The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-70 A tempting situation

Roric approached the strangers arrayed on the road looking at them apprehensively. He could see them whispering to one another, but none of them drew a weapon or appeared to be readying a spell. He was taken aback by the mixture of people as one appeared to be a goblin in an oversized suit of armor. Where the head should be was an enlarged cutout area, and the goblin was seated inside, holding what appeared to be levers. There was a large hammer strapped to the back, but the armor made no effort to grab it.

There was a second suit of armor, this one worn by a human man with long flowing blond hair. He looked concerned but, like his goblin companion, made no effort to draw his sword. What finally made him relax were the two women who stood behind the men. He could see they were wearing slave collars and huddled together for protection. One was a demon or devil of some kind with coppery skin, red slits for eyes, and a set of small black horns. The other was pale of skin with an ample chest that enhanced her slender figure. She had strikingly vivid purple eyes that matched her lilac lips. Her hair was black as midnight and rolled down her back like silk. They were dressed in slave silks and a bit of jewelry, walking barefoot behind their mistress.

The mistress was easy to pick out as the tall, lanky cat woman strode forward, her tail swishing. She wore only a simple belt and silk at her waist, similar to Gisley's cloth, but her chest was bare for all to see. She had beautiful, hypnotic green eyes and three gold loops in one ear.

“I think the girls are slaves,” Roric whispered as they approached. “The cat is the master.”

“Oh,” Jaina said with a smile. “Look at the devil girl. I bet she's a succubus.”

“I don’t think she is,” Evalynn replied as she studied Heather a moment.

“I bet you an hour of oral sex she is,” Jaina challenged and was immediately taken up on her offer.

Gisley grabbed Evalynn's hand for protection as Chandice moved up to hold Jaina's, and the gap finally closed.

“Greetings, slave master,” The dark-furred cat woman said with a bow and a wide smile.

“Greetings in return, slave mistress,” he said and looked over the group.

“I am Lady Blackbast, priestess of the goddess Bastet. This is my pet Heather and Quinny,” Blackbast said and pointed to the girls one at a time. “And these two are my bodyguard, Legeis and Frank.” She gestured to the goblin and then the human warrior, who looked transfixed with shock at the nude women.

Roric dipped his head a slight bow and introduced himself in a polite tone. He swept his hand over Jaina, Evalynn, and Gisley, introducing them as his slave girls before naming them. He then introduced Chandice as Jaina's girlfriend before taking a comfortable stance to try and show they were friendly.

“I didn’t expect to run into another slave master class,” he said. “May I enquire what business you have in the north?”

“We are on our way to an old meeting site of our class type,” Blackbast said with her usual purring voice. “We met an ogre in our travels, and he was interested in buying one of my pets.”

Roric’s ears perked up as Blackbast mentioned the meeting site. It was the last solid location on Rajeen's maps and their next destination. If Rajeen was correct, the witch's lair was due north of that location, but the exact path and spot was still unknown. However, that could wait until later, as he had another question on his mind right now. He looked at the two slave girls and wondered which of the striking beauties was for sale.

“May I ask which of them is for sale?” Roric dared and wondered if he had enough to buy a succubus.

“Oh, I am afraid the one for sale isn't present. She is an elf beauty who goes by the name of Breanne. She will use her magic to return shortly, and you might just meet her,” Blackbast said.

“Your slaves can wander off?” Roric asked with a raised brow. It seemed a silly notion that a slave was so far away from her master, but Blackbast quickly explained.

“The collar is not locked, and she took it off. She is aware of the pending sale and wanted some time to think about it,” Blackbast explained.

“Nobody locks these collars anymore,” Jaina laughed and smiled at Roric.

“No,” Roric said and scratched his head. “But soon we will.” He returned the smile with one of his own, causing Jaina to smile wider.

“Maybe,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “We have no idea where to look for her still.”

“We can talk about that later,” Roric said, shifting the pack on his shoulder. “We were headed to the old site too. We're chasing down an ancient rumor about a witch who grants wishes.”

“We were just talking about that,” Heather said.

“So you know where to find her?” Roric asked excitedly as it became clear they needed to talk about it now. It would be a tremendous stroke of luck if this random group knew the witch’s exact location.

“None of us has any clue,” Blackbast sighed as her tail gently swayed. “I was sharing some rumors I had heard of the north with my pets. I can't even say for certain she exists.”

