The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-71 They all love the princess

Jaina woke enough to rub her cheek on the warm fur she slept on. The night had been full of passion with the addition of Blackbast and Quinny, who readily welcomed the attention. Blackbast was a skilled lovemaker with powers that allowed her to massage a person to sexual satisfaction. Just by grabbing hold of one of Jaina's feet, she made Jaina cry out in pleasure. When she got hold of something more erotic than feet, Jaina nearly melted.

Quinny was more tame but eager to be a part of the sex. She had no qualms about touching a woman and gravitated to Gisley, the two sharing quite a bit of kissing. What was particularly funny about her was what she chose to talk about. All night she kept telling stories about Heather and how amazing she was. They heard how Heather had saved Queen Gwen when she was abandoned by her peers. How she had invited Breanne to stay with them just because she wanted the woman to have a good home. She solved puzzles and mysteries with almost supernatural ease and never turned her back on a monster player in need.

Heather certainly sounded like a wonderful person, but the fondness in Quinny's voice perked Jaina's curiosity. Heather was engaged to marry Frank, but from the way Quinny spoke, one would assume they were girlfriends. Quinny also had a bit to say about Frank, citing how strong he was and how he never ran away or backed down. He was a rational thinker but always the first one into danger to try and keep it from reaching his girls.

“So, you’re a harem then?” Jaina had asked while holding Quinny in her arms.

“I wish,” Quinny sighed. “Heather isn’t really in the relationship mindset. She had more important things to worry about.”

“Like her marriage to Frank,” Jaina said.

“Well, that and other things,” Quinny said. “But I can tell she's trying. It isn't her thing to be like you guys are, but something is changing.”

“Something is indeed changing,” Blackbast purred as she settled into Roric's arms, the two about to share some intense passion.

Quinny nodded and sighed, admitting that she had a crush on Frank. However, everyone knew Heather loved him, and they were destined to be together. She wouldn't do anything that put that relationship in danger and refused to get in the way.

Jaina could see Quinny wanted a relationship with Heather and Frank, but Heather wasn't bisexual or had more traditional values. Quinny was far more open as her hungry mouth proved a moment later when it descended on Jaina's pussy. Jaina was surprised by how cold the woman's tongue was but enjoyed the extra stimulation. She pulled Quinny around so she could return the favor, and the two spent a good long time eating each other.

Jaina loved to feast on pussy and savored the flavor of Quinny’s for several orgasms. Then the woman was leashed by her master, who took the zombie woman to Roric. She was made to lay on her back with legs spread wide so Roric could take her. Jaina watched as her master took the zombie girl with long, firm strokes, causing her to sing with pleasure.

After several hours of intense sex, they all settled into the bed together. Now Jaina lay on Blackbast's chest, the woman's arm clutching Jaina's waist. She wondered if Heather would one day be in their bed but didn't think it was likely to happen. Heather was different in that she seemed very focused on Frank but nervous about anyone else. She would need some work to bring around, but not if it bothered her husband-to-be. Frank looked even more nervous about these things than Heather, and he might not be the sharing type. Many men had no qualms about having two or more women, but sharing them with another man was not something they cared for. Roric was special in that regard, but then he owned the women and chose who they were shared with.

As the group began to wake, the kissing and touching resumed, with Jaina finally getting to spend some quality time with Blackbast.

“So why did you want me to arouse Heather?” Jaina asked as the two cuddled for warmth.

“Heather deeply loves Frank but has been afraid to admit it,” Blackbast replied. “Recently, she has been more open about it, but I felt she could use a little bit of help taking the next step.”

“You mean they aren’t having sex yet?” Jaina asked. “How long have they been together?”

“Months by all accounts,” Blackbast replied and stroked Jaina's head. “In all that time, I have seen her show affection but then deny that it was. She wants to do this, but her fears keep getting in the way.”

“Well, I hope it worked the way you planned,” Jaina said with a smile. “Or your Heather might have bedded the goblin.”

“I am sure she went for Frank,” Blackbast said as they embraced. “She has no heart for any other.”

“Are you sure about that?” Jaina giggled. “I am pretty sure Quinny is in love with her.”

“Quinny is in love with them both,” Blackbast agreed. “But I am not sure Heather has the courage to take such a step. However, I believe Frank does.”

Jaina wasn't sure that was true, but Blackbast explained her idea. She felt that Heather was growing emotionally and starting to see the possibilities around her. First, she would marry Frank and then slowly see the possibility of a relationship with Quinny and potentially Breanne.

