The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-69 Strangers on the road

A snap of the whip left a red line on Gisley's purple rear as they raced across the countryside on her magic disk. Jaina lay in Roric's arms, her master stroking his prized slave girl as she sighed contentedly.

“I kind of feel bad about leaving her like that,” Jaina said as she looked up to meet his eyes. “If she has to walk to Rajeen, it could take her several months. If she comes after us, it could take even longer.”

“She isn't going to come after us,” Chandice said as she pulled on the reigns to turn her ponygirl to the right. “Her thing with Roric was a one-off; she isn't interested in men.”

“You don’t know that,” Jaina protested. “After the lovemaking we gave her, I bet she can’t stop thinking about us.”

“I bet she woke up hoping to do it again and found herself in chastity instead,” Evalynn laughed. “Oh, I wonder what she thought?”

“Probably; how did I get into this belt when it was just a dream,” Chandice said with a cruel smile. “It was handy that we kept Jaina's chastity belt and bra.”

“You guys are sure she isn’t going to be mad about this?” Jaina asked.

“I am sure,” Chandice replied. “She is going to go crazy at first, but depending on which path she follows, she will quickly learn how to deal with the restrictions.”

“It was particularly devious of you to require her to suck cock to have an orgasm,” Evalynn added as she leaned into Chandice. “What made you think of that?”

“I just wanted her to face the choices,” Chandice replied. “If she goes to Rajeen, all she needs to do is not think about men, and she's fine. However, if she comes after us, she has to think about men. This way, she is slowly getting used to the idea of pleasuring men. So by the time she finds us, she will be more than ready to perform.”

“Do you think she will find the small bottle of glitter we left her in her pack right away?” Jaina asked.

“Hoping to see her in the dream?” Chandice asked as she looked back. “But that would mean Gisley would have to help us. I was planning on stopping near a road and tying my pony to a tree for tonight.”

“Ha, she could use a good breeding,” Evalynn giggled and winked at Jaina.

“She could, but maybe it would be better to speak to Idris and make sure she isn’t upset,” Chandice said.

Jaina nestled into Roric's fur and let out another sigh. It had been hours since they flew off, leaving Idris to choose which master to serve. Of course, Roric and Rajeen had both agreed in advance to let the woman go if she wanted it, but Jaina had a feeling she would embrace the collar. The idea to use Jaina's chastity belt to help her make the choice was Evalynns, but Chandice added the enchantments. So now the poor woman had fresh memories of intense sex and no way to relive them. Jaina imagined poor Idris going out of her mind trying to stimulate herself only to find the belt too tight.

Roric had been more sympathetic, insisting on leaving a bottle of glitter and a portion of gold. A note was hidden in her pack telling her how to use the glitter and the gold was ensure she could afford a portal to Rajeen. If the woman truly desired to be Rajeen's slave girl, all she had to do was pay for a portal and step through. The note contained the name and directions to the city, so any mage would be able to get her there. On the other hand, if she desired to serve Roric, then she had a task ahead of her.

Roric was taking them off the roads and into the wilds, using Gisley's speed to gain ground. By the time Idris woke up, they would be miles away and getting further every moment. Even if Idris ran, she would never be able to catch up to Gisley unless they stopped for several days. She would likely be chasing them all the way to their destination and only catch up as they made their way back.

Of course, in order to find them, Idris would have to endure the vibrating plug locked inside or seek a man to pleasure. All the girls thought the idea was a little wicked, but Chandice was right. If Idris was going to be Roric's slave girl, she needed to be able to pleasure men and enjoy it. This was her test, and if she passed it to reach them, they all knew she would be ready.

Jaina hoped Idris wasn’t upset at how they left her, but Chandice and Gisley seemed to think Idris would find this a tantalizing adventure. Jaina hoped that was true, but they would ask her tonight just to be sure. Hopefully, the woman would check her pack to find the second letter along with the gold and glitter. They would look for her in the dream tonight, and if she was upset, they would turn around to get her. Of course, she could be free of the belt in the dream, and they could tease her endlessly, encouraging her to find them. Jaina had a feeling that would stoke Idris's fire so intensely that she would do anything to catch up.

