The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-45 We have many friends

Roric was relieved when they made it back to the inn, feeling much safer inside Rajeen’s walls. The five harem women that escorted him parted once they were safely inside, returning to other duties to protect the inn. He felt remorse that their trouble had followed them, bringing even more of their friends into danger. It was an unpleasant thought, but he wondered if they were overreacting. Thus far, all they knew was that somebody was paying for information about them. He didn't know who or what it was for but had to suspect Alexandria. Thus far, she was the only one they had made an enemy of, though for the life of him, he didn't know-how.

The woman was fixated on the idea that Jaina would be better off working for her instead of him. When Jaina refused, Alexandria had Roric killed and tried to abduct Jaina in a bold attack. Thankfully Evalynn was on hand to deal with the threat. She tore through the lower-level rogues, decimating their numbers before Alexandria knew what hit her.

Later Jaina would provoke the woman by dancing in her form and then sharing that body with the men. By all accounts, Alexandria was stringing several important men along, using the promise of her body in the future to gain favors. Jaina put an end to all that by selling access to an exact copy of that body to anyone who wanted it.

Alexandria went ballistic when she found out, threatening all of them and promising to make them pay for what they had done. Considering the previous murder and abduction attempt, Roric had to take the threat seriously. He took his girls and headed to another town, moving away from the spawn areas and, hopefully, Alexandria. Of course, she refused to let her grudge go and made a failed attempt to steal their wealth. Her next move was a brutal attack meant to reset Jaina by destroying her home point and then killing her. She went to unbelievable lengths to accomplish this, trampling dozens of innocents in her madness. This effort ultimately failed, and Roric fled again, moving further away from the unstable woman. They traveled several days' distance before settling in a large city, hoping to be lost in the crowd.

It appeared that this worked for a while, and they forged a strong relationship with a local figure of significant power. Now somebody was paying for information about them, and it only made sense it was Alexandria. Still, part of him wanted to believe it was something less dire. Perhaps Jaina's reputation as a prostitute had reached the ears of a high-paying player, or a friend from earlier was searching for them.

“Why can’t that moron leave us alone?” Gisley asked as they walked through the inn. “She has no right to demand somebody work for her.”

“She must have a reason we aren’t aware of,” Chandice said. “No sane person would go to these lengths just because of what Jaina did. She must have a deeper motivation that she can’t let go.”

“Or she is insane,” Gisley posited.

“Insane or not, she has proven to be a threat,” Roric added. “Though to be fair, we don't know for certain this is related to her.”

“Who else could it be?” Gisley asked as she caught two men staring at her exposed rear. She smiled and walked on, intentionally leaning forward to give them a glimpse of her plug.

“We need more information about who the seeker is,” Roric replied. “I don't want to run if we don't have to. If we stay here for another week, we can have plenty of money to build anything we want.”

“You will need more bags of deep pockets to carry that amount of coins away,” Chandice laughed. “I will enchant a bunch for you.”

“We could always put it in the tent with my glitter bottles,” Gisley suggested causing Roric to nod.

“I suppose we could,” Roric agreed. “In fact, we should probably try to think of the stuff we want to buy and take with us. We can store it in the tent, so we are comfortable no matter where we go.”

“I want more dresses,” Chandice said. “Oh, and a magic wardrobe to hang them in.”

“I don’t really need anything, but I wish we could take some of the food with us,” Gisley added.

“Oh, the food here is so good,” Chandice agreed. “I wish we could take their cook with us.”

“Hmm, maybe our next slave needs to be a cooking class,” Roric teased as they entered the palatial chamber used for eating and drinking. They quickly spotted Jaina and Evalynn sitting in the open with two harem girls beside them. One was in robes with magical patterns, and the other was in scale armor, wearing a black helm with small curled horns. The presence of the two women added to the tension because it proved Rajeen wasn’t sure they were safe.

