The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-6 The curious barmaid

Jaina was on her back, legs spread wide and feet high in the air as the grillick pounded her body. They were a froglike race that resembled a five-foot-tall frog in every way, including having a massive mouth and extendable tongue that could do amazing things. Jaina nearly professed her love for him when he used that tongue to reach deep into her body, giving her the oral experience of her life. Now she lay at the edge of the bed as he stood on the floor, holding her legs and fucking her firmly.

He was her final partner for the night, the other five long since gone. All of them had been eager to have her flesh and had triggered a chain of orgasms. Jaina squeezed her breasts as she writhed to think about the delicious joy of having orgasms. She needed them now, growing unsettled if she went too long without one. She didn't care who gave them to her either; so long as they had something hard to shove inside her body, she would spread her legs.

Of course, she would prefer her master was the one driving her wild, but he was busy fucking one of the barmaids. By the sound of her screams, it was Chandice, a lovely human girl with a fondness for beastmen. It seemed odd that she craved beastmen, but if they all fucked like Roric did, Jaina could understand why.

Jaina arched her back, squeezing her breasts firmly as the fifth orgasm rocked her body.

“Yes!” she cried and twisted as her addiction was fed. “More! Please don't stop. I need more!”

“Didn’t you have enough of those on stage?” the frogman asked with a funny voice.

Jaina wasn't sure there was such a thing as enough and thought back to her dance. Since her performances were drawing such large crowds, the innkeeper insisted on some organization. He met with Roric, and a publicly posted system was implemented. Now people knew exactly how much coin they needed to throw to strip Jaina naked. Then they could throw more to get her to masturbate, moaning loudly with every orgasm. Those clear rules did wonders, and the coins came fast. The crowd had been so hungry they paid for her to masturbate seven times until she was dancing in a puddle of her own passion.

Roric was also concerned that having Jaina try to count coins while she danced was too slow. So a barmaid named Gisley was assigned to count the coins for her. It was her job to collect them, and Gisley would strip Jaina of the next article of clothing when the proper amount was reached.

Roric also made it publicly known that Jaina was a prostitute, and she had no fixed rate. Instead, he would collect offers during the day, and she would go to the six highest bidders at night. This tripled the number of offers forcing Roric to put a box in the common room to collect them.

He also changed the process so that offers were collected during the dance instead of after. Jaina was allowed a break after the dance and sent to a private room to wait. Roric then sorted the offers, picking out the highest offers and sending the men to her room the same night. This allowed the men to have her while they were still aroused from her dance and hungry to work off that tension.

By all possible measurements, this plan was genius, and the coins rolled in. Jaina had over a hundred gold in a chest by the bed, and what had been thrown was nearly twice that. At this rate, Roric would soon be the wealthiest player in town, if not the whole region.

The Grillick let out a croaking moan and pulled her legs tight as he thrust into her pussy. She moaned and cried with every thrust, her body alive with pleasure. She had another orgasm, its power and intensity greater than the one before, as she pleaded with him to keep going. Sexual escalation made this process intense and drove Jaina to wish she could fuck all night.

Jaina's voice went high in unison with a croaking groan as his orgasm triggered hers. She spasmed and writhed as a mindnumbing storm shook her to the core and his seed began to fill her void. To her shock, it just kept coming, spilling out as he pulled away. A stream of it went up her chest, reaching her chin, and he pulsed three more times, coating her in his sticky gift. Jaina wanted more, but he was done, so she twisted and moaned, her hands spreading his cum across her body. She wanted to be coated in it and hated the idea that no more men were waiting. She also wanted another orgasm, and in her need, she reached low, smearing her fingers through his cum to masturbate as he watched.

“You are really that horny?” he asked as she kept her legs spread wide, her feet shaking as she rubbed with feral intensity.

“I need it!”Jaina cried as another orgasm pulsed through her body, setting her soul on fire. She rolled over in a panting mess as he dressed and deposited his gold in the chest. Jaina lay in a sticky mess as her orgasm faded, wishing there was just one more man to feed her addiction.

“This collar is going to kill me,” she panted and ran her fingers across the leather. “It makes it too easy to orgasm.” With that thought in mind, she plunged her fingers back into her body and began to rub again.