Blackbast explained how Frank rescued Quinny from a werewolf that wanted to play. He fought for her like a champion and swept her away to safety. Jaina saw the romantic nature of that event but asked where that would lead. Blackbast was sure it was more than simple friendship that brought him running. Frank was protecting a woman he considered to be his from danger.

They shared a few passionate kisses before Roric got up and asked Blackbast to join him outside. The two got dressed and left the tent together, leaving the girls to play for another hour. Eventually, he called them out, and they all got one last kiss from Quinny before letting her escape their clutches.

“Zombies are cold,” Gisley said as she slipped her little belt around her sumptuous hips.

“I am sure you did plenty to warm her up,” Jaina laughed as she walked to the doorway to see what was going on outside. It was a quiet sleepy morning with Blackbast walking to the cart she called a palanquin. Jaina was rather envious that Blackbast's slaves traveled on silken cushions and pillows with a roof over their heads to shield them from the sun. She mulled that thought over as Gisley bounced out of the tent and immediately spread her beautiful wings. She looked so alive and happy as she fluttered into the air and sang to the morning as if trying to help the world wake up.

It was only a matter of minutes before Frank appeared from behind the palanquin and walked up to Blackbast. He pointed back to the device, and Blackbast followed, going around the far side where Jaina couldn't see. A moment later, Heather stepped out in her coppery glory, but behind her came a new woman.

“Guys, I think the slave we haven't met yet is back,” Jaina called to the others, causing them to assemble at her side to stare. Blackbast led her group across the clearing to them, so Roric stepped out to make the initial greeting and meet the elven beauty.

“She’s an elf like Evalynn,” Chandice said.

“I wish I was that pretty,” Evalynn replied as they looked at the tall erotic beauty.

Breanne was pale with soft blue lips that matched the color of the star pattern around her eyes. Her silver-white hair was extremely long, falling to the bottom of her rear. Her long, thin body was curved in all the right places, with the largest breasts in their group. She was the tallest woman in the bunch and walked with an almost regal grace, swaying as she glided across the field.

“She kind of looks like a fantasy prostitute,” Chandice said.

“Chandice,” Jaina whispered. “Don’t say that about her.”

“I sort of agree,” Gisley said as she tilted her head. “I mean, look at her proportions and the marks around her eyes. I wish we could get her to dance with us on the stage. I bet we make twice what we normally do.”

Jaina shook her head as Roric closed the gap, bringing the group to a halt.

Greetings, Mistress,” Roric said as his eyes fell on Breanne. “And who is this lovely beauty? Did you hide your greatest treasure away?”

She didn't want us to see her for fear we might steal her and run off,” Jaina laughed as the girls moved up to join the conversation. She noted how Breanne blushed while Blackbast introduced her to the group. Jaina was eager to shake her hand so she could copy her appearance later for Roric and maybe do a little dancing for Gisley. When the introductions were done, Roric was kind enough to ask her if her issues had been resolved favorably.

“I had some matters to weigh, and I do my best thinking alone,” Breanne replied.

And did you come to any conclusions?” Blackbast asked.

Yes,” Breanne replied. “I do not want you to sell me to him.”

Sell you?” Jaina repeated excitedly as her mind ran wild. “Oh, are you going to the slave market to make a sale?”

No,” Blackbast replied and explained the story of Grumosh and how Breanne rescued him. Breanne filled in many of the details as the group sat enraptured at how her strength failed, and he carried her the rest of the way in his arms.

It sounds romantic,” Evalynn said as she leaned into Roric.

It was rather romantic,” Breanne agreed. “Until he tried to buy me.”

I think that makes it more romantic,” Jaina interjected.

Would you be happy if your master sold you?” Breanne asked.

That's not a concern,” Jaina replied. “Before Roric and I ever set foot in this world, we hashed out what we would and would not do. I don't so much love being a slave as much as I love being his slave specifically. So as part of our contract, he agrees never to sell me.”

“So you have a sort of contract?” Heather asked.

Jaina noted that Heather always asked for more information, highlighting her curious mind. She explained how important it was to have a contract that spelled everything out.

“You must have a contract,” Jaina insisted. “As a couple joined by the collar, you have to know what you expect from each other. Evalynn was brought in more forcefully, but she secretly desired to be owned. Gisley had a chance to observe us for a while and get to know how we worked. Then she was very slowly and carefully brought into the fold. But they were both told flat out what was expected of them and asked what they wanted in return. The door was wide open for them to leave if they were not happy.”

