The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-7 Spoils of war

“Why are we doing this?” Jaina asked as Roric spread a blanket over the grass.

“It’s a picnic,” Roric replied and then gestured to the basket. “I bought all kinds of stuff from the baker.”

“We’re having a picnic?” Jaina asked and looked around the rolling hills of green.

“Why are you so surprised?” Roric laughed. “Are you not worthy of being rewarded?”

“I am being rewarded, am I?” she said as he held out his hand to guide her to the blanket. “Does this mean you're not going to fuck me senseless?”

“I was going to do that after you had a piece of pie, or maybe some cake,” he said with a big smile.

“Hmm,” Jaina replied and leaned into him. “I can’t believe we are here.”

“I can’t believe we went through with our plan,” Roric said. “You are doing so good at this.”

“You make it easy to do,” Jaina replied as she relished his warm fur. “I love obeying you.”

“And I love watching you obey,” he said and put his arm around her. “Is there anything I could do better?”

Jaina shook her head honestly, unable to think of anything he could do. She came in here to be his slave, and he'd stripped her naked to dance and fuck for profit. She couldn't imagine what more he could possibly ask her to do.

“Just so we are clear,” Roric began. “If you ever change your mind about anything I….”

She sat up and put a finger to his lips to silence him before he said something he would regret.

“No,” she said firmly. “I need you to own me. Now look me in the eyes and tell me we will never have this conversation again. I am your slave, and I want you to embrace that. If you give me outs or allow me to change my mind, I won't feel like a slave. If you want to make me happy, take all my choices away.”

“I understand,” Roric said and pulled her back into his arms. “Then let me promise you this. You are my property, and I will use you as I see fit.”

“Good,” Jaina replied with a smile.

“Well then,” Roric said as he looked down at his precious slave. “I think I would like to grind some experience.”

Jaina laughed at how he put it and nodded as she crawled to her hands and knees. She stood on her knees and dutifully put her hands behind her back. He secured the slave cuffs with a lock and then leaned her over as he got into place. Jaina then felt the firm cock of her master sliding into her eager pussy. He buried himself as deep as he could, waiting for the knot to lock him in place. Then he earned his experience by fucking his slave as a master should.

[Lvl 5 conqueror skill: Boone of the flesh] Increases masters strength and health pool by having sex with a slave. Effect stacks for each slave used. Duration: 1 hour.

Jaina saw a red glow as Roric activated some of his master's abilities. Ever since level five, he started to gain special powers that could only be used in conjunction with his slaves. Some of them were passive and always running so long as she was nearby. Others like Boone of flesh had to be activated and required him to fuck her. She liked the idea of a combat buff that was only gained when her master fucked her.

She moaned with joy as the orgasms began, soon to be followed by many more. Roric would get the most out of her body, earning experience every time he finished. He would activate all his buffs in the process, then leave her to sit on the grass and rest while he went out to hunt. He was usually back in a couple of hours with a collection of trophies and trinkets taken from his kills. They would have sex again and then head to town to turn in quests and get ready for the night.

Today was no exception, as he took her over and over, earning experience with every lusting conquest. Jaina, too, gained experience fast, as two of her classes benefited from sex. Already she was level nine when Roric was only seven and struggling to keep up. He was hoping to reach eight in this hunt and unlock a new master power. It was called a masters right, and it allowed him to steal a power from his slave whenever they had sex. It only allowed him to have one power at a time, but points could be spent to boost it so he could take more. With such a power, he could steal Jaina's shapeshifting ability or any of her other skills to use how he wanted. It was a fascinating idea that she would literally become a walking list of skills for him to take when needed.

“I love you!” she screamed as she had another glorious orgasm. She tugged at her bound wrists, relishing the knowledge that she was helpless as Roric satisfied his lusts. Five orgasms later and Roric finished his first round, pausing to eat a tart from the basket.

