The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-64 A night of love before we go

Jaina reached up to run her hand down the chest of Thellios, the duke of Agiston, as he hammered away between her legs. She held her legs wide with feet in the air as her body rocked with every impact. Her breathing was a series of hungry moans as she used her body to plead for more. She thrashed her head, red hair falling off her long pointed ears as green eyes rolled back. The orgasm that twisted her stomach was pure heaven, and she called out softly, begging him for more.

It was the ninth time they had made love that day, and by her count, that meant there were five more to come. Jaina was Roric's thank you to the duke for his assistance in the battle and ongoing protection. The duke being a clever man, invited fourteen noble ladies to come and meet Jaina at a brunch held in her honor. He went to great lengths to ensure each woman shook Jaina's hand and then entertained them for a short bit. When they left, he shared his plan with Jaina, and she laughed at its deviousness. He wanted to make love to all of them, but they had refused his advances. Now that Jaina had touched them, she could assume their forms. Jaina took them one by one, and the duke had his way with her.

Jaina played along, of course, pleading with the duke to take her in the women's voices. She tried to copy some of their mannerisms from the brunch, even being evasive and combative. One woman had been so cold-shouldered to the duke that Jaina played her that way. She refused his advances until he forced himself on her, taking what he wanted as Jaina at first resisted, then pleaded for more.

Now she was a lady Jacinth, a high elf beauty that liked to flirt shamelessly. She wore an outfit that nearly exposed all of her massive chest and used it like a weapon. Despite her display, she was all show and no action, refusing to put out. Jaina would put out for her, ensuring the duke knew her body as well as he knew the halls of his castle. Those huge breasts were in his face, bouncing with every thrust. His hands and mouth had roamed over them for nearly an hour until he could recognize them blindfolded. He had even had Jaina press them together so he could thrust between them, having his first orgasm this way.

She could still taste the flavor of orgasm as much of it landed in her open mouth. Even now, it was still on her chin and neck, a mark of his conquest. What was impressive was how much of that seed was inside her body, the duke using potions to keep restoring his stamina. They took little breaks between each new form to sip a little wine and enjoy some food. He was a funny man with a sharp wit and clever sense of humor. He told Jaina about how long he craved some of those women but would never dream of imposing on them. If they didn't want to return his affections willingly, he was content to be friends. However, his dreams still lingered, and Jaina was all too happy to fulfill them.

She loved this role and had picked the morphic for this very reason. She wanted to be any woman for any man, offering her body to suit their desires. She was excited that Roric had told her to come here and do this. She loved that he decided how her body was used, and he wanted it used often.

He cried out as his body tensed, driving harder into Jaina's flower. She felt him grow harder, and the shared orgasm coursed through her as he conquered one more of his fantasy beauties. They both held still, panting for breath, until Jaina could finally speak and finish the game.

“My lord, you have stolen my virtue,” Jaina said in the woman’s voice. “I fear I am yours forever now.”

He smiled and rested his forehead on Jain, his breath still coming in gasps.

“If only that were true,” he said. “I don’t know that I could be happier.”

“What makes you say that?” Jaina asked as she let the form go, resuming her normal state.

The duke looked at her as his smile weakened, a pain hidden behind that gaze. He explained that he loved her the most out of all of them. He would give anything to catch her attention, but she was the most elusive.

“Have you told her how you feel?” Jaina asked as she set her feet down, allowing her legs to rest.

“I want to tell her,” the duke replied. “But she has never once intimated any form of interest. I do not wish to make a fool of myself and spoil our relationship by suggesting something.”

“So you are waiting for her to make the first move,” Jaina surmised. It made sense that he didn’t want to embarrass himself by admitting his feelings to a woman who had absolutely none for him. Still, if he cared about her that much, he could do something to catch her attention.

“Shall we break for a bit of wine?” the duke asked and finally pulled out.

“Oh, I was enjoying having that there,” Jaina said sadly.

“Ha, I have to admit, I have never known a woman like you,” he said. “You are so open about sex and intimacy. You delight in sharing it.”

