The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-54 The little pony girl

A purple light fluttered through the night on a pair of beautiful butterfly wings of purple, dark blues, and black. It left a trail of sparkling glitter that fell to the ground leaving a magical trail. Behind it came a magical disk on which sat four individuals. Chandice sat in the front, holding a pair of reigns. Jaina sat beside her with Evalynn just behind, both women giggling at the display. Roric was pleased by the sight as poor gisley fluttered along wearing the outfit.

“I am very into this idea,” Jaina said as they admired Gisley.

“Where did you find the outfit?” Evalynn asked.

“Rajeen told me about a shop in the city,” Chandice replied with a smile. “As soon as I saw the outfit, I knew she was going to wear it.”

Gisley flew along with a black leather harness crossing her chest and back. She had blinders on the side of her head and a bit in her mouth, attached to a pair of long reigns that went all the way back to Chandice. Below her waist, she wore a garter belt holding up a pair of lace stockings. Her breasts hung out, and her little rear was exposed. Her butterfly plug was removed and in its place was a plug that gave her a long black tail of hair. Chandice called it a pony suit, and Gisley was now her horse, pulling the cart along.

“I can't believe how much she enjoys the whip,” Jaina laughed and admired the three red lines on the fairy's butt.

“Our Gisley enjoys a little punishment,” Evalynn said. “I think she slows down on purpose just to get another lash.”

“I do, too,” Chandice said and raised the long pole with a thin leather rope at the end. She cracked it to add another line to the tender rear, and Gisley yelped before picking up the pace.

“So the whip is enchanted?” Jaina asked.

“It's enchanted to make it safe,” Chandice replied. “A real leather whip could break the skin and do serious harm. This is what they call a lunge whip, and it's designed to sting but not do any real harm. Just to be sure, it's enchanted, so it can only hit so hard.”

“Just enough to leave a pretty line,” Evalynn laughed.

“They are kind of pretty,” Chandice agreed.

“Speaking of the poor thing’s rear, I notice we still have our paw prints,” Jaina pointed out. “Why didn’t Rajeen remove them?”

“Did you want to stop being harem girls?” Roric asked.

“No, but we all assumed that once we left, the marks would go,” Jaina said. “She more or less said so herself.”

“I am aware of what she said,” Roric replied. “But we spoke about it and agreed that you three would always belong to the harem.”

“I like the sound of that,” Evalynn said with a blush. “I just wish we had more harem guards that needed satisfying.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed. “You naughty little elf. Is being dominated by beastmen all you think about?”

“More or less,” Evalynn admitted. “Can’t a girl have a dream?”

“How did you ever survive without us?” Jaina said as she leaned back into Roric. “So we are still part of another master's harem?”

“You are honorary members of her harem,” Roric explained. “We even talked about my not buying you back so you would remain her pet, but then you wouldn't be able to travel with me. So in the end, I bought you back but agreed to let you keep the marks as a symbol of her touch on you.”

“So you are sharing us with another master?” Evalynn asked.

“That’s a good way to look at it,” Roric agreed.

“I thought you were going to marry her,” Chandice said and looked over her shoulder. “You and Rajeen made a very good pairing.”

Roric laughed and reached out to rub Chandice's shoulder. “I admit the thought crossed my mind, but Rajeen wants to be submissive to me. I rather like your approach better. You aren't interested in the collar. Instead, you want to dominate my girls and bring a nice touch to the mix.”

“She’s brought several nice touches to Gisley’s rear,” Evalynn pointed out.

“I still worry I might grow to like this too much,” Chandice said. “I never want to go too far and actually hurt any of you.”

“And that's why you're perfect for us,” Jaina said as she ran her hand over Chandice's thigh. “You want to play, but you care about your toys.”

“I love my girlfriend,” Chandice corrected. “And I love her slave sisters.”

“Hmm, we really are girlfriends, aren’t we?” Jaina asked with a pleased smile.

“I always thought we were,” Chandice replied. “You asked me out. I said yes, and unless you are going to break up with me, we are a couple.”

