The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-56 A home to serve my master

Jaina sat in Chandice's lap as Evalynn leaned into Roric. The four sat on comfortable couches on a balcony overlooking a magical lake that sparkled with light. Gisley fluttered along, dancing for joy as she claimed the lake as her magical well. She sang in beautiful notes, her magical voice carrying across the forest. She twisted and twirled, throwing off great arcs of silvery glitter. Where ever it fell, it caused magical changes, making colors more vivid and shadows more dark. Dragonflies in a myriad of colors joined her for the dance, buzzing about Gisley as they added to the magic.

“I never believed I would ever see something so beautiful,” Jaina said as Chandice rested a chin on her shoulder. “This world is so full of beauty and wonder.”

“I could watch that beautiful rear dance all day,” Chandice agreed.

“I can think of something I would like to do to that rear,” Evalynn added, causing the others to laugh. They sat and watched for over an hour as Gisley made her lake a magical haven full of wonder. When it was over, Evalynn suggested they head north and look for the perfect spot to grow a giant tree. This would become the foundation for Chandice's magic shop and would start their only non sexy service.

“So you only plan to offer magic items?” Jaina teased.

“What are you suggesting?” Chandice replied as if shocked. “That I offer extra services for a small fee?”

“You could always build that stable and offer to let them breed Gisley,” Evalynn suggested.

“Hey,” Gisley said with a sad face. “I want to be free to hide and surprise people or reward those skilled enough to find me.”

“Oh, you precious little thing,” Chandice laughed. “I wouldn't tie you up in a stable to be bred by any person on the road. That's what Jaina is for.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed as they rounded a bend. “I don't mind playing in the stables once in a while.”

“I would like to catch Alexandria and tie her in the stables,” Evalynn grumbled. “She could use a good breaking like a wild horse.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that,” Roric agreed.

“You two are terrible,” Jaina said as she smiled. “You would feel horrible if you forced her to do that against her will. We all know you want your girls to love being slaves, and it would torment you if you accidentally harmed one of us.”

“I make an exception for Alexandria,” Roric insisted.

“So would I,” Gisley agreed.

“Oh, stop it,” Jaina sighed. “That would sour our good nature, and you all know it.”

“Hmm, I wonder if you could get her to want it?” Chandice said as a wonderful bridge of wood and stone came into view. It crossed a shallow stream of clear water that bubbled over smooth pebbles and stones. Above it was the thick boughs of a linjun tree, its nearly pink leaves creating pockets of deep shade.

Jaina asked her what she meant by getting Alexandria to want it, and Chandice shrugged. She explained that every woman had fantasies, and if you could offer her the right one, she would find it hard to resist. If you could get her to take the bait, she might just come to enjoy their company.

“So find out what turns her on and then drown her in it?” Jaina asked.

“I was just saying that maybe you could win her over by offering her something she can't resist,” Chandice said.

“I wonder what that woman finds arousing?” Roric asked as they crossed the bridge and passed a metal lamp post glowing with magical blue light. The conversation was interrupted when they passed under a snow blossom, and Gisley ran out to dance under the constant rain of white petals that fell from flowers.

“How long does that tree keep flowering?” Jaina asked as they walked through the rain.

“Forever,” Evalynn said with a shrug. “I honestly don’t know that it ever stops.”

“Isn’t the ground going to be covered in ten feet of flower petals?” Chandice asked.

“No, the tree has a network of roots spread out directly under its leaves,” Evalynn explained. “The flowers bloom to capture the sunlight, and when they are full, they fall to the ground. The magical roots cause the petals to break down quickly and turn into energy, feeding the tree. The buildup should never get thicker than just enough to turn the ground white.”

“That’s a funny way to feed,” Chandice remarked. “But it makes a beautiful tree.”

“There is a purple variety with a dark blue trunk,” Evalynn said. “I plan to hide one deep in the forest where players won't find it.”

“Why hide it?” Roric asked as he put an arm around her waist.

“Its petals are magical,” Evalynn replied as she smiled and leaned into her master. “You can use them to brew shadow potions, make royal purple dye, and they can be ground up and turned into an ink that makes powerful magical scrolls and enchantments.”

“Wait, is that an ingredient in midnight black?” Chandice asked.

“I don’t know the exact product,” Evalynn admitted. “The tree description only gives you the barest of details.”