“Why shouldn't I?” Jaina asked. “I am a sex slave, after all. Besides, I love obeying my master, and he said you needed to be thanked, and I had to do all I could to ensure it.”

“You are doing a fine job,” the duke laughed and climbed out of bed before offering Jaina a hand. “Rajeen speaks very highly of your master,” he added as Jaina took the hand and was helped up. “She says he is a man with a unique heart and cares deeply about his slaves.”

“Roric is the best master a girl could ask for,” Jaina replied. “He isn't proud, jealous, or greedy. He loves us and considers us his property, but he cares about our needs. For example, he knows I have a fantasy about being forced to have sex with strangers, so he forces me to do so a lot.”

“Rajeen says he uses you all as prostitutes,” he said as he led Jaina to a nearby table to pour some wine.

“He does,” Jania replied with a smile. “But that's part of the fun. He sells our bodies and keeps all the money, using us for profit. I know that sounds wrong, but you have to understand the mind of a sex slave. If you truly embrace what this means, you hunger for your master to put you to use. We all derive a thrill from being used that way because we have no say in it. It's hard to explain the feeling that crawls under your skin when you are being pushed to the edge of your comfort zone. Being stripped before a crowd or having sex with a man who just threw a few coins at Roric. It just can't be described in words how exciting that is.”

“I can see you are struggling to convey it,” the duke replied as he handed Jaina a glass. “But I get the point, you love what you are, and thus you love it when he puts you to use.”

“A good simple explanation,” Jaina agreed as she lifted the glass to her lips. She took a sip of the best wine she had ever tasted and wished she could take a hundred bottles with them. A pop went off outside the window, and she turned to see the night sky. A firework display was happening as part of a minor festival the duke called to help brighten the city's mood.

Jaina walked to the archway and set her glass aside as she leaned into the air. She watched as bright blue and red bursts of light flashed over the city they would soon be leaving far behind. It seemed unfair that they kept making friends and homes only to be driven off. She was tired of leaving people like the duke, Zorac, and Rajeen behind and wished there was some way they could remain.

A warm hand came to her rear as he stood behind her, admiring her dripping pussy. He poured a little wine from his cup between her cheeks, watching it run between her hungry lips.

Jaina smiled and looked back to make sure he knew she was pleased. She asked him if he had a form he would like, and he said the one she was in was the only one he wanted right now. She returned to looking at the display as he gently entered her body, his cock finding a warm welcome.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked as he slowly began to thrust.

“I was just thinking about all of this,” Jaina said and waved a hand out over the city. “This place feels like home to us, and we have so many friends. But so did the last town and the one before that. We have been driven away from our homes and friends by this stupidity over slave girls. We hoped to settle nearby so we could still visit your land and the people here could come to see us. Now we have to flee so far away we will likely never see each other again.”

“Are you saying you will miss me?” he asked.

Jaina looked back and nodded. “Of course, I will. You may not realize it, but this encounter is special to me. I have only been offered as a thank you twice now, counting you. And you bringing in all those women made this a lot of fun. I will treasure this encounter for the rest of my life and wish we could do it again.”

“I will miss you too,” he said as his gentle thrusting went on. “You, stir something in me, well probably in a lot of men. Your open honesty about sex and intimacy takes much of the fear and uncertainty out of it. It's refreshing just to be able to say I want to make love to you and have you smile and say, alright.”

“So you like it to be easy,” Jaina teased.

“Every man likes it to be easy,” the duke corrected. “But you approach this with a level of grace that is so appealing. Despite being a sex slave and wearing a slave collar, you and the others still carry yourselves like noble women. You don't come off as trashy sluts like one would assume a sex slave is. Instead, you are beautiful, compassionate, and articulate. You make love like an adoring wife, and the look in your eyes says you can't get enough.”

“I understand what you are saying,” Jaina agreed. “I suppose none of us are trashy, despite what we are.”

“I have heard others brag about how wonderful you are and how much they enjoy their time with you,” the duke added. “They say you make them feel special and that spending time with you is like coming home to a wife after a long journey.”

