The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-55 The first conquest

Gisley fluttered along as the others stood on the magic disk, taking in the views. They had spent a full day traversing a wide area of several miles and not seen a hint of another player. However, they did find several streams, some dense forests, and a couple of secluded valleys. There was even a large pond in the upper hills and several smaller marshy ones in the low lands. Evalynn explained how she could alter the landscape to make it even more secluded and hide it all in dense trees.

Gisley had to be set free of her harness so she could join the conversation. She was excited about the upper pond and looked forward to seeing it planted with flowering trees and dense magical growths.

Roric found the tall hills perfect for his camp and described how he planned to link several hilltops with stout rope bridges. He would then establish the elements of his camp across several peaks, with his great lodge on the largest one. Evalynn would plant the edges with trees to help hide the camp and obscure the paths so visitors would be uncommon.

They planned to build a road across the entire region, creating a logical path through the forest. It would cost a bit of extra money to extend it to other roads, but they could worry about that later. Roric suggested a long twisting road that ran along the base of the hills with a fork at both ends. Chandice would get her giant tree and magic shop at the north fork, where travelers would likely discover it. She teased Gisley that she would add a small stable to keep her pony in.

It was a wonderful day full of exciting dreams when they finally picked a spot to be the center. It was a section of land in a valley just before the largest hills. This would be Evalynn’s hidden grove and the focus point of their build. Roric set up the tent, and they all watched as Evalynn went to an open area and put a hand on the ground. She began the spell to claim the land and created a statue of a nude elf maiden in a dancing pose. It appeared in a cloud of glittering light, forming out of the raw stuff of magic. This was her focal point, and she put her hands on the statue to begin the work.

The others felt the ground tremble as changes began all around them. Trees of every color began to grow as the ground rose and fell to reshape the land. The valley turned into a magical glade ringed by trees whose leaves were red, pink, silver, and blue. Flowers grew in the sunny places and colorful mushrooms in the darkness below that thick canopy. Some of the trees had trunks as wide around as a car, and they reached into the sky taller than most houses. A path of old stones appeared, leading out of the valley as a cliff-like ramp climbed one of the hills, becoming the entrance to Roric's camp.

“I can’t believe we are doing this!” Jaina said excitedly. “We’re building our home!”

“I know,” Gisley replied. “I am so excited I could pee.”

Chandice burst out laughing at the funny expression and warned Gisley to hold it until her stall was well bedded with straw. The two shared a laugh and looked on as the forest spread over the hillsides, turning it all into a magical wilderness.

“I have exhausted my points,” Evalynn said and stepped back from the statue.

“Then it's time we used the gold,” Roric said, pulling out one of the bags of deep pockets. He handed it to Evalynn, who poured it at the feet of the statue. It kept pouring out until it formed a pile reaching the statue's knees. Jain guesses that they were looking at about fifty thousand gold, and Roric nodded that it was at least that much. In fact, they had so much gold Chandice had to create seven more bags of deep pockets to contain it all, and there was still a large surplus in the tent.

Evalynn used the interface to identify the gold as a sacrifice, causing it to glow and brake down into glittering light. The light swirled around the statue, enhancing it with golden trims as it grew larger. It was nearly twice as tall as an average man and had a small round base decorated with an elvish script. Evalynn put her hand to the statue and announced that she had a massive amount of points to spend. She focused on an area beyond the valley, claiming it as part of her domain and beginning the changes.

They heard rumbling, and distant snapping as Evalynn claimed more and more land around them. The forest spread for several miles in all directions then followed the hills, slowly swallowing them up. She added thick clumps of cattails and lily pads to Gisley's pond, as well as a beautiful ornate marble building in an elven style. It sat on the far side of the pond near a cliff where a narrow waterfall splashed down the rocks. Inside it was decorated with mosaics and statues of fairy women and furnished with comfortable couches, chairs, and a few good beds.

The pond was found down a hidden path connected to the main road. Evalynn made this road out of mossy field stone and sank it a little to give the illusion it had been there for hundreds of years. It was surrounded by the dense forest alive with color and life like a painting. It took her hours to touch all the areas she wanted to work on, and even then, she had only begun.

Roric suggested they stop for the night and laid out the magical tent as Chandice took out the halter and held it before Gisley.

