The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-44 From Safety to Danger

Jaina lounged on a large red cushion as she rubbed one of Rajeens clawed feet. She found it funny how she and Roric had the feet of the animal they represented but human hands and bodies. Still, it was fun to play with those padded feet, rubbing between her furry toes as Rajeen lounged with two of her pets. Before them was the rest of the harem, playing as they always did, the air filled with the scent of women and orgasms.

Jaina felt much closer to the woman now that they had shared the experience of Sandris. The touching way Rajeen parted with the skittish woman would forever mark her as a worthy master. Still, there were things about Rajeen Jaina was curious about. For example, her inn was more than just a place to drink and stay. It was more of a pleasure palace and played a role in local politics. The rogues guilds politely worked with Rajeen, as did several other groups Jaina had yet to identify. She saw their representatives come and go, always seeking private meetings with the white tiger woman. She wondered if those meetings involved negotiations like she shared with Roric, forging a deal while having intimate sex.

She was also curious about the fact that Rajeen lactated. How was the woman producing milk in a world where pregnancy was almost unheard of? It served no purpose if there were no babies to feed, so why had the visitors written such a thing in?

“You seem distracted,” Rajeeen said as she cradled two of her pets in her arms.

Jaina looked up, unsure if she should speak, but Rajeen nodded and gave her express permission.

“I was just curious about s a few things,” Jaina said.

“Then satiate your curiosity and ask me what you wish to know,” Rajeen insisted.

Jaina smiled and went back to rubbing that pawed foot. “Well, how is it you are lactating?”

The two girls in her arms giggled, and Rajeen patted their backs to quiet them down. She looked at Jaina intently with a kind of humorous smile.

“You know the answer to that already, but I am aware I did not explain it well,” Rajeen began. “You see, that is the product of another succubus tattoo.”

“So your tattoo has three powers,” Jaina said in surprise.

“No, mine only has two,” Rajeen corrected and turned to the woman in her left arm. “Give Shazili an orgasm.” The woman nodded and reached down, slipping her fingers into her sister's folds. She began to rub the other woman, making her moan with delight as Rajeen held her legs open. After a minute or so, the woman threw her head back and began to shake, her body rolling in a loving orgasm. Jaina immediately saw the purple glow of another tattoo, this time on the slave girl right where Rajeen's was located.

“She has one too,” Jaina said in surprise.

“All of my alpha girls have one,” Rajeen replied. “They each bear one for my sake, and hers allows me to produce milk.”

“So it’s the tattoo doing that,” Jaina said with a nod. “That’s too bad.”

“How is that too bad?” Rajeen asked with a curious tone.

“Well,” Jaina began and explained how much Gisley loved to suckle at her breast. She hoped there was an easy way to produce milk herself so Gisley would be rewarded the next time she went to suckle.

“I see,” Rajeen replied with a nod and looked between her two girls. “Should we help your sister with her dream?”

“I think her desires are noble,” the woman on the left said.

“She only wants to share a loving experience with her sister,” the other added.

“I agree,” Rajeen said and pulled them tighter. “So I will have a potion made for you.”

“A potion?” Jaina asked.

“Oh, yes,” Rajeen said as the two girls began to play with her chest. “You see, a potion can be brewed with a sample of my milk that will provide the same benefit. Its effects only last for twenty-four hours, but for that duration, your breasts will be full of sustenance.”

“You can really do such a thing?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“It is one of the most profitable things people come to my inn to buy. There are few women in all the land who produce milk, making the supply very rare. Alchemists and other crafters of rare potions spend a fortune for small samples,” Rajeen explained.

Jaina jumped up and hugged her, and Rajeen folded her arms so that all three of them were crushed in her embrace. She was delighted to know she could share something like that with Gisley and wanted to thank Rajeen.

“I love you,” Jaina whispered. “And when I leave here, I will take that love with me and never forget you.” She waited for the response, but when it didn't come, she looked up to see tears in Rajeen's eyes. “Oh, did I say something I shouldn't have?”