Jaina smiled at that analogy and closed her eyes to focus on the sex going on behind. She let out a gentle sigh and wiggled her hips to get him deeper, the gentle thrusting becoming a source of comfort.

“I suppose I treat all the men that come to my arms as lovers,” Jaina said. “I guess we all do, and we enjoy the sex, so it shows in our affections.”

“Would you mind if I erected a statue to you three?” he asked.

“Only if you make sure we are naked with nothing but our collars,” Jaina replied.

“I would never seek to detract from your beauty by covering you,” he laughed. “Though birds will perch on your breasts.”

Jaina laughed with him and took up her wine, taking a sip as the soothing sex went on. She rather enjoyed this simple moment, her body being used as it was meant to be, with no hurry or intent. It was just slow, gentle sex so they could enjoy being a part of one another.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take another form?” Jaina asked. “You have five more to enjoy.”

“I have changed my mind about that,” he replied. “I would rather spend the rest of my time here, making love to the most beautiful woman at my garden party.”

“For the rest of the night?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“Are you enjoying the fireworks?” he asked.

“I am rather enjoying them,” Jaina admitted.

“Good, because the blue ones signify you, the purple signifies Gisley, and the red Evalynn,” he replied. “Now, rest here, enjoy your wine, and let's make love slowly for the rest of the night. I just want to be inside you and share in your love.”

Jaina smiled and urged him to stay as long as he wanted. She leaned on her arms, allowing her breasts to spill over the sill, and enjoyed the soothing night. Despite the slow pace, the collar made her body respond, and it wasn't long before she was moaning. Her orgasm came with a flash of purple stars in the sky. His gentle pace never slowed as they went on, sharing the joy of being connected. Her second orgasm came two minutes later, and the third two minutes after that. She began to have them in near-perfect intervals as the slow, methodical sex continued. An hour later, it was still going on, and sexual escalation had driven them to wild heights. She was trembling with every orgasm and calling out loudly for anyone on the streets to hear. Only Zorac had taken her this far before, and she found her mind was lost to the thrusting. She wasn't sure how long it went on, but hours later, he finally pulled her up and carried her back to bed. No words had been said in all that time, and none were used now. He laid her on her side, slowly entered her again, then pulled her to his chest. He held her in place with his cock firmly inside as they fell asleep.

She woke the next morning to the same slow thrusting, her body already teetering on another orgasm. She broke the silence with a long, drawn-out moan as she came for him, her body shaking from the shock. He had been inside her body for hours, since early into the night, and then as they slept. She felt he belonged there now and that his absence would be sorely felt.

Jaina turned just enough to meet his gaze and reached up with a hand to pull his head down. They joined in a kiss, sharing the ongoing union of their bodies. When it parted, she saw the sad look in his eyes and noted how his gaze looked to the left. She followed his gaze to see a clock on the mantle and realized their time together was almost up. Jaina didn't want it to be over, but she would return to her master, his thank you delivered. Still, she had enough time for one more act of passion, and she wasn't leaving this bed until the duke left one last gift inside her.

She pulled away, hating to feel him leave her body, but quickly leaned him back so she could sit astride. He said nothing as she reached down and guided him back in, then lay across his chest to roll her body, working herself along his cock hungrily. She felt him sliding through her flesh, a sensation that was so familiar now. She hungered for the reward of his passion and was determined to get it one last time.

Her voice was a moan that rose and fell with the waves of her body. Her breasts rubbed along his chest as he wrapped an arm around her back to hold on. He wanted to say something, but she pressed two fingers to his lips and shushed him. Word's had been unnecessary all night, and they weren't needed now. They both knew what they wanted and how badly they needed it from each other. She writhed through a powerful orgasm as his hand explored her lower back and rear. Their lips hovered an inch apart as they surrendered to the passion and let go of the world around them.

Jaina moaned through another orgasm, but he was moaning now too. She knew it wouldn't be long but refused to slow her writhing. She needed him to cum inside her one last time. She would spend the rest of the day full of his gift, refusing to cleanse it away. His breathing became more rapid as his hands began to cling to her flesh. She urged him on by kissing his lower lip, the sex becoming a hungry need.