“Oh, can’t I be in the tent tonight?” Gisley asked with big sad eyes that sparkled with blue light while her antenna curled up.

“Goodness, who could say no to that,” Chandice laughed and dropped the halter.

“I feel so bad I just want to hug her,” Jaina added.

“Please,” Gisley asked as her lower lip quivered.

“You precious thing, I wouldn’t make you stay outside if you didn’t want to. I was only giving you the offer if you wanted to keep playing our little game.”

“I enjoyed our game, and I like wearing the harness when we travel, but I want to be free the rest of the time,” Gisley said.

“Of course,” Chandice said and held out a hand. “Just let me know when you want to play again.” Gisley took her hand and went into the tent to share a night of excited passion. They were finally building their home, and all that energy was poured into their lovemaking. Finally, they fell asleep exhausted from sex and curled into a pile to share their warmth while dreaming of the home they would build over the next few days.

Roric was up early in the morning, anxious to begin another day of building. It had been three days since they started, and much had changed, including things already built. The girls had a chance to wander some of the forests and visit Gisley's pond to see if they wanted to alter it.

Thus far, Evalynn had been busy spreading her forest across the countryside using massive amounts of gold. It now went along the hills for several miles, creating dense groves of magic trees. The work was exacting as she wanted it all to be just right and to meet or exceed the dreams of her sisters. She spent hours creating small sections, picking out the trees and underbrush by hand. She could let the system generate it for her and then go back to add detail to key areas, but to Evalynn, it was all important. So she only used the random tools sparingly, then went over it with a sharp eye, altering nearly everything.

Gisley had lots of changes for her pond, and Evalynn took all her ideas to heart. The pond was expanded to make it much longer with a shallow shoreline full of colorful features. Every form of colorful marsh plant grew along the shores, and tall trees full of dense, colorful leaves surrounded the banks. The marble temple had been replaced by an elvish lodge made of dark woods and full of ornate carvings. It contained a balcony that reached over the pond and a bridge that went to a small island where a marble gazebo stood over a round decorative fountain. Narrow paths wandered the shoreline, linking the isolated pockets and hidden nooks.

This gave Gisley plenty of places to hide and work her magic, allowing her to folic to her heart's content. She even had a hidden cave where the trees brushed against the cliffside by the waterfall. Only somebody who could fly would notice the narrow opening that Led to Gisley's magical cave, and she could use it to hide away when she didn't want to be found. The lodge was connected to the main road by a hard-to-spot narrow path made of old golden bricks. From the road, you would see nothing, but if you found the path and wandered in, you would eventually find magical lamp posts lighting the way. If you were particularly lucky, you would hear the voice of the fairy queen singing as she danced over her lake, and she might just take favor in you and bless you with a night of passionate sex.

There was work yet to do to make it perfect, but Gisley was already overjoyed by what she had. The road that would snake through the forest was already laid out, and a few additional streams were added just so beautifully carved stone bridges could span them. Evalynn wanted to spread the forest for miles, hiding mysterious ruins and curious statues all through it. She would add animals, monsters, and a few small cave systems when she was close to finishing before setting the final touch. Since they had such a massive amount of gold to spend, Evalynn would alter the weather over the forest. It would almost always be sunny with the occasional early shower that faded into rainbows.

Roric stood at the tent's door, looking at the work thus far. Likely Evalynn would need two or even three weeks to cover all the little details she wanted, but already it felt like home. Today was a good day as the creation of his camp in the hills would finally begin. Evalynn spent a truly disgusting amount of money reshaping the land to flatten the peaks and add additional ones, so Roric had five good plateaus to build on. He planned to start that work when the girls were up, and by nightfall, they would be sleeping in his private chambers.

He took a deep breath of the sweet forest air, unable to believe this dream was coming true. He turned back to the bed where the girls were still asleep, and a tear wet his eyes. Evalynn was on her back, with Gisley clutched tight to her chest. Jaina was on her side, curled around Gisley, the three women tightly bundled in love. The final beauty was Chandice, who lay beside Evalynn, her arm thrown over the woman and holding Gisley's hand.