“No,” Rajeen said in a soft voice. “You have said the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. All I have ever wanted was for my girls to be happy, and to know I made you so happy you can profess such love is the greatest gift I will ever receive.”

“I will always consider myself your slave,” Jaina said as she rubbed her cheek on Rajeen's shoulder. “Because in my heart, I know that is exactly what I am.”

“Oh, how terrible she will leave one day,” one of the girls said. “She belongs here with us.”

“No,” Rajeen was quick to counter. “She belongs with her master, but who knows, one day, many years from now, perhaps we could buy her for a bit. She could spend ten years in our harem before we sold her back.”

“Hmm, I might like that,” Jaina admitted.

“I will have the potion made and deliver it to you tonight. When next her lips suckle at your breast, she will taste the sweetness of your milk,” Rajeen assured her.

“Thank you,” Jaina whispered as a hand traced down her back.

“Oh, I like this,” the woman on the left said as her hand traced along Jaina's golden pussy shield.

“What is this?” Rajeen asked, so Jaina got up and turned around while bending over to give them a good view.

“That is so pretty,” the other woman said. “It’s like jewelry for your pussy.”

“It has a certain erotic charm to it,” Rajeen added. “But why are you wearing such a thing?”

Jaina explained the lizardman and how he paid extra, assuming he would be the last man to make love to her for nearly fifty years. She then pulled the shield out to show them the hidden red gem and explained the man's final wish.

“He wanted you to keep that inside until the belt came off,” one of the girls said. “How romantic.”

“That is very touching,” Rajeen agreed. “But it is even more touching that you wished to honor him.”

“I feel bad that he spent all that money and then worked so hard to make my final act of passion memorable. I honestly would have worn the belt if I could, but Roric said no. However, he insisted I keep the gem and supported my desire to have it inside me. He was the one who had this cage made so I could keep the gem where it belongs and have some measure of chastity while doing it.”

“You are both very noble to want to honor a stranger's wishes,” Rajeen said with a nod. “Most people would have taken the money and laughed at the deception. Instead, you two felt a responsibility for his wishes and have done the best you could to honor them. I am very honored to call your master my friend, and even more so that his pet is in my harem.”

Jaina was ordered back to Rajeen's lap, where the two women kissed her and played with Jaina's breasts. Rajeen had her lean into her chest and then held Jaina's legs wide while the two women knelt between them to lick at her tender pussy. Jaina moaned as Rajeen whispered in her ear, promising to love Jaina forever. She also said something that made Jaina gasp, admitting that she had never met a man like Roric. That he cared for his girls so deeply had touched her heart, and if he ever asked her to wear his collar, she would.

“When you have your home, I will come to visit,” Rajeen promised. “And I will wear his collar and be one of your sisters while I stay.”

Jaina cried out as her body shook at the edge of release, her mind trying to envision Rajeen sleeping in her arms. Her orgasm came like a dam bursting, her back arching as Rajeen clutched her tightly. When her spasms subsided, the two slave girls kissed and rubbed her feet, helping her relax in Rajeen's arms. She settled in with a warm smile while running a hand up her furry chest to cup a large, firm breast.

“Mistress, may I taste your milk?” Jaina asked, causing Rajeen to cradle her in her arms and press Jaina's face to her breast. Jaina's lips parted and wrapped around the tender nipple before gently sucking. A warm creamy fluid filled her mouth, coating her tongue with a smooth, soothing flavor. Jaina swallowed a mouthful as she moaned in delight and hungrily sucked out more. For several minutes she fed from the tiger woman, who gently stroked her head. She pulled away when she started to feel full and met Rajeen's pleased gaze.

“Was it to your liking?” Rajeen asked.

“Hmm,” Jaina said as she smiled. “It was wonderful. It felt so exciting to be feeding from your body. I wish I could do that a lot more.”