“I bet it is,” Chandice said excitedly. “That means I can enchant items with powers from the darkness and shadow schools when I am high enough.”

“Wood from the tree is used for magical items as well,” Evalynn said.

“Oh, I bet it makes amazing wands, arrows, and staves,” Chandice agreed. “I will have to do some research into what it can be used for.”

“Wow, our home is really shaping up,” Jaina said. “It does feel like we were all meant to be together.”

“I think we were,” Gisley agreed and took Jaina's hand. “I needed you to save me and help me embrace what I was. Evalynn needed you to rescue her from her loneliness and Chandice from her stagnation. We were all waiting for you to come get us so we could be happy together.”

“Hey, I wasn’t stagnant,” Chandice argued. “I happen to enjoy being a barmaid.”

“Bah, you weren't leveling, and you know it,” Gisley countered. “At least I was getting some XP from dreams.”

“Yeah, you had the whole town convinced you were the highest level player in it by far,” Chandice agreed.

“She was, wasn’t she?” Roric asked.

“I think so,” Evalynn said. “She is certainly higher than me.”

“It’s hard to think of Gisley as scary,” Jaina mused. “She’s so wonderful and sweet you just want to eat her up.”

“Aww,” thank you,” Gisley replied as she blushed, turning her already purple cheeks darker.

They laughed and walked on, talking the whole way as they passed through a forest of vivid colors and deep shadows. Eventually, the road came to a fork, and there was an odd clearing to the left side. Evalynn said this place was left empty so she could grow the massive tree that would house the shop. They waited on the road as Evalynn produced a golden acorn from thin air and then planted it in the middle of the open area. She stepped back and opened her interface, selecting a few options as the ground began to shake.

“Wow!” Gisley said as a tree began to reach skyward, growing half her height in a second and continuing at the same rate. Before they could blink, it was as tall as any tree in the forest, and then a few seconds later, it was much taller. It continued to grow, getting thicker and taller as the ground around it twisted and broke from the pressure of massive roots. The tree's dark green leaves created an area of shadow over the forest as it spread those massive branches wide. When it was done, it towered over the rest of the trees, creating a canopy so thick they couldn't see anything but the lowest branches. The trunk was as big around a modest house, and the roots were thick enough to be roads.

“Now, I will add a building to the trunk,” Evanlly said and began to modify the options. She showed the options to Chandice, and together they worked out the style and look, crafting a magnificent building that was four levels tall and full of balconies, ledges, and special rooms. The ground floor was full of windows, and the roof was mossy slate. Every surface was carved with elvish designs and decorated with vines or planters full of growing plants. The windows glowed with soft yellow light from inside while red lanterns hung in the branches or long ropes strung between them. To get to the main door required you to ascend a stairway carved in a massive root and leading to a porch carved into the tree itself. To add a sense of age, moss clung to the thick crusty bark of the tree while ferns and vines grew in every nook.

“It looks perfect,” Chandice said when Evalynn finally added a large golden door to the front. “I can’t believe we finally built my shop!”

“You deserve it,” Jaina said as she and Gisley each took a hand. “Now take us inside and give us the tour.”

Chandice smiled and dragged them up the steps and over the porch to the golden door. She threw it wide to reveal a warm interior of woods and thick rugs. It was empty except for wooden shelves, counters, and glass cases, but Chandice described where everything would go. She was full of enthusiasm as she set spaces aside for various things. One room would be exclusively for ingredients and another for potions and salves. The main space would sell everyday magical items while a back wall would be covered with magic weapons. A room for scrolls would be down one side, and the glass cases would house rare or dangerous items. She knew exactly how she wanted it to look and described how she would have incense burning, so the space had a certain air and smokiness to it. She would use her summoning skills to summon a familiar and hoped for a fire pestie, or one of the small devilkin. It would run about the shop to add to the ambiance and watch customers for theft. She would also enchant brooms to sweep floors and add all sorts of magical tools.

“So what's in the rooms upstairs?” Roric asked as he noted several stairwells going up into the tree.

“My private rooms,” Chandice replied. “Bedrooms, a library, a bath, sitting rooms, tea parlor, and a kitchen.”

“Where are the stables?” Jaina asked with a funny expression.

“Ha, you really like the idea of that,” Chandice laughed and looked at Evalynn. “can you add stables with a few stalls around the side?”