I have no secret desire to be owned, nor have I been given time to get to know him or what he expects from me,” Breanne said.

Then you should absolutely not do it,” Jaina said. “But, from what little I know about the topic, he seems genuine. Maybe it would be worth spending some time to get to know him?”

I have already discussed this with Heather,” Breanne replied. “If he is willing to accompany us for a bit, I will talk to him and try to get to know him.”

You should come right out and ask him what he expects from a slave,” Roric said.

I can’t just ask about that,” Breanne said in shock.

You already know he is a conqueror, so you can rest assured he knows what he wants,” Roric pointed out. “He sounds like he wants a slave he can love, so there is no point in continuing unless you think you can be his slave.”

He is correct,” Blackbast added. “This Grumosh is looking for a very special relationship. Do not waste his time by trying to have any other kind.”

Then maybe this is a bad idea,” Breanne sighed.

Oh, you shouldn't give up,” Gisley suddenly chimed in with a musical voice. “Being Roric's slave is such a wonderful thing. I have never been so happy, and I would hate for you to miss a chance at happiness too.”

I am happy,” Breanne replied and looked around. She recounted the story of being alone for a long time until she met Heather and her friends. Now she felt like she had a home and a place in the world that she wasn't prepared to give up for him.

Then tell him,” Roric said. “Be upfront and honest. Find out what he wants from a slave, then explain everything holding you back from accepting. Go over every detail, from the yes's to the maybes to the absolutely nots. Make sure he knows you want him to love you, and you want to be able to love him back.”

You make it sound so easy,” Breanne scoffed.

It is easy,” Jaina said. “Roric mentions the love aspect because it's so crucial. A slave can play at it for a while, but the relationship will die if the heart doesn't fall into place. The only reason I can be here naked is because I serve Roric out of love. It gives me the strength and desire to fulfill his wishes while filling me with a sense of purpose. Just take the first step and have the conversation. Tell him what you want.”

“I don't know,” Breanne replied nervously. “I feel like if I were his slave, it would be wrong to put terms on him.”

Hmm,” Roric said as he hugged Evalynn. “What do you think? She is going to make an amazing slave, isn’t she?”

She will be a treasure to her master,” Evalynn replied.

What are you talking about?” Breanne asked. “I was just making an observation.”

No,” Evalynn said with a gentle smile. “You just said you didn’t want to disappoint your master by being needy.”

I did not!” Breanne argued as some of the others hid smiles.

You most certainly did,” Blackbast said and stared at her with those green eyes. “I have always suspected you, out of all of them, would make the best slave. You have a mature and well-defined understanding of yourself and what it means to commit to another. If you ever submit, it will be from the heart, and you will eagerly seek to please the one you gave it to.”

Jaina felt her heart melt to see the reaction on Breanne's face as she came to understand what she had just said. Quinny got up and put an around her, taking her aside to sit on a log where they could talk. Jaina noted the tenderness between the two and wondered just how close they were. It seemed like all the women in this group were affectionate with one another but not openly calling it love.

“She looked upset about that,” Heather commented as she glanced Breanne’s way.

“It’s hard for some people to accept the idea of being somebodies slave,” Jaina said with a sigh. “But once they try it and see how loving and rewarding it can be, they always wish they had done it sooner.”

And you never have any regrets?” Heather asked.

None,” Jaina replied with a smile. “I can't imagine a better life. I am surrounded by people who love me, and my only goal in life is to make them happy while they, in turn, make me happy.” She studied Heather's reaction and how she looked at Frank with a smile. She leaned into him, and he put his arm around her side, holding her close like a possession that he valued more than his life. It was a fitting picture, but it seemed out of place. Frank was in his human form again, so Jaina asked why he wasn't in his ghoul form instead. His reply turned heads when he explained that his ghoul form didn't fit through the door easily.

“What door?” Roric asked.

Jaina noted Heather's flinch and how she grit her teeth. This was not something they had intended to share, and now that it was in the open, the two didn't know how to respond.

“It's a bit of a secret,” Blackbast sighed. “But seeing as we have been so close, I think it is safe to share a little.”

Could we have possibly gotten closer?” Quinny asked as Jaina and Evalynn laughed. It was unlikely that they could have gotten to know the zombie any better than last night, but Jaina was open to trying again to see if they could get closer.

Blackbast explained that they were traveling to return what they believed was a goblin artifact. Their lairs were very far to the south, and to provide some connection to home, they brought a magic doorway that allowed them to travel back and forth.

