The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-63 A love that glitters

Jaina lay in bed with Gisley and Evalynn; the three pulled tightly together as the shock of recent events began to wear off. They had reached the city and the safety of Rajeen's inn two days ago and were immediately surrounded by defenders.

Rajeen had been out on a mission of importance, hunting down a lead to the person spreading the lie. Now she was back, and her anger was fierce as she found not one or two but seven people working to spread the rumor. She attempted to capture them, but several were of sufficient level and had guards. They managed to escape in pitched battles, one of which left a city block in flames and angered the local rulership. Rajeen did manage to bring down two of them, one of which was assassinated hours later before she could be interrogated.

The last was a dwarf woman who defiantly told Rajeen where she could stick her questions. Rajeen paid a handsome sum to the local rogues to find out what the woman had been doing. It took a few days of questioning, but they discovered that not only had she posted some of the notices, but there was a magic at play. The rogues discovered that a magical ward had been discreetly placed in areas where players congregated like inns or market squares. It wasn't very powerful, so it wasn't easily noticed, but it was a form of suggestion. It urged the players to act on the letters and feel a desire to do what they said. It also suppressed the player's empathy, making them uncaring about hurting the girls.

Rajeen faced some trouble with several lords until she pointed out how their people were being manipulated. This sent many a town into a frenzy as counterspells were deployed to free people from the subtle touch.

Now rulers wanted the dwarf and anyone else connected to the notices. So Rajeen offered the woman a chance to escape in exchange for answers, or she would hand her over to the angry mob.

This loosened her tongue, and the answers hadn't been pretty. She was part of a group that worked for the silken princes. They made their living by traveling the regions and buying interesting slave girls to sell to the princess. The princes paid handsomely for something unique, and right now, the prices had never been higher. They were holding a competition to see who could procure the rarest girl of all. The winner would be crowned the silk king and made ruler over the others.

Groups of slave hunters were scouring the land for various patrons, and Alexandria had contacted her group. She claimed to have one of the rarest race and class combinations ever and demanded a high price. She promised to deliver Jaina to their hands, so they paid her in advance and traveled a significant distance to collect the prize.

They arrived only to discover Alexandria didn't have the girl, and more importantly, she had spent the money trying to acquire her. They demanded the money back, but Alexandria stalled for time, promising to get it soon. That turned out to be her attempt to steal it from them, but when they turned the tables and stole it back, she got desperate. She used the last of her personal funds to hire the assassins. Her plan was simple. Jaina had proven immune to her deceiver skills, so she would reset Jaina and hope that she would be far easier to control at level one.

The slave collectors didn't want an unwilling slave as she couldn't be collared. So Alexandria needed her powers to work, or Jaina would be useless to them. As they listened to the story, Jaina realized why Alexandria was so angry that she wanted to stay with Roric. It was because she was attacking Jaina with deception skills and gaining no ground. She needed Jaina to come willingly, or everything would fall apart.

The slave collectors gave her an ultimatum, deliver Jaina or they were going to take her instead. Alexandria's last effort was the battle in the dungeon, where she paid for the aid of a mercenary group with promises. When they failed to acquire Jaina, she fled, releasing her girls and vanishing into the night.

The collectors were now hunting for her, as were the mercenaries, but the journey hadn't been a total loss. The battle in the dungeon revealed a prize as good or better than the morphic. Gisley was a lunar fairy, and after some discreet spying, they learned she was also a prostitute class. Either of those factors made her valuable, but both together made her worth a fortune. If they could deliver Jaina and Gisley together, their chosen prince was sure to win, and they would each be elevated to princes themselves.

Rajeen wasn’t pleased with the answer because the attacks on the forest were meant to kill, not capture. The dwarf explained they wanted to put them under terrible pressure, so they felt they had no way out. Then the group would approach them and offer a solution as if they were just friendly players horrified by the situation. They would explain how they worked for the distant princes and were searching for rare girls. They had the means to keep the girls safe and deliver them to a life where they would be treated like princesses and loved by all. An offer would be made to buy them after some mind-influencing spells had been placed on Roric. They would convince him that he loved them so much he would do anything to see them happy. He would sell them willingly, and they would go, believing it was his wish. Thus they would have the girls willingly collared, and their ascension would be assured.