Jaina remained on her knees, his knot still buried inside. Thanks to stamina buffs and a skill called second wind, Roric could go again with only a few minutes' pause. The second round began, and Jaina resumed her chorus of joyful cries. This was what she lived for, on her knees being used by her master. The orgasms she was so addicted to began to come fast, each one stacking on the other in intensity. By the time Roric finished a second time, she was a panting wreck with her head on the ground as she heaved for breath. Round three began a few minutes later, followed ten minutes later by four, and then five. Eight long and powerful fuckings later, Jaina was finally laid aside gently to rest.

“Be safe, my love,” she said and stroked his canine face.

“Shh, just rest for a little bit,” he urged. “When I get back, I have a surprise for you.”

“I like surprises,” Jaina whispered as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. When she woke, the sun had moved to its three o'clock position, and she felt a little hungry. She raided the basket to find it was full of cakes and cookies as well as a lovely pie. Sitting naked on the blanket, she nibbled away, wondering where her master was.

An hour later, she was lying on her back, watching the clouds roll by, when Roric reappeared, limping and bleeding from one side.

“Roric!” Jaina shouted and ran across the field to practically tackle him. She quickly locked him in a healing kiss to soothe away his wounds as his arms came around her. When he was mended, she stepped back to ask him what had happened.

“Some stupid knight woman refused to believe I was a hero player,” he said. “She uses a long spear-like me and wears heavier armor. I don't think I would have gotten away, but a pack of tuskar boars charged us, and she ended up tangled with them. I took my opportunity to run and came right back here. If I hadn't had Boone of the flesh on, I think she would have killed me.

“Well, come sit down and rest,” Jaina urged and led him back to the blanket.

“I tried to reason with her,” Roric said as Jaina poured him a glass of wine and handed it to him.

“Some people just can’t be nice,” Jaina said and knelt behind him to rub the base of his neck.

“Well, since I’m back. Would you like to see your surprise?” he asked.

“That’s like asking me if I want to be your slave,” she laughed. “Of course I do!”

Roric nodded and took off his pack to root around inside a moment. Jaina waited anxiously as the tension mounted, wondering what the gift could be.

“I had this made for you,” Roric said and pulled out a wide loop of black scaled leather. It had rows of rubies running down the edges and thick bands of diamonds across the length, spelling out the words sex slave.

“Oh my gosh, it's beautiful!” Jaina cried and took it from his hands. She held it up so the stones could sparkle in the light as her smile spread in wonder. “How did you afford this?”

“I have a girl I whore out for profit,” Roric said with a smile.

“Well, I am sure she loves her job,” Jaina laughed, then considered another thought. “But how do I wear it if I have your slave collar on?”

“I wanted to talk to you about that,” Roric sighed. “Jaina, you’re my slave.”

“I know,” Jaina replied.

“No,” Roric said and tried to sound more assertive. “Jaina. You are my slave, and you don't have any say in it.”

“Ok?” Jaina replied. “You have me confused.”

“What I am trying to say is, I don't need a slave collar to know you are my slave. I am telling you that you are my slave. Collar or no collar, I will use you how I want, and I am going to demand you obey. As your owner, I find a great deal of value in your morphic abilities, and if we lock that collar on, you will lose them,” he explained.

“You don’t want me to wear the slave collar?” Jaina asked.

“I am saying you don’t need to wear it,” Roric corrected. “You can wear the new collar when we are out shopping or just strolling through town. You can wear the slave collar when I or other men are breeding you.”

“I like it when you say people are breeding me. It sounds so taboo,” Jaina said and looked at her shiny new collar. “I think I see you're point. The slave collar is really only useful when I am having sex, but my morphic powers are useful all the time.”

“And I don’t need the slave collar to make you mine. You already do that better than I could ever have imagined,” Roric said.

“So I could wear the pretty one around town so people could see it and then use the slave one for the sex buffs,” Jaina surmised with a sad look at the pretty collar. “Can I think about it?”