Oh, we should get something like that,” Jaina exclaimed as she thought of how wonderful it would be to have such a thing to link them to Rajeen.

“If I had ever seen something like that for sale, I would have,” Roric replied and then looked at Frank. “Go ahead and take the form you're most comfortable in. None of us are concerned about what you look like.”

Frank nodded and went behind the palanquin before stepping back out as a ghoul. Jaina thought it was odd he kept going where he couldn't be seen to transform but assumed he was bashful about it. Heather ran right to his arms, and he wrapped her in a tight hug. Clearly, the woman didn't care that he looked gruesome and enjoyed him just the way he was.

Jaina was moved by the display and leaned over to whisper to Blackbast.

“Those two are madly in love, aren't they?” she asked.

“Yes, but it has been kept under wraps until very recently,” Blackbast replied. “Something has changed, and I don't know what it is yet.”

“Oh, so it was changing even before I made her aroused?” Jaina asked.

“Yes, but they needed help,” Blackbast replied, repeating her comment from earlier.

Jaina wondered if that help had produced the fruit Blackbast was hoping for, but Heather wasn't about to talk about what they did last night. Frank sat on the ground near Breanne, crossing his legs so Heather could sit in his lap. The groups began a discussion about the day, and Roric suggested they get moving soon.

Jaina left the two slave masters to talk so she could join Heather and Frank. She stood before the big ghoul as the two of them struggled not to look directly at her nakedness.

“So, how long have you two been so in love?” Jaina asked while enjoying their discomfort at her nudity.

Heather blushed and let out a deep sigh, explaining how long they had been together and how she was too stupid to admit her feelings until recently.

So you just opened up about it a few days ago?” Jaina said, feeling delighted to find out their love had just come out. “Well, congratulations.”

Thank you,” Heather said and looked up to meet Frank’s eyes. “We are looking forward to being married.”

That was a touching sentiment, but Jaina couldn't help but think of Quinny. It seemed almost cruel, not to mention how much Quinny loved them.

“Sorry if what I am about to say is not my place, but I have to pry,” Jaina went on. “What about your girlfriend?”

“My girlfriend?” Heather repeated and looked up. “Who are you talking about?”

“The beautiful zombie girl,” Jaina said. “All she did last night was talk about you two. Heather is so brave, and Frank is so strong. Heather can solve any problem, and Frank never backs down from a challenge. Heather saved me here, and Frank saved me there. If I didn't know better, I would say she loved you both.”

“She said all that?” Heather said and looked to where Quinny was still talking to Breanne.

Jaina was shocked that Heather hadn't known about the woman's feelings. Surely she must have had some inkling; after all, they rode on Frank's shoulders together, holding hands and smiling. But Jaina couldn't deny that the look on Heather's face showed genuine surprise, and Jaina felt it might be good to let her in on what she was missing.

“She told me that she had a crush on Frank, but she loved you so much that she refused to get in the way,” Jaina said.

She does?” Heather asked and looked at Frank. “Did you know anything about this?”

A little,” he replied and looked nervous. “She sorta told me that night I killed the werewolf guy.”

“And you never said anything to me?” Heather asked as quietly as she could.

Jaina studied their reactions to see that Frank obviously knew more than Heather. He admitted that Quinny had outright told him she loved him. It was after he rescued her from a werewolf, and she admitted her feelings in a moment of distress. However, she also said he was meant to be with Heather and walked away, never mentioning the topic again. Now Jaina saw their relationship as tragic, with everyone eager to express their love. However, none of them would do it because Heather was either willfully blind or just too occupied with other things to notice.

“Ok,” Heather said slowly. “So my best friend is in love with my fiance.”

She went quiet after that statement taking a long pause as Jaina waited for her to say something more. Her eyes were focused on the ground before her feet as she drifted off in thought as if trying to think of a solution.

“Is she normally this quiet?” Jaina asked when the silence had gone on too long.

“This is her I'm thinking face,” Frank replied. “It's one of her best qualities and also a curse. She likes to overanalyze things.”

You two are not being helpful,” Heather groaned.

Do you want some helpful advice?” Jaina asked, feeling Heather’s comment was a cry for help. “Invite her in. From what I can tell, she loves you both.”

“I’m not that used to poly things,” Heather said with a weak smile.

“More of a one man, one woman person,” Jaina said with a nod. “Well, I would say you have a couple of choices. It sounds to me like she has the strength to walk away, so you either let her walk and never mention it, or you ask her in.”

We’re engaged to be married,” Heather said. “How would I explain this to Gwen?”