“I know, but we sort of switched gears, and you started dating Roric more than me,” Jaina said.

“She is your girlfriend first and foremost,” Roric interjected. “My relationship with her is second to yours.”

“But shouldn’t she be yours?” Jaina asked. “I mean, doesn’t it work better if she is your wife?”

“Maybe she should be your wife,” Evalynn suggested.

“None of this is vital to iron out right now,” Roric said. “Chandice is a welcome part of our lives and has a place with us, but I fancy her being your girlfriend right now.”

“I see,” Jaina replied with a smirk. “She’s my girlfriend, but you have sex with her all the time.”

“Well, you are my slave, so what's yours is mine,” Roric replied.

“Ha!” Chandice laughed and looked back. “So I get the best of both worlds?”

“I am glad you see it that way,” Roric said. “But I want you to know that I think you are a wonderful person, and I value our relationship. We can discuss a deeper relationship after we are settled and ready to have more.”

“I don’t mind waiting,” Chandice replied. “So long as I can play with my girlfriend and her sisters.”

Roric nodded and looked to the sky, admiring the brightness of the stars. He sighed as Jaina ran a hand through his hair, rubbing the back of an ear as she looked up with him.

“Do you ever wonder if those stars are real?” Jaina asked.

“I do, sometimes,” Roric replied. “I wonder if this world is another planet someplace, and all those starts are other worlds. For all we know, we are looking at the star that earth orbits, and we don't know it.”

“I heard people tried to figure it out,” Evalynn added. “A long time ago, the magic guilds all banded together to work on projects involving magic and the world mechanics. I don't know much about it, but supposedly there was a lot of research to map the skies and discern if it meant anything.”

“What do you mean by meant anything?” Chandice asked.

“You know, like how we believe the zodiac can influence things,” Evalynn said. “In a lot of games, star patterns are magical, and in some games, the pattern you are born under determines your fate.”

“I wonder if they did that here?” Jaina asked.

“None of us were actually born here,” Roric said. “But they could map us to the pattern that was dominate when we first spawned.”

“I like the idea that means something,” Jaina said and pointed to a large blue sphere. “I bet that is another planet.”

“Do you think we can go there?” Evalynn asked.

“Many games have other worlds in the same system,” Roric said as he considered the thought. “You can usually visit them with magic or portals.”

“Or flying sailing ships,” Evalynn added. “I saw that in a game once.”

“I have too,” Jaina agreed. “We should get one of those.”

“We are going to build a magical forest,” Roric countered. “And you two will be busy.”

“Oh, they will be busy,” Chandice laughed. “I can't wait to see it.”

“Well, we should probably stop and put up the tent,” Roric said. “And Gisley probably needs a break.”

“Too bad we can't find an inn with a stable,” Chandice said as she turned about with a smile. “We could put her in a stall with a good stallion and let him breed her all night.”

“Oh, that sounds fun,” Evalynn sighed.

“Ha, you really are a naughty elf!” Jaina teased. “Would you like to be put in the stall?”

“I wouldn’t say no,” Evalynn said as she blushed.

“You’re all terrible,” Chandice said. “It must be why I love you.”

“Roric has already used me for breeding a wolf thing,” Jaina said. “He had me down on all fours keeping it busy while he and Evalynn looted its treasure.”

“Wow,” Chandice moaned. “I bet that was hot. I want to see you do that again.”

“And she says I am terrible,” Jaina said with a smirk. “Why don't you just build a barn and turn us all into breeding cows? Then, you can sell breedings to travelers for themselves or their mounts and pets.”

“Jaina can even shape change into the animals if needed,” Evalynn said.

“That works for me,” Chandice replied with a smile. “Ten gold for a regular stall, or fifty for a stall with a broodmare to use until morning.”

“Why don’t we worry about building our home first,” Roric suggested. “Then we can work on your fantasies. Let’s call a halt and set up the tent. I want to settle in for the night.”