“No!” she cried and yanked her hands away. “I don't have Rorics permission.” It was a very clear instruction, and Jaina had already broken it. She was only allowed to orgasm if it was paid for, either during the dance or in bed. Outside of that, she wasn't to touch herself or do anything to bring about an orgasm. She beat the bed in shame as she realized she already had one without permission and would have to tell him. Her moment of shame was interrupted by a knock at the door, and Jaina looked over to ask who it was.

“It's me,” came the familiar voice of Gisley, the barmaid. “There is another man who wanted to know if you were still working.”

Jaina wanted to scream yes, eager to have another partner, but she wouldn't unless Roric ordered her to. It was all part of being his slave, and Jaina relished that only he could choose who she slept with.

“Sorry, Gisley,” Jaina said remorsefully. “I would have to ask Roric first, and he's in bed with Chandice.”

“I understand,” Gisley said from the other side of the door and then went silent. A moment later, she spoke in a nervous tone.

“Jaina, do you enjoy what you're doing?”

That seemed like a funny question, especially coming from Gisley, and it perked Jaina's interest. She sat up, covered in semen, to consider how best to reply.

“Gisley, if you're not going to be shocked by how I look after six men, come in, and we can talk,” Jaina answered.

Slowly the door opened and the soft purple skin of Gisley’s beautiful face poked around the door. She had long lavender hair and the most wonderful big eyes. They changed color based on her mood and sparkled when she was excited. On her head were two small fleshy antennae that ended in a little spiral bundle that would unroll when she was shocked. The woman was a moonlight fairy and could produce a set of purple and blue butterfly wings when she wanted.

The rest of her body was tall, thin, and beautifully curvy in all the right ways. She was gorgeous to look at but rather timid around men, and she was terrified to be appointed Jaina's assistant. Jaina still laughed, thinking about how the poor girl nearly fainted at the idea of being on stage. Then she had to strip Jaina's clothing off before a roaring audience as her cheeks blushed dark purple. Now the poor girl had another shock as she took in Jaina's cum soaked body and quickly looked away.

“Is something the matter?” Jaina asked with a coy smile.

“Do you need time to clean up?” Gisley asked without looking back. “I can come back later.”

“I am done for the night,” Jaina replied.

“But, you're covered in stuff,” Gisley stammered.

“It’s cum, Gisley,” Jaina said without a hint of shame. “Turn around and look at me.”

Gisley trembled as she turned to look, the sight of it glistening across Jaina’s skin causing her antenna to uncurl.

“You’re a girl,” Jaina said. “Why does seeing this bother you?”

“I don't know,” Gisley replied as she twisted nervously. “I guess I don't have a lot of experience with men.”

“Neither did I until I got here,” Jaina admitted. “To be honest, I have only slept with nine men in my whole life, and six of them were tonight. I guess I have tripled my score.”

“And you enjoy this?” Gisley asked with her eyes sparkling in excitement.

“Why are you excited to know the answer?” Jaina asked with a wry smile. “Is my shy little Gisley having ideas of her own?”

“What?” No!” Gisley protested. “I just, well, I didn't think you could be happy being a prostitute.”

“It's not something every woman can do, but why couldn't you be happy?” Jaina asked as she wondered how innocent poor Gisley was.

“It's just, I didn't think you could,” Gisley said as she tried to look away. “But you make it look fun.”

“It is fun, but only because Roric makes it so,” Jaina pointed out. She then explained how she wouldn't be able to do this if not for Roric. She wanted to be his slave badly and was eager to prove it. She promised him she would do anything he asked of her, and he demanded she be a prostitute. Jaina admitted how nervous she was and how the fear and anxiety gnawed at her heart. She tried to make Gisley understand how that mixture of emotions was intoxicating and being told to do something so counter to her being only made it worse.

“So what you really want is to be his slave,” Gisley said.

“I am his slave,” Jaina corrected. “And by obeying him, I make him happy. I know this is hard to understand, but submitting to the right master can be a magical experience. He has to push your boundaries, or you will never feel like he truly owns you. I am still a little nervous about it, but once the sex begins, it's hard to keep worrying.”