“I wasn’t supposed to give you choices, remember?” he laughed.

“Oh, stop,” Jaina pouted. “This is something significant. Wearing your collar is a badge of honor, and I don't want to abuse it.”

“Well, take some time to think about it,” he said and ran a hand along her breasts. “Now, get on your knees. I need to refresh my buffs.”

She went right to her knees and happily helped her master power up. Afterward, he picked up the picnic and carried her home in his arms. She laid across his chest with her bare feet dangling in the air as they walked back and talked about the future.

“So did you level?” she asked.

“Yes, he replied. And I already stole one of your powers,” he replied.

“Hmm, I hope it helps,” Jaina replied.

“I am thinking about putting the full twenty points into it,” Roric replied. “Then I can steal up to four skills, or copy a single one, so you don't lose it.”

“What would you copy?” Jaina asked.

“I was thinking maybe your shapeshift. Then you and I could be any race we wanted to have sex,” he said.

“Yummy, you could be a centaur,” Jaina said and started to giggle.

“You’re terrible,” Roric said and joined her in the laugh.

They reached the outskirts of town and started to pass players who waived and said hello.

“Hello sir, Roric and his beautiful slave Jaina,” came Heurger, the dwarf.

“Good afternoon Heurger,” Jaina replied. “Are you coming to the dance tonight?”

“I'm getting there two hours early before the place fills out,” the dwarf replied as his eyes looked almost directly at Jaina's naked rear.

“Well, if I see you, I will blow you a kiss,” Jaina said and waved as Roric carried her off, only to run into a timid human named Justin.

“Good afternoon Roric,” he said as was proper to address her master first. “And good day to you, Jaina.”

“Hello, Justin,” Jaina replied with a bat of her eyes. “Have you been working hard enough to bid?”

He blushed and nearly dropped his sword before insisting he had been out all morning doing quests to try and make enough.

“Just bid what you can afford,” Roric insisted. “You never know. If enough people bid low, you might just win.”

“I will try that,” Justin said and bowed his head. “Good day to you both.”

He hurried off as Jaina smiled and looked around the town to see people wave and nod in acknowledgment.

“We are becoming quite popular,” Roric said as he took note.

“Well, your the best master in the world, and you have been so generous to share your slave with others,” Jaina said.

“I am sure that’s it,” Roric laughed and adjusted his grip. “Let’s go turn in this fetch quest I did and –.”

“You!” a voice shouted, causing Roric to turn around.

“Oh no,” Roric groaned when he saw the plated woman with a long spear pointing the weapon his way. She had long flowing blond hair with the pointed ears of an elf framing a set of steel-blue eyes.

“Who is that?” Jaina asked.

“That crazy woman I was telling you about,” Roric said. “She must be staying in the village.”

“You lousy, flea-bitten, cur!” the woman cursed. “Do you have any honor? Running away when I was too busy to chase you!”

“Look, I already told you. I am a silver mane gnoll, and that makes me a hero player,” Roric shouted. “Now go bother somebody else.”

“You think I am going to let an animal like you carry away that poor girl?” the woman shouted.

“Is she talking about me?” Jaina asked.

“I think I need to put you down,” Roric replied and lowered her to the street as a crowd started to gather.

“You’re not going to fight her?” Jaina asked.

“I don't think I have a choice,” Roric replied as the armored woman went into a fancy spin to display her prowess.

“Now, step forward so we can have a proper fight,” the woman shouted.

“You leave my master alone!” Jaina shouted as she felt angry that this was happening.

“Just let me try to handle this,” Roric said as he walked out with his weapon in hand. “Look, we don’t have to do this.”

“You filthy beast races shouldn't sully our communities,” the woman shouted as she did another fancy maneuver. “I am going to drive you from our lands. Maybe you can find a home with the monster players.”

“Miss Jaina, are you alright?” came Gisley's voice as she ran to Jaina's side.