“Jaina,” Gisley called and rushed to the table to sit in Jaina's lap and wrap her in a hug. “I missed you.”

“I can tell,” Jaina said in a pleased tone as she wrapped her arms around the fairy woman. “I missed you too, sweetheart. Evalynn has told me the sad news as well.”

“Let's not talk about that,” Gisley said as she sat back and smiled at Jaina. She reached up to brush Jaina's hair back and leaned in for a gentle kiss before Chandice smacked her in the rear.

“Save that for the bedroom,” Chandice commanded and pointed to an empty seat. Gisley giggled as she climbed off Jaina’s lap and took a seat while Roric and Chandice sat across from them.

Jaina and Evalynn waited to hear the news, so Roric filled them in. He wasn't sure they were in danger yet and hoped they could say another week. However, he was going to prepare to leave and wanted to be ready in two days just in case. Once they left, they would go north, looking for the hex witch. He wanted to go south but didn't want to have to double back later to find the witch. He purchased some maps that showed the northern regions and, with Rajeen's instructions, was certain they could get close to the witch's lair. From there, they would have to figure it out, but he would rather do that now than after going far to the south.”

“If we happen to find a good place to build our home along the way, I think we should do it,” Roric said. “We have enough gold now, but I was hoping to double it so we could build a truly massive home.”

“You should be able to build enough forest that it takes a full day to cross it,” Chandice said as she smiled at Evalynn. “And Roric will hide his camp deep in the trees.”

“So we are going to look for a place to build our home?” Jaina asked as she considered that they might be close to their friends after all.

“I am just suggesting we keep an eye out,” Roric answered. “The north is pretty heavily settled, and finding the kind of room we want may be difficult.”

“But at least we will be close to our friends,” Jaina replied. “It’s terrible that we have to leave Rajeen and the others behind.”

Roric agreed, but it was still possible they might have to go much farther away. The biggest concern was Alexandria and how far she intended to pursue them. Even if they went days into the north, going beyond the spawn ring, she would still be relatively close. A week or more away would be better, but even then, word was bound to reach her sooner or later. For now, they would wait and see, putting the time they had to good use, and making all the money they could. If this recent event did prove to be another plot of Alexandria's, they would slip out in the night and vanish into the darkness.

“I still don't like the idea of these tattoos, Chandice said as they pondered looking for the witch. “At least my imp curse wears off eventually.”

“We have been over this,” Jaina countered. “If the cost is too high or hard, we say no and walk away.”

“At least we will drop off the radar while searching for her,” Roric added. “That might help throw Alexandria off our scent.”

“Speaking of scent, we should warn him about the blue-haired woman,” Evalynn interjected.

“What blue-haired woman?” Roric asked as his dog-like ears went up.

Jaina left it to Evalynn to explain the odd woman and her reaction when she saw Jaina. Evalynn was careful to make it clear the woman was not only surprised but rushed off just after. She also explained their conversation with the rogue women and how one of them was following her.

“I don’t like the sound of that,” Roric agreed and then looked to the harem girl in robes. “Have your sisters reported on what happened to her yet.”

“Not that I am aware of,” the woman replied. “However, I am sure one of the two stalkers is close enough to hear us.”

“I am right here,” the elven woman replied, her voice coming out of thin air.

“Did you learn anything?” Roric asked as if talking into his drink.

“The woman fled the inn and hurried into the streets. We followed her into an alleyway, where she vanished. We suspect she is also a rogue or some kind of huntress,” the invisible woman said.

“So, somebody knows we are here,” Evalynn growled. “Now, what will they do about it?”

“If this woman who hates you is a fool, she will come here to cause trouble,” the armored woman replied. “And we will show her that she has no power of influence over our master.”

“Just curious, but what class are you?” Jaina asked.

“I am a senchen warrior,” the woman replied. “It's like a paladin but with fun heat and sun-based skills.”

“I know it’s taboo to ask this sort of thing but are the girls in the harem very high level?” Jaina asked.