“I think so,” Evalynn said as she pulled up the screen again. “I can add anything you found in a medieval manor or farm.” She tapped for a few minutes, then announced she had found one and added it, hiding it around the trunk. You had to pass down a garden path under a large root to find a secluded yard where a wooden building was built into the side of the tree. The double doors led into a long wide run with six stalls on one side and a pile of hay on the other. There was a ladder to a loft, and several tools hung on the wall next to a bucket.

“Happy now?” Chandice asked.

“It needs a stable hand,” Jaina said as she looked into a stall bedded with straw. “Somebody has to take care of the animals.”

“You are terrible,” Chandice laughed and pulled Evalynn to the side. The two spoke in whispers and pointed to the screen as they worked out the details of the NPC they would add. Two rooms to act as a storeroom and a simple bedroom for the man were added in the back, then a wall of tack was added. It was covered in pony-girl leathers with bits, harnesses, and bridals meant for a woman's head. Chandice laughed when Evalynn showed her the NPC, and then the woman submitted the data to the world. A few seconds later, the back door opened, and a man walked. He had a piggish face with pointed ears sticking straight out of the sides of his head and short tusks jutting from his lower jaw. His nose was flat, and his eyes a dull pink. His body was bloated and fat, with a belly barely contained inside his dirty overalls. His skin was pea-green and patched with bluish spots.

“What is that supposed to be?” Jaina asked as she eyed the NPC curiously.

“The man who takes care of the animals,” Chandice replied. “His race says he is a Swinedris. He will see to all your needs and ensure you don't go too long without being bred.”

“I see,” Jaina replied with a raised brow. “Is there any reason you made him so ugly?”

“Does it matter?” Chandice asked. “When he has you pinned to the floor, breeding you like an animal are you going to care?”

“Ha, no,” Jaina laughed and looked around the space. “Should we consider getting mounts?”

“We have Gisley,” Chandice said.

“She isn't a mount,” Jaina replied, pulling Gisley into a hug. “She only plays one for fun sometimes.”

“Yeah, and only when a whip is involved,” Gisley said.

“Somebody likes a little punishment with her pleasure,” Chandice teased. “Well, I need to place my enchanter's table, and Evalynn needs to give me ownership of the structure.” She took them back to the house and into a dark room. It had tall round walls buried deep within the trunk of the tree. The floor was polished white marble streaked with red and at the center was a star pattern. Evalynn gave Chandice ownership of the space and she got to work by placing her enchanting table. It was a bulky table covered in runes and magical symbols. There were six small drawers of dark wood capped with copper plating. At one end was a raised round metal surface with gemstones set in a ring around the edge. Chandice explained that this was for crafting high-level items that required small parts. Once it was placed, she could begin decorating the shop, adding tables, chairs, cabinets, and other features as she spread out from her secluded room.

“This could take a long time,” Gisley said as she watched the slow changes.

“Not everybody can claim a space by singing and dancing over it,” Jaina said as they walked hand in hand through the changing shop. Roric and Evalynn joined them to let Chandice work and went outside into the magical forest to look around.

“So what now?” Evalynn asked.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he looked over the three women, making them smile as his eyes took in their naked bodies. “I can think of something to occupy your time while she works.” He took leashes out of his bag and attached them to the three collars before tugging them along like his pets. They went back to the hidden grove, then up the ramps into the gnoll village. Roric took them passed several gnoll NPCs that smiled and made low growls as they saw Evalynn's naked flesh on display. Clearly, they were ready to fulfill their roles and abuse the elf's body.

Roric took them all into his grand throne chamber and right up to his seat. He replaced Jaina's leash with the fine chain and then sat down before instructing her to dance. Jaina fell into her sexy dancing, waiving her arms as she turned about, so her body writhed for his pleasure. He smiled and undid his belt, pulling away his leather and ring armor before tugging the two remaining leashed.

Gisley and Evalynn fell to their knees at either side of his legs, each smiling at the other. Evalynn leaned in to begin kissing and sucking at her master's sheath while Gisley used a hand to lift his soft sack. She held it up and kissed it, gently massaging as his cock began to grow into Evalynn's mouth.

Jaina felt her heart flutter as she caught sight of the two sucking at her master's cock. How many times had she and Roric dreamed of this moment? Had it been a hundred or more like a thousand? How many times had they laughed and played it off like a fantasy that would never come true? Now here she was, naked and chained to a throne as she danced for the leader of a tribe of gnolls.