“No, I am not alright,” Jaina replied. “That crazy woman wants to hurt Roric.”

“Oh, that woman,” Gisley said with wide eyes. “She's a glaive knight and comes through here every so often to hassle all the beast races.”

“Well, she isn't going to hurt Roric!” Jaina shouted as the two closed on one another.

“Now, let us finish our fight,” the woman said as she leveled a spear with a blade more like an ax.

Roric didn't respond other than to spread his feet and ready his long-bladed spear. In the blink of an eye, the two were at one another in a dance of spears. Jaina covered her mouth in alarm as Roric ducked under the woman's attack and tried to counter with one of his own. Unfortunately, he missed the mark and was clipped by a backswing, the woman drawing first blood.

“No!” Jaina cried and pulled up her character sheet. She had recently hit level nine, and one of her new sex slave skills was meant to aid her master. She found what she needed as Roric was struck again and activated the power, punishment.

[lvl 8 Sex Slave skill: Punishment] Slave absorbs damage in place of their master. Can absorb up to 20% from all attacks. Effect ends if the slave drops below 10% health.

“Ow!” Jaina cried as Roric was struck again, causing Gisley to try and support her.

“What happened?” Gisley asked and tried to support Jaina as she staggered.

“I am absorbing damage from her hits,” Jaina said through gritted teeth. “But my morphic race has a regeneration ability.”

[lvl 4 Morphic skill: Regeneration] Your fluid body recovers from wounds quickly. Restoring 10 health per second until your stamina bar depletes.

“What level is this woman? She hits really hard,” Jains said

“She’s level thirty,” Gisley replied. “I hate to say it, but I don’t think Roric has a chance.”

“Then I have to help him more,” Jaina groaned and staggered toward the fight.

“Jaina!” Gisley called. “What are you doing?”

Jaina staggered into range, and with arms thrown wide, she called on Take me instead.

[lvl 8 Seductress Skill: Take Me Instead] Forces a single target to check willpower or become aroused with the seductress, forcing them to focus on seducing her.

The woman was about to strike Roric when she paused and looked Jaina’s way with a funny expression.

“Why do I feel like I need to kiss you?” she asked just before Roric took advantage of the distraction and landed a solid hit.

“You filthy beast!” she cried and turned back to the fight. “I am going to skin you and use you for a cape.” She swung her weapon and caught Roric firmly on the chest to practically throw him at Jaina's feet. Jaina winced in pain from the impact and realized she needed to work fast.

“And now you will die!” the woman shouted.

“Not if I can help it,” Jaina said and activated allure.

[lvl 3 Seductress Skill: Allure] Causes all those who have line of sight to notice you, even if they are distracted.

The woman paused again and turned to Jaina, who now activated Seductive Smile.

[lvl 1 Seductress skill: Seductive smile] [boosted 5] Smile at a chosen target to cause them to feel great arousal for you. The target becomes amorous and will follow you for up to 1 hour.

Jaina gave the woman a broad smile and a look of pure lust, causing her to come to a halt.

“You are so beautiful,” the woman said as Jaina ran to Roric and used Healing Kiss.

[lvl 1 Seductress skill: Healing Kiss] [boosted 3] Restore health to a target by kissing them. Holding the kiss channels the heal over time.

Rorics injuries rapidly began to mend even as the woman asked Jaina to go someplace more private with her.

“You need to stand back,” Roric said as Jaina finished the kiss.

“I am not letting that woman kill you,” Jaina said and helped him up.

“Wait a minute!” the woman cried and suddenly glared at Jaina. “You keep doing something to distract me!”

“It wore off already?” Jaina said in alarm.

“She’s much higher level than us,” Roric replied as he readied his spear. “The difference is severely limiting how long you can affect her.”

“I demand to know why you are naked and how you keep charming me!” the woman shouted.

“I am his sex slave,” Jaina shouted back. “And I won’t let you kill my master.”