Chandice giggled and pulled back on the reigns, bringing Gisley to a halt. The group climbed down into a weedy field dotted with the occasional tree. Roric set the tent beside one of the trees and pulled it open. Chandice walked up to Gisley, caressing the woman’s sore rear before taking the leads and tying them to the tree. Gisley looked at her with a confused expression, but Chandice explained that she was a horse and would have to stay outside.

“Now be a good girl and get some rest. I am going to drive you hard in the morning,” Chandice said, leaving her for the night. Gisley mumbled something through her bit, causing Chandice to stop and consider her. “Oh, if anybody happens to come by and see you, make sure you flash them that little rear to let them know you are in heat. If you can get them to breed you, I will give your little butt extra attention with the whip tomorrow.”

Gisley made a groaning noise as Chandice giggled and went into the tent where the others were already getting into bed. Gisley was forced to listen as Roric made them all cry out while she could only walk a dozen steps around the tree. She wasn't sure if this was a punishment or some game they were playing. She wanted to be in the tent with the others, but something about this scenario was exciting. She was being treated like a horse, so she put her wings away and decided to play along, expecting Chandice to return at any moment to get her.

She settled in to look at the stars as the hours of the night drew late. She had no idea how much time had gone by when she heard a twig snap and looked up to see a man. He wore simple clothes and had a straw hat on, but his facial features were very strong and his nose broad and flat. Gisley recognized the man as an orc and instantly thought to call out. She quickly remembered the bit in her mouth and lifted her hands to put him to sleep instead. Then she remembered Chandice's words, and as her heart fluttered, she turned around and bent over to show him her rear.

“So what is this?” he said softly. “You look like somebody tied you up like a horse. Are you a little Philly?”

Gisley nodded and swayed her butt to get the tail moving, allowing him to see her full pussy that dripped with goo. She was so nervous it started to run more aggressively, leaving a long thread to dangle between her legs.

“I see,” the orc said and rubbed his chin. “And that pussy is all wet too. You must be in season. I bet you are crazy to be bred.”

Her heart raced so hard she could hear it in her ears. She was using body language to try and entice this orc to breed her like an animal, just as Chandice said she should. This wasn't for money or pleasure; it was simply obeying the command. He obviously got the hint as he approached and ran his fingers along her plump folds.

“Oh yea, you are ready to be bred,” he said and squeezed her rear. “A good Philly like you should be bred regularly. It always calms them down when you keep them good and fucked. I guess I will have to give you what you need tonight.”

Gisley was panting through her nose as the stranger ran his hand along her back and sides. He tested the heft of her breasts, squeezing them before announcing she was a good milker. He suggested she needed a colt to suck her breasts and that he would provide her with one. Her legs trembled as she heard his belt come undone, but she didn't resist. He put a hand to her back, leaning her over until she had to use the tree to hold herself up. He reached between her legs and spread them before fingering the wet pussy aching to be filled.

“That’s it,” he whispered as she felt something press into her folds. “Good girl, let me fix that need of yours.”

She started to tense as something hard began to slide into her body with careless ease. Her pussy was ready to accept a cock, and he found his way with no resistance. A moment later, his thigh pressed against her rear, and he reached down to take her by the waist tightly.

He began the motion a few seconds later, rocking his hips into her and driving his cock through her flesh. She moaned as her hands tightened around the tree. She couldn't believe a stranger was fucking her twenty steps from the tent where her lovers were sleeping. She could barely make a sound with the bit in her mouth, but his thrusts were starting to make a wet slap. She ran wet with panic and excitement, enthralled by the idea that a stranger was breeding her.

Her toes curled as his cock began to reach deep into her body, his hands pulling her hips back into his thrusts. The wetness ran down her legs as the sensation built, the collar making it so easy. Before she knew it, she was cumming hard, which seemed to excite him. His thrusts grew more hungry as he continued to call her a good girl and encouraged her to take his cock.

“That's it,” he cooed as his thrusts echoed in the night. “Good Philly, you must have really needed this.”

Gisley threw her head down, allowing her long purple hair to dance on the ground. She held on to the tree with outstretched arms, using it to keep her balance as her body wanted to buckle. His relentless thrusting was driving her body wild, as was the thought that nobody even knew it was happening. She shook as her body built up again, her wet pussy becoming a flood as she teetered on the edge of another orgasm.