It touched him that all four of them loved each other as much as they loved him. Somehow he had struck gold when he came to New Eden, quickly finding three of the most wonderful women possible. They had some challenges along the way, but those only made them stronger, helping to unite them as a family with a shared dream.

Just seeing their beauty made him want to crawl back into bed and make love to them. He craved their passion and love so much it made him shudder. It would be easy not to appreciate what he had, but Roric saw it clearly. This was a blessing beyond his wildest dreams and the last few weeks of their life had made him even more grateful.

It was Rajeen and her harem that had started the change. Once he had access to all the girls, he thought he would be even happier. Instead, he discovered he didn't want a hoard of women at his beck and call. He cared too much about their fantasies and making their dreams come true. Too many women would be hard to take care of, but a few rare gems would be easy. Then he could derive joy by fulfilling their decadent dreams and secret lusts, sharing in the fun as they served as his slaves. He saw his girls as sacred treasures because it was a rare thing for anyone to devote themselves to serving another. Now he had his sacred treasures and a home where he could put them on display. They were what made this life worth living, and inside he was so grateful he could cry.

He went outside to bask in the sun as a gentle breeze carried the scent of flowers across the glade. It was more beautiful than he could have imagined, and he longed to begin living his dream with Jaina and the others at his side. He took a deep breath with closed eyes, trying to contain his own excitement. Soon Jaina would be dancing on her chain for his private delight, and their life would be complete.

He stood there for nearly an hour before Jaina's warm hands came around his chest. She clung to him from behind, saying nothing but expressing everything in that embrace. She was love incarnate, and it was all focused on him, the man she called master.

Soon she was joined by Chandice, who leaned into his side and welcomed his arm around her waist. Gisley and Evalynn arrived together, joining the embrace as the entire group looked at the plateaus.

“Are you ready to make your camp?” Jaina asked.

“I am, but part of me can’t believe we have gotten to this point so quickly,” Roric replied as Gisley rubbed her cheek on his arm.

“Well, I don’t think any of us realized this could happen so fast,” Jaina agreed. “But then we found an excellent way to make money.”

“And none of you are unhappy that I sold you as whores?” he asked.

“All of us are perfectly content,” Jaina assured him. “Our master told us what he wanted, and we did it. It's that simple. Besides, how are we to know we are slave girls if you don’t make demands of us?”

“It’s fun,” Gisley added. “And it’s much more fun when you tell me what to do. It makes me feel like a slave girl, and I love feeling that way.”

“I love it too,” Evalynn agreed. “I never would have believed how liberating it is to surrender to another. I like the idea of being dominated, but having a master was never a thought. Now I feel like I have a family, and for once, I feel like I belong.”

“Oh, love, you will always belong with us,” Jaina said and reached over to hug her. “And we are a family. It might not be the traditional form of family, but we are one all the same.”

“You are all my family,” Roric agreed. “And I promise to love you forever.”

“A family,” Chandice repeated. “It can’t get any better than this.”

“Oh yes, it can,” Jaina laughed and put her chin on Roric's shoulder. “A family needs a home. It’s time to build your camp.”

Roric nodded and wrapped his arms around his girls, giving them one final hug before heading for the ramp. Evalynn had already created a spiraling ramp that would take him to the entrance of his camp. Chandice accompanied him while the other girls worked on expanding the forest, everyone excited to keep building. It took a few minutes to follow the winding path, but eventually, he reached the peak and looked about anxiously.

“Go on,” Chandice urged with a smile. “There is no point in having dramatic pauses.”

Roric laughed and went to the center before kneeling down and reaching out one hand.

“I mark this my claim and establish my home,” he said out loud as white light began to dance between his fingers. It formed into a glowing ball and then drifted down, vanishing into the soil. He stepped back as a stone grew out of the ground, becoming a sort of totem shaped like a gnoll holding a small hatchet.

“Very native American,” Chandice said as she looked the image over.

“The chieftain class is heavily based on native American themes,” Roric replied. “It's embellished with fantasy elements, of course, but you can see the influence in much of the architecture.”

“So this is your interface?” Chandice asked.