“You’re that animal's sex slave?” the woman said with a look of pure disgust.

“Yes! And I am proud of it!” Jaina shouted.

“Then you are as filthy as he is,” the woman said and pointed her spear at Jaina. Suddenly she raced across the battlefield in a blur, causing Jaina to scream and throw up her arms.

“Masters defense!” Roric shouted as he counterattacked and landed another solid blow.

[lvl 5 conqueror skill: Masters Defense] Shields the slave in an impenetrable bubble for up to 60 seconds. +30 seconds per point boost.

Jaina was suddenly encased in a bubble of what appeared to be glass as the woman's odd spear glanced off. Roric stabbed the woman through the side in the same attack, causing her to dart to the side and turn back to him.

“Your tricks will only last so long,” the woman spat as she did another fancy maneuver. With all the grace of a wrecking ball, she suddenly jumped into the air and brought her weapon down in a crushing swing. Roric dived out of the way and lashed outscoring a tiny hit that her armor mostly blocked.

“Use something like rampage!” Jaina shouted from her bubble when she saw the woman go into a complex three attack move.

“That requires too much concentration,” Roric shouted back. “And I don’t have the stamina to pay the maintenance cost. I used it all on you for sex.”

Jaina knew she had a skill that could help, but she had to wait until the bubble ended. When it did, she ran across the street and quickly touched Roric to activate Soothing touch.

[lvl 5 seductress skill: Soothing touch] With a touch, you can drive away weariness and pain. Greatly enhances the targets concentration skill, and reduces all maintenance costs by half.

“You annoying slut!” the woman shouted as Jaina turned around and hid behind Roric. “What did you just do?”

“She gave me a chance,” Roric replied before shouting rampage!

[Lvl 6 conqueror skill: Rampage] [Boosted 3] You gain superhuman strength and damage absorption based on the user's concentration. Effect lasts for the duration of your stamina bar. Once the bar depletes, the effect ends.

Roric glowed with red light and rushed in, his spear thrusting in rapid strikes. The woman met him head-on, but he put the damage absorption to use, allowing her to land attacks so he could get through. She took a hit for every one she landed, but Jaina was interfering again with take me instead, breaking the woman's defense. Roric put those opportunities to use, scoring solid heats boosted with both rampage and Boone of flesh to make his strength impressive.

The woman raged at Jaina's interference and used her fearless charge to suddenly turn on Jaina and close the ground. Jaina once again screamed, but Roric was quick to her aid with a cry of, “Hands off!”

[lvl 7 conqueror skill: Hands off] Forces an enemy to attack the master instead of a slave.

The woman whirled around just before reaching Jaina and growled in aggravated rage.

“Stop forcing me to change targets!” she shouted as Roric closed the gap. The two collided in a dance of spears, with hits being traded on both sides. Blood flowed from a dozen wounds as the woman refused to yield.

“I give you credit for putting up a good fight,” she said with a smile. “But you can’t keep trading blows with me. You will run out of health long before I do.”

“That's what you think,” Roric said and looked at Jaina. He hated to use this power, but the woman was right. Even with boosted health, she had more than him. “Serve me!” he shouted to Jaina, who began to glow with a red light that streamed from her to Roric.

[Lvl 6 conqueror skill: Serve me] Transfer health from a slave to the master, restoring the master up to 120% maximum health. The slave cannot be reduced below 50% health.

Jaina fell to her knees in pain as her health was drained away. Gisley ran to her side and tried to hold her up as Roric, and the knight continued their battle.

“Jaina!” Gisley called out and struggled to pull her up.

“I’m fine. Roric just used my health to heal himself,” Jaina groaned. “My regeneration is already recovering it.”

“Then let me help you recover it faster,” Gisley said and raised a palm that was suddenly full of golden dust. She blew the dust over Jaina and quietly said, “I love you.”

[lvl 20 lunar fairy skill: blessing of love] Bless a target with a complete recovery of health, mana, stamina, and special power bars. All bars are increased by 20% 12 hours. Can only be used once per day.