She felt his legs go tight as a louder moan escaped his lips. She kept up the pace, his cock sliding in and out in a roll of waves. Her moans sounded pleading as if urging him to finish the task. He let out a short cry as his hands gripped her rear, then a long low groan as Jaina received her gift. Still, she didn't slow, using her body to keep him at the peak of stimulation. He throbbed inside her, his milky gift coating her walls. Shared orgasm rode the moment with her, bringing Jaina to a soul-shaking climax of her own.

She kept up the pace for nearly a minute more, determined to keep him cumming until he was dry. She wanted it all, and he lay back to give it to her. When at last, she had to admit the task was done, she finally planted a firm kiss. They kissed like lovers who hadn't seen each other in years. There was fire and tension in every dance of their tongues as he sought one last taste of her love.

Jaina then closed her eyes and looked sad as she pulled away, the clock ringing the hour. The time was up, and she had to return to her master, the task finally complete. They said nothing as Jaina climbed out of bed and headed for the door. She paused to give him one last look of longing, seeing it reflected in the expression on his face.

The door shut behind her as she walked into the castle hall. She used her layering power to give herself a simple sexy outfit of black lace, then headed away. She could still feel the echoes of the orgasms and the heat of his gift in her womb. She felt a desperate need to return and make love to him again, but she would never betray her master's command. She headed into the lower halls as guards and servants nodded at her passing. Outside she was escorted by ten men back to the inn and delivered into the arms of her waiting master.

Roric greeted her with a hug and with her pussy shield. He pressed the red gem into her body, trapping the duke's seed inside. Roric seemed to read her face and told her she should take the rest of the day off. Jaina rubbed her stomach to feel the gift inside and cherished the idea that it would be there all day.

Unfortunately, this was the last day or, more to the point, the last hour. The wizard who would open their escape was already in the lower halls, waiting for Rajeen's orders. Gisley, Evalynn, and Chandice were busily saying goodbye to harem girls for the second time, promising they would see each other again one day.

“Are you alright?” Roric asked as Jaina looked about Rajeen’s bedroom idly.

“I just had time to think about how sad it is we have to run again and leave all our friends behind,” Jaina said.

“I understand,” Roric agreed and walked up behind her to wrap his arms around her. “But we have no choice. If we stay here, they will keep trying until their silly competition is over.”

“I wonder what happened to Alexandria,” Jaina said and turned in his arms to gaze into his eyes. “Why do you think they want her?”

“Payment of a debt, I suppose,” Roric said. “It sounds like they paid her handsomely for you, and they want to make some of that loss back.”

“Hmm,” Jaina replied and rested her head on his shoulder. “I hope your night was good.”

“My night was fine. I missed you, but we will have plenty of nights together,” he replied while rubbing her back.

“Oh, I never did ask; how much money did you make?” Jaina asked as she sank into his warm fur.

“We walked away with a little more than we started with,” Roric said. “We have all the money back and more. Plus, we still had some in the tent and the last bag of deep pockets.”

“So we can rebuild fully?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“We can rebuild a little bigger,” Roric replied. “But this time, we will establish our names in all the surrounding areas first. I want people to know and understand us before we try building a home.”

Jaina heard his words, but she was too busy trying not to cry. It had been such a traumatic experience to spend all that gold building their dream only to have it snatched away before they could enjoy it. The stress of the battles, plus the fear that Roric might be reset, had been too much. They escaped to Rajeen as emotional wrecks, but then a miracle happened. People donated money in vast sums, earning them everything they lost in a single night's dance. It was heartwarming to see such kindness and generosity, making leaving this place that much harder.

Roric sensed what had her sniffling and stroked her head, assuring her that it would be alright. Gisley bounced in full of love and excitement as she rushed to Jaina and asked her how her night was. Jaina gave her a few details, especially about how she imitated all the women, and Gisley laughed. She then told Jaina all about her special visitor, the summer fairy she insisted she was now in love with.