“You like this,” he said as she came again, squirting like a fountain as the pleasure coursed through her veins. She was groaning into her bit with every thrust, taking her breeding like a good mare. He squeezed harder as his pace quickened, his cock feeling suddenly larger. She began to thrash as her body rocked from his impacts, the wet slaps ringing loudly. He began to groan even as she built to another orgasm, and she wondered who would finish first.

He groaned and pushed hard, his cock reaching new depths as Gisley felt it throb. His cum began to fill her womb even as her shared orgasm took hold and shook her from head to toe. She bit down on the strap in her mouth, writhing as she was fully used. He held her steady as he emptied his body into hers, waiting until the last throb before slowly pulling away. She was left panting for breath as he simply turned around and walked away.

Gisley kept her eyes closed, wondering what had just happened when gentle hands came to her rear. She turned around to see Chandice's smiling face as the woman began to rub Gisley's hot body.

“It's time for you to come to bed,” Chandice said as she reached up and took the halter from Gisley's head. The bit came out of her mouth, and for the first time in hours, she was able to speak.

“Did you enjoy being my pony?” Chandice asked.

Gisley responded by rushing at her, grabbing Chandice by the head, and planting a hungry, passionate kiss. She was alive with the intoxicating mixture of excitement and fear as a strange man's seed dripped from her body. She poured that nervous passion into her kiss, telling Chandice all she needed to know.

“I think I will use you as my pony more,” Chandice said when she was able to break free. “You need to be bred more often. We were teasing earlier about putting you in a stall and selling you for breeding, but I think we should seriously consider it.”

Gisley nodded while her breasts heaved for breath. Her mind swam with the image of being confined to a small space while men came in to take her. She smiled slightly as Chandice put an arm around her waist and guided her to the tent.

“Come on. Jaina is going to want to eat that pussy now. You know how much she loves them when they have been freshly fucked,” Chandice said as she took the over-excited fairy girl inside.

Gisley went inside to find Jaina was already awake and waiting. She was quickly presented to the hungry woman, who ran two fingers through Gisley's gooey pussy and then put them in her mouth. She proclaimed that Gisley was yummy as Chandice turned her around and made her bend over. Jaina then leaned in, lapping up the glitter-filled nectar of the lovemaking. Gisley had two more orgasms under Jaina's care, who implored Gisley to get her pussy fucked often so she could eat it. Gisley promised to be a good pony and get bred as often as she could.

Jaina smiled and shared a wink with Chandice where Gisley couldn’t see, keeping the secret that the orc man had been Jaina. They were so deep into the countryside that a stranger stumbling on the camp was almost impossible. So Jaina took the form of an orc and played the role to give Gisley an exciting experience. But now that she had responded so well, they would look for real opportunities to breed their little pony girl. When her body was fully clean and in a daze from orgasms, they laid her at Roric's chest. She was still in her harness and stockings, looking like a little bondage angel. Chandice and Jaina lay beside her, curling into one another. They slept soundly for the rest of the night as the lunar fairy dreamed of her stall and life as a sex animal.

When her heavy eyes opened in the morning, she was surprised to see Roric making very slow, passionate love to Evalynn. The two were standing with Evalynn's rear pressed to his waist. She was doing most of the work, writing her body in waves as she rode up and down his bestial cock. His knot was fully swollen but outside her body, allowing her more freedom to move. Gisley watched as Evalynn moaned and swayed, that long cock coming out to almost the tip before she rode it back in. Roric's hands were cupping the woman's ample breasts, pushing them together as he fondled them.

It was a beautiful scene full of love, but it was the expression on Roric's face that most struck Gisley. Despite the bestial appearance, Roric could look so thoughtful at times. His eyes conveyed a sense that he was deeply grateful for Evalynn’s love. He looked gentle, kind, and in love with the woman working so hard to please him. Seeing that expression made Gisley's heart melt as she knew he felt that way about her. She was loved by everyone around her and yet still free to have all sorts of fantasies. It was a magical life, and today they would reach the place Rajeen had told them about. Perhaps soon, they would have a magical home to go with that life.