“Some of us are,” the woman replied. “The vast majority of the harem is modest in level, but there are quite a few exceptionally skilled women. The real danger of coming here are Rajeens allies. This city has quite a few powerful players, and they all consider Rajeen a valued friend.”

“I doubt that will stop Alexandria,” Evalynn commented. “She was willing to burn a town to the ground to get at us and hired assassins to ensure the job was done.”

“Our master is aware of what this woman has done and has already warned various parties. There are people watching for trouble and ready to intervene if they need to,” the warrior woman said.

“This place is so shielded in magic I doubt she could get in unless she had access to a level ninety or higher wizard,” the robed woman added.

“Be careful not to underestimate her. She has shown to have a surprising amount of influence,” Roric said.

“If we could ever settle in one place long enough, we could build some influence,” Jaina suggested.

“We have influence,” Chandice said soothingly and reached over the table to take one of Jaina’s hands. “Rajeen is doing all she can to help us because she loves you.”

“You're right,” Jaina said and nodded slowly. “It's just I feel like we get chased away just as we start to connect with people. I can't believe we have a mad woman stalking us over my choice of master.”

“As I said earlier to Roric and Gisley, Alexandria must have another motive. She would have to be a psychopath to go to these lengths for petty revenge,” Chandice explained.

“So, what are we going to do in the meantime?” Jaina asked.

“Well,” Roric began as he tapped his nails on the table. “What we really need is someplace we can level. I know you girls are gaining experience from sex, but Chandice and I need combat to earn some, or we will fall behind even more.”

“You need a place to earn experience?” the robed harem girl asked. “Why don’t you visit the sink?”

“What is the sink?” Roric asked with a raised brow. The others turned to the woman as she explained that there were sewers under the city and, under these, a small dungeon complex. It was known as the sink to the locals because everything managed to sink into the sewers. It was a haven for the local rogues and a variety of monsters. It could be accessed by a stairwell in a hidden corner of Rajeen's inn. They would need Rajeen's permission to open the door and use her entrance.

“Why would she have a connection to a sewer complex?” Jaina asked.

“We may be harem girls, but some of us like to keep training,” the armored woman said. “Rajeen allows us to form parties and raid the depths looking for treasures to haul back to our master.”

“I have more and more respect for Rajeen every day,” Jaina said.

“This could be fun,” Gisley said. “A dungeon right under our feet to explore.”

“I would complain that it's a sewer, but this world isn't as filthy as the old one was,” Chandice remarked. “Well, why don't we try it?”

“Why not, indeed,” Roric agreed. He left the girls to have something to eat while he went to see Rajeen. An hour later, he returned to inform them that they had permission to use the entrance and wanted to go now.

“It took you an hour to get permission?” Jaina asked with a wink. “Were you negotiating again?”

“It wasn’t much of a negotiation,” Roric admitted with a smile.

“Our poor master,” Jaina cooed and reached over to pat his hand. “He has to have sex with a sultry tiger woman just to get a door opened.”

“Ha, how hard his life must be,” Chandice laughed as she nibbled on what was left of a slice of cake.

“Are you two through teasing me?” Roric asked.

“Oh, I love to tease you,” Jaina said and took his hand. “I just want to make sure you know I am excited that you are having sex with other women.”

“Why don't you finish your teats, and we can go find this door,” he suggested. “I have some buffs you can help me with.”

“Oh, I want to buff you,” Gisley pouted with a trembling lip. “I never get to be the one you use.”

“You know what, she's right. Let the poor girl be the one who provides your buffs,” Jaina offered.

“You know, Evalynn hasn't provided them in a while,” Chandice said as she smiled at the elf woman.

“That’s because I am usually in armor when we go to places he needs buffs,” Evalynn pointed out.

“I am sure we can drop your leg armor long enough for you to bend over,” Chandice stated. “Gisley can provide them today, but you are providing them tomorrow.”