Jaina had never seen a look of disgust cross the tiger woman's face before, but as she retold the story, it soured. She found this group's actions revolting but held to her promise. The dwarf had given her answers, so she was set free; however, not before Rajeen delivered a threat of her own. She and her allies would be watching, and if the silken princes or their allies ever operated in this region again, she would take direct action.

The dwarf woman had laughed and assured Rajeen she had no idea what she was getting involved in. She was thrown out of the building Rajeen used as her base of operations and was summarily murdered in the street by an unseen assassin. Somebody clearly didn't want the agents talking and was willing to go to drastic measures to prevent it. The woman would probably respawn hundreds of kilometers away, safe from any who sought to detain her.

Roric, Rajeen, and Santos sat in a long discussion about what to do. Alexandria was on the run herself and no longer a threat, but she had exposed them to a far more dangerous group. Even with the locals aware of the manipulations, the group would likely still try to acquire the girls. The prize was too great, and girls were the price of victory.

The local duke, a man by the name of Estavan, sent a messenger to assure them that he would protect them while they were inside his territory. Roric was sending Jaina that very night to thank him in person for his kindness. Still, the man's guards couldn't be everywhere, and the enemy was cunning. Using charms, subtle manipulation, and playing on player greed wreaked havoc. Roric wasn't so sure he wouldn't have accepted that offer. He would have become heartbroken if he had been forced to witness his girls brutalized and beaten repeatedly. He did love them, and knowing they were safer where they would be happy would have been a tantalizing offer.

All three of them assured him they would not be happy with anyone but him as their master. They would have been devastated if he had sold them and told them to go. No matter how great the splendor of this prince's home, they would have been miserable, missing the one man who made them whole.

Rajeen complimented him on his choice of slave girls and how he won their hearts. Roric was moved to tears and had to hold them tightly, promising he would never let them go. They shared a hug that was even joined by Chandice, who quietly held them with him. He was grateful beyond measure for his girls and wished things had gone better. Still, they were relieved to hear that players had been influenced by magic, and many would not have participated otherwise.

The meeting eventually arrived at what to do now. Roric was welcome to stay in the city for as long as he wanted, but they all knew that couldn't be. The love wood needed to be rebuilt someplace far away where they were free of outside influence. Rajeen suggested they go far to the south and close to the southeastern spawn ring. The land there was sparsely populated with lots of open space and tiny but friendly kingdoms.

Roric took it into consideration, but Jaina had another thought. She urged him to consider looking for the succubus and explore the possibility of the magic tattoo. Rajeen reminded her that she would have to live with some disadvantages, but to Jaina, the possible gains outweighed those.

They spoke about it for a long time then Rajeen finally made a suggestion. Why not do both, or at least appear to? Since she had been to the succubus before, she would arrange for a wizard to open a portal that would carry them far to the north. This would shorten their journey by weeks and have the added benefit of leaving their enemies far behind. She would have her witch friend craft a polymorph potion based on each of them. These potions would turn six of her harem girls into exact copies of them. She would then have the girls walk about the inn for a few days and have conversations that could be overheard. They would allow the news that they would leave in a few days to go southwest to leak out. The rumor would be spread that Rajeen had a way to sneak them out of the city, and they would vanish into the night. Then when the potions faded, it would appear they had done just that, but by that time, they would be far to the north. Anyone looking to find them would be searching in the wrong direction. Once they found the succubus, they could go southeast and never be noticed again. Hopefully, they would find peace in the far east, and their forest would flourish as it should have.

“Will you still be able to visit?” Jaina asked, feeling terrible that they would be so far away.

“I promise I will find a way to come to see you,” Rajeen replied. “But we will always have the glitter to see each other in our dreams.”

“It won’t be the same,” Jaina said and fell into her arms. “We love you.”

Rajeen closed her eyes and hugged the woman, trying hard not to shed a tear. She had come to love these girls as much as their master and deeply wished they could stay together. However, she would never deny the world the beauty of the forest they wanted to build. It was a dream of such pure passion that it would be a crime not to see it done. She urged Jaina to be strong and assured her they would see each other again. Somehow the path would present itself, and they would be in each other's arms once again.

The plan was agreed upon, and the course was set. They would portal to the north while harem girls masquerading as them led spies to believe they were still here. The potions would take a few days to craft, and while they waited, the girls would dance again. They would rebuild some of their lost money so they could start again on a much smaller scale. They parted to get ready for the dance, and the girls were in a somber mood. They met in the little dressing room to put on the clothing they would soon be taking off. It seemed funny that people paid them to strip when they walked around naked most of the time anyway.