“Oh, she exists,” Jaina said with a wide smile as she leaned into Roric. “And we are going to find her.”

“How can you be so sure she exists?” Blackbast asked with a curious expression.

Jaina smiled and explained how she knew but left out Rajeen's involvement. Instead, she told them the story Rajeen had recounted about how she discovered it. She explained, running into a woman with a strange tattoo about the size of a hand situated below her belly button. She was the slave girl of another woman and had been brought to the north to see the witch. Her master wanted a particular boon, and the price was a tattoo on the slave's belly.

“And what does this tattoo do?” Heather asked with obvious curiosity.

“It binds you to your lusts and desires, driving you to act them out,” Jaina said, basing her answer on what Rajeen had told them.

“That’s vague,” Heather replied. “And what did she gain in return?”

“It gave them two rewards. It removed the restrictions of the collar, and her master became a chosen,” Jaina said. The answer should have been simple enough, but the copper woman's eyes went wide. She looked at the man in armor momentarily, then practically jumped with a question.

“Wait!” Heather said in alarm. “Are you saying you can get another class just by getting a tattoo?”

“It Isn't just a tattoo,” Roric said as he detected the woman’s sudden appeal. He felt it was best to make sure they understood that the marking wasn’t to be taken lightly. “It is a magical binding, part curse, part blessing, and all-controlling. The witch is a succubus that will look into your heart, find the things you lust after most and bind you to them.”

“What does that mean?” Frank asked.

“It means,” Jaina began. “That if, for example, you were somebody who craved sex, the tattoo might require you to have it frequently or suffer ill effects. It might make you attracted to monsters or animals or only the same sex. It might give you decadent cravings and pangs of hunger that you have to feed or suffer greatly.”

“And you are willing to do this?” Heather asked.

“To get my master elevated to chosen, absolutely,” Jaina said. “Besides, I already embrace decadent pleasures. So what harm can this tattoo possibly bring?”

“The witch will judge you and tell you what tattoo she will give,” Roric said to clarify matters. “Then you must decide if you are willing to carry the burden.”

“So Frank could become a chosen if I got a tattoo?” Heather said and turned to look at him. “You could pick a bonus class.”

“Ha, I like her,” Jaina laughed and glanced at Evalynn. With a response like that, she was sure the woman was a succubus, and her bet was won. “She’s got that spark that says I would do anything for you.”

“I don’t need a bonus class,” the human in armor said and put his hands on Heather’s waist. “All I need is you.”

“Ohhh,” Gisley said in a musical tone that made Jaina want to smile. It was a touching display of affection but made Jaina and the others wonder why the guard was so enamored with the slave girl. Surely mistress Blackbast wasn't encouraging such a relationship?

“We should get walking,” Roric said to move things along. They still had a lot of ground to cover, and Rajeen's maps warned that this area was full of monsters. “The roads here are unusually dangerous. Evalynn, take the lead.”

Evalynn nodded and shouldered her glaive before marching down the road. Roric turned to their new friends and suggested they travel together. He felt fairly secure in the company of another slave master, and as they were heading to the same place, it was only logical to go together.

Blackbast readily accepted and walked beside Roric so they could speak. Heather and Quinny walked between Frank and Legeis, the four whispering to one another as they went. Gisley fluttered beside Roric, pulling the magic disk Jaina and Chandice reclined on. Blackbast's disk with the palanquin followed along, and she spoke to Roric about his quest to find the witch.

He explained that they needed to escape the region they had been playing in because of some unfavorable problems with local players. This quest was a bit of a diversion to give them some time away and let things settle. They weren't even sure they would go through with it, but Jaina wanted to see what the succubus would offer. They had maps that took them as far as the old meeting site but only vague directions after that.

Blackbast apologized for not knowing anything of the legend that would be of use to their quest. Roric thanked her for being polite but assured her she had nothing to be sorry for. He was grateful to meet another slave master and delighted they would have a little time to get to know one another. The cat woman asked about his choice of race, and he explained that he was a silver mane gnoll and was a hero class. He then told the story of how he and Jaina had come in together, looking to live out their fantasies and explore the more taboo side. Part of why he picked the gnoll was because it was so wild and inhuman. It was part of his effort to give Jaina a thrilling experience and force her to face the beast. Blackbast seemed impressed by their desire to play such a role and lamented that her original plans had been very similar.