“I wish I could let you, but this is a rare treat I give to the girl I take to bed at night,” Rajeen replied. “But continue to be my sweet pet, and I am sure you will be that girl sooner or later.”

Jaina sighed and settled in her master's arms as her feet were rubbed and kissed. She honestly felt sleepy and mentioned it to Rajeen, who explained it was the milk. It conferred a blessing known as mother's milk that soothed away all pain, acted as a healthy meal, and made the drinker sleepy. Rajeen laughed that she would have to put Jaina down for a nap but would wake her when it was time to return to Roric. A few minutes later, she was tucked into a warm bed and given a kiss on the cheek by Rajeen before drifting off to sleep. She awoke to a rather pleasant surprise of Evalynn laying in bed beside her, sleeping soundly.

“Well, this is nice,” Jaina said as she turned over and put an arm over the naked elf woman. “But how exactly did you get into the harem?”

“Oh, you're awake,” Evalynn replied and rolled onto her back. “I came to get you, and Rajeen said you had just gone down for your nap. She invited me to nap with you, so I took her up on the offer.”

“So she just let you climb into her bed and sleep beside me,” Jaina laughed. “She’s as big a softy as Roric is.”

“She loves you,” Evalynn replied and stroked Jaina’s cheek. “We all do.”

“Hmm, why didn't I come to New Eden sooner?” Jaina asked and leaned down to kiss Evalynn, who wrapped an arm around her head and pulled her in. When the kiss ended, Evalynn told her that Roric went out to look into maps of the northern regions to try and pinpoint this witch. He had already spoken to Rajeen about where to find her. But it was outside the spawn ring and approaching the dangerous wilds, so he wanted to be careful.

“Oh, so it’s a serious effort,” Jaina said.

“He worries we are not high enough level for it,” Evalynnn said. “He wants all of us to be above level thirty.”

“We're not too far from that now,” Jaina replied. “Well, Chandice is a little behind, but they can run some quests while we lounge around the inn.”

“He mentioned that,” Evalynn answered as she squeezed at Jaina's rear. “He wants Gisley or I to be at your side at all times, preferably both of us when possible.”

Jaina was surprised by the need for a bodyguard and asked why. Evalynn's eyes darkened, and she let out a pained sigh before answering. Rajeen had contacts in many of the prominent guilds, and she had the loyalty of the local rogues. Unfortunately, one of her contacts alerted her to the knowledge that somebody was paying a high price for information about a woman and man named Jaina and Roric.

“Why can’t that woman leave us alone?” Jaina groaned and sat up to pout.

“Rajeen assured Roric we were safe inside the inn, and Santos was called in to provide rogues to shadow our movements in the city,” Evalynn explained.

“We shouldn't have to do any of that,” Jaina complained. “That woman decided that I should be hers the moment she discovered I was a morphic slave.”

“Honestly, it seems like she got upset when you took her form to dance and service the men. She did vow to get you back for it,” Evalynn reminded.

“What harm did that do?” Jaina asked. “So what if some of the men she had been stringing along got what they wanted. Did it really affect her life?”

“Whose to say how it affected her,” Evalynn replied. “We don't know what she is working all those connections for. Maybe we spoiled something important to her, and we don't' even know it.”

“Maybe,” Jaina agreed as she considered the unforeseen consequences. Alexandria was insane with a need to strike back at Roric and Jaina to an almost obsessive degree. Something must have been damaged that night that drove Alexandria mad with a need for revenge. Whatever the cause, it had followed them to yet another home where life was just starting to feel magical.

“Is this why Roric is looking for information about the witch?” Jaina asked. “He’s planning to run, isn’t he?”

“He and Rajeen sat down to talk about it while I came here to keep you warm,” Evalynn replied. “I have no idea what was said, but from what I gleaned beforehand, he thinks it's time to leave.”

“I am sick of that woman chasing us away from our happiness,” Jaina pouted. “Every time we make close friends and settle in, we are driven out.”

“We never planned to stay here anyway,” Evalynn offered.