For now, they raced across a lightly wooded area, daring to fly by day so they could gain some much-needed ground. If roads or settlements appeared, they would return to walking so Gisley could hide her wings and avoid unwanted attention.

Chandice urged the little pony girl along with another good crack of the whip, and Gisley fluttered like she was running for her life. Jaina admired that little purple rear and the purple butterfly-shaped plug that sparkled in it. She admired Gisley for how readily the woman embraced being sexual in all things. She played any role they wanted her to play and smiled through it all. She was also intensely loving, giving of her affections deeply and freely just to make her lovers happy.

Several hours later, they found a low stone wall and sadly had to resort to walking. It was set on the edge of a little road and contained a copse of fruit trees but not any variety Jaina had ever seen. The trees had nearly white trunks with darker rings and the tops more closely resembled a willow tree with thicker branches. Bright yellow heart-shaped fruit grew on the branches, and Gisley mischievously swiped a fruit to try one. She announced it tasted a bit like a banana with a hint of citrus to it. She happily devoured the fruit as they rounded a bend and saw a small village surrounded by farms.

“This looks pretty,” Jaina said as she walked hand in hand with Gisley. The two of them were the only ones naked, as Evalynn wore her armor and Chandice her dark dress. Gisley pouted when Roric suggested they get dressed, but a firm slap to her rear from Chandice changed her mind.

They entered the town with Roric wearing his hood to help conceal his appearance. Jaina fused that he shouldn't have to hide what he was especially considering he was a hero player. Evalynn pointed to herself and reminded her that some players didn't care. She knew Evalynn was right, but it didn't sit well with any of them.

“Likely no one will care even if they do discover what I am,” Roric said as they walked down what appeared to be the main road.

“I wonder if this is another adventure town like the one Idris made,” Gisley suggested as the few people they saw in the street appeared to ignore them.

“I suppose it’s possible,” Evalynn said as she turned about. “I don’t see a house or structure that would indicate a player home.”

“It could just be a farming town,” Roric said as he looked down a side street. “The player might own the region, and the farms are part of their holdings.”

“If you are a class or title that can found a kingdom, you can usually establish smaller villages outside your main one,” Evalynn agreed.

“Wait, you can establish a territory with a title?” Chandice asked as Evalynn nodded.

“A player who has achieved the level and rank of king can spend a type of social points to grant other players noble titles. This can grant them the right to claim territory and establish regions of their own,” Evalynn explained.

“It seems like cheating to play a rulership class,” Jaina laughed. “Where is the challenge in becoming a king or queen if that’s part of your class?”

“You would prefer you had to earn it?” Chandice asked.

“It just seems like it should be more difficult to achieve,” Jaina corrected.

“I wish I was a princess,” Gisley said as she hugged herself and spun. “Then I could go to balls and dance with a prince.”

“Somebody has a very girly dream,” Jaina giggled and swung Gisley’s hand.

“Haven’t you ever dreamed of being a princess?” Gisley asked.

“Sweetheart,” Jaina said and pulled her close. “We all do, but you are already our little princess.”

“I want to dance at a ball, though,” Gisley sighed.

“Maybe one day we will get invited to a dance,” Chandice suggested.

“More likely, we will be invited to entertain the men,” Jaina said with a smirk and looked at Roric.

“I suppose if they offered enough money,” Roric replied as Gisley kicked a foot in irritation at the idea of being at the ball to work and not dance. Roric laughed and picked up his pace to sweep Gisley up, wrapping her in a firm hug. “I was only teasing you,” he whispered. “I would never miss the chance to dance with you at a fancy ball.”