Gisley quietly got out of bed and walked naked to the tent flap. She stepped into the morning run and stretched to greet the sun. She smiled to see the tree and lead ropes that had been tied to her harness the night before. She was still wearing the harness over her stomach and back along with the garter and stockings. She even had the tail firmly planted in her tight rear, feeling nice and comfortable. She looked forward to being in blinders with the bit in her mouth again. She wondered if Chandice would keep her promise to lash her rear more aggressively since Gisley had been bred.

“What’cha thinking about?” Jaina asked as she pounced on the fairy woman from behind.

“Just thinking about last night and how that stranger fucked me,” Gisley replied with a funny smile. “Am I a dirty slut?”

“Oh definitely,” Jaina laughed as she squeezed Gisley’s breasts. “Which is why I love you.”

“I see. You like slutty women,” Gisley replied and turned to put her arms around Jiana's neck. “I want to be as slutty as I can be for you.”

“Oh, I can think of lots of ways for you to be more slutty,” Jaina cooed.

“Chandice said she was going to put me in a stall so people could breed me,” Gisley said.

“Is that all she said?” Jaina said with a widening smile. “Because when we were talking about, she included their pets and mounts.”

“Pets and mounts?” Gisley repeated with surprise. “You mean she wants me to be bred by horses and other things?”

“Anything a player could put in a stall with you,” Jaina said.

“Oh,” Gisley replied as her expression changed. “I don’t know if I am that slutty.”

“Ha, we were only a fanciful conversation,” Jaina said to help her relax. “Nobody would ever force you to do something like that if you didn't want to. It really only came up because Roric has used me to keep a few monsters distracted by having sex with them.”

“You mentioned that before,” Gisley agreed as she considered it. “Did you like it?”

“Well, it's hard to explain,” Jaina replied and stepped back to take one of Gisley's hands. “Walk with me a bit, and I will do my best.”

Gisley nodded, and the two women walked naked and barefoot into the grass. Jaina tried her hardest to explain how she felt a natural taboo about the idea of sex with a beast. However, Roric is very bestial, and he bridged the gap. Still, when it came time to actually drop to all fours so a monster wolf could breed her, she was nervous. Every voice in her head said what she was doing was wrong, and she trembled to follow through with it. Once it was happening, she felt a measure of shame to be enjoying it. She did her best to describe how that sense of taboo only heightened the sensation. She felt so dirty and excited all at once, as if she was doing something forbidden. Then it was over, and the beast pulled away, leaving her belly full of its seed.

“I assumed Roric would have me doing a lot more of that, but he never asked me to do it again. At first, I assumed it was because we don't do much adventuring, but now I think it's something more,” Jaina explained.

“Like what?” Gisley asked, genuinely interested in where Jaina was going.

“I think he was worried he pushed me too far and took a step back to see how I responded after a while to think about it,” Jaina said. “He does care about us, and he doesn't want any of us doing things we will regret.”

“That has to be hard, though,” Gisley offered. “How does he push our boundaries without running the risk of going too far?”

“It's a balancing act,” Jaina agreed. “He has to be careful to slowly test the waters and pull back if we start to respond badly. He also tries to ensure each of us knows he loves us, so we always have him to turn to when we need affection.”

Gisley smiled and leaned into Jaina, pressing their breasts together firmly. She planted a kiss on Jaina’s lovely lips and began to explore her back with warm hands. They pressed in tightly, squeezing out every inch of separation until their bodies were as close together as they could get. When Gisley finally pulled away, Jaina looked at her with a predatory stare.

“I want to eat you up,” Jaina admitted. “But I think we all want to get on the road and find that forest in the hills.”

“Do I get to be the pony again?” Gisley asked.

“Sweetheart,” Jaina said and ran a hand along Gisley’s cheek. “You never stopped being the pony girl. You are still in the harness and tail after all.”