“So, the sex is good?” Gisley asked.

“Why don’t you try it and find out,” Jaina suggested.

“No, I couldn’t,” Gisley said and stepped back. “I should get back to work. Do you need me to get you a towel or help you carry the gold up?”

“Why would I need a towel?” Jaina asked with a funny smile and activated her cleanse ability, restoring her body and hair to pristine cleanliness.

“You could do that the whole time?” Gisley balked.

“I could, but I was enjoying the look on your face to see me like that,” Jaina said and got up. “Now, you could help me carry the gold up.”

Jaina and Gisley worked together to carry the box upstairs, where the sounds of a woman pleading could still be heard in the hall.

“He's not done with her yet?” Jaina laughed as they arrived a the door. Gisley looked very nervous, so Jaina decided to encourage her.

“If you're so interested, why don't I leave the door cracked a little, and you can peek in,” Jaina suggested.

“I didn't say I was interested,” Gisley protested, looking as if she might run.

“Gisley,” Jaina laughed and took her hand. “I am going to leave the door cracked. Please stay and watch if you want.” With that, she turned to the door and knocked to announce her presence to the people within.

“Who is it?” Roric called.

“It’s your loving little slave with a box full of money,” Jaina called back.

“Oh, I, um, can't really help you right this second,” he called back. “Just come in.”

Jaina threw open the door to see a blond-haired woman bent over the bed, panting like she had just run a race. Roric was kneeling right behind her, looking rather embarrassed as her pussy bulged from the knot still deep inside.

“I see Chandice had a good time,” Jaina laughed at the poor woman as she dragged the box in. She looked into the hall to see Gisley hiding nearby, and with a wink, she accidentally left the door open an inch.

“Save me,” Chandice moaned and looked at Jaina with a pleading face.

“Oh, you poor things,” Jaina said and sat on the bed to stroke the exhausted woman’s head. “I am afraid he’s probably not done with you yet.”

“Why would you say that?” Roric asked.

Jaina sighed deeply and looked down before admitting she had been bad. The customers had left her swimming in a state of sexual ecstasy that robbed her of her senses. She was lost in the moment, and before she knew what was happening, she masturbated.

“I see,” he replied with a nod. “I suppose you should be punished. I bet you were looking forward to returning here and getting a good fuck. But since you cheated, I think your punishment will be to sit right there and watch Chandice have your orgasms instead.”

“No, Please!” Chandice begged as he tightened his hands on the woman's hips and activated second wind. With his stamina refreshed and the knot still firmly inside, he went to work pummeling the poor woman again.

Jaina could only watch as Chandice had one powerful orgasm after another. The woman buried her face in the bed to muffle the screams as she clutched the blankets with knuckled fists. Roric took her like he did all his women, conquering them from behind like the animal he was. For nearly ten minutes, Chandice was pounded as she squeezed her hips together as if to resist him.

Roric let loose for the third time that night, filling Chandice to overflowing. His seed seeped out in thick rivulets, dropping to the floor at his feet. He looked down at the mess he had made, then snapped a finger to get Jaina's attention.

“Get down here and lick that up,” he commanded.

Jaina’s heart began to beat faster as Roric found yet another way to test her. She had never touched another woman before, and now here she was. Jaina looked down as Roric pulled back, his knot tugging from the inside and causing Chandices red, swollen pussy to bulge out.

Jaina had already failed her master once tonight, and she wasn't going to do it again, so without thinking, she bent over and began to lick. She tasted the efforts of their sex, his familiar cum mixing with the juice of Chandices flower. Roric commanded her to hold a hand underneath to catch the drippings, so she got down on the floor for a better angle and sucked up every drop she could get.

Chandice moaned to feel Jaina's tongue gliding over her stretched lips as more seeped out. The flow only increased as his knot began to fade. Desperate to please, Jaina bent over until her hungry mouth was underneath, licking at Chandices sticky clit. This caused Chandice to twitch, squeezing even more of the sweet milk into Jaina's open mouth.