She felt that mixture of fear and excitement as it became a reality. From this moment on, she was a slave girl whose only purpose was to entertain her bestial master. How long she stayed on this chain and when or if she would be allowed to wander were entirely his choice. She was a slave, a girl, and he was her master; that was all that mattered to her. She even enjoyed knowing that other women were pleasing him and that she might be thrown to other men on a whim. She lived a life of service and sex now, and she loved every moment of it.

As the dance when on, so to did the activities of her slave sisters. She saw Evalynn and Gisley lavishing Roric's big bestial cock with tongues and kisses. Evalynn was the first to take it into her mouth, her head bobbing as Roric placed a hand to help guide her. She sucked lovingly for a few minutes then switched with Gisley, the two women keeping him at the edge of satisfaction.

Jaina couldn't help but smile as she danced, her life was complete, and they had a home at last. She wondered if he would go back to the cities from time to time to have them dance. The money they earned dancing and whoring had paid for vast amounts of their home. Roric said they had already used nearly all the gold they collected, but a significant portion of the points hadn't yet been spent. Those would be used to flesh out the areas and add some adventures. It would be a place where people could come for rare magical items and ingredients while also seeking adventure. If they were lucky enough to find Gisley, they might have quite a sexual adventure. Jaina would play along as well when Roric let her off the chain. She would stalk the woods looking for women to satisfy her lust for pussy. Of course, she wouldn't turn down a man, but she looked forward to the women.

She felt a tug at her chain and looked up to see all eyes watching her and Roric's cock firmly aroused. Her heart began racing as he reeled her in, bringing her closer to that cock. When she was close enough to touch it, he turned her around and pulled her back. Gisley and Evalynn pulled her legs apart before removing the golden pussy shield. Jaina felt the red gem given to her by her lover come free leaving a void that needed to be filled. Gisley rubbed Jaina’s hungry pussy and guided their master into Jaina’s flesh, as she settled on his lap. She moaned as she was filled, her lips spreading over his wide knot. She hadn’t once made love to him without the knot inside and this was a whole new experience.

Roric held her arms and leaned back, arching Jaina as she was forced to lean with him. She jumped as Gisley began to lick at her clit, teasing his knot and her flower simultaneously. Jaina began to moan and rock her hips, stretching her lips as they tried to swallow his girth.

Evalynn came to her breasts, sucking at one then the other while using her fingertips to tease her taught skin. Jaina closed her eyes as they began to torment her body, all the while firmly impaled on her master's cock.

She began to stand on her toes to try and ride him a bit. She felt a need to have his cock thundering in her body and wished he was knotted inside. He allowed her the slight motion, working up and down the shaft as Gisley hungrily licked at her clit.

“Oh, baby,” Jaina moaned as Roric pulled her arms tight. “Oh, please make me cum.” Gisley puckered her lips and sucked Jaina's clit between them. She held it firm while flicking the tip with her tongue as Jaina writhed from the direct stimulation. Her legs began to shake as Gisley focused on her tender bud, driving her wild. She ran wet with stimulation, and suddenly, Roric's knot slipped deeper into her body.

“Push it in!” Jaina cried as she threw her head back. “Please, master! Fuck me like you always do.”

“Do you deserve it?” Roric asked.

“Yes, please!” Jaina cried. “I danced my best for you.”

“You did look lovely dancing,” Roric agreed and pulled her close. “You do realize this is your life now? You are my slave pet and will spend your life pleasing me.”

“Yes, master,” Jaina whispered, pushing hard to drive him in.

“You really want the knot inside?” Roric asked.

“Yes!” Jaina cried as Gisley sucked her clit to the point of madness. “Oh please, you have the other girls to make slow love to. Please always be hard with me.”

“You want me to fuck you instead of making love,” Roric said approvingly.

“Always,” she begged. “I want you to fuck me the way you love to.”

She went to beg some more, but he suddenly shoved up while holding her arms to push her down. She felt her body straining over the knot as it tried desperately to stretch and accept it. Gisley and Evalynn pulled her legs wide, trying to help and suddenly she dropped. Jaina yelped as it slipped inside, her body closing around it and trapping it in place.

“You two can go,” Roric said to the girls. “Go and serve me.”

Gisley and Evalynn held hands as they smiled and left the tent, leaving Jaina firmly rooted to Roric’s lap. He stood up and bent her over, folding her arms over her back. She trembled to know what was coming next as he used one hand to pull her hips into his waist.