Gisley smiled, and the two walked back to the tent to find Roric was taking it down. Chandice was waiting with the halter, so Gisley summoned a magical disk and went to Chandice to be bound. She opened her mouth for the bit and waited as Chandice buckled the straps over her head. The blinders and reigns were attached, and they were ready to begin in moments. Gisley spread her beautiful wings and bent over slightly, waiting for the command to go. A crack of the whip on her rear told her it was time to fly, so she fluttered off, carrying her family along.

An hour later, Gisley had a dozen good red lines on her rear, thighs, and lower back. Chandice was eager to keep her going at full speed as the magic disk zipped over the countryside. Jaina was concerned that somebody might see Gisley in her butterfly form, but Roric wanted to take the risk. He enjoyed watching Gisley serve as their pony, especially when she squeaked from the whip.

Still, when a small village came into view, Roric had her put the wings away, and he carried her on his shoulders instead. For a half hour, Gisley had to sit with her burning rear on his shoulders, her wet pussy dripping on his neck. People stopped to gawk as the parade of naked women went by, but they all understood a slave girl when they saw one. Once they were safely outside town, Gisley sprouted her wings and flew on, with Jaina working the whip for a change. A few fresh marks kept the little fairy motivated, and she fluttered on as fast as she could.

“I am so enjoying this,” Jaina said as she whipped Gisley just because.

“It is wonderful that she enjoys being disciplined,” Chandice said. “She likes somebody to be in charge of her. I sometimes admire that about all of you.”

“You do?” Jaina asked and looked to the side as Chandice leaned into her.

“Of course I do,” Chandice sighed. “Because I can't do it. I just can't give somebody else that kind of control over my life. I need to have control at all times, but when I see you three surrender so easily, I feel funny inside.”

“Oh, love, you know how to surrender,” Jaina assured. “You do the bondage thing with your imps.”

“That's hardly surrendering,” Chandice sighed. “I have to have magic ropes to tie myself, or I will panic and stop. Even when I work up the courage to let the ropes tie me, I have strict criteria programmed into them so I can escape if I need to. But you three don't need ropes or means of control. All you need to know is it would please Roric, and you agree to do almost anything.”

“That is nothing to be ashamed about,” Roric said as he put a hand on Chandice's shoulder. “You are a dominant woman and find the idea of surrender hard to embrace. On the other hand, Jaina and the others are submissive and find it much easier to accept.”

“That's just the thing,” Chandice said and looked back at him. “I feel a sense of excitement when I think about surrendering. It fills me with tingles and nervous tension, but I can't bring myself to do it. I have to be forced into it like with the imps, so I can tell myself I couldn't have resisted.”

“Oh, you're being silly,” Jaina said and handed the reigns to Evalynn so she could hug Chandice. “I think you are very curious about the experience and want to try it. There is nothing wrong with you surrendering once in a while. Even Rajeen, who dominates all those women, surrendered to Roric.”

“I think I might be able to as well,” Chandice admitted. “Because I trust him. But I need more time to settle my heart.”

“Take all the time you need,” Roric urged. “If you choose to surrender, I want it to be a beautiful moment for you.”

“And you can go right back to being the one in charge afterward,” Jaina said.

“Thank you,” Chandice said with a smile as they came over a small hill and looked up.

“Oh my. Is this it?” Evalynn said as they gazed at a lightly forested series of low hills leading up to some tall jagged ones. They could see a stony brook meandering out of a gap in the hills, and for as far as the eye could see, all was pastoral and green.

“This place is beautiful,” Jaina said as Gisley slowed, causing Jaina to give her a good lashing.

“And nobody has claimed this land?” Chandice asked as they descended the hill and headed for the distant trees.

“Well, we don't know,” Roric replied as he felt inspired by the scenic beauty. “The last time Rajeen was this far out, it was free, but somebody might be living her someplace by now. We need to search the area for a few miles and try to find the center where we want to build.”

“Then I can start my claim, and if anybody is close by, the spell should tell us,” Evalynn said.

“And if it’s free?” Jaina asked.

Roric looked a the distant jagged hills and imagined their camp built high on the peak.

“Then we might have found our home.”

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