Evalynn produced a pleased smile, letting everyone know she was looking forward to it. Roric gave them a few more minutes to finish their sweets, then asked their guards to show them the stairs. They were taken through several doors reserved for harem girls only until finally arriving at the stairwell down to a lower room. This turned out to be a small complex of rooms under the inn that led to yet another stairwell with six tiger men guards standing before a large iron door.

“This is it,” the robed woman said as she stepped aside. “I assume she gave you the password?”

“She did,” Roric said with a nod. “Thank you for bringing us here and for protecting my girls.”

“It’s our pleasure,” the woman replied. “Any friend of our master is a friend of ours.”

The two informed them that they would return to the tavern room and wait for their return. Roric waved them off and then took his girls passed the tiger men, who watched with narrow eyes. They all wore black armor with small spikes on their shoulders and arms while carrying either a large sword or a long spear resembling Evalynn's glaive.

“So, this door requires a password?” Jaina asked as she got close enough to touch it.

“it does but first, I need to buff,” Roric said and turned to Gisley. “I need you to give your slave collar to Jaina and wear my spoils of war collar.”

Gisley nodded and went to remove the collar as Jaina tilted her head.

“I have Rajeen’s collar on,” Jaina pointed out.

“I am aware of that,” Roric replied. “But I want to make use of my full powers, and the more slave girls I have, the better.”

“Then I will wear Evalynn’s collar,” Jaina offered. “She can’t wear it in the dungeon anyway.”

“Trust me,” Roric said as he took the collar from Gisley and handed it to Jaina. “Just put it on.”

Roric waited for Jaina to switch collars, then turned to the fairy woman and placed the point of his spear at her neck. He asked her to surrender and submit to his command, which she willingly did, causing the red collar to appear around her neck.

“Now, Undress,” he commanded.

Gisley looked back at the tiger men who were watching intently and slowly shed her dress, revealing her tight body for all to see. Roric then motioned for her to turn and face the guards while putting her arms behind her back. She looked into their eyes as Roric grabbed her arms and reached between her legs to feed himself into her body. She flinched and let out a little groan as her master's large cock began to stretch her silky pussy.

“I can't wait until my turn,” Evalynn sighed and looked at the beastmen guards. “Though I wouldn't mind getting my lips around those.”

“You want to suck the beastmen?” Chandice asked in surprise as Evalynn blushed and nodded.

“Evalynn has a thing for beastmen,” Jaina explained. “She likes to be forced to pleasure them.”

“Really?” Chandice said as a wicked smile crossed her face. She walked to Roric and whispered in his ear, causing him to look at Jaina and Evalynn before nodding. Chandice then walked back to Evalynn and took her by the wrist, pulling her to the closest beastman.

“On your knees,” Chandice commanded as Evalynn slowly dropped to her knees before the tiger man. “Good girl. Now, you are going to suck all six of these men. You will get a reward if you bring them all to orgasm before Roric finishes with Gisley.”

“What reward?” Evalynn asked as she stared at the belt of the man before her.

“After you perform and earn your master his money, I will bring you to the tiger men's barracks, tie you to a bed and leave you to them until I come back in the morning,” Chandice explained.

Evalynn blushed deeply, causing Jaina and Chandice to laugh. Chandice then turned to the beastmen and asked them to get their cocks out for Evalynn. Nobody was sure they would listen to Chandice, but to their delight, the men all did as instructed, and the closest one held his dark purple flesh to Evalynn's lips.

“Go ahead and get started,” Chandice urged. “Gisley will be fully knotted any second.”

Evalynn broke into a furious pace, sucking at the massive cock while stroking the next one with her hand. The remaining four guards turned to watch Gisley as she moaned from her pussy being stretched.