Gisley's antenna unfurled as her eyes sparkled with his words. She leaned into him to enjoy the embrace, and he picked her up, placing her on his shoulders.

“I like being up here,” Gisley said as she played with one of his furry ears.

“I like her being up there,” Chandice added and reached up to tap the butterfly plug, now exposed for all to see.

“Hey,” Gisley giggled and reached around to protect her butt. “Go poke your girlfriend's plug.”

“She does, all the time,” Jaina replied and looked at Chandice.

“What? I happen to like knowing I did that to you,” Chandice replied with a shrug.

“This town is rather boring,” Evalynn said as they approached the far edge. “I bet it's just here to grow crops for the land owner.”

“Well, they can't all be part of a zombie apocalypse,” Jaina said as they passed the last house.

They laughed and moved on, heading down the obvious road as Roric looked at the maps Rajeen had given them. They didn't show any large settlements until well passed their destination on the other side of the mountains. He could only assume this was the northern border of the city to the south, and from here on, they were entering relatively wild land. A few roads stretched through the area, this being one of them, but they needed to cross the wilds if they wanted to make real ground.

An hour outside the town, he turned them more directly north, pointing to a distant forest on the far horizon. He warned them that Rajeen said this area was dangerous, as it contained moderately high wandering monsters. Evalynn wasn't worried so long as they weren't swarmed by something that could tie them all down at once. She explained how solo monsters were easy prey for groups who could rotate tanks and heal damage.

Gisley asked why this area was so empty of players, and Roric showed her the map. Beyond the mountains they were searching for was a vast kingdom, densely populated with players in their thirties and above. It was here you could find the silken princes and the capital city of Kevin the dragon slayer.

“King Kevin,” Chandice pointed out.

“I am not sure he is worthy of that title,” Roric said distastefully. “Rajeen says he is rather easy to anger and his rage is vindictive. She says he commands the north with some kind of alliance of kings, all of whom maintain an army that answers only to Kevin.”

“Wait, the other kings maintain the army, but they answer to Kevin?” Jaina asked. “Why would anyone do that?”

“It’s so he can deal with any new necromancer threats,” Roric said.

“I still don’t understand what the necromancers did that turned most of the server against them,” Gisley said.

“Rajeen said they found a way to kill players permanently,” Jaina reminded. “I can imagine that made a lot of people nervous.”

“It has to be more than that,” Chandice insisted. “You don't outlaw a class and offer massive bounties on people playing it unless you have a serious grudge. I hear they force the players to reset and pick something else.”

“I have heard the same thing,” Evalynn agreed.

“So have I,” Gisley chimed in. “But I still don’t understand why.”

“Well, the forums said there was a war,” Jaina recalled from her time as she and Roric took the training classes. “The news wasn't reporting on it in any detail, but it was obvious the necromancers were fighting with most of the server.”

“The goblins attacked too,” Evalynn said. “A big army of them poured through the north. I remember people coming to town with notices asking for groups to head north and fight them off.”

“I remember reading about that,” Roric said. “But people said it was a rumor and that the actual attack was a small isolated tribe.”

“I doubt they would have called for help if it was that small,” Evalynn said as they crested a small hill to see rolling wilds and sparse trees. “I seem to recall people were upset about it. There was a rumor that the visitors had turned them loose to punish us.”

“Why would the visitors do that?” Chandice asked with a shake of her head.

“Who knows?” Evalynn replied as she started down the hill, leading the way. “But we are here so they can study us. Maybe they wanted to see what we would do when under pressure?”

“That could be,” Roric agreed as Gisley ran her fingers through his fur. “I love it when you do that.”

“I know,” Gisley replied and looked down with a bright. “That’s why I do it.”

“If we could find a necromancer, we could use the reward to make a huge region into a magical forest,” Chandice said, then looked upset. “But I don't think I could turn a necromancer in.”

“I don’t think I could either,” Jaina agreed and took her hand. “It just doesn’t feel right to put somebody through all that.”