Then it began as Roric showed her no mercy. He pounded her body with rapid shallow strokes, the knot pressing at her clit from inside. Jaina loved this sensation of helplessness and absolute use. She was being fucked by a gnoll who had captured her and turned her into a fuck slave. Her body ran wet, turning his thrusts into slaps that could be heard over her pants. She shook with every impact, her breasts dancing wildly as her hair scraped the floor. Her legs trembled as the passion built inside until the magic of the slave collar pushed her over.

“Oh, master!” she cried, throwing her head back to scream. “Fuck me!”

Roric growled and began to pull her into his thrusts, driving his cock and knot deeper. She felt that extra depth, especially from the knot, and began to wail with every rapid thrust. Her voice came out in rapid pants, unable to keep up with the pounding from behind. Outside she heard Evalynn’s voice as the gnoll guards finally got their chance to have her. Roric had only made about a dozen of them so far, but that was more than enough to keep Evalynn busy. They would ravage her body as she became their prisoner, a toy to satiate their desires.

Gisley would likely flutter away, heading to her magical pond where she would make some home choices of her own. She was looking forward to adding some touches to the lodge on the lake and some magical tools to her hidden cave.

Jaina moaned as the next orgasm rocked her trembling body. Roric was still thrusting hard, driving his knot deeper than it had ever been before. Jaina tried to rub her thighs together as she shook from absolute pleasure. The blessed moment had finally come, and she looked forward to being his slave girl.

Two orgasms later, she actually felt tired. Her body was ready for a rest, but Roric was still hard at it, his thrusts never slowing. She closed her eyes and let her mind melt as he drove her to a fifth orgasm that sexual escalation made wonderful. She heard him growl as he wrapped a hand over her shoulder and thrust hard. Inside, something exploded and convulsed, filling her with a sense of warmth. A shared orgasm went off, and she had one of the best of her life, sending her voice soaring as she hopped on her toes.

Roric held her with his body firmly rooted inside. He waited for her breathing to slow, then carefully sat on his throne and pulled her into his lap. She turned sideways and curled to his chest as he began to stroke her head, a tear in his eye.

“I love you, my Jaina,” he whispered. “Will you be mad at me if I keep you mostly to myself?”

“I am yours to keep,” Jaina whispered. “I would only be mad at you if you didn’t keep me when you wanted to.”

Roric nodded and rested his muzzle on her head, the two of them unable to believe they had found a life full of such wonderful magic. He looked forward to the days and weeks ahead, dreaming of a life of sexual pleasure with his beauties.

“You know we can't do this all the time, or it will get stale,” Roric said. “But we can do it enough to make it our thing.”

“I will do it forever if that is your wish,” Jaina replied as she nestled in tighter. “I just want you to keep me as your slave.”

“We will travel sometimes, and people will visit,” Roric explained. “I want you girls to see the world and have the chance to experience its wonders.”

“I am sure the others will be happy to hear that,” Jaina sighed and had a naughty thought. “Will you take more girls?”

“Maybe one or two more,” Roric answered. “If we can find one special enough to compare to the three angels I already have.””

“Gisley is the angel,” Jaina laughed. “Evalynn and I are more like devils.”

“All of them are angels to me,” Roric said. “But you are my goddess.”

“Your slave goddess,” Jaina cooed. “I am the goddess of sex and slavery.”

Roric shook his head and hugged her tightly as his knot finally pulled from her body.

“No, you are the goddess of boundless compassion and sincere love. Your blessing is your body, and your worshipers flock to fall at your feet.”

“Hmm, I don’t think I can evolve into a goddess,” Jaina laughed. “But I like the idea of it.”

“Speaking of that when do you evolve?” Roric asked.

“Level forty,” Jaina replied. “At level forty, I become a full-fledged mimic, and then the fun really starts.”

They cuddled on his throne sharing in the glow of their love while listening to Evalynn serve her purpose someplace outside. It was a wonderful moment and a great triumph until Roric bolted up from his throne and nearly dropped Jaina to the floor.

“Is something wrong?” Jaina asked as he looked shocked.

“As the maser of your collars, I can feel all of you no matter where you are,” Roric said in a voice that trembled with worry.

“So?” Jaina pressed, growing concerned herself.

Roric looked down at her with a lost expression as he uttered the words that chilled his soul.

“Gisley just died.”

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