Gisley saw those animal faces twitch and slowly smile as her breasts hung down before them. She met their gazes as each turned to get a good view while Roric's knot swelled inside her pussy. Then it began with Gisley's body shaking from the rapid assault going on behind. Her breasts danced as she called out in a musical voice that echoed from the chamber walls. Roric went at her hard while the guards watched every twitch of her body and listened to the wet slaps. She felt like she was on display, her sex their entertainment. She knew they were only NPCs, but the look on their faces was one of satisfaction to see her taken so forcefully. She closed her eyes and settled into the idea that they were going to witness everything. A moment later, she felt a sudden surge in sensation as her body flashed yellow and tiny magical collars drifted into the air.

[lvl 10 conqueror skill: Submit to me] Increases pleasure slave receives during sex while also buffing slave stamina by 20%

Gisley let out a deep groan as Roric’s cock suddenly felt much more satisfying. She twisted her hands as he held her arms together behind her back, feeling the helplessness of being his slave. The sensation began to build rapidly until her body heaved, and she sang out to mark the first joyous orgasm. As she did, she glowed red as little particles of light rushed to Roric, boosting his strength and health.

[lvl 5 Conqueror skill: Boone of the flesh] – Increases masters strength and health pool by having sex with a slave. Effect stacks for each slave used. Duration 1 hour per slave. (Increases the buff and duration per point spent on it)

Gisley was lost in another world as Roric hammered her wet body. She loved being his sex slave and relished the idea that her master was using her. She briefly considered her dreams about coming to New Eden and how things had turned out. She was actually grateful she picked prostitute as it brought her together with Roric and Jaina. Her thoughts were interrupted as her body was suddenly wrapped in magical red chains. Similar chains appeared around Jaina and Evalynn before a chain stretched from all three women to Roric.

[lvl 17 Conqueror skill: Shackles of power] While having sex with a slave, you establish a magical link with all your slaves, granting them 25 points to armor, while you gain 20 plus 5% per slave under your collar. The effect lasts 1 hour per slave. While under this effect, all your slaves orgasm when you do.

“What was that?” Jaina asked as she saw the effect go off. “Was that something new?”

“I got it at level seventeen,” Roric replied as he continued to punish the fairy. “It has a nice feature I think you are going to like.”

Jaina looked at Chandice, who shrugged, then glanced over to see Evalynn moaning as she had her second shared orgasm. She'd already finished one of the guards and was swallowing the second while stroking a third to get him ready. She was giving her all to complete the challenge, anxious to be the toy of Rajeen's NPC guardsmen.

Gisley began to tremble as her body reached its peak and teetered on another orgasm. It came rushing out a moment later, making her so wet it began to drop to the floor between her feet. She opened her eyes to see Evalynn's head bobbing rapidly at the waist of a guardsman. Most of them were still watching Gisley get pounded with approving expressions on their faces. Gisley began to wonder if she liked the idea of being watched. Surely she enjoyed the sex on the stage where a room full of people watched them make love to each other. But what about having sex with a man? Could she stand before hundreds and scream in pleasure as her body was roughly taken before them?

She began to twist her feet as her body was filled with her master's thick cock. She thrashed her head to toss her hair aside and saw poor Evalynn struggling to beat Roric to the finish. Gisley knew he wouldn't be much longer, and Evalynn's effort would be wasted. So, out of compassion for her slave sister, she activated her prostitute power of prolong, preventing Roric from finishing.

[lvl 11 Sex slave skill: Prolong] Slow the onset of your partner's orgasm, keeping them right at the edge for far longer than they would normally be able to bare. Women have significantly longer orgasms, and men never lose their erections during this period.

She heard Roric laugh as he knew what she had done, but he didn’t slow his pounding of her body one bit. Her breasts danced as she struggled to endure the sex consuming her body. By the time Evalynn was on the fifth guard, Gisley was on her sixth orgasm. There was a puddle between her legs, and her moans had become weak little pants.

“You can make this easier on yourself,” Roric urged. “I know you can finish me any time you want to.”