Roric then explained how he came to collect Evalynn and Gisley, adding them to his pack. Blackbast seemed amused that she referred to them as his pack and not a harem, but she bid him continue. He spoke at length about how they dreamed of building a home where they could settle and enjoy themselves. To that end, they quickly discovered that players were willing to pay a handsome fee to spend some time with his slave girls. They had worked hard and amassed a decent sum of money, and now they were looking for a place to build their home. Blackbast seemed pleased by the story, but a voice of shock echoed from the back as the succubus girl spoke.

“You sold them to other people?” Heather asked with a look of disbelief. “As in, you let them have sex?”

“Do not speak of things of which you have no understanding,” Blackbast snapped and turned to Roric. “Please, forgive me. I will talk to her about her careless words later.”

“No harm done. A lot of people have trouble understanding it,” he said but pondered a thought. Why was a sex slave surprised another sex slave was required to have sex? He could only assume they weren't sex slaves. Were they perhaps domestic slaves or gladiators? “They are sex slaves?” he asked with raised ears.

“Yes, they are,” Blackbast sighed, but Roric could tell there was something she wasn't saying. So he decided to press the matter by making an offhand comment.

“I take it you don’t require much of them,” he said.

“Much to my dismay, they are unwilling to cooperate,” Blackbast said as her tail twitched. “All of them are with me for temporary reasons, or I would require them to fulfill their duties to Bastet.”

“Bastet,” Roric said as he chewed on that name. “I remember that from when I was making sample builds of my character. It’s a sex goddess or something?”

“It is,” Blackbast purred. “I run a temple that welcomes guests with open arms.”

“How open?” Jaina asked with a smile as Gisley's antenna unrolled a bit.

“Let me just say that I hold nothing back,” Blackbast replied and shot Jaina a wink.

“Oh, I want to visit her temple,” Jaina said and nudged Chandice.

“You don't need her temple for that. Your girlfriend goes everywhere we go,” Roric laughed and looked down the road to Evalynn. How interesting to meet a slave master who kept slaves but didn't require them to be slaves. Yet, she was on her way to an old slave market to sell one who wasn't even wearing a collar. It was an odd group, but he had a feeling they were genuine. His only concern was the missing brute who had been carrying the girls. Why was he gone, and when would he show back up? “It’s refreshing to meet somebody who shares our beliefs.”

“There are many more, but they congregate in the big cities,” Blackbast said.

“And you aren’t in a city?” Roric asked.

“Oh, goodness no,” Blackbast laughed. “I am out in the middle of nowhere, along a trail only used by tired travelers. The way my temple works, being in a large population area would be a curse.”

“You never turn anyone away, do you?” Roric asked.

“Only if they are belligerent and rude. So long as they come seeking comfort and rest, everything is open to them,” Blackbast said.

“Maybe we can talk about a little comfort and rest later,” Roric suggested and turned to meet her gaze. Her green eyes had a hypnotic quality that was hard to look away from. The expression on her face reminded him of that predatory look Rajeen gave him when she wanted his attention. He could tell by that expression alone what her answer was, but she verbalized it nonetheless.

“Maybe we should,” Blackbast said with a wink.

“Oh, do we get to play with her slave girls?” Jaina asked innocently.

“She just said they were temporary,” Roric reminded, hoping Jaina took the hint. “I don't think it would be appropriate to ask.” He hoped the matter was done, but then the pale woman with the purple eyes chimed right in.

“I don't mind,” Quinny said, drawing a startled look from the succubus. Roric began to doubt she was a succubus because of the way her mouth fell open. From the earlier shock that he whored out his girls, he was pretty sure this devil girl wasn't so free with sex. Quinny glared right back at her and folded her arms as if to ward off that shocked expression. “What? I happen to like playing.”

Roric laughed as the devil girl’s face flushed from copper to bright red. She was absolutely shocked by the ease at which her sister accepted an invitation to play with other girls. To help ease her discomfort, he suggested they change the topic and asked Heather what she would like to talk about.

Heather went back to the tattoos but wasn't interested in discussing the requirements. She was more interested in what could be gained, especially the idea of granting someone a third class. She wanted to know how the target player was selected and if two or more people could boost a single player, granting them two or even three extra classes. He could tell by the way she asked her question, pressing for details and exploring possibilities, that she had a hunger for knowledge. Sadly he had to tell her that he simply didn't know the answers. They planned to learn all that from the witch and then decide what they wanted to do.

