forest and still pay for significant upgrades to my camp. It will even build you a massive magic item shop.”

“Wait, we are already near a hundred thousand?” Jaina asked in shock.

“We make over twenty thousand a night thanks to people's insane desire to have sex with one of Rajeen's slave girls,” Roric explained. “Then when you add what Chandice, Gisley, and Evalynn make, we are making a fortune. We are even selling her glitter drinks by the ton. Word has gotten out that buying a drink guarantees you a night filled with erotic dreams, and now they are selling out.”

“There were an awful lot of men to pick from when Rajeen was trying to prepare her,” Jaina agreed.

“Hundreds,” Chandice said with a nod. “But I still had no idea it was so much, and I help you count it.”

“If we are ready to start our home, where will we go?” Evalynn asked as she started to consider she might actually have her forest.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he considered his options. “If we want to find this witch, we should go north, but the safer lands are further south.”

“The best lands are outside the spawn ring,” Gisley insisted. “I hear people saying that a lot of high-level kingdoms are miles over the border.”

“But I seem to recall from the training that the southeast regions are very sparsely populated. A handful of minor kingdoms with one rather powerful one,” Roric suggested.

“But we are far to the north,” Evalynn said. “Even with our magical butterfly zipping us along, it would take us months to get to the south.”

“We would be better off paying for a portal to a city in the south,” Chandice suggested.

“But all our friends are up here,” Jaina reminded them. “We actually have a lot of friends, and I will miss some of them.”

“Funny how passionate sex makes friends,” Chandice laughed.

“It does seem to win people to our side,” Roric agreed. “And my girls are so very good at winning the hearts of their lovers.”

“Aww,” Gisley cooed and settled into his chest. “I love you.”

“We all do,” Jaina sighed. “You are the perfect master for any girl who wants to be loved while also pursuing her fantasies. You encourage us to live out all our wild sexual dreams, then welcome us into your arms.”

“I like to see you happy,” Roric replied as he stroked Jaina’s head. “And I know that no matter who makes love to you, you will always belong to me.”

“Sometimes, I can't wait to get back to you,” Jaina admitted. “Especially when somebody has made me feel a powerful emotion. For example, that lizardman drove me wild with love and passion, which only made me desire to be in your arms.”

“How did this group form?” Chandice asked as she pulled Evalynn into her arms to have somebody to hug. “How in the world did this magical family form?”

“Roric and Jaina,” Gisley replied. “They showed us how wonderful being a sex slave could be.”

“Well, I didn’t want to be a sex slave, but having one for a girlfriend is very rewarding,” Chandice agreed. “And knowing we are going to build a home together makes me so excited.”

“I can’t wait to have my pond,” Gisley sighed and rubbed at Roric’s warm fur. “I will fill the forest with my songs and enchant the land for miles.”

“Enchanted forest,” Jaina said as she sat up. “You know that's the perfect place for Sandris and her master to dwell. He enchants an area of forest to make a magical grove. Where better to do that than inside an already magical forest?”

“Hugh. That is a good idea,” Chandice agreed. “But we don’t even know the man. He might not want to live in our forest.”

“It's just a thought,” Jaina said as she played with Gisley's hair. “It wouldn't hurt to ask him if he wants to dwell in the love wood.”

“We can always ask him,” Roric said as he shifted to unbuckle his pants. “But we can talk about that later. I have something more important for you two to do with those lips.”

Gisley and Jaina smiled and helped pull the belt open, then his leg armor just enough to expose his bestial sheath. They slid down until they could both kiss at the skin, teasing the flesh inside. Slowly the sheath began to swell until the pinkish skin emerged to waiting lips. Gisley and Jaina kissed at it as it slowly grew in size until Roric wrapped a hand firmly around the back of Jaina's head. He pulled her down, forcing her to swallow his cock until her lips kissed his sheath.

She looked up with pleading eyes as Gisley began to stroke her back, encouraging her to please her master. Jaina became confused about why Roric was holding her there until she felt the mass growing in her mouth. Jaina shook as Roric's knot began to swell, filling her mouth as his ever-increasing cock stretched down her throat.

“I can see the bulge,” Gisley said as she stroked Jaina’s throat. “He’s way down here.”