“It isn't right,” Roric said. “No matter what the necromancers did, it isn't right to run players down, imprison them, then force a reset just because you don't like their class.”

“Poor Idris kept being lumped in with them,” Jaina sighed. “I hope she is alright.”

“With the change of hair and some color to her skin, she should be fine,” Roric said. “It was that bone-white skin and bald head that made her stand out so much.”

“Well, she wanted to play a theme,” Jaina said. “She should have had the right to be what she wanted.”

“Just like you have the right to play a monster class,” Roric said as he glanced at her. “But we can’t control what other players think.”

“At least I can move my anchor point,” Jaina said. “Most monster players have to create a lair, and moving it is cumbersome. Some are very vulnerable when moving their home.”

“Speaking of being vulnerable,” Roric said as he smiled slightly. “My buffs have expired. I require a slave girl to replace them.”

“Ohhh,” Jaina said excitedly. “And which of your slaves will have to pay the price?”

“You will,” Roric said as he knelt so Gisley could get off. “You haven't been used in a few days, and I don't want you to forget who you serve.”

“As if that could ever happen,” Jaina laughed as she shifted her skin, causing the dress she was pretending to wear to vanish. She turned around without instruction and put her arms behind her back. Roric unbuckled his belt and stood behind her, taking her wrists firmly in his hands. He then reached down and pulled at the golden shield that protected her passage, gently removing the red stone from inside her body. It came away with a drip of fluid, splashing between her feet as he handed the shield off.

Jaina tensed as she waited for what was about to come but heard him whispering to the others instead. For a moment, nothing happened; then gentle fingers rubbed at her clit while warm hands explored her sides and chest before Roric let go of her wrists. She jumped when something long and slick slid into her tender folds, licking at her body as only Roric could.

“What are you doing?” Jaina asked as Chandice took over, holding her arms. She struggled to look back, but she could only see Roric squatting behind her and licking at her flower. She began to groan as that tongue slid inside, reaching a depth normally only a cock could go. He didn't reply except to lick deeper, pushing his muzzle so firmly to her body she could feel the prick of his teeth.

Jaina began to roll her hips as Roric ate from her body while Gisley rubbed at her clit. She felt a new sensation as he hungrily devoured her body. It was a desire for him to have more and take her so completely she was consumed by his lusts. Moans began to escape her lips as that canine tongue dug deep into her body, filling her with a sense of taboo. Before she knew it, her body was spiraling out of control, and in moments the first quivers of an orgasm shook her core. She struggled against Chandice as her body convulsed, feeding her release into the waiting mouth of the beast that was lapping her up.

He pulled away without a word, leaving Jaina twitching and rubbing her thighs together. The wetness ran down her legs as Gisly continued to rub at her clit, driving her wild. She looked back to see Evalynn on her knees, sucking her master's cock to make it firm. Evalynn came off it and stroked the length to ensure he was good and hard before turning a smiling face on Jaina. Roric turned to face her, taking her wide hips between his hands as Gisley stopped stroking to guide him in.

Jaina trembled as that long slick length filled her body, pushing in until his knot pressed against her folds. He usually made sure she was firmly locked, but today he wanted more room to thrust. He took advantage of that freedom of movement to hammer away at her pussy. His knot banged against her folds with an audible slap that rocked her body.

Chandice held her arms firmly as Roric took his prize, using her body to satisfy his lusts and need for combat buffs. Jaina smiled to know her master was putting her to use and couldn't believe how magical her life here had become. She looked to the side to see Evalynn and Gisley watching as she was forcefully taken. Her voice sang out as Roric began to collect his buffs, using their sex to power them. He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her back, making her bounce her toes with every thrust. She had another orgasm as he took her this way, forcing her to endure the long, firm thrusts.