The taste of their sex and knowing her master was fucking other women was really turning Jaina on. She began to have decadent dreams of him bedding dozens while all she could do was watch helplessly. Then, when he was done with them, Jaina would lick them clean like an obedient slave. The vision sent shivers down her spine to think she might have to pleasure other women. But the choice wasn't hers to make, she was a sex slave, plain and simple, and she would always obey.

Roric pulled back a little, and the lips of Chandice's pussy began to spread. Soon the knot would come free, and their sex would pour straight into Jaina's mouth. Chandice groaned as her body gave way, and out he came with a pop. As expected, the fluids of sex poured out, and Jaina had to swallow twice to keep up. It ran down her chin and neck while coating the side of her face as the twitching pussy never seemed to run out of cum.

When at last, the streams started to fade, Jaina looked up to see Roric watching.

“Make sure you clean her up,” he said, pointing to the gaping pussy. “Suck out everything you can.”

Jaina licked her lips nervously as she stared into another woman's pussy, still convulsing from being fucked. Rorics Knot had stretched her so wide Jaina thought she could put her hand inside and make a fist. Before her master said anything about her delay, she sat up and pressed her face into the abused folds. She buried her mouth inside, licking and sucking to get every drop she could from the woman’s body. Chandice began to moan from her efforts as her hands tightened on the bed again.

“Hmm, I like watching you do this. As part of your punishment, you have to lick her to another orgasm,” Roric commanded.

Jaina groaned in torment as she began to lick in earnest, pleasuring Chandice when it should have been her. She began to spend extra time teasing the woman's clit, causing her to thrash. Her ass was in the air as she leaned over Chandice, licking away earnestly. As Chandice began to moan, something wet dropped on her rear. Jaina tried to look back, but Roric commanded her to keep her eyes closed and focus on pleasing his lover.

Fingers pushed at her little opening, testing its resistance. The wetness was smeared with those fingers, wiping it around her hole before being pushed in. She jumped when a finger reached deep inside and spread the liquid before giving it a few firm thrusts. Her mind began to swim with thoughts as her tongue lavished another woman. Why was Roric playing with her ass?

She felt his fur against her legs as he stood directly behind her. More wetness poured onto her rear and was massaged into her tight hole until two fingers easily slid in. Jaina realized he was drooling onto her butt and using the saliva to lubricate her ass. That could only mean he intended to do something she hadn't considered since coming here. They had tried anal sex once before in the real world, and it hurt a lot. But here in this world, Roric was a towering blend of hyena and man and had a massive dog-like cock. Surely he wouldn't try to jam that thing in her ass?

As if to answer her question, she felt the tip press against the tight hole. To her surprise, her body simply opened up and accepted the intruder. She moaned into Chandice's pussy as Roric went deeper, stretching her ass wide. She began to groan and grunt as he went deep enough that the knot now pressed at her hole. With a sigh of relief, she realized he couldn't get it in, but then she heard him spit and felt him rubbing. It could only mean he was lubricating the knot to try and push it through. Jaina tensed as he grabbed her hips and firmly pulled, desperate to widen the entrance. She groaned and squeezed as the bulb of his knot stretched her to the breaking point, and then with a plop, it went in.

Though her tongue still licked at Chandice's gooey cunt, the rest of her body was paralyzed with fear. Jaina's ass was slowly stretching as Roric's knot swelled inside. Soon he would be too big to pull out, and she would be doomed to her fate. She tried to focus on her task, eager to please her master, but as the pressure mounted, she found it impossible to do.

“You are much tighter here,” Roric said as he ran a hand along her thigh. “Now try as hard as you can to keep pleasing Chandice, but I understand if you can't.”

Jaina moaned her acknowledgment as his hands tightened around her hips. Then, with a final adjustment to his position, he began in earnest, sparing her no comfort. The first thrust drove Jiana's face into Chandice's body, but when he pulled back, the knot forced her to come with, and she was yanked away. And so it went for a dozen thrusts until Roric leaned over and grabbed her hair. He pushed her face into the woman before her and commanded her to keep licking until Chandice had another orgasm.

Chandice moaned as Jaina's tongue went wild in her body, desperately trying to make her cum. She reached up with both hands to hook Chandice's legs for support and to anchor herself. Now that she was firmly linked, Roric found his task much easier, and he settled into a good hard rhythm to punish her rear.