Heather was a bit disappointed but pressed on in a new direction. She wanted to know about his class and why it had slaves. Roric explained that his class needed slaves to gain full access to his power, and each slave boosted his abilities. She pressed him for specifics and asked what he could do with his slaves. He demonstrated the master's defense spell by casting a bubble around Gisley, who fluttered about inside like a firefly in a bottle.

He explained how he could heal them, use them as extra health, give them buffs, and at a later level, turn them invisible. Heather seemed enthralled by his examples until he tried to explain the true strength of his character.

“You can’t be serious?” Heather choked as she blushed bright red again and had to clutch Quinny’s hand for support.

“I am always serious,” Roric replied, truly enjoying this woman’s shock. How had she survived wearing a slave collar this long when any mention of sex made her blush?

“But…. Why would something like that even exist?” Heather stammered as she struggled to speak clearly.

Why wouldn’t it?” Jaina laughed as she joined the fun. “Is it really so hard to believe that his best buffs are gained by conquering his pets?”

“I guess that’s why they call the class the conqueror,” Quinny offered with a broad smile. Jaina returned the smile and struggled not to laugh as Heather was clearly bothered by it all. She was amazed that a woman who looked so succulent and decadent was afraid to even speak about sex.

“Oh, why are their classes like this?” Heather moaned and ran a hand over her collar.

“It's based on our games,” Jaina replied. “Let's be honest. There are a lot more adult MMOs than there are normal ones. So when the visitors were farming our games for ideas, they must have assumed that's what we liked most.” It was a perfectly logical explanation, but one Heather wasn't ready to accept. Jaina asked what Heather had done with her time that she didn't know about adult MMOs, and the response made her smile.

“I was busy reading,” Heather replied as she curled her hands in tension.

“You're too uptight,” Jaina laughed. “Why don't you and I switch for the night? A few hours with Roric will loosen you up.”

“What!” Heather said in shocked alarm and practically fell into Frank for support. He put an arm around her as if to comfort her but looked almost as upset as she was.

“Jaina,” Roric growled as he feared this had gone too far. He knew Jaina was only playing, but they didn't know people well enough to make such comments. “I told you they are not that kind of slaves. Now no more suggestions.”

“Oh, I was just playing,” Jaina sighed with apologetic eyes.

“And Heather is too uptight,” Quinny added to help defuse the situation.

Roric hoped the tense moment was over, but Blackbast turned about to glare at the pale woman.

“You leave her alone,” Blackbast snapped and waived a finger. “She is not uptight, only holding to her own methods.” She then turned back to Roric and explained that Heather and Frank were engaged to be married.

Roric was surprised to hear that at first but then remembered that they weren't truly sex slaves. It still puzzled him how that worked, but Blackbast could explain it later. For now, it felt safer to treat the two girls as if they were not slaves at all, as this would avoid any further misunderstandings.

“Well, if I may be so bold to ask another question,” Jaina began. “What did you do with the big guy?”

Roric had been wondering that too. He had even been carefully listening and sniffing to see if he could detect the missing player. Heather repeated as if she didn't know what Jaina was talking about, but Gisley chimed in that she had seen him too. She fluttered closer to Frank and frowned slightly as she studied him with her antenna fully unfurled.

“I saw him when I crossed the road,” she said, looking confused. “But I didn't see this one.”

Frank cleared his throat, nervous about being on the spot. Roric was worried this sudden change of topic would reveal a horrible secret, and their friends would become hostile. It was obvious they were hiding something, as why would a slave master be traveling with three slave girls that aren't slaves? More importantly, why did she need two bodyguards to protect her, not slaves, and why was one of them marrying the bodyguard?

He noted how Heather took Frank's hand and leaned into his arm, trying to offer him some measure of comfort. He then turned his gaze on Blackbast, hoping his expression was enough to say he was concerned.

“Our friend is a carrion knight,” Blackbast volunteered when all eyes turned to her. “He can assume the form of a powerful ghoul when he needs to.”

“So why isn’t he in it now?” Jaina asked with a hint of concern.

“We find it makes new people uncomfortable,” Blackbast explained with a hand patting the air to suggest nobody become alarmed. “We didn’t want to scare you off.”