His knot began to knead her pussy, pressing her clit with a rhythmic pounding. Jaina wasn't sure if she was being pleasured or punished as that thumping began to make her twist. It was as if Gisley were still rubbing her clit forcefully, forcing her to endure the hyper sensation. When her third orgasm came, her thighs were already slick with her fluids. She moaned with every brutal thrust, putting on a display for her sisters to admire.

Roric pulled her up higher, pressing his chest into her back. He began to thrust so hard she came off her toes, resting solely on the knot pressing into her tender flower. She cried out as she stood on his toes, lifting her high off her feet so that her weight pressed down hard. He rocked his hips, causing her pussy to stretch and slowly accept the fist-sized bulge. She groaned as it began to slide in, slowly working its way through the narrow opening. Suddenly her body dropped as the knot slid into the space beyond, her body closing tightly around it. She let out a fluttering groan as her body was finally able to relax but found Rorics cock pushing deep inside.

Now he held her across the shoulders and waist so her feet dangled in the air. She was helpless as he began a brutal pace, taking her like an animal. She responded with rapid pants, clutching the arm at her shoulders as Roric hammered her pussy. It was a furious pace that never let up, and in moments, Jaina's feet curled in a powerful orgasm.

Her body bounced with every thrust, driven up and pulled back by the knot locked inside. Her breasts flopped up and down as she threw her head back to let her voice fly, not caring who heard it. She was helpless to her fate, being firmly bred by the beast who held her fast. She gave herself to his needs, enduring the brutal sex with a wide smile. Her body went taught when she came again; her feet stretched out as she sprayed them with her climax. It was a moment of pure joy, serving her master as they always dreamed she would. Then Roric growled and began to shove hard, driving himself into her until he was a part of her very being. Jaina felt the hunger in his thrusts that filled her senses. She knew he was ready to finish his task, and she tensed to receive her master's gift.

With a primal growl, Roric tightened his grip around her while at the same time shoving firmly inside. Jaina felt the throbbing, followed by a warm sensation filling her stomach just before the shared orgasm was triggered. She came forcefully, shaking in his grasp as the two shared the release. It was at this exact moment that she felt closest to him, their two bodies sharing an almost spiritual energy. Her womb was awash in his seed, and her body claimed as his property as he crushed her tightly to his chest. They lingered in that position for over a minute, with Jaina clinging to his arm as she panted for breath.

Slowly he set her down, and Evalynn was there to help her stand. She was wobbly on her legs as Roric slowly bent her over, pulling at his knot as her body refused to let him out. She cried when pulled hard while Evalynn pulled her the other way, stretching her wide once again. He came free with a gush of his seed and stepped back so Gisley could begin licking him clean.

Evalynn and Chandice Carried Jaina to the side, setting her on the grass so she could recover. She wrapped her arms around Evalynn, needing the comfort of her slave sister. Evalynn did her best despite her armor and held Jaina while stroking her head. A few minutes later, she was placed on the magic disk as Roric walked with Gisley on his shoulders, carrying the girls away. Jaina lay in Chandice's lap with her eyes closed, the sensations of the powerful sex still echoing in her body.

“Just lay still,” Chandice urged. “You look like you were thoroughly used.”

“I feel like it,” Jaina said as she curled up in Chandice's embrace. “He's never been so aggressive before.”

“He’s always aggressive with you,” Chandice replied. “You made him promise he would take you that way every time.”

Jaina smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. She had indeed made him promise to be forceful and rough. Roric had kept his promise and brought it to new levels with today’s encounter. It was a reminder that he was her master, and her body was his to devour. She had the familiar sensation of being his slave and took comfort in knowing she had pleased her master.

They raced across the landscape for hours, with Roric running for a bit with Gisley on his shoulders, then Gisley flying invisibly so that they gained significant ground. Jaina was allowed to curl up in Roric's arms as the landscape went by, and he whispered how much he loved her.