Marry them both,” Jaina said with a shrug assuming her answer was perfectly reasonable. The look on Heather's face said it wasn't as reasonable as she thought, but before she could comment, Frank spoke up.

Hey,” Frank said as he considered the idea. “If I become a prince by marrying you, would Quinny become a princess?”

Wait? Why would marrying her make you a prince?” Jaina asked, confused by the random comment.

Oh, didn’t they tell you?” Heather asked with a smile. “I’m a princess.”

Jaina could tell by the look in her eyes she didn't mean it metaphorically. She was an honest-to-goodness princess, and the shock caused Jaina to respond a bit too loud.

You're a princess!”

She is?” Gisley asked with a squeal as Roric and Evalynn looked over in alarm.

“Umm, yeah?” Heather replied as the whole compound stared at her. Jaina noted how she flinched when her gaze fell on Blackbast, whose tail was twitching irritably. The cat woman strode over with a firm glare and stood right before her face as if about to scold her.

“Should we just go ahead and tell them everything?” Blackbast demanded. “Or would you prefer to keep leaking it out in drips and drabs until they don't trust us?”

I made a mistake,” Heather sighed. “I trust them, and my mind has been a little preoccupied.”

“Oh, was this supposed to be a secret?” Jaina asked as the exchange heated up. Heather was clearly distressed by it all, and Blackbast wasn't about to let up. Jaina retreated to stand beside Roric as the two women argued about saying too much.

“They are keeping secrets,” Evalynn warned.

“Yes, they are,” Roric agreed. “But so are we.”

“Everyone has secrets they are afraid to share,” Gisley said, reminding them how long she had kept the secret that she was a prostitute.

“But we can’t overlook the potential that this could mean trouble for us,” Evalynn cautioned.

“No, we cannot,” Roric said with a nod.

“I am sorry!” Heather yelled and stood up to address the group as Blackbast shook her head. “Look, it's easy to explain,” Heather continued. “I made some big mistakes and got myself into a lot of trouble. There are some dangerous people looking for me, so when this journey came up, it became necessary to hide who I was. That's why we are wearing slave collars. People are looking for a bold, brash woman with a fiery temper, not somebodies slave girl. Plus, the collars allowed Blackbast to use her panel to adjust my appearance to help conceal who I am.”

“So that's why they all have collars, but none of them are actually slaves,” Roric said.

“This is the last place anyone would expect to find me,” Heather said. “Blackbast has been kind enough to leave her home and travel with us to keep me safe. Frank is my husband-to-be, and my mother is the Queen of a major kingdom with plenty of enemies. Some of them would love to lay their hands on me as well, so keeping who I am and where I am going a secret is absolutely necessary.”

“And yet you risked your mission to rescue a monster player?” Roric asked.

Jaina had also thought of that point and was glad Roric had asked about it. If secrecy and avoiding detection had been such a priority, why had they taken such a bold risk?

“We couldn't leave him there,” Heather insisted. “Breanne was sure she could get him out, and I hate seeing people treated like that.”

She has a good heart,” Evalynn observed as Jaina agreed. “Even though it put her mission at risk, she agreed to help another she owed nothing to.”

“She does seem to have a noble soul,” Roric agreed.

“Heather is like that,” Quinny said. “That's how she became a princess. She rescued Queen Gwen when nobody else would. You should have seen the monsters and puzzles she had to overcome to do it. She's amazing to the core.”

Jaina couldn't help winking at Heather as Quinny extolled her virtues and described her like a superhero. Heather blushed and looked away, but the damage had been done. Jaina looked at her family to note their expressions, but when she looked at Gisley, she remembered Roric's comments the other day. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, asking for permission to respond to the situation.

“Be my guest,” he said and gestured for her to begin.

“Well,” Jaina began as she folded her arms. “This is certainly an interesting meeting, but I have one final question that will determine if we continue to trust you.” She said in as final a way as she could just to add drama to the situation.

“And that is?” Heather asked.

Jaina smiled at Gisley and then turned to face Heather. “Will you invite us to your wedding?”

“Yeah! I want to dance at a princess's wedding!” Gisley screamed.

Jaina knew that reaction was coming and turned her smiling gaze on Heather, who in turn looked to Frank for guidance. He shrugged as if he had no reason to deny it, so she looked back and looked Jaina up and down.

“Only if all of you wear a proper dress,” Heather countered.

“Oh, and spoil our fun?” Jaina laughed as she tried to imagine being naked at a royal wedding.

A dress, or it's no deal,” Heather said firmly.