“This doesn’t feel as fun,” Gisley admitted as she put on her black dress. “It will take us a week to earn all that money back.”

“I know what you mean,” Jaina agreed as she pulled up a stocking. “But we need to make what we can in the few days we have.”

“All those points we lost,” Evalynn said as she tried not to cry. “All that work done for nothing.”

“Girls,” Jaina urged and stood up. “We can't let this beat us. We have to put this aside and enjoy the dancing like we always do. If not, people will pick up on our mood, and it won't be as fun for them.”

“You're right,” Gisley agreed. “But it was more fun when we were building up to something new. Now we're trying to rebuild what was taken from us, and it feels cheap.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Jaina urged and pulled Gisley into a hug. She kissed one of the woman's antenna bubs just to make her giggle, then urged her not to be sad. She didn't know how or why, but she knew things were going to be better. Then they got up and headed out, passing through the curtain to stand before a full house.

“Why is it so quiet?” Evalynn whispered as they walked to the round platform in the middle of the room. People were talking but it was in hushed whispers as if waiting for something to happen. The whole mood felt off, but Jaina didn't know why. She glanced to see Roric sitting with Chandice and Rajeen, who waved and nodded them to go on.

Jaina took a deep breath and tried to let go, smiling at the crowd as the harem girls began to play a sultry song. The girls did their best to lose themselves in the moment, but the dancing reminded them of the recent pain. It was all too closely interconnected, and every sway reminded them how much they had lost. Jaina was about to shed a tear when something heavy thumped at her feet. She looked down to see a small sack bulging with coins, the gold glittering in the light. A moment later, another sack landed near Gisley and two more by Evalynn. The girls looked up in shock as people stood and carefully tossed whole bags of coins into a pile before the stage. The entire room filled forward as people with gentle smiles tossed more bags onto the ever-growing pile. Soon it was higher than the stage itself and spilled over into a mound of leather sacks.

“They are giving us ten times what they usually do,” Gisley said in shock as tears filled Jaina's eyes.

“Why are they doing this?” Evalynn asked.

“Because they love us,” Jaina whispered as her heart filled with compassion for them all. In an act of supreme generosity, the patrons wiped away all the bitterness the hunters had caused. Jaina no longer believed that people were cruel and understood that great compassion dwelt in every heart.

The three girls realized that the people intended to help them recover. They would make over a week's worth of coins in a single dance and were moved to deep emotion. Now the dance took on a new energy as the girls were filled with joy and became eager to reward the generous patrons.

The mood in the room changed in a flash as people began to cheer. The three girls poured all those surging emotions into their steps, moving with seductive grace as they made love to themselves. Clothing peeled away, and bodies came alive with a hunger to please as the three glowed with sexual power. The power of the dance was boosted by seductress and prostitute skills until the audience was wild with desire. The girls smiled with pleasure as they began to play with one another, making love while they danced.

They went on for almost an hour of near continuous sex until finally blowing kisses to the audience and heading for the back rooms. They were excited and full of energy, wondering who would be coming to their rooms. The answer was everyone, as masses of men and plenty of women lined up to see the girls.

When the numbers swelled to new records, Chandice did something daring. She went to Rajeen and asked to borrow a collar, offering to help the girls with the masses. They held the conversation in the hall before the crowds, and a funny thing happened. Three other women who had been waiting to see the girls were so aroused by the dance they offered to help too. They so loved Jaina, Evalynn, and Gisley that they agreed to wear collars for the night and service any men who wished to have them. Rajeen and Roric saw no reason to turn them down, so four new women were put in rooms, and the customers were given the choice of who to satiate their desires with.

The magical night went on for much longer than normal until the girls lost count and just assumed there would be more. They made love to every person who came to their beds, eager to thank them all for the kindness they had shown. Many expressed sorrow that the woods had been destroyed and asked if they would soon rebuild it. Jaina felt terrible having to tell them that they did indeed plan to rebuild, but far away in the southwest where they could start over.

Sad faces followed the news and a few men commented that they would miss them. They were all touched by the kindness the people showed for the three little slave girls, but it was Gisley’s turn to have a special lover.