“Oh, I know, but we still could have spent more time,” Jaina protested. “I love Rajeen, and I want more time with her. I am going to miss her so badly when we have to leave.”

“I am very pleased to hear that,” Rajeen said as she walked into the room. “And I cannot tell you how I will cry when I have to wave goodbye.”

Jaina ran out of the bed and threw herself into the tiger woman's arms, hugging tightly as if to prevent them from ever parting. She felt tears moistening her eyes, but Rajeen insisted she not cry.

“I have magical guards set up all across the inn,” Rajeen explained. “They can detect most hidden players and should make it difficult for an assassin to get in. I also have girls from every conceivable class. Some of the best fighters will escort you when you go out, and my seers will magically watch your steps. My slave rogues will prowl the inn looking for intruders, and all my girls will be ready for a fight. Anyone who sets foot in my inn to cause trouble will find a small army of angry slave girls standing against them.”

“I am sorry we brought trouble on you,” Jaina sighed.

“Do not be so upset,” Rajeen urged. “You told me of the danger long before I welcomed you in. Also, remember, I knew of this Alexandria and the threat she posed from Santos. So I knew exactly what I was doing when I promised you would be safe here. Now, put these tormented thoughts away, and let me worry about the danger.”

“Oh, poor Santos,” Jaina replied and stepped back. “It's because of us his lair was destroyed, and he was going to build a new one here. We were supposed to start servicing his rogues again as part of our agreement.”

“You have been,” Rajeen pointed out. “Many of them have been coming to your dances and making use of your services afterward. Roric tells me there are at least four a night.”

“Droslin comes to me almost every night,” Evalynn added as she climbed out of bed. “So we have been upholding our part of the bargain.”

“Why haven’t I seen Santos then?” Jaina asked.

“I asked him not to bother you when you were taking on high-paying customers,” Rajeen said. “He and his men have been going to the other two, and I have given him some special attention.”

“Oh, you didn’t want him to cost us so much money,” Jaina said as she understood the reason.

“Waisting half an hour of your time when it costs fifty gold is one thing, but when you can get through three men at three hundred and fifty gold each, he is costing you a significant amount,” Rajeen explained.

“Still, I feel obligated to make myself available to him,” Jaina said.

“I love that you do your best to hold to agreements,” Rajeen said with a nod. “I will talk to Roric and see if he will agree to let you and Santos have some special time together.”

“Thank you,” Jaina said and then looked around nervously. “So, did Roric say anything about when we might leave?”

“You should ask him that yourself,” Rajeen replied and produced a small blue bottle from thin air. “Now, let us move on to more pleasant things. I have the potion I promised you.”

“That’s it?” Jaina said excitedly as Rajeen handed her the small bottle.

“It takes about an hour for its full effects to take hold, so drink it sometime tonight before bed,” Rajeen instructed.

Jaina could hardly believe she was holding a magic potion that would cause her breasts to swell with milk. Gisley was going to be surprised later when the naughty fairy sucked on her chest and got a mouthful of creamy pleasure. Evalynn asked what the potion was for, and Jaina explained her plan. The two laughed as Rajeen suggested they go to the bar room and have something warm to eat.

The room was just as it always seemed, except a pair of black-furred tiger men in ornate armor stood at every doorway and entrance. They carried curved swords and watched carefully as if expecting trouble at any moment. Jaina and Evalynn found a private nook surrounded by tropical plants to sit on pillows beside a low table. They were in the space only a moment when two women appeared out of the shadows. One was a tan elf with long dark hair tied into a ponytail. The other was a nearly black human-looking woman with solid white eyes and nearly purple hair.

“Hail, Jaina,” the elf woman said as she turned around and lifted the hem of her leather armor to reveal Rajeen's paw print. “We have been assigned to watch you while you are here.”

“Harem girls,” Evalynn said in surprise.

“Yes,” the elf woman said. “Does it surprise you to know that many of us were adventurers before we became slave girls?”