How about I wear panties?” Jaina offered.

Fully clothed and in shoes,” Heather insisted. “I am sure mother would love for you to prance around naked, but I want a formal affair.”

Gwen is a little free-spirited,” Quinny agreed. “Remember that statue of you?”

Don’t remind me,” Heather groaned and looked at Jaina. “So, are you coming clothed?”

Jaina looked to Roric for the answer, as it wasn't her place to say she would come dressed. He nodded and said she could wear a dress for the occasion, so Jaina quickly agreed to the terms.

“Then consider yourself invited,” Heather said. “Oh, and in the kingdom, my name is Hannah.”

“You have a second name inside your kingdom?” Evalynn asked, her suspicions clearly raised.

“It isn’t safe to use my real name in the south,” Heather explained but insisted her true name was Heather even though she paused to consider it as if she wasn’t sure.

“Princess Hannah,” Jaina said with a smile to move things on. “I am very pleased to meet you.”

“I am glad to meet you too,” Heather replied as Roric suggested they get moving.

Jaina agreed but watched as Frank swept Heather up and placed her on his shoulder. He held her legs to keep her steady as she stroked the back of her head. Heather had a pleased smile that hinted they might be a little closer at heart than they were the night before. As they headed off, Jaina sat on the edge of their magical disk, talking to Quinny and Breanne, who reclined leisurely in the palanquin.

Blackbast rode on the back of the robot armor and set the pace, easily marching at a quick step. Gisley flew beside him, chattering away about how anime she thought his armor was. Roric, Evalynn, and Chandice sat on the disk beside her, all admiring the palanquin and the comfortable shelter it provided the other girls.

Despite the night of passion, it was clear Quinny was unhappy to be in the palanquin. She cuddled with Breanne for a bit as the elven woman fretted over meeting the ogre. The two looked very comfortable in each other's arms, with Quinny curling a leg over her and laying her head on the woman's shoulder. She repeatedly looked up to stare longingly at Heather, and eventually, their eyes met.

Jaina approved of Heather suddenly asking for a halt and having Frank move to the palanquin to collect Quinny. She was placed on his other shoulder allowing the two women to smile at one another and hold hands as the column moved on.

“Do they love each other?” Evalynn asked as she noted the display.

“I think they do,” Jaina replied as Breanne looked up with a concerned expression. “Oh, I'm sorry. Is she yours?” Jaina asked.

“Mine?” Breanne remarked and suddenly sat back. “No, but….” She struggled to finish her comment, and Jaina began to see more of their dynamic. All four of them loved each other, but it hadn't yet been brought to light. Blackbast seemed to hint at that last night, but why was she pushing for Breanne to consider the sale to another? That would destroy what they had and cause hurt feelings to fester. She wanted to discuss the matter with Roric, but Breanne was too close, and the discussion would have to wait. She decided to settle in Chandice's arms and pass the time kissing, teasing her about how they needed to consider a wedding.

“I would marry you in a heartbeat if you were a princess,” Chandice teased.

“Oh, my station isn't high enough for you?” Jaina laughed. Chandice tossed her head as if to shrug, indicating that whore wasn't a good enough title for her.

“You could fix that problem easily,” Evalynn offered from where she lay in Roric’s lap. “All you need to do is marry Heather.”

“Marry Heather?” Jaina repeated and looked at the devil woman as she considered the idea. “I don't know,” she sighed. “I kind of have a thing for blonds. If she had long blond hair, I would snatch her up.”

“She has a slave collar on,” Chandice said. “Just have Blackbast make her hair blond.”

“And you wouldn’t be upset if I married her first?” Jaina asked as she was surprised by this funny turn of conversation.

“If it makes you a princess, how could I say no?” Chandice replied. “Besides, then Gisley will have two balls to dance at.”

“Hugh,” Jaina replied as she seriously considered the idea. It lasted but a moment when she realized that Heather and Frank were engaged. If she married Heather, she would also be marrying Frank. Roric might be fine with her having the occasional lover like Zorac, but a husband? Not to mention Roric insisted Chandice earn her right to date Jaina. What would he demand of Heather to be allowed to marry? Frank certainly wouldn't be happy with that arrangement, and the whole idea was ridiculous. Still, it was an interesting thought. What if Frank found a way to make those girls his slaves, and the two groups merged? Then the girls could move between the men interchangeably, and Jaina would have all those girls to feed on.

With that thought circling in her mind, they ran on, searching for the distant meeting place and the adventure that waited beyond.

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