Gisley was lost to the sex as she stood on her toes. His hands were wrapped firmly around her waist, guiding her as she rode his firm cock. She lost count ages ago but was pretty sure he was somewhere in the mid-forties. Her pussy was so stimulated from constant use that the orgasms came fast and frequent, her body enjoying every second.

He was a perfect gentleman, commenting on her beauty and how lovely she sang. He mentioned coming to the inn just to see her and how he often dreamed of being alone with her. She smiled at his sweet words and stood up to press her back to his chest. With an arm cradled behind his head, she urged him to make love to her exactly how he wanted. It went on for another five minutes, the two kissing as they writhed into one another, then the shared orgasm came, and Gisley knew he was through.

The next person to come in was a woman who looked shy and nervous. Something about her caught Gisley's attention and made the woman stand out. She was elvish, but not a type Gisley could place. She wore a lacy white dress woven with flowers and carefully studded with little gems to add color to the petals. Her face was thin and her eyes mysterious as she smiled at Gisley and twisted.

“Do you mind women?” the girl asked nervously as a rosey blush came to her cheeks.

Gisley smiled and beckoned her in, assuring her that she loved women. She stood to help the nervous girl undress, eager to see what delights awaited under that slip of a dress. The woman stepped back and blushed even harder as Gisley's antenna rolled out. There was something playfully magical about this girl, and it was starting to make Gisley even more aroused than she already was.

“Who are you?” Gisley asked as the woman tried to hide a smile.

“I wanted to see you,” the woman replied. “I mean, well, to see you like this. I had hoped to visit your forest, and maybe we could play.”

“You wanted to play with me?” Gisley asked.

The woman nodded her head gently as her smile spread. “Oh, please tell me you will keep my secret.”

“What secret?” Gisley asked as the woman reached up and pulled the dress away. She looked like a beautiful elf maiden with perfectly golden skin and delicate breasts. She wore nothing underneath the dress but a simple green locket on a chain. The woman reached up and lifted the locket from her neck, and a transformation took place.

“You're a fairy!” Gisley said as the woman's antenna rolled out. She now had a thinner face with large amber eyes that sparkled in the light. Her skin was still golden, but it was decorated with green spiraling patterns. Her long golden hair turned vivid green, and a crown of leaves circled the top of her head. She had a slight nose that looked so cute and little that Gisley just wanted to kiss it. To add magic to the moment, she spread her wings wide, revealing butterfly wings of white, green, and swirls of blue. Green glitter filled the air as she fluttered to Gisley and dropped into her arms.

“My name is Lishanni, and I am a summer fairy,” the woman said.

“I am a lunar fairy,” Gisley replied as the woman nodded.

“I know,” Lishanni said. “I was amazed when I heard there was a fairy like me, openly showing her love to others. I have always been afraid to let people know what I am for fear they will covet me.”

“They have tried to take me away several times,” Gisley admitted as the two mingled their fingers. “But my family loves me and won't let anyone take me away.”

“I wish I had a family like yours,” Lishanni said and looked deep into Gisley’s eyes before leaning in slowly to share a kiss.

Gisley eagerly took the kiss, pressing their lips together as their wings fluttered. All fairies shared a wonderful secret, and Gisley was eager to try it. They wrapped their antenna around one another as hands pulled bodies tight, and the connection was made.

The two women opened their eyes to look around the magical place their two hearts had created. It was a waking dream formed out of desire and looked like Gisley's pond, only under a summer sun and surrounded by flowers. The two fluttered into the air, holding hands as they stared deep into each other's eyes, the glitter of their wings mixing in a magical breeze.

“Will you be the first person to make love to me?” Lishanni asked in an innocent voice as her cheeks reddened.

“You haven’t made love before?” Gisley asked as the woman shook her head no.

“I was afraid, and I wanted it to be with another fairy,” she replied. “I had hoped to come to your forest and see you so we could play.”

“Ah,” Gisley said as she understood it now. “But are you sure you want me to take your virginity? I am not exactly pure.”

“I want it to be you,” Lishanni insisted. “Because you are so beautiful and nice.”

Now it was Gisley's turn to blush as they fluttered over the lake. They shared another as their bodies came close together. Gisley took the lead, her hands beginning to wander as they flew above the tranquil waters. Lishanni moaned into the kiss as Gisley reached down the front of her stomach and into the woman's bliss.