“I guess it does,” Evalynn replied as she felt foolish. “Though I suppose it shouldn’t. I was a warrior for quite a long time before I was collared.”

“Many in the harem are expert warriors, and we have all been tasked with watching for agents of this Alexandria,” the other woman said. “Since we can turn invisible, we have been asked to shadow you and ensure you are safe. We wanted to announce our presence so you knew we were nearby and would be listening to your conversations.”

“That’s very polite of you,” Jaina replied with a nod. “I feel safer already.”

The two smiled and faded out of sight, leaving Jaina to wonder if they had been there or if she had imagined it. They ordered two fruity drinks with dwarven rum and an extra-large basket of fried mushrooms to share between them. They ate and talked for over an hour when a woman with nearly neon blue hair walked by the entrance to their nook. She was dressed in gray leather with a black cloak and an array of spikes and daggers on belts across her body. She paused to stare at the two, her eyes suddenly growing larger as if surprised by what she saw. She smiled and hurried away, something in her step suggesting urgency, leaving the two very uncomfortable.

“I don’t like the look of that, Jaina said once the woman was gone.

“She looked at you like she was surprised to see you,” Evalynn remarked. “I think I should put my armor on and take up my weapon.”

“Can’t you summon your weapon?” Jaina asked as they two stood up.

“I can, but I would still feel safer with my armor on. I will switch into Rorics fake collar as well, so I have access to all combat abilities.”

“We saw her, and Lisha is following her now,” the voice of the elf woman spoke from nowhere. “If she proves to be suspicious, we will alert Rajeen and move you to a more secure location.”

“We are moving to our room,” Evalynn said, taking Jaina by the wrist. “That woman is up to something, and I intend to be ready for it.” She hurried Jaina into the halls and up to their suite. Jaina was surprised to see that their doorway was guarded by two of the tiger men and a harem girl dressed in full plate armor.

Evalynn hurried her inside and bolted the door twice before going to her armor arranged neatly on a table. Jaina helped her don the armor, tightening the straps until she was fully outfitted.

“I don’t understand why you weren’t in armor in the first place,” Jaina said.

“Rajeen said it wouldn't be necessary,” Evalynn replied as she mournfully removed the slave collar. She turned it over in her hands as if angry it had to come off. “I have had this on for days,” she said. “One day, I hope it can stay on for good.”

“We will find a home where we can have our dreams,” Jaina said as she took the collar from her hands. “And we will never take the collars off again.”

Evalynn nodded and took up her beautiful jeweled collar with the word slave spelled out in gems. She latched it around her neck and tested the fit before stepping back to buff. She glowed with red light, then yellow swirls, then a white bloom over her head. Jaina stepped in to kiss her and bestow even more strength before Evalynn was satisfied she was ready.

“Let's go back to the hall and pick a table out in the open,” Evalynn suggested. “I want us to be where everyone can see what is going on.”

“Maybe you should stay here,” the invisible elf woman suggested.

“Goodness, did you follow us into the room?” Jaina laughed as she shook from a fright.

“I told you we are assigned to watching you,” the woman replied.

“Well, I am grateful for that, but this only proves how effective a rogue is at stealth,” Jaina said as she looked around to see no one else in the room. “I worry that Alexandria will try something, and it will cost those around me dearly.”

“She practically burned down a whole town just to try and reset you,” Evalynn reminded. “If she was willing to go that far, she isn't going back at Rajeen standing in her way.”

“I wouldn't be so sure of that,” the hidden woman said. “Rajeen is well connected and has dealt with rivals before. If this Alexandria does any research, she will discover that Rajeen is not a rival she wants. With the snap of her fingers, twenty well-armed harem girls will descend on that woman's home and drag her back to throw at our mistress's feet.”

“You don’t know this woman like we do,” Evalynn protested. “She is mad with her desire for revenge and willing to spend coin to get it.”