Jaina had expected this to hurt, but it felt rather comfortable. There was something soothing about feeling him deep in her ass. Even that big knot felt wonderful as it pushed on her pussy from the inside, slowly stimulating her. As the pressure began to mount, Jaina remembered the sex slave skill of accommodate and realized it must be why this was so pleasurable. Feeling more at ease, she hungrily devoured the pussy before her, enjoying the reaction it got from Chandice.

Chandice moaned and thrashed before finally turning over to lie on her back. She and Jaina made eye contact as Chandice smiled in happy bliss. Jaina realized that Chandice was excited that Jaina was eating her out, and that idea gave her a new purpose. Holding on with one arm, she used the other to slip two fingers into Chandice's body. Jaina began to thrust in rhythm to Roric's pace, adding to the stimulation.

Behind her, Roric claimed every inch of her body, proving that she was his to take how he pleased. He brutalized her rear with a fearful pounding, his knot pushing against her pussy from inside. All at once, her orgasm came and her body clenched on the cock in her ass. Something about her ass being full when the muscles tightened sent the orgasm spiraling out of control. Jaina screamed into Chandice, her fingers thrusting at a terrible pace. Chandice began to moan and thrash, her hips bucking into Jaina's face. Just as Jaina's orgasm was almost becoming bearable, Chandice had an orgasm of her own. Jaina's slave skill of shared orgasm triggered, and suddenly a second, more powerful one shook her body. Her legs trembled as the addiction was fed, causing her to desire more and more. Roric was slowly building another one up, but Jaina now knew how to have all she wanted. Every time Chandice had an orgasm, so would she driving Jaina wild. She attacked the woman's body, desperately trying to force another orgasm out.

A minute later, she was rewarded as Chandice began to beg her to stop. Jaina didn't hear a word, as sexual escalation made the orgasm even more intense than the one before. Panting like a wild beast, Jaina ravaged poor Chandice, who was trying to shove Jaina away. Then the unthinkable happened as Chandice and Roric orgasmed simultaneously, forcing Jaina to share them both.

She used Chandice’s body to muffle a scream of such absolute pleasure that Roric started to laugh. Her legs went weak, forcing Roric to hold her up as Chandice took note of her fatigue. She quickly sat up and pulled Jaina into her lap, petting her head and urging her to relax.

Roric walked Jaina forward so she could lay in Chandice’s arms until his knot shrunk enough to get out.

“Your poor slave,” Chandice said as she cradled Jaina’s head. “I can’t believe she is so devoted.”

“Jaina is the most wonderful slave a master could want,” Roric replied and stroked her rear. “There will never be a woman I loved more than her.”

“She inspires me,” Chandice said with a smile. “I see her dancing and think of how brave she is. When I think of all the sex she has, it almost makes me wish I had a collar.”

“Theirs more to being a slave than sex and dancing,” Roric said. “It requires a fairly rare mindset. You have to derive pleasure and satisfaction from being owned and obeying your master.”

“And she has it,” Chandice replied. “I envy her. Well, I should go. Your poor little pet needs her sleep. If you need some company tomorrow night, just let me know.”

Jaina was only vaguely aware that they were kissing as she lay face down on the bed. She hardly noticed the sudden shift inside her body as his knot finally came out. All she could think about was the orgasm that just took her to a whole new place. She wondered if such a moment would come again and what would have happened if Roric had been in her pussy instead. He would have given her eight or more orgasms before that moment, building sexual escalation up to terrible levels. When the dual one finally came, she would probably have died and needed to respawn.

She struggled to hold that thought as exhaustion settled in, driving her to crave sleep. Strong arms picked her up, and she felt the room moving as Roric sat on the bed. He began to rock as she curled to his warm furry chest, those strong arms holding her in place.

“I love you, my Jaina,” he whispered. “You have no idea how happy you make me.”

She responded with a weak moan and ran a hand down his side.

“Shhh,” he said softly. “Go to sleep. I will hold you all night to keep you safe.”

Jaina never heard his final words, but she didn't need to. Safely tucked in her master's arms, she slipped away to dream of serving him with all her heart.

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