Jaina felt instantly revitalized and jumped to her feet. She had done her best to help from the sidelines, but she could no longer afford to stay out of the fight. She ran into the battle with bare fists, causing the annoying woman to laugh.

“You don't have the range, vile slave girl,” she laughed and used her spear to jab Jaina away.

“I don’t need the reach,” Jaina said and activated fluid reflexes.

[lvl 6 Morphic skill: Fluid Reflexes] By becoming partially fluid, your reflexes greatly increase, allowing you to flow around attacks, doubling your chance to dodge, and reducing slashing, stabbing, and crushing damage by 50%. Lasts 20 seconds.

Suddenly Jaina's form began to waver, dancing from side to side like a wave of water as the woman tried in vain to stab her. Roric pressed his attack, landing yet another solid hit that staggered the woman, causing her to fall back. Jaina pressed her attack, going for her claws and slashing wildly from inside the woman's reach, throwing her off balance.

[lvl 1 Morphic skill: claws] Your fingers elongate into narrow blades, becoming a deadly weapon as strong as steel.

Suddenly the fight was going the other way as the woman began to stumble under the weight of her wounds. People began to cheer as Roric and Jaina finally backed her into a corner and knocked the spear from her hand.

“Stop!” the woman said from where she fell to her knees. She put a hand up to show she was beaten as blood dripped from her mouth.

“Why should we?” Jaina asked as her anger simmered to see Roric was injured again.

“You have beaten me,” the woman groaned. “What more do you want?”

Roric smiled wickedly and winked at Jaina before putting his spear blade to the woman's throat and using it to lift her head.

“Say loudly that you yield and submit to me,” he ordered.

“Why?” the woman groaned.

“Say it, or I end you right here,” he replied with a growl behind his words.

“Fine, I yield and submit to you,” she said.

“Roric laughed and pulled his spear away before evoking the power, Spoils of war.

[Lvl 8 conqueror skill: Spoils of war] Any target that yields to you in battle can be taken as a slave for 24 hours. These slaves have a 20% bonus to all sex-related buffs.

Jaina watched in wonder as a red collar appeared around the woman's neck, as her eyes went wide with shock.

“What have you done?” the woman asked as she clawed at her neck, trying in vain to pull the collar off.

“Put you in your place,” Rorik said and leaned over to look her in the eyes. “You will address me as master.”

The woman choked, and Jaina could see she was under the influence of a command. She tried to fight it as long as she could, but in the end, she lost and looked down in shame.

“Yes, master.”

“Jaina, heal my slave,” he said and worked his arm.

Jaina smiled and knelt as the woman looked terrified of what would happen next. Jaina leaned forward and closed her eyes, planting her lips to the womans with a healing kiss. The woman moaned as her wounds began to glow with a golden light. A few minutes later, Jaina leaned back to see the blushed face of their attacker.

“What kind of heal requires you to kiss?” she asked.

“It’s a seductress power,” Jaina replied.

“You are playing a seductress?” the woman balked. “Why not play a succubus and get it over with.”

“Too many succubus powers overlapped with the slave collar,” Jaina answered. “Besides, I didn't want to look so obvious. Horns, wings, and a tail are hard to hide.”

“Get up and start walking back to the hills,” Roric commanded and waited for her to get her spear and start moving.

“Where are we going?” she asked as they headed out of town.

“Back to where we first met, now tell me what your name is?” Roric demanded, causing the woman to tremble.

“Evalynn,” she replied with a hint of irritation. “Now, what do you plan to do to me?”

“Well, Evalynn,” he said with a toothy smile. “We are going back out into the fields because you owe me some buffs.”

“I don't have any buffs to give you,” she protested, but Roric smiled all the wider and insisted that she was wrong. Jaina started to laugh as she realized Evalynn was about to have quite a lesson in the power of Roric's class.

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