Jaina felt so secure she passed into sleep and woke when the sun had moved, and they were flying through a forest. She watched the green of trees go by as Roric held her in his lap. It was a magical moment, and she turned on her side to cuddle up when something roared with a strange echoing warble.

Gisley came to a stop as the whole group stood on the disc and looked in all directions. They could hear the snapping of branches, and Roric announced that he could smell something. Finally, a form as large as a small car burst through the tees and hunched down on four legs before them. It had a golden-furred body, much like a lion, but it had two black-scaled heads that resembled snakes. Forked tongues flickered in the mouths as cold reptilian eyes fixated on the group.

“It would appear we are going to have to fight,” Evalynn said and jumped down, spear in hand.

“Well, Roric said as he stood and brought his spear to hand. “At least I am buffed.”

Go get him, master,” Jaina urged as she stood up and kissed his cheek, bestowing her strength buff.

Roric jumped down with Chandice following as the beast roared with both heads before charging. Gisley came out of invisibility and fluttered back as Evalynn raced by. Evalynn and Roric collided with the monster, using their charge abilities to score the first real hits. The monster lashed back with ferocious bits, forcing the two to dodge away or be bitten with fangs as long as a finger.

Gisley and Chandice began casting spells, pelting the beast as best they could. It all seemed to be going well until the monster jumped back, and the serpent-like necks swelled. The mouths opened, and out came a green spray that threatened to engulf the two warriors. Gisley shielded them in the nick of time with one of her walls of light, but the plants on the other side withered and crumbled.

“A decaying spray,” Evalynn shouted as she threw up her arm and caused a hail of red spears to fall on the beast.

Roric was grateful he hadn't been caught in that blast and even more when Evalynn used her swipe to throw the beast back. It crashed through the trees and rolled onto a road on the other side. He was quick to leap after it, jumping through the toppled trunks with spear in hand. Evalynn darted after him arriving just in time to be caught in a second poison blast.

Once again, Gisley raised her wall of light protecting her lovers and fluttered after them. As she crossed the road, she glanced to her right and saw they were not alone. A massive gray-skinned man was carrying two women on his shoulders. Beside him was a metallic giant with no head but a small green man inside a compartment on its shoulders. A dark-furred cat woman stood right behind him, and some kind of cart or wagon followed behind them. She didn't have time to look more closely as her lovers were still in the fight, so she fluttered along and followed Evalynn into the trees.

Evalynn saw it getting ready to spit, so she swiped it again, tossing it off the road and down a slight hill. She and Roric ran after it, determined not to give it a moment to recover. Gisley was close behind, ready to protect them. Jaina and Chandice followed, walking hand in hand as they causally strolled across the road. Jaina used a few of her charms to distract the creature, especially when it managed to swipe Evalynn aside and deliver a bite on Roric.

Jaina rushed in, using her hands as claws, while Chandice opened up with bigger spells, delivering blasts of shadow and fire. Roric and Evanlynn recovered quickly and managed to impale it before the monster could do more harm. The battle lasted only a few moments more, leaving the creature flat on its back, a leg kicking as the two spears protruded from its hide.

Jaina ran to her master and sister, delivering healing kisses as Gisley drew everyone’s attention to the fact that they were being watched.

“Who are they?” Chandice asked as she spotted the group.

“Whoever they are, they didn't attack us when they could have,” Roric pointed out.

“I swear one of them was a lot bigger,” Gisley said. “He was so big two of the women were sitting on his shoulders.”

“I noticed him too,” Jaina said and looked around nervously. “I hope he isn’t lurking someplace waiting to ambush us.”

“I don't get that feeling from this group,” Evalynn said. “They look just as worried about seeing us as we are to see them.”

“Is that a goblin?” Chandice asked and pointed to the robot-like body with no head. “He seems to be driving that thing.”

“What a funny group,” Jaina agreed. “Well, we can’t stand here all day pretending we don’t see them.”

“No, we can't,” Roric said, plucking out his spear. “Let's go meet our strangers.”

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