“But, Evalynn,” Gisley groaned. “I will hold out for her.”

Roric tightened his grip and somehow went at her harder as her head bounced with every impact. Gisley rolled her eyes back as her body wanted to explode from the pleasure it was feeling. She could no longer see how Evalynn was doing and didn't care. Instead, she focused on holding out for as long as possible to buy the woman enough time to finish. Her seventh orgasm made her cry out, begging Roric to slow down, his firm, rapid pace was keeping her at the very edge, and sexual escalation was making each new orgasm mind-blowing.

“Please, slow down!” she cried as her body thrashed in an effort to relieve the pressure.

“You can put a stop to this any time,” Roric replied. “All you have to do is let me finish.”

Gisley grit her teeth as another powerful orgasm drew closer. She was sure she would break when warm lips suddenly pressed against hers. She opened her eyes to see Evalynn looking back, the woman finally done with her task.

“You can finish him now,” Evalynn said as Gisley nearly cried for joy.

[lvl 10 Prostitute skill: Finish him] Bring a man who has been inside you for at least a minute to orgasm instantly]

Roric growled as he finally let loose inside the tormented fairy, causing her to share in the orgasm. However, Jaina suddenly buckled at the knees as she and Evalynn shared it as well. Roric kept up his pace, dragging out his orgasm as all three women writhed in pleasure until he finally pulled Gisley up and held her tight to his chest.

“Why did we feel that?” Jaina asked as the elf woman trembled in the aftershocks.

“That new skill of mine,” Roric replied. “It links all of you with shared armor, and you orgasm whenever I do. I also get a decent boost to armor, plus extra for every collared slave.”

“Goodness, I love the visitors,” Jaina laughed. “They really understand the human desire for sex. Now I understand why you insisted on me being in a collar.”

“A lot of my powers are boosted per collared slave,” Roric explained.

“I am sad I don’t get the armor buff,” Chandice complained. “I am the weakest in the group.”

“You could always become a slave girl,” Jaina teased with a bat of her eyes.

“Then who is going to spank that naughty bottom of yours?” Chandice countered as Evalynn giggled.

Roric gave them a few moments to recover from the sex and orgasms, then he walked up the door and placed a hand on the surface.

“I command you to open in the name of Rajeen. Hear the words desert princess and open.”

The door glowed with a blue light and then split down the middle, slowly pulling apart to reveal a short stairwell to a brick tunnel. It was lit by magical torches lining the walls every dozen steps, but that did little to eliminate the dark shadows.

Roric held his spear in both hands and commanded it to glow, causing the tip to produce a brilliant white light.

“Oh, so you did enchant his spear,” Jaina said as Evalynn took off her slave collar so she would not be inhibited by it.

“I did it while we were still in the other town,” Chandice replied and raised a hand to snap a finger, instantly summoning two imps.

Gisley, Evalynn, and Jaina looked started and asked how she summoned them so quickly. Chandice explained she had spent points on a skill that allowed instant casting. However, it only worked on certain spells and only after you had spent at least five points boosting them.

“Because I have ten on the imp summoning, I get two imps with one cast,” Chandice explained. “But it costs a little more mana to summon them this way. When I reach level fifteen, I can summon an enchanter pet as well.”

“So you can summon your own little harem,” Jaina joked. “Can you summon female imps?”

“I don't think they come in female versions,” Chandice replied. “I am pretty sure most demon and devil types are locked to one gender, except the succubus that can be either or both.”

“I can’t wait until you can summon one of those,” Jaina said. “I want to see you play with her.”

“What do I need her for when I am surrounded by three horny women now?” Chandice laughed.

“Shall we begin?” Roric asked as Evalynn nodded and took the lead, her plate armor glistening in the light. Roric was at her side, with Jaina, Chandice, and Gisley a dozen steps behind. The imps brought up the rear so nothing could surprise them, and they headed into the dark tunnels in search of adventure.

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