Roric tried not to make his sigh of relief audible as he let the tension pass. It was a perfectly logical explanation and one he could sympathize with. His appearance made some people nervous, but a hulking ghoul probably set people to screaming. It was actually an act of respect in some ways that they didn't want to scare him or his girls off.

“We don't scare easily,” Roric said and glanced at Frank. “Go ahead and take your form if you want to carry your women again.” He watched as the devil girl shrugged and suggested he change back. Frank stepped away from the group and went behind a nearby tree. Roric didn't see what happened next, except that a large gray mass stepped out a second later.

Roric could see why Frank hadn't wanted to meet them in this form, as his visage was truly shocking. He had large solid yellow eyes on a bald head of gray rubbery flesh. He had two slits for a nose and a narrow lipless mouth full of jagged teeth. His ears were long, pointed, and serrated down the back edge. His arms were unnaturally long, ending in fingers twice the length they should have been, and ended in viciously hooked claws.

If his appearance wasn't enough to alarm, his sheer size would do the trick. He had broad, powerful shoulders that created a frame that looked strong enough to tear a man in two. He stood head and shoulders above Roric, who was tall compared to an average man. It was no wonder how he was carrying the two women on his shoulders with a body like that. He could probably carry the walking robot thing without much trouble.

He returned to the group without a word and carefully helped Heather and Quinny return to his shoulders. Roric noted the smiles on the two women’s faces and the gentle way they held hands behind Frank’s head. He wasn’t sure what to make of the demonstration as it suggested affection, but Heather didn’t seem the type.

The two girls rode on his shoulders for the next hour, sharing the occasional glance and smile. Roric spent the time talking to Blackbast about Bastet and was fascinated by the purpose of her temple. Blackbast essentially ran a free brothel that was intentionally placed in a remote area. Here she and her slave girls would help weary travelers recover from the difficult journey on the road. This was accomplished through sex, and Blackbast offered her services to anyone who came through her doors. She delighted Jaina and the others with a few choice stories of debauchery and lust, her purring voice making it sound so sexy. She spoke fondly of some of her past girls and teased that she wished Heather would consider being one.

Heather resolutely refused to consider the idea, but Roric noted how she looked comfortable on her ghoul's shoulders. She seemed at peace by his side and enjoyed the presence of Quinny as if the three were perhaps something more. He went back to talking with Blackbast, asking if she would be interested in sharing his company tonight. She purred in a delighted way as her tail wrapped around his side, then she leaned in to whisper a question, and he readily agreed to the suggestion.

Eventually, Quinny asked to be let down, and Frank obliged by putting her down. She went to the palanquin to ride and mentioned something about checking on Breanne that made Blackbast's tail twitch nervously. Roric wondered why that reaction had happened for just a moment before Gisley decided to take Quinny's place. She fluttered to the big ghoul's empty shoulder and stood on her bare feet, her slight weight being easily carried along.

Frank looked absolutely horrified, and his gray skin turned a dark purple as he had to look up at Gisley's smiling face to address her. Of course, from that angle, he was also looking up her sheer skirt and seeing the flower underneath. Even if he struggled to look higher, he would be looking right up through her breasts.

To her credit, Heather didn't seem upset. Instead, she covered her mouth, struggling not to laugh at his reaction. Poor Frank tried to politely answer Gisley's questions as she asked him what it was like to be undead. She was fascinated that he didn't need to breathe or eat and was immune to disease attacks. He told her about how he could dig incredibly fast and that his claws could cut through most armor. She asked him how much he could lift, but he honestly didn't know for sure. He admitted to spending a lot of points on strength and toughness but hadn't put his stats to the test.

Gisley spoke happily in a musical voice as if nothing were out of place. She didn’t seem to notice his blush or the way he struggled not to look up her thighs. She finally turned around and showed him her plug, explaining that Chandice had bought it for her. Frank looked like he might faint and turned away as he quickly told her it was pretty.

Gisley finally had mercy on him and fluttered off to sit astride Roric's shoulders, the plug clearly on display for Frank, Legeis, and Heather to see.

They walked and talked until the sun moved to the twilight position, marking the end of a long and interesting day. Roric suggested they stop and share a camp, as he could summon hunting hyenas to patrol it while they slept. Blackbast readily agreed, and they quickly found a clearing in the trees suitable for the task.

Blackbast took her group to one side of the clearing as Quinny crawled out of the floating house. Roric set Gisley down as Jaina pulled him aside, the two laughing at how Gisley had tormented Frank.