“Yes, just like Evalynn's statue,” Roric replied as he put a hand to the gray stone. He closed his eyes as his vision went elsewhere, seeing a myriad of interfaces and options. He started by creating the rope bridges, connecting the various plateaus so they could be reached. They were rugged structures wide enough for five men to walk abreast and anchored at each side by ropes as thick around as Chandice's leg. He then added colorful leather tents, creating a village-like feel as they formed a ring around the central field. Next, he began to adorn the tents with feathers, woven tapestries, and rustic wooden posts. He added some fur trees at the edge and a few with twisting gray trunks and wide branching canopies.

“Yes, I can see the influence,” Chandice said as a large animal hide drum appeared.

“You know there were plenty of tribes that build lodges and even stone buildings,” Roric said. “I have options for all sorts of styles even going into the central and south American looks.”

“Oh, so you could do a Mayan temple?” Chandice asked.

“I could, but that isn’t the look I am shooting for,” Roric replied as he focused on the options. Though his eyes were closed, he could see a whole world of possibilities. There was a map of the land all around him, and he could tap any location and then pick from hundreds of items to place. These items could then be clicked on and contained hundreds more customization options. He could spend hours on a single building, but he planned to get the general layout and work on details slowly over time.

He went to the largest bluff and added a massive round tent supported by tree sizes decorative poles. He made the colors earthy, with a soft red and over shades of tan. Inside was a large central chamber with six side rooms and his private bedroom in the rear. He placed a grand fire pit in the center and filled it with expensive logs that would burn forever, provided no effort was made to put them out. Incense burners, tables, chairs, and ornate rugs were added to the space. Finally, he added a throne of polished wood, carved with the shapes of sensual women. Around it, he placed dozens of cushions for his girls to lounge on and a firm chain to attach to a collar.

He added two generic gnoll NPC guards to the front entrance and established a tent as their home, providing beds and other comforts. He could place NPCs that would always be there or create life cycles, giving them a day-to-day routine to make them appear more alive. He could even set some options to random, allowing the NPCs to do things he didn't explicitly command.

“I could spend all day just tweaking the NPC options,” Roric said.

“Make sure you program all of them to molest Evalynn whenever they can,” Chandice reminded.

“Ha, I haven't forgotten,” Roric said as he began to add more buildings to other bluffs. It took him nearly five hours to place them all, and then he moved several, trying to get the right look. When he was satisfied with what he had, he moved on to a more important task. He created a hidden ramp behind his private room and formed a cave in the bluff. He created a barracks for guards as the first room, then added a natural cave allowing the world generator to create one. He chose a spring cave as the base and watched as it generated several chambers with pools of steaming water. He tapped to set the temperature to a comfortable level and wondered how quickly the girls would be bathing in them. He then tapped a chamber at the very back and commanded his interface totem to move there, hiding it safely away.

“Where did it go?” Chandice asked as he opened his eyes.

“I moved it to a safer location,” Roric said. “If we are ever under attack, I have defense options I can use, provided I can reach my interface. So it isn't wise to leave it out in the open where it could be overrun.”

“Ah,” Chandice said with a nod. “So you moved into your throne room?”

“A cave system underneath it,” Roric said. “Let’s go and find it. I want to add more details.”

They crossed the first rope bridge, and Chandice was amazed at how firm it felt. They went to the throne room, and she complimented him on the ambiance. He showed her the chain Jaina would be wearing and then offered to create her a throne of her own. She declined, saying this was his place and she would stand at his side if she was needed for a special occasion. He took her to the bedroom, where a massive bed of animal hides sat prominently in the center. Chandice lay across it, running her hands over the fur as she commented that it was big enough for a dozen girls.

“I have all the girls I need,” Roric replied. “I just wanted enough room in the event that Rajeen visits.”

“Oh, you know she is going to,” Chandice laughed. “And she will bring a flock of girls for you to play with.”

“For us to play with,” Roric said and took her hands. “Chandice, I am very glad you are with us. I love watching you push the girls in ways I wouldn’t.”

“You mean like spanking our little fairy?” Chandice asked.

“That and other things,” Roric said.

“Hmm,” Chandice said as she curled into his arms. She reached up and pulled his head down, parting her lips as his long tongue entered her mouth. She giggled to be kissing what was essentially a dog and trembled to contain the urge to pull away. Instead, she reached back with her tongue, lavishing him with all the passion she could muster.