Her pussy was warm like a ray of sunlight and wet with anticipation. Gisley's fingers danced a delicate dance, rubbing in all the right places until the woman had to pull out of the kiss to moan. She clutched Gisley tightly as the rubbing went on until her body began to tense, and her flutters became erratic.

“Just let it happen,” Gisley urged as they mixed their antenna again, the two feeling an intense love over the connection. Gisley knew that when two fairies joined antenna, they could enter a space unique to their minds. Here all was a dream, and yet it would feel as real as the world they left. They would also feel the sensations of the other; love, passion, and lust would flow between them. Gisley felt all that and more as Lishanni opened her mouth to cry out and had her first orgasm.

Her breathing was a rapid pant of moans as she clung to Gisley for stability. Gisley struggled to keep herself aloft as the slave collar forced her to share the orgasm even here. The two moaned and kissed as Lishanni reached down to rub Gisley back. The two eagerly rubbed one another, fluttering wildly in the air as they pushed for another release.

Bodies trembled as glitter was thrown out in great clouds while the two women hunted each other's lust. Lishanni had a second orgasm, forcing her back as she went ridged with ecstasy. Her leg curled up Gisley's side as Gisley shook in the shared orgasm. The two women became one body, so tight was their embrace of each other. They began to fly in a spiral, bouncing about as their hands and lips feasted on the other.

Eventually, the passion grew so powerful that Gisley could no longer resist. She broke away from the woman's embrace and willed a floating leaf into their private dream. The leaf boat floated on the wind, twirling gracefully as it was carried away on fairy glitter. Gisley pulled Lishanni to the leaf and gently brought her down until the woman was on her back.

With trembling legs, she watched as Gisley's hungry lips descended on her body. Her tongue tasted the joy of a summer fairy and the sweet honey her flower produced. Lishanni cried out in a musical voice as her sacred virginity was finally released. Gisley feasted like the butterfly she was, lapping up every drop of nectar. Soon Lishanni was clutching her own chest as another orgasm rocked her to the core. Gisley shared in all its intensity, the two unable to cum without the other.

The woman lay panting with her arms cast aside as Gisley crawled over her exhausted body. She lay on top of her fairy sister and cuddled her gently, allowing her a moment to catch her breath.

“You are beautiful,” Gisley whispered. “I am so glad you came to see me.”

Lishanni opened her eyes and reached up with a weak hand to brush a lavender curl from Gisley's face. They could still feel the love and desire burning deep inside and wished there were some way to share even more. Then Gisley had an idea born of her experience with Jaina. This world was just a dream, after all, and while here, Gisley could do almost anything. The leaf faded away, leaving the two fluttering along, holding on by one hand. Gisley shared her silent thoughts with her lover, who blushed and nodded her head.

The two came together as Lishanni wrapped her legs around Gisley’s hips and laid her cheek on her shoulder. Her eyes closed while her hands clutched tightly to Gisley's back, careful not to impede her wings. They flew together as one body again while Gisley willed a change into their dream. She had seen Jaina do it before and, of course, had seen it in manga. Though her body remained beautiful and feminine, between her legs grew a male organ. Lishanni was spread wide with her legs hooked high over Gisley's curvy hips. With a single thrust, the summer fairy cried out as her body was deeply invaded.

Gisley controlled the motion as the two made love, like man and woman. They flew in an ever-soaring spiral as the two sang a song of passion. The heat between them became intense as their skin glistened with moisture. On the sex went until, at last, it could go no further. Both women cried out as they completed the task, sharing in a dance of love as only a fairy could.

The intensity of that orgasm shook them both awake. They returned to the real world, panting to discover they were holding each other tight. At their feet were little puddles created when their real bodies orgasmed in unison with the dream. Lishanni blushed as she danced in her mess, but Gisley quickly reassured her.

“I had a great time,” Gisley whispered and nuzzled at the woman’s neck. “Please come back and see me again. I will be here for a few more days.”

Lishanni nodded as her cheeks reddened then she dashed for her dress. It was thrown on in a hurry, but she ran back to Gisley before she left. She grabbed Gisley by the cheeks and pressed in for one final kiss.

“I love you,” Lishanni whispered and then dashed for the door before her nerves got the better of her.

Gisley let her go without saying a word, confident they would have plenty of time later. After all, Gisley could walk in dreams, and Lishanni was covered in her glitter.

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