“One more reason for this departure to be painful,” Jaina sighed.

“It is sad,” Gisley agreed as her eyes stopped sparkling. “But I am glad I met her. I will always remember how special it was to be the first one to make love to her.”

“Aww, that’s our little sex fairy,” Jaina teased and took her hand, noting she was wearing the white dress that made her look as if she was bursting out of a flower. “I love that dress.”

“We are all dressed,” Gisley said. “Rajeen said it would be wise to arrive with as little notice as possible.”

“She doesn’t want a bunch of naked girls causing people to ask questions,” Roric added.

“Oh, right,” Jaina agreed and considered her own outfit. With but a thought, she used layering to change her outfit from something less sexy to more common. She was in her beginner dress again, with a belt and pouch as if she had spawned only an hour ago. With the disguise in place, she looked to Roric and asked the words she was dreading to say. “Is it time?”

“We were just waiting for you,” Roric said. “Rajeen had the potions made, and we have no reason to stay.”

Jaina nodded, and they left, walking with somber faces toward a sad road. Rajeen was waiting with Chandice and Evalynn beside a man Jaina remembered from her nights whoring.

“Hello, Edwin,” Jaina said with a smile. “I had no idea you were this powerful a wizard.”

“Good day, lady Jaina,” he replied with a smile. “We never really talked about that. We were too busy with other things.”

“Ha, I suppose we were,” Jaina said and looked around the room. “Where is Zorac?”

“Here, the powerful lizardman said as he stepped through a doorway. “I wouldn’t miss seeing you off for anything.”

Jaina ran to his arms and wrapped him in a hug, insisting he use the dust every three nights or she would come back to demand why he wasn't doing it. He assured her he would be waiting for the woman of his dreams, and she needn't worry. They shared a final kiss, and then she returned to her master's side, taking his hand as Rajeen urged the wizard to begin.

“This is too painful. Please get it over with,” Rajeen demanded.

Edwin nodded and began the spell, creating a blue ball of light. He called out the name of a distant city as it flattened and stretched until it was like a hole of swirling blue light. Suddenly the inside collapsed, and they could see stone pavers of a courtyard and buildings beyond.

“The door is open,” Edwin said. “I am going to miss you all.”

“We will miss you too,” Evalynn said as she took Gisley and Chandice's hands. Then, they all turned to Roric, who was holding both of Rajeen's hands as the tiger woman wept.

“I will find a way to come to you,” Rajeen insisted. “I refuse for this to be our last goodbye.”

Roric's ears drooped as he pulled her into a hug filled with the pain of a passionate goodbye. “I will count the days,” he whispered. “I won't be happy until I have seen you again.”

“I will use the dust to keep us together,” Rajeen insisted. “But one day, you and I will not need to dream about our love.” She kissed him firmly, then stepped back. “Now go. I cannot bear this pain any longer.”

Roric nodded and took Jaina by the hand before letting out a resigned sigh. He stepped into the portal as if walking through a door, the two of them instantly on the other side. Evalynn brought the other two across, and they turned to take one last look back. They saw the tears falling from Rajeen's eyes as the portal closed, ending all hope of going back.

“How far north did we come?” Chandice asked.

“Probably three months journey, even with Gisley flying,” Roric said. “We are actually closer to the silken princes by a significant amount.”

“But nobody will think to look for us here,” Evalynn added. “Besides, the rumors will spread that we went southwest.”

Roric nodded while taking up his spear and pack. He led the way into the streets, blending into the crowds of people as nothing but another pack of adventurers. It was a sad day but also one filled with new hope. They were so far away from the danger that they finally had a chance to rest worry-free. He would follow Rajeen's maps and take them north beyond the spawn rings and into the mountainous wilds. They would hopefully find this succubus witch and see what price needed to be paid for one of her blessings. Then they would travel far to the southeast, looking for a place to rebuild their home. One way or another, he was going to make their dream come true, and his slave girls would run amuck, making love to whoever was fortunate enough to find his woods.

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