His hand cupped a breast firmly as she held his mouth to hers, keeping the kiss alive as he began to fondle her body. The laces of her black dress came open, and her breasts were laid bare to his touch. She moaned as he began to wander her bare skin, pulling more of the dress away as he prepared to take her.

“Take me,” Chandice pleaded as she pulled away. “I want to be the first woman you conquer on that bed.”

“Are you saying you want it to be rough?” Roric asked, noting a funny tone in her voice.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I am your slave's girlfriend, and as her master, you have a right to fuck me. I don't want easy access to Jaina unless I have satisfied her master. Make me earn your permission to touch her.”

Roric growled and threw her stomach first onto the bed, causing her to yelp. He yanked her dress away forcefully, exposing her black lace panties that barely protected the price of his permission. He tore them off, throwing her legs wide as he grabbed her arms and pinned them to her back. She would be the sacrifice to sanctify his bed, the first woman taken the way he liked them. He crawled in over her, his cock already swelling as his enhanced sense of smell picked up the sweet scent of the woman’s pussy.

“Now, you will earn my permission,” Roric said in a hungry voice. “And you will pay my price regularly, or I will not allow Jaina to date you.”

“I will pay the price,” Chandice whispered back.

Chandice cried out as he guided his cock in, shoving forcefully to ensure he was deeply rooted. When he and Chandice had first made love, it had been just as rough and forceful as he took Jaina. Now she would feel that power again as his knot swelled inside, trapping her body for the punishment to come.

He started at a brutal pace, his knot refusing to come free as he filled her with short deep thrusts. She was immediately crazed by how deep insider he was and how the rapid strokes seemed to simulate everything. Even that knot caused her clit to sing as the pressure from behind pushed on it. She cried out and groaned, throwing her head back to breathe as he took his price from her flesh.

Roric fully embraced this game, eager to fulfill Chandice's erotic fantasy. She wanted to be forced to fuck him to have access to Jaina. The price of her love would be bestial sex with Jaina's master. From now on, he would demand his payment, even interrupting the two women to take what he wanted. He looked forward to pulling Jaina off Chandice to make her watch as he fucked Chandice first. Both women would love the game, and he knew he would enjoy it too.

Chandice cried out as her body began to teeter on the brink of an orgasm. It hadn't come quite as fast as it would under the effect of a collar, but it had come all the same. He never slowed his pace, even when she started to orgasm violently. Instead, he made her ride it out, taking the pounding as her body tried to come back down. The constant thrusting kept her riding high, and she quickly had another that left her screaming.

It went on for minutes, with Roric intentionally drawing it out to make her suffer. She took it all and more as her body was wracked by uncontrolled passion. Roric ground out his price until he finally growled and thrust deep, grinding her into the bed. She shook as he filled her womb, forcing her to take his seed. He held her arms, pinning her to the bed until he was done, then made her wait until his knot was ready to come out. She groaned when it pulled away, leaving a soaked pussy running with his gift. He left her to paint in the bed and went out a back door and down a hard-to-see path on the ledge.

Roric entered the cave beneath his camp and was pleased to see a large guard room with thirty beds. He would populate his came with plenty of gnoll guards and ensure there were always ten in the barracks at all times. Behind it was an open tunnel, he would conceal with a secret door later. It led to a natural cave with narrow paths around bubbling pools of steamy water. Glowing mushrooms grew in clusters on the moist stone, providing a fluorescent light. He made his way through the chambers until reaching a large cave with a narrow walkway over a pool. At the end was his interface statue, safely tucked away where others would not easily find it.

He placed his hands on the surface, entering the building interface once again. It was time to populate his village, and he had lots of ideas and fun choices to make. Soon he would have a thriving gnoll village spread across the peaks, living a secret and hidden life. Jaina would be dancing for him as the sound of Evalynn's sex echoed from outside. Gisley would prowl the forest, luring potential lovers into sexually charged encounters. While Chandice ran her magic shop, selling rare items, potions, and fairy glitter to those with deep pockets. All of them would come to his bed and serve their master, each sharing in the joys of love.

As Roric worked, so did Evalynn, the two building their homes. The time had come, and the life they dreamed of was about to begin. Unfortunately, none of them saw the dark cloud looming on the horizon or the danger creeping ever closer.

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