Jaina couldn't believe how far into her throat he was, and even more alarming was the mass stretching her mouth. In moments she was full, his knot too large to spit out, and she looked up with concern as Roric came to his knees and put both hands behind her head.

“Close your eyes,” Roric instructed as she looked down on his helpless slave.

Jaina closed her eyes as Gisley continued to stroke her throat, exclaiming that it was rock hard from being so full. Roric tested the fit, pulling Jaina's head with him. When it was clear she could not release him, he settled in and gave her a gentle thrust.

Jaina felt her heart race as her master started to fuck her mouth. He had never tried something like this before, and now that he was fully engorged, there was no going back. She kept her eyes shut as he gave her a few careful thrusts, the magic of her slave collar making this whole thing possible. Thanks to the collar, she couldn't gag, and her throat would stretch to accommodate him, but it was still shocking to be used in such a way. She felt that magical mixture of tension and lust as he picked up the pace, using her mouth how he wanted.

“Oh, that is so hot,” Chandice cried as hands came to Jiana’s body. They wandered over her back and rear until one of them pulled at her plugs. She felt the gem inside her pussy pulling away as something crawled under her chest. Gisley's warm lips suckled at a nipple as somebodies tongue licked at her rear. The plugs came out, leaving her sacred holes longing to be filled. A tongue tasted at her rear, licking in a way that drove her wild. Fingers reached into her petal-like folds, rubbing at her clit before diving deep into her body.

Jaina felt her body quake as it was assaulted from every side by her lovers. Gisley's magical sucking set her chest on fire and sent tingling shocks down her spine. The tongue at her rear and the fingers thrusting into her body sent shocks upward to meet them. They collided in her stomach, creating a storm of raging passion that built to orgasm in moments.

Her cry was muffled by the knot in her mouth as her body trembled in a sexual firestorm. Her one free breast bounced back and forth as Roric began to use her throat like he did her pussy. He was merciless, taking what he wanted from his slave girl, and Jaina never felt more excited.

The overstimulation made her arms tremble, and she was sure it was Roric's firm grip on her head that was keeping her up. She moaned helplessly as Gisley switched to the other breast, leaving her first one wet and throbbing. Her eyes rolled back as her body quaked in another orgasm that caused her pussy to run wet. She heard a voice speaking, but she was so lost in the power of sex that the words were garbled.

Jaina's entire body began to shake as Roric continued pounding, and the others took what they wanted from her flesh. It was maddening to feel such sexual stimulation and be helpless to do anything but take it. She was Roric's sex slave, and he could use her how he saw fit; now, he was proving that, and she loved it.

Orgasms three saw her relax as she settled into a state of bliss, happy that her body was being used. She contented herself with being a sex toy, fulfilling her role as she was intended. Orgasm four was greeted with a Gisley clinging to her waist as the fairy girl writhed in pleasure. It was then Jaina realized she was sharing the orgasms, the power of the collar forcing all three slave girls to feel the pleasure.

Somewhere after orgasm five, Roric clutched her head more tightly. He moaned as he leaned back, his cock deep in her throat. Jaina was filled with excitement and panic as she knew what was coming. The seconds felt like minutes as his breathing grew more intense and thrusting went deeper. Then he pulled her face to his waist while thrusting in and let out a primal growl.

Jaina could feel his cock throbbing as it pumped hot semen so deep in her throat that she didn't need to swallow. She shared the orgasm, passing it down to Gisley and Evalynn, who rolled in pleasure. Only Chandice was left out as she didn't wear a collar, but she enjoyed seeing the girls in the throes of passion.

Roric held Jaina still for a long time, his knot slowly shrinking until, at last, he was able to pull it from her mouth. It came out with a trickle of cum falling from her lips to land in Gisley's belly as she continued to suck at Jaina's breast.

Jaina stood motionless as she took deep breaths until Evalynn came around and lifted her head for a kiss. The two women mixed tongues as they shared the flavor of Roric's cum while Chandice pushed Jaina's plugs back in.

When the kiss broke, Jaina fell on Gisley, licking the spilled cum from her belly. It was a delight to be so free to explore such wild fantasies, and nothing made her more aroused than Roric. She had been used as a sex slave and was never more happy, hoping these moments would repeat frequently in the future.

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