“I have never seen a man so nervous about seeing a girls rear,” Jaina laughed.

“That’s not all he saw,” Chandice added. “He kept stealing glances at your pussy. I swear it was like he had never seen one before.”

“I could feel him trembling under my feet,” Gisley giggled.

“I missed all the fun,” Evalynn said as she joined the group. “But then I win the bet.”

“Say’s who?” Jaina scoffed.

“You said that girl was a succubus,” Evalynn replied. “I doubt she is anything of the sort.”

“So she’s timid,” Jaina argued with a shrug. “That doesn’t mean she isn’t a succubus.”

“She looks like one,” Gisley agreed as she stared across the clearing at Heather. “But she sure doesn’t act like one.”

“I have to agree with Evalynn on this one,” Chandice said. “That girl can’t be a succubus.”

“The bet isn’t over until we know for sure,” Jaina protested as Evalynn smiled and demanded they double the wagered time. Jaina readily accepted and bid Evalynn to get her mouth ready.

Roric left them to debate what Heather was and placed his magical bag. He pulled the single string, bringing the tent to life as it expanded into a palatial structure. Inside they had prepared everything they would need for the journey. There was a massive bed on which the girls immediately began to climb in. The floor was covered in thick rugs, tables, chairs, cushions, and more lined the walls. A wardrobe with the clothes Chandice had bought for the girls stood beside a wine rack laden with bottles. Several large chests stood beside the rack, as well as a massive shelving unit filled with glowing bottles of fairy glitter. There were boxes of foodstuffs, barrels of water, and racks to hold their weapons and armor. The far side of the tent had more pillows to recline on and a few green plants in pots to add a splash of color.

Roric summoned two hunting hyenas and ensured Blackbast and her companions were considered friends. He then set them to stalk the area around the camp and make a lot of noise if they detected a threat, going so far as to attack if it approached the camp.

Evalynn undressed in the doorway with her back to the outside. She wondered if they were watching her armor come off, revealing her simple slave silks underneath. When she was barefoot and loosely dressed, Gisley fluttered by, heading outside to work a little magic of her own.

The moon was out, and Gisley began to shed glitter as she danced in the silvery light and sang one of her lovely songs. Evalynn turned to watch her beautiful dance as Heather wandered over to ask how Gisley was doing that.

“She’s a lunar fairy,” Evalynn said as she stepped out of the tent. “She has all sorts of blessings when the moon is out, and her kiss is like rose petals.”

“Poor girl doesn’t sleep either,” Jaina called from inside, where she was helping Roric take off his armor. “But she likes to snuggle.”

Heather leaned into the tent and looked around the comfortable space with wide eyes. From what Roric could tell, they didn't have a space of their own outside of that floating cart. He and his girls would be using the bed, but the far side of the tent was empty, and he felt it would be hospitable to offer its use.

“You are welcome to use space in the tent,” Roric said, gesturing to one side where there were thick rugs and dozens of cushions.

“That would be amazing,” Heather replied before Blackbast took her wrist and politely turned him down. She then dragged Heather away to where Frank, Quinny, and Legeis sat by the fire.

Roric held in his laughter as Blackbast sat Heather beside Frank and waived a finger in her face. He knew exactly what she was telling her and the reaction on Heather's face showed she hadn't even considered it. Poor Heather didn't realize that sharing the tent meant she would be witness to what happened in Roric's bed. Blackbast knew better, and Heather clung to Frank's arm as she took it all in. There was a small conversation that ended with Quinny standing up and taking Blackbast's hand. He waited as they walked back to his tent, the two smiling as he held the flap open for them. Blackbast guided Quinny inside but paused a the door to whisper something to Roric.

“Are you sure?” Roric asked as Blackbast nodded. It was an odd request, but he assumed she had a good reason for it. He called Jaina to the doorway and whispered in her ear, causing the woman to smile wide. She looked across the camp, meeting Heather's gaze for just a moment, and flashed a seductive smile. Roric let the tent flap close and shut out the night as he and his party of girls headed for the bed. Outside Heather was left alone with Legeis and Frank as she suddenly burned with intense desire. He never saw how Heather practically dragged Frank away or what happened afterward. All he knew was Heather would burn with need until she picked one or perhaps both of the men to feed it. That question was silly because it was obvious who Heather would pick. The real question was, would she make him take his human form, or was the ghoul more her thing?

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