“Our master knows who this Alexandria is,” the woman replied. “Most slave masters in the region are aware of each other and often work with the same groups. Our master has heard of this woman’s various plots to gain favor with the silver court.”

“The silver court?” Jaina asked as she gave up looking for the hidden woman. “What is that?”

“A while back, there was a great deal of trouble in the world,” the elf woman began. “Some conflict between player kingdoms erupted, quickly polarizing into two distinct camps. One group was led by a coalition of necromancers and other dark-powered players. They came to be known as the dark pact, but most people referred to them as the necromancer kings. The other group was a massive collection of player kingdoms united under the banner of their most powerful member. He is known as king Kevin, the dragon slayer, because he fought and slew a dragon that had once been his dearest companion.”

“That sounds like an interesting story,” Jaina commented as she sat on the bed.

“I know little of the details, but this group became known as the silver court because they stood for purity and truth,” the elf woman explained. “Though from what I hear Rajeen whisper in her meetings, she has a great deal of contempt for them.”

“I have been told being a necromancer is banned,” Evalynn said.

“It is banned,” the invisible woman replied. “And there is a bounty set on the head of any necromancer found. It is so high you essentially become your own kingdom.”

“See, we could have earned our money hunting necromancers,” Jaina laughed. “But Roric’s way is more fun.”

“I wouldn't laugh about that,” Evalynn said. “From the rumors I hear about it, that war got so bloody that some players who died never respawned.”

“I have heard that too,” the elf woman added. “The necromancers found a way to reanimate dead players, so they were essentially slaves.”

“Wait, I don’t understand that,” Jaina asked. “How is reanimating a dead player not a slave anyway?”

“When you reanimate a dead player, you are essentially turning the body into an undead NPC,” the elf woman said. “But the necromancers are rumored to have found a way to animate them, so the player rises with a new race set to zombie. It altered their character sheet, and they failed to respawn later when they were slain as an undead.”

“Oh,” Jaina replied as a chill went down her spine. “So they died for real?”

“Nobody knows,” the woman said. “But just talking about necromancers can get you in a world of trouble with the silver court. Your Alexandria is hoping to ingratiate herself with the leaders of the court by building the perfect collection of whores. She plans to travel the various lands, offering her elite selection of girls to the nobility to use as their playthings. She wants to be known as the mistress of the silver nobility.”

“That's why she wants me to so badly,” Jaina said. “A shape-shifting seductress must be perfect for what she is trying to accomplish.”

“And you have spurned her offers while also resisting her deceptions at every turn,” Evalynn commented. “Your stubborn insistence on following Roric is driving her mad.”

“Then I go and mock her by dancing in her form and probably damaging her efforts to build that relationship,” Jaina added. “No wonder she is so angry at me.”

“She should have taken no for an answer,” Evalynn countered. “She brought all this on herself by refusing to let you live your life the way you wanted.”

“But will there be anywhere safe to go?” Jaina asked. “If Alexandria is bound and determined to be a part of a powerful faction like that, where can we build our home?”

“The silver court holds sway over all of the north,” the elf woman said. “It is a little less powerful in the east and has almost no sway in the south.”

“Why is that?” Jaina asked.

“The south is where the necromancers held out, and most of the player kingdoms down there were abandoned,” the woman answered. “Once the war ended, there was a small scattering of kingdoms in the southeast, but the southwest is almost empty.”

“I would hate to go that far,” Jaina said. “All our friends are up here.”

“But if Alexandria successfully gains influence in the north, we may find it very dangerous to be here,” Evalynn replied.

“All of this is stupid,” Jaina groaned. “I just want to play the game and enjoy myself. What right does this woman have to demand I work for her or spend the rest of my life being hounded by her petty revenge? I swear one day I will pay her back for all of this, and she will leave us alone for good.”

“I hope you have a good plan then,” Evalynn said. “Because she is a strong manipulator.”

Jaina smiled as she considered her plan and what it would mean for Alexandria. One day she would get her chance, and their problems with Alexandria would come to an end.

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